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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1904)
U m it M s sY w i sfTgqe TWENTY SECOND YEAR Failed to Identify Hlra J H Ilupp of McCook whoso bnnk at Xiebsinon was robbed last August called at the police station yesterday to seo John Galvin but could not identify him as the man seen at tho bank the day be fore tho robber nd supjosed to be one of tho burglars Ho had identified Sheridan Berlin as that man and he thought that Galvin and Berlin might -be one and tho same Berlin was arrest ed in Pueblo Colo with 1200 in torn kills in his pockets but was given bis freedom without much inquiry as to the source of his wealth Mr Hupp took a photograph of Galvin to McCook He will show it to tho citizens of that city for tho purpose of learning whether Galvin was there about the time of the robbery Lincoln Star Saturday iM C A Building Principle Subject About fifty citizens of the several churches of the city met in the Congre gational church Sunday afternoon and spent a couple hours discussing and can vassing the Y M C A building propo sition The members of the Christian Citizens League regard this as tho para mount question just now and are bend ing their efforts to bring about this con summation It is hoped soon to have a -definite proposition to present to the people of the city when the time to put nip will have arrived A Y M C A fcuilding would be a great blessing to this community all agree The question is will we put up generously enough to secure the blessing The Flat Rate is 450 a Ton The Tribune wishes to correct an er Toneous impression circulating as to the price the sugar beet companies are offer ing and contracting beets for the year 1904 The flat rate is four dollars and FIFTY CENTS PER TON not 8175 There is also the option of contracting the same as last year at 4 a ton for beets containing 14 per cent of sugar or less and an additional 25 cents per ton for each and every one per cent of sugar above 14 per cent fractions iu propor tion The Tribune understands that most of the farmers aro taking the flat rate of 450 per ton this season Entertained the Alphabets Mr and Mrs A Barnett andSuptand 3tfrs A Campbell entertained the mem bers of tho Alphabet high five club last Friday evening at the Barnett home -in handsome style A three course dinner was served at seven oclock in a most attractive man ner -The two dining rooms were deco rated patriotically numerous candelabra brightening the scene The prize winners were Mrs J W Hupp Mr H P Sutton Mrs W P Bross Dr H J Pratt Are Finishing Up the Jail The county commissioners at their meeting this week determined to finish up the county jail portion of the court house As soon as the basement part of the court house is ready the steel cage at Indianola will be taken apart and moved up here and put together again in the new jail The commissioners ad vertise this week in the official paper The Tribune for bids for part of this work which will practically complete tho court house Pythians Will Celebrate Anniversary McCook Pythians will celebrate their anniversary Wednesday of next week in the superlative degree There will be an entertainment in tho opera house and a banquet at the Palmer house And they will both be pulled off in the highest style of the Pythian art look Up Your Numbers on Cone Bros free Xmas picture draw ing The winning numbers are 16 1902 S2 1902 43 1903 48 1904 95 1904 The first winning number presented gets first choice Cone Bros Druggist Another Commission House H G Phelps and G C Boatman have formed a partnership in the commission business and opened up for business in the old stand under the Model shoe store Wall Paper Remnants We have some good remnant patterns -will sell cheap to make room for new stock You can save money Buy wall paper now A McMillen Druggist Invoicing now over and spring prepa rations receiving active attention at The Thompson D G Cos Clearing sale prices still hold as advertised on winter goods Piano for sale Fine condition Easy terms if desired Inquire at this office The choicest perfumes soap and toilet articles are to be found Cone Bros Three 5c packages Uneeda Biscuit for 10c at J A Wilcox Sons New goods arriving at The Thompson JDty Goods Cos McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs t jd sA 5 MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs Frkd Brewer has joined her husband at Ked Cloud Mrs Frances Barclay and family have removed to Pueblo E B Cox of Bartley was in the county-seat Saturday on business Dr J A Gunn of Des Moines Iowa arrived in tho city Wednesday F J Moroan was up from Platts mouth over Sunday on business J Fred Zell of Denver was a guest of Supt Campbell part of the week Mrs N B Bush of Almena Kansa has been a guest of her parentsall week Grandfather Oyster and Miss Ger trude Evans departed on Thursday morn ing for Ohio Mrs W S Morlan was iu Lincoln part of the week seeking the assistance of an oculist W H Carr returned first of the week from his visit of a week in Har vard and other points Mrs Alice Anderson is here from Fremont Indiana guest of her sister Mrs Vandalia Jordan Charles R Woodworth arrived from Geneva Nebraska Monday and is clerking for A McMillen Mrs J F Kendall of Wanda Illi nois is bore on a visit to her mother Mrs Nancy Fahnestock R A Green had business on the farm part of the week extending the trip on to Lebanon while absent Engineer Thad Shepherd came up from Fairbury early in the week and spent a few days with the family here J R Moore who has been visiting at his home in Essex Iowa for a few weeks arrived in the city Wednesday night C B Sawyer and Miss Kate left on No 6 Monday night for Michigan be ing called there by the serious illness of his aged mother Mrs Rose Clark came down from Denver close of last week and is occupy ing the cottage immediately south of the J E Kelley residence John Keegan an employe in Zints barber shop was called to Fairmont Wednesday night on No 6 by the seri ous illness of his mother J R Moore has resigned his position in DeGroffs clothing dspartment and on Monday will leave for Red OakIowa to assume a position there D E Whisler Anderson Graham M M Young Fred Stephens all of Danbury and neighborhood were in the city on business last Friday Mrs Samuel Rogers departed Tues day on No 1 for Colorado where she will visit her parents in Longmont a while before going to Mexico W S Morlan is in Norton Kansas this week acting as one of the numerous array of legal lights in the defense of the Deweys for the Berry murder of last summer Mr and Mrs Frank Matchett lost their other twin daughter Thursday night of last week Burial on Friday afternoon Whooping cough and com plications was the cause of both deaths Holton Longnecker departed close of last week for Rollinsville Colorado where he assumed charge of the drug store recently purchased by him in that new town on the Moffat road Success to him Mrs C B Sawyer received a tele gram Thursday afternoon announcing the death of Mr Sawyers mother He and Miss Kate arrived in Michigan the day before her death The funeral will be held on Sunday Deceased was 76 years of age J P Lamb a prominent citizen of North Dakota a cousin of C J Ryan spent part of the week in the city guest in Ryan home Mr Lamb was on his way to California on a trip He lately occupied a seat in the state senate of North Dakota Mr and Mrs Jacob Steinmetz of West McCook were agreeably and hap pily surprised Tuesday evening by a large company of neighbors and rela tives It was the twenty fifth anniver sary of their wedding and the occasion was very enjoyably spent C E Boatman and family departed Sunday for Barnes City Iowa where they will make their future home They will spend a week or two in Clearfield Iowa visiting relatives en route They have spent many years in Redwillow county and a large circle of friends will join in the hope and wish that they may be prosperous and happy in their new home Henry S Ferrar manager of tho Grand Island factory of the American Beet Sugar Co was up the valley and in the city Wednesday evening in the in terest of that company making con tracts for beets for the present season He informs The Tribune that their company is succeeding quite satisfac torily iu securing acreage this season Edward Eweland August Haegge of the company have also been in this city and vicinity during the week Prospects seem to be promising that a fair acreage will be planted in the Republican Valley again this season Engineers Held Meeting- The secret sessions of the board of ad justment of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers of the Burlington railroad concluded Tuesday morning in Lincoln and the members will leave for their homes in the evening It was the first meeting of the board since the re-organization of tho engineers last summer An account of the proceedings was issued by the board Present conditions are high ly satisfactory and harmony exists be tween the officials and the men Besides the expression of hope that there may be no change in the friendly relations no announcement of plans was made The account follows The general board of adjustment of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers of the Burlington is holding its first biennial session iu this city having con vened Monday morning at 9 oclock and concluded its business today The gen eral board is composed of the chairman of each local of tho several divisions of the Brotherhood on the B M and is composed of the following members George H Moore of division 93 of Lincoln James Shields of division 621 Wymore S G Tillett of Deadwood representing division 622 at Alliance C T Milligan of Red Cloud representing division 623 at McCook and C B Godwin division 623 at Sheridan Wyo This is the first meeting of the board since the recent reorganization of the B of L E on the Burlington and was call ed in conformity with the laws of the brotherhood to form of the chairman of each local division a- general board of adjustment for the proper supervision of all matters of a general nature In the formation of a general board George H Moore was elected as a per manent chairman and C B Godwin of Sheriden Wyo as secretary Next to the organization of this i - S navy will be on the fourth floor of I the postoffice building Omaha from February 8th to 13th to enlist young men of good mental moral and physical stamp in the different lines of naval ser vice He is enlisting men from 17 to 35 years of age as seaman ordinary sea men landsmen for training clerks elec tricians carpenters mates ship fitters shipwrights blacksmiths boilermakers copper smiths machinists firemen coal passers mess attendants cooks bakers plumbers and fitters If you think you have the qualifica tions and metal write him Public Sale February 19th Friday February 19th 1904 conn mencing at ten oclock Mrs Paulina Phillippi will offer for sale at her farm five miles southeast of McCook a fine lot of horsescattle farm implements house hold goods etc Usual terms of sale Free lunch at noon H H Berry auc tioneer Valentine Oyster Supper The young people of the Baptist church will give a Valentine oyster sup per in the William Doyle storeroom February 13th from 5 to 11 oclock Coffee etc will also be served Price 25 cents A fine supper certain Dwelling For Sale Or Rent Eight room dwelling in South Mc Cook with 1J4 acres of land 1000 cash Will rent J C Predmore Choice Carnations 75c Per Dozen McCook Green House phone 91 A private letter from California an nounces the birth to Mr and Mrs Frank R Dobson of a fine boy baby Mother and son are getting on nicely Frank is convalescing And tis thought that Grandpa and Grandma Garrard will re cover Congratulations Found A pair of new ladys shoes between railroad track and middle river bridge Owner can recover by identify ing and paying for this notice Sweeping reductions on ladies misses and childrens cloaks at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Engine 383 is out of the shops this week Fireman E M Parker resigned Sat urday Engineer J II Moore returned to work Monday Engineer F G Westland was at head quarters Tuesday J E Cottingham has been transferred from Wray to McCook Fireman William Deero has been on the sick list this week Burr Druliner left- on No 2 this morning for his home in Alma Neb Engineer Harry Tyler was off duty first of weekon account of a soro throat C O Doing has been transferred from the machine shop to the blacksmith shop Brakeman J W Ridenour arrived home first of the week from his Iowa visit George Paxton left on No 6 Monday night for his homo in Michigan City Michigan Engineer and Mrs II M Dixon and family departed Thursday on No 13 for Denver R B Archibald master mechanic had official business in Denver fore part of the week W J Logan of the agents forco has gone over to Holton Kansas on a visit of a week or two John Lellew has been transferred to tho day shift Fred Dulaney taking his place as night boiler maker Brakeman W F Schultz had one of the fingers of his right hand lacerated and torn at Oxford Tuesday Conductor A P Bonno resumed his run Monday and Conductors ECallen is now on waycarNo98 vice LSWatson Henry Brening of the shop forco is off duty with a sprained knee John Bren ing Jr is laying off with an injured hand Switchman R A Prigga of Oxford is among the ailing ones and Brakeman G W Beard went down on Thursday to re lieve him Rnmnr has if thnf Dhnrlps O TTifrnrinc eral board the principal business was re asgistanfctraveli ineer is back in viewing the conditions of the brother- Anrnn tii tn f himself hood and suggesting ways and means of fostering the good will of railroad offi cials besides arranging for the coming convention of the international brother hood which is to be held in Los Angeles in May of this year Good cheer prevails in brotherhood circles on the B M and the relations between the order and the officials is re ported to be very gratifying Lincoln Star Wanted Recruits for the Navy George Pettengill lieutenant in thoU uimoui wi umiiig uuvv u better half Switchman L E Hawkins of the Holdrege yard is on the sicklist and Brakeman E L Oldham is down there relieving him The companys icehouse at Red Cloud caught afire last Saturday and was damaged somewhat before the flames could be extinguished A F Mangless left on No 3 Monday night for Canon City Colorado on a visit to relatives Mrs Mangless has been there for some weeks Conductor and Mrs A P Bonno ar rived at home from Eau Claire Wis Tuesday on No 1 Mr Bonno is greatly improved by his absenco and treatment iu Eau Claire The Burlington had a few surveyors up the Hay canyon Hitchcock county recently taking the area of the canyon to find out the probable amount of water that may come down against their track in the spring James L Foy has been transferred from the McCook Imperial run in the postal service and Mr Shibley succeeds him Mr Foy goes to the Alliance Guernsey run leaving for Alliance on last Friday night Mr Shibley made his first run on Monday morning Chi6f Dispatcher J F Forbes was summoned to St Thomas Canada last Sunday night leaving on No 6 by the sudden death of his sister Nellie who visited him here a few years since and SXS52SX5XSXSJ Superb Valentines In making our selection of valen tines this year we have tried to beat our former displays and be lieve we have succeeded We would like to have you inspect our stock and think you will agree with us Many of our exclusive designs are real works of art and we hope youll see them while they are here to see Hand painted plush designs in boxes fancy card mounts lace and comics in great variety See our window and then see the remainder inside McConnell Druggist SXSSXSX5X5 Rev C R Betts has been holding meetings all this week in the Pickens school house with good results That Argentine ware at Colemans cannot fail to capture you See it You will buy no other Reduced prices on wool blankets at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale A series of special meetings will begin in the Baptist church in the near future Watch for them nbttttf McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 8 1904 will be remembered by some of our rend ers He has tho sympathy of all in this unexpected sorrow Tho following mon in the machino shop were laid off Monday Machinists Martin Thorgrimson John Schmidt J E Long John Mullen R Morrison and Con Brening machinists helpers Wm Jones M Emborling John Lenhart George G Dyer George Kauffman and Ray Gale machinists apprentices Wm Chlanda George Paxton and Burr Dru liner round house machinist A Sbo gram round house machinists helper R Kubicok B Haiglor tin shop P C Bush and Jacob Frank carpenter shop CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and serpen 1030 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Preaching at 11 a m by Rev L W Chandler followed by the Lords supper Junior League at 3 and Epworth League at 7 Regular evangelistic service at night M B Carman Pastor Congregational Sunday school 1 0 a m Sermons at 11 a in and 8 p m Morning subject Tho Noblemans Son Healed Evening subject What to Do Good music always Everyone in vited to these services The church should be helpful in muny ways George A Conrad Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock a in Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Christian Bible school at 10 a m Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Morn ing subject A Model Church Even ing subject From Egypt to Canaan From Earth to Heaven Illustrated on a chart Come thou with us and we will do thee good W C German Pastor First Baptist Church Sermons at 11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at 945 a m Junior society at 3 p m B Y P U at 6 45 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7 45 Sermon sub ject Sunday morning The Christ Life Evening subject Foundations Tested Excellent music All welcome C R Betts Pastor South Platte Implement Dealers The western section of the South Platte Implement Dealers Association met in McCook Thursday Some eigh teen members of the association were present Mr Tewksbury of Lincoln represented the president of the associa tion who was too ill to be present The principle matters discussed were the scale and credit Other matters of course being incidentally considered Among those present were W D Beyrer Bertrand Neb J C McPhetson Haigler Neb W T Pettygrove Oxford Neb Mackprang Oxford Neb J G Evers Danbury Neb M M Bree Culbertson Neb J D Filbert Trenton Neb C B Diehl Stratton Neb M M Brumley Stratton Neb W G Morten Stratton Neb T B Graves Wray Colo C W Dow Indianola Neb J B Hillers Indianola Neb J W Gull Hayes Center Neb W T Coleman McCook Neb H P Waite McCook Neb A Jaunt to Old Mexico On February 18th the Burlington will run a personally conducted excursion from Lincoln to Old Mexico and return This is a rare opportunity to see the Egypt of the WesternHemisphere at minimum cost Early intimation of your intention to accompany this party is necessary For full information write to G W Bonnell City Passenger Agent Burlington Route Lincoln Neb The U S land office quarters in the postoffice building are undergoing some changes and improvements this week In using McMillens cough cure you run no risk money refunded if not satisfactory Winter underwear at great reductions at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clear ing sale Three 5c packages Uneeda Biscuit for 10c at J A Wilcox Sons CALLA LILLIES in bud or full bloom McCook Greenhouse Phone 91 For sale 7 room house and two lots Inquire of Mrs W M Irwin tf Kodaks are the same price the world over Cone Bros sell them The Tribune Only 8100 per year WsXSXsXsXsXsXS THE MUSICAL EVENT Friday February 12th at 8 p m at tho Congregational Church under auspices of McCook Public Library The celebrated SCFIUHERT SYMPHONY CLUB AND LADY QUARTETTE assisted by an entertainer and tho celebrated young American violin virtuoso KARL F HUNTEi in a delightful program entirely freo from dullness and consistingof lady quartettes violin and vocal solos mandolin and guitar club comic and serious readings etc etc music and mirth A musical entertainment that is enjoyable alike to the musician and masses Dont miss this treat Seo s our nroerram It snpnks for ifsnlf NUMBER 36 Tickets 50 cents J XsXSXsXSXsXsXSX5 McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Wheat Oats Ryo rr HarJoy HoKd 4 10 Ekbs 20 Good Butter 20 Creamery Butter i MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Everything in drugs McConnell Universal and Ideal meat choppers at Colemans For the latest Cone Bros and best books go to A sure cure for the blues McCon nells health granules 25c a bottle Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Satur days p S Wilcox Scale books Typewriter papers The Tribune When you need anything usually found in a drug store go to Cone Bros Ladies fleece lined wrappers for 59c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale The famous Household and Wheeler Wilson sewing machines aro sold by W T Coleman Boys blanket lined school coats with brass buttons for 49c at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale McMillens Cream Lotion for hands and face dries perfectly and leaves the skin smooth and soft The Dorcas society will meet with Mrs Conrad Thursday February 11th at 230 p m Clara Hileman Secy The Ladies Aid Society of the M K church will give their annual dinner February 22d in tho Doyle building on Main street The Standard Beet Sugar Co of Ames Nebraska The Triijune understands has leased the Culbertson Irrigating ditch for a period of three years He who hesitates is lost Do not hesitate any longer about giving your hogs Liquid Koal to keep them in a healthy condition For sale by James Cain The Ocean Wave is a household word in Redwillow county Coleman has made it so Those who want tho best wash ing machine ever wont look at any other Featherbone stocks covered with mous seline de soie two widths all sizes blacks whites pinks reds and blues just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos They are taking hold of the sugar beet question up at Culbertson with a will this season again The acreage will equal if not excell last years plant ing Redwillow should not be behind The members of McCook Circle No 33 will take notice that regular meeting for tho election of officers will be hfeld tomorrow Saturday February 6 in stead of February 5 as recently staged in the published notice Both the Standard and American beet sugar companies aro actively canvassing the Republican Valley in their efforts to secure contracts from farmers and others who will plant sugar beets this year It is to be hoped they will be successful in securing a large acreage The Republi can Valley should be the beet sugar paradise of Nebraska C H Meeker of McCook a civil en gineer of recognized ability has received the appointment of Supervising Engin eer of tho Cambridge Arapahoe ditch the McCook Irrigation ditch and tho Culbertson Irrigation canal Ho will also have charge of a large irrigation project in the North Platte valley near the Wyoming state line which is now being developed by a company of capi talists from New York and Boston under the direction of H G Leavitt the beet sugar magnate who recently secured control of the Culbertson ditch Cul bertson cor Trenton Leader