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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1903)
I fcl ft rag IIP U it fetf 1 k nvmw nmj Arc Most Women in Summer is a Tonic of Efficiency MORRIS 236 Carroll St JOSEPHINE N Y writes Peruna is a fine medicine to take any time of the year but I have found it espec ially helpful to withstand the wear and tear of the hot weather I have taken it now for two summers and feel that it has kept my system free from malaria and also kept me from having that worn out dragged out look which so many women have I therefore have no hesitancy in saying that I think it is the finest tonic in the world Josephine Morris Peruna is frequently -used as a mitigation of the effects of hot weather What a bath is to the skin Peruna is to the mucous membranes Bathing keeps the skin healthy Peruna makes the mucous mem branes clean and healthy With the skin and mucous membranes in good working order hot weather can be withstood with very little suffering Frequent bathing with an occasional use of Peruna is sure to mitigate the horrors of Right Alon A good thing lives and takes on new life and so 3g To prove tho healing- and cleanslnjr power of lxxtlno Toilet Antiseptic we Will mail a large trial package with lxolc of instructions absolutely free This is not a tiny sample but a large package enough to con vince anyone of its value Women all over tho country are praisinp Paxtine for wUat it has done in local treat ment of female Ills curing all inflammation and discharges wonderful as a cleansing vaginal douche for sore throat nasal catarrh as a mouth wash and to remove tartar nnd whiten the teeth Send today a postal card will do SoIdbydracjURtsorKentpostpaldbyns 50 citfl l xrgo box Satisfaction Kuarantecu TUB R 1AXTON CO Boston Mass JJ1 1 Columbus Am F A RMERS2 We make sll kinds of tanks Red Cypress or White Pine Write us for prices and save middle mans profit WOODEN PACKAGE MFG CO OMAHA NEBRASKA Dont forget when you order starch to get the best Get DEFIANCE No more yellow looking clothes no more cracking or breaking W doesnt stick to the iron It gives satis faction or you get your money back The cost is io cents for 16 ounces of tne best starch made Of other starches you get but 12 ounces Now dont forget Its at your grocers riASUPACTUREDBY fc THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO OMAHA NEB FREgJ 31 VMijm TRADE fefcx3 MARK BftMtt WORN OUT DRAGGED OUT Mrs Tressie Nelson 422 Broad St Nashville Tenn writes A3 Peruna has done me a world of good 1 feel in duty bound to tell of It In hopes that it may meet the eye of some woman who has suf fered as I have For five years I really did not know what a perfectly well day was and If I did not have headache I had backache or a pain some where and really life was not worth the effort I zzizde to keep goirg A good friend advised mi to use Peruna and I was glad to try any thing and I am very pleased to say that six bottles made a new woman of me and I have no more pains and life looks bright again Mrs Tressie Nelson r tyirsJrfisie Nelson j fjyAi arvyy 111 IS 4 J m MWw hot weather Many ladies have discovered that the depression of hot weather and the rigors they have been in the habit of at tributing to malaria quickly disappear when they use Peruna This is why Pe runa is so popular with them Peruna provides clean mucous membranes and the clean mucous membranes do the rest If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio 100183 P0WDEB There is no Beauty that can stand tho disfigurement of or3 teeth Tako care of your teeth Only one way 3S3 SHOES HE You can save from 3 to 5 yearly by wearing W L Douglas 350 or 3 shoes They equal those that have been cost ing you from S400 to 500 Tho im mense sale of W L Douglas shoes proves their superiority over all other makes Sold by retail shoe dealers everywhere Look for name and price on bottom That Douglas nes Cor onaColt proves there is Talue in Douglas shoes Corona Is the highest grade PatLeatiter made I Fast Color huclrls usfd yzf isz 5 m9rV VS- ft A33e Our 4 Gilt Edaa tins cannot be eaualtedat ami ntiro Shoes by mail 25 cents extra Illustrated Catalog free w DOUGLAS Brockton JIass mmmmmmtmaaimfam Bathing In Missouri A traveling man alighted from a train and covered with the dirt and dust of travel made his way to the best hotel In a southwest Missouri town the other day As he handed the porter his grips he told him he wanted to take a bath The negro boy hesitated a moment and then replied Sorry sah but we aint got no bath in this heah house How do you people bathe asked the guest Well sah returned the negro in de summah time we all goes out to de East Fork and ducks in the creeK and in de wintah time we jes waits fo de good olde summah time Kansas City Star No Labor Party There Senator Walker told a story during a recent debate in the upper house of the commonwealth on the policy of a white Australia A mission ary in China was endeavoring to con vert one of the natives Suppose me Christian me go to heaven remark ed Ah Sin Yes replied the mis sionary All right retorted the heathen but what for you no let Chinaman into Australia when you let him into heaven Ah said the missionary with fervor theres no la bor party in heaven Physicians to Beasts It is uelieved that in all cases pup pies are born blind A millionaire uog fancier has two trat were not only born blind but have remained so He values them at 500 each At first it was oecided to send them to a vet erinary surgeon for treatment The matter was discussed pro and con The veterinary it was suggested treats only horses and coVs he knows nothing of dogs Singularly enough notwithstanding there are aogs a plenty worth 10000 each we have no famous dog doctors It is still more strange that we have many horses that are valued at from 30 000 to 75000 and have never had a great veterinary surgeon There are cows in the herds of Morton Rocke feller Twombly and Havemeyer worth 20000 each but Ave have no celebrated cow doctors Last year one of these animals was taken with a colic and an ordinary everyday physician -was sent for He cured the cow and his fee was 300 Only a fool attempts to measure tho enjoyment of others by his own I Found It So McCormick 111 Sept 28 Miss Ethel Bradshaw of this place has writ ten a letter which is remarkable for the character of the statements it contains As her letter will be read with interest and probably with profit by many women it has been thought advisable to publish it in part Among other things Miss Bradshaw says I had Kidney Trouble with the various unpleasant symptoms which always come with that disease and I have found a cure I would strongly advise all who may be suffering with any forfn of Kidney Complaint to use Eodds Kidney Pills a remedy which I have found to bo entirely satisfac tory This remedy is within the reach of all and it is all that it is recom mended to be I found it so and there fore feel it my duty to tell others about it Dr Dunaway of Benton 111 uses Dodds Kidney Pills in his regular practice and says they are the best medicine for Kidney Troubles He claims they will cure Diabetes in the last stages Things Royalties Eat The German emperor is particularly fond of thrush salmi a kind of stew made of thrushes Queen Wilhelmina of Holland prefers roast joints and the King of Spain likes underdone beef Custards are the favorites of the King of Italy while cod fried in oil finds favor with the Czar of Rus sia and mutton is chosen by the president of the French republic The grandfather of the King of Italy had a peculiar taste for a monarch he preferred bread and cheese and used to carry it about with him even to the opera King Edward has a special lik ing for well cooked mutton chops Mrs WInslows soormnpr syrnp For children teething softens tho Kumt reduces In flammation allays pain cures wina colic 2jc a bottle Remember that difficulties are only made to be overcome Fools do not change tlmr minds Wise men see the error of their ways When You Buy Starch buy Defiance nnd got tho best 10 oz for 10 cents Once used nhvavs used Submission is the secret of spiritual strength The more chicks a hen has the mor9 she hates the hen who has still more I am sure Plsos Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago Mrs Thos Roddlns Maple Street Norwich N Y Tcb 17 1000 There is no self satisfaction in sal vation Many a mans nose blushes for the acts of his elbow IF TOO USE BAXjI blue Get Red Cross Ball Bine the best Brtll Blue Large 2 oz package only 5 cents There are lazy men in business but there are no lazy business men A life line is better than a speaking trumpet any day There are no necessary evils in a righteous world Some men get tight because they screw up their courage with liquor jkfu uui nuuuuiu sv St JliCO B S9 X keeps right along curing Paias and Aches Price 25c end 50c EEsBssSSSf J1 BY R K The domestic servant never blos somed more brightly and conspicuous ly in every possible point of view than she does at the present time That she challenges criticism and actually disarms it is a fact that is quite as well known as that one and one make two That she is anxiously awaiting an opportunity for mental and intellectu al development cannot bo denied by the most skeptical people in the land be they employers or not if they will but take sufficient interest in the mat ter to give it but a superficial glance in passing It must bo admitted by the most prejudiced person that the serving damosel reveals ordinary am bition when she avails herself of every opportunity to practice upon her mistress piano or mandolin Therefore she should be encour aged to develop her musical talents in the hope that she may ripen into a fireside genius capable of rendering Spohr and Schumann in such a man ner as to cause her to frown on the policeman and tie butchers acolyte and at the same time teach her to put a finer quality of energy into the cen trifugal stroke under which the buck wheat cake leaps into ineffable beauty and the pork and beans sparkle until to the astronomical mind they are the A ery Castor and Pollux of the kitchen It should be the duty of every member of every womans club from one end of the country to the other to provide a clavier for her cook to practice upon and to impress the importance of this move upon all her friends to the end that the in tellectual side of the pot and kettle Joan of Arcs romantic nature may have an opportunity to develop along intellectual lines Czar Gold On a glorious spring morning toward the close of May 2C0 years ago a momentous historic event took place in a very quiet way with not even a chronicler to describe the de tails Woodland water and a cloud less sky formed the framework of the picture the foreground of which was occupied with a number of boats sailing on the surface of a broad river and manned with warriors fierce-look ing oddly dressed and wrangling among themselves in loud tones They were the famous Bombardier regi ment which had achieved feats of prowess a few weeks before during the battle with the Swedes and their captain was the most imposing fig ure of them all sitting in the prow of a stout vessel ahead of the rest The weather was bright and bracing and the breeze caused the face of the blue broad Neva to wrinkle as it lost itself in the Finnisli gulf The cap tain stood with his back to the sea gazing at the smiling islands in front which were literally covered with dense forests indeed had it not been for the noisy tongued men on the boats he might have fancied himself in a country theretofore unvisited by man The whole district Swedish down to a couple of weeks before had recently been taken by the Russian troops The captain now landed on the most pleasantly situated and at tractive of the islands and with a When the America won the first in ternational yacht race at Cowes Eng land fifty two years ago the world little knew at the time that on a farm as Point Pleasant Bristol R I two children were playing who would give yachting and rapid navigation generally an all round far reaching impetus such as in all the wide world they had never felt before The elder John B Herreshcff a sandy haired blue eyed earnest looking boy of ten although foredoomed to a life of blindness could then see and had already begun to whittle out pretty toy boats Only three or four years later he built his first boat for ac tual use which was considered a marvel of beauty and speed At fif teen his eyesight failed him forever but he would not let anything dis courage him so he continued to study boats and to build them too The younger Nat a rather reddish-haired ruddy faced roguish toddler of three at the time of the Cowes con test was noted chiefly for an irrepres sible inclination to run away to the shore near by at every favorable op portunity and lie down on his back n the sand and kick his heels exult antly in the water He was found jften asleep in this position by his anxious mother one chubby hand lasping a wisp of seaweed the other full of wet sand with the rising tide vashing his bare feet Whenever he was missing he was first sought for m the shore where if he was awake and saw that his movements were Vomen Wage Earners The percentage of wage earners who are females is in the United jjtates 14 in Germany 25 in Eng land 25 in Italy 40 and in Austria 47 1 42 Marcus 01 M J4ati6ful S- Servant Girl latest M UNKITTRICK This departure should be followed by a course each in Browning and Emerson When she can read and appreciate like a Bostonlan the Sage of Con cords My Garden she will slice the cucumbers with a rarer uniform ity and skin the potatoes with a finer cense of economy as regards the thick ness of the peelings She will realize that string beans do not grow upon strings and that bean poles havent roots also that breakfast food is not as a rcle predigested on the vine When she has learned to find pleas ure in Emerscn and Browning give her a course in Omar Khayyam until her haughty spirit reeks with Persian pomp and philosophy and she wakes to the fact that the policeman is a mere myrmidon that the afternoon off is a delusion and a snare and that on attempt to borrow her mistress hat even when successful is a tri umph so called that proves upon an alysis to be Jiollower than the hollow est mockery Teach her to piay moonlight sona tas on the mandolin if you would have your coffee made aright and further more teach her to appreciate the luminous beauty that will live forever in the rippling gold of Andrea del Sar to if you would have your liver and bacon dance hand in hand in your fancy to the Dorian mood of flutes and soft recorders But in refining her with music and literature that she may become a cul inary thing of beauty and a joy until her last month is up and not con tinue to be the mere romantic beast of burden she is to day look to it that you do not let an accordion or a copy of any cook book fall into her incar nadined and freckled hands New York Times ed fey Eagle few of his officers was making his way to the center when a curious sound in the air above arrested his attention Looking up he beheld a great eagle flapping its wings noisily soaring up to a dizzy height and then swiftly des cending to a spot not far from where he stood He did not then know that it was a bird tamed by the men who were wont to load the boats with tim ber but looked upon its appearance as a good omen for his undertaking Seizing a bayonet therefore he cut out two sods of the turf placed them one on the other like the beams of a cross then made a wooden cross from two boughi and pressing it into the sods exclaimed In the name of Jesus Christ let there be a church on this spot and let its name be those of the chief apostles Peter and Paul And it was all he had said The church with its golden spire now surmounts the terrible fortress in which many political prisoners have perished miserably and the city around it is St Petersburg for the Captain of the Bombardiers was Peter the Great Such is the legendary tale of the foundation of the northern Palmyra which is said to have been jotted down by an officer of the corps at the time and to have been laid in a gold casket which still lies among the foundations of the fortress tee Sea noted he would generally spend his time in watching passing ships or sailing chips or toy boats When older grown he attended the primary intermediate and grammar schools and later the high school under the principalship of Thomas W Bicknell now living in Providence who says he was always well behavod and studiou only an ordinary pupil in grammar reading spelling or his tory but bright in physical geography algebra geometry and chemistry and remarKably keen in natural philos ophy At this time he was tall for his age thin rather slender some what loosely built and had a notice able forward inclination of the head which became more and more pro nounced from a habit he hau of close ly watching rivals in his many boat races craning his neck in order to see them from under his boom Mr Bicknell says that the mother of the young Herreshoffs although a very busy woman managed to visit the high school two or three times a ncciv un an avciaijtf aim UllCOlirageU t her children some of whom were I blind in all ways possible My motner said John B Herreshoff to 1 the writer in 1899 is eighty eight and still enjoys good health If I have one thing more than another to be thankful tor it is for her care in childhood and her sympathy through Hie She is one of the best of mothers and I feel that I owe her a debt I can never repay She has since died Success German Bank Capital The aggregate capital of 122 Ger man banking institutions is according to the German Economist 354250 000 More than half of this capitrI is located in Berlin A New Gtory About Sedan To commomorato tho heroic but hopeless cnargoa of tho French cav alry at the battle of Sedan u monu ment is to bo erected on tho nnot where tho division of General Mar guerite molted away tinder tho firo of tne German Infantry and artillery M Emilo Guillaume the sculptor has undertaken the work and tho monu ment will be erected by public sub scription At tho roquost of General do Galliffet General Favorot who wna In the last charge wrote his recol lections of it One would Imaglno that little or nothing now could bo told to the world about the battlo of Sedan but iho gcncMi iivb boiiiu details which are noteworthy Among them there Is one episode which es caped the pencils of tho painters of battlo pictures When the division of General Marguerite which rushed upon the Prussian columns was shat tered and broken by tho terrible firo of the needle gun and of the artillery a fragment of it under General do Galliffet passed In front of the Prus sian reserves and came close to tho Eighty first Nassau battalion Tho German olllcer commanding that bat talion in admiration of the bravo fellows gave the order to ceauo fir ing The French officers saluted and the Germans returned the salute and r heercd Defiance Starch ihonld bo In ovcry household none so good besides 4 oz xnoro for 10 cents than any other brand of cold wiurr htisrch A Non Resident Mayor From affidavits on file in Washing ion it would appear that Mayor Mul ins of Butte has no right to tho po sition he occupies not being a citizen af Montana Ho owns 300 acres of valuable land in Idaho which lie ac quired under a desert land law The iffidavits cover a period of five years and Mullins states under oath that he wan a resident of Boise Id and a far mer by occupation As late as Oc tober 4 1102 he made an affidavit on final proof In which he set up Boise as his residence and all previous af fidavits from the time of entry Sep tember 19 18fS Those affidavits it is contended by Mavor Mullins po litical opponents invalidate his elec tion as mayor of Butte whprc rosl lence and citizenship is inquired by aw as qualification of municipal of Scials Deafness Cannot be Cured y local appHeitlonH xs they cannot rem i tlic df taied orttin ur the car Tunc it oul one way to ure ICdfneaimd tliit lx liy ioitltrUijml rutnudliy Joafnefiii Is uiiKcd ly an Inflamed condition of tho iiucouh lining of th Liittachlxn Tune When thin ulio la inllittncd yu fir o riiiniill toind or lin icrfert licsrtnir nnd when It ts oniln ly clon d Ic ir IC33 Is the result mid unlets the IniUininailon un l sken out nnd tlU tu o restore i to in normal con titlon hearing wll ho destroj ed A Ine i af n Ut of ten rro cniisrd by diarrh w htrli Is noihlzii hut ji Inll iricd condition of the morons mirfaern V will kUo One Hundred DoMirH for nay ccso of JeifneM ransnl hy ularrin tliit cannot he cured y Halls Catarrh Cnra Send for Ircnlars lreo 1 1 ciILNtY d CO Toledo O Sold liy PniRsIts llals Ijimlly Tills arc the best Small Cap Shatter Many of General Shatters older acquaintance- occasionally call him Small Cap Shaft or a name which originated at a banquet in Denver si ood many years ago In one of the oral papers a list of guests was given ill the names being put in small cap tals Through a printers error Shaf ers name was set up in ordinary let ers and the proofreader marked it small cap in the usual way Tho oinpositcr was from the fotntry and jnacquainted witi marks used Iy oroof readers en daily papers so he nserted Small Cap before Shatters lame That is why Small Cap Shaf er appeared among the army list of quests Do Your Clothes Look Yellcv Then use Defiance Starch it vill keep them white 10 oz for 10 cents A straight ticket is one with all tltn rooked candidates left off Sometimes its the man who doesnt hesitate that gets lost Stops trio Coujih and Works CuNl Laxative lironio Quinine Tnblets Prca25c Born diplomats handle the truth with care Christ is the first man who dared face the future The Best Results in Starching ran lie obtained only by nsing Defiance atarch besides getting 4 oz more for game money no cooking required Tts a fortunate thing for some mens wives that they never marry An obnoxious form of light litera ture is the gas bill vnriov7 cLOTnr5 v s unsightly Keep them whitewithltedf rowBallBlne A11 grocers sell large Ji oz package a cents The millennium like most good hings is in no hurry about butting itt Two heads are undoubtedly better than one in a drum JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOR makes top of the market butter L isten well answer cautiously de cide promptly There is nothing so valuable and yel so cheap as politeness Insist or Setting it Some grocers say they dont keep De fiance Starch TMr is Wiiia - itock on hand of other brands containing only 12 oz in a package which they wont be able to sell first because Defiance con tains lfi oz for the name money Do you want 10 oz instead of V2 oz for same monoy Then buy Defiance Starch Requires no cookiajc Always know more than you are ex jerted to know CjTO Troawornerroijaecsatea i I J O flrrt day ne of Dr Knne Oreat Verve Jlestor sr bund for FKKK 8200 trial exit ami tresti Da R H Kline Ltd SCX Arch Street i There are more fugitives from in justice tkan there are from justice You cannot escape necessity nwf you may overcome it It is easier to keep out of a qitarreJ than to get out of one