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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1904)
n s V y f vCr 1 jisstkmM sfe vi Ml Wi TWENTY THIRD YEAR itfW I t B i Died From Injury Sustained Lebanon mourns tho death of one of her earliest citizens L F Nichols Thursday of last week ho was kicked in tho bowels by n horse Saturday morn ing he died and on Sunday afternoon was buried at Lebanon Mr Nichols had driven some horses into tho barn from the pasture One foorso got in tho wrong stall and it was Sn driving out this animal that the fatal kick was delivered f No special danger was at first feared Irom tho injury but inflammation set in and death quickly ensued in spite of -all efforts mado to save the life of tho patient Prank Nichols was one of the most highly esteemed citizens of that section of Redwillow county and his sad death cs much regretted and deplored Ho moved into the Lebanon neighborhood in 1S78 Prowlers In the Night Two unknown men attempted to make -an entrance into Police Judge Berrys home early Tuesday morning They approached the screen over the window 3n the bedroom occupied by Elbert Ber ry who was awakened by tho noise and disked what they wanted Receiving no reply he at onco ordered them away and it hey departed hastily It is probable that they thought another member of the household was in the room as was the custom and had sinister designs against money they supposed this party iad in the room but which in reality is safely deposited where it should be in a bank The Case Was Dismissed Monday was Police Judge Berrys 3usy day One of the cases tried by him was that of J H Campbell charged with being intoxicated He was con evicted and fined Campbell then claim ad the statutory right to divulge where lie got the strong drink it being Sunday when tho law is alleged to have been fractured M U Clyde was charged in Ihis complaint with violating the Sun day law but CJyde was found not guilty as charged and the suit against ihim was dismissed Weary Willies Wouldnt Work Four weary willies were arrested Monday and appeared before Police -Judge Berry Monday under charge of being drunk and loitering about the city nvith no visible means of support etc They were each and all convicted and fined and collection of the fines was sus rpended tho willies being admonished to -get busy and leave town or go to work They left town Next Sunday Evening at St Albans A feature of next Sunday evenings -service at St Albans chapel will be a -solo by Prof C H Miller A Dream of Paradise and a selected vocal number iy Prof S H Martin both of the Jun ior Normal teacher corps Miss Anna E Caldwell also of the normal force will be the accompanist Will Be Here Next Monday C V Rundle writes that on account of bad weather he was unable to ship iiis car of apples Monday of this week bufc that he will positively be on hand wil h a carload of apples next Monday The Service Was Faulty The Indianola saloon case had another brief hearing in chambers hereTuesday before Judge Orr The judge held that ihe service of the remonstrators was faulty and the case was continued until aext Monday Piano For Sale High grade instrument and in good condition Inquire at this office 7-22-2 See W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks He has an erpert to put them down and furnishes everything Mens black and fancy alpaca coats 3175 to S300 at The Thompson Dry 3oods Cos Diarrhoea and summer complaint cured with McConnells Blackberry Balsam INo cure no pay Two furnished rooms for light house keeping Inquire at Ludwicks furni ture store Childrens gauze union suits and vests and pants at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos The coolest dressing sacques at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Use foot powder for tired anflaoied or sweaty feet A silver plating outfit for sale cheap Phone 83 3S Ladies 3ust visiting McCook for a few months I wish to give you lessons in all kinds of Norwegian fancy fh Venetian bent nn ira nr S ironwork and art painting in oil W If Above McMillens drug store dio hours 8 to 11 2 to 6 Phone H 3 B Apenes 1jSX2XSXxS SiSitsjttXlSSXSSSSSSSS Mt MMMmMl MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mit J Fked Zell is a guest of Supt Campbell this week E N Berry went in to Omaha first of week on business Miss Ethel Heckman visited friends in Culbertson last Sunday F D Bukgess is in Cambridge this week doing a job of plumbing Miss Ruth Jones has been a guest in W S Morlans home this week Miss Holmes McDowell has been a guest of Mrs Newton Newkirk this week Mrs S L Green left Thursday for Fort Morgan Colorado on a visit to relatives C C Rethemeyer of Taffy Charlie fame is here from Watorville Kansas this week Lodicea Babcock of Brush Colo is visiting her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs C F Babcock Mr and Mrs Ralph Cutler arrived home Wednesday from their visit to the St Louis exposition C J OBrien and C W McMillan are among thoso seeking land in tho Rosebud country this week Mahy Cole arrived from GeneseoIll close of vveek past and is the guest of young friends here her former home Mabel C Carey has been down from Alliance the past week or two a guest in Commissioner Bennetts household Mrs James Harris arrived from Pu eblo Colo last week and joined her husband on tho farm over on the Drift wood Mrs J W Corner arrived home early this weekfrom her trip to Linden Iowavhero she was recently summoned by the illness of her mother Mr and Mrs David Diamond are feeling the thrill cf parental joy again It is a ten pound girl and its birthdays will be celebrated on Mondays Jessie Pope came up from Saint Jos eph Missouri close of last week and is having a good old summer time time with her young friends in the city George F Washburn of Giltner Ne braska arrived in the city close of last week and has been the guest of his brother Conductor F M Washburn Fred Peterson of Douglas Arizona arrived home close of last week and is visiting his mother Mrs Viola Ballev Fred is convalescing from a recent ill ness William Hiersekorn drove over from the farm between Danbury and Lebanon Sunday bringing his daughter Miss Matie over to enter the Junior Normal Monday J E Lovell is here from Kentucky on a tender mission arriving close of last week He was formerly in the em ploy of D W Loar druggist of this place now of Stamford Miss Nellie Smith entertained the Awl Os Tuesday evening at the home of her sister Mrs W T Coleman after the manner of the happiest tradi tions of those gay nocturnal birds Edward Brady was down from Den ver Sunday a guest of his parents Mr and Mrs J M Brady Edward is em ployed in the Denver Dry Goods Cos great establishment in the Queen City of the Plains Mrs Frank S Vahue departed yes terday for Allegan Mich her health requiring a change of climate Mr Vahue expects to join her sometime about the middle of August Many ad mirers and friends will regret their re moval from our city and state Mrs F E Beach Misses Elizabeth and Belle Beach mother and sisters of Hubert Beach of Box Elder arrived in the city last Saturday on No 1 from Adrian Michigan and expect to be the guests of Hubert up on the farm for the next year on a long recuperative visit Miss Elizabeth is a teacher by profes sion Mr and Mrs Griff J Thomas of Harvard Neb came up to McCook last Friday and were the guests of their son and wife Supt and Mrs G H Thomas till Tuesday Mr Thomas is Uncle Sams postal representative at Harvard and at spare moments takes a hand in the conduct of his newspaper The Harvard Courier Mrs S L Green and Mrs Cora Kelly were hostesses to a company of about forty lady friends last Saturday afternoon at a lawn kensiugton at the home of County Judge and Mrs Green It was a social affair of pure delight The residence was lavishly decorated with nasturtiums and sweet peas A toothsome three course luncheon was daintily served Mrs Albert McMillen Mrs A G Bump and Mrs A L Know land assisting Music from a grapho phone out on the lawn gave a tone color to the event mmmmmmmmmummmmmemSNtM 1 Jllc00E Great Times At the Picnics The Knights of Pythias and their friends in great numbers enjoyed all and severally the bright particulars of a sure enough picnic in the park at Cam bridge yesterday going down on No 12 and arriving homo on 5 making the day just long enough not to weary A spec ial coach was provided by the company and the boys tastefully decorated it with knightly words and emblems and colors Grand Chancellor Commander Kildew of York was a member of the party The day was dedicated to having a good time and nothing was allowed to break into the occasion At the waterworks park of our city the same day the Workmen and Degree of Honor people and their friends also participated in great and happy num bers in a picnic About ten oclock in the morning the goat was let loose aud the drum corps uniformed junior aud senior drill teams and people set forth for the park tho drill teams maneuver ing down Main avenue the while The day passed all to quickly in playing games hearing speeches seeing that tho provisions did not spoil otc It was voted a great succes in every respect Union Sunday School Meetings An all day union Sunday school meet ing will be had Sunday July 24 The primary departments of all Sunday schools will meet at 10 a m at tho Bap tist ohurch in charge of Miss Haines The main schools will meet at the Con gregational church at 10 a m superin tended by II M Steidley field secretary for the Nebraska Sunday School Asso ciation Miss Haines is primary super intendent of the state association Un ion service at the M E church at 11 a m Rev T L Ketman DD preaching tho sermon At the Congregational church the following will be the after noon program 2 0 Prayer for the Sunday school Rev M B Carman 2150 Childrens meeting Miss Mamie Haines 800 The Teacher and Teaching HM Steidley 30 Primary Plans HM Steidley At the park at 8 oclock Echoes from the Jerusalem Cruise Nothing to Be Desired The completion of the jail and plumb ing in the court house this week leaves nothing to be desired and Redwillow county can now point with pride to one of the best appointed neatest and pret tiest court houses in the western part of the state The steel cage has beei es tablished in a large airy and well light ed cell in the basement affording safety and all comfort a prisoner can claim Besides a large corrider has also been provided in which prisoners can exer cise aud enjoy such privileges as may be allowed With electric lights steam city water and excellent sanitary ar rangements provided the county jail is in every respect a proper and suitable place for those who may forfeit their lib erty by infractions of the law Dedicated New County Bastlle James Quigley and John OBrien two pilgrims sojourning in our city tempor arily last week attempted to get a cor ner on pants and they are now occupy ing the new county jail awaiting trial at the next term of district court Eight pairs of trousers were stolen from C L DeGroff Cos clothing department Jast week and part of the plunder was found on the person of one of the pris oners They were given a preliminary hearing before Squire H II Ben3Mon day atd were bound over to the next term of district court in the sum of S300 each Not being able to give bail they were both placed in the keeping of Sheriff Crabtree for their appearance in court McConnells Fragrant Lotion protects the face hands neck and arms from heat wind and exposure No tan sunburn or freckles are known where this preparation is used regularly Put up in 25c bottles House for Rent Five rooms two blocks east of Main and third house north of Dennison Ap ply at Mrs Menards I Alfalfa Hay for Sale 8300 per ton Phone N235 J W Randal The music service in the Congrega tional church last Sunday evening had a goodly hearing and was quite keenly appreciated especially the solos by Mrs C W Britt and Mr H C Clapp the duets by Mr S D McLean and J R McCarl and Martha Suess and Leta Monks Experts figure it that Nebraskas wheat crop will be 10000000 bushels shy this year McMillen druggist makes a specialty of fine stationery writing and pencil tablets We show 15 styles of very fine percale at 10c yard The Thompson Dry Goods Co - - -- JUNIOR NORMAL NOTES Rev Loughran was a normal visitor Tuesday August 5th is the date settled upon for presenting Queen Esther Congressman Norris and Rev Earlo were normal visitors Monday morning Miss Caldwell gave instruction in music at the Monday chapel song drills etc The model school this week dealt with children of the second and third grades County Supt Quick examined fifty teachers last Saturday in the east ward school building County Supt Miss Dick of Chase county has been in attendence at the normal this week Frank Nelson ex supt of public in struction for the state of Kansas will lecturo on Books and Men in the Congregational church July 29th next Friday evening The physics class went with Miss OSullivan to the McCook electric light plants power house Wednesday evening to see some of tho laws of electricity in practical application Montaville Flowers occupied part of the afternoon assembly hour last Fri day under the heading of reading giv ing an interpretation of Lowells Bobo link of which he distributed among the teachers printed pamphlets It was an instructive delight The total enrollment to date is 183 Sixteen new members have been added this week Last Fridays total enroll ment was 1G6 At Alliance on the same date the enrollment was 158 At North Platte 110 Holdrego 171 This makes McCooks attendance second among the various normal schools of the state and gives McCook the largest comparative gain of all The new enrollment this week is as follows Vira BurgessIda RedfordHazel Hatcher Dora B Porter Indianola Alice Marquissee Mollio Ryan Hattie Green Palisade Mabel E Wilcox Mrs Dora Johnston McCook Grace Roop Grace Ford Culbertson Christina Nel son Maywood H H Gallatin Bartley Matie Hiersekorn Lebanon Emma J Burrows Fond du Lac Wis Nellie Dick Imperial The following program was given in the assembly this morning Chant School Song School Piano solo La Fontaine Mrs W B Mills Song School Vocal solo Face to Face Miss Bertha Graham Song School Vocal solo j irLtmbterLaSt Mr Martin Song School March Montaville Flowers Ben Hur Great Montaville Flowers gave an interpre tive recital from Ben Hur in the opera house last Friday evening Per haps no other word of praise need be penned than that he held the close at tention and undivided interest of a full house on a sweltering night for fully two hours Mr Flowers work is that of an artist well informed and inspired by his theme and he had a subject of large undying interest in Ben llur Mr Flowers divjded his recital into four acts giving at the outstart a brief foreward of the entire book and cover ing the intervening years and happen ings of note adequately Much of b recital followed the charming and in spiring text of the author whom he faithfully and intelligently interpreed to his audience To those familiar with the story of the Christ and who remembered the text the recital was especially intorestin and refreshing none failed of entertain ment and instruction howevr All were thrilled It was all the superb work of a superior man We will greet him warmly another time Sup Some at McConnells fountain We sell best grade of ginghams for Gc yard 1 he Thompson i Dry Goods Co The Dorcas society will meet at the I Congregational parsonage next Thurs day afternoon at 23 oclock Ladies gauze unon suits 35 to 65c I Also every style of separate garments 1 The Thompson Dry Goods Co I Hammocks spacious restful nJcom j fortable at 310 and up A McMillen Druggist j The next time Sanurl Randolph comes to Mn Jo ok he will nnd the red standpipe more red A force of men is at work repainting that f miliar land mark this week Messrs Boyle Eldred now occupy the front office over the postoffice i C F Jehn haviDg ccommodatingly I moved into the rear room formerly occu pied by Mr Bojle This gives the new j firm the more room needed ribtttt McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JULY 22 1904 Republicans Name the Winner The Republicans of tho Twenty Ninth senatorial district mot in convention in this city Thursday afternoon and after a sharp skirmish unanimously placed in nomination Albert Wilsey of Moorofield Frontier county for their candidate for stato senator He is a winner Secretary Hollingsworth of Cambridge called the convention to order in tho ab sence of Chairman Stovens in Chicago Ho read the call and Charles Skalla of Indianola and Charles L Allen of Strat ton wero made temporary chairman and temporary secretary of the convention Stephen Bolles of Redwillow John San ders of Frontier and John Gull of Hayes counties were appointed the committee on credentials They found Chase coun ty the only unrepresented county in tho district and no contests Thoir report was adopted and tho list of delegates as returned by them was accepted as tho delegates of record of the convention The temporary was mado tho perma nent organization of tho convention The first informal ballot resulted as follows Wilboy i Hasty it Korh 8 Ilathorn I The first ballot worked out in this mannor and developed tho fact that tho Wilsey forces wero well organized aad had the convention easily undor control Counties Wilsey Hasty Chaso not represented Dundy 2 Frontier 8 Furnas l Gosper tH Hayes 4 Hitchcock 5 Redwillow 8 Totals il j 10 lti The nomination of Wilsey was made unanimous and then the convention lis tened to short addresses by both Wilsey and Hasty Candidate Wilsey was accorded the privilege of naming the chairman and secretary of the central committee A committee on resolutions was named as follows Ed Allen of Furnas Frank Israel of Dundy and W D Mackqchnie of Red Willow The roll of counties was called and tho Senatorial central committee was named as follows Chase not represented Dundy J M McCorkl Benkelman Frontier John Sanders Slockville Furnas John Rankin Cambridge Gosper B M Allen Holdrege Hayes J 11 Christner Hayes Center Hitchcock FMFlansburg Strat ton Redwillow W D Mackechnie In dianola After a short address by Ex State Sen ator Allen of Arapahoe the convention adjourned Should Have Been Mrs Anna Colfer In mentioning the purchaselast week of the Menard Zint millinery stock and fixtures by ODonnells Colfer The Tribune inadvertently named Mrs Mary Colfer as one member of the new firm when Mrs Anna Colfer is the party in the transaction The Misses ODonnell came from Stratton where for the past six years they have been successfully engaged in the millinery trade The new firm proposes to give McCook a first class millinery estab lishment and will have more to say in g od season Passed On to Her Reward After several months of gradually filling physical powersFrank Kendlens aged nwchcr asted on to her reward last Friday evening at the home of her son in our clt Grandma Kendlen was 83 years ci ae Rev J J Loughran conducted tho fuueral services in St Patricks church Sunday afternoon at two oVoCiv and the remains were in terred in Calviy cemetery immediately thereafter Notice Augjst 2nd in the First Baptist cnurch McCook at 8 p m there will be a Piano Recital given by Edna M Burr of the New England Conservatory of Music B ston Mass assisted by Mr C J I Miller instructor of vocal music at the McCook Junior Normal School The program for the same will appear in mxt weeks Tribune Every body welcome Admission 25 cents The location of the sanitary arrange ments of the eourt house willsoon be re- moved to a less conspicuous location in the south end of the basement hall run 1 ninjr nortn ana south We sell the best table oil cloth 15c yd j including white and marbles The j Thompson Dry Goods Co i HMnnl fVitf ittnijr - f h r irt rlrv I - JUUU1 3U11 U tkOLf I Q1U uIC iC b LUCl LCj I 50c to 8675 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos The line between cleverness and crimiralitv is often too finely drawn i A bargain in harvest towelling 9c j at The Thor pson Dry Goods Cos 4 X Sr - A Sk fei i WJh - - - NUMBER 8- FRANK NELSON Ph B I 8 Ex Supt of Public Instruction ft g Kansas w Congregational Church ffi 1 f 1 FRIDAY EVENING JULY 29 1 I S Lecturo Subject iiliAATrn w k i -1 1 t ri ii in v j iv i i in ii ii J -- - Ij J mj I BOOKS AND MEN I I 0 Si 6SXsX McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Corn a w wheat S Oats Jy w iinrluy W VVVVV 4 60 tggs ynr Good Jiuttur 15 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnells for drugs Coleman sells beet cultivators Girl wanted at the Palmer hotel Everything in drugs McConnell I guarantee my concrete walks W C Bullard Room for rent over the market Suo D C Marsh Wo supply the sun bonnets 15c to ioc Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co A specialty of office supplies The Tribune Dress skirts to your measure 8150 to 8750 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Redwillow countys real estate assess ment has been officially pronounced OK Concrete walks improve your property W C Bullard is the man to let your contract to We sell best quality light ground shirt ing prints for 5c yard The Thompson Dry Goods Co Girl Wanted To do general house work good wages Mrs R B Archibald See W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks Ho has an expert to put them down and furnishes everything When using Lincoln Absolutely Pure Paint you have a guarantee as to dura bility and general satisfaction A McMillen American Beauty corsets are guaran teed to give satisfaction or money re funded after 1 weeks actual wear For sale only by The Thompson Dry Goods Co A good cook is badly handicapped when she has to use poor spices and flav ors We carry the very best spices to be had and make our lemon and vanilla ex tracts McConnell Druggist The Burlington announced through its local agent first of the week that stock shipments would not be received for eastern and southern markets on account of the strikes in the great packing-house centers The company how ever ha3 been handling small ship ments for the west LH Lindemann wishes to announce to his friends of McCook and vicinity that the coal proposition in Colorado does not justify his opening up the coal busi ness until the Routt county coal is plac ed on the markpt which according to the best advice of the officials cf the Moffat road will not reach the Yampa coal fields before the middle of the win ter Mr Lindemann took a trip over the Moffat road saw the track laying and says it is done with wonderful rapidity Upon timing them he saw they laid two steel rails per minute and asking the foreman learned they covered a distance of two miles per day They were at work laving the switchback over the continental divide He also visited the Yampa fields in Routt county and de clares that few people of today have any conception of the unlimited amount of coal iron oil andgokl that will in time be found in those fields Mr Linde mann wishes to say that he will busy himself in the real estate business being special agent for the world famous Wm Ostrander of Philadelphia Any who wish to invest in valuable property will do well to call and see him He will be pleased to have his friends list their property with him which will receive the best of attention