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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1903)
1 McCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA BRIEF TELEGRAMS Thousands of acres of corn land in Bouthern Indiana have been flooded by the raise of the Ohio and Wabash rivers A disease supposed to be the bu bonic plague has broken out in Mazat Jan Mexico Several deaths have al ready occurred The piano factory of Ernest Gabler Bros New York was almost totally destroyed by fire Tuesday night ea tailing a loss of 150000 The United States supreme court has rendered a decision providing that an insurance policy is Invalid when the holder thereof is hanged for mur der An elevator man in one of the Chi cago stores has been driven insane by the questions of Christmas shoppers Even an elevator man cant stand ev erything One day last week four mail steam ers bound for Great Britain and Ger many left New York- with 7000 sacks filled with Christmas presents The isthmian canal commissioners are paid 1000 a month each With such a salary as this they ought to be required to do a fair share of the dig ging The United States Steel corpora tion has purchased the Champion mine at Champion Mich and the large tract of adjoining iron ore lands for a reported consideration of 2000000 Pittsburg Is to have a new home for working girls to be built next spring at a cost of 250000 The building will be a skyscraper twelve stories high and will accommodate 400 in mates Monday was the shortest day of the jear The sun arose at 721 and re tired at 435 at least these are the hours he was supposed to keep in the neighborhoods where ho put in an ap pearance at all Dr Ryno an aged farmer living near McPherson Kas has been found guilty of shooting Miss Maude Holmes an 18-year-old girl She was shot while standing before the mirror in her bedroom July 5 After lingering three days in agony City Marshal R E Coulter and Justice of the Peace A E Musgrave who were shot on the street at Parmington la Friday afternoon by George Stil well are dead of their wounds The second election for representa tive in the legislature from Yellow stone county in Montana has resulted in another tie Before each candidate received 738 votes and this time each got 535 A third election will proba bly be held Brookline Mass is the richest city in America but there are more mil lionaires in Uniontown Pa than in any other town of its size leaving out health restorts In fact says a trav eler from that place millionaires are so common there that they cut no more ice than the average citizen General Bourbon Y de Castellvl a cousin of King Alfonso was arrested in a Madrid gambling club He was arrraigned before the captain general and subsequently released The gen eral has challenged the prefect who is responsible for the energetic at tempts made to suppress club gam bling Five hundred million dollars in gold is the amount of American capital invested in Mexico by 1117 American companies and individuals according to estimates carefully prepared by the consul general at Mexico City Practically all of th has been invest ed within five yea s Seventy per cent of the total is invested in rail roads A voluntary advance in wages for the motormen and conductors in its employ has been announced by the Omaha Street Railway company The advance will be effective January 1 and will be 5 per cent for the men who have been employed by the com pany for more than a year and 10 per cent for those who have served more than two years James B Ewing whose home is said to be in Indiana was shot and killea near Atlanta in the smoking compart ment of a northbound Southern rail way train by Frederick L Stephen son a railway clerk of the Southern railroad Stephenson lives in Atlanta According to all accounts obtainable Stephenson was intoxicated There were no witnesses to the tragedy and the cause is unknown A jury in the superior court at Brockton Mass has awarded Frank J Cashin of Springfield 37000 in his suit against the New York New Ha ven Hartford Railroad company for injuries received as a passenger in the Avon railroad accident in 1901 Cashin brought suit for 75000 Tes timony was offered to show that the plaintiff received injuries from which he was growing worse Instead of bet ter PRINCESS FLE WIFE OF SAXONYS HEIR MYSTE RIOUSLY DISAPPEARS UNPLEASANT RUMORS AFLOAT No Trace of MlBsing Woman Who 16 Said to Have Vanished Because of a Love Affair with an American Dentist VIENNA The crown pincess of Saxony an Austrian archduchess left Dresden in great distress for Salz burg where her parents live owing to a love affair with an American den tist the consequences of which are undeniable Her parents who have three young daughters still unmarried disowned her and drove her from the castle One of her four brothers took her part and accompanied the crown princess The Saxony crown prince refuses t6 hush up the scandal The court fes tivities have been countermanded DRESDEN Saxony By order of the king and crown prince the court circular Monday announces the crown princess of Saxony fled from her home on the night of December 11 In a state of intense mental excite ment she suddenly deserted her fam ily at Salzburg and went abroad says the official record The Saxon court functions for the winter including the New Years reception have been can celed Rumors to this effect have been current for some days but have been generally discredited but it is now known that she has vanished so completely that the police of every kingdom in Europe have for ten days been unable to trace her The offi cial announcement was made in order to obtain the aid of the general pub lic and because the court fiction that she preferred to remain in retirement at Salzburg rather than to return to her husband and children at Dresden cannot longer be maintained Accompanied bv the crown prince the princess went to the castle of Em peror Francis Joseph near Salzburg a month ago A week after their ar rival the prince broke his leg while hunting and was brought back to Dresden The princess however re mained at the castle Why she did so the people of the court did not know except that with gloomy tenac ity the princess usually does what she pleases It was said the princess had sur rendered herself to periods of nervous excitement and that her eccentricities caused much concern to her suite and to some of her Austrian kinsfolk It is now believed that she was under surveillance and her disappearance is therefore considered the more extra ordinary On December 11 the princess who appeared to be in an unusually tran quil mood retired before 12 Three hours later when a maid looked into the royal bedchamber something in the appearance of the bed prompted her to go closer and examine it In stead of the princess the maid per ceived a dummy figure She awaken ed the lady in waiting and the latter with other members of the princess suite searched all the neighboring apartments then the entire castle and finally the grounds but no trace of the missing woman was found At dawn the police of Salzburg were informed of the disappearance and inquiries were made throughout the whole countryside but with no tangi ble result The inquiry was gradually extended to all parts of the kingdom and on authority from Dresden by the end of the second day to all Eu rope The theory of suicide was sug gested and a fruitless search for the princess body has been made without result The disappearance of the princess doubtless will cause the circulation of many stories and it is already report ed that she eloped but inquiries made here have brought out nothing to sub stantiate this statement VIENNA It is officially explained here that the princess disappearance is due to mental derangement There is little doubt that it was caused by domestic discord growing out of her husbands relations with an actress of the Dresden court theater It is as serted that the princess frequently threatened flight on this account and that she was incensed at her father the grand duke of Tuscany for coun seling her to forgive her husband DESTITUTION IS APPALLING Four Hundred Thousand Finlanders Reported Starving ST PETERSBURG Four hundred thousand persons are reported to be destitute and starving as a result of the crop failure in Finland The Anglo-American church here has under taken to feed and clothe the school children of four Finnish parishes and Pastor Francis has issued an appeal for assistance in this work He says the conditions today are worse than those of 1867 when 100000 persons died AVENGE POLICEMANS DEATH Mob Lynches a Kansas Negro Who Committed Murder PITTSBURG Kan Montgomery Godley a negro was taken from the jail here Thursday and lynched by a mob because early in the moming he shot and killed Milton HInkle a po liceman who was trying to protect himself against a crowd of unruly blacks The negro jerked the officers pistol from the holster and shot him with it from behind Two hours later a mob gathered and took Godley from the city jail where he had been in carcerated and hanged him to a tele phone pole As he was choking to death one of the members of the mob cut his throat and ended his suffer ings A large number of negro men and women from the various mining camps in the vicinity among them Mont and Joe Godley brothers were drinking and carousing at a ball Hin kle requested them to be quiet The Godley brothers answered him in an insulting and insolent manner and he tried to arrest them They resisted and Hinkle blew his whistle for help He then began to use his club in or der to protect himself from the on slaught of the crowd He was hold ing his own against three of them when Mont Godley grabbed the offi cers revolver and placing the muz zle behind Hinkles right ear pulled the trigger The ball passed through his head and came out over the left eye He fell to the sidewalk Other officers pursued the negroes all of whom started to run when the officer fell The Godley brothers were both captured and locked up in the city jail Hinkle was carried to the city hall where he died at 2 oclock GUAM DOES NOT FLOURISH Annual Report from Governor of the Island is Interesting WASHINGTON The annual report of Commander Seaton Schroeder gov ernor of the island of Guam which is dated July 10 has just reached the Navy department The receipts last year were 66000 and the expenses 57000 leaving a bal ance of 8000 which however is a decrease of more than 13000 in the cash balance for the preceding year This loss is due largely to the unex pected expenses incident to the estab lishment of the leper colony and a de crease of over 10000 in import duties Commander Schroeder reports that it has been deemed prudent to stop all work of public improvement until fur ther appropriations are made The value of the exports and imports dur ing the year were respectively 55549 and 35165 The exports consisted almost entire ly of Mexican dollars Not a pound of copra was exported and neither cacao or coffee was produced in suf ficient quantities to supply the home market The census of the island taken last autumn shows a total population of 9676 of whom only forty six are for eigners fourteen being citizens of the United States but officers and men of the navy or other civil employes tem porarily imported from the United States were not included Above the age of 7 46 per cent of the natives read and write Spanish The natives still refuse to allow their sick to receive medical attention but conditions were improving an excess of births over deaths being shown for each of the last two years Statehood Report is Out WASHINGTON The testimony taken by the sub committee of the senate committee on territories on the house omnibus statehood bill has been printed as a senate document and was made public Monday night It makes a book of 394 pages with maps and includes quotations and answers of many people examined with reference to the size population resources schools and churches business moral and other characteristics of the peo ple of the three proposed states and miscellaneous information Officer is Missing DENVER Second Lieutenant Wil liam M Kistler Company M Eight eenth United States infantry has been missing from Fort Logan for nearly two weeks The Denver police de partment has been asked to help lo cate him Lieutenant Kistler is 23 years old and enlisted as a private in the Sixth cavalry seven years ago at Philadel phia He went with the battery to the Philippines and saw service in and about Manila Cattle Said to Be Starving DENVER Thonsands of cattle are reported to be starving to death on the range in northwestern Colorado The Humane society appealed to the owners to rescue their stock who have explained that they are power less to do so The cattle are snowed in on the high range in Routt and Rio Grande counties without pasture and without water It is impossible to get feed to them and equally impos sible to drive them into suitable win ter quarters 34SjSj NEBRASKA IN GENERAL 83xseS FIRES IN NEBRASKA CITIES I A row of seven frame buildings in South Omaha and Beatrice Suffer Considerable Damage The big sheep barns at the Union stock yards in South Omaha were tot ally destroyed by fire Thursday It is estimated that the loss will be a little over 50000 fully covered by insur ance Just how the fire started has not been ascertained One of the employes discovered the blaze and immediately sounded the alarm Before any of the firemen arrived the entire main struc ture was in flames and great clouds of black smoked rolled lazily away to wards the south The smoke attracted the attention of people all over the city and within half an hour after the flames broke out the yards and sur rounding fences were almost black with people The main structure was 700 feet in length 160 feet in width and thirty feet high It was constructed of tim bers and was sheathed on the outside with corrugated iron The flooring was of vitrified brick This building was erected several years ago Last year the stock yards company found a need of increased capacity and erect ed an addition 200 feet long by 200 feet in width thirty feet high south of the big barn This building was similar in construction to the other and was also destroyed At the time of the fire 993 head of sheep were confined in pens in the big barn When the alarm was given some of the men at hand hustled out 500 head into the alleys and these were saved the balance were smothered to death BEATRICE Fire originating in the basement of Days drug store in the Masonic temple block totally de stroyed the entire block and contents Conservative estimate places the loss at 150000 The fire is supposed to have been of incendiary origin The flames spread from the basement to the floor above and before the arrival of the fire de partment was beyond control The Beatrice National bank Trevitt Mattis Baker private bankers Days drug store and a number of lawyers insurance agents and real estate men occupied the building The fire was discovered by Judge fTflllison who roomed over the drus the business center of Culbertson was destroyed by fire The annual meeting of the state bar association -will be held in Omaha January 8 and 9 The state bank at Surprise was en tered Tuesday night the safe blown open and 2200 stolen The first train on the new Union Pa cific extension from Cedar Rapids to Spalding was run Tuesday Mrs Bernard Dolan an elderly Lin coln woman was found in the Ice of Salt creek frozen to death William Zeplin a prominent young man of West Point slipped on the ice and fell dislocating his neck He died a few hours later Livestock Agent Upton of the Bur lington says the recent storms in the range country of Nebraska Wyoming and South Dakota have caused no great losses to stock Adams county has paid off 25000 of the bonds held by the state leav ing 100000 in bonds still in the hands of the state treasurer Another block will soon be taken up Mrs Lena Lillie has been arrested charged with the murder of her hus band Harvey Lillie who was mys teriously killed while asleep in his home at David City two months ago The papers in Mexico City all com ment on the arrival of W J Bryan but it is understood that his visit is merely one of pleasure and recreation he being accompanied by his family It is authoritatively stated that Governor Mickey will make no ap pointments to the positions of adju tant general of the Nebraska National guard and state oil inspector until next spring Several candidates are making a lively scramble for these positions Charles S Young formerly assist ant general advertising agent of the Burlington has been appointed gen eral advertising agent of the Mil waukee with headquarters in Chicago Mr Young was formerly a reporter in Omaha His advancement in the railway world has been rapid Two unusual marriages occurred at Ainsworth Christmas week The con tracting parties in one were Levi Lind quist and Miss Grace Hagerman the groom weighing a little over 100 pounds while the bride weighs 320 pounds In the second marriage Ca- leb Hiveley aged 72 years- was united store He was awakened by the smell of smoke and although crippled by rheumatism managed to crawl to a window break the glass and call for help His cries were heard by the printers in a nearby printing office who turned in the alarm and rescued him UNITED AFTER MANY YEARS R G Backus Finds Daughter After Long Separation PLATTSMOUTH There is connect ed with the life of Mrs Agnes Lieber shal formerly Miss Agnes Backus of this city a story which reads like fic tion Mrs Liebershals mother died six months after the former was born and her father R G Backus after placing his child in the keeping of Mr and Mrs Dennis McCarthy of this city drifted out into the world to seek his fortune and not from that day until recently did he hear anything directly from his daughter Then he recived a letter from her addressed to Cincinnati O He im meditely answered it expressing his great pleasure at hearing from her and stating that he had written many let ters to relatives and others in Platts mouth inquiring about her but for some unknown cause these letters were unanswered and he had been kept in ignorance as to whether or not the child was still alive Mr Backus arrived the day before Christmas and is spending the holi days with his daughter He is a rep resentative of the Cincinnati Times Star and from general appearance is a very happy man His daughter was married about six months ago to An tone Liebershal a cigarmaker Ten-Year-Old Boy Suicides Adelbert Lemon the ten-year-old son of Rev H A Lemon of Bethany state evangelist of the Christian church with self destruction in his childish mind on the day before Christmas placed a rifle against his body and fired The bullet passed en tirely through his abdomen severing the internal organs in many places After telling his sorrowing parents that he did the deed on purpose he submitted to a surgical operation with out sign of faltering and died from hemorrhage and the shock He was a bright intelligent boy a model son whose life had a short time before been bubbling over with Christmas joy On his death bed he said he had been considering the daed for several weeks He gave no partic ular reason why he had thought of such an act I in marriage to Mrs Anna E Sopher aged 67 years An interesting suit will soon bet started in Lancaster county wherein the county commissioners will seek to compel County Judge Waters to pay into the county treasury fees which he has collected for performing marriage ceremonies Judge Waters insists that he is just as much entitled to the fees for performing the marriage ceremony as are the ministers of the gospel who perform them J H Hadkinson of Omaha has been appointed head gardener for the de- partment of horticulture in connection5 with the worlds fair Mr Hadkinson is a native of England and studiecj gardening in that country He hau charge of the gardening at the Omaha exposition and of Nebraskas horticul tural exhibit at the Pan American For two years he was secretary of the State Horticultural society of Ne braska NEBRASKA CATTLE ALL RIGHT State Official Makes Investigation and Reports Favorably LINCOLN State Veterinarian Thomas who has just returned from Scotts Bluff county reports that after a critical examination into the condi tions prevailing in the western end of the state he finds the cattle industry in excellent condition This tends to relieve the alarm that has been cre ated by the reports sent out to the press concerning the condition of the ranges in Wyoming and Colorado The snow injures the grass for forage pur poses to a certain extent but the Ne braska ranchmen are awakening to the need for exercise of more foresight and less dependence on providence to safe guard their herds and keep them through the winter He saw much stacked hay that had been put up in preparation for the winter He did not see any herds that appeared to be suffering from the stress of the weath er and heard no stories of distress among the ranchmen on the Nebraska side of the line Much interest is being stirred up m the state university at Lincoln in an ticipation of the preliminary debates next month The university will hold debates with Colorado at Denver Kansas at Lawrence Kan and Mis souri at Lincoln early in May John Gotte a well-to-do Kimball county ranchman is believed to have perished in the recent storm He left his ranch to look up stray cattle Noth ing has been seen of him since Three da3s after his departure his horse re turned alone S Bailey n jm I OfC Miss Alice Atlanta Ga tells how she was permanently cured of inflamma tion of the ovaries escaped sur geons knife by taking Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound I had suffered for three years with terrible pains at the time of men struation and did not know what Sthe trouble was until the doctor pro nounced it inflammation of the ovaries and proposed an operation I felt so weak and sick that I felt euro that I could not survive the or deal The following week I read an advertisement in the paper of Jjydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com t pound in such an emergency and so 1 decided to try it Great was my joy to find that I actually improved after taking two bottles and in the end I was cured by it I had gained eighteen pounds and was in excellent health Miss Axice Bailey 50 North Boule vard Atlanta da 5000 forfeit If original -- MUW W J W f a f VIIUIHH of above letter proving gen genuineness cannot b pro- fuced The symptoms of inflammation and disease of the ovaries are a dull throbbing1 pain accom panied by a sense of tenderness and heat low down in the side with occasional shooting pains The region of pain sometimes Shows some swelling WESTERN CANADA Is attracting moro attention than any other district In tho world The Granary of tho World The land of Bun- ihine The Natural Feeding Grounds for Stock Area under crop in 1902 1987830 acres Yield 1902 117822754 bushels Abundance of Water fuel Plentiful Cheap Building Material Good Gnus for pasture and bay a fertile soil asulEcientralnfalland a climate giving an assured and adequate season or growth HOHESTEAD LANDS OF 160 ACRES FKEE Close to Churches Schools etc Kailwaye tap ell settled districts Send for Atlas and other literature to Superintendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada or to wV Bennett Canadian Government Agent 801 New York Life BldiOmanaXetiwno will supply you with certificate giving you reduced railway rates etc Send a Christmas Postal Card All over Europe and especially in Germany it is the custom during holi day week to exchange greetings by postal cards usually of the pictorial character They are sent to friends and relatives at home and abroad and their interchange adds much to the gaiety of the season With commend able enterprise Leslies Weekly has taken up the foreign fad by including in its handsome Christmas number a sheet of eight Christmas postal cards each containing a beautiful and appro priate picture and space for a brief message These cards can he cut apart and readily mailed As the Christmas edition of Leslies Weekly is 125000 copies it will be seen thau it will circulate just a million holiday postal greetings The people of a certain Yorkshire town are blamed as a rule for look ing at both sides of a penny before parting with it says Spare Moments Quite a laughable example occurred the other day A man slightly deaf went to the doc tor with a bruised finger The doctor washed and bandaged it and when the man asked the charge said Oh it is just a trifle and wont cost anything No no sir you will need to make it less an that The doctor catching on said Very well we will say two and six pence which the man promptly paid thinking he had knocked some thing off A good many of the very rich young1 men of New York are among the bus iest people belonging to Manhattan is j land For instance Cornelius Vander bilt and Jack Astor are continuallyj at work inventing something or other Harry Payne Whitney takes a deep interest in his fathers business George is up to his waist in big affairs all of the time Clarence Mackay is carrying on his fathers extensive en- terprises and J P Morgan jr flndsj ample occupation in representing his father in London How Titian We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that casaot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo C We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm West Truar Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Walding Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Ohio Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally act Ing directs v upon the blood and mueoussurf aces of the system Testimonials sent free- Price Jbc per bottle Sold by all druggists Halls Family Pills are the bt Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of Defi ance Starch is fast taking place of all other brands Others say they cannot sell any other starch The biggest tree fears the beavers teeth If you are coughing take Dr Au gust Koenigs Hamburg Breast Tea A locomotive engineer can make hi3 own headlight by tanking up Defiance Starch Is guaranteed big gest and best or money refunded 16 ounces 10 cents Try it now