Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1902)
BEF INTERESTS GIGANTIC MERGER WITH MIL LIONS OF CAPITAL PACKERS WILL ORGANIZE FIRST Afterward the Same Firms Will Amalgamate the Yards In Omaha Kansas City Chicago St Joseph St Louis and Other Places CHICAGO The Record Herald on Friday says Two big consolidations arc planned by beef interests The packers will combine first and then affect a merger of all the stock yards In the country With the exception of the Chicago stock yards which are controlled in Boston all the properties involved are owned and controlled by the own ers of the principal beef packing in terests The different yards that will prob ably be included in the deal aside from the Chicago yards are those at South Omaha Kansas City East St Louis St Joseph Fort Worth and Sioux City The Armour interest is probably the largest in the Kansas City yards The Armours Swift and Morris con trol the East St Louis yards the Swifts own the St Joseph yards the Armours and Swifts own the Fort Worth yards the Armours Swifts and Cudahys control the Omaha yards and the Swifts control at Sioux City While the control of the Chicago yards is held in Boston the Chicago packers have large holdings of the stock also and their recommendations would undoubtedly have great weight with the eastern capitalists The plan for consolidating the vari ous stock yards has not progressed as yet to a point where the amount of stock required has been more than discussed It would Undoubtedly run well to 100000000 exclusive of the amount required for the packing companies combination which is said to be 500000000 THANKSGIVING resident Proclaims November 27 as the Time WASHINGTON President Roose velt on Wednesday issued his procla mation designating Thursday Novem ber 27 as a day of thanksgiving The proclamation is as follows v According to the yearly custom of pur people it falls upon the president at this season to appoint a day of fes tival and thanksgiving to God Over a century and a quarter has passed since this country took its place among the nations of the earth and during that time we have had on the whole more to be thankful for than has fallen to the lot of any other people N Generation after generation has grown to manhood and passed away Each has had to bear its peculiar burdens each to face its special crisis and each has known years of grim trial when the country was menaced by malice domestic or foreign levy when the hand of the Lord was heavy upon it in drouth or flood pestilence when in bodily distress and anguish of soul it paid the penalty of folly andt a forward heart Nevertheless decade by decade we have struggled onward and upward we now abundantly enjoy material well being and under the favor of the Most High we are striving earnestly to achieve moral and spiritual uplifting The year that has just closed has been one of peace and of overflowing plenty Rarely has any people enjoyed greater prosperity than we are now en joying For this we render heartfelt and solemn thanks to the Giver of Good and we seek to praise Him not by words only but by deeds by the way in which we do our duty to our selves and to our fellow men Now therefore I Theodore Roose velt president of the United States do hereby designate as a day of general thanksgiving Thursday the 27th of the coming November and do recom mend that throughout the land the people cease from their ordinary occu pations and in their several homes and places of worship render thanks unto Almighty God for the manifold bless ings of the last year Tnx witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed Done at the city of Washington this 29th day of October in the year of our Lord 1902 and of the independence of the United States the 127th THEODORE ROOSEVELT By the President JOHN HAY Seal Secretary of State Cholera Epidemic Decreasing ST PETERSBURG Cholera is de creasing in the Amur districts and in all other infected districts There has been only one fatal case of sus pected plague at Odessa since October 21 VISIT THE COAL MINES Arbitration Commission Begins Tour to Examine Anthracite Region SCRANTON Pa The seven com missioners appointod by President Roosevelt to adjust the differences existing between the anthracite mine workers and their employes on Thurs day made a tour of the extreme upper coal field and saw every step taken in the production of coal from the time it is blasted to the point where it is sent to market The arbitrators had an interesting day and returned to their hotel at night grimy from coal dust and tired after eight busy hours They had to endure many discomforts making their way through wet places in the mines almost crawling along some of the gangways and passing through clouds of coal dust in the breakers Notwithstanding this their eagerness for information was not diminished and they expect to put in another hard days work in the same manner Every suit that has been brought he said has been successful under this section He said ho would curb trusts not destroy them The tariff will have to be revived he said again and again and again In conclusion Senator Hoar dis cussed strikes saying that to him if capital combined he could not see why labor could not also combine I believe the sympathy of all true Americans he said is on the side of labor and its attempt to better its condition Capital and wealth will in the end take care of themselves EVILS OF TRUSTS Eight of Them Named by Hoar of Massachusetts BOSTON Senator Hoar speaking here Monday night said The evils of the trust are First Destruction of competition Second The management of indus tries by absent capital Third Destruction of local public spirit Fourth Fraudulent capitalization Fifth Secrecy Sixth Management for the private benefit of the officers Seventh The power to corrupt elec tions and in some cases to corrupt courts Eighth Indifference to public sent iment If the first fourth and fifth can bo cured the cure of others in my opin ion will follow Now is it not the duty of wise statesmanship to go slowly and care fully in this matter so that we cure or prevent the evil without sacrificing what is good Senator Hoar then reviewed the Sherman anti trust laws and claimed that he himself had inserted in the bill the section declaring any combin ation or trust which restricts trade to be illegal ARIZONA SEEKS STATEHOOD Governor Brodie Files His Showing at National Capital WASHINGTON Governor Brodie of Arizona in his usual report renews the plea for statehood and makes the following explanation Under the Leland Hansbrough act the claims of Arizona for government aid in irrigation to be fully carried out and extended so as to inaugurate in the territory the first of the great irrigation systems under that action action to rejuvenate the depleted for est area increases in school facili ties in the salary of the governor of the appropriation for the Arizona national guard appropriation to im prove the Colorado river and construct a levee from Yuma to the Mexican line to prevent the overflow of cul tivated land by the annual freshets and appropriations for purchasing sites and erectings in Arizona The governor places the total taxable prop erty of the territory at 39083178 AMERICA ANSWERS COLOMBIA Deals with Question of Sovereignty of Isthmus WASHINGTON It was learned Tuesday that a prompt answer had been made to the latest Colombian note respecting the Panama canal treaty which was transmitted on Mon day Its nature was not divulged but the presumption is that it deals al most entirely with Colombias repre sentations regarding the sovereignty of the isthmus The Colombians feel their rights have been Feriously in vaded by the acts of Commander McLean and Admiral Casey in pre venting the prompt movement of troops across the railroad The state department is anxious that a speedy settlement be reached in order to fa cilitate the completion of the Panama canal treaty Kruger Wants to Go Home BRUSSELS It is asserted here that Mr Kruger has abandoned his irreconcilable attitude and intends to seek permission to return to South Africa - SjJS5 NEBRASKA IN GENERAL t SHOOTING IS A MYSTERY I BRIEF NOTES Victim Refuses to Tell How the Injury Was Received SILVER CREEK Monday after noon a man was found at the coal house west of town yelling for dear life He was taken In charge and on examination was found to have been shot directly under the left shoulder blade The man is about 30 years of age gives his name as James J Fran cis says he is from Baltimore but refuses to talk further Three hours after the shooting a man boarded an eastbound freight west of town and persons seeing him Bay he answers the description of the man who was with Francis The doc tor gives little hopes of the woundefl mans recovery COLUMBUS Chief of Police Shack received a description of a man wanted at Silver Creek and within twenty minutes had his man in jail He was afterwards sweated by Sheriff Burnes but absolutely refused to say a word When searched he had a new Smith Wesson 38 caliber revolver and a bottle of some kind of acid Sheriff Byrnes says he is confident that this man and the one who was shot are both wanted for postoffice robbery at Belgrade The descriptions tally ex actly The Merrick county officers will be after the man He stands per fectly dumb before all questioners and if he has a voice the officers have had no evidence of it LARGE IRRIGATION PROJECT Propose to Build a Ditch One Hun dred and Fifty Miles Long LINCOLN One of the largest irri gation projects conceived in Nebraska is involved in a hearing begun be fore State Engineer Adna Dobson be ing the matter of a protest filed by the Farmers Canal company and the Farmers Irrigation District against the application of William Frank Mr Franks application for water from the North Platte river in Scotts Bluff county was filed last April and the irrigation district filed one subsequent to that date but the real contest dates back five or ten years Bonds to the amount of 400000 were once voted by the Irrigation district but they have never been disposed of The Farmers Canal company built twenty one miles of what was intended to be an extensive line of ditches and then stopped work Now two contend ing companies desire to complete the original plan Mr Frank proposes to build a ditch 150 miles long at an estimated cost of 5S0000 The dis trict expected to build eighty miles with the 400000 bonds voted Rob ert Walker succeeded to the rights of the Farmers Bond company He has sold his rights to William Frank who has associated with him H G Leav Itt of the Ames Sugar company They are admitted to have a prior claim dating from 1SS7 but the other side alleges that these rights have been abandoned LIFE SENTENCE FOR MURDER Anton Christenson Must Pay Heavy Penalty for Killing His Wife OMAHA The solemn hush that at tended the sentencing on Monday aft ernoon of Anton Christenson to spend all the rest of his days behind prison walls was broken by the quick ve hement elapping of the sister of the wife whom he had murdered Never was applause less expected and never has it been more startling to those Who heard it The little group about the condemned man had been breath less as the judge pronounced his blast ing words and shuddered to hear that sound of exultation which is so rare in court rooms even when the pro nouncement is one of hope instead of withering doom The prisoner ut tered not a sound hut bowed beneath the blow meekly and with all hope gone Christenson shot and killed his wife last August Wolves Attack Hogs TECUMSEH For many years Johnson county farmers have been tioubled but little with wolves but this is not the experience of W P McCoy who lives northeast of this city His herd of hogs has been pest ered with the animals considerably of late One evening recently Mr McCoy heard a disturbance at his hog pen and upon going out found two big wolves attacking an old porker Be fore Mr McCoy succeeded in driving them off they had wounded the hog to the extent that be died soon after Sneak Thief Robs York Store YORK Some sneak thief entered the store of W G Boyer some time in the night and took 35 from a drawer behind the prescription case It is supposed he crawled in through a cel lar window dog but holdfast is a better one could hardly be improved jn at thi3 day The first automobile has made its ap pearance in Fremont A movement is on foot at Grand Isl and for starting a canning factory The soldiers monument on the court house square at Beatrice has been com pleted Rev Hess of Beatrice last Sunday preached his farewell sermon He will locate at Tipton Iowa Nebraska produced in 1902 the fol lowing Wheat G021G670 bushels oats 58503007 rye 11797123 barley 2152522 Fifteen houses have been built in Yutan during the last few months One 5000 church has been erected and two more churches were renovated P W Birkhouser of Sarpy county has been showing his friends a second growth of strawberries that he picked from his farm south of Papillipn While threshing near Ellis Gage county Chris Knoche a prominent German farmer had the misfortune to run the tine of a pitchfork in his right eye Nebraskas corn crop for the past five years shows the following 1902 224201950 bushels 1900 241935527 1899 244125093 1898 180611944 1897 229907853 Alfred J Anderson a farmer living east of Oakland had a valuable riding pony stolen The animal was taken while its owner was attending an en tertainment in town From some unknown cause the High school building at Arrapahoe was burned and is an entire loss not even the brick walls remaining intact The aggregate loss is 20000 with 8000 in surance One of the largest stones ever quar ried in the state was cut at the Blue Springs quarry recently The stone is forty five feet long four feet wide and eighteen inches thick and made a good carload A horse driven by E B Cowles for mer county superintendent of Jefferson county ran away and while crossing the railroad tracks overturned the buggy throwing Mr Cowles to the ground severely injuring him Capt A H Hollingsworth who pi loted company C while the First Ne braska regiment was on duty during the Philippine war and Miss Myrtle Ross a leading society girl of Wilber were married at the brides home last week At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Luther Academy at Wahoo it was decided to erect a new school building at a cost of 18000 P L Plym an architect from Lincoln was appointed to draw up the plana and specifications At a dance given at the home of Da vid Kluck a farmer living two miles north of Richland a man named Young about 25 years old was serious ly stabbed during an altercation with a fellow from Schuyler Youngs con dition is said to be serious Charles Ogoms committed suicide at his home eight miles northwest of Gib bon He was a farmer in good circum stances owning a farm of 160 acres with stock and a good crop He leaves a wife and five children His home re lations were oleasant and comfortable Land in Boone county is changing hands rapidly Within the past two weeks 8000 acres of the ranch and farm lands recently purchased by a New York syndicate has been sold by McKillip Swallow their agents This land has all gone to individual land owners A peculiar freak of nature occurred on Martin Klims farm near Adams a few days ago About twenty two days ago one of his cows gave birth to a calf which was dead when it was born Sixteen days later the same cow gave birth to another calf which is alive and doing well The verdict of the jury in the Lillie murder case at David City before Dr Sample the coroner was rendered af ter being locked in a room three days and three nights and is as follows That Harvey Llllie came to his death by a gunshot wound feloniously in flicted by a party unknown The senior class of the State uni versity has received a report from the committee to select a list from which the class orator shall be picked The names submitted embrace Henry Wat terson Senator Beceridge of Indiana Mark Twain Thomas B Reed and Hamilton Mabie editor of Outlook The list was presented to Chancellor Andrews Coroner McCabe of Lincoln county was called on to examine into the cause of the death of two men Word was received from Wallace that a man name not given was found dead under a wagon box All evidence indicated an accident R A Brown mail driver between North Platte and Gandy was found dead in his wagon The team pulled up to the Myrtle postoffice with the dead body The mail was undis turbed and all indications were that he had simply dropped dead THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations from South Omaha and Kansas City SOUTH OMAHA CATTLE Thoro was only a light run of cattle Saturday nnd for the week ro elpts show a decrenso as compared with last week but an Increase over the samo week of last year There wero a fow ornfcd steers on sale and there did not leem to be much of any chango In the prices paid The cow market did not have the life to It today that was noticed yesterday As compared with a week ago the market may be quoted lCftllc higher the greatest advance having taken placo in the better grades Bulla veal calves and stags did not show much change but for the week bulls are a little lower If they pre not good There were only n few stockcrs and feeders on snle and not much change In the market took place There were only a few western steers In slcht and the market showed hut little change There has been a good active demand all the week and prices have advanced 10ftloc Range cows were a lit tle slow but 15tf25c higher for the week HOGS The market opened fairly active and 2jloc higher Along toward the close however the feeling grew weaker and the last sales were not much more than steady with yesterdays average The bulk of the sales went from C60 to SC63 with prime loads selling mostly from JGG3 to C7i Heavy packing grades went largely from G33 to JGGO SHEEP Quotations Good to choice yearlings 3755 100 fair to good 32yfi 165 good to choice wethers 3D03G3 fair to good wethers J3lCi7335 choice ewes 300i5325 fair to good ewes 2638 290 good to choice lambs 4C3fl75 fair to good lambs iWa 150 choice native Iambs 3O0rr5O feeder ethers 273300 feeder yetirlings J2H325 feeder lambs 5300fi400 cull lambs 150ft250 feeder ewes 125j200 cull ewes 75cg125 stock ewes 250J323 KANSAS CITY CATTLE Native and western beeves steady quarantine stuff active lirm stockers and feeders dull weaker stock calves broke 23ffi5c during the week choice export and dressed beef steers G50 743 fair to good 3505G45 stockers and feeders 300400 western fed steers 313 g375 Texas and Indian steers 300W 423 Texas cows 2105300 native cows 150400 native heifers 3100373 can ncrs 100tft223 bulls 223f3t5 calves 3005GO HOGS Opened 510c higher closed weak top CG3 bulk of sales SGCofifiGO heavy Gf5SGG3 mixed packers G5KV 000 light G40G57A yorkers G33 G57 pigs 3S50C35 SHEEP AND LAMBS Market steady native lambs 3G0520 western lambs 3005515 fed ewes 310fi390 native ethers 303400 western wethers 293tt 400 stockers and feeders 193323 GENERAL MILES AT MANILA Takes Up His Abode at Palace While in the City MANILA General Miles reached here on the United States transport Thomas from San Francisco Friday morning A salute in his honor was fired from Fort Santiago General Davis and a squadron of cavalry met General Miles at the land ing place in Manila and escorted him to the palace where Governor Taft and the other members of the civil commission awaited the visitor Gen eral Miles has accepted Governor Tafts invitation to live at the palace while here The garrison in Manila will be reviewed by General Miles on Saturday The general will then pro seed to Dagupan where he will visit Colonel Charles L Davis of the Fifth Infantry General Miles old regiment The generals plan for a tour of the archipelago has not yet been complet ed Rid of a Horse Thief GUTHRIE O T Residents of Cad--do county in the vicinity of Swan lake discovered the body of an un known man swinging to the limb of a tree and it has developed that he was a member of a gang of horse thieves that terrorized that portion of Oklahoma for several months past It Is supposed he was captured by en raged farmers who hal lost stock and lynched Indian Would Cheat the Gallows SIOUX FALLS S D James Rob bins and ex Sheriff Joseph M Dickson who were death watch over Walking Shield the Indian hanged here last week have been appointed to a sim ilar capacity in connection with George Bear the Sioux Indian con victed a few days ago of the murder of his stepson and a white employe on the Rosebud reservation and sen tenced to be hanged December 5 next Thanks the Workmen WASHINGTON After breakfasting at the White House Friday President Roosevelt informally received 191 of the mechanics and laborers who have been engaged upon the repairs of the mansion The president thanked them as a body for having facilitated by their work the completion of the repairs to the mansion thereby en abling him to once more occupy it No Prize Fighting There WATERBURY Conn In response to complaints from clergymen and other citizens regarding the proposed match between Young Corbett and Austin Rice on November 6 John P Kellogg assistant state attorney on Friday sent a letter to the manager of the match warning him that any violation of the law against prize fighting will be immediately met with the arrest and punishment of any one concerned SAVED A LIFE Gratltudo promotes publicity and its no wonder peoplo testify when llfo in saved Every reader with a bad back Is In danger for bnd backs aro but kldnoy Ills and neglect may provo fatal Ncglocted backacho is quickly fol lowed by too frequent urinary dis charges rotontion of tho urlno pain ful urination DIabotes Brlghts dis easo Road how all such troubles con bo cured Case No 34520 Mr Walter Mc Laughlin of 3022 Jacob street Wheel ing W Va a machine hand working at J A Holiday Sons planing mill says I firmly bellevo had I not used Doans Kidney Pills when I did I would not bo alive now I was in a terrible condition and although I took quarts of medicine and was attended by doctors I got no better but worse Friends spoko of my bad appearance and thousands know about it I could hardly get around and felt and looked like a dead man rather than a living one Doans Kidney Pills procured at the Logan Drug Cos store wero a blessing to me half a box relieved me three boxes entirely cured me A freo trial of this great kidney medicine which cured Mr McLaughlin will be mailed on application to any part of tho United States Address Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For sale by all druggists price 50 cents per box A banana peel is no respecter of rank It will call down anything THE BEST ICESUIIS IN 8TAUCII1NO can bo obtained only by using Dellanco Starch besides getting 4 oz more for earns money no cooking required If a man had no curiosity private de tective offices would shut up busi ness Howii TTisr Wo offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any nascof Catarrh that caniiot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure P J CHBNEY CO Props Toledo O We tho undersigned have known F J 2honey for tho last 15 years and bellevo him perfectly honorable In all business transactions nnd Unancially ablo to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm West Truax Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Walding Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Ohio Halls Catarrh Cure is takon Internally act ing directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system Testimonials sent free irico f5c per bottle Sold by all druggists Halls Family 1HW are the best Laugh and the world laughs with you growl and the world laughs at you No matter how long you have had tho congh if it hasnt already developed Into consumption Dr Woods Norway Pino Syrup will euro it A strong man is weaK if lio nas no faith in himself Mother Grays Swoot Powdcra for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse In tho Childrens Homo in Now York Cures Foverishness Bad Stomach Teothing Dis orders move nnd regulate tho Bowels and Destroy Worms Over 30000 testimonials At all druggists 25c Samplo FREE Ad dress Allen S Olmsted LoRoy N Y It is the polished villain who beats the bootblack out of his fee Iowa Farms 4 Per Acre Cash balance Vi crop till paid MUMIALL Sioux City la If there is such a thing as poetry of motion the kangaroo must be in the spring poem class Clcnr white clothes aro a sign that the housekeeper u os Red Cross Ball Blue Largo 2 oz package cents When a man is a failure he is called a fool When he succeeds he is called shrewd Opportunities and Business Chances Never were greater or more attractive than now in the Great Southwest Missouri Kansas Indian Territory Oklahoma and Texas If youre interested write for par ticulars James Barker Genl Pass Tkt Agt M K T Ry 520 Wain wright Bldg St Louis Few women know how to grow old gracefully and even they do not want to If you dont get the biggest and best its your own fault Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there is positivciy nothing to equal it in quality or quantity Some women are so modest that they wont even own up to the size of their faults To Cure a Cola in One day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund money if it fails to cure 2oc A good many inventors plainly show that they are related to necessity Dont you know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely su perior to any other is put up 1G ounces in package and sells at same price as 12 ounce packages of othei kinds Some of the old fashioned things should never fall into disuse and hon esty is one of them Energy all gone Headache Stomach out of order Simply n case of torpid liver Burdock Blood Bitters willmake a newinaa or woman of you Massachusetts is the only state of mind so Bostonians sav SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE Experienced travelers say that the meals served in the Dining Cars on the New York Central are the best they have ever found in the East or West Our whole country is represented in the menus Oranges from Florida shad from North Carolina breakfast food from Minnesota potatoes from Utah water from the Adirondack Moun tains wine from Missouri and Cali fornia in addition to the finest im ported wines and cigars from Cuba Porto Rico and Manila representing a variety and excellence of service that compares favorably with that of the best hotels If the wife is a slave to fashion the poor husband must of necessity be a slave to the almighty dollar JL