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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1901)
7 M1 J L p v a I F As si i V X limn Wim UNtNHMMdiaMHMMMMHI TWENTIETH YEAR A Verdict for 5Q The jury in the case of W N Rogers against the Burlington rnilroad returned a verdict yesterday in favor of Mr Rogers for 750 In this action Mr Rogers sought to get the value of a thor oughbred Hereford bull which he brought to the state fair from McCook for exhi bition In shipping it back to McCook the animal was injured in a wreck at Harvard and later died from its injuries Mr Rogers claimed it was worth 5000 and sued for this sum A great deal tf testimony was introduced as to the value of blooded animals and under the instructions of Judge Holmes practically nil there was for the jury to do was to ascertain the measure of damages After long deliberation the jury decided that 750 would be a fair sum to make the railroad pay The Verdict was received on Thanksgiving day by the court as he decided not to make the jurors return to day The jury was then excused for the term LastThursdaysLincoln Journal A NEW TRIAL ASKED A motion for si new trial has been filed in the case of W N Rogers sigainst the Burlington railroad in which the plain tiff secured 750 dollars for a bull killed in a wreck near Harvard The plaintiff asks for the new trial on tho theory that the measure of damages given by the of the allegations jurors was insufficient One gations set forth is that Archie Ensign ono of the jurors in the case had a con versation during the trial with one of tho court attaches which the plsiintiff thinks may have prejudiced him in arriving at a verdict Mr Ensign says he had a friendly talk and nothing more This Tuesdays Lincoln Journal It is hinted in railway circles that the case will probably be carried up to the supreme court to attempt to establish the validity of the companys contract in such cases Pinched Between Cars Brakeman Frank S Curry was quite painfully pinched Wednesday at Haig ler He was on train 149 and was setting out a car of ballast at Haigler He was caught by the slack of the train by the bumpers or man killers and squeezed about the stomach The extent of his injuries cannot now be stated but it is hoped that they are not serious He was brought home to McCook on freight No 150 the same afternoon and so far is progressing favorably Wall Paper at Half Price We must close out our present stock of wall paper to make room for our new line which will be here in a few days To enable us to do so we will on Saturday Monday and Tuesday December 7th 9th and 10th offer any pattern of paper in our present stock at just half price Jt will pay you to buy now Prices ood for three days only McConnell Berry Passage of a Stork Private information from the Pacific coast is to the effect that a stork passed over the home of Mr and Mrs W F Xiawson of Covina Calif day before Thanksgiving Mother and eleven pound son are doing nicely and the only thing that could increase the joy of Lawson pere would bo to have a few choice McCook spirits drop in on them and help celebrate Congratulations Postponed One Week Out of respect for the memory of the late Harry Walters the regular dance of the Fortnightly Dancing club this even ening has been postponed until next Friday evening December 13th Frank Kendlen President Dont Miss This Chance We have 50 patterns of wall paper for one and two rooms that we are selling at wholesale prices D W Loar A widow of respectability and refine ment of good social standing aged 45 years with no incumbrance wishes to meet middle aged gentleman object matrimony refrences no agents Ad dress Mrs S Eaves general delivery Chicago Illinois Do you have trouble this year in finding novelties for Christmas presents If so just look through McConnell Berrys line They can always be de pended on for anything that is new Salesman wanted to sell Anti Rust roof paint compounds and lubricants Salary or commission Vulcan Chemical Co Cleveland O Our Liquid Smoke cures meat just as good as wood smoke Try it McConnell Berry If you want to paint you will be as tonished and profited by getting prices at S M Cochran Cos Jardinieres and Fern dishes the latest at McMillens For clothing go to DeGroff Cos MjiiWMIIiijrg 6 MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Tiff Baijcock and children are guests of C F and wife todsiy Mrs A B Wood entertained the AwI Oh Tuesdsiy evening Miss Margaret Evans returned to the city early in the week Mrs J C Barber arrived home from Lincoln Monday night on No 3 Ralph Haggard of Lincoln was a guest of McCook friends Sunday last Mrs J E Cooley of Lebanon Kan sas is a guest of her daughter Mrs W C Cox Mrs C E Pope arrived home on 5 Monday night from her trip to Lincoln and Oxford i Mr and Mrs A J Washuurn came up from Holbrook on 5 last Saturday evening on a visit and business Mrs A P Bonno departed on 2 Wed nesday morning for Eau Claire Wiscon sin on a prolonged visit to her parents H F Haskin was down from Benkel man Monday trying to arrange a team of three for a Christmas shoot at Wray Mr and Mrs U J Warren were with his parents in Davenport Nebraska over Thanksgiving and for a few days following Mr and Mrs H P Sutton returned on 3 Wednesday morning from spend ing the Thanksgiving holidays in Omaha with relatives Mrs T H Bates returned home first of the week from Alliance where she wsis called by the illness of a daughter now recovering Miss Jennie Hill who has been the guest of her sifter Mrs F C Fuller for several months has gone to Minne apolis Minnesota Mrs C A Dixon went down toPlatts mouth to spend Thanksgiving with her sister Mrs A B Todd She remained over most of the week Mrs Nancy E Fahnestock was sum moned to Edwardsville Illinois last week by the death of a sister returning home close of the week J B Lavin came up from Bartley Wednesday and will be here a week or so on business His fire loss still re mains unsettled and unadjusted Mr and Mrs J W Hupp are on the Pacific coast on a pleasure business visit They left middle of last week and will visit in both California and Washington Mrs L Day is here from California and guest of her son Dr W V Gage She arrived from the west close of last week Her many friends here will be pleased to greet her Mesdames Richard Knox and Robert Moore both of Cheyenne Wyoming ar rived in the city Wednesday morning on 2 and are guests of the formers par ents Mr and Mrs Ed Fitzgerald O W De Wald of the Trenton Register spent a few hours with us last Friday afternoon on his way up to Lincoln and Omaha to make arrangements to resume patent insides on the five column quarto basis Ben Shipley one of the genial knights of the grip who makes this city his head vuarters was made a Master Mason Tuesday night by the McCook brethren in due form A light spread and social season followed the work Frank H Strout has severed his connection with the McCook Milling Co and entered the Kearney Roller Mills leaving for Kearney and his new field on Wednesday night His family will re main here for the present W E McCoy who has been in part nership with D A Bowen for some time in the restaurant business departed on 6 Wednesday night for Waverly Iowa where he will spend the winter He ex pects to go up into Minnesota in the spring Mr Bowen continues the busi ness alone Christmas Photographs Christmas photos hand painted en ameled and framed Duplicates from any negatives I have made at a reduced price Cabinet size photos at 150 per dozen See them I guarantee my work to be perfectly satisfactory and as good as can be secured in McCook at any price Phone 38 W B Fearn COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT License to wed has been issued to Frank M Abbott of Creston Iowa and Mildred Walkington of Cambridge NOVEMBER MORTGAGE RECORD Farm mortgages filed 6836 released 3940 City filings 4815 released 5118 Chattel filings 1589621 re leased 789937 J lJV LU 1 IJ i Two Sad Tragic Deaths McCook has been deeply moved this week by two tragic deaths both hap pening on Monday morning one in busi ness and the other in railroad circles both accidents calling from life young popular and excellent men in the vigor of buoyant and promising young man hoodand the summons coming with stun ning suddenness and the most saddening particulars All tender and sympathetic hearts have gone out in profoundest feel ing for those stricken with the heavy bur den of bereavement and sorrow Truly sorrow is a common heritage of the race and in its ministrations we come to most closely recognize the kinship of man kind HARRY WALTERS Harry Walters joyous vigorous young life went out about two oclock Tuesdsiy morning death coming as a result of an accident to him at about half past nine oclock on Monday morning while out on horseback taking orders for his em ployer J H Grannis While galloping west on East Dearborn street just south of S A Moores residence a large dog ran out at the horse which was tripped up by the dog and the rider was thrown off and forward violently onto his head being rendered unconscious by the terri ble blow on the head The unconscious man was promptly carried into Mr Moores home and professional assistance called in but to no purpose At about two oclock on Tuesdsiy morning the injured mans spirit winged its flight to its Maker Death was the result of a traumatic hemorrhage of the brain and consciousness never returned to the stricken young man Harry Walters was born in the County Tipperary Ireland March 12th 1880 and died in McCook Nebraska December 3d 1901 Deceased came to America with the family in 1886 and has spent most of his days in this coun try as a resident of McCook He is survived by his mother three sisters Mrs Marie Mundy Mrs Edward Green and Susie and two brothers Joseph of Trinidad and William of Denver Colo rado all of whom were present at the funeral save William The sympathy of this entire com munity goes out to the bereaved mother sisters and brothers and friends in an especially tender and profound manner Death has been no stranger to this devoted family and his frequent and tragic visits during tho last few years have caused all hearts to render the oft stricken ones loyal and abundant sym pathy May He who wept at the grave of a friend in that far off Syrian land be their comforter Mr and Mrs John Grannis to whom the dead boy was most tenderly dear and in whose employ he had been for a number of years mourn with the family in the tragic death of a large hearted and generous souled son by adoption in whom they tenderly doted and have large sympathy in their sorrow Funeral services over the remains were held in the Methodist church onTriday afternoon at two oclock Rev R M Hardman of St Albans Episcopal church vnd Rev Howard Stoy of Rawlins Wyoming conducting the beautiful and impressive liturgical service of the church in the presence of a large and muc -effected congregation The deceased was a member of the A O U W lodge of our city and the members attended the funeral services in a body He carried 2000 insurance in the order Few deaths have occurred in this city that have caused equal interest and sorrow Harry Walters was a jovial soul with a kindly outlook on all humanity and he numbered his acquaintances and admiring friends by the legions for his manliness his honesty and his purpose true and regret and sorrow have beon keen and wide- spread at his untimely and tragic demise p A H WASHBURN Death came to Brakeman A H Wash burn in sudden and frightful form in the yard at Benkelman Monday morn ing about half past eleven oclock He was in the act of setting out a poultry car from freight train No 149 at that station when he met his sad and tragic fate The accident was not witnessed by human eye so details are but con jecture for the most part It is stated that in attempting to operate the Jenney coupler the pin failed to raise and that while the cars were in motion Washburn stepped in between the cars and at tempted to elevate the pin and that his foot was caught in some way throwing him to the rail when three freight cars ran over his prostrate body lengthwise causing instant death and cuttting up the body in a horrible manner The remains were soon after brought to McCook on freight train No 150 and de livered to the care and preparation of the undertaker Services over the remains were held in the Methodist church on Tuesday afternoon at three oclock Rev L M Grigsby officiating The remains were escorted from tho undertakers to the church and from the church to the resi dence of William Washburn a brother of the deceased in West McCook by the members of the B of R T and A O TJ W both orders being largely represented The services were very touching Three familiar hymns Nearer My God to Thee Rock of Ages etc were sung by the congrega tion and Rev Grigsby dwelt tenderly but earnestly on the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death and dwelling with emphasis on the duty of being ever prepared The sermon came with keen est appeal to ever railroad employe and of tear filled eyes there were not a few Among the relatives present at the services here were Mr and Mrs A J Washburn of Holbrook Nebraska T H Washburn of Denver Colorado Miss Ida Washburn of Denver Colorado Mr and Mrs M S Woodburn and son of Denver Mrs Andy Lord a sister and daughter of Indianola It is said that the deceased intended retiring from the railroad service on the tenth of this month and going back to Ohio to engage in business with his brother It is also stated that he was to be married on the 15th instant The remains were shipped east on No 14 Tuesday night for burial at Wellston Ohio where the parents and a brother of the deceased reside The body was escorted to the train by Messrs W C Cox O D Keith Neal Beeler H J Hines C J Snell and R M Douglass pall bearers and the remains were ac companied to Ohio by A J Washburn William Washburn T H Washburn Mrs M S Woodburn and Miss Ida Washburn brothers and sisters and by Samuel Hall his old running mate on the road and representative of the B ofR T A H Washburn was born in Wellston Ohio and was 27 years 11 months old at his death The floral tributes of lodge 487 B of R T were a broken wheel and a large pillow both of white and colored roses and very handsome expressions of fra ternal sympathy Deceased carried life insurance as fol lows A O U W 2000 B of R T 1200 Burlington Voluntary Relief 1000 total 4200 Brakeman Washburns aged father from Ohio visited here about three weeks ago and the home coming will be a sad one to him Albert Washburn was a young man of excellent parts standing well with his employers and having many warm friends throughout the city as well as in rail road circles CARD OF THANKS For the many loving acts of sympathy and help in our late bereavement and for the assistance and fraternal courtesies of the orders we are most thankful and grateful Brothers and Sisters of Late A H Washburn JAMES KILPATRICK A telegram from Whatcom Wash to the local lodge A O U W announces the death of James Kilpatrick in that city on November 27th The deceased spent a number of years of his life in McCook He had been in failing health for many months and since a recent operation had been growing worse and weaker until on the 27th death brought his sufferings to an end The bereaved wife and children have the heartfelt sympathy of many McCook friends of bygone days The following account of his death is taken from the Evening Herald of Whatcom James Kilpatrick aged 46years died Wednesday evening at his home on H and Fourteenth streets He was born December 6 1854 in Philadelphia He attended a military school in Philadelphia several years and had the honor of unveiling the statue of liberty on the first decoration day in Philadelphia He came to Whatcom with his family a short time ago from Nebraska Deceased leaves a widow and four children to mourn his untimely demise He was a member of the A O U W The funeral services will be conducted in St Pauls Episcopal church Sunday at 130 p m WILL LYDGATE A letter from the United States consul at San Luis Potosi Mexico to C I Hall of our city announces the death of Will Lydgate a former machinist in the Burlington shops here on November 22d Two letters have been received from that point but neither of them state cause or manner of death Deceased removed from McCook this spring and at the time of his death was foreman of the Mexican Central railways round house at that place About the time of Lydgates departure for Old Mexico Mrs Lydgate returned to her parents in Dubuque Iowa hence was not with him at the time of his desith His re mains were presumably buried at Potosi Deceased came from England and had no relatives in America other than bis wife whom he married in Dubuque la MARY E MLEAN Miss Mary E McLean of Alpena Michigan who came hero a few weeks since for her health died on Wednesday afternoon at the homo of her uncle Supt A Campbell a victim of consump tion The remains were shipped to Alpena on No 12 the following morning Mrs Catherine McLean mother and Charles W McLean brother of the de parted accompanied tho remains home for interment Mrs A Campbell went with them as far as Chicago The be reaved family and friends havo the sym pathy of all tender and kindly hearts HERBERT SHAW Wednesday morning four oclock Herbert Shaw stepson of John W Underbill few a victim to consumption Funeral services were conducted at the residence at two thirty oclock in tho afternoon by Rev George L White of the Baptist church burial following the services in Riverview cemetery Leaves First of New Year U J Warren who for years has beon manager of W C Billiard So Cos lumber-yard at this place has formed a partnership with B M Frees and tho Barnett Lumber Co and tho first of the year will go to Fort Morgan Colorado and assume charge of three lumber yards in that section Brush andllillrose being the other two yards He will mako Fort Morgan his headqusirters The Bullard yard at this place will for the present at least remain under the management of C W Keyes W C Bullard Co owning the business as before The de parture of Mr and Mrs Warren will leave a large vacancy in our community with which they have been actively identified these many years Tell the Neighbors Best Apron Check Ginghams 5c yard Best Indigo Blue Prints 5c yard Best Table Oil Cloth 15c yard Best Carpet Warp 160 pound weighed out on the scales Yard wide Unbleached Sheeting by the bolt 3J4c yard Ste vens Pure Linen Crash 7c yard Izzer Cotton Batts 10c LadiesrUnion Suits fleece lined 35c to 175 Mens heavy Fleece Lined Underwear 75c a suit and 1000 other spot cash items at The Thbmpson Dry Goods Co One price plain figures cash only Julia Lehn Attempts Suicide Thursday evenings Denver dailies contain lengthy and graphic accounts of the attempted suicide of Julia Lehn Wednesday night A quarrel with a young man to Avhom she was engaged Harry L Fisher a young barber well known here is given as the cause of the rash and desperate act Fisher worked in one of our barber shops before going to Denver His dissipated habits are said to have been the cause of the lovers quarrel Departed this Morning Rev W J Turner who has been pas tor of the Congregational church of our city for the past four years departed on 2 this morning to assume his new pas torate in Norfolk Mrs Turner and the children will follow in a few days To Norfolk Rev Turner and family will take with them the high esteem of many citizens within and without the church and the earnest wish of all for his abundant success in the new home Rev Thomas A Smith Of Bloomington Nebraska has been appointed pastor of Culbertson charge and will preach at Pleasant Hill Cole man school house at 11 a m Wesley chapel at 3 p m and Zion Hill at 8 p p m next Sunday the 8th instant and at Culbertson at 11 a m and 7 p m Sunday the 15th instant Bargains in Potatoes Potatoes only 110 per bushel for a few days Carload of Fancy Greeleys just received J A Wilcox z Son Ask your neighbors about the quality of furs sold by The Thompson Dry Goods Co We willingly abide by their verdict Fur Collarettes 2 to 750 Scarf3 125 to 5 Muffs 1 to 5 Sable Monkey Chinchilla Astrakhan Krimmer Bear Electric Seal Stone Marten Persian Lamb and their combi nations all to be seen in our assortment There is no new or popular book pub lished that we do not supply at less than publishers price - McConnell Berry A McMillen has an elegant assort ment of latest style lamps from 25c up Library Miitldm Uiiivey nbtttt McCOOK RED WILJLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER 6 1901 NUMBER 80 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Trade at Loars drug afore It was a Black Monday for McCook Dr J D Hare office phono 37 resi dence 168 Just call up telephoned and tell them all about it Jardinieres and Fern dishes tho latest at McMillens Three losses in tho local A O U W lodge this weok First snow a light fall of tho winter Tuesday morning Three days of wall paper slaucrhtor at McConnell Berrys Stock tanks of all sizes at S M Coch ran Cos for sale cheap If you dont see what you want ask at D C Marshs meat markot Rag carpets woven 10 and 12Jc Mrs Hickerson south of brick yard Nobody meets our prices on coal hods and shovels S M Cohran Co Completest line of legal blanks in Red Willow county at The Tribune office To mako your face sind hands soft and smooth use McMillens Cream Lotion To make your face and hands soft and smooth use McMillens Cream Lotion A McMillen lias an elegant assort ment of latest style lamps from 25c up Room for rent A nice warm front bed room for rent up stairs in opera house Drassmaking Evening dresses a spe cialty Mrs Samuel Miller next door to L W Stayner Earl Murray has purchased the Bsites barber shop plant from W L Zint and is now in charge D C Marsh invites your patronage guaranteeing the best meats obtainable of all kinds At the old stand The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of G A R meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall If you dont see what you are after inquire at Marshs meat market They have it and will take pleasure in show ing you Have you seen McConnell Berrys art display They show some real novel ties in pictures plaques and wall decor ations Ladies Coats 325 to 1250 Misses Jackets 3 to 5 Childrens Raglans and Reefers 150 to 5 The Thompson Dry Goods Co Before you buy a Christmas book from a book peddler see McConnell Berry They may show you a much nicer book for less money A McMillen is now displaying his Christmas goods and will soon be ready to show you a nice line of latest novel ties and fancy goods For Sale A secretary and book case combined Will sell at very reasonable figure Can be seen at Porters studio just north of the postoffice The successor to D W Loar as finan cier of McCook lodge A O U W is C J Ryan Members of the order will govern themselves accordingly New books new jardinieresnew vases new candlesticks in fact a new line of novelties for Christmas at McConnell Berrys We have a good stock of stove boards also the best blue steel pipe ever offered to the people of this city S M Cochran Co McConnell Berrys window display of statuary and bust figures has been attracting no little attention the past few days Nothing more desirable could be found for Christmas presents Judicious buyers find Marshs meat market to their liking for there is com bined the best in quality with the most reasonable in price They have ever seasonable article in line too Ideal Waists are well named For handsome materials beauty of design and workmanship perfection of fit and reasonableness of price they are ideal Prices from 50c to 6 The Thompson Drv Goods Co The Cole store room is being repaired repapered and repainted and in every way rendered in good order for the occu pancy of JHLudwick who willshortly move his stock across the street to the new location and increase his sfock ac cordingly See the Estate Oak heaters at S M Cochran Cos They have seamless bottoms no putty to fall out and let in the air to keep the fire constantly burn ing rapidly which is expensive waste of fuel They oan also be changed from soft to hard coal Its thejbest stove foe the money ever invented 2 i il 9 ft y