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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1904)
- O Ik V I- feti rv r j k r in v i srftiTWTirrffl ifiiiiiwiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiOTi n iHwrMTiiriwiwMMWiiirrtitOTiiiiriTiiniiTii iiiihii im i w in mm himii imunwnii wumwmmimi TWENTY THIRD YEAR - HOME TALENT OPERA QUEEN ESTHER QUEEN ESTHER QUEEN ESTHER QUEEN ESTHER OlERA HOCBK THUR8DAY AUO 4 830 i m Tho beautiful operatic cantata Queen Esther which has been pro duced oftener than any other musical creation will bo given IN FULL COSTLMK AND WITH DRAMATIC ACTION The costumes como from Omaha and Kansas City The full chorus of SO voices will be accompanied by the McCook K P Orchestra CAST Kstlior the queen 7 Mrs A P Bonnot Tho King Chan II Miller Ilnniau the premier S II Martin Monlicni a Jw Li II Lihdotnann Znresli HnmnnH wife Mis Ida McCarl Mordecain Sister Mrs G II Thomas Prophetess Mrs C II Millor Persian Princess Miss Klsio Campbell K0 KoMvell Cutler High Priest I R McCarl Hegai F II Strout Guards Maids of Honor etc Musical Conductor Dr S C Beach Accompanist MrsW B Mills Under auspices of The Junior Normal School ADMISSION 33 CENTS Reserved seats at McConnells store Saturday morning O- - Will Overshadow Them All The M W A Log Rolling to bo given by tho Southwestern Nebraska Log Rolling Association at McCook August 18 19 and 20 is destined to bo one of the most important events ever occurring in Sau th west Nebraska Some fifty camps in twelve counties are interested and 2000 Woodmen to gether with great numbers of their families and friends will attend Amusements of every description will bo provided and some of the most noted orators of Nebraska are to make address es among them being Gov MickeyCon gressman Norris and head officers of the M W A Contests by the various bands and competitive drills by the forester teams from tho several camps will add iuterest to the event The Umpire Called the Game The McCook high school boys and Culbertson played a strenuous game of baseball last Friday At tho end of 8 innings the score stood 8 to 8 In the first half of the ninth inning with Mc Cook at the bat three on bases and two out McCook objected to a decision of the umpire who finally called the game which was given to Culbertson by tho usual 9 to 0 Volunteer Cane Kills Cows W G McBrayer had the misfortune Monday to have three cows get into some volunteer cane on the Volbrecht place west of town and die from eating the feed The cane had volunteered in in unused horse lot into which the cows gained entrance Mr McBrayer noticed their condition and administer ed remedies but without avail J L White Reappointed Judge W H Munger of the Federal court has announced his appointment of referees in bankruptcy for the ensuing two years with bonds fixed at 52500 each and orders to qualify within ten days from appointment For the Four teenth judicial district J L White of Curtis has been reappointed For Sale Cheap My residence at corner of Madison and Dolan streets Inquire of P F Mc JKenna McCook Nebraska James W McIyenna Alfalfa Hay for Sale 3500 per ton Phone N235 J W Randal Piano For Sale High grade instrument and in good condition Inquire at this office 7-22-2 If a certain lady of Bartley and a o entleman of McCook commit matri mony in the near future dont say we -mentioned it Bartley Inter Ocean See W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks He has an expert to put them down and furnishes everything Two furnished rooms for light house keeping Inquire at Ludwicks furni ture store Are jou going to sew winter wheat If so get a press disc drill at W T Colemans McMillen druggist makes a specialty of fine stationery writing and pencil tablets MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE R II Vinson and family have moved to Culbertson O M Knipple is in the east to make fall and winter purchases of goods Mrs Lizzie Winans departed Wed nesday night for Indianapolis Indiana Mrs Thos H Fowler was the guest of her parents Mr and Mrs J G Manso last week Mrs John W Wray and Miss Mari etta Wemple wore Culbertson guests of the municipality Tuesday Clerk and Mrs R W Devoe were Lebanon visitors Sunday arriving homo on No 5 Sunday evening Sam Rogers formerly east end road master out of McCook was in tho city Sunday on mining business Mrs J E Sanborn camo up from Hastings Tuesday and is visiting her daughter Mrs L S Watson Mrs A N Allen is here from Colo rado City on a visit to her parents Mr and Mrs Martin Thorgrimson Miss Verna Smith arrived from Yalo Iowa early last week and is a guest of her sister Mrs W T Coleman R O Adams of tho Democrat who has made Grand Island famous hob nobbed with tho faithful Tuesday Miss Coral White of Edison is at tending normal this week and is a guest in the homes of J A Wilcox and II J Pratt E F Real of Grafton Neb has been a guest in Mayor Ryans family since last week Ho made a short visit to Denverwhile here Ethel and Josie Forbes were tho guests of Agent and Mrs F F Tomblin at Wilsonvillo all last week returning homo Sunday evening Miss Lena Schobel was the guest of her brother Joseph close of last week on her way to Denver whither she she journeyed Saturday Mrs L S Sage left Saturday for Alliance her home after a pleasant visit here of a few weeks with her sisters Mrs Morlan and Miss Evans Miss Pearl Zint left last Friday for Colorado where she expects to remain about two months visiting relatives in Denver Boulder and elsewhere Mrs M J Gorton arrived in town close of last week from Plattsmouth and will be the guest of her brother M V Sheldon for a number of weeks Mr and Mrs George Irelan have gone to McCook and there across to Danbury to look up a location He got back Tuesday morning Atlanta items in Holdrege Citizen E S Byfield is doing the mechanical work on the Danbury News during the absence of A C Furman and family in Boulder for their health Rev Pogue occupies the sanctum sanctorum Mrs M A Northrup and sister Mrs L T Cady of Mount Clemens Mich drove over Tuesday to Maywood Frontier county about forty miles north of this city on a short visit to a brother Ruth Warren who has been the guest of her grandparents Mr and Mrs C B Rowell for the past few weeks de parted on No 1 last Satuiday for her home in Fort Morgan Colorado She was accompanied home by Bessie and Glenn Rowell who will visit the Warrens a while Charlie Beardslee who was re cently operated upon in a Denver hospi tal for appendicitis is reported to The Tribune as getting on nicely He ex pects to be out of the hospital next week All of which is good news to Charlies many friends and acquaintan ces in Redwillow county G E Thompson and family enjoyed a visit first of week from Mr and Mrs A W Bowman and son Harold of Oma ha Tho families indulged in a picnic on the Republican Monday The Bow mans were homeward bound from a Colorado outing and continued on their journey Tuesday morning Say But These Evenings Are Fine and it is a real pleasure to take a drive in one of those fine rubber- tired driving wagons at Colemans Important Municipal Matters Tho city council was in regular session Monday evening all present but Coun cilman Perry and Clerk Hall Bids were opened for construction of sidewalks by city during tho current year C G Coglizor and McCook Brick Co submitted bids The bid of McCook Brick Co was accepted Hast ings paving brick to be used and Colo rado red sandstone for cujbing Terms Fourteen foot walks laid complete 1G cents per square foot Ten foot walks 17 cents Where no curbing is used 84 cents Coglizerfl bid was 26 cents per square foot concrete blocks where curbing is used and 20 cents without curbing all complete City will enter into contract with the company which gives bond in sum o 300 for faithful performance of contract The council authorized tho acting mayor to order the city marshal to re moro all condemned sidewalks between now and August 1st Police judges report for tho month of June showing 95 collected and paid into school treasury was received and placed on file Rev C R Betts filed a complaint with the city council alleging that Clyde Shirley and Claude Odell minors se cured intoxicants in William Lewis saloon July 4th Tho city fathers are still in a brown study as to what to do with the compliint The question of possiblo costs in such an action is in volved in the matter The city has no funds for such a contingency and com plainant will not agree to pay costs Tho application of tho library board for a donation of S200 from tho city was not allowed it being held that the law restricted tho city to two mills on the valuation which now gives the city library about 500 annually The preliminary survey for the main sower has been completed The main sewer starts at McDowell street on the west and runs east on north side of Railroad street to Melvin street thence south on the river road to river at the middle bridge Formal report with profile will be filed later A Delightful Social Aflair Mrs J II Grannis and Mrs H C Clapp were at home Wednesday after noon from 230 till6oelockat the home of the former to about seventy guests The guests were ushered in by Leta Monks and further waited upon up stairs by Beulah Barnes Miss Myrtle Meyer and Miss Mabel Wilcox served at the punch table in the east guest room upstairs wherein a graphophone added its musical presence during the afternoon The cosy home porch and lawn were tastefully decorated with a liberal hand in cut flowers palms etc Social diversion was provided by a berry guessing contest in which Miss Mabel Wilcox and Mrs William Lewis carried off the prizes Mrs F A Pennell and Mrs Albert McMillen ushered tho guests into the dining room where a two course lunch eon was served A large Japanese um brella with a fringe of tiny lanterns for med a canopy over the dining table and was the chief item of decoration Scarlet poppies added to the beauty of both ta ble and buffet Mrs H II Tartsch Mrs A E Petty Mrs Marie Mundy Mrs C W Barnes and Mrs E J Mitchell assisted in serving the luncheon It was one of the prettiest social affairs of the summer Admission Will Be Free August 8th at the First Baptist church McCook at 8 p m there will be a Piano Recital given by Edna M Barr of tho New England Conservatory of Music Boston Mass assisted by Mr C H Miller instructor in vocal music at the McCook Junior Normal School The programs will be j uted in the church Monday evening Everybody welcome Admission free Deaths Frequent Visits For the third time this year death has ATtic riWAifTTTsAI TIattw nnrorrninpr j il i tvt 1 v entered tno uume or iur anu lurs the Awl Os Tuesday evening for Frank Matchett and taken away one of her guest Miss Bertha Graham of Hoi their little ones Last Sunday morning drege The affair developed a very clever Little Girl party in which the costumes were fetchingly abbreviated and pretty and the coiffure by the same token coquettishly elongated and charm ing The house portico and lawn were attractively decorated and illuminated Little Girlgames drop the handker chief teeter totter etc were played with most youthful enthusiasm on the lawn The refreshments were dainty and the every particular as fascinating and delightful as a hen party can well be 3SXsSXS little Wllie Ernest aged one year four months and two days died after a brief illness After brief funeral services by Rev M B Carman the remains were buried in Riverview cemetery Specially Low Prices on wall paper at McMillen s drug store The annual appropriation bill just passed by the village of Bartley calls for the expenditure of 400 for all purposes during the municipal year See W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks He has an expert to put them down and furnishes everything Those one horse disc drills will be all TRY ONE AND SEE giri6Qt for putting wheat in the corn ovuaoo kjo buo suyJij tkl UUlCUiUU a JUNIOR NORMAL NOTES Rev G A Conrad spoke briefly at the Tuesday chapel No seats reserved for tho lecturo at tho Congregational church this evening N Delzell of the Nebraska Teach er force was beforo tho normal Monday Deputy State Supt J L McBrien is with the teachers at tho normal today Remember Frank Nelson in the Con gregational church this evening Books and Men Miss Quick county supt will be present next week during the sessions of the normal Frank Nelson who will speak on Books and Men in the Congregation al church this evening addressed the normal this afternoon at three oclock Miss Flora Quick county supt of Redwillow county was in attendance at the normal Wednesday Also County Supt James OConnoll of Hitchcock county II M Steidly a field secretary of the Nebraska Sunday School Association spoke beforo the Monday chapel this week He is an earnest and practical Sunday School man Miss Caldwell is a bird lover Sho has already found and listed between 30 and 40 species in this city There are doubtless others Sho says the chats are the most numerous here Among the other entertainments which may be incidentally mentioned at this time are the Lotus Quartette for August 10th and the Slay ton Jubilee Singers on August 19th Both of these attractions are first raters of which more in extenso later Ed C Bishop former supt of York county will address the normal next Thursday and Friday Among tho sub jects he will present are Civic Train ingRound Table Talkfor Beginners Programs For Rural Schools etc He will instruct and entertain Tho first dress rehearsal of Queen Esther was held in the opera house last evening and everything progressed finely It is expected next week in two more rehearsals in the foro part of the week to be able to present this beatitiful cantata in finished style Miss Caldwell had printed slips of words and music distributed among tho teachers Thursdaj and gave them a drill in music for the primary grades in public schools The slips were retained by tho teachers The drill was a help ful and instructive one There ought to be more music in our public schools Following program was rendered in assembly this morning Chant School Song School Clarinet solo Cavatina Mr Garrdc Song School Piano duet Midsummer Nights Dream Mrs Millsand MrsThomus Song Jolly Old Roger Music Class Vocal solo Mighty Deep Mr Miller March Following are new students registered since last Friday Edna CathcartRod burn Simmons Maude Middleton Julia Goodenberger T A Endsley Minta Rozell Lottie Watkins McCook Nora Burk Ola Ratcliff Stratton Alice Cramer May Moore Indianola Susie Thompson Nellie Thompson Holbrook Oscar LohrBartleyCoral WThiteEdison Viola Devoe Lebanon Clara PahlCam bridge Jesse Naden Vanche Plumb Danbury Goldio Newlon Culbertson Marion Herman Hayes Center Freeda Mette Beverly Anna Sander Palisade Robert Kerr Eddy Attention is directed to the total en rollment this week 207 This number has beeh reached this year at the close of the seventh week It may not be amiss to compare these figures with those of last year In 1903 at the end of the ninth week the total enrollment had reached 203 This shows a larger enrollment this year two weeks earlier and is an indication of the more solid j standing of the Junior Normal schools with the teachers We hope they have come to stay They will certainly give Nebraska stronger broader deeper and i more efficient teachers in every respect Recital Postponed The recital by Miss Barr and Mr Miller has been postponed to accommo date the Queen Esther people It will be given on Monday August 8 Ad mission free Lawn Social The Dorcas society will give a social on the lawn at the Congregational par sonage Tuesday August 9th Ice cream and cake 10c All come Dont you need a hammock We have them at all prices McConnell Druggist SSGSG McConnells Blackberry Balsam for the cure of diarrhoea dysen tery and summer complaint 25 cents a bottle 5SXSXSXS ttt Ih flit p McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JULY 29 1904 Union Sunday School Convention Tho churches of the city and county joined in a Sunday school convention in McCook last Sunday tho sessions bo ing enlivened by tho presenco of H M Steidley field secretary for the Ne braska Sunday school Association and Miss Hainesprimaiy superintendent for the state association At ten oclock in tho morning tho adults met with MrStoidloy in the Con gregational church and tho primary children with Miss Haines in tho Bap tist church The adults soon found it desirable to unite themselves with tho primary forces in the Baptist church and to see Miss Haines conduct a model primary school which was ono of the special events of tho association At eleven oclock all the churches united in a service in tho Methodist church at which Rev T L KetmanD D a former pastor of the Baptist church of this city preached a sermon in keeping with the day Solos by Profs Miller and Martin wero features in tho music program of the morning At two oclock in tho afternoon ses sions wero resumed in tho Congrega tional church Rev Betts was mado temporary chairman and Mrs F M Kimn el temporary secretary and treas urer Mr Steidley delivered an address on How can wo get efficient help in Sunday schools and the teaching prob lem Miss Haines gave an address to primary teachers Sho had tho pulpit platform covered with bannersdiplomas cradle rolls etc samples of parapherna lia used in schools and her instructions were to the point A motion was carried to organize Red willow county in the Sunday school work Rev M B Carman of McCook was chosen president Rev G A Con rad of McCook secretary and treasurer Mrs I M Beardslee of McCook supt of teacher training department Mrs N H Hawkins of Indianola supt of homo department Mrs II A Beale of Mc Cook supt of primary department Mr Steidley then askod for funds and 27 wero pledged and collected Tho evening meeting was held in the Baptist church and Miss Haines de lighted her hearers by a description of her Jerusalem Cruise It is regretted that the threatening weather kept many from this service which is regarded as the finest effort of the convention Thus the Sunday school work of the county has been revived and reorganiz ed for future usefulness Second Attempt Successful The Denver dailies of Wednesday an nounce the death by suicide in Denver Tuesday afternoon of Mrs Julia Lehn Fisher The cause of suicide is given as disappointment and desperation at the drunken and dissolute habits of her husband Harmon Fisher who wasat home iu a drunken stupor when the dis tracted wife took her life No inquest was considered necessary The parents of the deceased live south of Indianola a brother in McCook and a sister Mrs William Evans in Denver In 1901 deceased unsuccessfully at tempted suicide for love of the man who afterwards became her husband and made her life unendurable It is a sad affair and the distressed family has great sympathy The Tribune urges a crowded attend ance upon Queen Esther This charming opera cantata cannot fail to delight you The music is tuneful and the action simple and appealing The costumes will be superb An orchestra will assist There will be a splendid chorus of aboutaO voices The principals are from the best talent in the city aud normal school Southwest Nebraska District G A R reunion at Cambridge This will be the fifteenth annual gathering Requisi tions for tents should be forwarded to C P French quartermusterCambridge iufru son oi lUarbin i Thorgrimson of our city was united in marriage Sunday last to a Miss Winters of Independence Missouri where Al bert is employed as an operator Profs Miller and Martin delighted a I small but appreciative audience in St Albans chapel last Sunday evening by their splendid solos i Hammocks spacious restful nd com -at S1C0 and up A McMillen Druggist Insure against freckles tan burn by using McConnells lotion In 25 cent bottles and sun fragrant A 10c social will be given at theM E parsonage next Tuesday evening Au gust 2 A 11 welcome McConnells foot powder re s tired feet A SOCSXSXSXsXiS TO NIGHT FRANK NELSON Twenty five Cents rehearing of the case merits Aft fe3 NUMBER 9 3 i BOOKS AND MEN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH JUNIOR NORMAL SCHOOL LECTURE MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnells for drugs Girl wanted at tho Palmer hotel Everything in drugs I guarantee my concrete walks Bullard A silver plating Phone 83 l McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Com a j Jeafc Rye i IJarloy 2S JIK3 I I SO I fti Ylhi Goodlhitter McConnell W C outfit for sale cheap Old Hickory wagons and steel trucks at W T Colemans A specialty of office supplies The Triijune It is agreed that somo moisture could bo utilized any time now sooner tho better Concrete walks improve your property W C Bullard is tho man to let your contract to Get you one of those cheap steel wind mills at W T Colemans They are fine for tho money The Kincaid act has gien the govern ment land business a very perceptible impetus in this city Girl Wanted To do general house work good wages Mrs R B Archiiiald See W C Bullard before you let your contract for concrete walks He has an expert to put them down and furnishes everything If nothing happens tho crop between now and harvest time Captain Wasson and boys will realize handsomely from those forty acres of beets When using Lincoln Absolutely Pure Paint you have a guarantee as to dura bility and general satisfaction A McMillen Tho friends of Mr and Mrs Hervy Conover in this city will be pained to learn of the death of their infant boy at the age of twelve Red Cloud Chief days in McCook You need a remedy in the house at all times for diarrhoea and sudden attacks jf cholera morbus McConnells Black berry Balsam gives almost instant re lief Price 23 cents The Desmond case before Squire Le Hew last week went by default ac- i count of non appearance of defendants August 22 to 27 are the dates for the Ifc is hoped in the near future to get a and trv it on its July 16th a severe hailstorm devasta ted a territory about four miles square northwest of Wilsonville and reaching into the Tyrone church neighborhood Frank Moore of Indianola is one of the severe losers Applicants for the position of mail carrier on the proposed rural free deliv ery route out of McCook should see the postmaster and secure the necessary blank applications for examination for rural carrier Do it at once September 1st Jack D Mines deputy revenue collector for the Fifth district will assume charge of the Bostwick hntf 1 nf Trnqtinrrc hnvinrr rptiifrnfirl hlS The Woodmen to make Au- propose - - T m i nosition in thn revenue service LI gust 18-19-20 memorable daysMn the r t TT - - history of Southwest Nebraska Capps of Hastings succeeds him Ladies Just visiting McCook for a few months I wish to give you lessons r in all kinds of jorwetrian fancv W works narved leather Venetian bent S ironwork and art painting in oil A oove ALOiinens arug store dio hours ti to il to u rnone i 83 B Apexes esxsxs