The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 28, 1899, Image 5

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If you wear the right kind of
Shoes ; but you never saw a hust =
ler in your life who went limping
about with ill-fitting , foot = binding | gj
Shoes. Nothing will take the
tuck out of ambition quicker than
a pair of tortured feet. The best
shoes for hustling are sold by
They are stylish in appearance
= -but they are made to wear , as
well as to look at. They wear
well , look well , fit well and walk
well. Wear them , and it won't
be painful when you try to get a
move on yourself.
McCook , Neb. -j
* jx 3i
VA J xv > AJV AA/v < > JV > v > Vlrf' '
i BANK-4
Authorized Capital , $100,000.
Capital and Surplus , $60,000
GEO. HQCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres.
W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash.
[ 5 A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director.
Just a Few Thini
you are going to need
Tacks for your carpet.
Hammers to drive them.
Zinc Binding for
your oilcloth. I
Window Shades = =
We have them at 25,35 &
Chamber 5ets = = plain and
decorated ; all prices.
Field , Garden and Flower Seeds = =
We sell them 8 pkgs for
Garden Tools and Pruning Shears
we are selling fast , because our
prices are much the lowest.
THE "BEE HIVE , " - McGook ,
The City Council.
The municipal fathers were in sesaioi
Monday evening , and transacted tli
following business , nil being present bi
Councilman Perry :
Report of City Marshal Jordan rea
and filed.
On motion it was determined to tak
up the matter of the application of A. C
Clyde for liquor license for the ensuin
year at an adjourned meeting to be helen
on Saturday evening , April zgth.
On motion liquor licenses were gran
t-d to P. Walsh , Harry Oarbazett an
William Lewis ; druggist's permit to I
W. Lear ; billiard and pool licenses to j
H. Bennett and B. F. Olcott.
It was moved that the city attorne
and county attorney be authorized t
draw and approve a contract by whic
the city shall pay not to exceed one-ha
of the lowest bid made for completin
the court house according to the specif
cations prepared by the county officei
under direction of the county coniuiii
sioners ; and the city attorney 10 repoi
the contract to the city council at an ac
journed meeting to be held on Saturda
evening , April 29111. After which tli
council adjourned as above indicated.
Let others do the talking about ll :
crop , we have nothing to say.
I. B. Stryker is the possessor of
brand new pump.
The spring has been hard on the earl
pigs , many of them dying.
We violate no confidence when w
say that we think the corn is all husket
Mrs. R. H. Traphagau has been beai
tifying their buggy with a new coat <
G. H. Simineruian is enclosing h
buildings with a woven wire fence an
otherwise improving his home.
Win. Brown and family , who live
here one year , left for Oregon , last Rloi
day , where they expect to reside.
The mumps went pretty hard wit
some as the doctor was called seven
times for at least two of the afflicted one
The way to do it when part of a faniil
of chickens are safely hatched and tl
others are knocking at the door , but can
get through is , to gently pip the eg >
right on the tip of the big end , therel
increasing the number of chicks.
Prairie fires have caused not a lilt
anxiety , but by desperate efforts by tl
brave people in which the ladies assiste
they were extinguished without muc
financial loss. A young daughter of M
Rhodenburg had one of her hair brai (
burned off near to her scalp.
The time is drawing nigh when M. ]
Brown and family who have been he :
so long will start on their journey I
Oregon to their new home. They \ vibe
be much missed and they will ofte
think of their home on the sunny sit
of-the Red Willow and of the friem
they left behind.
Ask Enoch Hoover how deep the elite
Roy Barnes is putting in wheat , tli
B. C. Bowman has just bought a fii
team of horses.
Winter wheat has been greatly dama
ed by dry weather.
Frank Filch is starting a music cla
in the study of the violin.
There was a small attendance at tl
Endeavor , last Sunday evening.
A beautiful little lady now adorns tl
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Burtless.
Earl Ludwick was among the visito
of the Endeavor , last Sunday evening.
W. S. Morlan is putting out anoth
fine lot of trees. We hope he will ha
better luck with these.
I.H.Wasson and family moved out fro
LeClaire , Iowa , the latter part of la
week , and are living wtih there so
Charles and Roe. Capt. Wasson h
been in the employ of Diuiock , Gould
Co , for the past twenty years , and ca
tain of the steamer Moliue for the pa
nineteen years. He has many war
friends in South Side and will be wt
corned by all.
Bids to do Breaking Wanted.
To break 100 acres of southeast quart
of section 34 , township I , Red Willc
county. Bids to be sent to THE McCoc
TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
House ,
Decorating ,
Wagons ,
Buggies ,
Carriages ,
Floors ,
Barns ,
Implements ,
Enameling ,
[ Varnish Stains. ]
We Will Excuse the Colonel.
If Colonel Phillips of the Reporiwi
needs any time in which to devote him
self to" his own town of
behalf of the good people of McCook ,
THE TRIUUNK will excuse him from
devoting so much of his valuable space ,
time and gray matter to McCook and
her citizens. There are some interest
ing chapters of local history the colonel
might enlarge upon : The watch factory ,
ochre mine and mill , and grange store
etc. might make an entertaining sympo
sium for Jasper's facile , vigorous and
humorous pen. If the colonel will un
dertake to sweep clean before his own
local front door , he will have less waste
and idle time on his hands in which to
malign , misrepresent and 'roast * ' his
busy neighbors. The advice is worth
the trial and effort ; and the result will
always be beneficial.
Won the Case.
After about five years of litigation and
delay , Mrs. Msr aret Oyster on Tuesday
of this weekreceived a draft in payment
of her suit for damage against the Bur
lington on account of the fatal injury of
her husband at Holdrege , about five
years since. Winning her case in the
court at Holdrege and again in the su
preme court , which decided the applica
tion for a re-hearing , last week , there
was nothing left the company to do butte
to pay , which they did , close of last
week. Mrs. Oyster secures over $4,000 ,
a fact upon which she is to be congratu
M.C.Wayhon visited his father inTren-
lon , 25111 and 26th.
Spring Colors.
The time for fresh paint is in the
spring. The best spring for it is this
spring. Eevey gallon guaranteed.
Estimate of expenses of Red Willow county
for the year 1899.
County General $12,000 oo
County Bridge 6,000 oo
County Road 3soo oo
County Bond 3oco oo
Soldier's Relief 500 oo
North Valley Precinct 1,000 oo
Willow Grove Precinct 2,000 oo
Indianola Precinct 300 oo
Banley Village 500 oo
McCook City 2oco , oo
School District Bonds 7.000 oo
4-7-41. R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , March 22(1 ,
1899. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made before
the Register or Receiver of U. S. Land Office
at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , April 29 ,
1899 , viz : Moses Battershall , Homestead En
try No. 10,230 for the S H NW % and E A
SW X of Section 22 , T 2 N , R 29 W. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land , viz : John E. Tirrill , Arthur II.
Tirrill , William H. Smith and Alex. D. John
ston , all of McCook , Neb.
F. M. RATHBUN , Register.
State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , ss :
At a county court held at the county court
room in and for said county , April 27th , A. D.
1859 , present , G. S. Bishop , county judge. In
the matter of the estate of Richard Ellsworth
Garrett , deceased. On reading and filing the
petition of P. B. Garrett , praying that admin
istration of said estate may be granted to him
as administrator.
Ordered , ' 1 hat May I5th , A. D. 1899. at I
o'clock p. m-jis assigned for hearing said peti
tion , when all persons interested in said mat
ter may appear at a county court to be held in
and for said county , and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not be granted ;
and that notice of the pendency of said peti
tion and the hearing thereof , be given to all
persons interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy of this order in THE McCooK
TRIBUNEa weekly newspaper printed in said
county , for three successive weeks , prior to
said clay of hearing. G. S. BISHOP ,
( A true copy. ) County Judge.
In the District Court of Red Willow Coun
ty , State of Nebraska. In the matter of the
estate of Joseph Williams , deceased.
The cause came on foi heaiing upon the
petition of Charles II. Boyle , administrator of
the estate of Joseph Williams , deceased , pray
ing for license to sell the southeast quarter ,
section twenty , and the northwest quarter
of the southwest quarter and the southwest
quarter of the northwest quarter , section
twenty-one , all in township two , range
thirty , in Red Willow county , state of Neb
raska , or a sufficient amount of the same to
bring the sum of $500 for the payment of debts
with the interest thereon allowed against said
estate and the costs of administration , there
not being sufficient personal property to pay
the said debts , interest and expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all persons in
terested in said estate appear before me at
McCook , on the i6th day of May , 1899 , at ten
o'clock , a. in. , in court room , to show cause
why a license should not be granted to said
administrator to sell so much of the above de
scribed real estate of said deceased as shall
be necessary to pay said debts , interest and
expenses. Dated this 2Sth day of March , 1899.
4-7-41. Judge of the Distiict Court.
William Brumer , Hannah IJrumer and The
Western Farm Mortgage Trust Company , de
fendants , will take notice that John 1 > . Me-
serve , plaintiff , has filed his petition in the
District Coin t of Red Willow county , Nebras
ka , against the above named defendants , the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed July 14 , 1888 , by
the defendants William Brumer and Hannah
Brumer to The Western Farm Mortgage
Trust Company , and afterwards duly assigned
to the plaintiff , upon the following described
real estate , to-wit : the south half of the north
east quarter and the north half of the south
east quarter of section fifteen , in township
two , north , in range twenty-nine , west of the
Gth p. m. Said mortgage being executed to
secure the payment of the one principal note
of the said William and Hannah Brumer , for
the sum of 800.00 , due July 1,1893. nn& len
interest notes attached to said principal note ,
for the sum of $2800 each , and maturing re
spectively on the first days of January and
July , 1889,1890,1891,1892 and 1893. There is
now due on said notes and mortgage , includ
ing the amount paid as taxes on said premises ,
the sum of $952.42 , with interest thereon , at
the rate of ten per cent per annum , on $2800
thereof , from January i , 1892 ; on 528 oo thereof ,
from July 1,1892 ; on 52800 thereof , from Jan
uary i , 1893 ; on 5828.00 thereof , from July I ,
1893 , and on 40.42 thereof , from March 27 ,
1899 , and plaintiff prays for a decree that the
defendants be required to pay the same or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy said
amounts , with interest and cost of suit.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday , the I5th day of May , 1899.
Dated this 6th day of April , 1899.
4-7-41. JOHN B. MESERVE , Plaintiff ,
By W. S. MORLAN , His Attorney.1
Call and SQQ the New Dress Goods jk l * *
® $
and Silks for Spring.
SSS - ar ?
S& $ In Embroideries and Laces we have § § !
arflS Dtffb *
JUZQ a Good Assortment at prices that are S p
* j& Very Reasonable. See our stock before p *
y ° u buy- § d
We have Bargains for you in every $ $
department of our store. gjgg
Ladies' fluslin Underwear.
Ladies' Shirt Waists.
Ladies' Dress Skirts.
Ladies' , Men's and Children's Shoes.
Men's and Boys' Clothing.
Get our prices on Groceries. You
can save money by sending us orders in
iis department. gjgj
was It
i iJBkjfflMffic jfflj J03Urlk jtfe jttfa .
jgragepgragg * raragcigr a j. i
I Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5.000 | ?
I 4 $
aftr.ifir jggjg
Jlost in Quantity. Best In Quality.
For 20 Years Has Led a5I Wgrsn Srned8S3 !
JAK3ES F. BALLARD , St. Louis. "
\STj * jssss > f\fssss > s\s f s < is f * sAt \ -
cut out r.r
gnaVt B
Hi i > y Oeiirnt Co" 13. \ -i-.Jliu.tlOJ. . > > m examine , i i.t . <
: l il , TO AM SKMMIJI l ixer - . ! i i ( : { >
EiSKr.'JOUl.lHl > . fCAL ! OFFEf ! PR5CE S7.
iy tilt ? lailrns i nzeot -
.5G.5O n ho i n- iron tJi l\ t i. - . . . n. <
TO 2 urT.- > Surrey C .tdlo a > ' < T.- '
\ other iiakers ct S2I.5O' 23.75 nild't : -V 4S
5SC.CO ame U..njy - ' . i r. . . . . , , h. ,
iuaaies ? 73.vO and are hem . .M a i-.erti-t.l i. > " . - > a.n at S'V to ? > > ! ?
OUR AC.V.E QUEEN AT 355.OO is : ho = - t
\vonuerlul value c/ero crcd. li'i < lM v > i I'laiEt t * '
UI OTKll llTill - ' nKT BrCKTTIIlT r\\ ! IK III.T. tvm *
ourowniKe eory butpy t
Tuirpo-e o' I I'Mnyra'i't , ! : ; ' i H'TTVH Sll'i-i *
IHlNlTt ( l. l.i \ M. \ HHf S-1 ' _ .Ji Ul&
Every Buggy We Mnke Js C .ar rvt cs
Five Years a-- ) They V ' ; , : i.-j : ai , ' : &
Ordinary FactorRS < : -
THE MATEniAlAHD U5GK IH Ou < s4'-ls : ) / >
mnrp thin tl abl ? thrt 1:1 tu * : ! > t . . ry
' . \ . . * . .
u-o a 5- ill cit-jii i t. J
. . _ . . . - . , , , _ , . , , , . . , . . , r- .
AClVlE QUEEN. ( OUR OWN MAKE. ) b faa Wt TI5TTIK Bf > T. > r. . . , „ - , r
ilie > Rl e Walrr Rubbed nj the Material and Labor In Tainting OUR ACME QUEEN , < " > uM faint thrr.rhraj , t < t ; t-
S55.OOBAREI-Y COVERS COST ofraate-ial and labor , leaving us tlie m ! lt-t pn-nt ri-n-ii" . ' ! r
t e arc buiUUneTO buddies a clay and to advertise our bUTey factory wenHIIIII - t > -KLI. ritnt
.on I'liliMT Ul'il.Vc knoxv7O.OO daily profit on TObuif fries will sati-lj n * . a < ltvni < et" f irv Ui -
d huil.l up the LAE3EST EUGGY BUSINi.53 EJ THE "WORLD.
THE ACME QUEEN ebuililin narroworwiJc track , clotlior leather tiumiml. "iJprri -
II nrrnrc r..r ( ) milrv Ji.OO ; 300 mile < , ii.75 : 40O roller. fS.ii : SOU alien. * 3.f.t ) : l.OUO ra ! < . f > ; Co.
CP'JUS % " &WP DO ! t AB vrltli y ° cr onler , K ( ! t lltAMEK the Tuor * 10 Keath Voa.f lT n1 *
OC. 1 yt * > l ! = , UJHtrlf gatisfactory. P y the railniaa a. "it Ivilsn-f. f ; .n. > 5-
; .M r i = ri- , otherwise | > av nothlntrnntl the agent will return biUKJ'at our exp , n-c nml * c illr-tuni < t. . : ' \i
DON'T BUY A CHEAP FACTORY BUGGY mwsul lalnur t ciclu ively l > v rsi.t , r > nmi ! - " } , .
.1 Catulou-imlloH'es. BUY THE BEST BUGGY MONEY CAN BUILD , diicct from ij . .I-iSr
, . . , - S EA R S , R C E B U C K & C O. U n c.C K F C A O O. : L L.