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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1903)
i f Ik - k1 TWENTY FIRST YEAR Thayer Slranahan Marriage A very happy matrimonial event was -consummated with engaging particulars Thursday evening at the homo of the brides parentsMr and Mrs WSPerry in the union of their eldest daughter Mrs Mabel Perry Stranahan to Mr Warren N Thayer of Cincinnati Ohio The wedding occurred at about half past six and wasn quiet affair witnessed by the family and a few friends the ceremony taking place under a canopy effect of lace curtains and sniilax in the parlor Rev Frank W Dean of the Con rgregational church performing the same The bride was beautifully gowned in a light blue silk with an elaborate gar niture of lace The bride has grown into radiant womanhood in our city and is greatly admired by a large circle of friends for her charming personality and accomp lishments The groom hails from Cin cinnati Ohio and has made a most lavorable impression upon all who have met him during his short stay in the city He is a teacher by profession It is the wish and hope of all that their wedded life may be joyous and full of success The house was prettily decorated with smilax ferns and brides roses One of the dining rooms in pink and white car nations and the other in the Awl Os colors white and yellow A reception was tendered a largo com pany of friends from 730 to 930 about 150 guests responding to the invitations The young ladies of the Awl Os club had charge of this charming affair and were assisted by Mesdames J A Gunn T B Campbell M E Knipple C E Pope and Mary Roach Mrs W B Mills and Miss Blanche McCarl furnished music instrumental and vocal during the reception They leave for Norwood Ohio this evening and will be at home at 4115 Ivanhoe avenue Kuns Phillippl Wedding Wednesday evening about nine oclock at the home of the brides parent Mr and Mrs T M Phillippi Miss Winnie Phillippi and Mr Jessie A Kuns of McCool Junction Nebraska were hap pily wedded Rev George L White of the Baptist church performing the cere mony in the presence of over 75 guests and relatives Miss Eva Burgess of McCook and Miss McTaggarc of McCool Junction were bridesmaids and Mr John Kuns of McCool Junction and Mr JX Selby of McCook were groomsmen The bride is well and favorably known to all of our readers The groom is a well-to-do young farmer down in York county The ceremony was performed under a pretty bower and the decorations were in carnations and smilax A musical program was a feature of the following reception Miss Eva Bur gess and Mr Joy D Selby singing the Misses Peterson and Miss Elbert play ing piano selectios Refreshments were served after the ceremony The presents were numerous hand some and rich The young couple departed on the following morning for their future home nearMcCool Junction They have the good wishes of many friends Strangely Reunited A romance in real life of an unusual nature has came into the life of Miss Beulah Hall of this city whereby she found a sister whose whereabouts have been unknown since infancy Miss Alice Weaver of Mattoon 111 came to this county some days ago to visit with -friends near Bladen and it was while go ing through a photograph album that she discovered the picture of Miss Hall and was at once struck by the great re semblance it bore to herself She knew she had had a sister when she was a child so she accordingly made inquiry and learned facts that led her to believe she was on the right track though she had no thought of such good fortune when she came west Miss Hall was sent for and went to Bladen their stories were soon told and the past was all made clear with the result that the two sisters were happily reunited When Miss Hall whose real name is Weaver was two weeks old her mother died and she was taken to Illinois to live with an aunt Since that time the interested parties have changed locations several times and as no correspondence was continued all trace of the different factors in the drama was lost to each other Their reunion was one of those peculiar coin cidences which are so strange and un accountable Red Cloud Argus - There are some things Sutton does not offer or agree to do He doesnt agree to sell a 350 piano for 163 But he will sell you for 165 the best piano on earth for that amount of money And its a good instrument too MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE George M Mohleh is now located at Chester F C Kellogg was at Edison last week buying hay Mrs Clementine Hikes is the mother of a fine baby boy J A Williams was over from Stock ville Tuesday on business M Lawlkr is out from Omaha this week visiting oldtimo friends Mrs L F Utter returned home from Stratton Sunday morning on 12 F M Rathbun left Monday night for Moorcrof t Wyoming on oil business Matt Thomson went to Omaha Mon day night to visit Auditor Randalls family C H Boyle has been spending part of the holidays with his parents in Denver Mrs Frank Henderson went up to Culbertson Monday night on a visit to relatives Miss Nellie LeHew is visiting her sister Clara in Grand Island during the holidays Carl Berry has been down from Pueblo visiting the family during the Christmas time Mr and Mrs Earl Corbin were in Cambridge Christmas Also Mr and Mrs Earl Murray R M Osborn has been entertaining his brother George and wife of Edison during the Christmas holidays W H Wyatt of Holdrege is spending a week or two in the city guest of his daughter Mrs I L Rodstrom Mrs J E Kelley is visitings Hast ings relatives a few days this week go ing down on 12 Monday morning Miss Millie Slaby has been up from Republican City during vacation visit ing her sister Mrs V H Solliday Mrs Lillian McAlpine was up from Lincoln Sunday on legal business leav ing for home on 12 Monday morning W J Walters has been in from the road guest of his sister Mrs Marie Mundy during the Christmas holidays MissDelon Shepherd has been down from Denver guest of her parents Mr and Mrs John Shepherd over the holi days Fred Kellogg was a Stratton busi ness visitor first of the week going up on 5i Monday evening and returning on Tuesday Mrs F G Westland and Lillian Roman returned home Tuesday night from their Christmas visit to Lincoln relatives Mrs Bearup who has been the guest of her sister Mrs H C Smith for a few weeks departed on Tuesday for her Cleveland home Mrs Mary Mullen and Miss Jose phine went up to Sheridan Wyoming close of last week on a visit to relatives Mrs W F Pate accompanied them as far as Lincoln Mrs Alonzo Cone returned home close of last week from visiting relatives in Hastings Holdrege and Oxford spending Christmas in the latter town where she was joined for the day by her husband Mrs A S Campbell Charlie and Gertrude came in Sunday evening from Doniphan Nebraska on their way home to the ranch near Imperial They re mained here until Wednesday morning when they took the Imperial limited for home Mrs F M Kimmell informally en tertained the members of the Priscilla club the Shakespeare club and a few neighbors Tuesday afternoon to meet Mrs A S Campbell of Imperial and her mother Mrs J B Meserve of Lincoln B M Frees is out from Chicago on his annual business visit in connection with closing up the years business of his lumber and banking interests in this part of Nebraska and neighboring Colo rado and Kansas sections Mrs Frees accompanies him Mr and Mrs Clarence McCarty of McCook are spending the holidays with Mr McCartys father William McCarty of our city Mr and Mrs Frank Dobson were down from McCook spend ing Christmas with his mother Mrs D N Dobson Holdrege Citizen John Rowell and family came down from Colorado close of last week and have been visiting his parents Mr and Mrs C B Rowell Mr Rowell and Clyde departed westward Tuesday and will make short stops at Mas and Fort Morgan to visit Elmer and Mrs Warren The rest of the family will remain here longer Burial of the Late J W Goldtrap Sunday afternoon at two oclock the remains of the late Engineor John W Goldtrap were interred in Longview cemetery of our city a large concourse of people attending the services in the Methodist church by Rev L H Shu mate at that hour The members of the A O U W order escorted the remains from the residence of Engineer C K Putman to the church and to the ceme tery There were a number of handsome floral offerings and the church was prettily decorated in a becoming manner The facts of the sad death of Engineer Goldtrap were fully set forth in last weeks paper He left the wife and children well pro vided for financially the insurance and other property perhaps aggregating 6000 or 7000 John W Goldtrap was born Octo ber 12th 1873 at Clifton Illinois Died near Trinidad Colorado December 24th 1902 Moved to Red Cloud Nebraska November 1890 and from there to Mc Cook in October of 1893 Was united in marriage to May Eunice Putnam on December 25th 1897 The young wife and three small children survive two boys and one girl besides his mother two sisters and two brothers Will Support McCooks Effort McCook is moving in the matter of securing a beet sugar factory Now we are persuaded that with a united effort on the part of farmers and businessmen of the southwestern part of the state it is possible the scheme may prove suc cessful The trouble will be disagree ment as to location We are frank to say that we see no reason why this town would be injured at all It is simply out of the question for Indianola to secure the factory but the closer it is the better Therefore the proposition to build the factory at McCook has the support of this paper Indianola Reporter Notice Purchasers of Dry Goods such as Cloaks Furs Blankets Heavy Under wear Lined Gloves and Mittens Fleece lined Wrappers Dressing Sacques Blanket lined Duck Coats and other winter goods will please notice that our regular End of Season Clearing Sale be gins tomorrow morning January 3rd in which prices are cut to the quick to accomplish our objects Your partici pation is solicited See long list of prices on another page Cut out the lists for reference Come early and get first selections Respectfully The Thompson Dry Goods Co Should Be a Hummer McCook is about the only town in the Republican valley that will have a poul try show this year and with no compe tition it should certainly be a hummer The dates of the show are Dec 31 Jan 2 Superior Daily Journal CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Methodist Sabbath school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m Epworth League at 7 p m Preaching at 8 p m by Rev Dean of the Congregational church L H Shumate Pastor Baptist Sunday school 945 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m B Y P U 7 p m Prayer meeting Wednes day evening at 8 Rev C R Betts of Stillwater Minnesota will preach both morning and evening Christian Communion service at 11 a m At 8 p m the theme will be The Things That Jesus Began Bible school at 10 and you will miss it if you are absent Welcome W F McCormick Minister Congregational Sunday school 10 Morning worship and sermon by pastor 11 Y P S C E 7 Union service at the Methodist church at 8 sermon by Congregational pastor All are heartily welcome Frank W Dean Pastor Rev and Mrs George L White de parted on Wednesday night for Chicago where he resumes his studies W F McCormick is in Bartley and will preach there next Sunday morning It is thought he will preach there each alternate Sunday morning morning dur ing this year He will be here for even ing service The worlds week of prayer begins nest Sunday Uniqn services will be held every night Sunday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday at the Metho dist church Thursday Friday and Sat urday and the following Sunday at the Congregational church All are urged to attend J RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Machinist Barch has quit the service W II Decker is on the relief with an injured knee Supt Campbell returned from Lin coln Tuesday Machinist E A Slamm was in Have lock Christmas Brakeman G R Snyder has been off duty part of tho week Brakeman L H Burney was in Strat ton Christman evening Engine 11 is down in the drop pit for repairs to her side sheets Engineer and Mrs Matt Traver were Lincoln visitors Christmas James Wilson and Thomas W Smith are new brakemen this week Conductor J F Utter is still on the sick list with an injured hand Oshea Kunklo spent his Christmas with the homefolks at Arapahoe Brakeman and Mrs George Martin are visiting in Hastings and Harvard Brakeman W H Starks is laying off on account of the sickness of his wife Rea Oman and wife are enjoying New Year with the homefolks at Danbury Machinist Charles Rees returned first of the week from a short visit in Denver Brakeman and Mrs J H Franken fleld are visiting in Sheridan Wyoming Operator Paul Jones of Holdrege vis ited Trenton relative during the holi days Engineer Pap Neiling has been up with the 161 for repairs of a minor nature Machinist Ed Ballance returned on Monday from spending Christmas in Plattsmouth Conductor William Washburn is off duty on account of the illness of his little daughter Brakeman C E Hoffman went up to Yvray Colorado Monday evening on a visit to a friend Conductor J F Utter and family went up to Benkelman Saturday even ing on 5 on a visit Agent and Mrs Winger came down from Benkelman Tuesday morning on 12 to headquarters Night Foreman W H Armstrong and Brakeman W F Hoar are off duty on account of slight injuries Jim Irwin has returned to work and has Roundhouse Foreman Chases old job on valves and guides Engine 5S will be out of the shop in a short while now The No 70 a K4 is just in for an overhauling L W Stayner spent Christmas in Edgar and visited in Omaha and Lin coln before his return home Maurice Heafy is out from Havelock visiting relatives here and in Limon Colorado during the holidays Chief Dispatcher Forbes and family were guests of her parents Mr and Mrs Henry Tomblin Arapahoe Christmas The great Union Pacific strike has been settled By terms of agreement there will be no sympathetic strikes in the future Engineer George Pronger had Engi neer Hawks worths run during his ab sence and Engineer Ives had Engineer Prongers Conductor E F Caffrey has returned to duty and is now in charge of the 36 in place of Conductor G W Bunting who relieved him On account of the heavy business a night yard crew has been placed on duty at Holdrege Switchmen F M Fagan and C H Magnuson are in charge Machinist T W Hawksworth is on the relief and is visiting in Plattsmouth pending recovery from threatened blood poisoning from a slight injury to the hand The company has commenced filling its houses here and elsewhere on the division with ice from the Cambridge lake It is of a fine quality and ten to twelve inches thick A number of the Russian members of the railroad service attended a religious meeting in Lincoln close of last week and first of the present Among the number were Henry Brening John Brening Sr John Hoff John Traut The new air compres3or is on the ground and is being installed in the machine shop The machine is 10x30 inches in dimensions and will greatly increase the air pressure capacity of the shop It is being installed just north of the big stationary engine and will be connected with the piston rod of the big engine for power t - Passed Away With the Old Year Miss Flora Nixon who has beon ill with consumption for tho past year two months of that timo in this city passed away between 11 and 12 oclock Wed nesday night after great suffering Tho end came peacefully Tho homo of tho deceased is Maywood Illinois a suburb of Chicago where sho taught for a num ber of years in tho public schools before her health failed and her coming west About two months wero spout in Im perial before coming here The remains will be shipped to Clin ton Illinois for burial The mother who has beon with tho sick daughter has the tonderest sym pathy of all acquainted with tho sad circumstances and the untimely death of a most promising daughter Sutton carries the Mathushek Story Clark Bush Gerts and Cable line of pianos in all styles and prices and on easiest possible terms It will bo your mistake if you buy elsewhere bo fore seeing his stock and learning his prices and terms Dont make such an error Save money and trouble by buy ing right at home The chicken show will close tomorrow and will be treated fully next week The Tribune is only 100 a year ADDITIONAL PERSONALS N T Hall of Trenton was a business guest Wednesday Frank Jurgensmeier of Hartwell has been visiting C F Lehn J F Whiteford is out from Omaha on a New Year vacation Miss Eva Thompson returned to Tren ton Wednesday evening on 5 Hinky Dink of the Taffy Belt was with us Saturday on business Mrs M A Silsbee of Mars Nebras ka is visiting Mrs A W Utter George Beck of tho Commercial ho tel went east Christmas evening Mrs W H Armstrong is entertain ing her mother from near Imperial A A McCoy the Trenton lawyer was a New Year visitor on business J L Blood county clerk of Hayes was a business visitor first of the week W C Reed of Stockvillo was in the city yesterday to attend the sugar beot conference Albert mcmillen delightfully enter tained the members of his Sunday school classTuesday evening Mr and Mrs Timmins of Orleans re turned home today from visiting Rev and Mrs L H Shumate Miss Hannah Stangland has been with the family during the holiday vaca tion of the state university Miss Isa Shoemaker who has been visiting Mrs B G Gossard returned home to Cubertson Sunday on 5 G L Law3 came up from Lincoln Monday evening on No 5 and was in the city Tuesday on land business M H Holmes went down to Omaha close of last weekand will be gone a few weeks visiting his mother and sister Miss Florence Reynolds was over from Wilsonville close of last week guest of her sister Mrs George C Denton Mrs Roy King and Miss Ida Modrell came out from Ute Iowa last week and are visiting relatives during the holidays George Hocknell is in the city on his annual business trip He is still suffering severely with an attack of sciatica which seized him about 18 months since Edward J Brady who has been spending Xmas and a few days with the folks at home departed Sunday on 1 for Denver to resume his duties in the Denver Dry Goods Cos store W T Coleman will leave Tuesday for Omaha to attend the meeting of tho implement dealers of Nebraska and Western Iowa This is an annual affair of great and growing importance Mr and Mrs Francis Sells of Hold rege were the guests of E A Bocock part of the week Mr Sells was form erly in the Burlingtons station service but is now keeping books for a Holdrege elevator man Miss Minnie Fitzgerald came out from Lincoln last week and has been the guest of her uncle P Walsh during her vacation Mis3 Minnie is stenogra pher to Lee Herdman clerk of the supreme court and is accounted one of the most expert stenographers in the the capital city asaaBSEwacrgEsagvmwriwirviMiy ertimtte McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 2 M LHh n i MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Invoicing is in order Annis Furs at DeGroffs f - rthi W5SStotoft u NUMBER 33 Monto Carlo Coats at DeGroffs Savo money on drugs at McMillons Go to Cone Bros for fino stationery Ping pong on tho ico is tho latest fad east s Scalo books for sale at The Tribune office A January thaw would go right to tho spot Go to C L DoGroff Cos for Sorosis Skirts Somo good values in Potticoats at CL DeGroff Cos Tho union week of prayer will com mence January 10th White Pine and Tar is tho best cough syrup at Cono Bros First class meats of all kinds at tho B M meat market For Sale Champion hay press in good condition S E Christian For Sale Two fino thorough bred Duroc Jersey boars RBSimmonds You want tho best at a right price You will get it at the B M moat market Tho separator business is crrowinfr in Redwillow county It seems to bo sat isfactory and profitable Pickles sauer kraut and everything seasonable at Marshs moat market Highest quality and lowest prices For Rent 2 neatly furnished rooms for light housekeeping or two young gen tlemen roomers See Ludwick tho furniture dealer Cards with envelopes to match for at homos receptions etc for sale at Trib une office Same neatly printed rea sonable if desired This is the timo to make your pur chases of underwear and at C L De Groff Cos is the right place to get tho best goods at tho right prices The local icemen Walsh and Lee are hboth engaged in putting up their next summers supply of ice and it is of fino quality about ten inches thick clear and solid Pianos at Suttons at from 165 up on easy payments See him first before making a purchase No one can give you lower prices or better terms for a reliable instrument Soil Culture Campbell of Holdrege will have an experimental farm on tho great Kilpatrick ranch on the French man river near Champion coming sea son It will be irrigated from the Kil patrick ditch Is your head working or are you pay ing ten cents a pound for meat by the quarter when you can get better meat by the quarter at Marshs meat market for six and eight cents a pound Dont let the peddlers bump you so hard when the regular dealers can do so much bet ter in price and in quality as well Sutton the jeweler has a reliable op tician in his store all the time Eye3 tested and glasses fitted scientifically and satisfaction guaranteed Hundreds of people in McCook and vicinity will bear testimony to tho high excellence and reliability of his optical work If your eyes need attention dont wait until some pilgrim come3 along but go to Sutton at once ne remains hero to warrant his work Business Men Meet An enthusiastic meeting of 2MCook business men and surrounding farmers met in McConnells hall Thursday afternoon and took steps to perfect an organization to promote the interests of Red Willow county taking up among other subjects Sugar Beets and Good Roads A committee of five wa3 appointed to draft plan3 for organization to report to an adjourned meeting to be held at the court hou3e at 2 p m on Thursday the 8th inst Let everj business man and every farmer make it a point to lay aside other matters for an afternoon and turn out Keep Up the GoodjWork E B Stilgebouer jjaeld his second annual sale of Duroc Jersey hogs Mon day A fair crowd was in attendance but the bidding was not as good as an ticipated Eds efforts to improve th9 grade of hogs raised in this country have been untiring and his stock is deserv ing of better prices than itbrought but the shortage of corn and scarcity of hogs now in the country was against him We arc in hopes he may make moro another year than he has this and be encouraged to keep up the goodjwork ho has begun Danbury News 25th