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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1904)
s V i V r - hi li II r rv J -x k TWENTY SECOND YEAR Miss Carrie Ashmores Good Fortune The following account of tho good fortune that has come to a former Red willow county girl is taken from the Denver Daily Times of last Saturday The Ashmores were residents of India nola in the early days and Miss Carrie is well known to the early residents of McCook who will join The Tribune in very warm and hearty congratulations The paper states The deft fingers of Miss Carrie Ashmore aro no longer busy with tho ribbons and artificial roses in the millinery department of the dry goods store of A T Lewis Son A few days ago she learned that her share of the fortune of a rich uncle who re cently died was S6G000 and Wednesday of this week she loft Denver for the old home of the family in Ashmore 111 to claim her inheritance Her uncle was one of the founders of tho town which boars the family name and now Miss Ashmore will bo able to livo in comparative- affluence among her family and friends with a garden of real roses if she cares to have them in place of the artificial flowers which have been the source of her livelihood for so long She was a sweet and modest girl said Mrs Holbrook the head of the de partment today and had little to say about her good fortune She did not mention the matter to any one except Mr Lewis and myself and she would probably have stayed with us longer if it had not been for the questions of in quisitive associates She seemed to shrink from the prominence which her good fortune brought her For seven years she had been in the employ of the store in one department or another and at one time was at the counter where shirtwaists are sold but although she was well liked and re spected I do not know that she had any intimate friends among her associates in the store She was an unassuming little lady and never communicative about hor family affairs An Entertaining Instructive Lecture St Patricks church was well filled Thursday night by an expectant aud dience to enjoy Eev Stfitchs lecture on The Search for the Grail or Ideal ism in Literature Besides having in tho exquisite legend of the Holy Grail one of the most charming of subjects for flights of oratory and imagination Rev Stritchs sub title Idealism in Litera ture gave the widest range to fancy The reverend gentleman is a highly cul tured member of the literati and com bines a pleasing personality with quite conspicuous eloquence He followed the Tennyson Lowell text and easily carried his hearers up dizzy heights of mysticism through mazy imagery and figurative flights and climaxed with the assurance that none but the pure un selfish and Godlike none but Sir Gala hads could hope to find the cup of Gods presence and abide there A beauteous legand a consummate practical appli cation McKnight Wood Wedding Wednesday evening at 730 oclock Charles A McKnight and Wauneta M Wood were happily wedded Rev Betts performed the ceremony at the home of Mr and Mrs G F Kinghorn The young folks are well known to a large company of friends and have the hearti est well wishes of them all for their hap piness and prosperity Modify Articles of Incorporation The State Bank of Indianola has filed with the secretary of state amended articles of incorporation The original articles called for 860000 capital 10000 paid up and five directors The amend ed articles only require that 820000 be paid up and provides for a board of directors of but three members Is Right at Home The pleased customer is right at home at Marshs meat market You can see him there any day And its all because of the quality of the meats sold and of prompt and courteous treatment accord ed all Everything seasonable all the time at the right prices The Schubert Lady Quartette Those delightful vocalists the Schu bert Lady Quartette of Chicago will appear at the Congregational church on Friday night Feb 12 under the aus pices of the public library Lovers of sweet singing should not miss this splen did entertainment Look Up Your Numbers on Cone Bros free Xmas picture draw ing The winning numbers are 16 1902 82 1902 43 1903 4S 1904 95 1904 The first Winning number presented getsfirst choice Cone Bros Druggist Meat smoked in an instant with McConnells Concentrated Smoke 25c bottles Work by the day wanted Leave word at Robert Highlands residence McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs - MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs C R Liggett is assisting in the Cash Bnrgain Store Holton Longneckkh is visiting the homofolks at Redwillow J M Hughes is over in Iowa this week looking up a position Tom Cope the baseball player was a city visitor early in tho week F II Strout has been up from Har vard this week visiting the homefolks C A Ready county attorney and editor was down from Hayes Center Monday night Mrs Carl B Clark arrived home this week from spending a few weeks out west visiting Mrs M A Northrup has been very ill this week but is better at this writ ing and improving Mrs Ed McKenzie made a sister in Omaha a short visit close of last week returning hero early in this week Mrs J E Kelley was called over to Kirwin Kansas first of the week by the serious illness of her sister Mrs Rose Clark W II Carr of the electric light plant has gone down to Harvard and other Nebraska points on a viit of a weeks duration Mrs H M Finity was summoned to Kansas this morning by the illness of her parents The two children accom panied her J K Nelms who has been a resident of the Willow country for yeats but who recently sold his farm we understand will settle in Kansas Ross M Druliner of Bonkelman was visiting relatives and friends in this city last Sunday He reports everything flourishing in Benkelman Mrs T J Evans and son Jeff de parted on Monday morning for their home in Uhrichsville Ohio after a short visit with Mrs Margaret Oyster Mrs J F Forbes was called over to Wilsonville Tuesday morning by the serious illness of Mrs F F Tomblin wife of her brother at that station Mrs J A Kuns came up from the farm in York county close of last week and expects to make her home here for the present MrKuns is driving through Mrs J G Stokes and Clarence ar rived from Hamburg Iowa last Satur day They aro at present occupying W W Archibalds suite of rooms in the Cole building Mrs Matthew Lawritson has been entertaining a sister and children from Beaver City this week The visitors were unfortunately sick during part of their stay Mrs D C McCallum of Wauneta came in from the east on delayed No 1 Monday evening and briefly visited her daughter Mrs Barney Hofer before con tinuing her way up the branch Mr and Mrs Ed McKenzie on Tuesday evening left for Denver where they will remain if a suitable position offers Otherwise he may return to Alliance where he has some stock in terests Mrs Viola Ballew and daughter Carrie Peterson went in to OmahaWed nesday to consult Dr Davis relative to a contemplated operation Miss Carrie but recently recovered from an attack of appendicitis Grandfather Oyster father of the late Engineer Granville Ojster and granddaughter Miss Gertrude Evans on their way home to Ohio from spending part of the winter in California arrived in the city close of last -week and are the guests of Mrs Margaret Oyster this week COUGH CURE THAT DOES CURE McConnells Balsam fails to do what is expected of it about once in two hundred times Atsuch times we desire to refund the money paid for it On the whole it is the best cough cure we have ever seen tried Pleasant to take prompt in results Equally good for children or adults 25c a bottle J AlJKJJSUUUj IIUIOU XsXsXsXjXsXsXsXSXsXsX Christian Citizens League Meeting Remember the meeting of the Chris tian Citizens League in the Congrega tional church next Sunday afternoon at three oclock A good attendance is de sired as matters of importance will be considered at this gathering Tho doctors of Redwillow county are in regular session in Indianola this afternoon this being one of their regular association meetings Close of last week Messrs Jack and Ike Moore shipped another carload of horses east to market The choicest perfumes soap and toilet articles are to be found Cone Bros The Tribune Only 100 per year iUcCoob State Bank of Lebanon Changes Hands Wednesday morning of this week the State Bank of Lebanon passed into the hands of new owners and new officers by purchase out right President J W Hupp and Cashier R A Green retiring and President M C Stephens Vice President J B Cumming and Cashier E E Devoe assuming their official positions and charge of the bank The stockholders of the reorganized bank are well known and well-to-do farmers and stockmen of the Lebanon neighborhood J P Kinne J B Cum ming E E Devoe M C Stephens F M Pennington J L Horton J M Horton Amos Thomas and II E Waugh U -U Miller of Seattle Wash still re tains his stock in the bank The capital stock of the bank is held at S12000 the amount to which the stock was increased by the old manage ment on Januarv 1st EE Devoe cashier of the reorganized bank was for twelve years cashier under Mr Hupps ownership and he is a large holder of stock His experience and means backed by such men as J B Cumming Platte Kinne M C Stephens and others gives the bank financial backing not excelled in this section of the state The State Bank of Lebanon is one of the finest bank properties in the county having deposits in the neighborhood of S80000000 and doing business among the most prosperous farmers and stock men in this section of the state The new owners and officers are assured a successful and profitable business Messrs Hupp and Green returned to McCook on No 5 Wednesday evening Mr Hupp going on to Omaha on No 6 same night on a business trip Death Has Been Busy Death has invaded a number of homes in Redwillow county the past week and made his dread presence felt Last Saturday night Mrs Catherine Amthor of the Danbury country died after an illness of some length She was in her 74th year The deceased was the mother of Mrs Harri Meyer Otto and Peter Karthauser and Henry Vontz She was born in Germany Funeral services were conducted by Rev Loughran in St Patricks church Monday morning at ten oclock after which the remains were interred in Cal very cemetery The one-week-old baby of Mr and Mrs Loyal J Baker passed away Tues day morning of this week and was bur ied the same afternoon in Riverview cemetery There were no services on account of the illness of the mother Little Effie Pearl one of the two-year-old twin daughters of Mr and Mrs Frank Matchett died on Tuesday of this week at about noon Services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon by Kev Uarman ana burial followed on Wednesday afternoon in Riverview ceme tery The other children of the family are all suffering with whooping cough Republican Valley Can Do As Well That part of Colorado north of Denver is probably the best developed sugar beet territory in the United States hav ing six large sugar factories within a radius of fifteen miles These factories have a combined daily capacity of 5600 tons of beets and will usually run 100 days each season They pay to the farmers in that vicinity 2800000 an nually for their beets Land in this territory has rapidly ad vanced from 50 to 150 per acre since the sugar beet industry was introduced in that section This is but one of several places in Colorado where this has been accomplished It is within the possibilities to do as well in the Re publican Valley in Nebraska if the farm ers and others take as firm hold as did those people in that region of Colorado The Tribune believes that the people of the Republican Valley can not afford to allow this industry to languish this year but that they should take firmer hold and more energetically and intelli gently push the cultivation of sugar beets in 1904 A Week of Cold Weather This has been the coldest and in fact the only real cold week of the winter Monday Tuesday and Thursday morn ings the temperature was about ten de grees below zero There has been prac tically no snow and the wind has not been very highthough very penetrating Being bright and dry and no severe wind blowing stock did not suffer much Railroad traffic has been much delayed all week by conditions east of here the Western division experiencing no in convenience other than receiving trains from the east hours late all week Prairie Hay 550 per ton delivered Telephone L182 Rev Halberslaben late of the India nola Congregational church has accept ed a call to Palisade RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Engine 289 is out of shop Engineer H M Dixon has resigned II P Smith boiler washer is on sick list J Lonhart is a new helper in night force Roy Little is a new member of paint gang Fred Isch is a new helper in round house Freight business is picking up some what Fireman O Hoffstrand resigned Wed nesday Engine 3707 arrived from Havelock Tuesday Engineer Thomas ORourke is on tho sick list W E Pence is a new helper in black smith shop I L Idleman has returned to tho paint gang R Kubick is a new machinists helper in round house W E Calhoun is a new helper in blacksmith shop Thomas Taylor is another addition to blacksmith force J B Shipman went up to Cheyenne Tuesday on a visit G B Main of the round house force J resigned Saturday The company is putting new icehouses in Alliance and Oxford Clifford Brown will be up from the university over Sunday Conductor L M Best bruised a foot at Republican City Monday J G Stokes has succeeded T M Phillippi as night mail carrier E L Rhodes shop clerk spent Sun day visiting friends in Denver Wm Poh hostlers helper is on the sick list nursing a mashed foot Paul Zailer has been transferred from the paint force to the blacksmith shop J M Caldwell went up to Denver Wednesday on a personal business trip RF Lowman fireman was in Den ver between trains Saturday on Fred Irwin who has been very ill with pneumonia is now able to be about a little Ben Cofey has enlarged the black smith force by entering that branch of the service Frank Coleman has been transferred from round house force to the black smith shop Fireman R A Anderson is on the sick list and is visiting his parents in Red Cloud Engine 318 was put through tho Ibering up process in the local yard Wednesday Grant Schopp of the paint gang re signed Friday and left for his home in Abeline Kansas J M Hughes left on No 2 Sunday morning for Des Moines Iowa where he expects to work Conductor and Mrs Neal Beeler went over to Beaver City Wednesday on a visit to her parents W E Cuddigan who has been on the relief for the past two or three weeks has reported for work No 2s engine broke down at Indianola last Friday and the train was an hour or two late on her way east Conductor G W Bunting reported sick Wednesday and H R Childress is in charge of his car meanwhile The Rogers children who have been visiting J M Hughes returned to their home in Aurora Illon No 12 Saturday Harry Stewart was with the Alma homefolks Sunday arriving home on delayed No 3 Monday about six oclock F E Brigner has been made night yardmaster at Oxford where he has moved J H Frankenfield gets the day yardmastership James Biddlecomb who has been assistant auditor of the Burlington has entered the shops at Havelock to learn the machinists trade It is asserted that the Q will ex pend ten millions this year in better ments of all sorts If so McCook ought to come in for a nice bunch Brakeman Charles Huey J E Griffel and Don McCarty have called for their time this week and have left the ser vice at this place Huey and Griffel have gone to Denver No 12 jumped the track at the en trance of the Ashland yards Monday night and Michael J Graybill engineer of freight train No 30 who was oiling his engine was killed The company has commenced the storage of a large amount of coal at this place It will be unloaded on the ground Uttbtttte McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY MEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 29 1904 in the yard and will require quito a force of laborers to handle it Abi ut 5000 tons will be stored By tho addition of a few new men tho transfer of some from other departments the blacksmith shop has been placed in operation this week with E S Howell of Havelock is foreman and tho work is progressing quito satisfactorily An eighty foot addition is being built to the ease end of tho west ice house This will about doublo tho capacity of the west house and will add materially to tho total ico capacity at this point A strong force of carpenters is now push ing tho work tho concrete foundation having been previously laid By mistake The Tribune referred to Frank P Green last week as ono of tho striking blacksmiths As he had been negotiating for his new position bo fore the reduction in the local force and before resigning here wo wish to correct the erroneous impression and uninten tional injustiooof stylinghim astriker Properly there was no strike were no strikers The Y M C A Proposition McCook now seems to bo confronted with a Y M C A proposition squarely and fairly The alleged attitude of the Burlington management the recent com pletion of a rest house for employees in Chicago and tho support of similar in stitutions at Creston Iowa and other points together with favorable expres sions of high officials along this line make the proposition attractive Harmonious with this sentiment State Secretary Bailey of Omaha made a trip to McCook Tuesday evening and ad dressed briefly gatherings in the Bap tist Methodist and Congregational churches stating as succintly as might be the advantages of the Y M C A building and management especially in a railroad center like McCook Tho force of his statements was felt by all present and the indications now are that an earnest effort will be made to secure such a building at this place It will mean that McCook will have to put up a number of thousand dollars which sum it is expected the Burlington railroad company will at least double In slang words it will shortly be up to McCook to determine whether or not the proposed building shall materialize Still Another Clue A letter received at tho police station yesterday from Officer L T Baker of the state penitentiary at Lansing Kan says that John Galvinthe man who was arrested after trying to pass some mutil lated bills at the Crete bank and who is now being held has been identified as a former convict The letter says that he was in the penitentiary there for five years on a charge of shooting a sheriff who attempted to arrest him for burglarizing a store He then went under the Dame of T J Calvin and he was sent up from Labette county He is a coal miner by trade Officer Baker thinks he had the money planted while he was in custody and was trying to get rid of it when arrested A picture of him has been sent for identification to J W Hupp of the Lebanon bank in Red Willow county which was robbed last summer Mondays Lincoln Jour nal Rejuvenate New life in nerve blood and muscles a clear bright rosy complexion these are the promises made and fulfilled by the new way of massage or vibrasage A boon to every man and woman who would retain the charm of youth and ward off or remove the hated crows feet and facial blemishes Shampoo ing manicuring chiropody electrolysis hydro vacu treatments scalp and face treatment a specialty Treatment given to ladies and gentlemen Consultation free Mme DeThier Dermatologist Residence one block east of postoffice Phone 277 Reception For Their Pastor And Wife The Congregational ladies held a very pleasant reception in the church Tues day evening to meet their new pastor and wife Rev and Mrs George A Con rad The church was well filled and the occasion was a felicitous one for all concerned An informal varied program was ren dered and refreshments were served Altogether it was a social affair of much pleasure and satisfaction The parlor of the church was very attractively decorated and arranged for the event Gets There Just The Same Tho plumber takes his little torch And thaws pipes for a price Hes strictly in it though he does Not cut but melts tho ico Choice Carnations 75c Per Dozen McCook Green House phone 91 That Argentine ware at Colemans cannot fail to capture you See it You will buy no other l Vs NUMBER 38- McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morn in Corn Wheat Oats Rye WW Harloy Hosd Kjw Oood utter Creamory flutter 2S IX -A rr I isfiio 20 21 a MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Everything in drugs McConnell McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs Universal and Ideal meat choppers at Colemans For the latest and best books go to Cono Bros If you want tho best use McConnells vanilla and lemon extracts Kodaks aro tho same prico tho world over Cono Bros sell them A suro euro for tho blues McCon nells health granules 2oc a bottle Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Satur days F S Wilcox Scale books Typewriter papere The Tribune When you need anything usually found in a drug store go to Cone Bros There are two horse buyers in tho city this week Besides there is lo lack of local talent The famous Household and Wheeler Wilson sewing machines aro sold by W T Coleman Just use your phono Call up Marsh and they will do tho rest if its choice meat of any kind you want McMillens Cream Lotion for hands and face dries perfectly and leaves tho skin smooth and soft Tho members of tho Royal Highland ers lodge and their families indulged in a happy social time with refreshments Tuesday night He who hesitates is lost Do not hesitate any longer about giving your hogs Liquid Koal to keep them in a healthy condition For sale by James Cain The Ocean Wave is a household word in Redwillow county Coleman has made it so Those who want tho best wash ing machine ever wont look at any other Marsh is especially fortunate in select buying and gives his customers a share in the profits by offering them the choic est of everything in the meat line just as cheap as the poorest you get else where The State Bank of Lebanon has much of tho material for its new brick build ing on the ground and the work of con struction will be carried along as fast as possible as soon as the weather will per mit A S Palmer has purchased the 50 acre tract of land owned by Clifford Naden joining Louis Canns place on the east at a consideration of 1500 and will probably move back from McCook in the spring Danbury News Congressman Norris is in receipt of many protests from citizens on tho St Francis branch of the Burlington up in Beaver Valley against existing unsatis factory mail service He will lay the matter before the postoffice department with a request for relief Star special It is rarely indeed that Denver is favored with such vocal execution and instrumental as well said the Denver Daily News It was a rare privilege thoroughly appreciated by tho audience to listen to the wonderful voices of the quartette in their harmonious blending and surprising range and there was not a number on the program but secured an encore The Schubert Concert Com pany will sing at the Congregational church Friday Feb 12 The admis sion is 50 cents Get tickets in advance at McConnells the library or from the solicitors Will Organize a Roosevelt Club A few Republicans met in the office of Judge Green Thursday evening to take initiatory steps in the organization of a Roosevelt club A committee of three on constitution and by laws was selected and they will report at a meeting to be held on February 8th at which time it is expected that a club will be formally organizedofIicersand committees chosen and constitution and by laws approved This is a matter in which all Republi cans in this city and vicinity are vitally interested and there should be a full attendance at the time of organization Butchering- Drugs Butchering time brings need of spices herbs saltpetre etc We make a spec ialty of these buying the best grades and selling them as low as the cheaper grades can be bought for McConneix Druggist Dwelling For Sale Or Rent Eight room dwelling in South Mc Cook with m acres of land S1000 cash Will rent J C Peedmore