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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1898)
Y ' J SEVENTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , NOVEMBER 25 , 1898. NUMBER 28 The Yellow and Black Won. 'The yellow and black of the Railroad Boys football club and the scarlet and cream of the High School team met on the gridiron , Thanksgiving afternoon , and after two heroic halves victory -perched upon the banner of the yellow .ami black. The score stood six to noth ing and was made in the beginning of the first half , the Railroad boys scoring on the kick-off by rushing the ball over the line by superior weight. In the rest of the game the High School boys , though much lighter , played in Railroad territory most of the time The proba bilities are that if the High School lads liad entered the first half with as much -spirit and as fearlessly as they played the Test of the game , no score would have been made. The game was witnessed by quite a number of people with keen interest and vociferous enthusiasm. An admission fee of 15 cents was charged to the grounds and 25 cents to the grand stand. The game is declared a very sat isfactory one. Albert O'Nell Severely Injured. Brakeman J. Albert O'Neil was severe ly injured , last Saturday about eleven o'clock , while switching some freight cars onto the side-track at Stratton. He was on top of a car giving signals , when a. sudden and perhaps unexpected move ment of the train threw him to the ground. His left foot was badly mashed and lorn by a wheel , one bone of his right leg was broken and the right ankle dislocated. His wounds are severe and it will take a long while before he will foe able to be about again. The injured inan was brought to his home here on .No. 6 , on the afternoon of the same day , amU he is receiving careful surgical ser vices. It was at first thought that his left foot would have to be amputated , hut such action has been deferred in the liope that the member may be saved. At this writing he is getting on as well as can be expected from such severe in juries. All hope for his rapid and com plete recovery. Another Accident. About one o'clock , Monday morning , Brakeman William Washburn was badly liurt while switching freight cars at Or leans. It is thought that he must have slipped and fallen between the cars. His right foot was badly bruised and torn , the big toe mashed , and one bone of the same leg broken above the ankle. He was brought to his home in our city , on No. i , the same morning , and every surgical attention is being given. His iujuries are confined to the right foot and leg and are not so severe as those of JJrakeuian O'Neil. His recovery is ex pected to be correspondingly faster. Iike that of his fellow-brakeman , the accident is deplored and his complete return to health and usefulness is earn estly wished for. A Personal Convenience. An individual postoffice box , call , lock or combination , is a comfort and convenience that you cannot purchase in any other department of life for so small a. sum of money. Call boxes are only 25c. for three months , while lock and combination boxes , ( which are much preferable , inasmuch as you can get your mail at any time the postoffice lobby is openare SDC. per quarter. The IMcCook postoffice is well supplied with Tacant boxes of all kinds. And Uncle Sam receives the freight. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn $ .20 Wheat 43 Oats 15 Rye 36 Barley . 20 ' Hogs 3. io Eggs 15 Butter 20 Potatoes 40 Was Thrown Out. THE TRIBUNE was misinformed as to the manner and place of Mrs. Sue Hile- man's recent injury. The accident oc- cured in a corn field at the farm and she was thrown out of the wagon by the horses becoming frightened and running away. Young Men , Attention I There will be a meeting of all young men interested in the establishment of a Y. M. C. A. reading room and gymnas ium , at the Congregational church , Mon day evening , November 28th at 8 o'clock. Do not fail to be present. Property to Trade. Property in a good Iowa town to trade for Nebraska farm. Inquire at TRIBUNE office. 2ts. THE TRIBUNE and The Toledo Blade for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best in the market. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. DR. L. J. SPICKELMIER has been on the sick-list all week. C. U. DIUHL of Stratlon was in the city , Wednesday , on a business trip. Miss D. A. ROGERS of Hancock , Mich igan , is the guest .of J. A. WIlcox and family. L. C. DOLE went down to Orleans , Thursday morning , to spend Thanks giving. MRS. C. E POPK and Jessie returned home , Sunday night , from their visit to Lincoln. SENATOR-ELECT ALLEN was up from Arapahoe , Sunday , on a short visit on business REV. T. L. KETMAN returned home , Monday night , from his visit to Ashland , this state. MRS. J. II. MESERVE returned to Lin coln , Wednesday night , after n short visit here. MRS C. H. MEEKER departed for Missouri , Wednesday morning , on a visit to relatives. JUDGE ABBOTT of the Hayes Center Republican had a little business in the city , Thanksgiving day. W. C. BULLARD was out from Omaha , Saturday , looking after his large lumber and coal interests in this city. JUDGE NORRIS came up from Beaver City , Sunday , on his way to Hayes Cen ter , to hold a term of district court. MR. AND MRS. M. C. MAXWELL are in Council Bluffs.Iova . , for the winter , expecting to be absent about six months MISS EDNA DixON came up , Monday night , and has been spending the week here. She will return to Lincoln , Sun day. MABEL MOKKO , who has been in Omaha for a long time , returned home , Tuesday night , and will remain here with her mother. HARRY TROTH came down from Benk- elmaii , Thursday , and performed good work for the school boys in their foot ball game , Thursday afternoon , with the railroad boys. WILL BOUCHER and Miss Anna of Kearney spent Wednesday in the city , guests of Mrs. A. G. Dole and family , on their homeward way from visiting Cul- bertson friends. MRS. S. L. MOENCH returned to Or leans , Tuesday morning , after a mutually pleasant visit with her many McCook friends. She will visit here again before her return to Illinois. J. G. SCHOBEL'S sister came down from Denver , last Saturday , and on Tues day morning of this week she and Mrs. Schobel went down to Minden to visit over Thanksgiving with the latter's par ents. Miss MABEL WILCOX came up from Juniata , Wednesday night , on a Thanks giving vacation and will remain until Sunday. Incidentally , she will cele brate her twentieth birthday while at home. A. W. CAMPBELL of Box Elder de parted , Tuesday , for Tennessee , where his wife is now located and visiting her brother. He expects to be absent all winter. His son Mahlon has charge of the farm meanwhile. SHERMAN LEONARD of Lincoln ar rived in the city , Saturday evening on a visit to his sister , Miss Ella Leonard of th Fifth grade , and old friends. He was a member of the Second Nebraska regiment recently mustered out of the service. MRS. FRANK HARRIS and Henry took their departure , Tuesday night , for their new home in Denver. Among our oldest and most highly esteemed fami lies , their departure is deeply regretted by an ever-widening and zealous circle of friends , all of whom , however , rejoice in the good fortune that is theirs. REUBEN C. GERVER of Clark Fork , Idaho , has been here for a few days vis iting his brother Joshua over in Gerver precinct. Reuben went up into the north-west ten or twelve years ago , and thinks that is the only country. He was in the locomotive service for a number of years , but is now engaged in mining. G. W. SHEAFOR returned , Tuesday morning , from a visit of a few days to his mother and sister at Pueblo , Cole rado. He also had the pleasure of list ening to D. L. Moody , who is hold ing meetings in Pueblo. He reports more snow in Colorado , and that the snow was preceded by a high wind , but that Monday was a quiet , bright but sharp-edged day in Pueblo. An attractive assortment of box writ ing papers , very reasonable , at THE TRIBUNS office. Has the Runaway Habit. Willie Free , a young lad of about twelve summers , whose home is overdn Hitchcock county , has the runaway hab it in virulent form. He came to the home farm of John Lorenz up in Coleman - man precinct , Monday night of this week , in a distressing condition on ac count of the cold and hunger while out on one of his runaway pranks , and was taken in and cared for by Mr. Lorenz until Wednesday , when the lad was brought to McCook in the hope that some disposition could be made of him , as Mr. Lorenz is not able to care for the boy , who will give no information as to where he lives. From other parties we learn that he lives just across the line in Hitchcock county and that he is in the habit of indulging in these pranks every now and then. It is intimated that the lad is not any brighter than he ought to be. At any rate he is not ex hibiting very good sense in such foolish performances as the one just recorded of him. The Best And Cheapest. The New York Independent , the lead ing weekly newspaper of the world , and one whose pages exercise the widest in fluence , is entering upon its fiftieth year of publication The Independent em phasizes its fiftieth year by changing its form to that of a magazine , and by re ducing its annual subscription price from $3.00 to $2.00 ; single copies from 10 to 5 cents. The Independent in its new form will print 3,640 pages of reading matter per year at a cost to subscribes of $2.00 , while the prominent magazines , which sell for $4.00 a year , print only 2,000 pages. The subscriber to The In dependent gets 82 per cent more of equally good reading matter at one-half the cost ! It is not only the leading fam ily weekly newspaper but by far the cheapest and best. A free specimen copy may be had by addressing The In dependent , 130 Fulton Street , New York. Oppose the Scheme. The merchants of McCook properly and courageously believe that the mer chants of Omaha should be satisfied with the golden harvest they have reaped from the late exposition and should not encourage the proposition to continue the exposition through another year. THE TRIBUNE heartily commends the unanimous action of our merchants in expressing in no uncertain terms their opposition to the proposed scheme of further continuing the exposition and hopes that they will unitedly and effect ively urge their opposition thereto. The proposition is conceived in selfishness and not in patriotic desire to advertise the west , and in view of the facts and under the circumstances should be dis couraged. An Aged Lady Cone. After a long and painful illness , Mrs. Mary Mugan passed away on Monday morning at the advanced age of 80 years. The remains were shipped to Boone , Iowa , on No. 6 , Monday night , for in terment , Miss Mary Mugau , daughter of the deceased , and Conductor T. A. Foley , son-in-law of the deceasedaccompanying the body. The bereaved ones have gen uine words of sympathy in this sorrow. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertised by. the McCook postoffice on Nov. aoth : Mr. H. H. Allen , Miss Tennie King , W. Shelby , Mr. H. B. Shattuck , Charles White. Maude Robertson , Mrs. Nettie McDonald. In calling for any of these letters , please say that they are advertised. F. M. KiMMELL , Postmaster. Broadening the Scope. The purpose of the government is to gradually widen and broaden the scope Df the postoffice service along the lines af public convenience , and to this end in order has been made bv the postoffice department authorizing postmasters to pay pension checks upon presentation , rhe object is to more and more popular ize the postal service. Chapter Officers-Elect , At the regular meeting of King Cyrus Chapter No. 35 , Royal Arch Masons , on the iyth inst. , the following officers were dected for the ensuing year : William Smith , H. P. , Marion O. McClure , K. , George Willetts , Jr. , S. , Horace H. Eas- terday , Treasurer , S. Cordeal , Secretary. Ten Fold Better Than Insurance. Those wishing to make an investment that will repay itself yearly and yet be come more and more valuable each year one that cannot be lost should apply For paticulars to J. FLETCHER SON , Bartley , Neb. Box Elder Circuit. Services at Box Elder at n in the morning and at Red Willow at 3 in the ifternoou. Cordial invitation to both services. D. L. MATSON , Pastor. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. CATHOLIC Mass at S o'clock a. in. High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. in. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HlCKEV , Pastor. BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m. Junior Union at 3 p. m. Senior Union at 7. Preaching at n'a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning subject , "The Haud of God in American History. " Evening theme , "Dealing Truly with Christ. " All are welcome. T. L. KETMAN , Pastor , CHRISTIAN Bible school at 10 a m. and Y. P. S. C. E. at-7 p. m. each Lord's day. Preaching morning and evening every alternate Lord's day. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Sub ject next Sunday morning , "Christian Socialism. " Evening theme , "Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde. " T. P. BEALL , Pastor. METHODIST Sunday-school at Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior League at 2:30. Epworth League service at 7. p. in. Preaching at 8. Prayer and Bible study , Wednesday evening at 8. Morning subject , "Sunny Side of Life" . Kyening subject , "The Question of the Day. All are welcome. JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at 10. Preaching service at n. Junior Endeavor at 3. Senior Endeavor at 7. Preaching service at 8. Prayer-meeting oh Wednesday evening at 7:30. A wel come to all. Morning subject , "The Message and the Messenger. " Evening theme , "The Pilgrims in Their Three Homes. " W. J , TURNER , Pastor. EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany. Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock , Evening Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. ni. Friday evening lecture at 8:00 o'clock. Holy communion the first Sunday in each month. Subject for Sunday even ing , "Thankfulness ; " for Friday even ing lecture , "Reverence. " HOWARD STOY , Rector. The Christian church people expect to bfgiu work on their new building in the near future. In fact the weather has de terred them from operations up to this time. On next Tuesday evening , at the Meth odist church , the Epworth League will give one of their enjoyable socials , con sisting of a splendid program , light re freshments , etc. The Brownies at School and the Patriotic drill will be features of the program , which will also include recitations , choice vocal selec tions , etc. Coffee and cake will be served. The price of admission will be only 15 cents. Everybody come and have a good time. Program will com mence at 8:15 sharp. PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS. School work will be resumed on Mon day morning. Walter Clark substituted , this week , for Miss Case , who has been ill at Hold- rege. The desks for the Seventh grade room arrived , this morning , and are being placed in position today. Miss Weibly of the Third grade went up to Culbertson to spend the Thanks giving holiday with friends. Miss Powers of the Fourth grade is spending the short vacation with her brother and family in Stratton. All would hail with joy and pleasure greater activitv in the lantern exhibi- : ions , which never fail of instruction and profitable pleasure to all. Miss Case of the Seventh grade went down to Holdrege , last Friday after noon , and spent the entire present week there , on account of illness. Miss Meserve of the Eighth grade went down to Lincoln , Wednesday night , to pass the Thanksgiving vacation with her parents She will return Sunday night. The literary club met in the Assembly room , Tuesday evening , instead of on Thursday evening , the regular time. J. Whitcomb Reilly was under final con sideration. There will be lantern class entertain ments on Friday and Saturday nights , December 2d and 3d. On Friday even ing will be exhibited Cuban and Porto Rican slides. Saturday evening , The City of Mexico. Thursday , December 22d , the First and Second grades of the public schools will give a Christmas cantata in the opera house. The proceeds will be de voted to the purchase'of supplies for those grades not now furnished by the board of education , such as charts , books etc. McMillen's Cream Lotion. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Union Thanksgiving Services. Union Thanksgiving services were held in the Baptist church at eleven o'clock. Rev. T P Beall of the Chi is- tian church delivered the sermon , laying especial stress on the idea that while this is a national festival of thanksgiving and praise , it is essentially a day of thanksgiving and praise for the Ameri can home and fireside. The scripture lesson was read from Deuteronomy by Rev. Howard Stoy of the Episcopal church. The invocation was uttered by Rev W. J. Turner of the Congregational church. Rev. J A Badcon of the Meth odist church voiced the benediction. Rev. T. L Ketuian of the Baptist church was in charge The Baptist choir fur nished appropriate and excellent music for the occasion , which only lacked at tendance to have been all that could be expected or desired. It is encouraging , however , to note that the annual attend ance upon Thanksgiving services is grad ually increasing , and we hope some day to be able to announce a creditable gathering for numbers present. A Little Blizzard. Commencing earlv Sunday ex-ening , a blizzard prevailed all over this section of the state until Monday night. The cold north wind blew a forty-knot gait and made life a burden to man and beast. There was a slight fall of snow the while. There were no casualties nor was there loss of stock in cases where adequate protection was afforded from the terrible wind. In the city the electric light wires suf fered some and one of the brick chim neys on Colonel Easterday's residence was blown over. The temperature early in the morning of Monday was ten degrees above zero , while on Tuesday morning the zero mark was almost reached , although the day turned out to be bright and pleasant. The storm withal was one of the se verest we ever experience at this time of the year and delayed traffic on the rail road a number of hours and made all transportation business difficult and hazardous. Two Were Injured. Dr. J. A. Gunn was summoned in haste to Palisade , Wednesday morning , to ren der surgical services to members of the Mansfield family , farmers in that section , three of whom were involved in a serious runaway , Tuesday night. The father , a man close to 70 years of age , had one of his legs broken in two places between the knee and ankle. His injuries are quite serious in view of his age. His son had his right shoulder dislocated.- The little four-year old grandson escaped without injury , being rescued from under the over turned wagon box , yelling vo ciferously. The accident was caused by the break ing of a bridle. The horses were arc- tached io a lumber wagon and ran over a steep bank. The doctor left here at three in the morning and returned home on the even ing of the same day. Her Birthday. Wednesday was Edna Yarger's birth day and on the evening of that day she celebrated the event with a party of most enjoyable particulars. Refreshments were served. A joyous social hour was spent. Numerous tokens of the day were given and the occasion passed as merrily and happily as the buoyant and untranitneled spirit of youth could make it. The following is the numerous list of guests : Blanche McCarl , Lina Mick , May Hileman , Nettie Dutton , Lillie Bur nett , Lizzie Anton , Ethel Pope , Bessie Jones , Virgie Ludwick , Pearl Brown , Ethel Patterson , Kate Garrard. Kenneth Welles , Eddie Badcon , Albert Berry , Albert Thorgrimson , George Campbell , Bruce Campbell , Arthur Golfer , Louis Johnson , Glenn Hupp and James Borne- man. An Untimely Death. Mrs. Alonzo L.Miller.nee Ada M.Burns , died , Tuesday , on the farm southeast of here in Red Willow precinct , at the age of 22 years. The deceased was a daugh ter of WilHarn P. Burns of Red Willow precinct and was married to Alonzo L. Miller in February of 1896. The remains were laid away in River- view cemetery of this city on Thursday afternoon. The young husband and relatives of the departed have the sincerest of human sympathy in the untimely death of their dear one. Writing paper in bulk and box , with envelopes to match , at very reasonable figures. THE TRIBUNE. For the most of this week the weather dispatches should have read , "Buy Sher idan coal at Bullard's. " McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Try McMillen's Cough Cure. MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. Try McMillen's Cough Cure. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. WANTED Short-hand pupils. L. W. Stayner. Cow FOR SALE Good milch cow. for sale. Inquire 706 Main avenue. The heavy wind , Monday , blew in the north end of A. F. Moore's barn. HOUSE AND BARN IOR RENT Desira ble location ; inquire of W. O. Norval. This paper and the great St. Louis Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year. FORSALE Residenceof C. G. Holmes , ' deceased. Inquire of M.H.Holmes. i8-6t FOR SALE A three-quarter blood Jersey heifer. Inquire at county treas urer's office. A copy of Uncle Sam's Navy Portfolio for loc. The series of 12 for $ i. At THE TRIBUNE office. The county judge authorized and mar ried Thomas Kelley and Luella Gam's , both of Jennings , Kansas , Wednesday of this week. The postoffice money order is growing in popularity in McCook. There is no safer , cheaper or more convenient way of sending money. We believe that among the things to be thankful for you should remember that \ou have the privilege of buying Sheridan coal at Bullard's. The. Sullivan and Kilrain theatrical company has written the opera house management here for terms and descrip tions of the hall. They want January 2ist. Get your share of the trade. One of the best means of securing it is by judic ious advertising. Observe that we say iudicious advertising. It's the only kind that pays. On account of the impossibility o keeping the buildings warm , Monday , no school was held during the day. The high , cold wind made the buildings un tenantable. We still have a few of those "Uncle Sam's Navy" portfolios in stock. They are ten cents each or the entire series of twelve for one dollar. You should se cure a set. Of course we have them Canon City , i | Maitlaud , lump and nut , and Sheridan ! ] in the soft coals and a full stock of botlt eastern and western hard coals ; try us. W. C. BULLARD & Co. Business was quite generally suspended in the city , Thanksgiving , during a good part of the day. Private dinner parties were numerous as usual. In fact the day was more of a home festival than a pub lic ceremonial. A Cook Book Free. "Table and Kitchen" is the title of a new cook book published by the Price Baking Powder Co. , Chicago. Just at this time it will be sent free if you write a postal mentioning THE McCoOK TRIB UNE. This book has been tried by our selves and is one of the very best of itb kind. Besides containing over 400 re ceipts for all kinds of pastry and home cookery , there are many hints for the table and kitchen , showing how to set a table , how to enter the dining roometc. ; a hundred and one hints in every branch of the culinary art. Cookery of the verj finest and richest as well as of the most economical and home like is provided for. Remember "Table and Kitchen" will be sent , postage prepaid , to any ladj sending her address ( name , town and state ) plainly given. A copy in German or Scandinavian will be sent if desired Postal card as good as letter. Address Price Baking Powder Co. , Chicago , 111. Largely Attended. The Thanksgiving dance in the opera house , was largely attended and enjoyed without stint by the lovers of the pleas ure. The Pythians made the music and it was of the usual good quality. The Y.M.C.A. gymnasium and reading room project is being urged again and with prospects of success. THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa per you may want. Try it. Ice is fairly good and skating is one of youth's joys , this week. The ice men would not object to even colder weether. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Of course yon were thankful. McMillen's Cream Lotion.