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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1904)
l ARKANSAS TRAVELER RESPONDED Got Back In Rhyme at Missouri Pa cifics General Pacsenger Agent H C Townsend general passenger and ticket agent of the Missouri Pa cific with headquarters at St Loute cent out a novel holiday greeting to patrons o the road and was surprised to receive a response in rhyme from a man In Arkansas Hero Is tho greet ing followed by the answer Tills Is the train that runs so fast Across the plains to mountains vast This Is the train thats never late And keeps Its service up to date This la tho train that runs out West And takes you there for work or lest This is the train that runs to tho laud Of mountains hlsh and canons grand This Is a true hotel en wheels It serves to you the best of meals This Is the train with lowest rate Kt Louis to the Golden Gale If you should wish to go that waj Bee II C Townsend G P A This Is what the Arkansas traveler wroto in response H C Townsend G P A I received vour card to day And Im writing now to say That your trains Al O K Im a rezlar passenger And Im here to tell you sir Its a corker sure enough Please dont take this as a puff All your trains are up to snuff Strictly In It just the stun Makes mo restless when I read Of the qomfort and the speed Want to pack my clothes and skip On that train Gee What a trip Feed you like a millionaire Gosh Just read that Tender steaks well done or rare Game and things from everywhere Salads deserts coffee cake Wow It makes my stomach ache And the rates Ill swear to you Same as cutting naught In iwo Shame to take such service cheap Ought to make us pay a heap Guess Ive said about enough Every word Is straight no guff 80 Ill sign myself with care Truly yours A PASSENJAIR3 Of course a wise man never makes the same mistake twice If he mar ries a second time thats another mis take To Cnro a Cold in One tlay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund money if it fails to cure 25c When an individual minds his own business he is one kind of monoplist Little white lies live long and pros per Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces in a package 10 cents One third more starch for the same money The world will forgive a man al most anything except failure Tcoslnte and Billion Dollar Grass The two greatest fodder plants on earth one good for 14 tons hay and the other 80 tons green fodder per acre Grows everywhere so does Victoria 1 Rape yielding CO000 lbs sheep and swine food per acre r JDST SEND IOC IN STAMPS TO THE I John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis and receive in return their big catalog and lots of farm seed samples W N 17 1 A womans idea of a compliment is to name her baby after a rich rela tion If you dont get the biggest and best its your own fault Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal It in quality or quantity When looking for faults that need correction use a mirror and not a I telescope Equal to u State fair The annual importation of the Lin coln Neb Importing Horse Co ar rived about sixty days ago consisting of two car loads They made the run from New York to Lincoln in forty four hours landing their horses in most excellent condition This im portation consists of German Coach Percheron English Shire French Draft and Belgians They now have in their barns fifty head of imported stallions all in excellent condition They have been in the business for seventeen years at this location Considering the large number of horses and beautiful barns it is almost equal to a State Fair entertainment to visit their barns Read their ad in this paper Pride shows many men how to keep in the straight path 0060 AMERICANS WERE WELCOMED TO B Western H Canada f DURING LAST YEAR They arc settled and settling on the Grain and Graziuz Lands and are prosperous and satisfied Sir Wilfred Laurier recently said A new star has risen on the horizon and it is toward it that eiery immigrant who leaves the land of his ances tors to come and seek a home for hinibeU now turns his saze Canada There is Room for Millions iKEE Homesteads given away Schools Churches IJalhvajs Markets Climate everything to be desired For a descriptive Atlas and other information apply to Superintendent Immigration Ottawa Can ada or authorized Canadian Government A cent W V Bennett S01 New Yoru Life Buildinu Omaha Neb S1 Salseis National Oafs Greatest oat of tho century Yielded In 19C3 In Ohio 1S7 In Mich 31 in Ho 235 and in N Dakota 310 bus per acre Yoa can beat that record In 1001 f For 10c and Vtas sicllce we mal I yon freo lota o f farm sped samples nnu oar Dig catalog ingail about in is oat tvonuer ana thousands or other seeus JOHN A SALZER SEED CO tW 71 T La Crosse Wis SffTB KS1 tnJJ lSgaf iit J fnii LASTING RELIEF J W Walls Super intendent of Streets of Lebanon Ky says My nightly rest was broken owing to irregularities of the kidneys I suffered intensely from severe pains in the small of my back and through the kidneys and was annoyed by pain ful passages of abnprmal secretions Doctors failed to relieve me I began taking Doans Kidney Pills and I ex perienced quick and lasting relief Doans Kidney Pills will prove a bless ing to all sufferers from kidney disor ders who will give them a fair trial Foster MIlburn Co Buffalo N Y proprietors For sale by all druggists price 50 cents per bo Would Confiscate the Hats Enthusiastic members of Londons Audubon society propose a law to au thorize the confiscation of all hats dec orated with the skins of song birds 10000 Flants for 16c This is a remarkable offer the John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis makes They will send you their big plant and seed catalog together with enough seed to grow 1000 fine solid Cabbages 2000 delicious Carrots 2000 blanching nutty Celery 2000 rich buttery Lettuce 1000 splendid Onions 1000 rare luscious Radishes 1000 gloriously brilliant Flowers This great offer is made in order to induce you to try their warranted seeds for when you once plant them you will grow no others and ALL POIt BUT ICC POSTAGE providing you will return this notice and if you will send them 20c in post age they will add to the above a pack age of the famous Berliner Cauliflower W N U We sometimes open our mouths be fore Ave get our minds open Burned out but was insured in the STATE FARMERS MUTUAL INSUR ANCE CO of South Omaha Nebr which means that he got his money Has some agent tried to cancel your Mutual Policy Telling you all sorts of things almost crying for you Why Because he needs the money he would make cut of you wanted pay for the talk he gave Dont be fooled Keep your Mutual Insurance and get more if you need it Write to B R Stouffer Secretary South Omaha Nebr Life is a good deal like a meal in a cheap restaurant The things you want fail to show up on the bills of fare Mother Graya Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray uursa in the Childrens Home in New York cure Constipation Feverishness Bad Stomach Teething Disorders move and regulate the Bowels and DestroyWorms Over 30000 tes timonials At all Druggists 25c Sample FREE Address A S Olmsted LeRoyNY Never strike a boy smaller yourself he may grow than If you wish beautiful clear -white clothes use Red Croyj Ball Blue Large 3 02 package 5 cents You cannot whitewash yourself by blackening others Left Handed People Prof Loinbroso as the result of his observations on left handed and left sided people finds that among 1000 soldiers and operatives the proportion of left handed people is 4 per cent among men and 5 to 8 per cent among women Among criminals the quota of left handed was found to be more than tripled in men and more than quintupled among women Cam el back Riding Lord Kitchener of Khartoum is credited with the best description of camelback riding that is known The soldier gave this description at a din ner party in London which some Americans attended When we ask ed Lord Kitchener one of the Amer icans said to tell us what it felt like to ride a camel he twisted his mus tache and said You know the game of cup and ball You have a ball and a cup and you throw the ball in the air and trv to catch it in the cup then bounce it up and try to catch it again Well when you ride a cam el the brute plays cup and ball with you missing vou nearly every time A Dentists Advice Toledo Ohio Jan 25th Mr Harry L Lewis Dentist C07 Sumit street this city says I certainly advise anyone no matter how severe they may have Kidney Trouble to take Dodds Kidney Pills I was troubled with Kidney Dis ease for several years and Dodds Kid ney Pills cured me I had used many so called remedies without any benefit Four months ago I was flat on my back with this painful trouble and must say that I almost gave up hones of ever getting any better Through a friends advice I purchased six boxes of Dodds Kidney Pills At first I could see but little bene fit but after two weeks I could see an improvement I had been getting up several times at night and pcins in my back were very severe When I had taken six boxes I felt better than I had for years The pain had all gone and I didnt have to get up during the night at all I continued the treatment until I had used several more boxes and row r am glad to say that I am completely cured A cold is one of the very few ail ments the modern physician will un dertake to cure without a surgical op eration 1lfliHn6H Girls Costume Yoke dresses are always becoming to young girls and are showtt In many variations This ono is exceptionally pretty and includes a skirt yoke as well as one in the waist that gives smooth fit over the hips while allow ing fullness below The original is made of sapphire blue henrietta with the yokes sleeve caps and cuffs made of narrow bands of silk interlaced and held by fancy stitches and laid over white but all the simpler ma terials of fashion are suitable and the yokes can he of lace silk or any Jmfwk 4SI8 Glri8 Costume 8to 14 years contrasting material o made of bands of velvet or silk ribbon in place of the folded silk The waist is made over a body lin ing on which the lull front and backs and the deep pointed yoke are arrang ed The sleeves are the full ones of fashion with caps that combine with the yoke to give the needed broad effect The skirt is straight gathered and joined to the yoke which in turn is joined to the waist The quantity of material required for the medium size 12 years is 5 yards 21 inches wide 5 yards 27 inches wide or 3 yards 41 inches wide with 20 yards of banding to make as illustrated The pattern 4618 is cut in sizes for girls of 8 10 12 and 14 years of age Frozen Meat When using frozen meat the great point is to slowly and thoroughly thaw it before cooking Mint Sauce When chopping mint for mint sauce add a little sugar and you will be able to chop it far more easily Brushes The backs of brushes of silver or nickel can be kept bright by rubbing with a flannel dipped in am monia Fruit Tarts Put the sugar used for sweetening fruit tarts in the mid dle of the fruit not on the top or it will sodden the pastry Stale Loaves Wrap stale loaves in a cloth Dip into hot water for half a minute take off the cloth and bake for a quarter of an hour in a steady oven In the Wash The linen turns yel low after washing because it is not rinsed enough The soap left in at the laundry turns the garments yellow in wear How to Cook Liver Here is an appetizing way to have liver for a dinner that may be new to Eertha -waists of all sorts are in vogue but none other has the pe culiar charm of the handkerchief sort the grace of which is apparent at a glance This one is made of violet crepe de Chine with yoke and cuffs of chiffon velvet and trimming of ecru lace but both yoke and cults can be omitted and the waist made low with elbow sleeves when desired The pointed outline of the yoke and the WiMikMfMM 1 XH J Fl J JJ - IWTFR rST some Cook or fry about three slices of fresh pork to a pound of liver have fried onions with it and also a gravy Improves it Cut nil the meat up in quite small pieces put it altogether In a deep dish with the onions and gravy poured over Dont buy the red liver it is not near as good as the yellow try it and you will see and dont cook the liver the least bit too much as frequently happens it will be so different when just cooked through Cleaning Fancy Collars Net and lace collars that there is danger of pulling out of shape during the washing process should be care fully folded and sewed lightly togeth er before being put into the suds Never rub things of this kind Make a suds with soap jelly and warm water Lay the folded collars in this and leave for twenty minutes or half an hour Then squeeze in your hand and souse up and down in suds till clean Repeat the process in another clean lot of suds if there is any doubt of the cleanliness and finally rinse in warm water and squeeze as dry as jou can If ironed at once on a well covered board wrong side up first under a cloth and then without no starch will be needed Painted Pins in Fashion Again Miniature painted pins are again in fashion but this time they are of copper instead of china They are mounted in gunmetal all bhapes and sizes and are prettier than any miniature pin shown in many years They are used for belts brooches hat pins and coin cases The coin cases have the appear ance of being watches and the pic tures are usually surrounded by tiny rhinestones On opening the case by the spring just as a watch would open and touching an interior spring the coin emerges This is a clever arrangement and there is no danger of losing the coins Tucked Blouse Blouse or shirt waists made with tucks arranged in groups are among the designs shown for the advance season and are admirable for the new cotton and linen wais tings of spring as well as for the wool ones of im mediate wear This one is made of mer cerized cotton showing lines of blue on white and is unlined but can be used either with or without the fit ted lining and is available for all materials in vogue FOR THEATER AND DINNER WEAR I 4626 Tucked Blouse 32 to 40 bust The full length tucks at each side of the center with those at the shoulders which extend to yoke depth only make a most desirable combination while those at the back give the taper ing lines that always are becoming The waist consists of the fitted ing fronts and back front is a regulation shirt waist plait that meets the groups of nicks at each side The sleeves are tucked to be snug from the shoulders to the elbows but are full below and are gathered into straight cuffs At the neck is worn a fancy stock of silk with a turn over collar of white lawn The quantity of material required for the medium size is 4 yards 21 inches wide 3 yards 27 inches wido or 24 yards 44 inches wide The pattern 4626 is cut in sizes for a - v c l f Sky - Xavj r s lft y vaa g J deep points of the bertha make note worthy features and the gauntlet cuffs are among the latest shown To make the waist for a woman of medi um size will be required 514 yards of material 21 4 yards 27 or 2 yards 44 inches wide with one yard of vel vet and Gi yards of applique A May Manton pattern No 4604 sizes 12 to 40 will be mailed to any ad dress on receipt of ten cents - o l nil ure 4 hmmV t hew ffitiJti Tvo vvrn Jjgj 8 and 40 inch bust Waist With Fancy Yoke Collar Every woman knows the value of a gown that can be made high or low neck as occasion demands This very charming model accomplishes that end and is eminently smart under both conditions As shown it is made of white crepe meteore with heavy cream lace as trimming The yoke collar is separate and can be worn over the waist made low as shown 4607 Waist with Finey Yoke Collar 32 to 40 bust- in the small sketch or over the entire foundation as preferred The sleeves form full soft puffs that extend slight ly below the elbows and can be made with or without the deep cuffs To make the waist for a woman of medium size will be required 4 yards of material 21 inches wide 4 yaids 27 or 2 yards 44 inches wide A May Manton pattern No 4607 sizes 32 to 40 will be mailed to any address on receipt of ten cents An Underskirt Any girl who has an old party frock of taffeta can make a very pretty underskirt to wear with her house and evening gowns For the ruffle get wash net or point desprit and across the bottom place bias bands of silk Sew the ruffle to the skirt with another band and you have a very dainty affair Floral Chains in Place of Beads Floral chains are taking the place of the bead ones which have been so popular until recently These floral fancies are made of ribbon or silk and are worn chain fashion Violets bou ton rpses and are the favorites Knife cleaning will be more easily acccmplished if 3ou mix a little car- At the center uonate or soua wiui tne uath brick on the knife board When making cakes begin by warm ing the basin This will cause the in gredients to mix more readily and the result will be a lighter cake If a cork seems too big for the neck of a bottle soak it for three or four minutes in boiling water and then try it again It will probably go in then quite easily Wash childrens slates occasionally with water in which washing soda is solved This will take off the greasi ness which makes writing on the slate a difficulty jteTTOHiHQS Fur is the ultra modish trimming Sheer light evening gowns are set off with ermine fur Squirrel and moleskin are used on darker gowns Jet fringes are favored for sheer black or white frocks On evening gowns green velvet leaves make an attractive decoration Embroideries in rich oriental color ings flecked with gold and silver bear the stamp of excellent style Euttons of all sizes are used cut steel being most costly and brilliant Enameled buttons are employed to carry out the color scheme on a frock Readers or this paper can secure any May Manton pattern illustrated abo e by lining out al blanks m coupon and mailits witb 10 cuts to E E Harrison Co C 3 Plymouth Place Cui vago Pattern will be mailed promptly Name Town State Pattern No Waist Measure if for skirt Bust MeaMirei for waist Age if iiius or misss pattern Write pialaiy Fill out all blanks Lncoe lCc Mall to E E Harrison Co CSPlyiaousli Place Chicago 6tatx op Ohio Citt pt Toledo i Pa Lmilnesi ftrfliftt B Fkanjc 1 CiiKNETinalcci oath thnt ho ti lenlor In tho City of Toledo County and Statu and thtt Mid tlrm will pay the kudi of each and evorr OVK HUNUKKD DOILAKS fur case of Cataiirii that cannot bo cure J by tho use or II alls Catarisii Cunt FJJANK 1 CHENFr Sworn to before me and mitmcrtbcd In iny pret ence tbls Ctb day of lieccmber A I A AV CLKASON j Afc - Kotaby ruutro IlairTcatnrrh Cure U taken Internally and ncM directly on the blood and inueoua nurface or tua system Send for tontlmonlaK free F J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by all Drugzlats 73c Take Hulls Family 1111 for constipation Example is the best argument Schemers get into office when hon est men fail to do their duty A Rare Good Thing Am usinjr ALLENS FOOT EASE and can truly say I would not have been without it so long hail I known tho relief it woidd give my aching feet I think it a rare good thing for anyone having sore or tired feet Mrs Matilda Holtwert Providence R I Sold by all Druggists 21c Ash to day Its impossible to defeat an ignorant man in an argument Irs VTlriBiows Suothlncr Syrnp For children teething softens tho gums roduccs In flammation allays pain cures wind colic a bottle Blows from the bellows of ridicule leave no bruises Snickers find Lewis Single Binder straight fu cigar better quality than most 10c brands Jewis Factory Peoria 111 Common sense is sometimes taken in by uncommon shrewdness Try One Package If Defiance Starch does not please you return it to your dealer If it does you get one third more for the same money It will give you satisfaction and will not stick to tho iron It is tho little things of life that make the mighty wheels go round Pfsos Cure cannot be too highly spoken of ai acouRU cure J W OUiuev 32 Vhlrd Ave H Minneapolis Minn Jan C lOGOL There are two sides to every story The victory you win means defeat for the other fellow Try me just once auu I am sure to come again Defiance Starch Human nature exhibits the same frailty in all languages M SHOT GUN ELLS are found on every American iarrn wficre there is a ivc boy New Club loaded v tn black povdcr Nitro Club and Arrow loaded with ciy smokeless povdcr They ere Duel Killers Catalogue free The Union Metallic Cartridge Co KlUUfcFURT CONN Atency 313 Broadvcy New York MEXICN Mustang Liniment Ctires Sprains and Strains oooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o THE LINCOLN IMPORTS Hi R5E 0 Lincoln w0broska ygmffiGmm WWwWftfyn - Tnfmjn Vh vieniiui vuulii Percterons English Sliire French Draft m h om Ijr UlU ZjiXlQIIi The LARGEST importers of FIRST CLASS stall ons of any roncrrn all th Wcit OVER 50 HEAD TO SELECT FROM On arrvm m Lincoln t2kc the Sta c Farm strict car which rtmi drectly to our bar 1 Come and sec us or write Ly D t Tct 575 A I bullion Her KATY SAYS You cannot rlet a more dMishtfnl trip at this season than the trip to OM Mexico A restful and nmsornvnc change of climate scenery ami sk that we with each other in er iuii beano the out-of-door IiTe and the peculiar charm found onlj in Jhr tropics all combi to rike this a superli Winter trip Old Mexico 1 quaintly foreign lountryof prurev ic Kl tb aid scenes a Elima of a n v vrorld In kas throicti Pullman slep the trip can be irade from St Louis to fi City co ntorrabiv ami uttl out chanse e i ioute uti rf iful et TOMM ieoMHm fare - f irer i t Ip tn route and cut i r tile dutm n ri i f the - ne J thrsVr M M xfci s -1 i Ban Aatjii p Ki v 5 enrornrfie ceorcs ronvoN g p a Gt LoMis Mo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oooooooooooooooooooooooooo SICK WOMEN MY CUES FREE I wl rl my marvelous remedy hich r 1 i t i u55 anas or v orenof Ljcor f d Pkcercents Fa 15 or Womb Ho I lOMi s I iterations Tumors and all i - ma iroabos Frse to any Lady re c iruiy t Nomonsyro rl O D All I ine jo ispectsnt meWs u 1 r r about cVildWh without Vnt to car MRS M KSRKLE fcouth Bead lad 07D5T JlfTP Directs fc J l - tne cr Pntnnt mem of- imaranreei nje i FRtntip anilr - ppiI formal mil i I ADAUJK50t C0 New ErVsuYldlnr eggg If afttir od ttitbiT Bvai use Eyo Wa -- ICk BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds J 1 T