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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1897)
iP - m * * * * * * * * I ? J SIXTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. JULY 16 , 18S7. NUMBER 9 wM Will Accept the Lots. w\ A number of McCook business men $ wk met with the board of county commiss- \W\ ioners , Friday morning , and the matter tin ° a sUe an tlle building ° f a c ° urt $ M- * * court house was discussed at some length Sff and in considerable detail. A proposi- § m tion was submitted by City Attorney J. ' # S. Lellew offering the county lots 7,8,9 , VKt 10 , II , 12 in block 4 , original McCook , as Kra ste * ° r * * ie court house an other county ( WMf buildings. This is the southeast quarter ? Yj of the block in which the Baptist church ( fift is situated. While the commissioners $ ? did not take any official action on then n\ proposition , they each expressed 4 | j themselves as willing to receive the lots PA ? lots offered , or any other lots that would if\ ( \ > be satisfactory to the people of McCook , g with the understanding that the deed jgf should run to the county without qualifi- &f cations , that the title should be absolute. • Vsk So the question of site may be considered V as settled. Title to the lots will at once ) secured. All the lots , save No. 12 , are ' owned by the Lincoln Land Co. It may require condemnation proceedings to secure - < cure title to lot 12. if so , such action will i be commenced at once. , As to the matter of making an appro priation to assist in the building of a court house the commissioners did not appear to be ready to take any action therein. It was submitted that the $10 , - W' 000 donds voted by McCook to assist the X county in building a court house could hr\ not be negotiated until the county had V f \ appropriated some sum of money in the p I furtherance of the proposed enterprise. m $ * The law permits county boards to ap- f propriate not to exceed $1,500 in any one Ejj year for such purpose , without a vote W of the people , and it was suggested that Jgh the commissioners appropriate such rea- J ifP' sonable sum as the county's finances will I * l ? warrant now , this will make the sale of I 'fib'1 tue S10-000 ltl bonds legal and available I ig ( at once. Then the commissioners will be I & in position to ask for bids for erection I Kf and construction of such buildings as I y\ may be determined upon. I * wfr The next session of the board will be I held August 21st , and The Tribune be- • lievesthat the commissioners will then I \ determine to make such an oppropriation H % as the county treasury will safely admit. Wm & * ! . They will then be ready , as soon as the m - ? ' \ usual preliminarj' arrangements are com- h\ I pleted , as soon as plans and specifications HLf are determined upon , to advertise for K bids , let contracts etc. , and this disturb- Hk ing question then be settled , and the N | county in due time be in possession of a § V * court house of its own. Such modest vXf appropriation can in future be supplemen- B Ki ted as the case requires , and the voting K of bonds avoided. HeT This is a business proposition in which Hp the whole county is interested , and The Hf Tribune believes it will in due time be Hjr settled by the commissioners in business- Hk like manner and to the satisfaction of all HlL fair-minded people. Hfc ? \ State Finances. HEf * State Treasurer Reserve issued another M , call yesterday for $50,000 of general fund l ' warrants for July 20 , making a total of II $130,000 called for the month of July. H mTreasurer Meserve says he has paid out Mf/ ' for all purposes $2,200,000 since he came Hk into office.not counting two calls fof war- KBft rants for this month. During the two years M Js * of Bartley's last term the total disburse- V ments were $3,059,354.99. During that H 1' term $589,000 was paid out on general HJ Jtfund warrants. Treasurer Meserve says ajP he has already paid , out $ roS7ooo on K | % \ general fund warrants , not including two HJRr v calls for this month that are yet unpaid. g > M- Lincoln Journal. B 1 Won a Warm Place. Hjr It should be said for the McCook band j thatlndianola makes no kickon either the Hr | quality or quantity of music furnished on B , the 3d. The Brigade band has won a Bf warm place in the hearts of Indianola H t people and a much better feeling for the H Jt&- town of McCook. Indianola Reporter. Ht ; Raises Its Tolls. H | The Western Union Telegraph comB - B L. pany , Monday , announced an advance of wM5 about 60 per centinitsratesfromLincoln j B * west in Nebraska. This increases the Wk 25 cent rate to 40 cents. This seems B > . like a very inopportune time to make so Bb' large an advance in telegraph rates. K Kern-Clous. Hi Last Sunday , after church in themorn- K | ing , Rev. Vogt of the German Congrega- B | tional church united in marriage John U\ . Kern of this city and Lizzie Clous of H H Sutton. Both are Russians. R ' Let us help you when you want to fig- K { ure on your wedding outfit , young man. HL We will dress you in style and at a slight Wmtoutlay. . See us. K I The Famous Cioxhing Co. B , \ Machise oil , 25c. per gallon , atMcMil- Hr \ len's drag store. . Wf > * Wall Paper. atJCcCooaell's. . - MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. Banker Caluhan was a brief visitor , Tuesday evening. Register Campbeli , was a Lincoln visitor , Tuesday. Harry Stern was up from Holdrege on business , Tuesday. I. M. Smith , county judge , visited relatives in Culbertson , Thursday. LovEMS Clyde of McCook was in the city , this week. Red Cloud Chief. Oliver Thorgrimsom arrived home , Sunday night , from his Buffalo county visit. Miss Lotta Stover has been visiting her sister , Mrs. R. H. Chrysler of Wil- sonville. Frank Holbrook is here from Kan sas City on a visit to his parents on the South Side. Miss Pearl Malcolm went up to Imperial , last week , to visit Robert Mal colm and wife. Mrs. W. E. Babcock was up from Cambridge , first of the week , guest of Mrs. C. F. Babcock. Mesdames James Murphy and Bar ney Sharkey went up to Denver , Tuesday evening , on a visit. Editor Smith of the Bartley Inter- Ocean had business in the county seat , Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Kay was called up to Benkelman , Monday night , to see Mrs. J. P. Israel , who is seriously sick. George Hocknell arrived in the city , Tuesday evening , on business connected with his large interests here. Editors Floyd and DeWald of the Trenton Register were both city visitors , Monday evening between trains. W. F. Everist and C.W. Barnes made a business trip to Danbury , Monday , driving over and back the same dar . Mrs. F. S. Curry and daughter Pearl visited relatives in Benkelman , last week , returning home on Saturday evening. Miss CANN.Danbury , joined Messrs.L. E. Cann and Bert Beyrer on their journey to Toronto , whither they started on Tues day morning. H. G. Borneman and S. M. Cochran have been forced to forego their trip up to the gold mines in Wyoming on ac count of sickness. Mrs. H. G. Borneman has been quite ill all week with an attack of fever threatened typhoid but is some little better at this writing. Miss JennieGoheen has been elected as teacher of the Intermediate depart ment of the Bartley public schools. The Tribune promises good work. Mrs. John Witherlay , who has been visiting relatives and friends here since last fall , departed on Sunday night for her home in EHzabethtown. 'New Mexico. Mrs. Eliza G. Nettleton has been visiting down in southern Kansas for the past two or three weeks , at the home of an old friend at whose home she was married down in Kentucky. REV. J. W. Hickey of St. Patrick's church departed , on Monday for Boston to enjoy a vacation at the old home of a few weeks. Father Engelbert Boll of Crete will fill the pastorate during his absence. GEO.W.SHEAFOR , pastor of the Baptist church.left for Colorado Springs.Tuesday night , on a month's vacation. Evangelist Tyson of Lincoln will fill the pulpit next Sunday and may possibly remain here for a month. State Treasurer Meserve was up from Lincoln over Sunday on business. Mrs. Meserve and Miss Edna accompa nied him and they are still the guests of Mrs. F. M. Kimmell. The treas urer returned to Lincoln , on Sunday night. REV.J. A.Badcon , wife and family left for Denver , Sunday night , to remain some time for Mrs. Badcon's health , which has been ill for quite a while. Mrs. M. E. Horner accompanied them to nurse. It is to be hoped they will , find a great improvement in health for Mrs. Badcon. Ira Crane rode into McCook , Satur day last , on his wheel , bound to Denver from Iowa , where he has been living the past few years. He remained here over Sunday visiting oldtime friends.continu- ing on his -way t © Denver on Monday morning. He also visited briefly at Frank lin eHroute. " EereportsNebraska crops more advanoetLtkaa the e of Iowa. Teachers' Annual Institute. Office of County Superintendent of Public Instruction , Red Willow county. FELLOW Teachers : The annual tea chers' institute for this county will be held at Indianola , beginning August9th , forasesion of three weeks. This institute is for you. Let us endeavor to make it a school where everybody works. Each division will be under the super vision of those who have had practical experience in teaching in country and high schools. Our work will be done not wholly upon the lecture plan , but will be more of " 'Round Table" work , thus giving opportunity for a full and free discussion of the different topics as they are presented. The first and second weeks will be given to the teaching of first and second grade certificate studies ( also third grade studies if desired ) . The third week will be devoted to that which has a direct bearing upon practical school work. I request all teachers to attend the first and second weeks.believing that they will be benefitted by the work done there. All teachers who expect to teach in this county must attend the last week of the institute. A registration fee of one dollar will be charged to all teachers whether they at tend one week or the entire term. No third grade certificates will be is sued this year , but the standing will be credited on a second grade , if not lower than 80 per cent , and a satisfactory ex amination is passed in the remainder of the studies. ( Examination at Indianola August 14th and 21st. ) No examination the last week of the institute. Among the instructors are : J. W. Bow- lus , N.Jones , J.W. Dobson , A O.Thomas , J. F. Carnahan. Lecturers : State Supt. W. R. Jackson , Lieut. Gov. J. E. Harris , President J. A. Beattie of State Normal , Revs. J. A. Badcon , G.W. Sheafor , H. L. Preston of McCook , Dr. J. W. Bowlus of Wesleyan University , Lincoln , Supt.A.O. Thomas of Minden schools. L. A. Carnahan , County Superintendent. Old Settlers Organize. A meeting of the old settlers of Red Willow county was held in Indianola on Saturday afternoon , July 3rd , and an old settlers' organization was effected. The following named persons became members. The date of settlement in the county is also given : E.S.Hill , Aprils , 1872 ; William Wey- gint , April 3 , 1872 ; W. M. Nutt , 1878 ; T. C. Sedden , 1878 ; James Barnes , 1878 ; M. Adams , 1879 ; Chet. Dow , 1S79 ; E.Wolfe , JS79 ; James Hetherington , 1873 ; C. A. Hotze , 1873 ; Elias Canaga , 1873 ; James Everist , 1879 ; Isaac Vandervort , 1873 ; W. S. Fitch , 1S73 ; John Francis , 1879 ; J. S. Phillips , 1879 ; W. O. Bond , 1879 ; William Byfield , 1873 ; Charles Hartman , 1877 ; Henry Tomblin , 1879. It was decided to style the organiza tion The Red Willow County Old Set tlers' association. The following officers were elected : E. S. Hill , President ; Elias CanagaVice President ; James Hetherington , Secre tary ; C. A. Hotze , Treasurer. It was decided that a residence of twelve years in the county should enti tle one to membership in the association. The following committee was appoint ed to prepare a history of the county : W. S. Fitch , James Hetherington , E. S. Hill and J. S. Phillips. It was determined to hold the first reunion at Indianola during'the soldiers' reunion , September 7-11. The officers were authorized to arrange for a programme for the September re union. The secretary was instructed to pro vide the county papers with the proceed ings for publication. A small collection was lifted to defray expenses , and the meeting adjourned. The New Board. The new board of education as recent ly reorganized is as follows : President , A. CampbellVice-President ; , E.H. Doan ; Secretary , J. E. Kelley. The standing committees announced are : Repairs and Supplies , J. E. Kelley , R. B. Archibald and Harmon Thompson ; Teachers and Text Books , W. F. Lawson , R. B. Archi bald and E. H. Doan ; Finance , J. E. Kelley and W. F. Lawson. This is the time of the year when some mothers are worried about getting enough pants for their lively 'boys. See us. We can help you at very little cost. We can fit the boys from three years old and upwards. . * The Famous Clothing Cfc. Staple stationery , best quality af low est prices , at The Tribune offij < . Have you been into loojf at Selby's harness at the "Bee HivejT ? Machine oil , 25c. per afllon , at McMil- lens drugstore. W CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Methodist Sunday-school at 10. Preaching at 11 by Rev. A. J. Crago. The Epworth League will conduct the evening service at 8 o'clock. German Methodist Regular ser vices at 9 o'clock , every Sunday morn ing , in the South McCook Methodist church ; services in German. Rev. M. Herrmann. Catholic Mass at S o'clock a. m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. Rev. J. W. Hickey , Pastor. Episcopal Morning service at 11:00. Evening service at 8:00. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Evensong on Wednesdays at 8 p. m. A. F. Morgan , General Missionary. R. A. Russell , Assistant. Christian Services every alternate Sunday , commencing with the first Sun day in May at 11 and 7:30 o'clock in McConnell hall. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 o'clock. Elder C. P. Evans , Pastor. Congregational Morning theme , "Ultimate Victory. " Evening topic , "Christ and Calvary. " Sunday-School at 10. Endeavor Society at 7 , topic , "Be lief in Christ. " Leader , Ethel Oyster. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. All are cordialy invited. Hart L. Preston , Pastor. Baptist Rev.T.K.Tyson , the Baptist State Evangelist of Lincoln , Neb. , will fill the pulpit at the Baptist church mor ning and evening. Mr. Tyson is not a stranger to a McCook audience having preached here many times before. Bible- school at 10 a. m. B. Y. P. U. at 7 p. m. , subject , "Natural History of Sin" , Mrs. F. D. Burgess , leader. Evening service at the usual hour. Prayer-meeting , Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. A most cordial invitation is extended to all. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Level Clyde has returned home. Mrs. C. E. Pope was an Oxford visitor early in the week. Miss Idalia Palmer of Arapahoe is in the city visiting friends. D. B. Winger of Tinidad , Colorado , is in the city , guest of J. A. Wilcox. W. G. Manspeaker and wife were down from Culbertson on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pat. O'Hare were passengers on 5 , Tuesdey evening for the west. Mrs. O. E. Reynolds of Trenton was here between trains , Tuesday evening , on her way east. Misses Ona Simons and Maude Wood returned , last night , from their visit to Sheridan , Wyoming , friends. Herb Stone is visiting the folks in Or leans and Rufus Carlton is discharging the duties of cashier meanwhile. Sheriff Bailey and Lawyer Mac- Mahon drove down from Hayes Center , yesterday afternoon on business and will return home today. Mrs. P. F. McKenna and mother , Mrs. S. S. Reed , departed , last evening , for Chicago. They will visit a short time in Hastings while en route. W. T. Coleman is suffering with an attack of appendicitis. His condition was quite serious first of the week , but we are happy to report him better as we go to press. SPECIAL SALE. We will sell for ONE WEEK only , 4 full 2-oz. BOTTLES of triple extract Vanilla and Lemon for 25c. If you wish to take advantage of this sale , come at once. Dent wait until after the time has expired. The "Bee Hive. " A tramp suffering with typhoid fever walked into town , Wednesday. The city authorities took care of him temporarily and will today turn him over ro the county authorities for care and treat ment. House Paints , Floor Paints , Buggy Paints , Wagon Paints , Family Paints , Enamel Paints , And all kinds Varnish Stains at McCoNNELL'S. Several new things in men's colored shirts at The Famous Clothing Co. Engineer Donovan is entertaining his mother from Colorado. i Hammocks at McMillen's drug store. Wall Paper at McConnell's. r A Subscriber Says No. Mr.Editor : In your issue of July 9 you published an article from the Red Cloud Chief entitled "Have our Merchants De generated ? " This article says this is a question that can be answered yes. Taking this article as referring to McCook and I say no. This article goes on to say that several years ago this town and its merchants * names were household wc-rds ; that the merchants advertised and that the newspapers were crowded for space , but to-day the newspaper man must get down on his knees for what few adver tisements he gets. Now , Mr. Editor , ( also the editors of other papers , ) I ask if you are not all to blame for this to a great big extent ? There is hardly a pub lication but what you will see the follow ing notice among the personal items , Mrs. and Mrs. have been in Lincoln or Denver ( which ever the case may be ) two or three days shopping. Now , then , the public at large who do not know all there is to this deal , believe that there is something wrong with the merchant at home ; you do not go so far as to say these same people ride on passes and that their goods are all deadheaded in which , is case nine times out often. Those very same people who go away from home to do their shopping are people who make their living off of the degenerated mer chant and who should be the very last to go away from home for anything ; instead of that they will tell their neighbors what they can buy this and that at in the city , not only when at their own homes , but when they happen to meet one an other in the store of one of these degen erated merchants. Again , the article says , that a paper filled up with advertisement , when sent away from home gives the idea that the town is full of business. Again what will the persons say who receive the paper when they read about this one and that going away to do their shopping ? There is something wrong some where will be their answer. There is still another feature to this question. When one of these poor de generated merchants wishes to advertise in the home paper he must pay for the same , which is perfectly right. Still by giving the people free notices of their going to this city or that city you are simply giving the merchants of those cities free advertising which they are not entitled to , as they ne\rer benefit the the small towns one cent in any way , shape or manner. There are several ways to look at this question and which could be prolonged long enough to fill a whole paper , Now , then , Mr. Editors , when giving publicity to these small items of personal notices stop and consider is this the way that I would that others should do unto me. A Subscriber. Customs and Manners. The lecture delivered in the Methodist church , Wednesday evening , by Mrs. Esther Ilahi Baksh on the customs and manners of the people of India , was most instructive and entertaining. There was a large audience present and her lecture was greatly enjoyed. She spoke English quite fluently. All who heard her intui tively became foreign missions enthusi asts. asts.The The speaker is studying medicine in order to assist her better in missionary work among her own people , and a collection free will offering was taken up for her. Mrs. Baksh spoke in native costume and three children were on the platform in native dress. Called the Colonel Down. In a recent issue of the CourierColonel Mitchell expressed the raw opinionwith such emphasis as he is capable of , that all opposed to fusion are either Republi cans or Anarchists. Thisuncookeddog- matic expression of political faith was too much for William Adams of Danbury - bury , who is neither a Republican nor an Anarchist , but a middle-of-the-road Pop. On Mondaj' Mr. Adams dropped in and discontinued his Courier and thus purged his household of heresy , and in cidentally reduced the largest circulation on this hemisphere one copy. State Fair Band , 1897. The State Fair attendants this fall will have the pleasure of hearing again the famous "Nebraska Brigade Band , U. R. K. P' " of McCook. The manager will prepare and rehearse during the summer especially for this occasion. All will be "revised and corrected" "embossed , bound in morocco and gilt-edged. " Wait for the band. State Fair Bulletin. Mesdames S. L. Green , F. S. Wilcox and Nellie Johnson departed for the mountains , last evening , on an outing. Hot weather neckwear and handker chiefs at the Famous Clothing Co. Joseph Spotts reports the grasshoppers as dying in large numbers on his place just east of town. PETITE PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. Wall Paper at McConnelJ's. For hail insurance see C. J. Ryan. Selby can repair your old . buggy tops. Machine oil , 25c. per gallon , at McMil len's drug store. The Orangemen had a picnic on the * ' South Side , Monday. Some of W.R. Starr's household goods arrived in the city , Saturday. Are you right with the editor on your subscription ? If not , why not ? Just the sort of weather for harvesting the immense crop of smaU grain. Black and colored hosiery for men at The Famous Clothing Co. * ' = = - Be in the swim. Buy one of those wonderful Vive Cameras from H. P. ' Sutton. Sweet corn is in the local market and paregoric may De expected to fluctuate go up and down. The dynamo cod has been worked with 1 enthusiasm , this week , and the wheat is > about all "shocked. " A mowing machine has been contesting the right of way with the weeds on the city streets this week. Read Ganschow's clearing sale an nouncement in this issue. He is offering very attractive bargains. E. C. Goehring had quite a sore eye , first of the week , caused by a small piece of straw entering the member. Seasonable underwear for men , all sizes now ready at the Famous Clothing Co. County Judge Smith issned a mar riage license to John Kern of our city and Lizzie Clous of Sutton , Saturday. Selby is now selling his own make of leather suspenders at 40 cents ; same kind the old hundred per center is selling at 60 cents. Frank Stillman made a "iniscue" the other day in getting over a fence. He will use a cane until the ankle becomes ' strong again. The ladies of the Methodist church enjoyed a liberal patronage at their ice cream social in the Phillips building , Tuesday evening. S. M. Cochran & Co. beat 'em all in hog fencing. Get their prices and in spect their stock. Quality and cost will both stand the test. The Building Association has some good houses which can be bought at low prices and on easy payments. See the Secretary at First National Bank. LOST A Briar Pipe , valuable to owner ou account associations connected with it. Finder please call at Tribune office ; suitable reward will be given. Leave your order for a crash hot weather suit , a dress or business suit. Lowest prices guaranteed. Famous Clothing Co. Do you want to rent or buy a house ? The Building Association has several good houses to rent or sell. Inquire of F. A. Pennell , Sec'y , at First National Bank. By looking toward the sun any day now grasshoppers on the wing may be seen in great numbers. A darkened glass will simplify aud make easier the opera tion. A successful social was held by the ladies of the Episcopal church in the Phillips building last evening. A liberal patronage was accorded the -ladies and by them appreciated. Mr. Keim of Lincoln passed through McCook , Sunday , with a large drove of horses. He was driving thern to his farm near Lincoln , where he is engaged iu the horse breeding business. From information received we learn that Miss Mabel Wilcox is attending state normal school in Chicago , and taking a course of the more advanced studies , such as psychology , psychologi cal psychology , etc. ad infinitum. The grasshoppers seem to have a nat ural and vicious animosity toward cheap binding twine , for it is stated that no sooner does a bundle of wheat 'bound with this inferior twine leave the binder before the hoppers fall upon the bundle and devour the twine. Colonel Phillips of the Indianola Re porter has opened the way for a killing. He writes : "The Fly paper has almost as large a patronage as the Courier. " Colonel Mitchell should promptly challenge Colonel Phillips to a duel to the death , or remove that superscription from the Courier's caption. < > -