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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1903)
hr Tn he TWENTY FIRST YEAR Adopt Resolutions For Dr Gage There was nn interesting meeting of lodge 61 A O U W Monday evening the same being well attended on account of the fact that delegates were chosen to the grand lodge meeting of the order in Grand Island May 12th The friends of Dr W V Gage the present grand medical examiner were enthusiastically in favor of his reelec tion and the delegates were all chosen in liis favor besides resolutions were passed urging that all honorable meanB bo used to further his candidacy The following delegates wore elected to grand lodge of the A O U W to be held in Grand Island May 12th C B Gray A P Welles D Cullen J H Bennett J A Wilcox M Grifiln J J Garrard W H Harmon and Floyd Berry Tho following resolution was unani mously adopted Whoreas Brother William V Gage a member of McCook Lodge No 61 and grand medical examiner of tho juris diction of Nebraska is a candidato for reelection and Whoreas Brother Gage has worked hard to increase tho membership of McCook lodge and has been one of the important factors in pushing it to tho front until today wo stand in 4th place Bo it Resolved That it is tho desire of the members of McCook lodge No 61 that our representatives to tho grand lodge use all honorable means to reelect Brother Gage to the position of grand medical examiner The Barnes Jacobs Wedding Miss Pay daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles H Jacobs was united in mar riage with Mr Frank L Barnes Tuesday evening of this week April 7th at the homo of tho parents in Driftwood precinct About forty relatives neigh bors and invited friends witnessed the union of these two sterling estimable young people Rev Frank W Dean of the Congregational church performing tho ceremony Tho bride was prettily gowned in mousselino de soio A marriage feast was served after the ceremony The gifts were numerous pretty and useful Mr and Mrs Barnes are among our most excellent young people well and favorably known to a largo circle of South Side people as well as in the city and they enter their new estate with the heartiest wishes of many for their hap piness and success The Largest of Them All W II Ferguson who owns one of McCooks elevators among the 80 or moro controlled by him in this part of Nebraska and adjacent Kansas is to build in Lincoln the largest elevator and storage house in tho state exceeding in capacity the one at Holdrege which has hitherto held the belt for sizo Besides being a large land owner in this vicinity and controlling the McCook irrigating ditch Mr Ferguson is largely interested in many other Nebraska enterprises He is a heavy holder of stock in the Beatrice Creamery Co the Lincoln Daily Star etc It is understood that Ferguson will move from Hastings to Lincoln when the Lincoln plant is completed The Bishop Approves Bishop Bonacum of Lincoln met with the members of St Patricks Catholic church Sunday evening in the court room and approved the plans submitted by the members of the church for their now 6000 brick church The bishop also turned over to the building com mittee the insurance money derived from the old church property The money is now in a local bank and will be used in connection with tho amount subscribed by member of the congrega tion and others in tho construction of the edifice A Butchering Difference is the difference between our way and other ways the difference between good meat and poor meat and our customers gain by the difference in methods We are careful in selecting and killing our meats and in selling aim to please our patrons Marsh Meat Market Is an Up-to-Date Paper The Hitchcock County Herald is an up to date paper for locals and display ads The appearance of the paper would impress the fact on peoples minds that its editor is a hustler and onto his job Palisade Item in Times Kepublican We Are Ready to Show You the latest in wall papers Will be pleased to show you our papers whether you buy or not Look elsewhere dnd then come in and compare qualities arid prices Yours for business A McMillen Pay Your Lawn Tax First Pay your lawn tax before using water on lawns trees or gardens as water will be turned off from all services without notice where water is being used for any purpose not paid for C H Meeker Supt County Eighth Grade Examination The eighth grade examination will be conducted by tho principals o f the schools at McCook Indianola Bartley Danbury and Lebanon April 23 and 24 Eugene S Dutcher Co Supt Residence For Sale A 5 room dwelling new frontage of 62o feet Price 1300 See Frank Dobson Indian clubs and dumb bells at W T Colemans Simpsons small black and white shep herd checks make very tasty and desir able wrappers We have them The Thompson Dry Goods Co 59 You had better leave a standing S order for butter at g The Bee Hive m MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs C S McElherron is down from Denver Congressman Norris was in Lincoln Monday A M Thomas returned to the city midweek E F Caffrey and family have moved to Stamford Dr J B Fickes has gone to Tilford South Dakota Earl Murray was a Cambridge pil grim Tuesday Rex Duncan was a Denver visitor fore part of the week J II Grannis has been among tho ailing ones this week Glenn Hupp is home from his uni versity studies at Lincoln William Hiersekorn was over from Lobanon Tuesday on business Rev J J Loughran was in Lincoln Wednesday on church business Jens Knudson gardener on the Mor lan farm has gone to Spoarfish S D J L Woodson was called to Lincoln first of tho week by tho illness of his mother Orson Lee and family says the Indi anola Independent expect to move to McCook C II Jacohs and family have moved into town and are occupying the Thomp son dwelling Miss Ethel Pope is at home from Lincoln during tho spring vacation of tho university Mrs Mose Carmony visited her par ents Mr and Mrs C C Cox at Lester part of last week Mr and Mrs James Boatman have moved in from the farm and are liv ing in South McCook Miss Hannah Stangland is spending a short vacation at home from her uni versity work in Lincoln Mr and Mrs J W Hupp were Denver visitors close of last week re turning home Friday night Miss Mary Powers was with tho homefolks at Trenton during the short vacation of close of last week Miss Helen Carson of Holdrege was the guest of Fireman and Mrs Lambert Rodstrom close of past week Mrs J A Gunn and Miss Nell got away last Friday on No 12 for their future home in DesMoines Iowa Mrs W D Beyrer and children ar rived home Tuesday night from their Lyons Colorado visit to relatives Mrs J E Kelley and son Charlie arrived home Tuesday from an ex tended visit in Denver with relatives Mrs Clara Harrison was down from Fort Morgan Colorado close of week past returning home on No 1 Sunday City Supt Thomas was at home Harvard during tho brief holiday close of last week returning to his duty on Sunday evening Mr and Mrs William Weygint have returned home from spending the winter with their daughter Mrs I J Starbuck in Salt Lake City W Holly has sold his broom machine and stock to B F Shultz who will open a broom factory in McCook Cambridge Clarion Mrs Carl Berry and the children departed on last Saturday night for their future home in Pueblo Colorado Floyd Berry accompanied them Mrs Nellie Thompson and daughter Eva came down from Trenton close of last week and have been the guests of the formers sister Mrs Frances Barclay William Kailey has accepted the management of the McCook brick yard leaving Sunday The yard at this point will be under the care of his father and oldest son Arapahoe Pioneer Mr and Mrs F A Pennell enter tained the S K B P H C M high five card club last Friday evening High five was the game of the evening Mrs H H Tartsch won the honors Mr and Mrs Albert McMillen and Mr and Mrs H C Clapp entertained a large company of friends at the home of the former Tuesday evening Hearts was the game of cards played with zest Refreshments were served It was a very enjoyable evening for all Mrs W S Morlan MrsHP Sutton and son Robert went down to Lincoln last Friday morning the former to se cure the services of an occulist and the latter to have Roberts ears attended to professionally They all returned home Sunday night Congressman Norris has rented the front suite of office rooms upstairs in the old Farmers and Merchants bank building and will move into the same Monday next John F Cordeal will be in charge of the suite Private Secretary Merwin will occupy one room of the suite H Thompson departed Wednesday morning for Bertrand where on coming Monday he will take charge of a hard ware stock recently bought bjr Con ductor W D Beyrer who will in due time move his family to that place also retire from the railroad service and engage in merchandising Success One of the slick schemes of the steel range peddlers is to get one of the neigh borhood farmers to go around with them and help talk up the sale of their goods at so much per talk Shop Boys Won the Game The initial baseball game of the season was played between the Shop Boys and the High School clubs last Saturday afternoon the Shop Boys winnings by a score of 11 to 7 Those white lawn waists with val lace and medalions and large pearl buttons now showing are of the celebrated Ideal brand and sold only by The Thompson Dry Goods Co For Champion binders and mowers and other farm implements see Uncle George Burgess Jtlc00ll District Fair Meeting Next Tuesday On Tuesday afternoon of next week April 14th at 2 oclock a meeting of those interested will be held in the court room for the purpose of taking final ac tion in the matter of holding ar district fair in McCook this coming fall Of the many enterprises considered by the people of McCook this spring this seems to bo the most practical and uso ful in all its possibilities and the senti ment of the people is chrystalizing on having a district fair Next Tuesdays meeting is designed to settle the ques tion definitely and we think in favor of holding the fair It is specially urged that the business men and all interested be present on this occasion to assist in organizing for tho enterprise and that they come prepared to subscribe material assistance Mc Cook must unquestionably put up the bulk of tho money to successfully carry out this enterprise to absolutely guar antee in dollars and cents the fullest compliance with every promise made therefore come to the meeting with your mind made up to give liberally The Tribune believes that the plan is practical and that those specially urging the matter are in earnest It will be of distinct value to Redwillow county and to all this section of Nebraska so it warmly urges our people to turn out help organize and subscribe liberally to make a big successful district fair Dont expect anyone else to do your part be present yourself and go down into your own pocket book Next Tuesday afternoon A Strenuous Discussion Charles E Elliott and Abram Peters brother-in-laws living o n adjoining farms out in Grant precinct this county had a misunderstanding Monday of this week over the location of the dividing line between their farms and in the discussion revolvers were used by both men Elliott receiving a bullet through the fleshy part of one of his legs Peters was arrested and the case was given a preliminary hearing before Squire LeHew Thursday afternoon The de fendant was discharged Death of Mother and Child A telegram Sunday from Memphis Tennessee announced the death of Mrs James Campbell and baby Mr Camp bell will be remembered as a former citizen of McCook and a brother of Thomas B of our city and the visit of Mr and Mrs Campbell in our city last summer will be recalled with pleasure by all who met them Mr Campbell has the deepest and tenderest sympathy in this crushing blow the death of his charming wife and their infant child More Hello Lines The telephone line to be built from Cambridge to Stockville this spring means the bringing most points between Curtis Farnam Bartley and Cambridge within hailing distance of any othei point in that territory As soon as the line is built or possibly as it is built stub lines will be run to Orafino and gradually extend to Earl and Farnam Another line will branch off to Freedom and Bartley Stockville Republican The March of Improvements Ed Reeds cottage on North Manches ter street is well under way Sam Cochran is having the Dr Davis residence property repainted W F Everist is building a dwelling house on the lot north of his Madison street residence R M Osborn is moving his nine room residence up onto tho corner of Mc Farland and Douglass this week M U Clyde is having the material de livered on the ground to begin his new home It will be one of the best in the city C W Barnes has commenced to im prove his residence property on Main avenue where he will shortly commence the erection of a home For Sale Improved irrigated farms in southern Wyoming on a line of railroad and a good town Close to the mountains in a beautiful valley Grain of all kinds does well and alfalfa is a money maker I also have a few choice mountain ranches for sale Write to D D Wallace Wheatland Wyoming The Camels Are Coming Not just exactly the camels but an other organized gang of steel range ped dlers Dont let them fool you like they did a few years ago Any local dealer dealer will sell you equally as good a range for one half less money and they are here on the ground to make good their word an dguarantee From Manufacturer to Consumer W T Coleman buys his rubber hose direct from the manufacturer in New Jersey and gets absolutely guaranteed hose He sell it at from 6c up no more than inferior stuff costs Has a full line of sprinklers nozzles etc Easter Novelties Rabbits all kinds and sizes fuzzy chicks ducks owls storks and other novelties fancy and solid cream candy eggs in assorted colors Easter dyes all kinds L W McConnell First Choice We have had large wall paper stocks before but this year we have gotten so far beyond compe tion that we have gone to compet ing with ourselves The variety novelty beauty and richness is greater than ever before Come early and have this whole world of papers to pick from L W McConnell Ten yards fine cambric muslin for 63c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Frank Purvis visited tho Denver folks Saturday and Sunday Conductor W D Beyrer is taking a short lay off this week Under the new time card tho swing men all run out of McCook Dispatcher and Mrs R B Simmons were Omaha pilgrims midweek Conductor William Washburn has the No 15 while Rouch is laying ofT Chester Cox visited his brother Walter at Red Cloud part of last week Brakeman C A Delov has been visit ing in Columbus the past week Brakeman and Mrs M S Parks were with relatives of his at Red Cloud fore part of the week George McBride of McCook visited his sister Mrs VanBurg Sunday Edison Star 3rd E O Scott is on freight with Con ductor Snell and Tom Smith is with the east end switch engine Brakeman D P Clouse had a foot cut by a disc Wednesday and is laid up for a few days for repairs Engine 63 just out of tho shops was limbered up yesterday in tho yard Thad Shepherd at the throttle Fireman John Frederickson is off duty with an injured wrist received with a saw while doing some tree trimming The pay car will be in on No 5 next Tuesday the 14th going west as a special at 630 on the morning of the 15th Ex Brakeman and Mrs H P Henckel went down to Holdrege yesterday He takes charge of a stationary engine at that place Brakeman C W Dewey is on with Conductor Joseph Hegenberger and G L Burney is on 5 and 12 with Conductor L C Wolff Harry Spaulding has reentered the train service going out with Conductor Bonno Tuesday Carl Clark is in the freight service The New York Central will expend 20 millions this year in track betterments extensions of double track block system enlargements etc Conductor H A Rouch took a short lay off part of this week to entertain a brother-in-law who arrived from the east Wednesday on 1 Alex two-year-old son of Engineer J H Moore fell tho other day and almost bit his tongue in twain The member had to be stitched up Traveling Fireman F E Whitney was down from Alliance first of the week Mrs Whitney has been visiting her parents here for a few weeks Conductor W D Beyrer will resigned from the companys service and will engage in tho hardware business having purchased a business at Bertrand Brakeman E L Oldham is off duty for a few days with a bruised finger and A N Clampett went down to Oxford from headquarters to relieve him tem porarily Nos 14 and 6 were both slightly de layed by No 80 breaking in two out of Benkelman first of the week The engine went back from Trenton after the lost way car Brakeman R M Douglass is off duty enjoying a short visit with his parents at Bloomington G C Walters is re lieving Douglass Mrs Douglass is also absent with Kansas City relatives L B Simmons who was called to Beaver City a short time ago by tho death of his father has resigned his position as operator at this place and quit the service Indianola Inde pendent Omaha is to lose the tariff division of the freight department which will be moved to Chicago This involves ten clerks It is said that the tariff clerks of St Louis will also be consolidated at Chicago F M Washburn and wife of McCook spent Saturday and Sunday in the city guests of W C Cox and wife While here they bought a bill of furniture for their new residence in McCook Red Cloud Argus Train No 63 ran into and open switch Saturday night and the engine went into the mud After working until Sunday noon it was put back on the track again A crew from McCook assisted in the work No one was hurt Edison Star 3rd Switchman W W Prall of Akron was severely poisoned by canned food of some kind Wednesday and for a while his life was despaired of He is improv ing however Brakeman G E Mc Bride went up from McCook to take his place temporarily Dispatcher T B Campbell left on Sunday night for Memphis Tennessee to attend the funeral of Mrs James Campbell He will visit in Missouri on the way home with relatives in that state His brother Joseph of Yuma Colorado accompanied him on the sad mission Quiet City Election Being but one ticket in the field the city election was very quiet the entire straight Republican ticket being elected but the councilman in the Frist ward J E Kelley and W S Perry each re ceived 70 votes with E C McKay second with 27 votes The probabilities are that Councilman Perry will hold over The votes will be canvassed by the city council next Monday evening Its Not Every Year that you paint your house and when you do you expect the paint you use to wear well and look well for a reasonable time The Sherman Williams Paint wears longest and has best appearance Let us show you colors and quote prices L W McConnell In a number of eastern states the farmers have organized to fight the col lection of the memorandum of agree- ment which notes ionnft given to steel range peddlers turned out to be promissory Why not profit by their exper Dont sign one of their agree ments and you wont have to pay one of their notes Nebnwka State u8to Kll Society McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING APRIL lO 1903 Do You Want the Band to Play Probably nothing has assisted moro in making our town lavorably known than the reputation tho McCook baud has Many people who do not know whoro McCook is located know the band and the admiration for it extends to tho town The reputation of our band is not con fined to this immediate territory or to the state but it is favorably known in adjoining states and as tho prize winner in Denver All our citizens feel a pride in this musical organization and in a number of ways wo have received bene fits by its popularity I am afraid some of our people do not appreciate tho advantage of having this musical organization in our town Tho McCook band has paid for its instru ments and uniforms and owns them and all the money it has received from our citizens or from our city has been in pay ment for entertainmonts the same as wo would have paid any other company for In this connection it is only justice to mention the time that has been given by tho leador and a number of the members entirely without pay and also to mention the assistance given by tho B M rail way and several of its ofiicials hereto encourage and keep up the organization It is possible somo of our citizens fool that somo of tho members of tho band have made money out of it but this is a mistake and there is no question but if they had used the same time and energy in doing something else or attending to their own lines of business in a financial way they would havo been very much further ahead Outside of the member ship very few people know how much work it takes to keep a musical organi zation of this kind together There is probably no town in this western coun try that has had a band anything equal to the McCook band that has not donat ed liberally to its support When the band has been away from home it has been the wonder of a great many how a town of this size would support an or ganization of such merit It has only been clone through tho self sacrifice of the leader and a number of the prominent members and tho assist ance of the B M ofiicials and now it probably remains with our citizens as to whether this organization con be kept up Tho most of the members of tho band have been in the service of the railroad company a number in the train service Men employed this way aro out of town a great part of the time and it is almost impossible to get them together for re hearsals or for concerts In order to have an organization of this kind it seems as though it will 10 necessary for tho business men to take hold of the matter and furnish employ ment to musicians who can be procured by thb band If such positions can not be furnished it can hardly be expected that new material can be taken and mu sicians made out of them It takes too long to train beginners and it seems nec essary to procure members who are good amateur players We will certainly have a summer Nor mal school and owing to our fairly pros perous condition it seems that our busi ness people can hardly afford to have no concerts during the summer The band concerts have been the means of bring ing people in from the surrounding coun try as well as from tho surrounding towns and the enjoyment our own people has received from them has certainly been worth all they have cost tho city or the citizens After talking with several in regard to open air concerts during the summer it seems necessary that positions must bo furnished by our business people for a number of musicians The matter of raising money to pay for the concerts does not seem to be the ob stacle at present Doubtless the city council would contribute and our busi ness men would gladly raise any defi ciency they might be called on for In this case it is not a matter of money to pay for the concerts but it is a question of positions among our business people for musicians Shall we have band con certs A Barnett President Southwest Nebraska Indus trial Association McCook Neb April 9 1903 What a Dollar Will Do It will pay for the Hitchcock County Herald one of the best papers published in western Nebraska from now until January 1 1904 Now is the time to subscribe Call on or address The Herald Culbertson Neb If If Not Why Not you are not shipping cream to Hygeia Creamery not The Tribune has tribution the Co of Omaha why some seeds for Ladies summer underwear including knit knee pants at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Two carloads of sugar beet seed havo been received here for planting in the valley One car was sent to Culbertson and the other car will be distributed from this point to the different places in the valley The pink tea given by the H S C in the Congregational church Tuesday was an enjoyable affair In the after noon the affair was in the nature of a Kensington and in the evening the young folks had the right-of-way Light refreshments were served and there was a literary musical program The decorations were in pink Rev L M Grigsby of Liberty The Tribune is deeply pained to learn is threatened with a breakdown with ner vous prostration House Cleaning Time Let us sell you your ammonia borax furniture polish moth balls camphor and other drugs L W McConnell O0KCCOSXCiXXXXffXi NUf BER 47 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Millet seed W T Coleman Save ruonoy on drugs at McMillons Hygeia Creamery Co Seo Coloman Got your garden hoso of F D Burgess Three 5c packages seeds for 5c at Colemans You can got tho famous ut Cono Bros McMillons cough euro cough Try jt Tho street sprinklor summer campaign It will pay you to for your wall paper will stop your has opened iti go to Cono Bros Rubber hoso sprinklers nozzles re pairs at Colemans For discs harrows and riding plows seo your Uucle George Best grade of garden hoso ti vary low prices at F D Burgess Job lot of ladies shoes wort 25 and 8250 Special price 129 DeGroff Havo you wall papers Somo now us show you seen tho latest patterns in Cono Bros show them things in stationery Let McConnell Ferris waists for children misses and ladies at The Thompson Dry Goods Gos Buy varnish stains enamels and hard oil of Cone Bros They keep tho best Sunbonnets for everybody from 15c to 50c at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Single comb White Leghorn eggsSlOO for 15 D C Benedict Culbertson Nebraska Millet seed of tho hog Siberian and Gorman varieties at W T Colemans of course Goodrich Rubber Co make tho best garden hoso All guaranteed by F D Burgess There is but ono best Heath Milligan You Cone Bros paint tho can buy it at For Champion binders and mowers and other farm implements seo Undo George Burgess A large invoice of Lincoln mixed paints tho very best just received at McMillen s drug store Dress skirts from Sl50 to 8600 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Our own make and factory makes Beet land for rent near McCook Can be had for cash or share in beets Call at McMillens drug store New lawn dressing sacques short ki monos and long kimonos just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos A private letter from Iowa announces the marriage of C L Winn back in Iowa Tis said ho is doing well For Sale Five room cottage oppo site Congregational church Price 81 200 L W Stayner All tho designs new and artistic wall paper aro now beinir shown at Mc- Connells Let us give you somo prices Tho cheapest easiest Quickest and best way to smoko meat is to uso Mc Connells Condensed Smoko In 25 cent bottles Handsome line of muslin and cambric corset covers drawers and night gowns just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos 82500 invested will start you in a good paying business 815 to 825 a week easily made Particulars on request D C Miller Hastings Nebraska W T Coloman is giving three for one that is all kinds of seeds in original 5c packages are now going at three pack ages for 5c Those who havo bought tho Ocean Wave washing machine are greatly pleas ed with them If you want the best and none but the best are good enough why buy the Ocean Wave Your money back after four weeks wear if dissatisfied is tho guaranty that goes with every F C corset or waist sold 35c to 8100 Sold only by The Thompson Dry Goods Co Theres only one thing to do if your blood is out of order Buy a bottle of McConnells Sarsaparilla it does the rest Large bottles 31 L W McConnell The Empire cream separator is caus ing a peaceful revolution in the separa tor business They are easy running have few parts to wash and people who have used them say they are the best We now have spooled carpet warp in white black brown green orange red and lemon Our price 18c lb for white 20c for colors Merchants orders not so licited The Thompson Dry Goods Co It is a peculiar fact that every place the steel ranee pedlers unload and set up a range on trial the farmer has a range to pay for whether it suits him or not Dont let them put one in your kitchen Whatever the market offers in season you will find it at Marshs meat market and the price is always right You will receive prompt service and courteous treatment in the bargain which is always due you There is cane seed aplenty and no lack of Kafir seed but alfalfa seed is both scarce and high priced yet W T Cole man has succeeded in securing a supply of some of the choicest alfalfa in the market There promises to be a great scarcity about seeding time Dont get left