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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1898)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H WkmkmkWtW-Wtwm > * " - j .an . " unwindia i- > a < B BBIj BIBBBBPiBBT v f I * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ _ \ PB * * - > . - - r- mrrrn il VT . . . .riz m H H - | < , ® Jc ) ; JtlcCiwkSribtme. . : % I - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H | | | II I I - - ! I I " - - I I ! ' I I f Ml ' " ' ' ' " " * ' ' ' ' " " ' " ' ' " A ] H V SIXTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 11. 1898. NUMBER 43 M H A Hearty Reception. H Rev. G. W. Sheafor was tendered o | rousing and hearty reception at the home H _ . of Mr. W. F. Everist , last Friday eve- H \ ning , by the members und friends of the H Baptist church. Invitations had been H extended to the members of the other H Protestant churches of the city and to H other friends , arid the guests of the occa- H [ sion were very numerous. H A short literary and musical program H was given : Selections by the Baptist B choir , a duet by Miss Stella Norval and H Mr. John Selby , a solo by Miss Notval , H and a recitation by Miss Ethel Barnett , B making an enjoyable and pleasing part H of the evening. H Refreshments were served the guests H of the occasion , which was in every re- 1 spect one of happy social enjoyment and H was well managed by the ladies having B the affair in charge. H Keeping : Up the Record. H The meeting of the Star of Jupiter , on B , Monday evening , was well attended , and ' . there weie three initiations. In the matter - | ' . . ter of applications for membership and H ' reinstatements the record was well susJ H ' tained , there being six applications for B membership and eight applications for | reinstatement. To fill the vacancy made H | by the resignation of Treasurer L. W. H * Cox , C. B. Gray was unanimously elected. B The regular business of the session was H promptly discharged and a brief social B session followed and concluded the meet- Hj ing. The growth of the lodge and order H is in every way unprecedented in the B history of the organization. In a brief H < while the order will be at the front of its H kind in the state. H A committee was appointed to inspect H the regalia of the lodge and make such H repairs as they deem necessary. H Notice of Republican Caucus. H i Notice is hereby given that on the 14th M I clay of March. 1898. at the city hall in I the City of McCook , Red Willow county , Vw Nebraska , a caucus of the Republican H I voters of the incorporated city of Mc- H 1 Cook will be held at 8 o'clock p. in. , for H 1 the purpose of placing in nomination the m H following officers ; One mayor , one clerk , H H one treasurer , one police judge , one city H i engineer , one councilman for the first H ward , one councilman for the second H M ward , and two members of the Board of B B Education. B , jj Dated this 9th day of March , 1898. H j" ; C. I. Hall , B J I Chairman of Committee. , L 1 rir-ii 1 B The New Postmaster. l B | v ' F. M. Kimmell , publisher of The \ \ \ \ \ \ \ W * Tribune , was on last Friday appointed H postmaster at McCook , to succeed C. H. H Meeker , whose commission will expire M on the 19th day of this month. The ap- Ky pointmeut of Mr. Kimmell was con- K. finned by the United States senate on \ of this week. The proba- _ _ _ _ _ W _ j Wednesday m m bilities are that the new postmaster will B K go into office with the beginning of the B f | new quarter , April 1st. B | ' The publisher takes this public method \ of expressing his thanks to all who as- B sisted him in securing this recognition. ' \ An Ugly Accident. ; V Monday morning , Peter Henckel of B the car-repairing gang , met with an acci- H | dent , while running the circular saw , HB 1 which relieved him of part of his thumb , T first , second , and third fingers. Only L I . the nail of the third finger was injured PI and the surgeon expects to save the end H 1 0f the second finger as well. The acci- B I dent was all over so suddenly that Mr. L M Henckel hardl'knows how it happened , B.I but while feeding a piece of wood his T W liand in some manner came in contact B with the rapidly revolving saw , with the B v IB * disastrous result above described. B B They Are All Improving. H B It will be learned with delight by all H B tlieir friends that the members of Benja- H\ . min Baker's family who have been ill H\J , with diphtheria , are all rapidly improv- H l ing and convalescing. They have had a H I " liard time of it , but are coming out in Hfc B good shape. B Seeds to Distribute. B The publisher has received some seeds B B through the courtesy of Senator Thurs- B B t00 frbm the government , and the same | B B wiU be distributed to those applying at B B TChe Tribune office , until the supply is ; B B .exhausted. B B Notice to Lot Owners. H B \ All fences and copings are herewith H tfm ordered removed from Longview Ceme- B /B / tery by the 15th of March. B B BY order of Cemetery Trustees. ft I < * CALVES FOR SALE. . B * ? 1 Forty-six calves for sale. Call at the jj Valley farm. S.G.Gohben. B m ThE Tribune and The Cincinnati k B Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly BB in advance. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. H. H. Troth had business in Minden , Monday. S. R. Smith of Indianola was in town today , on legal business. John Welborn of Indianola had busi- nessin the city , Monday. Mrs. R. B. Simmons made a flying trip to Omaha , mid-week. H. E. Dole is assisting in the Barnett lumber yard for the present. W. -Davison was a guest of the Boyd hotel , Lincoln , Thursday. C. L. DeGroff was up from Nebraska City , Monday and Tuesday , on business. Orla LEHew will leave on Sunday for Osceola ' , la. , on a short visit to friends. Mrs. S. L. Moench made a brief visit to her home in Orleans , first of the week. F. C. KELLOGG attended the Grain Dealers' Convention in Lincoln , Thursy day. ' Messrs. E. H. Doan , A. A. Bates and i Johnson were Culbertson visitors , Sunday. J A. G. DOLE has been attending to busi ness in the eastern part of the county , this ] week. . Miss Sara Lowman returned , Wed nesday night , from her trip East to buy spring ! goods. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Beardslee visited - ited j their daughter , Mrs. George Hill , in Indianola ; , Sunday. Misses Flora and Angie Quick of . Indianola were the guests of Mrs. E. J. Mitchell over Sunday. William VlNCENTand wife of Lenox , Iowa , are recent arrivals , and expect to become residents of our city. H. H. Easterday went down to Lin- coin , , Thursday , to attend a meeting of the grain buyers of the state. W. Geo. Sheppard of Indianola , was in the city , Monday , on his way to Tren ton , on business at that place. Mrs. J. B. MESERVE came up from Lincoln , Sunday night , and has been the guest ; of her daughter , Mrs. F. M. Kim mell. Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Gage have been absent visiting her parents and the fam ily in Alliance since the close of last week. Mrs. S : L. Moench left , yesterday , for Plattsmouth and other pointsin ) east ern Nebraska , on a visit to relatives and friends. John R. King of Lincoln was in the city , Monday , on his way to Cripple Creek to look after his mining property up there. A. D. Gibbs , formerly court reporter of this judicial district , came in from the west on No. 6 , Thursday afternoon , on business. W. S. Morlan went down to Lincoln and Omaha , Monday night , and was ab sent from the city on legal business un til Thursday. Mrs. E. E. Rowell arrived in the cit3' , this week , on a visit. Mr. Rowell expects t6 come later and also make rel atives a visit. Dr. A. P. WELLES is in Chicago at tending a post-graduate course , and ex pects upon his return to make a specialty of diseases of the eye and ear. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Spalding and Lola will leave for Riverton , where they formerly resided , next week , to make their home there for the present. The best wishes of their many friends.attend them. Reuben Lipps. one of the state bank examiners , was in the city , Tuesday , and examined the McCook Cooperative Build ing and Savings association , which he declares has no superior in the state and is in first-class condition. L. W. Cox" having some time ago re signed his position with the Barnett Lumber Co. , on Wednesday of this week left with his wife for her home in Mis souri , where she will remain for a while. He will look around meanwhile for a lo cation. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Henderson departed - parted on Sunday morning for Blasdell , New York , where they expect to spend the next three months visiting old home scenes and friends. Mr. Henderson has not visited there for almost twenty years. REV. H. Bross was up from Lincoln , Wednesday , conferring with the officers and members of the Congregational church , over the proposition to build a t parsonage at this place for the Congrega- tional pastor who will shortly occupy the pulpit here. _ _ The Ladies' Circle of the G. A. R. will 1 1r meet at Mrs. M. E. Barger's , tomorrow evening , at 7 o'clock. Leg Broken In Two Places. I Last Sunday evening , on the way be tween here and Indianola , a ten-year-old daughter of a mover by the name of Paxton was run over by the wagon in which they were traveling , and her leg was broken in two places , and badly mashed 1 besides both front and rear passing ! ' over the leg. A temporary house arrangement on the wagon added to the weight of the vehicle. The girl was en deavoring to get into the wagon when the 1 accident occurred , and a young sister was ' helping her. Tlieir bands slipped , and the.cruel wheels did the rest. They arrived in the city about eight o'clock , and Dr. Gunn reduced the fracture. The child is at present at the house of Mr. Rice ] , in South McCook , the members of the family proceeding on their way to near Palisade , where Mr. Paxton has a farm. They were driving from Shenandoah - doah , Iowa. The child's injuries are very severe , but she is getting along as well as may be expected under the cir- cumstances. COURT HOUSE NEWS. DISTRICT COURT. The following cases have been filed in court since our last issue : John Farrell et al. . vs. John R. Neel , sheriff , appeal. Michael Morris vs. Albert Lang et al. , equity. John J. Lamborn vs. Michael O'Leary et al. , equity. EHza Stone vs. David Carpenter et al. , equity. Eila > M. Little vs. Frank Kinget al. , equity. COUNTY COURT. The only case of the week was the ap pointment ] of Charles F. Shafer as admin istrator of the estate of Joseph S. Gielday. Quite an effort was marshaled to defeat this t appointment , but without success , A cloud of witnesses were in attendance. The case is rather unsavory and some what , exciting in its details. By Petition. The following municipal ticket has been 1 placed in the field by petition : For Mayor H. H. Berry. For Clerk A. McMillen. For Treasurer C. B. Gray. For Councilman , First Ward D. W. Col ( son. For Councilman , Second Ward J.J. Gerrard. ( For Members of School Board W. T. Coleman and E. H. Doan. Thus the municipal campaign is gaily opened. Contemplate ' Building a Parsonage. The members of the Congregational church ' are talking strongly of building a ' parsonage in the early summer. They have ample room on their lots adjoining the church , and the prospects are good for the completion of a large and convenient - nient parsonage within the next few months. Arrangements to that end are now under way , and it is expected that the money will shortly be available , plans and specifications ready , and ev erything ready to push the building to a quick and early completion. A Happy Party. Miss Eva Lewis and Miss Jessie John son entertained a large company of young friends at the home of the former , on Thursday evening of this week. Re freshments were served , games were played , and the social side of youth was given full sway during the evening , which will long be remembered with sensations of pleasure by all who had the honor of an invitation. A Farewell Reception. The ladies of the Degree of Honor of the A. O. U. W. tendered Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Spalding a farewell reception in McConnell's hall , Tuesday evening , which was greatly enjoyed by everybody. Refreshments were served and the occa sion was made one that the guests of honor will ever remember with pleasure. Broke His Collar Bone. E. T. Maddux is laid up with a broken collar bone and other painful hurts , bruises , etc. , received on Wednesday , when a horse in the corral of his livery barn jumped onto him accidentally. His injuries are quite severe and will keep him quiet for some weeks. Eggs For Sale. Eggs for sale from 1st prize pen of Single-comb Brown Leghorns. Score of cock , 93J4. Hens , 93 .92 , 93. 93 # . 93 # " . $1.00 per 13. Alex. McDonald , McCook , Neb. This week , William Huber had a house he recently purchased over in West Mc Cook moved onto the lot on which his home \was burned a few weeks since. This gives him a very comfortable home at nominal cost. = = = = = The Kimball pianos are high grade and reasonable in price. I CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 : , a. m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. Rev. J. W. Hickey , Pastor. Episcopal Sunday-school at 11:00 a. m. Evening service at 8:00 : p. m. Even song and instruction on Thursdays at 8:00 : p. m. Rev. Howard Stoy , Priest in Charge. Methodist Sunday-school at 10 a.m. Preaching ] at 11 ; Subject : "The Power of Light. " Class at 12. Junior League at 3 p. hi. Epworth League at 7. Preach ing i at 8 ; Subject : "The Lachrymal. " Prayer 1 and Bible study Wednesday evening - ning at 8. All are welcome. Jas. A. Badcon , Pastor. Baptist Church Bible school at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 ; Theme : "Stream af Life. " Youug People's meeting at 7 . p.m. Evening service at 8j Subject : "The Price of a Man. " Revival servi ces every night during the week , the pastor - tor l being assisted by Rev. Green. A cordial welcome to all. Geo. W. Sheafor , Pastor. Congregational Sunday-school at ten. Junior Endeavor at three. Joint church and Endeavor services at eight o'clock of special music , readings , devotional - tional exercises , to which all are cordially - ly invited. Prayer-meeting at 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening , when an important - tant business session of the church will also be held , to which all members are urged to come. ; PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS. Miss Mabel Perry was a school visitor , on Friday last. "Arbor Day , " April 22dwill be observed - served schools "Bird . " s by our as Day. Eva Burgess , of the Tenth grade , was absent from school , this week , on ac count of sickness. James Stangeland , of the Ninth grade , was taken quite ill in the book-keeping class , Tuesday , and had to be taken home. About $ r5 worth of books belonging to t the school were gathered in from the homes of the city , and returned to their respective grades for use. A Welcome Snow. The snow that fell over this section of country , Wednesday night and Thursday - day , is thrice welcome and invaluable. The fall amounted to about three inches of wet , heavy snow , which is worth ev erything to the small grain now in and will place the soil in fine condition for spring seeding of all kinds. The reports indicate j that the storm was quite gener al , from the Missouri to the mountains. Just : as soon as possible seeding will be resumed , with renewed vigor. Hail to the ( beautiful ! And may there be others. Wanted-Cattle to Pasture. I want 125 head of cattle to pasture on the Stewart ranch , at 25 cents a month. Plenty of water two new large cisterns. J. A. Resh , Manager. The new meat market of Everist , Marsh & Co. opened for business , Thurs day morning , with everything in ship shape , and with indications that they will be accorded a fair share of the pat ronage of the city in their line. They are prepared to conduct the business in first-class shape. See their new adver tisement in this issue. Some of the fences in the cemetery have been removed from about the burial plots with improving effect. The committee is preparing to plant trees along the drive-ways , and these in time will further enhance the appearance of our city of the dead. School in the Houlihan district will close this afternoon. Miss Laura Mc Millen has been teaching the school with entire satisfaction and much success , so much so that after finishing two terms of three months each , she was hired to teach an extra month. Remember the lecture by Chancellor W. F. McDowell in the Methodist church , tomorrow evening. Price of admission is 25 cents. Lecture will be given under Epworthian auspices. The existence of the Western freight traffic bureau is again being threatened by the withdrawal of some of its mem bers. A Coleman youth , this week , sold a lame horse to another youth , a German , ' for $8. The German sold the animal after , ter a short trial for $4 , and has decided to take the yellow painted cars to Denver : rather than the overland route. 1 Gave the Colonel a Fit. It is being noted , and multiplied in stances can be cited , that as Colonel Mitchell's circulation mounts up sky ward and grows apace into untold mil lions , that his head in the same ratio is growing smaller and harder. It is a mat ter of comment that that once massive brow , that erstwhile towering intellect have gradually shrunken until a peanut pod would now rattle around on his lilliputian - putian , peaked cranium likea battle-ship turret on a common walking-stick. While no one thinks of taking the Colonel ser iously , save his amusing self , his latest hysterical outburst and present sad and lamentable : mental condition is a grow ing i source of alarm to his friends. Will some 1 one please push the colonel off the fence ? For the Cubans. The Mercy and Help Depattment of the Epworth League will give a " Cuban Social" , in the M. E. church , Tnesday evening , March 15. Admission 10 cents. . Come-and help the good work along. Refreshments will be served after the following program has been rendered : Opening Chorus Choir Solo J Blanche McCarl Reading : , "I Am With the Wounded" . . Cliff Brown Solo i Ida McCarl Solo i and Chorus , "Throw Out the Life- Line" Choir ] " Dinner" Reading , "My Miss Rachel Berry Song J , "Stay With Me" . . . Ladies' Quartet Brief talks on the Cuban question. The County Teachers. There was a fair attendance of teachers - ers of the cpunty at the association meetj . ing held in the East building , last Satur day < , and the program was of interest and did < not lack the important element of instructiveness. In the evening , State Supt. W. R. Jackson delivered an address before the teachers 1 in the Congregational church , which effort has been highly praised for its ] general excellence. It is only regret ted , that the attendance was not larger. The members of the Twelfth grade of our ' public school entertained the visiting - ing ; teachers at dinner and supper which were served in the East building. Services Are Well Attended. The gospel meetings held in the Baptist - tist 1 church , this week , have been well attended , and they have been replete with interest and instruction. Though , on account of sickness Rev. Green was not able to be present , this week , the services have been conducted with entire satisfaction and success by R6v. Sheafor. Commencing with next Monday evening , it is expected that Rev. Green will be present and assist in the meetings. Ev erybody should make an effort to attend these meetings , which have been and will be profitable and instructive. Six Handsome Kimballs. Today Mrs. E. E. Utter has on exhi bition at the Cole store room , one door south of the "Bee Hive , " six different styles of the celebrated Kimball pianos. These superb instruments are being ex hibited by a representative of the manu facturers , and you should not miss this opportunity of seeing these high-grade pianos , which are recognized the land over as among the very finest toned , handsomest appearing pianos on the market. Muslcale and Supper. We desire to call attention to the musicale - cale and supper to be given in the opera house on the evening of March 17th , by the cemetery committee of Calvary cem etery. The price for both musicale and supper is twenty-five cents. The mem bers of the committee wish to raise the funds with which to plant trees and otherwise improve Calvary cemetery and they should be encouraged by a liberal patronage. The Sir Knights. The members of Saint John Comman- dery at their meeting last night accepted the invitation of the members of the Con gregational church to attend Easter ser vices in their church on Easter Sunday morning in a body and in uniform. Rev. A. W. Coffman of Gibbons , who is a member of Saint John Caniuiandery , has been invited to preach the sermon. The matter of Sunday closing might be agitated to good advantage in our city. We mean the closing of the back doors of one or two of our saloons. A pitiful example of the back door system might have been seen on our streets last Sunday afternoon. Attention is directed to the new and enlarged advertisement of the Famous ' Clothing Co. appearing elsewhere in this ' issue. Two good milch cows for sale. In quire of Colson , at the Bee Hive. MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. H McMillen's Cough Cure ; 25c. H Cuticular soap at McMillen's ; 15c. H Buy a Kimball piano , and get the best. H Wanted Shorthand pupils by L. W. H Stayner. H Take advantage of the special sale of ' , H Kimball pianos. H The Kimball pianos are sold for cash , Her or on easy payments. , H v r H Scale Books For sale ut The Tkiii- H UNE office. Best in the market. | The Tribune and Leslie's Weekly for • | $3.00 a year , strictly in advance. H The Tribune and The Prairie Farmer M for $1.25 a year , strictly in advance. M Try McMillen's Poultry Powder and N | Egg Producer. Satisfaction guaranteed. | The Tribune and The Chicago Inter- H Ocean for $1 35 a year , strictly in advance. M Try McMillen's Poultry Powder and | Egg Producer. Satisfaction guaranteed. M Be in the swim. Buy one of those H wonderful Vive Cameras from II. P. H Sutton. M ' w " Messrs. Wilcox & FlitcraftaTe papering H and , other wise improving their meat H market. , H The Kimball piano lias several special | features which would have to he seen to H be appreciated. H Madame Gossip is being compelled to | give 1 way to Madame Cultura , much to- H the | benefit of the sex mentally and physically - H ically j hereabout. H The Danbury Topics has passed under M the ' management of A. C. Furman , Earnest - | est Galusha retiring. M A terrific dust storm struck this section - M , tion , Tuesday evening , about 8 o'clock , . H and made things interesting for the space / | of an hour or so. ( H We see by the daily papers that Chas. | | W. Beck of University Place , formerly of | Indianola ; , has been granted an increase- ' | of 1 pension from $ S to12 per month. H The Republican city caucus is called / - * H for next Monday evening. With another f * M ticket 1 already practically in the field , . H there ] is a probability that the coming H city election will be quite lively. H Workmen are engaged in getting the _ M Meeker ditch ready for the spring irri- v l gation ; , which they expect to commence V l on 1 the coming week. It is expected that V H the water will be used to good advantage , . \ M this season. _ _ _ _ _ _ The following letters remained uncalled H for at McCook postoffice , . March 7 , 189S _ H Bormen Alexander , John Heggy , Christopher - H topher Hauxwell , R. S. Handy , Evan. H Jones , J. W. KibbyJ. B. Roshong , Mrs- H Mary E. Stephens. , H The job of overseeing the construction ; \ | of the new court house has been given to- ' i H C. H. Meeker , which guarantees that the H county will receive good work and good | | material. No better selection could have j H been made in our city. J H If you prefer to have your clothing H made to order , leave your measure witk _ M us. First-class work , good trimmings , _ _ m and a good fit , as well as lowest prices , _ _ u guaranteed at _ _ t The Famous Clothing Co. H The March number of the "Mystic H Star" is out promptly , this month. It is H one of the neatest of the fraternal order H papers , and reflects credit upon the order - H der , its editor and the publisher. Modesty - H esty forbids our mentioning the name of j H the latter. H The consolidated Nebraska Farmer H and Cultivator , now published weekly at H Omaha , the commercial metropolis of H the great Trans-Mississippi agricultural H region , the most popular , best known and H best liked home and agricultural journal . H in the west and The McCook Tribune H all one year for $1.65. H The McCook Co-operative Building H and Savings Association makes its twentieth - H tieth semi-annual statement , this week , j H which makes a very good showing indeed - H deed , when all the circumstances are • * H considered. McCook has reason to be B proud of the work of the association in H the past , and to have great confidence in * M its future. * fl The first installment of electrical ma- v H terial for service at the Trans- Mississippi - _ M pi Exposition was received from Nashville - H ville a few days ago. The material filled M twenty cars and consisted of poles , arc ' M lamps , cross arms , bolts , spark arresters , H Edison lamps , dynamos and machinery _ M tools. Several train loads more material - H al for the construction department of the jH Exposition are daily expected. M 9' _ Jl _ _ _ _ \