Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1903)
6 Wr I V T K r if TWENTY FIRST YEAR Their Annual Ball and Banquet Tho annual ball and banquet by the members of Harvey division No 9oOrder of Railway Conductors Monday even ing April Kith was one of tho notable social events of the season being a con spicuous success as to every dotau There was a large and brilliant gath ering of people present from home and various points up and down the valley and many handsome costumes were in evidence In the decorations all previous efforts were oxcolled tho electrical display hav ing never before been equalled in this section of Nebraska T h e general scheme was patriotic flags bunting streamers etc In addition tho order nnra rrt whito and ereen added greatly to the brightness and beauty of the scone Over 200 electric lights were utilized in tho display of colored electric lights which was tho special feature of the decorations All tho electic wires were artistically covered by ropes of red Other particu green and white paper lars wore tho banner Tho O R O Welcomes You and the O R C done in red white and green electric lights Altogether it was the most bril liant illumination and decoration tho town has ever seen on a similar occasion At nine thirty the orchestra opened tho program with the grand march and tho large and gay company fell in for tho graceful evolutions which were led by the members of the local lodge headed by Conductor and Mrs Frank Kendlen Tho completion of tho pro gram carried tho ball into the small hours and it is tho general expression that Harvey division has never given a more delightful ball in its history al though largor crowds have attended Tho banquet was spread at tho Palmer house and in this feature the manage ment of that hostelrie highly main tained its reputation as a caterer unox celled in tho Republican valley The Pythian orchestra was responsi ble for tho excellent program of music which is so essential to tho complete success of such social affairs Tho stage was well filled with non dancing spectators who seemed to enjoy the event in a measure only second to the actual participants themselves There was the usual largo attendance of out-of-town dancers H P Sutton was the efficient caller of tho evening The Tribune congratulates the boys of 95 upon the success of their ball and banquet in every particular Blind Boone Concert The musical prodisry Blind gave an r lioone pntertainment in the chapel o rrii TTnivprsitv last niErnt rne chapel was crowded and the efforts of tho blind boy were highly appreciated by all present as was shown by the hearty applause and frequent calls for repetitions Tho young lady who has also been here with Boone before sang several pleasing songs When Boone invited any pianist in the audience to come forward and play for him to imi tate Mr Frank White a University Place musician totally blind was led forward and played a number of difficult airs giving the stool to Blind Boone who faithfully reproduced every note and sound proving that he is certainly a wonder His imitations of various mu sical instruments were much enjoyed Iowa State Register DesMoines Iowa February 21st 1890 Menard opera house Wednesday ev onincr ATnv 20 Admission 35c and A Delightful Little Book The Tribune is just in receipt of a copy of Bertha Davis Woods Book of Verses and confesses being charmed with many of the little poems therein contained It is a modest work of excellent literary merit in which The Tribune takes the more pride as the author nee Miss Bertha Gerneau Davis is one of the earlist graduates of the McCook high school and then gave evidence of attaining no inconsiderable prominence in literary work Pay Your Lawn Tax First Pav vnnr lawn tax before using water on lawns trees or gardens as water will be turned off from all services without notice where water is being used for anv purpose not paid for C H Meeker Supt White and colored lawn waists white and also black silk waists dressing sacques wrappers kimonas shirt waist suits all attractively displayed at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos An infant child of George W Beard was buried in Riverview cemetery Sun day afternoon Brief services were con ducted at the home by Rev L H Shumate Medallions pendants escunals appli ques headings allovers buttons braid and other trimmings at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos NrAwTCfamine suitincsin cream black brown navy light blue and green at 75c 65c and 40c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Ferris waists for ladies misses and children at The Thompson Dry Goos Cos Also Nazareth and E Z waists ss A Vision of Beauty Wo would be pleased to have every housewife in the county come and examine our spring stock of wall paper while the assortment is complete We have striven to find as many novelties as possible The result is a stock that is well worth seeing for seeings sake It includes the new things Floral Designs Tapestries Silks Bur lap Effects etc The entire stock is now on exhibition The earlier you come the more you will see XJ YY mwuiiiuii iXI RVW - day evening State Bank and Mrs J y 3 JttcCOOB MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE I F Baroer is hero from Indiana for a few weoks Dr Riddle of Holdrege was a city visitor Wednesday Mrs A C Wiehe has gone to Glen Nebraska on a visit Mrs May Parker has been a guest of L P Neilson and family Mrs Emma Dixon and Roy visited in Plattsmouth first of this week J R Neel was up from Indianola Tuesday afternoon on business Rex Duncan returned early in tho week from his short stay in Denver Mrs Steve Dwyer has been down from Denver this week guests of rela tives MiRa Maiih Cordeal was hostess at tho convocation of tho Awl Os Tuesday evening Mrs C W Tyler of Akron Colo was tho guest of Mrs A G Bump first of week Mr and Mrs Yale of Holdrege on- joyed the O R C ball and banquet Easter Monday evening Miss May Morrow arrived home last Friday morning after an absence of sev eral months in Missouri Mrs G S Bishop whose illness has alarmed the family for a few days is now reported some better Miss Mattie Noice of Hastings was the guest of Miss Ethel Pope at home last week and part of this E B Stilgebouer tho thoroughbred hog breeder of Marion had business in the metropolis Saturday last Afna w R Morlan arrived home Monday from Lincoln where she has beer receiving treatment for her eyes Mr and Mrs Eugene Schirk of Hastings were out-of-town participants in tho conductors ball Monday night Mr and Mrs Fred Harris and daughter Aimee of Alliance are guests of her parents Mrs ana mrs uosopu Me nard Mrs R W Haggard of Lincoln came up Tuesday on No 1 on a short visit to her parents Engineer and Mrs G A Noren Mrs T M Phillippi left on last bat- urday morning for McUooi junction York county on a visit to her daughter Winnie Miss Ethel Pope and Miss Mattie Noico of Hastings were objects of an enjoyable surprise at the Pope home Tuesday evening Mrs C A Calhoun from Colorado has been assisting during the illness of her sister Mrs Emerson Hanson the past few weeks Mrs Ploussard of McCook was the fortunate winner of the bicycle in the prize drawing which took place at St Annes Frontier county on Monday April 13th H E Dole late manager for F H Gilcrest Lumber Co at Eaton Colo now enjoys a better position with the McAllister Lumber and Supply Co at Boulder Colo Mrs Augusta Anton was surprised last evening at her home by a company f on rr sn frinnrJc Refreshments were served there was music games and a very enjoyable time MR AND MRS RANK IMUUUU parted on No 6 Monday night for Adel Iowa where they go to care for his aged mother who is in failing health Their absence will be indefinite Mrs Will Weber wife of the new member of The Tribune force arrived from Pawnee City this state last Sat urday nieht They are occupying rooms over Cone Brothers drug store John Roxby was up from me iarm near Arapahoe Sunday to attend Easter services with the members of St John commandery It wouldnt seem like Easter without the faithful old tyler W D Beyrer and family left on 2 Wednesday morning for Bertrand Ne braska where he recently bought a hardware stock and where they will make their home in the future They have the well wishes of many friends Mr and Mrs F Kuenneth of Har vard Nebraska were up to participate n fh n Tt fj ball and banquet Mon- - - - - - T He is cashier ot tne union They were guest of Mr G Schobel during their brief stay F N Merwin of the Beaver City Tribune was over first of the week helping establish Congressman Aorns new quarters upstairs in the old Farmers and Merchants bank building and do ing other stunts connection with the private secretaryship Mr and Mrs F M Kijimell were entertainers of the S K B P H C M high five club last Friday evening Military euchre beguiled the evening Fort Hamilton defended by Mesdames H P Sutton Vina Wood Albert Bar nett and Mr H P Sutton was victori ous in the drawing between three tie forts Vi You had better leave a standing order for butter at The Bee JIive w Notice Beginning next Monday we begin rmr annual camet and drapery sale We wish to state that we carry the most complete line of carpets m the city by sample and our price during this sale will equal Lincoln or Omaha prices on same class of goods If you are in need of a carpet or rug during this sale is the time to buy Fine rugs made to fit any sized room Call in and let us show you the line We will also have a good display of draperies rope portieres couch covers etc Art squares in all sizes J H Ludwick Your money back after four weeks of actual wear if dissatisfied is the fac tory guaranty on every F C corset Full line 35c to 100 in gauze batiste and coutil at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos sole agents Ten yards fine half bleached muslin for 47c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Two Council Meetings The citv council met as a canvassing board Monday evening and declared Mm fnllnwinrr result MaVOr U XU dred clerk C I Hall treasurer A C Ebert engineer C II Meeker council manfirst ward W S Perry and J k Kelley a tie vote It is understood that MrKelloy will not contest tho matter and that Councilman Perry will hold over for one year Councilman second ward R M Osborn school board W S Perry and C W Barnes Bills allowed as follows Lincoln Lund Co water m C B Gray solury ft Ed Fitzerall salary j F S Wilcox overpaid taxes - State Journal Co supplies j Harnett Lumber Co McCook Loan and Trust Co 7j UO AJ Markwad A 1 Dr A C Harlan MillioElbort J JolmEkstedt v 4 J H P Waite was elected president of the city council Finance H P Waite andW S Perry Ordinance W S Perry and u J Ryan Cemetery and Health R M Osborn unil FT P Waite Fire H P Waite and C J Ryan Streets and Alleys W S Perry and R M Osborn Light C J Ryan and R M Osborn Park W B Mills Dr A P Welles and G A Noren All confirmed C B Rowell elected to work in park for one month at 2000 per month Cemetery committee Mrs Augusta Anton Mrs E M Easterday Mrs W T Coleman Chief of Police C B Gray Adjourned till April 15th rvin firmnmhorl sfixton of cemetery at j VJ1V t W wr w - - 1000 per month Adopted resolution ordering the re placing and construction of sidewalks See resolution elsewhere in this issue Adjourned Ask Any One of Them William Baumbaugh O B Billings August Nothnagel Daniel LehnWilham Karp Peter Bayliss and others a few of the famous years ago signed one Memorandums oi Agreement wuiuu appears elsewhere in The Tribune which tho range peddlers said they needed to show that they had left the range at their homes on 30 days trial Each of the memorandums became a promissory note in due time and was collected Write or ask any of these gentlemen and they will tell you this is the fact The safe plan is to not let the peddlers unload a range on your prem ises and above all do not sign a memo randum of agreement Just Missed the Crossing1 Tuesday afternoon while engaged in A M Gregorys household goods Robert Highland met misfortune in the form of a tip over at the alley crossing rear of C L DeGroff Cos store The goods were piled high on a hay rack and in making the crossing one tronc wneei iuissbu uuu tho gutter spilling the entire load onto East Dennison street including one of the little Gregory girls who was not hurt however The goods were consid erably damaged Do You Want to Know WaII spa nr write William Baum baugh Peter Bayliss Daniel Lehn William Karp O B Billings or August Nothnagel they will tell you how it is tn sipn nnR of the neddlers memoran dums of agreement and in due time bo compelled to pay a promissory note That innocent little receipt just to show where they left the range you know does the business Dont get left A Butchering Difference is the difference between our way and other ways the difference between good meat and poor meat and our customers gain by the difference in methods We are careful in selecting and killing our I meats and in selling aim to please our patrons Marsh meat makkei We Are Ready to Show You the latest in wall papers Will be pleased to show you our papers whether you buy or not Look elsewhere and then come in and compare qualities and prices lours iur uusiucsa A McMlLLEN Paint Facts The best paints on the market today are prepared paints made ready for use from white lead zinc and oil The Sherwin Williams Paint is made in the best propor tions of lead zinc and oil by the finest machinery with tho great est skill and care It is the best painting material because it is the best prepared paint Li W MCUONNELL Sunbonnets in all styles colors ana prices at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos One price plain figures cash only Charles F Lehn has moved into the room recently vacated by F A Hender son in the Meeker building finding more room essential in his business The high school and shop boys crossed willows again on Tuesday afternoon after school with a result favorable to the scholastics 8 to 7 Handsomest muslin net and lace cur H tains and afull line of sash and otU6r curtain stuffs just received at xne Thompson Dry Goods Cos nrpsq skirts to vour measure from 250 up walking skirts 150 up 75 to select from or to your measure at same same price The Thompson Dry Goods Co Following letters were advertised by McCook postoffice April 13th J W Berr M J Demndy Mrs B J Frost Sam Harrison J J Hulbert Evert Lamb RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Resignations are popular Engine 264 is out of the shop W J Ingham is a new wiper Henry C Smith is on the sick list H Vogel is a new member of the night force S J Foster of Walkers gang resigned Tuesday A R Denni3 was a Lincoln visitor Saturday Jl C Marshall was a Hastings visitor Wednesday B J Coffey of the roundhouse quit Wednesday L D Spickelmior is a now member of the night gang Engine 3312 is in the shop to have hor staybolts drilled O O Iluffstutter is a new enlargement of the paint gang C Huffman of the night force re signed Wednesday Clinton Wall is a new boilermaker apprentice this week F C Kennedy is a new wiper in tho roundhouse this week O D Warfield is another new nf Wnlknrs enner A nlw and larger sewer is being built from the shops to the rivor Engineer H E Culbertson was a Hastings visitor last Friday L E Hamsher and wifo visited rela tives near Yuma this week Conductor L A Hurlburt has the 103 vice Conductor T E McCarl Another big new D4 No 3316 was received here first of the week - Agent John Davis of Arapahoe enjoyed the O R C dance Monday night Wilber Pearson and F A Damaster are new helpers in the paint gang Harry Raekermeyor a Q pattern man was here from Aurora Thursday Operator and MrsFrank Wallace spent Sunday with her parents in Geneva Mr and Mrs J B W Irwin leave tonight for Omaha on a short visit John Archibald is nursing a sore finger and Frank Arnold a stiff neck A Brunswick of the roundhouse force had his foot badly sprained Tuesday C F Allen and R A Prigga are new recruits in the train service this weeK G W Franklin and F M Ilageman resigned from the paint gang this week Elmer Engberg of tho highlino was up from Holdrege to take in the O R C hnll Foreman Burton was up from Oxford last night to attend the monthly meet Car Inspector Barstow and Chief Draughtsman Fittwere at headquarters yesterday Dispatcher and Mrs L R Kleven were Culbertson visitors to relatives Wednesday Dan Lucas chief boilermaker Have- lock was at headquarters yesterday on business Mr and Mrs Abner Clark aro the fond parents of a son born Wednesday morning C T Watson car distributer went down to Lincoln Tuesday on company business Brakeman and Mrs Frank A Hender son are now living in one of Mrs Vina Woods cottages Fireman II H Jackson had his foot wrenched Tuesday by having it caught in the turntable Trainmaster Kenvon was over the division Tuesday and Wednesday with the pay cav special m Dispatcher T B Campbell arrived home Monday from his sad mission to Memphis Tennessee Dennis Cullen returned on Tuesday night from visiting the family in Omaha over Easter Sunday Ray Jones of the boiler gang resigned Monday and is going home to farm this summer near Hendley Brakeman Robert E Lee who has hoon laid nn for two or three weeks re ported for duty first of the week PaulPerrenoud of the storehouse force left Wednesday night for Iowa to be absent three weeks visiting relatives Supt of Bridges W S Perry is out over the division this week with the bridge special on a trip of inspection Conductor T F Enright is out with the bridge special this week and Con ductor William Washburn has his car No 101 I E Converse of Mangless gang re signed Monday and will visit his par ents near Hendley but will return and nlnv hall here this season Conductor E M Cox is off duty on account of sickness in the family and his way car 127 is in charge of Conduc tor W W Webster meanwhile Storekeeper and Mrs U w uncc spent Easter Sunday with Omaha rela tives he returning home Sunday night Mrs Britt remaining for a longer visit Mr and Mrs Frank Dobson left on 2 Tuesday morning for Havelock where he enters the Burlington employ under Dan Lucas of the boilermaking department Chief Clerk Lawritson and family and Tnimfiafrnr TTarrhfirrr and wife were Omaha visitors last Friday going down on 6 Thursday night and returning on 3 Friday night Conductor Eph Benjamin was home close of last week on a flying visit to the family returning to unicago ana his labors on the grievance committee Monday morning Hickerson a member of the boiler makers gang received a severe injury to one of his eyes this week while driv ing a crown bolt out of an engine He left last night for Omaha for treatment Brakeman E L Oldham was struck on the arm Wednesday by a crank rcnilo hfilninf coal an engine and sus tained a painful injury narrowly escap ing a broken arm Brakeman G C Walters went down to Oxford Wednes day night to relieve him The Rocky Mountain JKailway ciuo will hold its regular monthly meeting Saturday evening April ISth 1903 in tho nimbly room second floor union Annnt Dfinver Colorado at a oclock sharp Paper on Tonnage Rating published in March number of proceed ings by C C Higgins of the Burling ton will be presented for discussion at this meeting JNeoraaKa stale Aliaio ical Society ribttit McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 17 1903 Easter Services In McCook Despite the cold and lowering weathor the Easter services i n tho several churches of tho city last Sunday woro largely attended and participated in with deep interest by tho worshipers All tho churches had special services eithor morning or evening with appro priate decorations special music etc and withal the greatest of all the Christian festivals was celebrated with due pomp and fervor as witnessoth tho following in detail METHODIST There was the regular morning sorvico at eleven oclock when Rev L II Shumato preached a strong and earnest sermon to the subject Tho Empty Sepulchre Tho choir sang a flno program of special music for tho day The church decorations of palms ferns potted plants etc were protty and tasteful being arranged about the pul pit platform in profusion and beauty In the evening tho children of the Sunday school had tho program a charming and appropriate cantata en titled In Josephs Garden which they gave before a crowded house in a most enjoyable manner CONGREGATIONAL The presence of the members of Saint John commandery No 16 Knights Templar in a body and in full uniform gave to this service added interest and filled tho church The decorations were vory pretty and effective being exclusively floral The large rostrum and other portions of tho church contained a wealth of palms ferns and greenery Easter lilies and a profusion of flowering potted plants giving withal a bright and cheerful vision to the beholder Rev Frank W Dean spoke feelingly and eloquently on tho risen Christ as the Way the Truth and the Life The musical nrotrram was elaborate and was the production of an augmented choir of nine voices EPISCOPAL Tho regular services of tho day woro had at St Albans Early celebration of Holy Eucharist at 8 a m Exercises by the Sunday school at 10 a m Morning prayer and sermon by lay reader at 11 Evening prayer and sermon by rector Rev E R Earle at 8 oclock Tho floral decorations palms Easter lilies and pot ted plants were handsome and appro priate baptist There were special Easter services both morning and evening with splend id musical programs at each and appro priate sermons by Rev C R Betts Services-were both largely attended Tho pulpit and platform were handsomely decorated with a wealth of palms ferns lilies potted flowering plants etc CATHOLIC The day was celebrated in the usual manner in the temporary quarters in the court room There were three masses special music and customary large at tendance of worshipers at the celebra tion of the great festival Will Celebrate Arbor Day The children of the public school will observe Arbor day next Wednesday the 22nd by the usual planting of trees In addition contributions of ono cent up will be received from the children for the Morton Memorial monument This will be the first monument erected to a Nebraskan by Nebraskans and it is especially fitting that the schoolchildren shall have a part in tho Arbor Day donation Residence For Sale A n room dwelling new frontage of G2 feet Price 1300 See Frank Dorson If Not Why Not If you are not shipping cream to the Hygeia Creamery Co of Omaha why not Infants and childrens dainty lawn muslin and silk caps and bonnets also crocheted silk ones tucked hemstitched corded embroidered shirred etc 20c to 75c just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos This section of the state was visited by a severe freeze Monday night which no doubt damaged fruit and gardens not a little Quite a thick ice was lormea during the night Expect more American A J busnel seamless grain bags on Saturday Same old price 16J4c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos One price plain figures cash only The Dorcas society of the Congrega tional church has for sale down pillows at the parsonagp and Boss carpet beaters at tho home of Mrs AP Thomson Residence and two lots for Sale 7 room house Price 1200 Mrs W M Irwin Dont miss putting on a room or two of the red or blue ingrain wall paper with the bird border Cone Bros keep it Best carpet warp on spools for 18c and 20c pound at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Buy your wall paper of Cone Bros and get two blue stamps with each 10 cents Girl Wanted For general house work Ellis Ford 611 N Madison Ten yards fine cambric muslin for 63c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Indian club Colemans and dumb bells at W T The Tribune has tribution some seeds for Fine stationery is found at Cone Bros S House Cleaning Time Let us sell you your ammonia borax furniture polish moth balls camphor and other drugs L W McConnell NUMBER 48 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Millet seed W T Coleman Hygeia Creamory Co See Coleman You can buy at Cono Bros Get your garden hose of F D Burgess Ludwick s wook Three 5c Colemans Some new us show you i ryvvvSvvSYSvaIlW annual enrpot sale next packages seeds for things in at See tho largo lino of now hammocks at Cono Bros Rubber hoso sprinklers nozzles ro pairs at Colemans A full lino of ingrain Ludwicks next week art squares at When you want wall paper or a papor hangor see Cono Bros Best grade of garden hoso at very low prices at F D Burgess Only ono best paint tho Heath Sc Milligau Sold by Cono Bros Job lot of ladies shoes worth 225 and 250 Special price 8129 DeGroff Residence For Sale In South Mc Cook on easy terms Nick Snvdkic stationery Let MCCONNELL The authoritifs aro opening up a lively summers campaign for sidewalk build The best lino of fancy toilet prepara tions and perfumes in tho city at Cono Bros Millet seed of the hog Siberian and Gorman varieties at W T Colemans of course Goodrich Rubber Co make tho garden hoso All guaranteed by F Burgess Try McMillens sarsaparilla for blood Money refunded if not best D tho sat isfactory Best table oilcloth in white fancy or marbled for 15c yard at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Beet land for rent near McCook Can be had for cash or share in beets Call at McMillens drug store If you wish a good mixed paint get tho Lincoln Guaranteed for threo years Sold only by A McMillen Tho Clark livery barn has been pur chased by Robert Highland and Norman BSilvers who aro now in possession Rugs all sizes Get our prices and see how we scoop tho peddlers on prices J II Ludwick Don McCarty painter and papor hanger Shop under Kennedys cigar store Patronage solicited and work guaranteed Draperies consisting of tapestry and chenille and rope portieres couch covers etc at Ludwicks Carpet and drapery sale next week Boys knee pant suits 50c 85c 125 165 to 325 mens suits 350 450 500 8G50 750 to 1250 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Your meat bill should bo one you aro glad to pay Marsh aims to treat his customers so well that they like to spend their money in his market 2500 invested will start you in a good navinfr business 15 to 25 a week easily made Particulars on request D C Miller Hastings Nebraska W T Coleman is giving threo for one that is all kinds of seeds in original 5c packages are now going at three pack ages for 5c The time to figure on a carpet is next week during Ludwicks carpet sale Fine Brussels and velvet rugs made to fit any sized room arm weather will soon be hero and you will need a hammock Wo have tho ffnest line we ever had Some entirelj new things L W McConnell Those who have bought the Ocean I Wave washing machine are greatly pleas ed with them If you want tne oest and none but the best are good enough why buy the Ocean Wave Theres only one thing to do if your blood is out of order Buy a bottle of McConnells Sarsaparilla it does tho rest Large bottles SI L W McConnell The Empire cream separator is caus ing a peaceful revolution in the separa tor business They arf easy running have few parts to wash and people who have used them say they aro the best For Sale Cooking stove book case china closet bed room suites and man other articles of household furniture Call at residence Mrs B J Sharkey Whatever the market offers in season you will find it at Marshs meat market and the price is always right You will receive prompt service and courteous treatment in the bargain which is always due you There is cane seed aplenty and no lack of Kafir seed but alfalfa seed is both scarce and high priced yet W T Cole man has succeeded in securing a supply of some of the choicest alfalfa in the market There promises to be a great scarcity about seeding time Dont get left Paul Anton at the B M meat mar ket is putting on the block his own corn fed beeves You know that means the very best meat obtainable Its Pauls idea that there is no meat on earth too good for his trade and he feeds his own cattle to secure the best corn fed pro duct 1 v