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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1896)
K B I Why Will You Pass a Good Thing ? I Hi qftnt ee H | OUR I H&H # GENT'S , ? Hk 5 LADY'S , J H K" 1 Misses , 5 H Hl S CHILDREN'S , J H ) ; , J AND J Vf I BABY'S S Hk | I I Can Fit Them All j B jTlrGANSCHOW , Hl * THE OLD RELIABLE * K FEET FITTER B l $ MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. 1 . . I HS ESTABLISHED IN 1886. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. Kr - I Tie Fans Oil Compny . . . ' H • - 'Ay b • • • Bf ' 5SThere is no reason why yon BV | should not huy of us. All srooris for R' Men's and Boys' Wear , ( 'all and Kvjp see our New Styles. Better goods \0 f for same money , and Lower Prices. # > ' BA Don 't give your order anywhere IONIAN PAIPIhI , Ipl before you see our lines of samJUlNxiO ClWjDL M % % Pes for Custom Work. A good fit w . Hp I and low prices guaranteed. I mallard. r * N | kL DO YOU RErtD Wr % i li " firLIlL ft n. il i ' i mm i L. Ill/UUUIi E il UK ) ILi | jf § The Leading Weekly in Western - ern Nebraska. { SI.S0 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. B STATIONERY li AT TRIBUNE OFFICE . I B * ffBltime table.BHH1 BiUlifl iliCCOS , HEBEASZA. I LINCOLN , DENVER , OMAHA , HKLENA , CHICAGO , BUTTE , ST. JOSEPH , PORTLAND , KANSAS CITY , SALT LAKE CITY , S I" . LOUIS and am. SAN FRANCISCO , l'OlNTS EAST AND AND ALL POINTS SOUTH. WKSI. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : CT.NTKAI. TIME. No. 2. Vestibuled Express , daily , Lincoln , Omaha , St. Joe , Kansas Citv. St. Louis.Chi- cnijo. and all poiuts south and ea t 5:55 A.M. No. 4. Local Express , daily , Lin coln , Omaha , Chicago , and all points east 9:00 ! ' . M. N0.14S. Freight , daily , ex. Sunday , Hastings and intermediate stations 5:00 A. M. No. 76. Freight , daily , Oxford , Hol- drege , Hastinfis 6:45 A.M. No. 80. Freightdaily , llastingsand intermediate statn > ns 7 = ° ° A. M. MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 5. Local Express , daily , Den ver and intermediate sta tions 8:15 P. M. No. 3. Vestibuled Express , daily , Denver and nil points in ColoUtah and California , 11jo P.M. N0.I49. Freight , d uly , ex. Sunday , Akron and intermediate sta tions 6:00 A. M. No. 77. Freight , d iilvStrattonI3en Lt-Iinan , HaiglerV ray and Ak11.11 3:20 P.M. No. 63. Freight. daily.Siratlon.Hen- • kelinan , Haigler , \ \ ray and Akron 5 = 0 ° ' * • M- N0.175. Accommodation , daily , e.\ . Sunday , Imperial and in termediate stations 8:00 a. M. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair car. ( seats Iieej on thiough trains. I icket.s told and baggage checked to any point in the United Matei or Canada. For information , time tables , maps am tickets , call on or write L. E. Magner , Agent. McCook , Nebraska , or J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. Now for the free unci unlimited coin age of prosper ! tp regardless. The next congress will have a Repub lican majority closely approximating , if it does not exceed , that 111 the present house. The totals are : Republicans 252 ; Democrats 92 ; Populist , Fusionists and Silverites 11. Complete Teturns maj change these figures .slightly. J. 13. iVleeerve for State Treasurer. For \ Poper-iu-iH\v. For His "Pierian Whiskers " . The three-year-old boy of J. A. Johnson of Lynn Center , llln.ois. is subject to attacks oi croup. Mr. Johnson sa > s he is satisfied that the timely use of Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy , duringa severe attacksaved his little boy's life. He is in the drug business , a member of the firm of Johnson Bros , of that place ; and they handle a great many patent medicines for throat and lung diseases. He had all these to choose fiom. and skilled physicians ready to respond to his call , but selected this remedy for use in his oun family at a time when his child's life w as in danger , because he knew it to be superior to any other , and fam ous the country over for its cuies of croup. Mr. Johnson says this is the best celling cough medicine they handle , and that it gnes splen did satisfaction 111 all cases. Sold by L.V. . McConnell \ Co. , Druggists. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair , DR CREAM BANNG PfflfDER MOST PERFECT MADE. \ pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frer rom Ammonia , Aium or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. IEBRA8KA , Omaha lice Concedes the State to Biya and the Fusion State Ticker Omaha , Nov. 5. The Omaha Bee 001 cedes fee state to Bryan and state tickt by majorities , ranging from 5,000 t 6000. * The Bee says : "Holcomb will ru from 800 to l.oOO lower than Bryan , an the candidates on the fusion state tickt • will not quite reach the vote for Ho comb. This is also true as regards th vote for MacColl and the Republica state ticket , as compared with the M < Kinlcy electors. "It is notable that the Republica strongholds , including Douglas , Lai caster , Gage , Pawnee and Saline com ties , have all shown a very decided fal ing off , while the Democratic and Popi list counties have not only held thei own , but in many cases have execede their strength of two years ago. "The defections m the Republica congressional districts will defeat fou out of the six Republican candidates fc congress , Strode and Mercer being th only ones on that ticket who can rea their titles clear. "From the returns thus far receive it is manifest that the fusionists wi control both houses of the state legisl ; tare. As near as am be ascertained th Republicans will have 11 senators tin 41 members of the house , while the fus ionists will .ninster 21 senators and < i representatives , or nearly a two-third majority in each branch oi the legisla ture. " Illinois. CrncAGO , 3nov. 4. Returns from th state indicate that the Republicans wi ] have a large majority in botli houses 0 the legislature , which will elect a Unite states senator this winter to succee * John M. Palmer. The entire Repul lican .state ticket is elected by majoritie ranging from 100,000 to 125,000. Join R. Tanner , for governor , will get abou 25,000 votes less than McKinley. Th indications at noon jxrint to th election of Republican congressmen h all districts in the state except the Six teenth , Eighteenth , Twentieth am Nineteenth. The hist named district i still doubtful. l > oth parties claiming it The Chicago congressional delegatioi will be solidly Republican. In this city out of a total of 3408 votes , Willian McKinley received 201,434 and W. J Brytui 142,274 , giving McKinley a plur ality of o75 ! ) . I'ojmlist Vote Not Considered. Indianapolis , Nov. 5. Chairmai Martin of the Democratic state commit tee received a telegram from the Demc cratic chairman of Marshall county , say ing that in the estimate sent from tha county the Democratic and Populist vet was not aggregated , which would mak a difference in favor of the Democrats o over"J00 vote < . Telegrams from othe parts of the .state , Mr. Martin says , dis close a similar condition. As the Pop ttlist vote in the state amounts to 30,001 practically , all of which the Democrat : claim , a further aggregation of the vet < would off.sct a plurality for McKinley o many thousands. It will be some tinn before it can be determined whether tin vote has been aggregated and pendinj such knowledge the state will still be ii doubt. South Dakota Very Close. Yavkton , S. D. , Nov. 5. Thirty-si : counties , have reported complete returns The indications are that McKinley' : majority will be less than 1,000 , and i may require tin official count to deter mine the result. This also applies to th < congressional and state ticket. Th < legislature has a Populist majority of 1 : and will elect a free silver United State : senator. Yankton , Nov. 5. Out of 50,000 vote ; South Dakota gives McKinly 2,000 ma jority. Republicans claim this ma jorir\ can be maintained to the end. Fusion ists claim the state by 800. Landslide In New York. Albany , Nov. 4. "With less than one fourth of the election districts above the Harlem river to hear from , and witl the vote of New York city and Kings county complete , the plurality of Mc Kinley over Bryan promises to exceed 303,000 in the state. One county in the state , Schoharie , which is the home 0 ] Chairman Danforth of the State Demo cratic committee , has given Bryan a plu rality of 500. New York city has broker its political record of presidential clef' tions. It has given a Republican plu rality for president for the first time in its history from 1832 to lS'JG. Jingreeh Remarkable linn. Detroit. Nov. 5. The remarkable run of Mayor Pingree , governor-elect oi Micliigan , is perhaps the most interest ing feature of the Michigan results. Id spite of all lands of opposition.both with in and without the party , the Detroit mayor's plurality will exceed that of the Mckinley electors by 15,000 to 20.00A votes. The Detroit Tribune ( free silver ) announces that practically official re turns from 67 of the 8i counties , with the remaining comities closely estimated , give Pingree a plurality of (55,939. ( Mc Kinley , in the same counties received 62,900. Tom no Charpes JTrand. Duluth , Minn. , Nov. 5. Congress men Towne , who ran for re-election , sent the following to Chairman Jones : "I am unquestionably elected by a good majority. The other side is sending out telegrams that I am defeated. They have a conspiracy to count me out. They are holding back returns and mak ing preparations for extensive frauds. Every scheme is be ng worked to count aie out. ' 4Slioutinjr Democrats. Cincinnati , O. , Nov. 5. The streets svere wild here last night with thous- inds of shouting Democrats marching behind a banner on which was inscribed in large letters : "Bryan elected ; we svill not stand 1S76 again. " Four to One for IJryan. Helena , Mont. , Nov. 5. Bryan car ries the state by fonr votes to McKin- ley's one. The Democratic-Popuhst state ticket is elected. Hartman , silver , 'or congress is elected. Fusion candi- lates will control the legislature. _ , , , > _ I-p. \ m I 1 .Dress Goods 1 I _ _ i I | tWfcd JSfTOur stockpile largest , our prices tlm lowest. S 5 H $ | J3 Elegant variety of Novelties mid Plain CkhmIk These $ M WW goods were bonglit before the final dry spell on pins- Swi U jf > j pects of h good crop. Our loss is yonr iiiii. You SJ | $ § enn make money by buying dress goods of us. cjom | gg 23 "We sell the celebrated G-U Corsels Kv- § $ H Jj JQ ery corset guaranteed to give sntisfaction. SSiJSi 1 M f il m Winter Underwear § § wltt :5r\Ve exeell in tin s. We have the i. i , , , „ ! faffl jH &j cheiipest line in this section. BLANKETS at f > 0 < - . * , H J a pair and upwards. Come and inMiee.t tliem. zi xA 1 m CLOTHING i | 1 5JSg tT Hats and Cnps , JJonls and .Shoes--all o fytf ; , IgrogbryI I 5S\ \ ; E Stock always fresh. Highest nunket piiee fcjj M bQ paid for country produce. Wtri 1 KS © AT THE . . . cJrpfl m : wash m m W s Store . . , . M m S W m Sfe C. L. DeGROFF & CO. ggj M W $ $ m CUGTMJN(5 ( ! I Over 2,000 samples oT Fall fl and AA/'inter Goods. H MEN'S SUITS S9.CO ( I BOYS' SUITS - - . . . 3.50 11 ? YEROOATS - 8.00 Vfl ; h These are all wool and well made. 400 A > - fine samples for Suitings , Overcoats , Ladies' / / * . 31oaks , Jackets and Capes to sell by the yard. & * h3 I Full line of Trimmings. Call and see them. ffin % I * ' 'rH . • • / - Satisfy vourselves. s . ' - _ • I , T. BENJAMIMflcGook , Neb , f ' I First Door South Commercial Hotel. 11 People M i I m who i I Write ® § 5 A I S i Might as well get some3&5 , % I ruth ? W , F M xSw thing that's neat and styl- ? & " 3 % & i ish as to buy something SJ S X tnatJsnt- I 5 -4 f I " I % Sh T te W hat's the use of buy"s r § T ing a poor article -when f % = I h $ you can get The Best for $ & & * I JTJJ3 the same money § J 3 J m AT Sis , i I m The | | -f I B Tribune ( 1 I mi umte" " fas il J |