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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1896)
H ' j „ H Highest of rill in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. I lyvSi Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE H H Hv F. M. KIMMELL H 1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. B Over 2(54- Electoral Votes. H Rhode Island's plurality is the H greatest ever given any one. H RKPUUMCan gains in the United H States senate art * practically certain. | H Massachusetts elects twelve Repub- H lican congressmen an l one lone Demc- H crat H ' Tins Tkibunb hears with deep sorrow M that its friend Hon. JV. . Cole is elected M nit H NKW York sends a congressional del- H egation of twenty-eight Republicans and H six Democrats H The election of McKinley is now conj - H > -j ceded l > 3r the opposition and Bryan has BLj' telegraphed his congratulations. B ALTGKLD is defeated in Illinois by a H decisive plurality. He blames Cleveland H with the result and promises "to rise H again" . H Tiiur.K is a probability that the next J H ] United Stales senate may have a small B H sound money majority. The house is HHHJ largely Republican. H Tub defeat ot Congressman Andrews H is admitted with regret. Air. Suther- B land's plurality in the distiict will be B quite large. Congressman Mercer's re- HkVJ election is certain , and Stroke's return B is claimed , though the result is very K dose. H Indiana 20,000. B For "Momma Raima" . | McCook , 208 Plurality. H k\ \ . ' ifeJt i Pennsylvania 280,000. INDIANOLA. J. J. Lamiiokn was in Lincoln , Wed nesday , to hear the news of the late Re publican disaster. County Attorney Keyes' personal pop ulariiy saved him out of the common wreck by iust seven votes. S. E. Hager , O. D. Moslier , H. R Hanks , Fred Woodcook and R. L. Beck with went up to the county seat , Wed nisday , to hear the county returns. Henry Crabtree , H. R. Banks and \V. Q Bond went up to the county seat. Thursday afternoon , to hear the official result of the canvass of the votes cast on Tuesday. PLEASANT RIDGE. Joseph Ellis is at home on a visit. James Harris visited J. W. Jones Sun day. Samuel Fleming arrived in this vicin ity Saturday. Mrs. E. C. Goehring visited Mrs. Frank Everist , Tuesday. That snow storm was a not altogether agreeable surprise. The voting of this ( Driftwood ) precinct was lively and exciting. Mrs. W. Dutton of the south side vis- ted Mrs. Frank Everist Tuesday. George B. Harris left Wednesday night " or Divide , Colorado , to assist his broth- : r in the mine. E. W. Harris is superintending tin vork on the Brun Zetta mine while hu- ather is at home. Tub Tribune promised to tell us the larticulars of a recent wedding , but wi iiiled to find them. White wings might suggest the thought f angels in some connections but we art mibtful about the angels that went that rip to Hastings. There was something important goii g ii in this part of the world Monday , for 11 day people could be seen riding hi" - r and thither in a great hurry , and oi e entleman no doubt thought himself a cconcl Paul Revere , judging by his itn- ortant and mysterious air. Driftwood precinct voters did not fai nor swerve , but walked up to the poll' and voted for J. B. Meserve. We coulr not resist the temptation of making i rhyme on this popular candidate's ( oi rather , by this time , the state treasurer elect's ) name , and we are glad that oui precinct did its duty by him nobly. Well , the election is over and I sup pose that we are very close to the panic that the political prophets have so long foretold , but we are so well acquainted with panics in Nebraska that it won't make much difference with us , but we ire glad that the election is overbecaus < somebody may accidentally tell the truth low. Thomas Harris and Henry Morris held i political discussion Monday morning Che national debt , Cleveland's adminis ration , protection and the advantages. ) f the coinage of silver at 16 to I wert apidly and emphatically reviewed b > hese renowned statesmen. The feno yas between them , consequently then vas no harm done. B. A. Lincoln and Mrs. E. May Star- tuck and family departed , Thursday uorning for Junction City , Io.wa. . . In the > erson of Mrs. Starbuck this neighbor teed has lost an able and efficient schoo ifficer , a genial neighbor and a kind aim j-mpathizing friend in sickness. Grand- > a Lincoln was a scholarly gentlemai .nil we always enjoyed a chat with him Ve will miss him in many ways and es lecially so when we are cutting sunfiow- rs next summer , for he was blacksuntl ar us all. We hope they will find pro1- erity and happiness in their new home nd we confidentally expect them t < ome back to the best country in the 'orld before many seasons have past way. President Cleveland heard the re- ult and issued his Thanksgiving proc- imation setting apart Thursday , Novem- er 22 , as a day of Thanksgiving and rarer. " T THE NEWJMISS Slight Changes In the Political Com plexion of the Next Senate. LATE EET0ENS FE0M STATE ! Chairman Fuulknor Concede * a Jtcpub lican Working Majority In tlio Next House Secretary Edgcrton Claims the Election of S3 PopalisU. Washington , Nov. 5. Later return ! indicate slight changes in the next sen ate from the table sent yesterday The five doubtful states yesterday were Delaware , Kansas , Kentucky North Carolina and South Dakota. Il is now seasonably certain Delaware will have a Republican legislature. Tin only claim to the contrary being of ir regularities in Sussex county. Kansas will elect a fusion or independent sena tor to succeed Peffer , and Kentucky oe the face of the returns will elect a Re publican to succeed Blackburn. North Carolina legislature is in doubt , with chances favoring the success of the fusionists , who , in this state , were made up of Republicans and Populists. Until the legislature actually chooses Senator Pritchard's successor , it cannot be told whether North Carolina's now senator will act with the Republican majority , and he is not classified in cither the Re publican or Independent column , but in the doubtful list. South Dakota is still in doubt , with the chances favoring a fusion Ij * y"udent. The senate there fore , m - \ estimate , would stand : RepuM c . , -II ; Democrats , : $2 $ ; Inde pendent. . . i Populists , 12 ; doubtful , 2. Total , ! Mi. "WAbiirxmoN , Nov. 5. Chairman Faulkner of the Democratic congres sional committee conceded today that < he Republicans would have a working najority in the house , but said they vould not be able to control the senate ; ile asserted that the silver men will con- rol the senate. Secretary Edgerton of he Populist committee makes the fol- owing claim as to the election of Popu- ists in the next house : Kansas , G ; Ne- jraska , 4 ; South Dakota , 2 ; North Caro- ina , o ; Idaho , 1 ; Colorado , 1 ; California , ; Alabama , 1 ; Minnesota , 1 ; total , 22 ; vith possibly one more each from Cali- ornia , Alabama , Illinois and Indiana , n addition , he says one silver Repub- ican each from Colorado , Montana , Vashington , Nevada , Minnesota and In- iana will act with the Populists. Louisvillc , Nov. 5. Congressional Jesuits : Krst district , C. K. Wheeler , ilver Democrat ; Second district , J. D. lardy , Silver Democrat ; Tliird. district , ohn S. Rhea , Silver Deino- rat ; Fourth district , David H. inith , Silver Democrat ; Fifth istrict , Walter Evans , Republican ; ixth district , A. S. Eerry , Silver Dem- jrat ; Seventh district , Evan E. Settle , ilver Democrat ; Eighth district , G. H. avids , Republican ; Ninth district , irnuel J. Pugh , Republican ; Tenth istrict , T. W. Fitzpatrick , Silver Dem- ; rat ; Eleventh district , David G. Col in , Republican. Chairman Babcock of the Republican mgressional committee places the num- jr of Republican members in the next ) use of representatives based on rc- > rts received by him up to 12 o'clock day at 200 , with 22 in doubt. Itesult In \milium lh V ry C ! i e. j Cheyenne , Nov. 5. Returns to the | uniocratic committee show a plurality \ r Bryan electors of 503 , and for Os- irne for congress , G04 votes. Districts i be heard from are Big Horn county , J ar Valley and Jackson Hole , Uintah \ unty and several precincts in Johnson i unty. The estimated Democratic ma jority in these districts is 800 aud th < Democratic committee claim , the stat < by 800. The Republican state commit tee has full returns from 11 counties and with estimated returns from the re maining two claim absolute election oi one elector and probably the election o1 two by pluralities of 250 ; alsc the election of congressman and asso ciate judge by 400. The committee es timates that the state legislature will be 42 Republican and 14 Democratic on joint ballot. Big Horn county , from which no returns have been received , has been recently organized and has been settlci1 mainly within the past two years and ir * vote is iliiiicult to estimate. AeousmauTv view of the situation in the state i < o.H ) plurality for electoral and state tic3ec will not exceed 250 votes and that complete returns must be re ceived from the entire state to deter mine which party will receive this plu rality. Complete Returns Prom Colorado. Denver , Nov. 5. Complete returns from all counties in Colorado give Bryan 140,000 ; McKinley , 25,000 ; scattering , 2,000. Adams , Democrat-silver-Repub- lican candidate for governor , received 83,000 ; Baily , Populist-silver , 67,000 ; Allen , gold standard Republican , 14,000 ; Waite , middle-of-the-road Populist , 3,000. Congressman Shafroth , silver Republican in the First district , and Bell , Populist in the Second district , are re-elected by almost the entire vote of their respective districts. Senator Tel ler will be re-elected without opposition. Democrats Capture Idaho. Boise , Ida. , Nov. 5. Thirty-nine pre cincts in Idaho out of 231 give Bryan 3,995 , McKinley , 889. Bryan's majority in the state will probably teach 13,000. Gunn , fusion is elected to congress over Borah , silver Republican. It looks is though the entire Democratic state ticket is elected. The legislature is Dverwhelmingly Democratic-Populist. rusion AVins the Larger Part. OiiAiiA , Nov. 5. Complete returns on : he Douglas county legislative ticket show that the fusionists got a little the jest of it. Of the senators one is a Re publican , one a Democrat and one a free silver Republican. Of the members of ; he lower j : r.s > e live of them are fusion- sts " 7fw Ilc blic 5 i . A . . . . . . . lilWMIHIWWfcliM. * i . . , ' ! n i i .i.- i ll ABSTRAGT / , Sg = 3 = OF THESS % ; ' ' OFFICIAL VOTE 4 4I I ' \ NEBRASKA. j \ / . RED WILLOW COUNTY , . 1 v NOVEMBER 3 , 1S90. . • > srcCEJ.CC = • r i 7 T / : - < Willow Grove ! - : ' j respc _ - ; 2. r o 2 * < I o 5f ' " < . ! - " ' ' S'SssJ ori ! 1/ . T * > 3 1 CANDIDATES. : : ' ? : : ' ri : : : ' ; -I : = : S j c. ' ? : 1 , J " 1 * ' " ' * " # - M ; ; ; ' ; ; ; * ; ; ; ; ; " ; ; ; ; ; • o n . j Democrat and Peoples Independent 66 76 473. 16562648 50 15 10 10 4 7 4741 51 4224 6b 3S 36 32 1013 " " 8 ' jfl Republican 3 : 41 15 3 33 17 26 77 21 21 8 7754 0 22 21 39 1942 125 76 7S 1 04 985 National 1. . I. . I i t 1 2. . . j g 'I Democrat 2 22 1 2 2 3 3 17 Prohibition i l l 3 I . . . . 1 1 q J 3 Socialist Labor J Fok G-.viknok : Kobert S Uibb , Democrat . 1 1 12. . 3. . . j 5 25 M Kichanl A. Ilawlev. National 2 2 1 . . . 1 0 Silas A. IIolcomb. 'D. & P. Ind. . . 61704229175325464 16 9 lit 44 45 5041 51 4'23 71 40 3s 301001 SS fM John II. MacColl , Kcpublirnn -9 43 9 2i 31 i > 2G 72 19 19 b 7250 5 ih 20 35 17 42 lis " 70 oS 95 915 / > 1 * Charles Sa < lilek , Socialist Labor I . 1 Joel Warner , Prohibition 1 . . . . 2 . . 1 23. . . . 1 n Tj J KOK 1 IKtrn-NANT-GliVEKNOK : O. F. li ? lin , Democrat 1 3 2 3 1 . . 1 2 . . . . . . 1 1 1. . . . 4 2 1 6 30 , jl James K. Harris , D. & P Ind 057043291950234540141010540444839503921 66 33 30 26 958 30 M I'Ved Ilciman. Social'St Labor . . . . . 1 1 . . 1 1 1 . . . . . 4 M L. O.Jones , Prohibition 1 1. . 2. . . . . . 4 1 . . . . 2. . 2. . j 1 j. . . , g Oscar Kent , National . . ) . . 1 2 . - . . . . 1 1 1 . . . 1 , • Orlando Tefft , Republican 29421430311925702020 7 7553 6 20 19 36 17 41 122 71 67 94 92S M Fok Skcri-tary ok tat v. Hernhard Hnminp , Socialist Labor 1 1 2 4 m James M. Dilwonh. National ' I-- . . . . . . . . 1 1. . . i | 5 fl Albert Fitch , Prohibition 1 . . 1 1 . . 2 1 . . . . 34 2. . x , j , John Mattes , Democrat 2312. . 21 1. . . . 11 12. . 13. . 4 4 1 4 Joel A. Piper. Republican 2946 13 34 3 ° 7 24 73 l ' 20 S 7451 5 21 21 3S lb 41 m 64 71 98 927 William F.Porter , D. & P. Ind. . . 07 71 at 27 iS 53 24 46 4& 16 9 102 4245 44 41 4 39 22 66 39 35 23 965 3S For auditor Pum.ic Accounts : I | John F. Cornell , D. & P. Ind 5 63 3 * > 25 17 51 22 46 , 46 14 9 101 3S 40 45 36 49 35 21 61 35 28 25 001 J I C. C. Crowell , Prohibition - • I- . 1. . 1 . 1 1 . . . . 5 4 1. . 1 2 2. . , f . { Edward A. Gerrard , National • • . . ! • • 1 1 • • . . 1 1 . . . . 1 1 . . . 1 7 M Peter Olof Ilcdlund , Republican. . 3044'9 3 ° 3i 'S 24 73 20 20 7 73 53 5 21 21 33 lb43 120 70 76 98 948 45 ' Emil Heller. Democrat 2 2 I 2 2. . 2 1 I . . . . 1 2 . . 1 . . 1 2 . . 3 4 . . . - 32 Gustave Teickmeir , Socialist Labor • - - j-- l • • . . . . 1 2 For Trkasurer : | j m | Charles E. Casey. Republican 29 43 11 31 28 16 23 70 & 16 8 734 ! 7 21 19 36 1942 104 64 66 01 S70 fl fl S. T. Davies , Prohibition • • I 1 2 . . . . 1 1 . . . . . . 4 4 1-- 1 16 Stephen I. Herman. Socialist Labor • • I . . • • • - i ' 0 ! | Thomas McCulloch. National • • 1 . . • • . . 1 . . 1 • • 1 1 . . j r Frank McGiverin. Democrat • • 3 2 1 3. 1. . ' . . . 3 1' ' 1. . . . 1 2. . j 1 l 2- M 1 John B. Meserve. D. & P. Ind 68 71 47 33 19 5& 25 49 4" 20 9 107 50 43 47 41 5041 23 5 7 46 37 36 1055 176 W m For Suit. Pubi ic Instruction. j llenrvR. Corbett , Republican. . . . 30 45 17 32 31 20 2b 72 ' 9 21 S 7150 7 21 2237 21 41 I2i 72 73 99 958 33 J Martha E. Donovan.SocialistLabor . . 1 . . • • . . I 1 . . • • 12 I 1 8 M Samuel G Glover , Democrat . - l2 • • . . . . 12. . 1 . . 12. . c 3 6 22 I William R.Jackson , D. & P. Ind. . 6371 38 3C 1 51 234S 46 ,6 , 9 101 3941 41 36 48 36 22 60 34 33 21 02 ; M E.A.Whitwam. Pro. & National. . 1. . 1 2 , 1 . . 2 • • . . . . 6 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2I " * V For Attorvky Gknerai. : ArlhurS. Churchill , Republican. . . 2945 15 3131 2025 74i 2021 * > 74 5 ° 7 21 22 47 20U3 I22 72 80103 989 42 1 Fred Socialist Labor - • • • Nvpaard , Frank G. Odell. National l . . ! - . . . I • • 1 1. . . 2 6 1 Robert W. Patrick , Demornt I 2 2 I a- . 1 - • • • . . . . I I 1 I . . I . . . . 34 1 1 27 Constantine J. Smyth. D. & P. Ind. 057341 31 175224 464 16 9 9S 3 * > 43 4 40 4 * > 39 20 64 ° 6 ° 52 22 047 , J 1 D. M. Strong , Prohibition 1 1 2. . . . 1 1. . 2 • • . . . . 53 } 2 | . . 1 ! , . . . Jii For Com. Pub. Lands & B'u/gs . j ' 3f Georpe N. Baer , Democrat 1 I I 2 2. . . . 1-- | l. . I. . 2 2 ! . . ' - 3 j - 2f , John E. Hopper , Prohibition. . * - • 1 2 1 . . | . . 1 2 • • . . . . 4' ' 4 1 j. . " . . " . . . . 7o A J. Phipps Roe , National 1.J1. . 1 1 x- . i - * " 8 9 Henrv C Ru'sell , Republican 31 46 13 3 = ' 32 20 27 75 l ( } 21 8 75 55 6 2c 22 37 lS 42 122 70 79 10977 27 4l . ! . . • • . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . Peter P. Schmidt. Socialist Labor. . - . . 1 | . . 1 • - 1 1 - . 1 & Jacob V. Wolfe. D. P. I rid 64 71 41 30 18 53 23 45 4& 16 9100424:4240 03 21 65 3 ; 33 19 946 1 I For Rkoi.nt of University : i j Jens. C. Jacoluen , Socinli < ; i > or. . I. . • ' . . . . . j r Theodore Johnson , National 1 2' ' . I . . 2 • • ] • • ! . 1 " . f 9 J Chailes R. I awson. Prohibition . .j 2 1 2. . . ' 1 1 2-- . . . 64 1 2. . "j "j . . - 2j | J. I. Leas. Democrat j. . 2 1 ij 2 2 . . 1 - - . . . 1 2 1 1 . . 1 1 1 4 2 1 o 29 M ' Thomas Rawlins , D. & P. Ind 62 ,674130194923444015 , { 3 97 4'42 43 37 50 35 21 cfc 3c 32 18 913 William G. Whitmore. Republican 3i' .J5 13 3-1 292024 74 21 8 7651 7 2C 23 30 19 42 124 71 78 100 9C6 5 r /N 1 For lunr.K of Sui'RKMK Court. . I , _ sA J , Ada M Bittenbender , Pro. & Nat. . 1 1 . . 1 . . 1 1 3 • • . . . . 33 1 1 3 j l , 03 Andiew Esttrirard , Socialist Labor • . . . . 1 1 2 ' Frank Irvine , Democrat 2 2 1 2 • • 1 . . • - . . . . i | 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . 1 1 4 19 William Neville , D. & P. Ind 63 72 44 30 17 53 23 47 49 I5 9 102 41 444 ; 41 51 43 20 66 3c 32 24 966 " 3 Robeit Ryan , Republican 2946133331192573 21 8 7651 620121281643115 72 78 9S 943 /I For Judc.f of SurRfMK Court. . . t j | Moses P Kinkaid , Republican. . . . 2S 44 II 32J30 19 24 71 ' 9 20 ! * 74 56 7 20 21 34 17 42 116 70 7S 100 941 \ lohn S Kirkpatnck , I ) . & P. Ind. . 65:6946291175324 : 4340 t4 010140424640493 21 64 W 2 2a o:7 6 \ W. 11. Platte. Democrat 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 • • . . . . 1 1 1 . . 1 1. . 5 3 , g J\ \ [ Georpe L. Whitham , Prohibition. . 1 2 . . 1 . . - . . . 3 • • . . . . 63 1 . . 1 1 j . . . 20 j F. P. Wicton , National I 1 . . . . . . 1 • - . . . . 2 1 . . . . . . . 1 . . . i 8 1 lohn L. Zerby , Socialist Labor • • 1 I. . . . i | 3 M J Fok Congressman , Fif 1 n DihT. . William E. Andrews. Republican. 32 44 ' 4 33 31 J9 27 73 20 I7 S 8c 4 7 19 21 34 IS 43 120 73 75 96 058 - > i J. S Milller , National 1 . . . . . 1 • - . . . . 22 1 1 . . . 1 n 1 Charles W. Preston , Prohibition. . . 1 • • 1 ! • • . . . . 32 1. . . . . . 9 j Ransom S. Proud fit. Democrat 1 1 1 2 • • . . . . 1 2 1 . . . . 1 1 . . 3 1 "j 4 22 1 R.D.Sutherland. D. & P. Ind 63 73 41 31 iS 50 22 43 4 15 9 9T 38 45 46 37 50 35 * 22 66 33 34 24 037 1 m For State Senator , 29m Dist. E.N Allen , Republican . . . 32 46 13 34 32 ' 9 26 75 20 21 S 84 5320 22 37 18 42 124 77 77 100 98S 87 ] Loyal M.Graham , Peoples Ind. . . . 57 74 37 30 18 50 23 47 43 13 7 9 * 11414336474218 58 26 31 22 001 1 1 For Representative : R. P. Hi h. Republican 25 4 = 14 30 32 I ? 21 74 I0 18 b 62 50 8 19 21 31 II 42 114 70 65 90 8S3 \ L.J , D & . P. Ind 59 69 47 31 16 52 25 41 47 16 8 103 } 2 41 42 34 5047 19 56 33 31 20 938 JJ • ; A ' F 'R C"UNTV A'itokn-ky : I 'J II. W. Keves , Republican 27 41 20 37 32 21 27 64 20 I0 - g0- } . 0 12 23 37 17 34 122 72 71 07 047 7 \ P. E. McKillip , D. & P. Ind 62 71 36 28 iS 47 22 50 47 16 810036425536474022 59 6 0 26 oao 1 A For County Commissioner : A. D. Johnston , Republican 37 26 . . . . 14 27 . . . . 23 7 . . . 47 S. . . . 1 = 47 | 251 J Jas. A. Robinson , Peoples Ind 81 31 . . . 5923 . . . . 14 ! 7 . . . 4b 44I. . . .4415 366 115 J We have a large line Wall Paper at hard times prices. L. W McConneix & Co. j$3T'I3uy $ your writing paper a The Tiubune office. All kiuds ii Btock and prices very reasonabl * Try that 15 cent box paper at The Tribune office. Worth 25 cts. Also cheaper grades , We are just in receipts of a new supply of tablets and box papers memorandums , etc. \ That Cough j Is liable to become sent ua $ & unless it is promptly stopped. j& Try a bottle of J McConnelPs | ; Balsam. j p ONLY 25 CENT is. ® § & % M 1 U Eemember. we have the exclusive agency for < R2 T . . 1 jfcai the P. D. Becicwith S O m m J m Round Oak , M i ft sfel 1 m Eadiant Home , IS 1 . 1 BASE BURNER. | 3gJ M IXL Steel Ranges W& J mm Also carry a full line of Hard- 1 S ware , Stoves , Tinware etc. BeM3 fore buying- sure and call at S m m M 1 Hi Pioneer Harflware , I 1 . . . S . W. C. LaTOURETTE , H. P. WAITE , 5 2 f Proprietor. Manager. p T ? H