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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1903)
U fyA 4 i n fr 4 ifr Aching backs arc cnscd Hip back ond loin pains overcome Swelling of the limbs rheumatism and dropsy signs vanish They correct urine -with brick dust sediment high colored excessive pain in passing dribbling frequency Doans Kidney Pills dissolve and remove calculi and gravel Relievo heart palpita tion sleeplessness headache nervous ness TELii City Ikd I received the free trial of Doans Kidney Pills They are splendid I had an awful pain in my buck on taking the pills the pain left mo right away and I feel like a new man Stephen Schacfcr Mrs Addir Andrews R F D No 1 Biiodiikad Wis -writes I received the free trial of Doans Kidney Pills with much benefit My little nephew was suffering terribly with kidney trouble from scarlet fever Two doctors failed to help him and he finally went into spasms His father gave him Doans Kidney Pills aud from the second dose r M il V4E a T 18U one M C6 The Union Metallic Cartridge Co BRIDGEPORT CONN SKSftS Thompsons Eya Watr W N U Omaha No 411903 When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper MSP flliRfK BMflFall FAILS Best Cough Byrup fasAeaood Vte in una sola oy arngsnra raBfeiiraraiisH name p o STATE VijiJi WMIJ Doans Kidney riis Bir f MV MWltt6 tm y CfwwMwa Loaded Black Powder Shells shoot stronger and reload better tnan any other black powder shells on the market because they are loaded more carefully and made more scientifically Try them They are JHE HJNTIES FAVORITE mimmiunwinnriiir STRAIGHT TO THE SPOT tho pain was less lie began to gain and fa to day a well boy his life saved by Doans Kidney Pills Ruddieb Mills Ky I received the free trial of pills They did me great good I had bladder trouble compelling me to get up often during night Nov 1 sleep well no pain in neck of bladder Sain in back is gone also headache L Hill JMk 2 iffli 2kb 1 Wl J Vwr WH UMft For free trial box mall this coupon to Foster MUbiim Co Buffalo N Y If above tpace la Insufficient write address on sepa rate slip MEDICAL ADVICE FItEE 99 - LAST MOUNTAIN VALLEY LANDS ASSBNiBOIA Garden of the Tho wheat crop this year will -average 30 bus per acre Good Water Ample Fuel Good Roads Land in this favored district may be bought for S70 to S8 0O per acre 23 TOWNSHIPS TO SELECT FROM Buy direct from the owners Why pay agents commission We prefer to deal direct with purchasers Write to us for particulars Will PEARSON CO 383 MAIN ST WINNIPEG CANADA Mursora Char Mead A Strong and Realistic Story By GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON Author of GKAUSTArK CASTLE CRAXETCKOW etc In an entirely different vein from his former works The scene is in Clay County Indiana The tale begins with the idyllic love of a young farmer and a girl teacher v ich culminates in a marriage that brings perfect bliss in spite of poverty and hard work The development of an intricate plot worked out in a masterly manner keeps the interest of the reader at the highest tension as one follows the awakening of ambition in the j oung man his life in Chicago where he rises rapidly in his profession his first downward step the frightful entanglement into which his weakness leads him up to the tragical end which brings into high relief the characters of two noble women A flrst ralo American Story fall of Action and Interest Llko others of the successful hooks whl i have had enormous sales It has that indefinable something about It which f ov tories possess and which forces a booli into universal popularity Full page illustrations by C j WILLIAMS PRBOE 8 SO BODB MEAD COMPANY Publishers NEW YORK An enthusiastic meeting is that of two girl chums who havent seen each other for an hour Mrs Windows sootmnsr Syrup For children teething softens the gums reduces n Uaminatlon allays pain cures wlna colic 23c a bottle Dont consider everything impos sible that you are unable to perform ilJ IHTsjAM WWE jeIIm HHMimM jjjAt wS mSxl IvjSh gastv b WMSfefefe CANT TOUCH the man who wears AWYERS EXCELSBGR BRAND Slickers SATWERS Excelsior Hratid Oiled Clothlnp nest in the world wfil not crack peelor get BUcky Look for trade mark If not at dealers scad for catalogue llaSawjtriSooSolSifj Eoit Cambridge Sm FREE TO WOMEN To prove the healing and cleansing power of X axtine Toilet Antiseptic -ore will mall a large rial package with hook ot instructions absolutely free This is not a tiny sample hut a large package enough to con vince anyone of Its value Women all over the country ore praising Paxtine for what it has done in local treat- meut of female ills curinir all inflammation and discharges wonderful as a cleansing vaginal douche for sore throat nasal catarrh as a mouth trash tpd to remove tartar and whiten the teeth Send today a postal card will do SoIdbydracfrUtsorsentpostpaldbyTMSO cegts large box Stla faction irnarantcI THE R PAXTON CO Boston Mail 214 Colurahai Am - Phillips Fled From Ghost Stephen Phillips the young English man who haB come to the front with his Uaola and Francescn Herod and UlysEes had no thought of literature when he started out to look after himself He was destined by nis father who is the precenor of Peterborough cathedral for the Brit ish civil service He subsequently had a brief experience on the profes sional stage For his further work to publicity Mr Phillips recently found a ghost not a literary one but a real one in his house from which he fled with his family ordering a furniture mover to looit after his household effects Considerate of a Thief James M Beasley the Alaska con tractor who decamped two years ago after securing 3800 by means of a draft forged on the United States treasury and who was recently cap tured in South Africa by officers after a chase of over 17000 miles was not known to fellow passengers on the trans Atlantic liner as a criminal Dur ing the voyage from England he mix ed with other saloon travelers and being a man of fine appearance and address he had as good a time as anybody Only when the vessel reached her dock did the truth be come known the officers who accom panied Beasley showing him every consideration Royal Baggage The dead weight of luggage taken by the king and queen their attend ants and servants for the visit to Ireland was about 200 tons On a visit paid by King Edward as Prince of Wales to the Riviera he had a complement of 200 boxes trunks and parcels The king and queen on their Irish trip had to take their royal and state robes and the king several suits of uniform in addition to that of a field marshal Easy to Get Pierpont O Oct 5th Remarkable Indeed is the experience of Mr A S Turner a man now over seventy one years of age and whose home is here For many years this old gentleman had suffered with a very unpleasant form of Kidney Trouble a kind that very often bothers aged people He would have to get up four or five times every night and this very tire some disease was fast wearing him out At last after having almost made up his mind that he would never be able to get relief he stumbled over a medicine which relieved him almost i nmodiately and has cured him per manently It is so very easy to get and so simple that Mr Turner thinks everyone should know of it Every dealer in the country has it and all you have to do is to ask for Dodds Kidney Pills Mr Turner says - I can heartily and honestly recom mend Dodds Kidney Pills for they cured me Several others in the fam ily have used them too and always with the best results I think they have no equal Cynics are men who find fault with the world because they were not con sulted when it was designed Does the writing in a dead letter become a dead language Lewis Single Binder straight 5c cigar Price to dealers 3000 per M They cost some more than other brands but no mora than a good 5c cigar should cost Lewis Factory Peoria 111 The butter seller is often to be found in the midst of the ranks- I would rather trust a womans in tuition than a mans judgment Sensible Housekeepers will have Defiance Starch not alone because they get one third more foi the same money but also because of superior qualitj FADELESS If money talks can the bank teller tell all it says Perhaps the summer gin steels her heart to prevent it from being stolen YFA are as far ahead of the old fashioned Dyes as electricity Is of a Rush light candle Putnam Fadeless Dyes ore cleanly as they neither stain the hands nor spot the kettle One 10c pnekage colors either silk wool or cotton equally well and is guaranteed to give perfect results Putnam Fadeless Dyes are for sale by all good druggists everywhere or mailed direct at 10c a package MONROE DRUG CO Vnlonvllle Mo Stands for Union Metallic Cartridges It also stands for uniform shooting and satis factory results Ask your dealer for TJMC ARROW and NITRO CLUB Smokeless Shot Shells College professors and the boot blacks both strive to polish the un derstanding Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of De fiance Starch is fast taking place of all other brands Others say they cannot sell any other starch Hall Caine Named Pius X It Is a curious fact that in his novel The Eternal City Hall Caine -writes of a Pope Pius X The first Pius Pope St Pius I was the eleventh pope his term of office extending from 158 to 167 It was not until the fif teenth century that a pope took the name of Pius II The last pope can onized was St Pius V who died in 1572 Pope Pius IX the immediate predecessor of Pope Leo XIII wore the tiara from 1846 to 1878 Pius VII and Pius VIII were also popes in the last century The last occupant of the papal chair to take a nam not borne by one of his predecessors was Pope Lando whose period was 913 14 A Guaranteed Cure for Piles Itching blind bleeding or protruding Piles positively cured or money refunded ALLEN J DISCOVERY for PILES anew discovery that absolutely cures all kinos of Piles Prepared for Piles only All Drug Stores 50c Sent by mail on receipt of price Address Lock Box 852 Le Roy N Y Patriotism always stands in with the government GOOD HOUSEKEEPEBrf Use the best Thats why they buy Red Cross Ball Blue At leading grocers Scents The average man wants others to see him as he sees himself USE OF CQEJTEE OlD SAID TO HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED CENTURIES AGO Dervish in Arabia the First to Brew the Fragrant Beverage Can Never Be Successfully Grown In the United States As to the history of coffee the le gend runs that It was first found grow ing wild in Arabia Hadji Omar a dervish discovered it in 1285 C17 years ago He was dying of hunger in the wilderness when finding some small round berries- he tried to eat them but they were bitter He tried roasting them and these he finally steeped in some water held in the hollow of his hand and found the de coction as refreshing as if he had partaken of solid food He hurried back to Media from which he had been banished and inviting the wiso men to partake of his discovery they were so well pleased with it that they made him a saint The story is told that coffee was introduced into the West Indies in 1723 by Chirac a French physician who gave a Norman gentleman by the name of De Clieux a captain of infan try on his way to Martinique a single plant The sea voyage was a stormy one the vessel was driven out of her course and drinking water became so scarce that it was distributed in ra tions De Clieux with an affection for his coffee plant divided his por tion of water with it and succeeded in bringing it to Martinique although weak not in a hopeless condition There he planted it in his garden pro tected it with a fence of thorns and watched it daily until the end of the year when he gathered two pounds of coffee which he distributed among the inhabitants of the island to be plant ed by them From Martinique coffee trees in turn were sent to San Domin go Gaudaloupe and other neighbor ing islands The coffee tree is an evergreen shrub growing in its natural state to a height of fourteen to eighteen feet It is usually kept trimmed however for convenience in picking the berries which grow along the branches close to the leaves and resemble in shape and color ordinary cherries The tree cannot be grown above the frost line neither can it be successfully grown in the tropics The most successful climate for production is that found at an altitude of about 4000 feet Any thing much above this is in danger of frost which is fatal to the tree and when coffee is grown much below this it requires artificial shade which ma terially increases the cost of produc tion and does not produce as market able berries It is owing to this par ticular requirement that coffee has never been successfully produced in the United States Success ORDEALS OF A DOCTOR Sad Things Encountered in the Prac tice of Medicine It is often claimed by outsiders that having a profession dulls a womans sympathies but I cannot believe that this is true in the jractice of medi cine where one side of the work is so immeasurably sad I have seen a baby that came after fifteen years oi waiting and hoping and was rejoiced over daily and hourly for u wonderful year suddenly struck down and gasp its little life out in a day with pneu monia These are the times when it hurts to be a doctor to find that all the knowledge that you possess all the skill at your command is as so much chaff before the wind To have a woman cling to you begging you to save her baby is an ordeal to which no human being can grow cal lous You must teel as though the brand of Cain were upon you when with all your efforts you cannot save the little life Not years nor experi ence can lighten hours such as these Autobiography of a Woman Physi cian in Everybodys Magazine Evening The sun is set the swallows are asleep The bats are ilittinj fast in the gray air The slow soft toads out of damp corners creep And evenings breath wandering here and there Over the quivering surface of the stream Wakes not one ripple from its summer dream There is no dew on the dry grass to night Nor damp within the shadow of the trees The wind is intermitting dry and light And in the inconstant motion of the breeze The dust and straws are driven up and down And whirled about the pavement of the town The chasm in which the sun has sunk is shut By darkest barriers of enormous loud Like mountain over mountain huftJled but Growing and moving upwards in a crowd And over it space of water blue When the keen evening star is shining through Percy Bysshe Shelley Perfect Health and Beauty Dr Paul Richter the recently ap pointed professor of anatomy in the Paris Ecole des Beaux Arts was for merly an assistant of the eminent specialist in nervous disorders Pro fessor Charcot at the Saltpetriere For him he made a number of sketches demonstrating hysterical sj mptoms While doing this work he was led to adopt the maxim thai there can be no perfect beauty with out perfect health Boycott American Shoes A boycott was declared lately by the shoemakers of Bogota refusing to repair in any way shoes of American manufacture having become alarmed at their cheapness and the hold they are getting on the markets of Colom bia H4Wllii4H HW 1 M frfr THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations Prom South Omnhfl and Kansas CItV 4 4Hw Hfr4HHH SOUTH OMAHA CATTLE There was a light run of cat tle and as a result the market was In could be quoted steady to strong ana feeder buyers all seemed to want a few cattle and the market on desirable grades better condition Packers as well as fairly active The few cars of cornfed steers offered sold readily at good stead prices as high at 55 15 being paid For the week the good to choice eornfeds are right around steady while the less de sirable grades are fully IOjISc lower with some warmed up grades ns muen as 15ff23c lower There were not many cows offered and as si few of the pack ers did -not get as many cows yesterday as they wanted owing to their extremely bearish tactics the market took on con siderable activity and could safely be quoted strong and in fact some sales showed an advance of TlOc The de mand from the country for stockers and feeders was again active 123 cars being shipped out which breaks all previous records this year Speculators took hold of the good cattle freely this morning and paid fully steady prices for them vhile the common to medium grades were a little slow but about steady For the week the best heavy cattle are not over lOgiGc lower while others are fully 132c lower HOGS There was just a fair run of hogs here and the market opened gen erally steady and fairly active The bulk of the early arrivals was disposed of in good season but some of the hogs that came in later did not meet with as good demand and had to sell a little weaker The bulk of the heavy hogs sold around 5G0 with some of the extremely heavy weights and especially those lacking in quality below that price Medium weights sold largely at I5C5 and lights up to 570 SHEEP Quotations for grass stock Choice western lambs 75fI500 fair to good lambs 45011475 choice yearlings S3COS385 fair to good yearlings J340 3C0 choice wethers 335360 fair to good ewes S2C5Ji2S0 choice feeder lambs 42JT450 fair to good feeder lambs J350403 feeder yearlings 325 ffrSKO feeder wethers 5300325 feeder ewes 51503250 KANSAS CITV CATTLE The market for cornfed cat tle was strong for wintered westerns strong quarantine dull and weak cows and mixed steady stockers and feed ers slow and weak Choice export and dressed bef steers lG0f525 fair to good S100J4CO stockers and feeders t2fKVTi410 western fed steers 5275ti450 Texas and Indian steers 250353 Texas cows 51 75225 native cows 125f350 native heifers J250T400 canners Sl030240 bulls 5130fi300 calves S2C0fifi00 HOGS Market steady to 5c lower top 5605 bulk of sales 565fi500 heavy 5550 ifioSO mixed packers S5C5fi5MI light 5 75fiG03 yorkers CC0U605 pig 555fi 5F5 SHEEP AND LAMBS Market strong to active native lambs 325fi550 west ern lambs 5290fi515 fed ewes 200fi375 Texas clipped yearlings 5250fi400 Texas clipped sheep 524Cfi375 stockers and feeders 5200350 PIONOCACY SOLD TO -JAPANESE Vessel Which Has Been in Chinese crs to be Destroyed WASHINGTON The navy depart ment received a cablegram from Rear Admiral Evans commanding the Asi atic station saying that he had in cepted the bid of Hashimoto a Japan ese merchant for the purchase of the Monocacy The purchase price was 11225 The Monocacay is now at Taku China It went to China soon after the close of the civil war and was present at the battle of Taku un der command of Commander F II Wise Under instructions from Rear Admiral Kempf who was in command of the American ships at Taku the Monocacy with other old vessels did not participate in this fight The Monocacy has had a somewhat checkered career It is a schooner rigged side wheel steamer and was built in Boston in 1S53 It outlived its usefulness many years ago After arriving on the Chinese coast and for several years past it has been lying quietly in a mud dock in the Pei Ho Admiral Evans was willing to sell without regard to the appraisement which was only 8000 Large Iron Works in Utah OGDEN Utah Senator Clark had a conference with Senator Kearns of Utah and Superintendent Wells of the San Pedro road It was practically decided that a branch road will be built from Lond on the San Pedro to the iron mines of Iron county Utah The fluxing ores will be used at the smelters at Murray and large iron works will be established in this valley Stern is Extradited TORONTO Ont In the extradition case of Leopold J Stern of Baltimore wanted in Washington in connection with the postal frauds Justice Win chester directed that Stern be deliver ed over to the United States authori ties for trial on the charge laid in the Information A Nebraskan Under Arrest DENVER Colo E A Bell who is said to have a number of aliases was arrested here charged with stealing a mail bag and forging the indorse ments on a number of drafts taken from It He is alleged to have opened an account with a bank at Lincoln Neb where he cashed the drafts se curing about 2500 Bell was ill at the county hospital here when the au thorities first located him but was not arrested until he left the hospital Tticro It moro Catarrh la ibis cctlsn of tho country ttinn ell other illsoiaei put tozother and until tio 1 last few yeuri vu auppoaed to lis Incurable For a Kreni many year uociore pronounced itnlocMCI eaie and prescribed local reraeillca nud y couMnutljr falling to cure with local troatmrnt pronounce J It Acuraltlo Eclonce hia proven catarrh to tc it on iMttulonal dtciuo nud therefore requires conitltu llonnl trcatraeut Halls Catarrh Cue innnufauturrd irKJ Chenoyd Co Toledo Ohio Is tho only con stitutional euro on tho market It Is tatea tnternilly n dotes from 10 drops to a teaspoonful It acu dl cctly on tho blood and mucous surfacoa of the ivstem They offer one hundred dollars f r any ctuo It falls to cur j Send for circulars and teatlmonlnW Addros F J CIIKXEV CO Toledo O Sold by IrurpttR 75c llulla Family 1llls are tho beat If beauty were taxable tho fair sex ivould never try to dodge the as sessor A gill uoesnt alvna strike a natch with a light headed young man Storekeepers report that the extra quantity together with tho superior quality of Defiance Starch makes It next to Impossible to sell any other brand Many a policemans beat seems to be on Easy street v The man who speaks ill of a woman s either a knave or a cad risos Cure for Consumption la an lnfnlllblo medicine for coughs and cnltK N W HAiicia Ocean Grove N J Feb 17 1000 The Merry Gorilla At a meeting of a society of wo men writers in London Mrs Kate Oouglas Wiggin Riggs told of tha number of children in various kinder garten establishments that had been named after her Thats nothing Baid an Englishwoman My friend Marie Corelli had race horse named after her and the jockeys persisted in calling it tho Merry Gorilla so she has to suffer that nickname from the knowing The Century Magazine The October Century has an at tractive cover by Leyondeckcr of a mounted hunter and dogs which gives i clue to the prevailing character of its contents for it is a sportsmans number containing with much other matter a group of articles on field sports relating to France Great Brit ain and America The democratic iradition in France is represented by an article When the French Presi dent Goes Hunting written and il lustrated by Andre Castaigne The aristocratic tradition is represented by Sterling Heiligs narrative With the Hounds of the Duchesse DUzes J M Gleeson the artist writes of Two British Game Parks Powers court in Ireland and Drummond Cas tle in Scotland and supplies pictures of both But the most practical and acceptable article to American sports men will ho a review of Field Sports of Today by Dwight W Huntington the well known writer on this subject When a man makes iove he is al ways interesting At other times he may be real prosaic Phil Mays Reply The English papers are full of an ecdotes of the late Phil May that brilliant English pen draftsman One of them describes him as at a supper party in London where he made an exquisite drawing on a menu card for the lady in whose honor the pary was given This was seen by a wealthy woman present who sent the waiter with a 1U note to the artist asking him to do a similar drawing for her Mr May disgusted at the womans impertinence took a gcod look at her and then made an appallingly truth ful caricature of her features on the back of the banknote which he re turned The Vigilant Turkish Censor The New York Outlook tells an amusing story illustrative of the vig ilance of the Turkish censorship There is a strict supervision over tel egramj A German engineer in the Lebanon placed an order with a Paris firm for some sort of a stationary en gine to be shipped to him as soon as possible The firm telegraphed to inquire how many revolutions a min ute he wanted He answered Five hundred revolutions a minute The next day he was arrested Brought into court the judge asked him if he lived in the Lebanon He replied that he did Do you correspond with such and such a firm in Paris Yes Ah cried the judge I know you You are the man who tel egraphed to Paris that there are 500 revolutions a minute in the Lebanon ITS A MISTAKE To Attribute Coffee Ills to Poor Grades of Coffee Many people lay all the blame for the diseases caused by coffee upon the poorer grades of coffee but this is an error as the following proves I have used every kind of the best grade of tea and coffee that can be got from a first class grocer but never found one that would not upset my nervous system and it was not until I began to drink Postum Food Coffee in place of coffee ana tea that I had relief from the terrific attacks of nervous sick headache from which I had suffered for 30 years I had tried all kinds of medicines but none helped me Soon after I stopped drinking cof fee and began to drink Postum tho headaches grew less and it was not long until I was entirely cured and I have never had a return of this dis tressing trouble for nowadays I never drink coffee but stick to Postum As soon as my wife saw what Pos tum had done for me sho gave up coffee which she had drank all her life This was six weeks ago and she is a changed woman for her ner vousness has all disappeared and her lace has become smooth and her cheeks have a good rosy red color She sleeps well too something she could never do while she drank cof fee We consider Postum a house hold necessity in my house and have induced many friends to try this wonderful food drink in place of cof fee Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Look In each package for a copy of jthe famous little book The Road to iWellvilie a k I y i li