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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1901)
> . . j. NINETEENTH YEAR MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , MARCH 8 , 19OI. NUMBER 43 In His Inside Pocket. W. H. Chambers left Anderson , Iowa , a few days since , with $585 in his inside pocket , and on Wednesday morning at this place he discovered that he was short just that sum of good hard cash. The last time he knew he had the money was at Indianola. He was with n car of emigrant goods and arrived in McCook , Tuesday night about H o'clock. A brother and three cousins were in the party , and they were all bound for Cul- bertson , near which place they had lo cated. After arriving here , Chambers went up town , ate a lunch and went to bed in the National hotel in a room oc cupied by others. He placed bis coat under his pillow , but did not note whether or not the money was in the pocket. In the morning he noticed the -absence of the large wallet and the coin. He spent Wednesday in the city in a hopeless search for the money and went up to Culbertson on the night train. The car was searched at Culbertson , but without finding the money. There is a moral , but it is perhaps unnecessary to draw it. Chambers says that no one but himself and the banker at the place whence he started knew he had the money. There was a hole in the bottom of his inside coat pocket. The top of the pocket was securely fastened with a large safety pin but the pocket book didn't fall out that way. It is an unfor tunate and legretable affair being the young man's earnings of jears. None of the party are married men. The Palmer House. The thoroughly renovated , repaired and improved St. Charles now the Palmer House will be opened to the y > public on next Monday , when they will serve their first dinner to the public. James Rooney , the new proprietor and manager , has omitted no pains , care or money to make the Palmer a first-class hotel in every respect second to none in the state. The entire thirty-four rooms of the hotel have been repapered , painted and thoroughly repaired and overhauled , and everything about the hotel is new , neat , clean and attractive. The furniture , carpets and bedding are new , first-class , modern and up-to-date throughout the entire hostelrie. There is none better in the state. The building is lighted by electiicity , is provided with call-bells , and Mr. Rooney is prepared in every particular to give the public fine meals , comfort able rooms and beds and prompt , court eous treatment. There are roomy and convenient sample-rooms in connection. Met Death Suddenly. The McCook yard was the sad scene of a sudden death , about half past eight o'clock , Wednesday evening , Switch man Thomas Carty being the victim. He was engaged in coupling cars , and stepped in between the cars to arrange a troublesome Jauney coupler when the ends of the cars came together , crushing out his life instantly. He was compara tively a new man in the McCook yard , having come here a few months since from Chicago. He was a brother of Peter Carty , the general yard-master. He leaves a wife and two small children. The funeral services will likely be held in the Catholic church , Sunday morning , although up to the time of this writing the arrangements had not been com pleted for the burial. The bereaved ones have the tenderest sympathy in this sad and sudden sorrow. LATER. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. m.The The Important Thing : In saying is how to make your sav ings accumulate and multiply. There is no savings institution so safe or which multiplies savings so rapidly as a good Building Association. It is a model savings bank. m . It is most economically managed. It provides for the saving of money usually squandered. You get all that your money earns. No commission paid to agents. No preferred stock-holders to reap the cream of the profits. The poor man's dollar is just as good as the rich man's thousands. See the Sec'y of the McCook CoOperative ative Building & Savings Ass'n about the new stock. Wanted ! Five hundred men who are working on a salary , to invest five dollars a month in the best paying Savings insti tution in Nebraska The McCook Co operative Building & Savings Associ ation. For particulars call on the scre - tary at the First National Bank. We Are Ready ! Our shelves are full of NEW wall-paper. We are preparing for the best wall-paper season in the history of McCook. Our line will be bigger , handsomer than we have ever shown. & BBHKV. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. MRS. L. C. WOLPF is visiting in Lin coln , this week. W. E. CAMPBELL is with the Bullard Lumber Co. now. JOHN ROXBY was up from Arapahoe , Monday , on business. L. H. LAWTON of Palisade was in the city , Monday evening. PKRCEVILLE WALKER has returned to Farnaui and farming. MRS. L. D. GOCKLEY is the guest of her daughter , Mrs. J. C. Predmore. MRS C. S. McELHERRON went down to Cambridge , Monday , on a short visit. MRS. E P. CHILDE of Palisade was in the city , last Friday night , on her way home. MRS. MARTHA HUGHES is having a small dwelling built on North Monmoutln .street. C. II. BOYLE was in Denver on a visit to the family , last of past week and early part of the present. W. E. BOSSERMAN of Grafton , Neb , was a guest of C. J. Ryan , close of last and early part of this week. MRS. E. E. STAYNER and Mrs. E. E Saddler returned home , yesterday on I from a visit to friends at Oberlin , Kan sas. Louis SUESS returned home , Wednes day night on 5 , from his trip to Chicago to buy goods for the spring and summer trade. MRS. M. M. DELHUNTY returned home , last Friday evening on 3 , from her visit to St. Joseph to buy spring goods. MRS. JOHN STEVENS of Hastings came up on No. I , Wednesday , to see her sister-in-law , Mrs. Frank Kendlen , who is still quite ill. Miss NELLIE MARTIN of Wy more was a guest of Mrs. V. H. Solliday , part of the week , arriving on I , Tuesday , and departing on 12 , Thursday. MRS. L. M. COPELAND , who has been the guest of her daughter , Mrs. J. G. Schobel , for a few weeks , will depart for Minden , tomorrow morning. MR. AND MRS. T. J. SMITH and Mrs. Nettie McCarl arrived in the city , close of last week , from Lincoln , and will make this their future home. Miss PEARL WOODARD came down from Akron , yesterday morning , to help her sister , Mrs. L. E. Gilcrest , during her illness and that of her husband. MRS. JOHN KUMMER and the members of the family departed , yesterday morn ing , for Grand Island , this state , whither Mr. Kummer preceded them a few days since. STASIA C. BRADY closed a six-months term of school in district No. 41 , on March i. A basket dinner was an en joyable feature , participated in by all the patrons of the school. S. C. JOHN and family departed on No. 6 , Wednesday night , for Pauora , Iowa. Our regret is tempered by the expecta tion that they will in due time be back in Red Willow county again. MRS. S. L. MOENCH passed through the city , a few days since , on her way from Duraugo , Colorado , to Orleans , to visit the family. She will also briefly visit McCook friends before returning to Colorado. MAYOR BARNETT enjoyed a brief visit from his sister , who arrived from Kan sas , where she was called to the funeral of her mother , on No. i , Wednesday , and continued her way to her home in Colorado , the same night. Miss LIZZIE STEVENS , deputy librar ian , came up from Lincoln , Saturday night on 3 , to see her sister , Mrs. Frank Kendlen , returning to Lincoln on 2 , Wednesday morning. Mrs. Kendlen's condition continues to demand careful nursing and attention. MRS. R. A. MATHEW of La Veta , Colorado , and Mrs. John W. Lewis of Morrison , Illinois , are in the city , guests af their sister , Mrs. S. A. Moore. Mrs. Lewis will remain some time , but Mrs. Mathew has since continued on her way to Illinois on a visit. MISSES HELEN AND ELSIE PIPER , two of Receiver Piper's charming daugh ters , came up from Lincoln , Saturday on STo. i , to attend the second anniversary : elebration of the members of the Mc Cook Athletic club. They departed for aome on No. 2 , the following morning. W. L. CULBERTSON , president of the iVizzard Gold Mining Co. , and J. M. CVhitelock , a member of the company , joth from Missouri , were in the city , Wednesday , on their way home from in specting the mine. They think they lave a fine thing. Some McCook people lave interests in mines adjoining this : ompBDj'a. Athletlc's Second Anniversary. The members of the McCook Athletic club commemorated the second anniver sary of the club's organization , last Sat urday evening , in the club-rooms , with great eclat and particulars altogether en trancing. About one hundred guests responded to the invitations issued by the club and their second anniversary occasion was a memorable and notable affair a joy to the .guests and distinctly creditable to the club. The decorative feature of the event was a most attractive and elaborate one , in some respects excelling the charming effect of last year. A receution room effect was produced in the billiard-room , pictures , rugs , appropriate furniture , colored lights and other items of taste and culture being in the sum total , to gether with palms , potted plants and cut flowers. The decorations of the reading-room were special in design. A cleverly constructed and beautiful foun tain played continuously in one corner ; stately palm trees were disposed over the room ; and with red bunting and other devices , added to floral elements of color and foliage , the resultant scene was one of taste and charm. The deco rations of the athletics-room were formed of patriotic and club colors. Among the social diversions were a drawing match and a floral love story guessing contest. The drawings were illustrations of book titles , and the prize was awarded Miss Hannah Stangland. There were not a few quite artistic pro ductions among the unplaced illustra tions. The floral love story received close and enthusiastic attention. Miss Ida McCarl and Miss Nellie Smith pro duced the story without an error and di vided first honors , a beautiful bouquet of carnations. Miss Minnie Rowell , Mrs. Walter Stokes and Miss Edna Garrard were each correct , save one error. The Athletics department provided three exciting numbers for the entertain ment of the guests. The first was a strenuous wrestling match , catch-as- catcb-can , between Gary Dole and Earl Vahue , in which the former won two out of three falls. This was followed by a most artistic exhibition of illuminated Indian club swinging by J. T. Holmes. The concluding number was a warm and lively boxing contest between E. O. Scott and Charles Robinson , in which the points were in favor of the former , notwithstanding Mr. Robinson gave a good account of himself. The sports were keenly enjoyed even the gentler sex agreeing that it was all "perfectly lovely ; " and the decree must , peradventure - venture , stand unchallenged. In a cosy corner of the reading-room , a nook tastefully prepared therefore , frappe was served during the evening , Miss Lucile Lawson and Miss Lettie Knipple presiding gracefully at the punch-bowl. Refreshments were served by the ladies of the Dorcas society of the Con gregational church with all their tra ditional cleverness and taste and dainty accessories. The Pythian orchestra of eight pieces added a wealth of tuneful harmony to the function during the entire evening. Among those present from out-of- town were : Mrs. Agnes Barker of Chicago , Misses Helen and Elsie Piper of Lincoln , and W. E. Bosserman of Grafton. May the club survive to celebrate many more anniversaries. Soap ! Soap ! Kirk's "Juvenile" the 25-cent kind we sell it for 15 cents. MCCONNELL & BERRY. Grade Herefords for Sale. A number of grade Herefords for sale. Inquire of WILCOX & FLITCRAFT. Overcoats at DeGroff & Co.'s , Every color in China Silks at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. A large assortment of Stock Foods and Poultry Supplies at McMillen's. The Straight Front is the newest in corsets. You will find them at DeGroff & Co.'s. No substitutions allowed at our store. Prescriptions filled as written. D. W. LOAR. If you want the best and most for your good money in the meat line don't do a thing but go to Church & Marsh's market. They are it. WANTED : Farm of rich soil within five miles of McCook. Will buy. or trade Indiana farm or business. W. E. HARTER , Mexico , Indiana. Three hundred pieces of Dress Goods in stock , from which yea may purchase i dress skirt to your measure , made by is , or from which you can bay per yard from 10 cents to $1.25. All-wool Dress Skirts from $2.50 op. We solicit your > rder. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. H. P. Walte has everything in the lerdware line at the right price. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Conductor L. E. Gilcrest is still very ill. Flagman Walter Sayers is very ill with an attack of pneumonia. Fireman Jacob Schlegel is seriously ill with an attack of appendicitis. Way-car 126 is in the shops and 42 i just out , after an overhauling and re building. They organized a Railroad Men's clul at Alliance , last week , with M. E. Well as president. Flagman F. F.Nenbauer arrived home on r , Wednesday , from his trip to St Francis , Kansas. Car Inspector Baird of Lincoln was a Western headquarters , Tuesday , on biisi ness of his office. Roy Zint of McCook was in the citj this week the guest of Miss Blanch Con- over Red Cloud Chief. Roadmaster T. A. Wilburn- was al Western division headquarters , Satur day , on business official. Brakeman C. S. McElherron has gone up to Denver for a short visit , anil Fldg- maii F. F. Neubauer is relieving him. Fireman Walter Godfrey has been lay ing off H few days on account of the ac cident to his young son , last Saturday afternoon. Conductor Frank Rank arrived home , last night , from relieving Conductor Caffrey , who was out with the purchas ing agent's special. Brakeman G. L. Miller returned from Hastings , Wednesda } ' night on 3 , where he has been relieving Brakeman C. L. Olinstead a few days. Conductor Art Lyman moved his fam ily and goods here from Oxford , Wednes day. They are occupying the Wesley Van Nortwick dwelling over on Lower Melvin street. Brakeman Robert Sayers has been laying off , a few days , helping nurse his brother Walter , who has been seriously ill with pneumonia since Sunday , but is now improving. Conductor E. F. Caffrey had Purchas- ingn Agent Josselyn's special over the Western division , this week. Late Pur chasing Agent Guild accompanied the new purchasing agent. They were in McCook , Sunday. It is announced that six new engines of the class KS type will be manufactured at Havelock. Orders for the manufac ture of these engines have been given , and the material for them has been sent for. About one year ago orders were placed for eight engines at these shops. A little later this order was increased to twelve. This increases the number to eighteen new engines from the shops , eight of which have been manufactured and are now in service. The engines turned out of the Havelock shops are as good as the best , and the company has been successful in manufacturing them at a less cost than it can buy them on the market. Lincoln Journal. A box car was blown out onto the main hue from the side-track at Yuma , Colorado , Saturday night , during the severe wind-storm which prevailed over the Western division , and for an hour erse so was the cause of no little uneasiness at headquarters. The car came down the line as far as Laird , Colorado , where it was finally caught by Engineer Charles Milligan and Fireman R. C. Cole with a light engine , Fireman Cole making the coupling with the runaway , while in motion , a very difficult and dangerous Dperation. The operating department bad the car under its electric eye , and it is said that the car made a speed of 45 miles an hour at places. It was with a Jeep breath of relief that the runaway svas finally secured and the danger re moved. The car had the right of way. Track laying on the Toluca line will begin nest month. A great deal of ma terial for this line is now on the ground it Toluca. The company will put down jld steel on this line. Rails from differ ent parts of the system , where the track has been replaced with heavier steel , have been shipped to Toluca. The ends jf the old rails will be sawed off and this leaves them very nearly as good as aew. A big portable rail saw , owned by : he company , was yesterday sent to Foluca to begin this work. The ma- : hine cuts the ends of the rails and drills ; he holds for the plates at the same ; ime. The rails wear out fast near the plates , and by cutting off each end the ( porst part of the rail is removed. It is ; he intention to finish the line from [ "oluca to Cody City this summer. The 'set that old rails are being used in the Construction of this line would not indi- : ate that the company intends to add a jreat deal of mileage beyond Cody City. Journal. For the Ladies. The "Domestic Science" meeting a the home of Mrs. M.Thorgrimson provec to be a most entertaining affair. Abou * thirty ladies were present. Many more would have attended but did not under stand or know anything about it. The superintendent in charge , Mrs. Welton ably demonstrated her ability as a prac tical house-keeper. Believing that in the day of the new woman , when she is called upon to assist in so much public work , she must have some method and system about her home duties in order to keep her home as it should be and at the same time give her leisure for some of the lines of work in which many of our women are intrusted , she thought it all wrong that our home duties should be a drag and a trial , but that rather , we should make them a joy , go about them with a zeal and energy , aiming for the highest standards in results as to health and comforts and pleasures to the in mates of the home. The cake was made according to order , the fruit salad was delicious , as was also the peanut candy. The frosting was just tight. All present expressed themselves as well repaid for their attendance. Quite a ripple of laughter came over all when Mrs. Welton asked for the can of Royal baking powder in her hand bajj , and Mrs. Walker very innocently handed over the heads of the ladies a box of powder for the complexion. We con cluded by the rr-yarks , the ladies \ere is much intere/ t in the one box as the other. Should" the ladies desire to take up this department of work here , it could be made most interesting and helpful , especially to young house-keepers. About twenty-five orders were taken for the White Ribbon Cook Hook at 25 cents Any one can order by sending name to the writer. The stereopticon lectures were very interesting and profitable , though not largely attended. The views on Thursday evening , were especially fine and something out of the ordinary inc. Mrs. Walker having visited the different points presented was able to make it very plain to all. Some one entered the Methodist church on Thurs day and very unfortunately destroyed about two and a half dollars worth of the plates , a matter which the members of the city union very much regret. We rust when they come again a large au dience will greet them. MRS. TRAVER. House Burned In West McCook. The residence of Mrs. Amelia Rider in West McCook , occupied by I. M. Smith and family , was practically completely destroyed by fire , between one and two o'clock , Monday morning. The fire is bought to have started from the kitchen stove , and the fire had burned into the ) ed-room occupied by Mr. Smith before he fire was noticed. Many of the lousehold goods were removed from the front part of the house. The loss on the louse will amount to $ See ; insured for J i6oo. Mr. Smith's loss is between 300 and $400 , and the same is covered by in- urance. A Small Prairie Fire. ! i A small prairie fire passed over the river bottom , just west of the city , Sun- Jay , burning from the river bank to the railroad track on the north and as far ivest as the river bridge road. William C Bailey had eight tons of hay burned uite a loss to him at this tiuie of the I ear. There was no other damage vorthy mention. The fire was started y some boys who were engaged in boat- tig on the river , that day. Death Claims Another. Death , Thursday mor ning at two 'clock , claimed another member of the lurphy family , this time Miss Emily eing the victim of the fell consumption hat is doing its deadly work in that ated family. The funeral services were onducted by Rev. J. W. Hickey in St. Patrick's church at ten o'clock , this norning , interment following in Calvary : emetery. _ Broke His Leg. Fireman G. W. Godfrey's young son Seorge fractured both bones of his left eg , Saturday afternoon , in jumping. tfot long since , the lad accidentally cut iff the end of one of his fingers , and it . , vas in attempting to favor this member ; hat the accident occurred. Farmer's Friend. The hen , the farmer's friend , should be well treated make money by using Mc- ilillen's Poultry Powder and Egg Pro- lucer. Those beautiful Silk Zephyr Ginghams ror wash waists and dresses at 30 cents a f ard are worth seeing and securing while may. The Thompson Dry Goods When in need of a steel range , cook ) r gasoline stove buy of H. P. Waite. the goods and prices are right. At night ring the door bell at Loar's .tore and the clerk will do the rest. MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. Go to Loar's for pure drugs. Take your prescriptions to Loar. It's sure McMillen's Cough Cure. Loar's prices are right. Try him. For clothing go to DeGroff & Co.'s. Buy your garden and flower seeds from H. P. Waite. The wise man still sticketh to his winter under-clothing. The city council expects to meet on Monday evening coming. Peau deSoie Silks in black and colors at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Sun Bonnets , enough for all , in all styles. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. When yon paint jour house , carriage or barn , buy the best paint from II. P Waite. Rich , heavy Taffeta Sill.2f > nches wide , $ t per yard at The Thomp son Dry Goods Co. The McCook Circle Wo. 33 , Lniiics of G. A. R. , meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall. Alex Bergeron , piano tuner from Den- er. will make his regular trip here about the first of April , and solicits jour mtronage. II. P. Waite has just received a large nvoice of the best grades of rubber hose vhich will be sold very cheap , consider ng quality of the goods. It don't pay you to buy an inferior grade of rubber hose , when a good qual ity will cost you but a trifle more. II P. Waite has the best for the money. Twenty-five stales of absolutely fast- color Ginghams in pink checks , stripes , plaids and solid colors at 84 cents per yard , just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. New Silk Waists are beauties. We have them in black , white , national blue , old rose , grey , cerise , crimson and leanary. We invite your inspection. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. WANTED To trade for McCook real estate , forty acres of fine second-bottom land on Republican river. For full par ticulars see Fearn , the Photographer , McCook , Nebraska. Phone No. 38. Dr. P. S. Corkius. Eye Specialist , member of the Northern Illinois College of Ophthalmology , Chicago , is at the Commercial hotel , for a few days' and can be consulted about eye defects , or lieadaches. Examination free. Any man why buys a pair of Trousers without inspecting our offerings parts soon with his money. We offer 200 pairs Df high grade $4 , $5 , and $6 pants at ? 2 75 , $3-75 and $425Seeing is believ ing. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Among those up-to-date implements ust received by S. M. Cochran & Co. , is 13-wheel lister that has caused more romment among the farmers than any ister that has ever been placed on the narket here. Every man who has seen t wants to sell Ins old one and buy one ) f these new and unequalled listers. We are showing Albatrosses , Xun-- . ' 'eilings , Poplins , Brilliantines , Broad- iloths , Meridian cloths , Venetians , Ser ies , Henriettas , Tailors Suitings , etc. in > lain solid-color Dress Goods , besides a arge line of Plaids , Checks , Vigoreoux .nd other fancy and novelty Dress Goods 'rices from 10 cents to $1.15 per yard ? he Thompson Dry Goods Co. G. A. R. Supper. The Ladies' Circle of the G. A. R. rill give a supper in the Coleman build- ng , old McAdams store-room , Friday. Harch 15 , at 6 o'clock. MENU. Turkey Chicken Ham Pickles and Jelly 'otato Salad Cabbage Salao Baked Beans Cake Doughnuts Rocks Fruit Salad Tea Coffee supper , 25 cents. Cafe Chautant. The members of the Kappa Sigma appa club will conduct a Cafe Chautant n the Menard opera-house , Tuesday : vening , March 26th , for the benefit of he auditorium fund. Full lines of all colors Taffeta Silk at 15 cents and 90 cents at The Thompson ) ry Goods Co. MRS. J. E. SAJJBORN , who has been 'isiting in Virginia , Illinois , arrived , Vednesday. Engineer J. H. Murphy of the Imper. al run is laying off for a few days , being inder the weather somewhat. MRS. ELLEN FARRELL , who has been isiting her sister , Mrs. Mary Mullen ; nd son , Matthew Farrell , departed , Vednesday morning , for her home ia 'arsons , Kansas , with her yeucg ion.