Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1904)
A r fci j i i ID TWENTY THIRD YEAR At a Noon Luncheon A -numerous representation of McCook society enjoyed a quite perfectly arranged and executed noon luncheon Wednes day at the home of Mrs C H Boyle who with Mrs Mary A Northrup and 31 rs J J Curran were hostesses on the auspicious occasion Mrs F W Bosworth and Mrs J G Stokes assisted the hostesses in receiv ing the guests Luncheon was served from large ta bles in three different rooms the guests receiving designating cards and colored ribbons indicating which room and their partners A four course luncheon was served with befitting accessories in wares and napery Mrs Albert McMillen and Mrs V H Solliday served in the pink room Mrs R M Douglass and Mrs Walter Stokes in the yellow room Mrs Say Vahue and Mrs Herman Pade in the blue room The floral decorative feature of the yetlow room was yellow chrysanthe mums of the pink room carnations of the blue room white cirysantbemums Besides the drapery refreshments and decorations generally which were taste ful aad profuse carried out the color ef fect in each room During the serving of refreshments Mrs C L Fahnestock played softly on the piano affording an enjoyable particu lar High five and flinch were among the social diversions of the afternoon Education For Farmers Commencing January 2 1905 the Uni versity of Nebraska offers a course of in struction in the principles and practice of agriculture The course covers the subjects of soils field crops dairying butter cheese making breeds and judging of live stock diseases of farm animals agriculture shop work farm machinery and English No examina krosare required for entrance It would seem that many students from this county should attend and take advantage of the instruction offered for Iheki owledge gained will not only enable young farmers to get better returns from their land but will also help them to sare money in carrying on farm work Thanksgiving Day in McCook McCook observed Thanksgiving day no quite usual fashion A few attended the union services in the Baptist church where Rev Burt of the Christian church delivered an a ppropriate and excellent sermon and the Baptist choir provided music of a seasonable and en joyable sort Business was suspended for most of the day and dinner parties were in quiet -evidence in not a few homes The hun Ters were thicker than leaves in Valom brosa which interfered with the grati tude of the innocent birds and animals for Sife and well being Charity was dispensed wherever necessary and a num ber of homes were thus made more com fxuvtable Conductor Becomes Insane Sesaige R Souter a well known and very popslar conductor on the Burling ton employed by the railroad company Cor ithe last twenty years was this Sat urtfciyi morning taken to the insane asy liiiaa iere for treatment Mr Souter was taken ill several days ago while out on bis ran and telegraphed in to head quarters for relief Upon his arrival in Lincoln it was found that he was ex tremely nervous and was laboring under the hallucination that his wife andfam ily were in great danger It is believed that he will speedily recover Lincoln cor Omaha Bee A Victim of Typhoid Fever Tohn T Vandervoort died of typhoid fever November 19 1904 aged 24 years Th aceaiaius were brought to Indianola for teriai Services were conducted at that place by the writer Tuesday Nov 22 1904 Deceased was born in Hastings Neb July 30 1830 He was greatly beloved by all who knew him About three years gx he united with the UB church and ihas since led an exemplary life The fam ily consisting of the mother two sisters and four brothers has much tender sym pathy in this sorrow and loss gtb For Sale or Trade For McCook property or land near T W i 1 A f 4 1n J 01 wi lnn 1S1CUOOK aau acres Ul Jauu g miioa lfrE railroad station in south part of Ciocols county Nebraska Good frame house Large barn and sheds and other buildings One section fenced and lots of range Fine lay out for cattle 111 heaith cause for selling Would also dispose of 85 head of cattle 100 tons of fcsy etc or might leave some on place on shares to responsible party Price 81 250jQ one half down balance well se cnned Write R J Harper Beaver City Neb Cancer Calls an Aged Citizens D C Jackson long a sufferer from cancer died on last Saturday and was buried from the Christian church Sun day afternoon For the past five years the aged man has been a great sufferer with cancer of the lip Saddle Mare For Sale Sis years old Also Pueblo 40 lb sad dle Can be seen at Wilsons west barn C H Hoskin Self basting roasters at Colemans Nothing equals them Boys all leather mittens 10c pair at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos The largest assortment of cut glass water glasses Prices right at W T Colemans Have you bought your heating stove yet See Ludwicks line Cut prices tbalasee of season Those very snug and warm beaver top flanael lined shoes for women are at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Watch the B M meat market for a special sale on lard Everything in drugs McConnell iE - 4 r - iC MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Bert Griggs is home on a short visit to his mother Mrs F W Bosworth was a Denver visitor Tuesday George A Campbell was a Lincoln pilgrim Saturday Miss Grace Huston is a guest of her sister Mrs J J Curran Mrs J F Kenvon departed Wednes day for Iowa on a visit H W Kkyes of Indianola had busi ness in the cnpital Monday Miss Coral White is spending the Thanksgiving at home in Edison Mrs W E Heffelbowers parents were with her over Thanksgiving Lloyd Jennings was at home from Akron Colorado for Thanksgiving Mrs J A Colber was an east bound passenger on 12 Wednesday morning Miss Fannie Martin is hero from Harvard guest of her brother George Fay Staynkr and Clara Anton are in Loomis visiting in Dell I Davis home J T LeHew is home from Havelock where he has been working for the com pany Miss Della Shepherd is home from Salt Lake City Utah on a visit to the family Mr and Mrs E L Swain welcomed a daughter into their home Monday of this week Mrs John Stevens is down from Den ver guest of Mrs Matella Gordon and other friends Mrs Maggie Gindhart and Master Harry are hero from Marion Indiana guests of Mrs J V OConnell Frank S Hyde a California civil en gineer is doing some work on the Cul bertson ditch with C H Meeker Mr and MrsV Franklin and daugh ters were Bonkelman visitors Thursday spending the day with W B Wolfe Mrs George LeHew went up to Pu eblo Colorado last Saturday to visit relatives returning home last night J P A Black was up from Hastings Tuesday on business He carried his initials in a suit case for prudential rea sons Peter Miesen has bought WBMills corner lot on north Marshall street and will commence a residence for himself at once Mrs F M Kimmell and Schell are spending the Thanksgiving vacation with Mrs E E Magee in Fairmont Nebraska George C Hill came in from Cripple Creek Colo close of last week and has been visiting relatives here and in In dianola Sheriff Wyatt of Kearney county was in town Tuesday on business and visited with his niece Mrs I L Rod strom J B Meserve left on No 1 Monday for Sheridan Wyoming on a visit to his son Leonard who is running an engine out of that point MrsH ABeale leftMonday for Rock Island Chicago and other points east on a visit to relatives and to be gone till after the holidays Mrs V H Solliday and Miss Millie Slaby are spending the vacation days with Red Cloud relatives and in Kansas south of that place Mrs Sam Bunting of Bicknell Indi ana and Mrs W P Dye of Lincoln Nebraska are guests of M O McClure and S N Wilson this week Frank S Vahue who has been spend ing a few weeks here closing some busi ness matters resumed his work on the road Wednesday of this week MRANDMRSNPMcCLUREofVincen nes Indiana are guests of their son M O McClure Their granddaughter Elaine accompanied them from Indiana Miss Reefy Gammill of The Tribune force is spending the week in Stockville and other points and Leroy F Rolfe is making good for her in the office mean while Sam Rogers and John Stevens both of Denver have gone to Mexico on busi ness connected with the copper mine in which a number of McCook people are interested Jesse Naden and Edward Byfield were over from Danbury Saturday the former to be examined by the county superintendent the latter to see the home folks Miss Olive Rittenhouse departed Thursday night for Oklahoma City where she will be employed as stenog rapher in the law office of Shartel Kea ton Wells Mrs Bankson sister of Mrs Frank Stillman is visiting at the Stillman home The Bankson family expects to reside for a couple of years at least on the Stillman farm Mr and Mrs C F Babcock joined in the Babcock rpunion in Cambridge Thanksgiving Tiff Babcock of Yuma Colorado and W W Babcock of burg lork state were present Presiding Elder Shumate of North COME HERE FIRST when you need anything in the way of drugs toilet articles or the thousand and one little things that you expect to find in the better drug stores Next month we will have all of our CHRISTMAS GOODS displayed and then we know it will pay you to come here first because we have just what you want and at the price you want to pay L W McCONNELL druggist sX3 BOTH- This offer open only a few weeks and may be taken advantage of by old subscribers who will pay one year in advance as well as new one3 J rXt JllO0B Platte was in the city this morning He left during the day for Moorefield driv ing his own horse which has been here since his removal from the city Glen E Congdon is giving notice to Mary E Congdon non resident of his in tention to secure a divorce from her in the district court of this county on the grounds of wilful desertion and extreme cruelty Congressman NoRRisand family went down to Wymore last Saturday to make a brief visit to Mrs Norris sister at that place They returned home Sun day night The congressman and family will leave next Sunday for Washington where they will spend the winter Miss Olive Rittenhouse entertained the Awl Os Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Charles M Bailey The affair was in the nature of a farewell Miss Olive departing on No 14 Thurs day night to assume a position in Oklahoma City Miss Olive has spent much of her life in our city and her friends are many All regret her leav ing while she carries with her the well wishes of many The Opening Event The opening event in the citizens en tertainment course last Saturday even ing was a gratifying omen of the un doubted success of the entire course Frank W Roberson was at his best and the topic of his illustrated lecture Russia and Japan could not have been more pertinent and timely The audience crowded the house was appreciative and demonstrative The pictures thrown upon the canvas spoke more eloquently than words of the might and cruelty of Russia and the peaceful simplicity of the Yankees of the East whoes performance so far in the unequal struggle with the cruel Cossack is the wonder and admiration of the day the world around The lecturers judgment is with the resources of the Russians his sympathy with the righteous cause of the Japs His words were scarcely less instructive entertaining than were his numerous and realistic beautiful pictures We await the following events of the course with confidence Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening W V Gngo to E C McKay wd to lots 11 and 12 in block 29 Second McCook 300 00 Sarah Ogden to W A Minniear wd to w hf sw qr 29 and nw qr and w hf sw qr 32-2-27 2100 00 I M Beardslee to G W Short wd to pt lots 23 and 24 in block 30 Indianola 4000 00 M E A VanVliet to J FWhiteford wd to ehfwhf 39-1-30 200 00 M E DoLong to E C McKay wd to lot 7 in block 12 Second McCook 130 00 F S Soverns to W Devoe wd lot 11 in block Lebanon 90 00 F G Stilgebouer to M A Rittenborg wd lots 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 in block G Esther Park 120 00 W B Mills to P Miessen wd lot 7 in block 14 Second McCook 200 00 United States to A Uttor pat e hf sw qr and lots 3 and 4 in 31-4-26 A Runaway Bicycle Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J B Orner Franklin Grove 111 It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years Then Bucklen s Arnica Salve cured Its just as good for burns scalds skin eruptions and piles 25c at L W Mc Connells druggist Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice Nov 21 1901 Boyer Dave Hnskin O E ChupmnnW J Hall John Dean Miss Opal Stewart F P When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster To Cure a Cold in One Day Take laxative buomo quinine tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on i each box 25c Rooms For Rent at the Smith boarding bouse DollS A large line of all sizes and prices at McMillens drug store Special prices on heating stoves at J H Ludwick Sons One of the best assortments in the city Mens and boys heavy winter leggins with clasp or lace for 59c at The Thomp son Drv Goods Cos A prize with every ham Seven pound California hams for 84 cents at B M meat market I Fascinators that fascinate are at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Watch for date of special cut glass sale at W T Colemans Skates for boys and girls at W T Colemans RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Supt Campbell has been spending a few days in Chicago Engineer and Mrs M V Traver are now located in Lincoln Brakeman WG Selby has been trans ferred from Oxford to McCook Conductor H H Miller has Kings run and Conductor W H Brown has Willetts Conductor and Mrs Will Turley are visiting relatives of hers at Greeley Cen ter this week A little daughter came Tuesday to delight the hearts of Conductor and Mrs GW Bunting Trainmaster Kenyon went in to Lin coln Tuesday on 6 to help in preparing a new time card Conductors Bunting Beale and Benj amin went in to Lincoln yesterday on company business W A Cassell spent Thanksgiving day with friends in the country CADeloy with relatives in Alma Brakeman M A Moore went down to Red Cloud Wednesday on No 13 to be thankful with his parents Sick roster Frank Rank HARouch Neal Beeler Peter Carty K B Covey C F Allen F E Brigner Storekeeper Waterman of Lincoln was in the city Wednesday and a guest of Mr and Mrs H H Tartsch Conductor and Mrs C W Bronson and Mr and Mrs J G Schobel spent Thanksgiving with Minden relatives The Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers will give their first annual ball and banquet Tuesday evening Decem ber 20 Banquet at Palrcer house Conductors George Willetts and A G King are in Denver this week as wit nesses for the company in the somewhat famous Hatch ticket scalper forgery case Engineer and Mrs J M Trammell her sister and cousin arrived Wednes day from Maryland where Mrs Tram mell has been visiting the homefolks for several months The company put into operation their regular winter schedule of eight hours Monday morning of this week Men in the round house commence work at eight and quit at five now M V Traver an engineer on the Bur lington has retired from the service in which he has been employed for 25 years and with his family has moved to Lin coln Red Cloud Advertiser Conductor Douglass has way car No 14251 vice Rouch and Conductor Beat is in charge of the 14139 during Beales absence Conductor Herman Hegen berger has the 14192 while Rank is in disposed It is stated as one evidence of the pe culiar sort of jimhills economy that it cost the company S57 more to do the switching in the Akron yard last month during the new order of things than it did previously when regular yard crews did the work instead of the trainmen as now Switchman A GGoth who is visiting his mother in Bellevue met with a mis hap first of the week while driving in South Omaha with his mother The horse became frightened and ran away throwing br th occupants from the vehi cle The mother was quite severely hurt and was removed to a hospital A G was injured about the face and left arm CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS On account of sickness in the pastors family there will not be any services in the Congregational church next Sunday Advent Sabbath school at 2 p mf preaching at 3 Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening Elder G H Smith Pastor Advent services will be held in the old Methodist church both morning and evening next Sunday The Methodists will hold their usual Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Christian Bible school 10 Preach ing at 11 a m and 8 p m every Lords Day Y P S C E at 7 p m Evening subject Christian Union Good mu sic All are invited G T Burt Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock a in Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector First Baptist Church Preaching at 11 a m and 745 pm Sunday school at 945 am Junior society at 3 p m BY P U at G45 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 745 p m Sermon themes Morning The Supreme Pur pose of Diseiplesbip Evening The Master Consideration A B Carson Pastor Wall Paper Remnants Special remnant sale at McMillens drug store Watch for date of special cut glass sale at W T Colemans Best quality table oil cloth 15c vd at Thompson Dry Goods Cos Boys 2- and 3 piece suits 85c to 85 00 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Closingout ladies ready trimmed hats one third olF at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos A prizo with every ham Seven pound California hams for 84 cents at B M meat market Another invoice of ladies dress skirts arrived this week Wednesday very bright attractive styles We show over 300 skirts from 8175 to 8675 The Thompson Dry Goods Co rtlmtie MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 25 1904 ONLY FIVE CENTS EXTRA The McCook Tribune one year 8100 And The Weekly Inter Ocean one year 8100 One year for 8105 NORTH OF TOWN ITEMS Tho sick folks at Harry Shorts are better Henry Pate and George Cain aro hauling beats D C Little and son Hugh are building a new house Goorgo Henderson and Jay Carter aro hauling beots Martin Kennedy bought some shoop at the Ruby sale Mr and Mrs S O Hougo are enjoying a visit from somo friends from Iowa E W Qlandoa teacher in district 41 has gono homo to spend Thanksgiving L C Ruby had a very successful sale last Thursday Cows sold at from 20 to 26 and spring calves averaged 15 a head RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTE NO 1 Amos Bower of the U S mail service is homo for the Thanksgiving vacation Thoy celobrated tho completion of Charles Eberts now barn a few days since with a danco Colonel W E Corwin of Lakowood ranch is having his dwelling house reshingled and other improvements made about tho rancho The children from Rev August Muellers school have gono to tho Kennedy school taught by Mrs Robert Johnston They had to do somo figuring to make room and provide seats for them all Rev August Mueller leaves today for Grand Island where he will spend a short timo visiting relatives From there he will go to Osage Iowa where ho will take charge of a new pastorate Tho parishioners of the Ash Creek German Lutheran church have not yet secured a pastor to succeed Rov Mueller RED WILLOW Fino weather for corn husking Mrs Blacks little daughtor is improving John Helms new house is neariug completion Mr Smith will move in tho near future into their new homo on the Willow Everost Moore will move to Lebanon and en gage in the hardware business with his brother in law Several pieces of real estato havo changed hands recently Pat McNeil has purchased tho old McEutee IGO acre farm for 3900 Mrs E A Sosson has returned from an ex tended visit to her son and daughter in Henry county Iowa and her daughters in Aurora Ills One of EASexsons horses became frightened while he and Mrs Soxson were out driving on Sunday last and caused them to have consider able ropairing done to buggy and harness CULBERTS0N Prof O H Morris was a McCook visitor tho last of tho week W S Collett tho popular Trenton banker was in town Wednesday W Z Taylor left for St Louis Thursday night for a short visit Joo Hassler returned from his visit at Exetor and Omaha Tuesday evening Miss Blanche Benedict came down from Rain tho last of the week to visit the homefolks Tho social given by the ball boys Saturday evening was a success socially and financially David G Knowles and friend Mr Bergo came up from McCook for a visit with Davids folks Thursday Mr and Mrs C W McMillen and children of McCook visited with relatives hero latter part of the week J Wiggins received two double deck car loads of sheep this morning which he will feed in his yards in tho southeast part of town Tho farmers are still digging beets and hopo to finish up this week It is estimated that there f 500 car loads in silo around Culbertson Dr Duncan this weok moved his office from the rooms in tho rear of the Culbertson Bank to tho old P O building north of Solomon Knowles office H Lehman left Friday night for Loveland and other Colorado points engaged in the beet industry Ho had intended to buy a few car loads of sheep but ho found them scarce and consequently returned without them Mr Longstreet is to be tho new railroad agent vice P M Green resigned Mr Green has been in the employ of the Burlington at this place for the past 14 jears and has made a host of warm friends by his kind and courteous treatment of the patrons of the road He moved into tho rooms in the rear of the Culbertson Bank lately vacated by Dr Duncan We hopo he will con tinue his residenco in Culbertson ITEMS FROM STRINGT0WN Dust is thick on the streets of Stringtown Nelson Downs was an Indianola visitor Tues day Charleb W Roper visited Nels on Downs Sun- Emma Poilolski visited with the homefolks over Sunday John Fiechtner left Friday night of last week to visit his brother in Denver Fred Wagner it tho proud possessor of a now top buggy and a now family carriage Mr and Mrs Louis Suess recently visited at the homo of Hudolph Podolski and family Willie and Frank Duborko have recently re turned from Idaho and will remain here this winter W 51 Bimbauch and Henry Kiskor have erected new brick houses not Nebraska brick hut brick brick Thanksgiving day was celebrated by tho Ger man Lutheran church Tho sermon was Rev Miellers farewell address Miss Eleanore LeHew has been visiting at the homo of Nelson Downs and family for the past week returning homo last Saturday Dora Wagner Lizzie and Jake Liebbrandt have returned from their visit at tho home of Mr and Mrs Jake Rath south of Haigler Neb Charles Ebert has completed a now barn on his place and a danco was held in tho hay mow Monday Nov 20 viliich was greatly enjojed by all present Ed Boy Rheiuard Podolski and Willie Dubor ko have gone down on School Creek to pick corn and Gottlieb Leibbrandt has gone north of Cul bertson to pick corn Rev A Muollor had a runaway in McCook Thursday Nov IT which caused a great deal of excitement and somo damage to the carriage Tho horses ran until they were caught at tho home of G F Randeleast of town Plenty of good muslin 5c yd at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos McConnells Balsam cures coughs 4 t v O5 rest V ot Vf rft i v 4 NUMBER 26 McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Com v wheat 2t8 Ke yi Rarloy S te vv 3 oo Good Butter WW 20 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnoll for drugs Oil heaters at Colemans Balduffs puro candies at McConnolls The Great Majestic range is still in the lead McMillens Cough Cure will stop your cough Watch the B M meat market for a special sale on lard In restraint of trade tho non-advertising business man The teachers Monday evening club met with Miss White See that lino of kitchen novelties received at Colemans -just Plenty of dark prints at 5c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Watch for date of special cut glass sale at W T Colemans Mens warm winter suits So00 to 8L350 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Arrangements are said to be making for enlarging the Denver stock yards on a largo scale A prize with every ham Seven pound California hams for 84 cents at B M meat market Ticket No 3151 drew the dinner set at the B M meat market Get your num bers for the next set Thanksgiving exercises were held in the lower grades of the public school Wednesday afternoon Are you thinking about your holiday advertising The race is on next week Score in The Tribune 25 individual suit patterns of dress goods at 811 50 S750 8500 each at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Those Bissell carpet sweepers at Cole mans are the very best They are savers of labor and carpets Ladies and misse3 long tourist coats 8750 to 1750 jackets 8400 to 81350 The Thompson Dry Goods Co Heating stoves from 8400 up Big cut in prices from now on during tho rest of the season Ludwick The children of the public schools re membered the deserving and needy of the city Thanksgiving day in their usual liberal way Beautiful hand painted oil color i low tops with back for 50c Cords to match 2oc to GOc The Thompson Dry Goods Co A petition is being circulated for the establishment of a rural free delivery route covering the territory southwest of Indianola W T Coleman handles chafing dishes baking and serving dishes five oclock teas and silverware See his stock while the assortment is complete world 14 yds cloth 6 lzzer batts 8185 to 8250 Made and sold exclusively by The Thompson Dry Goods Co If you want a large type bible stop in and see McMillens large assortment Also the latest books in fiction as well the most popular standard books For Sale Registered Poland China and Duroe Jersey boars Thrifty fel lows at low prices D C Benedict Culbertson Neb Do you want to save coal this winter Buy some of that rubber strip at Cole mans and put it around your doors and windows Both economy and comfort Fur scarfs from 8100 to 81000 in coney sable marten squirrel beaver chinchilla and Isabella fox Bright dressy and right The Thompson Dry Goods Co We have just received our holiday stock of pictures and it is the largest and most complete line ever shown in McCook You may not want any pict ures but we would like to have you see them McConnell Druggist Ladies wishing to do plain sewing at home during leasure hours write to Faltys Gardner 407 Bee building Omaha Neb They have nothing to sell but can furnish employment to ladies wishing to make 88 00 to 81000 per week at home Dr Warrick the eye ear nose and throat specialist of Hastings will be at the Commercial hotel Saturday Dec 3rd to meet patients Eyes tested and glasses properly fitted All work guaran teed Regular visits made Consulta tion free lL183ts Ed Lathrop was brought up from Bartley Wednesday night on No 5 and placed in the county jail for safe keeping charged with burglarizing Grimes A Crawmers store in Bartley on Monday night As identified goods were found in his possession Lathrops chances are good for a jail or penitentiary sentence Favored by Both Parties Republicans and Democrats alike praise Foleys Honey and Tar for coughs colds and all throat and lung diseases as no other remedy can compare with it It is safe and sure F T Slater mer chant 171 Main St Gloucester Mass writes Foleys Honey and Tar cured me of a very bad cough which I had for three months though other remedies fail ed to benefit me I can highly re commend it for coughs and colds Sold by A McMillen iTST t J