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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1897)
k SIXTEENTH YEAR. McCOQK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 15. 1897. NUMBER 22 K OF POLITICAL MOMENT. Hk That Judge Post will be unitedly sup- BI / ported by all Republicans is admitted. L\ His eminent judicial ability and preemi- B\ went ranuliuess are irresistible. H B Recognizing the popularity of the H % -present incumbent , the Republican parly B it lias adequately met the situation in the H kjr * "nomination ofEsben P. Day for the of- m m m fice of county clerk. B\ \ O. L. Thompson is making a winning H • campaign for the treasurership. His wMwM qualifications are becoming recognized AwMwM throughout the county and he is adding & strength and votes daily. H Tub friends of W.A. McCool are flock- B ing to his support all over the county in P numbers and enthusiasm to warrant the B statement that he will he a formidable H candidate for the office of sheriff. H H As THK campaign advances it becomes k more and more evident that the Repub- m lican party made no mistake in noinina- Vu ting C. N. Whittaker for superintendent. H * He is developing unexpected and telling A strength. H One of the qualifications that is prov- ft Xng a source ol increasing strength and K popularity to G. 'S. Bishop , the Republi- A can nominee for county judge , is the V fact of his being a lawyer. The office H requires legal ability. H "EXCUSE me for the rest of the cam- H paign , gasped the Colonel , as he disap- B peared from sight and pulled the aper- H ture in after him , after giving birth to V his immortal observation about republi- H Cans , anarchists and fusion. H To fill the bill adequately the Oma- P lia Bte has increased its morning issue to L twelve pages on all days but Monday. H The Bee is easily in the van of Trans- W W Missouri dailies , and is an honor to the K . state as well as a proud monument to the WMy en > and enterprise of its pluck } ' edi- MMM tor-fri-chief , Mr. Edward Rosewater. r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H i 'Colonel Mitchell is suffering with H attack of ' ' a clinging 'walking typhoid H fever" and we are in dotibtas to whether H he will he able to unliinjber his can- opener in time for action this campaign MwMwor not. Whether the Colonel's trouble r ns "buck fever" or ' 'pernambulating H typhoid" , we ore delicate about aiinounc- B ing , as our forecast last week was pre- B mature and the results unsatisfactory. L W COLEMAN. , V "Russell Corner returned from a year's B stay ni Iowa , Monday A. Prentice is MwM hauling off his wheat crop these days. . . B M. H. Cole is lifting Ifis potatoes. Has B about ioo bushels and is delivering them WM in town as he digs them W.M. Sharp K lias been drawing off some of his cats. . . B W. Heum took hay to McCook , Wednes- U day Bert Wales is cutting cane. . . . H. Hfe 11. Wales willve \ enough potatoes for m * home use R. Trapbagen went to McA - A Cook to buy a team , but when he saw it B he had no use for it A good many Bf went to McCook , Friday evening , to see Bi Uncle Tom's Ca 'bin , but many of WT them wished they had stayed at home. B S.H. B. Wales is making a new gran- r ' ary. It took a granary of 3,000bushels 1 capacit\r to hold Weley Rozell's small 1 grain M. H. Cole had a race with a f badger , but it out-run him Now if you t owe adebt go and pay itand if you can't Kf 7 pay all , pay part of it We had no idea B \ * but everything wasfresh and sweet up B * n tne neighborhood of the candidate for B assessor , until Wednesday , Jake Betz K took a barrel of salt out . . .Bob Johns B\ raises fine hogs. He had a load on the B .market , Thursday , and got the top of B\ the market Frank Carothers has a B lame limb , but is getting better. . . About B a year ago Grandpa and Grandma Rozell KS& went back to Ohio to spend their days. Bjp On Thursday night they returned and HjL will spend the rest of their days here. M < ' NORTH COLEMAN. BjP A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Al- jF „ end Church , Sunday or Monday A jji sad accident happened to Almond Church 2 * Teceutly. While driving cattle his horse1 L stumbled , and as a result Almond's jpL- shoulder-blade was . broken He has the BW' S3mpathy of his many friends As ft some women and children were driving K $ Mr. Hoag's team , the horses ran away C and several of the occupants were thrown K ! out. Mr. Hoag's infant's arm was brok- BB en and an infant belonging to a women 'I living at Mr. Hoag's , was nearly killed. E Tfe The farmers are very busj' putting in B w their fall grain. Hope they will be suc- BJS - cessful as last year Heavy frost , last flft Sunday night. DANBURY. Lewis Leist has commenced building a a new barn on his place soutfl of town. P. J. Bastian has sold his butcher- shop to his brother S. G. Consideration 700 J. O. Siminson claims he has threshed with his steam thresher over 28,000 bushels of wheat , this fall C. Naden and Ed. Dennis rode over to Mc Cook , Sunday , on their bikes S. H. Coon & Son have sold their stock yards to Harrison & Messner Grain buyers I at this place have bought over $46,000 worth of grain , this fall J. B. Dolph is plastering four more new rooms just finished on his hotel building Wm. Sandon's new store building is moving along. PROSPECT PARK. Threshing is the order of the day in this neighborhood Uncle Billy Holbrook - brook was quite sick , fore part of the week , but is all right now Messrs. Taylor , Cleveland and Garrison from * yt * tiear Trenton have been threshing in , { this neighborhood for the last two weeks. -1 Frank Cain has been hauling grain \4- . to McCook , this week , from his farm in - S Grant precinct Mrs. W. D. Burnett ; % and children of McCook visited with-Mrs. 1 If J. H. Wade , Sunday Wm. Darlington \ Jrfe and family visited at W. A. Holbrook's V ' . . Sunday . . .Mrs. J. Pickrell and daughter \ N - Eva visited with Mrs. W. S. Hartman , . ' # Wednesday Milt. Frost had business # • in this town. , Sunday evening. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. Receiver Gibbons is out west on a business trip. Dr. A. P. WELLES is further improv ing his cosy home. Ray Hall is enjoying a vacation in Denver , this week. Mrs. C. " H. Meeker left on Monday morning for Missouri on a visit. S. R. Smith was up from Indianola , Wednesday , on business at the court house. Master Sciiell Kimmell is among the scarlet fever patients ; but is getting along nicely. Mrs. Henry Kapke and the children returned , Sunday night , from their visit iuvKansas Citv. MiSSMAKTHALlNVlLLEofSkidmore , Mo. , is in the city visiting her cousin , Mrs. L. W. Cox. Mesdames Z. L. Kay , Vina Wood and W. C. LaTourette were Culbertson visitors , Wednesday. Mrs. H. H. Meyer , who has been visiting in Denver for some time , returned - turned home , this week. Mr. and Mrs Bomgardner are in the city in the interest of the Armstrong Clothing Co. of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Howe Smith left on Thursday morning for Castana , Iowa , on a visit to a sister of Mrs. Smith. Mrs. C. O. LeHew and Miss Montague - tague will leave , tomorrow night , for Chicago and Aurora , Illinois , on a visit to relatives. Colonel Mitchell went down to Lincoln , last night , to procure materials and make arrangements for the printing of the ballots. James LaTourette arrived from Marion. Indiana , last Friday night , on business , leaving for the east again on Monda3' evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Forbes were in Lincoln , Tuesday. He was attending the grand lodge meeting of Nebraska. Knights of Pythias. C. M. Pinckneycommitteeman from Red Willow , was in the city , Monday. He reports the political outlook in his precinct as encouraging. W. A. McCool was up from Indianolal Wednesday , looking over the1politica , situation , which he finds to be very encouraging - couraging over the county. Mrs. Julian Hulaniski of Ouray , Colorado , arrived in the city , last Fridaj' evening , aud after a brief visit left for. . Illinois on a visit to a sister. Esben P. Day , the Republican nomi nee for county clerk , was over from Lebanon - . anon , Saturday , in the 'furtherance of his campaign , which is getting along swim mingly. " I Treasurer and Mrs. Meserve g came up from Liucoln , Sunday night. 1 He returned to Lincoln , Tuesday night , having sold the cattle on his ranch a few miles south of the city , about two hun dred head in all. Mrs. Meserve is still here. - W. C. LaTourette came out from , Cedar Rapids , Iowa , Friday night last , , aud will be here about two weeks , invoicing - t voicing and looking after business mat , ters here generally. It is probable that he may move to Marion , Indiana , in the near future. Banquet the Band. L It is admitted by all who participated ' in the affair that the banquet tendered 3' the Nebraska Brigade band , Thursday { . evening , was one of the most felicitous occasions of the kind in many moons , * = and-that among other desirable results s the business men of the city aud the members of the band now have a much ? : better understanding and the band will , in future be appreciated as it never has been in the past. It will be recognized as one of the best advertising mediums the city has ever enjoyed and will be en couraged properly and fully as it merits. The banquet was spread by Robert Bj'ers at the Burlington dining hall and \ was a splendid example of the caterer's , : art. The dining hall was filled to its * capacity and there was ever } ' evidence of complete and unalloj'ed pleasure on * ' the part of both entertained aud euter- * tainers. After the banquet cigars were passed and the Toastmaster Col. J. S.v LeHew was duty installed in office. His introductions of the speakers of the a evening were clever and appropriate and the responses were in a very happy strain. Among the responses were those of Wil liam Valentine , Sylvester Cordeal , Dr. C W.V. Gage , J. H. Berge , Dr. S.C. Beach , \ C. F. Babcock , H. P. Sutton. H.W. Cole C and J. E. Kelley , and it was developed that McCook has some fetching post prandial talent , especially when the Bri gade band is the object of the expressions of pride and satisfaction. The affair was in fine a very satisfac tory success and is duly appreciated by the band as an expression of the well- wishes of our people and of their un bounded pride in the more recent ac complishments of the organization es pecially. RED WILLOW. Lillie Miller is helping Mrs. Byfield while Minnie Englebrecht recovers from a severe attack of erysipelas. . . .Julia Baker was so ill that she missed school a day or two last week S. L. Miller has just finished threshing. He had 1,100 bushels of wheat and considerable rye. Louis Elmer will assist on Wm. By- field's farm for a time , perhaps all win ter Ernest Strayer is back to the old home Mrs. Byfield recently received four fine new Pekin drakes which quite surpass any previous ones added to her flock Mrs. Helm had a severe illness but is quite recovered we believe Hog cholera let this immediate neighborhood well alone , for which we are truly thank ful. Perhaps it will call on us yet Mrs. McKey has quite recovered from her late illness. . . .Mrs. Roland nee Mary Canaga is convalescirig after a severe ill ness Mrs. R. Loomis is visiting back in Michigan You can get a good ink tablet for 5c. and loc. at McConnell's. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Monday was pay-day and a big one at that. ' Mrs. J. W. Line went to Hastings , yes terday morning. Switchman F. S. Curry is laying off on account 1 of sickness. Two new machinists entere l the com pany's employ , Monday. Engineer Harris and Fireman Koll are back on the main line again. Extra Conductor M. Carmony and wife are visiting in the east. Chief Dispatcher Forbes was in Lin coln , , last Saturday , on official business. J. H. Patterson and wife made a short visit to Red Cloud , fore part of the week. Trainmaster Kenyon's soil Dare is con valescing from an attack of mild scarlet fever. j Fireman William Koll will occupy the Starbuck residence on North Madison street. Mrs. A. L. Knowland was called east , Thursday morning , by the sickness of her ] sister. One of the machinists is luxuriating in the | proceeds of a 53 ° ° check received last ] week. Brakeman John Humphreys has gone to j Akron to switch in the 3'ards there a few j weeks. Engine crews on the Western division out of McCook are being rushed at a lively j rate now. Arthur Douglass came down from Den ver with the band boys , last Friday evening 1 , visiting here a day or two. D. Hawksworth , Chief of Motive Pow er , was up from Plattsmouth , Monday , on business of the motive department. Dr. F. M. Washburn returned to duty , yesterday morning , after a visit to his wife's folks in the eastern part of the state. These pa3-days remind us of the hal cyon days before the strike , when the Western division was strictly in the push. . C. H. Quereau has been promoted _ to the position of superintendent of motive power on the Rio Grande with headquar ters in Denver. . Brakeman E. M. Cox expects to move his family to McCook , next week , hav ing been , transferred from the Republi- can-St. Francis run. Two engines were sent from here to the Wyrnore division , this week , al- thoughthe Western division is short of motive power itself. l A large party of baggagemen went through to Denver , Tuesday night on 3 , to attend the annual meeting of the bag gagemen's association , which opened its sessions on Wednesday. General Bag- : gagemaster Thomas Marsland of the Bur lington was with the party. SHERIDAN COAL. Is the best for all ALL PURPOSES secause it is Clean and Economical ; is a Free Burner , and makes an intensely hot ire. No Smoke , No Soot , No Waste. IVill keep fire over night as well as any lard coal , and with a good bed of coal vill keep a live fire from 24 to 36 hours vithout any attention. Clean to Han dle , Clean to Burn. When starting i new fire use kindling as you would for rard coal , and like anthracite it needs 10 ' poking. Put SHERIDAN COAL on 'our fire and leave it alone. Stove Fur- liture ' never has any soot on it when Sheridan Coal is burned. Especially jood results are obtained where a long itretch of pipe is necessary. Pipes never jet clogged with soot and never need leaning when Sheridan Coal is used. In mef , use SHERIDAN COAL. For sale jy W. C. BULLARD & Co. $4-5 ° a ton. TYRONE. Mr. Baker and wife drove over from 3artley , Friday eveuing Rev. R. H. Chrysler was returned for another year .0 this point and Wilsonville School 11 district 26 closed two days for the harvest Home Church services have jeen changed to the afternoon j. . .We earn that L.J. Shippee has rented some jottom land to farm uext year. . . .J. C. Moore and wife celebrated the 10th an- riversarj' of their marriage the 5th inst. rhey invited all their friends to come igain 15 years hence. McCook Markets. Corrected Fridav morniue. . Corn $ .iS Wheat 64 Oats ! I2 > 4 Rye 29 Barley iS Hogs 3.25 Potatoes 50 Eggs : . I2 > Butter 15 @ .20 To a Large Audience. The Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. had a full tent to hear them in our city , last Friday evening , despite the cold weather , and carried away a nice penny for their prof its. The company lacks a deal of being strong , aud in some respects is not even interesting , notwithstanding the peren nial popularity of Uncle Tom. For Sale or Trade. A lady's and a gentleman's wheel. In quire of L. W. MCCONNELL. "The frost is on the pumpkin , The fodder is in the shock" , So now give your orders in Before we are out of stock. I. T. Benjamin. The Episcopal people are engaged in raising the funds with which to repair their parsonage. They contemplate painting and otherwise making the resi dence appear to better advantage ; and hope to secure a tenant in due time. An alleged mesmerist and his mate made an attempt to do the , town , first of the week , without much success. One of Harry Barbazett's children , his little girl , is down with the scarlet fever. WMBBBB BB B k MBBBIBBi3BiMM&Szg . ? pr'gsTg - CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. German Methodist Regular ser vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday morn ing , in the South McCook Methodist church ; services in German. Rev. M.Herrmann. Catholic Mass at 8 o'clock a. m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 : , a. m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 : p. m. All are cordially welcome. Rev. J. W. Hickey , Pastor. . Episcopal Morning service at 11:00. : Evening service at 8:00. : Sunday school at 10:00 : a. m. Evensong on Wednesdays at.8 p. m. A. F. Morgan , Geueral Missionary. R. A. Russell , Assistant. Christian Services every alternate Sunday , commencing with the first Sun day in May at 11 and 7:30 : o'clock in McConnell hall. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 o'clock. Elder C. P. Evans , Pastor. Congregational There will be reg ular services Sunday , both morning an'd evening , at the Congregational church. Rev. F. G. Appleton of Vermont will preach. Usual Sunday-school , Endeavor and Prayer-meeting. Baptist Bible school at 10. Preach ing at 11 ; subject , Influence of the Indi vidual. Young Peoples' meeting at 7. Evening service at 8 ; Christ Curing the Palsied Man. A cordial welcome to all. G. W. Sheafor , Pastor. Methodist Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11 ; subject , A Nineteenth Century Christian. Class at 12. Junior League at 2:30. : Epworth League at 7. Preaching at 8 ; subject , A Refuge Castle. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. All are welcome. J. A. Badcon , Pastor. Pay Your Delinquency. In view of the better times , and higher prices for grain etc. , the publisher ex pects those indebted to The Tribune for subscription to make good their de linquencies at once. During the con tinued hard times and failures no effort was made to force the collection of sub scription accounts , but now that the con ditions have changed greatly for the bet- , tec it is expected that these delinquencies will be promptly paid up. Statements will be sent out to all in arrears and with the expectation that all will appreciate our past indulgence and respond at once. The Publisher. Scarlet Fever. Scarlet fever in a mild form is prevail- initp { quite an extent in , the city and surrounding country. Fortunately llis disease is of a verv mild form. The citv authorities , together with the members of the board of education , are taking all precautions possible against the spread of the disease , and in this they should have the prompt and thorough coopera tion of the citizens , for in no other way can the disease be held within bounds and controlled. A careful response should be given to every reasonable re quirement of the health officers. Ask for Decorations. The committee in charge of the com ing Bryan demonstration are very desir ous that an effort be made by the people of the city in the line of decoration for the event , which they claim has more than a local signification , when the na tional reputation of the speaker aud the large number of expected visitors are considered. Notice to Debtors. Having decided to leave McCook about November 1st , all parties indebted to me are requested to call promptly and settle their accounts. All accounts not settled by October iSth will be placed in judgment. Z. 'L. Kay. Rooms to Rent. Two furnished front rooms. Inquire of Mrs. C. T. Brewer. The meeting of the Star of Jupiter.last Monday evening , was well attended and a large amount of work was disposed of. This institution is growing rapidly and coming to the front in good shaee. It has bad only two deaths in three years , which is a remarkably low death rate. These death losses also have Been paid promptly in each instance. Prof. House of Crete , a reader , singer and elocutionist of ability , will appear at the Methodist church , Monday even ing , October 25th , under auspices of the Epworth League. The price of admis sion is 25 cents. The Professor is said give a splendid entertainment. The s ocial by the Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal church , last evening , in the Phillips store room , was accorded a fair patronage. The musical program was enjoyable and of some merit. Homer House of the Adelphian and Wesleyau Quartets will be at the Metho dist church , October 25th. Mr. House as vocalist , story-teller and dramatic im personator is equaled by few. The oyster social by the gentlemen of the Congregational church , Tuesday evening , in the church , was not largely patronized for reasons over which the gentlemen had no control. An effort is being made by the local A. P. A. for a date and place for Rev. T. M. C. Birmingsham to preach on "National Prosperity Through Christ. " Estrays Three spring calves , to W. M. Irwin's farm north of McCook. Owner can have same by proving prop erty and paying expenses. Danbury claims to have already paid out about fifty thousand dollars for wheat , this season , and the season is but well started. Extra Agent Hall succeeds Arthur Wood in the freight office. * | M S258 * SNe l JK - • - - - i ' * f • w-5f * &ra& w ? sft < - ' , * & & & lSml & PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS. The lantern class was somewhat poorly attended , last Friday evening , owing to the greater drawing features of the Uncle Tom's Cabin company. Mr. Cressman of the Doane college faculty will talk at the lantern class , this evening , in tlie interests of the above- named college. ' The attendance in some grades has been greatly effected by the presence of scarlet fever in the city. A half dozen or more pupils are among the ill with the disease. The school board was in session with tlfe city council , Tuesday afternoon , over the scarlet fever outbreak. ' But it was not deemed necessary or advisable to close the schools at this time. An Acknowledgment. Alma , Neb. , Oct. 9th. 1897. Supreme Qfficers of the Star of Jupiter , McCook , Neb. Gentlemen : This is to certify that I have todav received payment of certifi cate No. 836 for one thousand dollars held by my late husbagd. Edward C. Putman , in The Star of Jupiter. I wish to extend my appreciation of the prompt payment and generous treatment afford ed me by the order and to recommend the institution to any one desiring to provide for the future at a very reasona ble expense in a safe and well conducted fraternal beneficiary society. Signed , Mrs. E. C Putman. Quietly Passed Away. Mrs. Keeling Berry , aged 75 years , af ter an illness of seven weeks , quietly passed away on Wednesday night. The remains were taken to Virginia , Illinois , for burial , on 2 , Friday morning , being accompanied by Mr. L. W. McConnell of our city , and her daughter , Mrs. D.H. Plunimer of Springfield , Illinois. Brief services were conducted at the residence , Thursday evening , at seven o'clock. At request of the departed final services will be held in the old home church in Vir ginia , Illinois. Sundean-Lindberg. J. M. Sundean of our city and Hilma Lindberg of Axtell were married in the Swedish Lutheran church , Axtell , Wed nesday eveuiufi at 6:30. : They will arrive in the city tonight and for the present will board with Mrs. F. C. Brainerd. Mr. Sundean is a trusted employe of Mr. J. F. Ganschow and his bride is a young lady highly spoken of by all who know her. May their wedded life be happy and prosperous. Is Too Sick. James Carmichael , the Populist nomi nee for county commissioner- the Second end district , is sick and in Iowa seekine health. He has requested that his place on the county ticket be filled , and the central committee will meet in Indianola tomorrow for that purpose. Dick Hatch er , John Bloomfield or S. E. Hager are mentioned as the probable successor. Estray Notice. Came to the S. M. Cochran farm , two miles northwest of McCook , Wednesday night of last week , four young mules , a black , a gray , a sorrel , and two bay horses. Owner can have animals b\- proving property and paying charges. Jacob Fichtner. Look for a Large Crowd. The managers of the coming Bryan meeting expect a large crowd for Satur day , October 23. Word from Frontier county states that there will be 300 wag ons in line from that county , headed by the Curtis band of 16 pieces. CHRONIC MALARIA. The symptoms are : coldsticky sweats , tired-out feelings , chilly feelings alter nating with hot flashes , coated tongue , bad breath , dizzy head and dull head ache , loss of appetite , heavy , unrefresh- ing sleep , ringing in the ears , brown moving specks before the eyes. Of course no one has all these symptous at once , but they will come , one after the other , making the victim hideously miserable. The remedy is Pe-ru-na. This remedy quickly restores the appetite , when new blood is made , strength returns , refresh ing sleep , new courage and good nature come back , one by one. Life is worth living again. Send for free book on malaria , written by Dr. Hartman. Address The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Co. , Columbus , O. North Star Chapter. A number of McCook Epworthians drove out to North Star school house , Tuesday evening , where they organized a new Chapter of the Epworth League. They were assisted by the M. E. pastor and a number of Epworthians from In dianola Chapter. The officers elected were : president , Mrs. A. S. Rogers ; 1st vice president , Miss Bessie Endsley ; 2d vice-president , Mrs. Sarah Endsley ; 3rd vice-president , J. Warfield4th ; vice-pres ident , Jas. Carter ; secretary , Miss Josie Proctor ; treasurer , C. Proctor. These were duly installed by Rev. W. J. Crago , with tuauy kind suggestions and words of encouragement. We bespeak for this Chapter a successful career , and its in fluence for good will be felt by all who come within its range of work. School supplies at McConnell's. 3 cakes Juvenile soap 40c. at McCon nell's. The best line box papers and tablets in the city at McConnell's. Edward Fitzgerald-has purchased the Hart dwelling on North Marshall street now occupied by M. A. Spalding. Con sideration , $1,200. About half past ten o'clock , last night , during the prevalence of a very high wind , afire alarm was turned in * by the crossing of the electric wires and the fire alarm line. The people turned out in large numbers , but all drew a sigh of re lief when it became known that the alarm was a false one. f MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. School supplies at McConnell's. Hammocks at McMillen's drug store. . Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil- len's drug store. Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil- len'sdrugstore. You can get a good ink tablet lor 5c. and ioc. at McConnell's. The best line box papers and tablets in the city at McConnell's. Regular 75c. value in gents' laundered shirts now 50c. at the Bee Hive. They are taking an account of stock at the Pioneer hardware store. A new sidewalk in front of the Meek- er-Pliillips building , this week. A guaranteed buggy for a cheap-john ° "Kgy price at S. M. Cockran & Co. 's We are still selling granite-ware at 50 per cent under the old liner , ' at the Bee Hive. Be in the swim. Buy one of those wonderful Vive Cameras from II. P. Sutton. • We will save you money on razors , clippers , shears and cutlery of all kinds at the Bee Hive. ' • H. M. Boydston of Nebraska City is the new grand chancellor commander of- Nebraska Pythians. Next week The Tribune will have the necessary space in which to give the usual amount of news. The Christian Endeavorers will serve dinner and supper , October 23rd , of which particulars later. Strictly pure spices at the Bee Hive for the same price you are paying for common trash elsewhere. 10 dozen No. 2 parlor brooms would be good value at 20c. each ; will close them at 2 for 25c. at the Bee Hive. About fifteen thousand dollars more taxes were collected in 1897 up to Octo ber first than in a similar period in 1896. Mrs. C. T. Brewer will take orders for Pastel and Oil Paintings ; also Embroid ery and Stamping. Orders for Christ mas solicited. The Dorcas'society of the Congrega tional church will hold their annual fair in the Menard opera house , Novem ber 12th and 13th. Dr. S. C. Beach has , iven up his In dianola dates in order to devote his en tire time to his growing practice in Mc Cook and vicinit } ' . Don't think of buying a carriage , bug gy or any other vehicle until you have seen the stock at S. M. Cochran & Co. 's store and gotten their prices. The Building Association has some good houses which can be bpught at low prices and on easy payments. See the Secretary at First National Bank. S. M. Cochran & Co. will have the largest line of carriages and buggies ever exhibited in McCook. And they will sell them at prices never equaled in this city. , Do you want to rent or buy a house ? The Building Association has several good'houses to rent or sell. Inquire of F. A. Pennell , Sec'y , at First National Bank. J.E. Kelley has received from the J. B. McFarland Co. a consignment of buggies a carload for immediate sale. See him before buying. He will save you money. J. E. Kelley has a carload of buggies that must be sold at once. This means unprecedented bargains for all wanting a buggy. See him and get figures. They talk for themselves. You want to hear "There's a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight" as play ed by the Brigade band. A cylinder was made during the band's stay in Denver , and Wilcox & Son's phonograph plays it "outofsteht. " Everyone desires to keep informed on Yukon , the Klondyke and Alaskan gold fields. Send ioc. for large Compendium of vast information and big color map to Plauiilton Pub.Co. , Indianapolis , Ind. 6t We will pay a salary of $10 per week for man with rig to introduce Perfection Poultry Mixture in the country , the greatest egg producer on earth. Ref. re quired. Address with s amp. Perfec tion Mfg. Co. , Parsons , Kansas. Robert C. Walker has been appointed fourth class postmaster at Thornburg , Hayes county , vice J. M. McAleese , the Cactus King , removed and soon to be tried in Federal court at Lincoln for us ing canceled stamps in his business. Solomon truly said , "There is nothing new under the sun" ; and there seems to be expanding ground for the statement. Two thousand years ago the penny-in- the-slot machine was as efficacious in bringing the thirsty a drink as the mod ern machine is in producing a stick of chewing gun. F. D. Burgess' horse became frightened at the tearing down of the Uncle Tom's Cabin bill-boards , Saturday afternoon , and ran away with Master George , who was the only occupant of the buggy. A pair of badly demolished thills , a slight ly injured horse , and a frightened lad , were the net results. 1 . S. M. Cochran ik. Co. are neadquarters for carriages , buggies , carts , and in fact , for all sorts of vehicles. They will make • you prices that nobody can beat for firstv class , reliable goods. Don't buy until 1 you have seen them and heard their 1 gentle racket on prices. Standard goods t at rock-bottom prices. t i I ' f o ? .ro • i " % u ; 1 U fts ; If 'r • c li\\ \ \ ' • f nay | m I -put im\ ' isus JP'l V'ou SI can Wm tiio WM t bo Mm ially H i su- fH dt ? " iijH juld. Hf l time IIbI iling S l : ono gf H ivork H H s of talk- | p 'corn i | H es oC fi l by a ff M close fi l urovo ifB I nil oC i H races. fffl l Great a H at the M l enjoy & H otask S | They 1 < H Our H no PbH B one S l him l H | he l | some' l H j child , l l all th/I f H idowet ' f H her j I f H beei i l Grea * ifl H H i ebbhH 1 Mor j H in Am 1 Worn. * H ) man W WM • emiuK , MwM MwM She/ H nherit | Some H a | c ; | | dauj W W M leseai W W M • | th of J H to tb | the H H the n H dr > H ary to W W m . been H The : W is B m are W K W M gal W W WM Wc ' W an sh H pr < W W WM 1 say H . prov H l suppla W W WM lemc W W wM drive MW W MwM v that mW m to T-m M ltract WM wM M ) t tell H hist H ycai H H | ) ariai H of ° | ver ( W W W W .ce ' B and ' H l hea H tttle" H f the H ' hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhH