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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1901)
is fjp4 1 i - ri ri y1 Y z TWENTIETH YEAR School Entertainment Tho following is tho programme of the primary school entertainment to bo given in the high school assembly room next Monday and Tuesday nights by tho pupils of the first and second grades assisted by their teachers Mrs White and Miss Wilcox All school children will be asked to come on Tuesday even ing thereby reserving tho seats on Monday ovening for parents and pat rons Tho program it is believed is one of more than ordinary merit Tho admission charge is ten cents Piano solo Miss Olive Howe Opening chorus Second Grndo Recitation My Ma She Knows Ceril McMillen Motion nonp Oh Mother How Pretty the Moon Looks Tonicht Twolvo Girls Recitation Once Thero Was a Kitty EtholGruver Recitation Miss Dorothy Dot Hazol Harbazett Choras tirstGrado Mimirnl Skotch Jnckio Horners Christmns Pio Ton BoyJ Recitation My sweet Little Doll Luulla Selby Recitation The First Day of School Mildred Carty Sonanl recitation Christmns Stockincs Ten Children Soup Marjory Schobel 3yo lo Song and Tableau Twolve Little Girls Recitation My Shadow Walter Shophord Sons and Tabloau Tho North Wind Doth Blow Esther Strotit Hneitntinii Mv Brother Will Mildred Donovan Tianosolo Miss Olive Howe Cantata Ten Little Sunflowers Tableau GoodNiRht - Julia Barnes and Leta Monks A New Drug Firm Last Saturday ovening the deal was closed by Cone Brothers of Hendley Nebraska for the purchase of the drug store of D W Jjoar of this place and tho new proprietors took possession of the same on Monday morning In the deal Mr Loar becomes owner of the drug store owned by Cone Brothers in Hendley aud he left close of this week to take charge of the same The store here is now in charge of 0 E Cone tho other brother Lon Cone being still at Hendley where he will be detained un til about January first He is post master at Hendley and will close up that matter before coming to McCook In the meantime J E Lovell who has been with Mr Loar for the past year will remain with the junior partner We wish Mr Loar success in Hendley and welcome the Cone boys to our city They will continue tho business at the old stand and advertise for a share of your patronage Is Thankful to the A 0 U W Whatcom Washington December 2d 1902 To Dennis Cullen receiver of McCook loodge No 61 A O U W Dear Sir My dear husband died on Wednesday evening and was buried on Sunday Would you please have the McCook lodge thank the Whatcom lodge for their kindness to myself and family during my husbands sickness and after his death They were brothers to us all I never felt such a lovo for the order as I do at present and also for the Degree They kept close to us visited him in sickness sat up with the remains after death and marched to the funeral Had a car for themselves The Work men and the Degree also had beautiful cut flowers a wreath and a heart Though in a strange place they were brothers and sisters to us Love to your family Your friend Mrs James Kilpatrick Their Christmas Greeting - McConnell Berry those rustling up-to-date merchants have just placed their annual Christmas Greeting beforo their many customers announcing a wide and superb selection and variety of Christmas presents They have ex celled themselves in the quantity qual ity and variety of seasonable offerings this year and nothing short of a careful inspection by you will adequately meet tho case Under the heading of Pine China Pictures Ebony and Celluloid Statuary Replicas Candelabra Per fume Vases Books Candies and a host of other articles you can surely find just what you want in their large selec tion It has rever been equalled in this section of the state You should call early too before the selection has been culled and the assortments broken Julia Lehn Will Recover According to a Denver paper of later date Julia Lehn whose attempted suicide was reported in last weeks Tribune is recovering from the effects of the drugs self administered and hopes to be married to her lover Harry Fisher as soon as she recovers enough to leave the hospital Fisher has prom ised to reform from his drinking habit Special Meeting1 sA special meeting of the board of county commissioners will be held on Monday December 16th 1901 for the purpose of selecting a man to fill the vacancy in the county judges office made by the sudden decease of Judge G Sr Bishop December 9th Imperial Train In Ditch The Imperial train left the track near Palisade this morning all the cars going into the ditch The engine remained on the track No one seriously hurt The wrecker has gone to the scene of the wrecK ur J a uunn went up to attend the injured Do you have trouble this year in finding novelties for Christmas presents If so just look through McConnell Berrys line They can always be de pended on for anything that is new W H Ackerman has been quite ill his condition is giving some uneasiness to his friends and family A J Swart is in the city and may decide to remain here and go into busi ness rgain For clothing go to DeGroff Cos - 1 MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs H H Plattsmouth Tartsch is visiting ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS Paul Witthoff is a new machinist Dick Irwin returned to work on For Sale A base burner almost new or will trade on soft coal stove Inquire of Elmer Rowell Jardinieres and Fern dishes the latest at McMillens Wc00 in Mrs H E Langevin of Curtis is a guest of Mrs Hugh Brown Miss Eunice Goheen arrived homo on 5 last Saturday evening Mrs Lee Hill of Edgar joined her husband here first of last week Judge Keyes of Indianola had busi ness in the metropolis Saturday Miss Selma Noren went down Jto Lincoln this morning oh a short visit James Woodworth expects to shortly leave for Grand Junction Colorado to live O O Hager of Crab Orchard Ne braska is a new clerk in Artz Thomp sons store Mrs F F Neubauek and Teddy ar rived from Beaver City Tuesday night from a visit to her mother Mrs G F Kinghorn returned cloge of last week from her trip to Pana Illinois on a visit to relatives Mrs T A Erb and Anna are down from Akron guests of Conductor and Mrs Frank Kendlen for a few days Mrs Richard Knox and Mrs Robert Moore departed on Tuesday night for their home in Cheyenne Wyoming Dr J A Gunn arrived home Tues day night from his prolonged business in Missouri where he has mine interests Fred W Carruth expects to move to Fort Morgan Colorado first of the year Rev William Hardcastle of Cam bridge attended the funeral services over the remains of G S Bishop Thursday morning Mr and Mrs J W nupp arrived home Wednesday night from their trip to the Pacific coast and report a very delightful time Mrs J M Keckley of Kirwin Kan sas mother of J W Eastman is in the city helping look after the welfare of that fine new nephew Mrs W J Turner and the children departed on 2 Monday morning for their future home Norfolk where Rev Turner is now installed in the pastorate of the First Congregational church Budd B Gillespie has been up from Republican City part of the week guest of the McCarl brothers He brought his fine basso profundo with him and swelled the melody of the male quar tette Mrs C D Ercanbrack well known to old settlers of McCook spent a few days early part of the week in the city on her way to California Her husband was involved in the great strike disaster of 1888 and is now running an engine on one of the roads in the northwest the steam hammer this week Machinist Charles Robinson departed last week for Milwaukee Wisconsin Gary Dole has been off duty part of the week on account of slight indispo sition Brakeman Neal Beeler and wife are visiting relatives down at Beaver City this week E E Hines G L Burney and W H Starks recently returned to work in the train service Elmer Traver has been promoted to the position of piece work inspector entering upon his duties Monday Brakeman J F Custer went down to Blue Springs Nebraska Saturday night to bury his father returning home mid week Brakeman Frank S Curry is gradu ally improving from his recent severe squeeze at Wray Colorado between tho cars VA new traveling crane is being in stalled for use at Dennis pullens lathe where heavy work is done An air lift is one of the details A -number of the machinists were placed on piece work Monday and the system will be gradually extended to all the workmen It is expected that the system will become a success and be fairly satisfactory in time An addition to the companys ice house at this place was commenced Tuesday morning of this week It will be 40x80 feet as to dimensions and will correspond with the companys big ice hoifse at this place to which it is being attached on the west end Fort Morgan Colorado was the scene of a severe freight wreck last Monday night freight train No 304 of the Alliance-Brush branch and the first section of fast freight No 77 of the main line being in the collision No one hurt the enginemen jumping Both engines were considerably damaged especially No 343 25 escaping with much less injury It was a head on collision at consider able speed and the pilots and fronts of both engines were broken Two freight cars were badly broken up one of them contained a shipment of valuable furni ture and the other oil Alex McLean was engineer on 343 Passenger train No 6 was eight hours late in arriving here Christmas Photographs Christmas photos hand painted en ameled and framed Duplicates from any negatives I have made at a reduced price Cabinet size photos at 150 per dozen See them I guarantee my work to be perfectly satisfactory and as good as can be secured in McCook at any price Phone 38 W B Fearn Resolutions Whereas it has pleased the Grand Master of tho Lodge Above to call from his labors on earth our beloved brother A H Washburn while injhe perform ance of duty therefore bo it Resolved by the C B Bronson lodge No 487 Brotherhood of Railroad Train men that while wo deeply deplore the loss of our brother wo recognize the fact that no man knoweth the day or the hour when he shall be called to give an account of his labors here and the lesson of his death should more strongly remind us of our duties to God our brothers and ourselves Rosolved that in the untimely death of our brother our community has lost a good citizen and his family a loving son and brother and while it is our duty to cherish his memory we extend to the loved ones our heartfelt sympathy in this their hour of bereavement yet it is from our Heavenly Father alone that they can hope for that consolation which passeth all understanding and we earnestly commend them to His keep ing And be it Resolved that our charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days And be it further Resolved that a copy of these resolu tions be given to the parents and other members of tho family and that they be spread at large upon our records and the papers of tho city be requested to publish the same W C Cox R M DonrLASs C C M Kent Committee K T Resolutions The members of Saint John Com mandery No 16 Knights Templar of McCook Nebraska with reverent and obedient submission to the will of Divine Providence deplore the extremely sudden demise of a good just and honored member of our order our faith ful Recorder G S Bishop We mourn for one stricken in the midst of a happy and contented usefulness at a time when his heart was filled to overflowing with kind and fraternal sentiments for one whose brave and spotless career is an example to be followed whose re ward shall be the affectionate regard of his bereaved brethren and all right minded men In his death our beloved order has sustain ed the loss of a tried and faithful recorder who in the able and jealous discharge of the duties of his position was prompted solely by motives of love for his fraternal home and fidelity To his widow we tender our most heartfelt our sincerest our profoundest sympathy and condolence These resolutions shall be spread upon the records of our Commandery and a copy of the same transmitted to the wife of our beloved brother J A Wilcox L C Wolff S Cordeal Resolutions of Respect Hall of McCook lodge No 61 A O U W McCook Nebraska December 9th 1901 Whereas it has pleased the Supreme Master of the Universe to remove from our ranks our esteemed and worthy brothers C B Belknap Harry Walters A H Washburn and James Kilpatrick calling them to membership in the Grand Lodge Above therefore Be it resolved By McCook lodge No 61 A O U W that we tender the fam ilies of the departed brothers the sym pathy and fraternal support of our lodge in this hour of sad affliction And while we mourn with them feeling the loss of brethren ever ready to aid in the grand work of providing for the benefici aries of our beloved order we bow in submission knowing that our loss will be their gain Resolved that a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the families of the de ceased brothers spread upon the me morial record of the lodge and published in the city papers Committee J i Bennett A P Welles C B Gray C D Belknap Dead A telegram to C B Gray Sunday morning announced the death of C D Belknap at Evanston Wyoming Satur day nightafter a long illness Deceased will be remembered by early settlers of McCook especially among the rail road people of the early day He was a memberof McCooklodge 61 A O U W in which order he carried 82000 insur ance which will come with especial for tune to the members of his family his long illness having been a heavy ex pense The members of the bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of McCook friends Mrs M E Barger Dead Mrs M E Barger died very suddenly about eight oclock this morning She had been ailing for several days but this morning felt better and ate a hearty breakfast shortly after which she took to her bed saying she thought she was dying and soon expired No more acceptable gift can be made to a lady than an article in Furs The bright dressy stylish kinds are found at The Thompson D G Co Fur Col larettes S2 S3 S450 550 8675 and S7 Fur Scarfs SI 25 SI 75 8250 3 4 and 85 Fur Muffs 81 150 82 3 4 and 85 We solicit your inspection And by the way there isnt anything that would please the housewife Christmas time more than one of these Great Majesties They are always in style and serviceable They are the best ranges made Look over the large display advertise ment of The Thompson Dry Goods Co for suggestions as to holiday purchases on the editorial page Our Liquid Smoke cures meat just as good as wood smoke Try it McConnell Berry hT RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS A M Davis machinist has gono to Oolwin Iowa Cliff C Brown is doing time as West ern Union messenger boy Ira Ferrier operator at Franklin was a visitor at headquarters yesterday N B Bush has been installed per manently at Almena Kansas as agent J E Michael agent at Ft Morgan has resigned and has gone to California Engineer Roy Dixon of Deadwood South Dakota is home until after tho holidays A J Zint extra agent is helping out in the telegraphic duties at headquart ers this week W T Heaton formerly agent at Al mena Kansas has been transferred to Ft Morgan Colorado F Dennis of Leroy Nebraska is now helper at Beaver City vice E H Lohr transferred to Oxford General Manager Holdrege in his private car was a passenger on 3 Wed nesday night for Denver Mr and Mrs J W Eastman are par ents of a fine eight pound boy born on Tuesday morning of this week Locomotive 53 is up from Holdrege for light repain and 86 has been sent down to relieve her at that place J A Davis extra agent was at Al mena Kansas pending the transfer of that station to Agent N B Bush R L Tinker of the carpenter shop was off yesterday to attend the funeral of Sir Knight Bishop and interment at Indianola F F Griffin agent at Eckley Colo rado has returned to his accustomed duties and brought with him a brand new bride Conductor M O McCluro has been absent in Omaha this week on business and Conductor Frank Rank has had his car meanwhile Agent Harding of Corona Colorado has resumed work again vice E N Stever who has been acting temporarily at that station Conductor T E McCarls way car No 103 was completely destroyed by fire at Oxford Junction Wednesday on 148 Gasoline stove Four new way cars have been recently brought onto the Western division Nos 163 164 165 166 One of them was sent to Denver Locomotive 116 is in the shops for an overhauling No 279 went out of ihe shops this week and 232 will be read to go out in a few days A job lot of gasoline stoves for sale Inquire of any of the freight conductors for terms and further particulars We promise applicants a bargain Brakeman SS Hall returned Wednes day night from Wellston Ohio whither he accompanied the remains of his late running mate Brakeman A H Wash burn Conductor T E McCarl Brakeman E E Stayner and T A Nash lost quite heavily in clothing etc in the burning of way car No 103 Wednesday at Oxford Junction A passenger car was attached to No 80 Thursday morning and the train was held about two hours to accommo date the funeral party taking the re mains of the late County Judge Bishop to Indianola for interment The air brake department of the Bur lington is conducting a test of brakes on freight cars in the Lincoln yards This being a central point for Burlington lines west of the river it was found more convenient to conduct these tests here The capacity of the agents office at the freight house has been doubled this week by moving the partition west a number of feet and reducing the storage capacity to that extent The room was badly needed Manson will be able to occasionally stretch himself now Engineer J H Moore is in Denver on business connected with the Alaskan railroad of which it is stated he is to be general manager at a large salary It is claimed that the money has been se cured to push the road and that work will commence in the early spring Locomotives No 343 and 25 are both in the shops here being repaired for the damage sustained in the wreck at Ft Morgan Colorado Monday night No 343 is pretty badly broken up in front but 25 escaped much easier The work of repair is being actively rushed The Burlington wrecking crew was sent to Table Rock at an early hour Wednesday morning to clear up the de bris of a wreck that had occurred there Several cars of a freight train were thrown from the track in a way that blocked the line It was necessary to run train 109 via Wymore to reach Lin coln Lincoln Journal A freight wreck on the Western divi sion of the Burlington delayed Burling ton No 2 six hours yesterday The wreck occurred near Fort Morgan Col To accommodate the travel a special section of No 6 was run out of Hastings on time through to Omaha and the east No 6 proper was sent straight through to Pacific Junction when it arrived last night and a special carried the Omaha business from Lincoln No one was in jured in the Fort Morgan wreck but two engines were demolished Wednes days Lincoln Journal The first section of 45 ran against an extra at the east end of the yards early Monday morning Engine 265in charge of Engineer Peter Nelson was smashed considerably and three cars were badly wrecked Two other cars were battered somewhat The damage is estimated at about 12000 The switch being left open appears to have been the cause of the catastrophe The track was cleared by eleven oclock yesterday forenoon Until then trains were obliged to back into the depot from the switch at the west of the yards Tuesdays Alliance Times m Called Suddenly From Farth Death came with appalling suddonness and most unexpectedly Monday night to George S Bishop county judge of Red Willow county and tho announce ment on Tuesday morning caused wide spread sorrow and deepest regret and sympathy for the bereaved family wiruugnout tne city ana county Mr Bishop was in his usual g6od health After supper Monday ovening he complained of toothache and retired early common domestic remedies and palliatives being administered and ap plied Later in the evening he was discovered to be vomiting and uncon scious Medical assistance was sum moned but he was in practically a dying condition when the doctor arrived and passed away without regaining con sciousness at shortly before elevon oclock Apoplexy was the cause of his aeatn as died his father before him George S Bishop was born in Cuba New York on the 9th day of May 1849 Came to Illinois with his parents at the age of two years and shortly afterwards to Iowa He came to Red Willow county in 1879 for the practice of his profession law but shortly afterwards com menced the publication of the Indianola Courier which he published with suc cess for a number of years He served as postmaster nt Indianola under Presi dent Harrison He has been a resident of McCook for tho past four or five years lie was elected county judge for a tnird term at tne Jast election De ceaseds parents are both buried in Iowa and a brother at Indianola while an only sister lives in Davenport Iowa His wife two daughters Mabel and Jessie and one son Marion survive him De ceased was held in highest esteem by a large circle of warmest friends being especially well known and beloved in Masonic circles He was a member of the Methodist church joining soon after his marriage As a Mason perhaps the deceased was most widely known He made pro gress in Masonry as follows E A January 2S 1884 F C February 1881 MMMarch 27 1884 M M August 12 18a5 P M August 12 1885 M E M August 13 1885 R A C August 13 1885 R C August 12 ls86 K T Sep tember 9 1886 Ho was a P H P of King Darius chapter Indianola and P E C of St John commandery of McCook At the time of his death he was secretary of all the Masonic bodies in McCook Funeral services under auspices of tho Sir Knights of St John commandery were held in the Methodist church Thursday morning at 930 after which the remains were taken to Indianola on No 80 for interment being escorted to the church and from the church to train by the members of the McCook commandery and blue lodge At Indian ola the members of the Masonic lodge and of the A O U W met the remains and escorted them to the cemetery where the impressive ceremony of the com mandry was used in the last sad rites Rev L M Griesby preached briefly but tenderly and confidently from the 23rd Psalm Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me The Masonic bodies of McCook had a number of beautiful and symbolic offer ings at the funeral a Maltese cross a star and the square and compass being among them Judge Bishop was a man of high character and sunny disposition In every position in life he gave a good account of his stewardship A man worthy of emulation has gone on before Peace to his ashes and peace past un derstanding be with his bereaved and stricken family Deceased was a member of the A O U W and carried 2000 insurance in the order which will do much to lighten the financial burden of the family Every package has a suitable present in it worth at least 25 cents Many of them are worth more and the premiums to be drawn are valuable a fine sewing machine among the number This section has been having quite a taste of the real thing in the winter line this week with three or four inches of snow and a brisk temperature This morning the thermometer registered close to the zero mark xThe benefit musical in the Christian church next Tuesday evening the 17th instant should attract a full hearing The purpose is highly laudable and the program meritorious That special sale of holiday goods at S M Cochran Cos next week will afford you a fine opportunity of buying a Christmas gift or a New Year present There is no new or popular book pub lished that we do not supply at less than publishers price McConnell Berry The Fortnightly Dancing clubs dance of December 27th will be a regular Ruben a hard times affair with the regulation grotesque particulars As soon as his bond has been approved and his commission issued it will be Postmaster Austin at Stevens Frontier county The chicken house of the firm of Thompaon Gossard in the northwest ern part of tbe city will be a peach erine If you want to paint you will tonished and profited by getting at S M Cochran Cos be as prices We have a full line of Standard Sew ing Machines at lowest prices at Pade Sons A McMillen has an elegant assort ment of latest style lamps from 25c up Bissell Carpet Sweepers best ear that Pade Sons on Latest and most popular novels at McMillens 3uArr BT Ubntry rtomte McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER 13 1901 - V- NUMBER 31 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS You should see McMillena 1 Bibles For Sons Christmns gifts go to Pade A bunch of keys at this offico for the owner Dr J D denco 168 Ask to see McMillens Hare office phono 37 fifty fivo game boards at Just call up telephone 12 and tell them all about it Jardinieres and Fern dishes tho latest at McMillens Fancy Rockers and chairs the latest out at Pade Sons Stock tanks of all sizes at S M Coch ran Cos for sale cheap If you dont see what you want nsk at D C Marshs meat market Nobody meets our prices on coal hods and shovels S M Cochran Co To make your face and hands soft and smooth use McMillens Cream Lotion Completest lino of legal blanks in Red Willow county at The Tribune office To make your face and hands soft and smooth use McMillens Cream Lotion A McMillen has an elegant ment of latest stylo lamps from Large consignment of rugs which must bo sold cheap at assort 25c up which Pado sons Dressmaking Evening dresses a spo cialty Mrs Samuel Miller next door to L W Stayner Santa Claus will make Cono Bros drug store one of his depots for the dis tribution of holiday goods D C Marsh invites your patronage guaranteeing the best meats obtainable of all kinds At the old stand Thoso 25 cont pnekaces of nresonts at S M Cochran it Cos will go like hot cakes Youll have to hurry Tho appointment of T M Campbell as postmaster at Box Elder vice D P Brower resigned has been made The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of G A R meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall Christmas presents Well I should say so at Cone Bros successors to D W Loar next door to First National bank If you dont see what you are after inquire at Marshs meat market They have it and will take pleasure in show ing you Cone Bros guarantee you good goods and prompt courteous attention Visit their store and inspect their different lines Have you seen McConnell Berrys art display They show some real novel ties in pictures plaques and wall decor ations Cone Bros successors to D W Loar solicit a portion of your trade They will please you in quality of goods and price The foundation for a new residence for George E Thompson was com menced first of the week on North Main avenue Before you buy a Christmas book from a book peddler see McConnell Berry They may show you a much nicer book for less money Everything usual in a first class drug stock at Cone Bros store and a nice stock of holiday goods for your inspec tion Call and see A McMillen is now displaying his Christmas goods and will soon be ready to show you a nice line of latest novel ties and fancy goods The members and families of the Order of the Eastern Star enjoyed a fine supper in the lodge banquet room last Friday evening SMCochran is having a dwelling built over on North McDowell He is using his large barn on the home place for part of the structure For Sale A secretary and book case combined Will sell at verj reasonable figure Can be seen at Porters studio just north of the postoffice T M Phillippi is having a roomy residence built on the south side of his North Madison property utilizing his barn for a wing of the building New books new jardinieresnew vases new candlesticks in fact a new line of novelties for Christmas at McConnell Berrys We have a good stock of stove boards also the best blue steel pipe ever offered to the people of this city S M Cochran Co McConnell Berrys window display of statuary and bust figures has been attracting no little attention the past few days Nothing more desirable could be found for Christmas presents Judicious buyers find Marshs meat market to their liking for there is com bined the best in quality with the most reasonable in price They have ever seasonable article in line too See the Estate Oak heaters at S M Cochran Cos They have seamless bottoms no putty to fall out and let in the air to keep the fire constantly burn ing rapidly which is expensive waste of fuel They can also be changed from soft to hard coal Its the best stove for the money ever invented j i if 1