Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1903)
iw A M V 1 m m c St k A - v - TWENTY SECOND YEAR Gave Us a Great Scare McCook experienced the greatest fire scare in years last Friday ufternoon be tween five and six oclock W T Coleman had a force of men placing tar on the roof of his part of tho Workman Temple building They bad the kettle of tar and tho gasoline stove for melting tho tar up on tho roof tho gasoline stovo being in a box to protect it from tho wind A sudden whiff of tho gale which prevailed during tho af ternoon especially set fire to the tar which boiling over melted the gasoline stove which falling apart lot tho gaso line out and ovor tho tarred roof The firo spread quickly over the roof but by hard and quick work tho workmen on the roof succeeded in extinguishing this part of tho firo This would have closed tho incident had not tho box which en cased tho gasoliuo stovo caught fire and communicated the flumes to tho wood work under tho tin roof Then com menced tho real battle The firo de partment took an energetic hand in the proceedings as soon as they arrived on the scene Holes were made in the roof at different points and for a half hour or more two streams of water were poured into the space under tho tin roof The fire was finally completely extinguished and everybody drew a long breath of re lief lor doubtless a firo tho most seri ous perhaps in McCooks history would have resulted had the firogotton beyond control at tho starting point with such a gale of wind prevailing The loss from the fire itself was not heavy Perhaps S will cover that but the damage by water was quite heavy The damage to the building was about S The loss and damage to stock was about Both build ing and stock were adequately covered by insurance The store room occupied by J A Wilcox Son was also damaged by water but their stock sustained very small loss fortunately There was also a slight loss to stock in Pade Sons furniture store Under New Management Tho Palmer hotel opened on Tuesday morning under new management Mrs J T Kendlen on that morniog taking charge of the house under a lease James Rooney retiring from the management of the hostelrie and devoting himself to his Holdrege house the Hampton house Mrs Kendlen assumes charge with line business and entertaining qualifica tions to support her in the large under taking of making the Palmer house a popular resort for the public and will succeed The notel is well provided with mod ern equipment steam heat electric calls electric lights free buses to and from all trains is furnished in good style and under the clever and obliging and wise management of Mrs Kendlen will at once take front rank among the hotels of this section of Nebraska Cash Sugar Beet Premiums On October 31st I will give cash prem iums at my store as follows for the heav iest and largest sugar beets grown on upland and for the same grown on low labd The first cash premium will be 300 second 8200 on upland beets The first cash premium for low land beets will be S300 second 200 Beets are to be delivered and placed on exhibition at my store on or before Saturday October 31st Bring in your beets and let us make an exhibition that will be attract ive and that will at the same time show the possibilities of this country as a great sugar beet growing land W T Coleman Alex Bergeron the well known piano tuner and repairer is here from Denver this week and at your service Leave orders at Suttons jewelry store They will be promptly attended to It is our desire to please you and we can if you will come in and give us an opportunity of showing you the latest designs in cut glass at Colemans The largest line of steel ranges in the city and at the lowest prices at W T Colemans Remember W T Colemans offer of prizes for largest sugar beets See par ticulars in another column Mrs O Osburn dressmaker Rooms upstairs over Zint Menards millinery store 10-9-1 mo Knipple will have a carload of Colo rado cabbage on sale Saturday at 140 per 100 Be sure and attend J H Grannis special sale on ladies and childrens shoes Anybody can take pictures with a kodak Call at Cone Bros and see them - Glass paints oils and wall paper at McMillens Why dont you get the Habit MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Rex Duncan is down from Curtis this week Mb Doank the base ballist is visit ing in the city John Kummeb is now reported to bo getting along quite well Marion Powell was out from Lin coln this week on business FfMiss Blanche McCakl is up from Lincoln to remain over Sunday Mns O R Amick and mother of Has tings visited McCook relativesthis week Mbs F E Bbigneb went down to Holdrege Tuesday to visit a few days A P Thomson and Matt wont down to Omaha last Friday night on busi ness Mn and Mbs Sawyeb and Miss Kate expect to leave tonight for Iowa on a visit Mbs James Brady arrived home last week from her visit to her son Ed in Denver Mb and Mrs A Babnett are taking in the festivities in Omaha this week A P Thomson and family expect to locate in Omaha whore he is to engage in business O M Knipple is having a kitchen addition built to his new home tho En gel residence II C Young a Lincoln lawyer had business in tho city and this part of the state Monday R D Dbulineb was down from Ben kelman first of tho week a few days on personal affairs Grant Schopp our left handed twirler of the season of 1903 returned to f the city first of tho week Mbs T L Pabk who has been visit ing her sister Mrs H A Beale departed on Thursday night for Kansas City H W Keyes J V Harrison and A A Gamsby of Indianola were business pilgrims to tho county capital Monday C H Meeker has been in Fort Mor gan Colorado on business connected with the new water works part of the week Mb and Mrs Milo Pate have return ed to the city from Filley arriving here on Sunday evening last perhaps to re main Mrs Anthony Clark of Oxford and Miss Millio Slaby of Republican City were guests of Mrs V H Solliday Saturday last J M Billings departed on 2 Mon day morning for Kansas City via Con cordia Kansas to resume work in the shops in that city Mbs George Willetts was among the P E O sisters in Lincoln this week at the supremo gathering of the mysterious sisterhood Mbs J E Kelley and Mrs W P Bross departed on 2 Monday morning for Omaha where they have been spending the week Mbs A C Ebert went east last week to be gone a number of weeks to visit relatives of hers and of her hus bands in Chicago and in Columbus Ohio Db and MbsPeter Boyle will leave today for Davenport on a visit to their daughter Mrs T B Stutzman They will visit here briefly on their way back to Denver Miss Genevieve Feeney was called down to Hasiings Thursday morning to attend the funeral of a little niece who died in Denver a few days previously She will return close of week Miss Elizabeth Thomson came up from Lincoln Saturday to see the fam ily and to attend a special meeting of the P E O that night She departed for Lincoln on Sunday morning Db E H Watebs John and Mary spent last Saturday in the city visiting former friends The doctor was greatly impressed and pleased with McCooks indubitable evidences of solid growth and prosperity C F Elliott and family of Grant precinct will depart on coming Monday for their new home at Trenton Missouri The Tbibune wishes them prosperity down in old Missouri He still retains interests in Redwillow county and we confidently expect them back in due time L R Cobbin of Indianola chairman of the Republican county central com mittee was in the city Wednesday on his way home from a trip over the couu ty in the interest of the county ticket He reports everything in satisfactory condition and the prospects bright for a Republican victory all along the line Even the wheat crop indicates that this is a Republican year SsX Ducks Are Flying South g This ought to remind you of the cold north winds and the fact that you will need a good heating stove Coles Hot Blast or the Riverside Oak with ventiduct that warms every part of the room alike havo no equals It will pay you to see them W T Coleman White Pine and Tar the best cough cure sold only by Cone Bros S 5JMfflfcte tsiitj5 J v A Sad and Sudden Death Fireman Frank M Kirchner passed away at the rooming house of Mrs Blanding lust Friday afternoon be tween five and six oclock aftor a short but painful illness with inflammation of tho bowels Ho was but 24 years of age Kirchner was taken ill at Akron but a few days before his death while going up town from the depot after making tho run to that point He was appar ently in his usual good health and at tempted to engage in running race with a fellow railroad man up tho street He had not gone far when he stopped and complained of pain in tho bowels He was removed to tho hotel and medical assistance summoned A specialist from Denver was brought down to Ak ron Not being relieved Kirchner was brought to McCook and medical skill was summoned from other cities but all to no purpose While tho fire alarm was pealing out its startling tones last Friday afternoon his soul took its flight Tho remains were taken over to Hern don Kansas Saturday last for burial tho body being hauled overland in the hearse from Pados undertaking estab lishment Funeral services were held in Ilerndon Sunday where interment wasalso made The father sister and brothers of the deceased were present at his death and accompanied the remains over to Hern don where the last sad rites were paid They have the greatest sympathy in the sad loss they havo sustained so sudden ly and unexpectedly Deceased was highly esteemed by his fellow railroadmen and by all others who knew him Up until the day of his ill ness he was a robust and energetic young man with apparently long and vigorous life before him Presiding Elder of North Platte District Rev L H Shumate of the Methodist church of our city is being warmly con gratulated this week upon his appoint ment as presiding elder of the North Platte district with headquarters at North Platte While the appointment may be a surprise to many to his more intimate friends in tho city and valley it is no surprise but is regarded as a fit ting recognition of his abilities ander vice in the work of tho church He will enter upon the work of his appointment October 17th and his initial visitations over his new district will take him until December 1st He will be in Minden next Sunday The Tbibune adds its congratulations Rev Shumate is succeeded here by Rev M B Carman late of the pastorate Rev Carman is regarded as one of the strong men among the Methodist preachers of the Holdrege district being especially strong in revival work having added some 200 members to churches during his pastorate in those towns We welcome him to the city and his new work here Republican Primary The Republican voters of Willow Grove precinct are hereby called to meet in Primary Convention at the office of H H Berry in the City of McCook Friday evening October 9th at 8 oclock p m for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the various precinct officers and for the transaction of any business that may come before the convention A Babnett C B Gbay Lon Cone T J Smith Farm and City Property For Sale Two lots and two small residences west of city hall Will sell separately or together Also 160 acres of well improved land miles east of McCook Reason for selling leaving McCook G A Noben Box 456 You Want the Best For your money and its your fault if you dont get it Thats why you should come to our market Our mar ket supplies only the best Selected meats too for those who want some thing especially nice for the table Try us Test us Mabshs Meat Mabket Severe Case of Blood Poisoning Ben Doyle of the Willow has been having a severe siege with blood-poisoning in his right hand resulting from a scratch His condition was quite seri ous for several days but he is much better at this writing Home Cooking Exchange All day Saturday October 10th at Grannis store by the ladies of the Bap tist church Come and see us Full or broken sets in the Hermis Titian sunburst and all of the new pat terns of cut glass just received at W T Colemans Let us supply you with your mustard seed celery seed turmeric and spices for pickles preserves etc McConnell Druggist Colorado cabbage on saleatKnipples Saturday a whole carload at 140 per 100 The kids all want that big pencil tab let at the Bee Hive F l RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Engine 360 is in for new flues Freight business is decidedly briak this week Daniel Tirrill had his hand injured last Saturday and is off duty Brakeman G L Burney visited his mother in Trenton this week George Amen is building a new dwelling-house on McDowell street Conductor John Morris is improving his residence by adding a kitchen R B Archibald and J M Hughes will leave tonight for Havelock on busi ness Engine 153 is in the round house for slight repairs to tho cow catcher cylin der etc F L Palmer entertained his brother-in-law Mr Cornell and wife of Hildreth this week Asst Supt Harris was down from Denver last Saturday on business of his division Brakeman G E McBride and bride indulged in a brief visit to Superior close of the week Conductor L S Watson was up with tho family over Sunday from his Kansas branch run R A Rarick was transferred from the rip track first of the week to the black smith shop Brakeman and Mrs H W Conover are absent this week on a visit to Chi cago and Omaha Brakeman C S Hoffman visited his mother in Holdrege this week during his regular lay over The racks are up in the new battery room and tho change will be made as soon as the new cable comes Machinist W C Chlanda returned to work Thursday morning after a lay off of 10 days on account sickness Yardmaster W C Cox of Red Cloud is off duty for a few days and Brakeman W T Wilcott is there relieving him Brakeman C L Gruwell formerly of this division but now of the Sheridan division s at headquarters Wednes day J A Andre machinests helper has resigned and gone to Wilsonville where he goes into a blacksmith shop with a brother Tho ballast crew has been placed in the service again and Conductor Art Lyman has been transferred back to Re publican City Engine 371 is in the round house for new flues Her flues have only made about one tenth the mileage they should make normally W A Turley has gone to Greeley Ne braska and will wed Miss Rose Griffin who taught school here last year be fore his return home The first R2 engine ever placed in the McCook shops is now in for a thorough overhauling This class of work has hitherto been done in the Havelock shops The 3304 a D 4 has been sent to the Alliance division in place of the 3G6 the first of the compounds to be sent from there to the Western division Two others are to follow it is stated Conductor M O McClure is off duty on account of sickness and Conductor G W Bunting has way car 104 Brake man T E Lunberry is also on the sick list and Brakeman F J Swanson is his relief E L Dusty Rhodes is expected in a few days to assume his old place in the machine shop foremans office as clerk W H Anderson the present clerk goes to Oxford to assume a clerical position there Conductor William Cropp of Republi can City is off duty to be married on Oc tober 10th A trip to Denver will follow tho event Conductor L A Hurlburt is down on the branch making his runs meanwhile The Tbibune regrets to learn that word comes from Omaha that Dennis Cullen is in a hospital in that city suffer ing with blood poisoning the result of a slight injury to his left hand and that hehas had to suffer the amputation of one of the fingers of his left the good hand W H Anderson is making him an ammunition belt of such warlike propor tions and appearance to go with his new gun that all the sports about the machine-shop and round house are in fear and trembling for the game great and small of this section of Nebraska A fear however not warranted by recent accomplishments For Sale or Trade 160 acres unimproved timber land in Reynolds county Mo Price 2- 200 or will trade for unincumbered farm in Red Willow county Neb Address Ed Wilson Boss Station Jasper County 111 - V 2XSsXSX5 ribtttie McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 9 1903 Will Observe Library Day Superintendent Fowler will soon issue a proclamation setting asido Friday October 23 as Library dayto be obser ved by the various schools of the state It is a commemoration of Columbus day celebrated in 1892 The custom originated in 1892 after the observanco of Columbus day when it was suggested by Trenmon Cone principal of the city schools of Cedar Bluffs Saunders county that tho Friday of each year nearest October 21 be ob served as a special day in all the schools of the state for the consideration of tho project of establishing school libraries Tho result in Saunders county was tho establishment of 60 libraries in the country schools It was then recom mended to the state superintendent by the Saunders county teachers associa tion that the day be made a state holi day or special day Accordingly Superintendent Groudy on September 191893 issued a proclama tion designating Friday October 20 as Library Day to bo observed by all tho schools of the state Since that time the day has been universally celebrated in the schools not only of Nebraska but many other states Special programs are carried out and selections from fam ous American authors are read and dis cussed The four principal objects which the observance of tho day seeks to attain are First To awaken the people to tho fact that the educated mafi leads tho masses in tho battles of life Second To increase tho interest and attendance at country schools by tho addition of libraries Third To establish libraries in every schpol house affording every poor man a university of knowledge Fourth To raise the intellectual social standard in every community Lincoln Call Welcome and Parting Last Saturday evening marked a pleasant occasion at the hospitable home of Mr and Mrs J G Schobel Chapter XP E O assembled there with dual purpose to welcome their sis ter Mrs Ella Norris to bid God speed to Miss Elizabeth Thomson A delightful conversational was en joyed by those congenial friends so closely united by the mystic bonds of P E O Then followed a recreative contest which resulted in a tie between Misses Budlong and Gorby The latter was awarded a handsome bouquet of choice autumnal flowers by Mrs Willetts The sisters were then invited to find their places at the tastefully decorated luncheon table by means of unique cards of symbolic drawings which cer tainly indicated cleverness and original ity on the part of the artists Mesdames Schobel Tartsch and Meeker A toast of Welcome was given by Miss Gorbyaf ter which followed a dainty three course luncheon Miss Budlong gave the toast Parting and in behalf of the chapter presented a lovely souvenir P E O spoon as a parting gift C A Gobby Paints and Oils For barns sheds and out buildings can furnish a mineral of different colors that will not fade and makes a cheap paint We carry the best mixed paint The Lincoln Now is a good time to paint as oil is very low in price Let us figure with you A McMillen Druggist Buys Cream Sells Separators James Cain will commence receiving separator cream next Tuesday and re gularly every day after that He will pay the highest market price in cash every Tuesday He is also agent for Iowa Dairy Separator See him for prices and terms A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Iade Coles Original Hot Blast Stove will save 825 on your seasons fuel bill It burns the gas half of coal wasted with all other stoves Come in and see it W T Coleman sole agent See dis play advertisement Bloodhounds and Scotch Terriers Registered pedigreed young Blood hounds and thoroughbred Scotch Ter riers for sale See R McDonald on the Morlan farm More Wall Paper Bargains McConnell This week has been characterized by high winds and outbuildings trees and many appurtenances not nailed down have suffered therefrom Only 140 per 100 Saturday at Knipples Colorado cabbage He will have a carload on sale Saturday Knipple will have on sale a carload of Colorado cabbage at 140 per 100 If you havent got the Habit you bet ter get the Habit McMillans cough cure is fully guar- anteed Try it - 27 NUMBER 19 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Have you got tho Habit Who is your druggist Should bo Cone Bros Ladies and childrens shoes below cost at J II Grannis Are you a kodakor Buy supplies at Cone Bros drug storo Wo pay the highest price for butter and eggs at tho Bee Hive The finest stock and lowest prices of stationery at Cone Bros drugstore Try No 13 for sprains and bruises McConnell Druggist The best line of school shoes we havo ever offered our trade The Bee Hive Your tablets pencils slates and all kinds of school supplies at the BeoIIivo Youll notice the difference in quality as well as price in our hosiery Tho Bee Hivo A carload of Colorado cabbage will be on sale Saturday at Knipple Only 140 per 100 October 17th is tho date of tho bazaar and supper by the ladies of tho Congre gational church All tho amateur photographers are much interested in tho new Daylight Developing Machine at Cone Bros Farm Loans I can negotiate a few loans on good improved farms F M Rath bun Vanilla and lemon extracts our own make absolutely pure McConnell Druggist Tho McCook Milling Co is giving 35 pounds of flour and 10 pounds of bran in exchange for a bushel of 60 pound wheat W W McMillen harness maker has just received a large shipment ofjyagons and buggies Learn his prices before buying Our shoes are all new nothing out of style or season Repairing cheerfully done when shoes are defective at the Bee Hive Thanksgiving Dinner The ladies of tho Christian church announce that they will serve a dinner on Thanksgiving day Details later See cut of that prize 1075 jacket in large advertisement of the Thompson Dry Co as advertised by the makers in all the magazines Look over the new line of harness just received at W T Colemans A Con cord Double Harness for 3000 Beats them all Look and see Read what Johnnie said to Pa in James Cains advertisement elsewhere in this issue It will interest and bene fit you Do not overlook it Upside down thats the way the fire burns in Coles Hot Blast come in and see itin operation W T Coleman Sole Agent Fob Sale Sixteen head of red Doroc Jersey hogs at Riverview fruit farm one mile southeast of McCook Fbed Plasmyebe Fine line of wagons and buggies just received by W W McMillen tho har ness maker His prices are as attractive as his stock Get them before buying Those Estate Oaks are beauties and hold fire as long a time as any stove made and they all have ash pans too W T Coleman Strength and vigor come of good food duly digested Force a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food adds no burden but sustains nourishes invigor ates 9 11 tf Izzer batts now in They are sold at the same price as always heretofore viz 10c per roll of 12 oz Unroll and unfold easily almost like a piece of cloth Are the right size Once usedalways used Sold only by The Thompson DGCo One hundred per cent dividends are earned annually by Coles Hot Blast Coal Stove for every family using it Come in and we will show you how it cuts your coal bill in two W T Cole man sole agent See display advertise ment Cards are out announcing the wedding of Mr Charles Bengt Wahlquist and Miss Estelle Payne of Hastings Wed nesday October 71903 Mr Wahlquist will be remembered as a former McCook resident aud one of the publishers of the old McCook Democrat He is now one of the publishers of the Hastings Demo crat The Tbibune extends hearty con gratulations Window Glass All regular sizes carried in stock or will cut to order any size wanted L W McConnell Heating Stoves for Sale One hard coal burner and two soft coal burners Inquire of Mrs R B Archibald for particulars i