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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1903)
s wnwwjttCiatfxgJwttrMiawcpiartaswm Ry F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation In Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C P A Lodffo No 012 meets first nnd third Thursdays of oncli month McConnolls hall 3W i m E B iluocu Probidont W S Quteu Secrotury ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodffo No i7 mofts on poconcl and fourth Mon day uToninKo of each month at uitjht oclock in McCoiincll liall H W Dfvoi IlloEtrioue Pro tector J C Mitciikmj Secretary ROYAL NEIGHBORS Noblo camp No 802 moots second and fourth Thursday aftor noons ntMS oclock in McConnolls hall Jinn Tuaii SiiiiEiiEUD Oracle Mhh Augusta Anton Recorder REPUBLICAN TICKET State For Justico of Supremo Court JOHN B BARNES of Madison For Regents of State Univorsity CHARLES S ALLEN of Lancaster WILLIAM O WHITMORE of Douglas - Judicial For Judgo Fourteenth Judicial District R C ORR of Hayes Center County County Clerk EJWILCOX Tronsuror B G GOSSARD Clerk of the District Court R WDEVOE Sheriff ACCRABTREE County Judge S L GREEN Superintendent EUGENE S DUTCHER Surveyor JAMES WILLIAMS County Assosbor F P ENO Coroner DR A C HARLAN Commissioner Second district SAMUEL PREMER Apropos of tho disgraceful frequency of divorces in America the attitude of the Roman Catholic and Episcopal churches on the divorce question are especially commendable and in the in terest of good moralsand tho sanctity of the marriage relation and vow The promise of President Stickney of the Great Western railroad to make Omaha a grain market and afford an opportunity for Omaha to establish a board of trade of her own threatens to stir up a railroad row of lively propor tions with the Burlington and North western in the fore front Just why Omaha is not entitled to the same con sideration in tho matter of grain rates and regulations that Kansas City enjoys is not made plain But the incident suggests the parody The hand that controls transportation in America rules the roost The Republican Ticket for 1903 The Republicans of Redwillow county can have no misgivings about the ticket they are called upon to support this fall From top to bottom the nominees are men well equipped for the offices they seek On the state ticket there is John B Barnes of Madison candidate for justice of the supreme court He is eminently qualified for the supreme bench Is a lawyer of the first class and a man of the highest type His election is cer tain Both of the men named for re gents of the university are citizens of academic attainment and high character graduates of the Nebraska univer sity and deeply interested in their great alma mater Their election is a fore gone conclusion On the judicial ticket armears our present judge Hon R C Orr who is giving satisfaction in the manner in which he is discharging the duties r f the high office of district judge He will succeed himself by the grace of a majority of the voters of the Fourteenth judicial district This brings us to the county ticket And here as in the state and judicial tickets we are highly favored in having able and excellent nominations for the several offices E J Wilcox the nominee for county clerk needs no introduction He has - m THE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE served the county efficiently and ac commodatingly in that office during the past two years which is a sufficient earnest of the fact that he will do so again And he will succeed himself be yond a perad venture The Republican nominee for treasurer Ben G Gossard has lived in Redwillow county since the year one and has in several official positions given the most unquestioned proof of his ability to con duct the office of treasurer to the high est satisfaction of tho people There is no better qualified man in the county Tho people of Redwillow county will take pleasure in elevating him from de puty to county treasurer in coming No vember R W Devoe the present deputy county clerk is the partys nominee for clerk of the district court A young man of excellent character and fine cleri cal attainments coupled with special legal knowledge to which he has been adding for some time ho has every qualification and many strong claims for the office His popularity and abili ties practically assure his triumphant election A C Crabtree our present sheriff was renominated without opposition and his reelfction is one of the assured facts of tho campaign He is a veteran officer and is thoroughly conversant with the duties of the shrievalty For county judge the present incum bent Dr S L Green is again before the people of Redwillow county The doctor is a member of tho old guard one of the early settlers of the county and of McCook He has conscientious ly discharged the duties of the office during the past term and the voters will see that his plurality is ample and to spare in November Eugene S Dutcher seeks to succeed himself in the office of county superin tendent and he doubtless will do that very thing He is competent and an earnest official who has well and wisely devoted himself to the school affairs of the county during his first term of office And by safely reelecting him the voters of the county will do themselves proud and do at the same time a distinct ser vice to the educational interests of the county James Williams will bo the next sur veyor of this county Mr Williams is an old settler of the Beaver slope is a conscientious and honorable citizen farmer He will fill the duties of his office to tho best of his ability and faith fully For the new office of county assessor the party wisely nominated an active and intelligent businessman F P Eno a Danbury merchant is the man He knows how and is credited with the courage of his convictions The Tri bune has no misgivings as to the man ner in which he will discharge the du ties of that new but highly important office Nor have we any fear as to his election Fortunately Redwillow county has littlo use for a county coronor Tho people are too healthy and law abiding as a rule to require the services of such an official but to provide against a possible emergoncy Dr A C Harlan was named Ho will bo elected and will give a good account of himself in any emergency Tho people of the Second commission er district placed in nomination one of the old standbys of that end of the county Samuel Premer is his name Ho is a substantial farmer citizen who will bring to the board of county com missioners good hard sense and reliable judgment He has long been a citizen of tho county and knows its needs ne has the stamina to do his duty to all tho people and for tho best interests of the entiro county No mistake will be made in adding him to the board which transacts the business of the county The Tribune submits to the voters of the county that nothing now remains but for them to do but to go to the polls on next election day and make the elec tion of the above ticket a certainty PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES It is not so much the number of books we read as it is their quality and the thoroughness with which we read them that profits us Lists of best books bavo been compiled by many authors A comparison of these will disclose a wide diversity of opinion as to what should be included and few readers however well or ill versed in book lore will be found to agree with any literator whatever his renown who presumes to name the books that all should know It is customary for the peoples of each country to maintain that of all men they are the most enlightened that their lan guage should be tho universal tongue that their literature is richer than any other In the absence of a tribunal to which such questions may be referred tho nations must be left to fight it out among themselves and as the war is one of words the victories are not de cisive In spite of what we conceive to be conclusive arguments in favor of our contention the Germans who are in all things an egotistical and aggressive race insist on the superiority of Goethe over Shakespeare The French profess to be able to name many authors to match any whom the English speak ing world has produced Even the Scandinavians and Italians have their own books and writers which to them seem better than any other Perhaps these sentiments are natural as each nation has its own traditions its own prejudices its own superstitions but when it comes to books the barriers that politics has raised between states should be what they in fact are imagin ary lines Wo should take and acknow ledge what is best from among tho worlds books to whatever race or age or nation their authors belonged Attempts have been made to limit the number of books that it is needful to know and it is remarkable with how few according to soYne of the most noted authorities we can do One man has said and he was not an orthodox Chris tian either that if one made himself thoroughly familiar with the Bible it was not necessary to read any other book A wonderful old volume it is too in many ways In the first place our version of it is written in tho purest of pure English There is nothing com parable with it not even Shakespeare in the language Its authors were our ancestors the men of the past from whom we trace direct descent That may be one reason it appeals so strongly to us Its stories wrirten as they were thousands of years ago are as modern as and more human than the latest novel on the book stalls Read carefully The Thompson Dry Goods Co offers the brightest collection of New Fall and Winter Goods they have ever shown Inspection invited I 11 Ef JlSSl 1 xLSm rfwll5 Best Ji4ViA - 1 1075 The adjoining cut shows the handsomest new Jacket on the mar ket Made of the fin est all wool melton lined with the best Skinner satin We are the exclusive agents Shown in black castor and blue 1075 Mercerized Petticoats Our line is the most tasty and desirable we have ever had Prices from 90c to 300 We invite your inspection of our new store and stock EagMPr rt mt IIP md Vr TJi Cft L7 JFjtaJt jQgfi rwEJwj M rJcotetr 33PS ii School Shoes Hah My hair was falling out very fast and I was greatly alarmed I then tried Ayers Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once Irs G A Mcvay Alexandria O HnailMHMMMWMHWMMMNIUMlllMaDi The trouble is your hair does not have life enough Act promptly Save your hair Feed it with Ayers Hair Vigor If the gray hairs are beginning to show Ayers Hair Vigor will restore color time every 100 a bottle Alt drujjlsts If our diuercist cannot supply you send us one dollar and uo will express you a bottle lie sure and give the name of our nearest express otluo Address J C A YEli CO louoii Jiass the book of Job and see if you do not think so The Anglo Saxon should know Shako speare The Bible is a translation has lost something doubtless of its original charm in the process Shakespeare us ed the words that we speak and write We can appreciate these delicate touches which to a foreigner must be unintelligible These two books are a library in themselves Within their covers is found all the knowledge we need to know except what we can gather from association with men our chiefest source of information after all and from observation of nature or as Browning calls it tho ranged expanse BOX ELDER Wind and dust have been in order the last few days Mrs J A Modrell visited with Mrs M S Satchell Tuesday J E Moore of Blue Hill this state is hero looking after his interests Miss Eliza Johnson commenced a six months term of school in the Masters district last Monday Box Elder circuit was left without a minister this year but word has been received from Elder Hardaway promis ing us one in the near future Word has been received from J B Johnson and wife since their return home to Piattsmouth that everything was green and nice and no frost yet Rev Satchell returned last Monday from Lexingtou where he has been at tending conference He has been ap pointed to Culbertson Rev Satchell has filled the pulpit at this place for three years and is well liked by the peo ple who wish him success in his new field Married at the home of Mr and Mrs I II Harrison Sunday October 4th their daughter Miss Maude to William Kreaman of Friend H H Berry of Mc Cook officiating The happy couple re ceived many nice and useful presents They leave in a few days for their home near Friend Maude grew from child hood to womanhood in this vicinity and leaves many friends who wish her and her husband much happiness and pros perity Beautiful Complexions Are spoiled by using any kind of pre paration that fills the pores of the skin The best way to secure a clear complex ion free from sallowness pimples blot ches etc is to keep the liver in good order An occasional dose of Herbine will cleanse the bowels regulate the liver and so establsh a clear healthy complexion 50c at A McMillens The Tribune Only SI 00 per year Value of an Experiment It is difficult to fix tho valuo of an ex periment Tho results or absonco of re sults many times dotermine tho profit or loss in certain methods A thinker evolves an idea and an oxperimont or several of them determines whether or not tho idea is worth anything Ideas are much needed in improving methods of farming as anything else and in few cases has it been more strikingly shown than on tho Farmers Advocato Experi ment Farm during tho past season A field of wheat was drilled in with a mod ern press drill placing tho seed nearly 3 inches below the surface In adjacent fields tho grain was drilled shallow or sown broadcast and harrowed or discod in During the spring while tho wheat was small and beforo tho ground was well shaded there camo some hot weather that threatened sovero damage or destruction to tho crop Tho ground dried to a considerable depth and wide cracks appeared Evaporation was go ing on rapidly and the vitality of the young plants was being affected The farmer in charge started tho harrows on the young wheat Tho neighbors pre dicted ruin and the entire destruction of the crop It is true harrows pulled out some a small portion of the wheat but the whole was suffering from loss of moisture and nothing but a harrow would pulverize tho surface and check tho evaporation Tho question was whether it was better to lose a few plants or lose tho vitality of all and tho farmer decided tho former was the lesser risk The grain was drilled deep enough so that the loss was small while in the adjacent fields tho broadcast sowing or shallow drilling mado harrow ing at this time unsafe or impossible NOW FOR RESULTS Adjacent fields with old methods yielded about 15 bushels per acre or less while tho Experiment Farm crop in stead of being destroyed by harrowing gave a yield over 22 bushels per acre Tho seed wheat in this particular field was not the best owing to a mistake of a hired man and it is thought that if the seed had been properly selected the yield would have reached 30 bushels or double that in unharrowed fields Farmers Advocate Mr C Vincent editor of The Farm ers Advocate Omaha Neb and Tope ka Kan was in the city last Tuesday directing the work of fall seeding on their Experiment Farm in Coleman township He has procured a special seed cleaner for preparing tho seed wheat It was removed to the farm on Wednesday One of tho celebrated Schlachter grain drills is ordered and will be in operation next week The grain yield on this farm for the past season was 7 to 10 bushels more per aero than in adjacent fields and Mr Vincent ascribes this result solely to the meth ods of culture adopted He is confident that with better prepared seed and his new and improved machinery he will be able to make a still better showing next year The Tribune welcomes all care fully directed agricultural experimental work It demonstrates the possibilities that are within the reach of western Nebraska and Kansas and we are pleas ed to have a leading agricultural jour nal take the initiative and interest it self in such manner in the development of the west Dieting Invites Disease To cure dyspepsia or indigestion it is no longer necessary to live on milk and toasts Starvation produces such weak ness that the whole system becomes an easy prey to disease Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all of the wholesome food that one cares to eat and is a never failing cure for indiges tion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodol digests what you eat makes the stomach sweet Sold by L W McCon nell MMBWriraaaS f i -a M fc2 mm f lm TftE Pi ciovr fiTTitfG iTt THETHOriPSON DRY GOODS CO ONE PRICE PLAIN FIGURES CASH ONLY jr -- ffiiSJ I 1 1 iMWijS ARK 1 14 iliflli Wrappers We are headquartersfor fleece lined and other wrappers beginning at 75c for very good fleeced ones trimmed with braid up to 3 jTgaagacsM1 JMU srcsggassszzs Hl F D BURGESS Plumber end Steam Filler Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Haljiday Waupun bclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA ITJasSBPsSNflBBSfiJBv T Blue Front Fine Turnouts Either Single or Double Phone 3G Kear Palmer House McCook Nebraska W H ACKERMAN Prop Are To I MHHHBMMIBHgMniHHHnBHHBM Curtains and Portieres If you buy lace and bobinet curtains without investigating our offerings you will have cause to re gret it Price 70c pair to 500 pair Portieres from 190 to 500 pair p Per GEORGE E THOMPSON i t SfffflMJdrVMMrei t i jv15 II MUSI Boy Say Pa what do they mean by saying Penny wise and pound foolish Father Why its where a man loses a dollar to save a nickel Boy Well Pa were you that way when you let your hogs all die because you did not want to pay out money for Liquid Koal that James Cain sells so much of Father Johnnie dont talk so much Iriton Nov 23 1002 This is to certify that I used L K siud am well jiIisispiI with it I only hail six hogn et hick after using it and before usinjr it I had from two to four set sick each day I can cheerfullj recommend it and would ad vise any one who lias bos cholera among bis hogs to givo it a trial F F Faringer One hundred dollars deposited in the following banks for any one who finds any of the testimonials we pub lish from time to time are not genu ine City National Bank York Neb Sheldon State Bank Sheldon Iowa Oklahoma Trust and Banking Co Oklahoma City O T MANUFACTURED BY NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY Sheldon Iowa York Nebraska Uklalioma Uity U X For Sale by James Cain Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store Phone No 20 McCook Neb Use according to directions and if it does not prove satisfactory your money back PRICE One Quart Can One Gallon S100 300 Window Shades Curtain poles sash rods curtain pulls chain and cord loops all at the lowest cash prices Shades 25c and up In their New Store East Side of Main Street amwia 1 suriai JWJ J k v j BBaBT tin y IHI I BBBBCSIgB lltWIWIIITWU MOMPMn ima sy the Model t r J V 4 1 4 t o f f 1 w