The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 03, 1893, Image 7

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I wish I was a farmer now,
while these campaigners broil, I’d
bravely grasp the stirring plow
and guide it through tho soil, I’d
sow dead loads of winter wheat
and husk a crib of corn, and go
barefooted till my feet were harder
than a horn. I’d feed the damd
est lot of hogs—the pure bred
Plymouth ltock—and keep a half
a dozen dogs to chase the neigh
bors’ stock ; I’d have some Poland
. China fowls to lay and lay and lay,
and I’d have chickens for the owls
and eggs to give away. And I’d.
have horses, sakes alive, both
speedy, slow and strong and now
and then I’d take a drive and bring
the folks along. I’d be as happy
as a clam, and up to no vile tricks,
nor care the fraction of a ham for
“poppy” politics. Put you can bet
I’d pull my coat, and walk into
the “stall” and cast an honest
farmer’s vote for Harrison this
The editor of the “Blacksmith’s
Joy” at Cambridge has come to
imagine that he is a “roaster.”
But he isn’t. He is only an oreide
chump. He fancies himself on
the band wagon. But he isn't.
He is but the little “yaller dorg”
beneath the musicians’ vehicle.
If he doesn’t forthwith get him to
a gunnery and blow out his bray
ings, we’ll hire John Harlan to ex
pectorate on him and drown him.
Cream—Not Skim-Milk.
Every farmer and villager, their
wives and boys and girls, will be inter
ested in the big-little, jcream-not-skim
milk paper, the Farm Journal of Phila
delphia. Its 200.000 subscribers are
scattered from Maine to Washington,
and from Michigan to Texas. Its
breezy, crisp, boiled-down pages contain
as much information in the course of a
year as many of the high-priced week
lies; while its earnest, manly tone and
its bright and common-sense way of
treating farm matters leaves a good and
lasting taste in one’s mouth. The sub
scription price is 50 cents a year. We
have made arragements with the pub
lisher whereby he will send it one full
year free, to all who promptly pay up
for our paper. Sample copies will be
sent free by addressing a postal request
to the Farm Journal, Philadelphia, Pa.
WANTED—Salesmen, to sell our
choice and handy nursery stock. Many
special varieties to offer both in fruits
and ornamentals, and controlled only by
us. We pay commission or salary, give
exclusive territory and pay weekly.
Write us at once and secure choice of
May Brothers, Nurserymen,
9-20ts. Rochester, N. Y.
Hints on Poultry Keeping
Is the title of our little pamphlet which
tells all about how to have plenty of
eggs and no sick chickens. The cost
is trifling, and the man or woman who
wants to raise poultry successfully can
do it by using Wells Hoosier Poultry
Powder. Price 25 cents. Pamphlet
free by addressing Wells Medicine Co.,
LaFayette, Ind. Sold by McConnell
& Co. Sept 8—3 mos.
My wife was so badly afflicted with
rheumatism as to be unable to move in
bed without assistance. Our druggist,
Mr. Laddamus, recommended Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which greatly re
lieved her. We have used six bottles
at various times,and would not be with
out it at hand.—Jas. Coleman, Lowell,
Neb. 50 cent bottles for sale by Mc
Connell & Co.
Give the Boys
A chance to be strong and healthy,
feed them with plain food and keep
their blood in good order with Haller’s
Sarsaparilla and Burdock and who
knows but they will be President or
Alderman. For sale by McConnell.
Rather Steep.
Than take it in any other form is
what many people think and Parks’
Tea is made for just those folks. It
cures consumption and though not a
cathartic moves the bowls every day.
Sold by A. McMillen.
When all other remediet for scrofula
fail, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, if persistently
used, effects a cure. Being a powerful
alterative, it cleanses the blood of all
impurities, destroys the germs of scrof
ula, and imparts new life and vigor to
every fibre of the body.
Humphrey’s Specfics cure without
drugging, purging or reducing the sys
tem, and are in fact and deed the
Sovereign Remedies of the world.
The purchasing ugents of the Unit
ed States Government have ordered
nearly one hundred thousand pounds of
Dr. Price’s Baking Powder in the first
five months of this year.
Thu government exercises great
care in selecting its supplies of all kinds
rejecting everything that is not of the
best, and the very fact that it has
adopted Dr. Price's Baking Powder
is a proof that it has found it the best
of all baking powers. Dr. Price’s is
P' culiarly adapted for export, as neith
er long sea voyages nor climate changes
effect it, this brand keeping fresh and
sweet for years while other baking pow
ders deteriorate tapidly.
It is guaranteed to the government
to be a pure cream of tartar powder
free from ammonia, alum, or other
harmful substances, and it is also the
only baking powder prepared by a phys
ician of high standing—Chicago Inter
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised drug
gist to sell Dr. King’s New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
upon this condition. If you are afflict
ed with a Cough, Cold, or any Lung.
Throat or Chest trouble, and will use
this remedy as directed, giving it a fair
trial, and experience no benefit, you
may return the bottle and have your
money refunded. We could not make
this offer did we not know that Dr.
King’s New Discovery could be relied
on. It never disappoints. Trial bot
tles free at A. McMillen’s Drug Store.
Large size 50c. and $1.00.
A child’s first question is the first
round in the ladder of knowledge.
A farmer near Alhia, Iowa, by the
name of J. H. Wolfe, has found a sure
cure for croup. He says: “For the last
eight years I have recommended Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy for croup.
Half of a fifty cent bottle will cure the
worst case, if taken in time. On the
20th of this month, my boy, four years
old, had the croup very bad and three
doses cured him. I would not be with
out it in my family.” If the remedy
is given as soon as the child becomes
hoarse, it will invariably prevent croup.
50 cent bottles for sale by McConnell.
The devil feels sure of the man who
lives an aimless life.
Distemper Among Horses
Safely and quickly cured by the use
of Craft’s Distemper and Cough Cure.
It not only cures distemper but when
administered in time prevents its spread
among horses and colts that have been
exposed to the contagion. It is not
expensive and is easily administered.
Send for book on distemper, free. Ad
dress Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette,
Indiana, or ask McConnell & Co.
Sept. 8—3 mos.
When faith goes to market it always
takes a basket.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chap
ped hands, chilblaius, corns and all skin
eruptions, and positively cures piles or
no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. Price 25 cents a box. For
sale by A. McMillen. |23-lyr.
Morris’ English Stable Powder
Not only cures but prevents dissase,
and when fed two or three times a week
will keep your stock in fine condition,
will make them fat, sleek and glossy.
Changes the entire system, gives new
blood, new life, and puts them in good
condition for spring work. Full pound
packages 25 cents. Sold by McConnell
: & Co. Sept. 8—3 mos.
A High Liver
Usually lias a bad liver. He is bil
ious, constipated, has indigestion and
dyspepsia. If there is no organic
trouble a few doses of Parks' Sure
Cure will tune him up. Parks’ Sure
Cure is the only liver and kidney cure
we sell on a positive guarantee. Price
$1.00. Sold by McMillen.
It is a symptom of disease of the
kidneys. It will certainly be relieved
by Parks’ Sure Cure. That headache,
backache and tired feeling come from
the same cause. Ask for Parks' Sure
Cure for the liver and kidneys, price
$1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. McMillen.
The World’s Fair
Can not remain such without bloom
ing look and radiant complexion which
health alone imparts. Parks’ Tea. by
clearing the blood of impurities, makes
the complexion regain the hue of
youth. Sold by A. McMillen.
Letter From Jack Frost.
“If you don’t stop curing chaps and
frosted hands with your old Australian
Salve I’ll make it hot, or rather cold,
for you when I come down.’’ For sale
by McConnell & Co.
Shiloh’s Vitalizer is what you need
for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow
Skin or Kidney Trouble. It is guar
anteed to give you satisfaction. Price
75 cents. Sold by A. McMillen
After Forty Years.—“My father
had a fever wire on his leg for forty
j years; hut has been permanently cured
by Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin Oint
ment, after trying all other remedies in
vain,” says Mr. S. Wilherell, a gun and
lock smith at Fort Madison, Iowa. He
further says: “The spot where the sore
was, is now perfectly clear as anv other
part. He used three 25 cent boxes in
all.” Another!—Mr. I». A. Harr,drug
gist, Black bum, Mo., says: “l have per
sonal knowledge ol a case of chronic
sore eyes of many years standing, hav
ing been cured by Chamberlain’s Eye
and Skin Ointment. The party was
Mr. Seth Moore, north of this place.”
Mr Mooie says the ointment was worth
more than a thousand dollars to him.
It cost him 25 cents. For sale by 51c
Connell & Co.
Before some men are willing to cast
their bread upoo the water they want
to be sure that it is going to be men
tioned in the newspapers.
Cure for Headache.
As a remedy For all Forms of Head
ache Electric Bitte>'s has proved to be
the very best. It effects a permanent
cure and the most dreaded habitual
sick headaches yield to its influence.
We urge all who are afflicted to pro
cure a bottle, and give this remedy a
fair trial. In cases ol habitual consti
pation Electric Bitters cures by giving
the needed tone to the bowels, and few
eases long resist the use of this medi
cine. Fry it once. Baige bottles only
Fifty cents at A.McMillen’s drug store.
Morris’ English Worm Ponder,
A specific remedy for worms; warrant
ed to cure the worst case of worms
known, or money refunded. Knocks
pin worms in horses every time. Also
good for all kinds of wi rms in horses,
sheep and dogs. Price 50 cents at all
drug stores, or postpaid by mail. The
Wells Medicine Co., LaFayette, In
diana. Sept. 8—1 yr.
The less a preacher believes God’s
promises the more particular ho is
about the size of his salary.
Morris’ English Stable Liniment
Beads the procession. The wonder lin
iment of the age. Cures after all oth
ers have failed. Has stood the test of
twenty years of constant use by one of
the leading veterinary surgeons of the
English profession, and is now sold in
this country upon a positive guarantee.
Good for man or Dest. Price 50e and $1.
Sold by McConnell & Co. Sept. 8—3m.
You can’t tell how many friends God
lias in a community by counting the
church spires.
Park’s Cough Syrup.
Has been so highly recommended to
us that we have taken up the agency
for it and now ask our suffering friends
who are suffering with a cold to give it
a trial and if it does not give satisfac
tion your money will be refunded.
Every bottle is sold on a positive
guaranttee. Price 50 cents and $1.00.
Sold by A. McMillen.
Too many people have an idea that
religion can be measured by the length
of the face.
We sell Parks’ Cough Syrup on a
positive guarantee to cure throat and
lung troubles. It has stood the test
for many years and is today the lead
ing remedy for the cure of colds, con
sumption and all diseases of the lungs
and throat. Price 50 cents and $1.00.
Sold by A. McMillen.
Some men join church for the same
motive that others rob a bank.
It is reasonable to suppose that as
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has benefited others
it will benefit you. No other medicine
is so effective in producing a radical
change in the blood and imparting re
newed life and energy to the whole
system, both nervous and physical.
A chronic grumbler can be set down
as a person who loafs too much.
When Stanley was exploring in
Africa he found an obelisk with these
letters engraved H. S. C. C. S. No
one was able to decipher them, but
since, eminent professors have ascer
tained that it means Haller's Sure Cure
Cough Syrup. For sale by McConnell.
When Hannibal,
The great elephant, got a sore foot
they used Haller’s Barb Wire Lini
ment and cured it up in four days. For
sale by McConnell & Co.
Karl's Clover Root, the new Blood
Purifier, gives freshness and clearness
to the Complexion and cures Constipa
tion. 25 cents, 50 cents and $1. Sold
by A. McMillen. | 26-lyr.
Shiloh's Cure, the great cough and
croup cure, is for sale by us. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses, only 25
sents. Children love it.
A. McMillen.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Di
ego, Cal., says: “Shiloh’s Catarrh Rem
edy is the first medicine I have ever
found that would do me any good.” Price
50 cents. Sold by A. McMillen.
We sell the Empire letter copying
books. Also best grades of type writ
ing paper.
. Tiie Citizens Bank of McCook.
Incorporated under State La*t
| Paid Up Capital, $50,000
|t -DOES A
I General Banking Business.
Collections .made en all accessible points. Drafts drawn
directly on principal cities in Europe, Sues
paid for non-residents.
| Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
9 V. FRANKLIN, President. JOHN R. CLARK, Vies Pres.
A. 0. EBERT, Cashier.
■ The First National Bank, Lincoln Nebrska.
5a The Chemical National Bank, New York CRj
Tfte Hrst National ISanft.
^ “
I ~~ ~
GEORGE HOCKNEiL, President. B. M. FREES, Vice President. W. F. LAWSON, Cashier.
aB——a—— I —1 i«'i ■■ ——- __
S Hair Death
instantly removes and forever destroys
objectionable hair, whether upon the
hands, lace, arms or neck, without dis
coloration or injury to the most deli
cate skin. It was for fifty years the
secret formula of Erasmus Wilson, ac
knowledged by physicians as the high
est authority and the most eminent
dermatologist anti hair specialist that
ever lived. During his private prac
tice of a lifetime among the nobility
and aristocracy of Europe he always
prescribed this recipe. Price #1. by
mail, securely packed. Correspondence
confidential. Sole agents for America.
I The Skokum Root Hair Grower
Dept. K, 57 South Fifth Av„ New York.
W. S. Mohlan, Attorney, McCook, Neb.
Sheriff’s Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to
me from the district court of Red Willow
County, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained
before Hon. 1). T. Welty, judge of the dis
trict court of Red Willow county, Nebraska,
on the 20th day of October, 1892, in favor of
George Hocknell as plaintiff, and against
James W. Speer et al., as defendants, for
the sum of one hundred and three dollars
and 17 cents, and costs taxed at 819.88 and
accruing costs. I have levied upon the fol
lowing real estate taken as the property of
said defendants to satisfy said judgment,
to-wit: The southwest quarter of the south
east quarter and the southeast half of the
southwest quarter of section 18, and the
northeast quarter of the northwest quarter
and the northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter oi section 19, all in township 2, north
of range 30, west of the 6th p. m., in Red
Willow county, Nebraska. And will offer
the same for sale to the highest bidder, for
cash in hand, on the 4th day of December,
A. D., 1893, m front of the south door of the
court house, in Indianola, NeDraska, that
being the building wherein the last term of
court was held, at the hour of 1 o’clock p. in.
of said day, when and where due attendance
will be given by the undersigned.
Dated October 26th, 1893.
E. R. Banks,
Sheriff of said county.
First publication October 27-5ts.
Notice To Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to all persons hav
ing claims against the estate of John D.
Gerver, deceased, that the time fixed for
filing claims against said estate is 6 months
from the 2Sth day of October, 1S93. All sucli
persons are required to present their claims,
with proper vouchers, to the county judge of
said county, at his office therein, on or before
tile 2Sth day of April, 1894. And all claims
so filed will be beard before said county
judge on the30tli day of April, 1894, at one
o’clock p. ni.
Dated this 23d day of October, 1893.
t harles W. Beck, County Judge,
First publication October 27-4ts.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at McCook. Nebraska, f
September 16, 1893. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final commutation proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before Register or Receiver, at McCook. Ne
braske, on Saturday. October 28th, 1893, viz:
H. E. No. 10.131 for the south half of the
southeast quarter of section 29. in township 3.
north of range 28, west of the 6th p. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of said land: John Neel, of Indianola.
Nebraska; Joseph Downs, of Indianola. Ne
braska; Stephen Teel, of McCook, Nebraska;
William Day, of McCook. Nebraska.
J. P. Lindsay. Register.
Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your
Life away is the truthful and startling title of
a little book that tells all about No-to-bac,
the wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco
habit cure. The cost is trifling and the man
who wants to quit and can’t, runs no physical
or financial risk in using No-to bac—Sold by
all druggists. Book at drug stores or by mail
free. The Sterling Remedy Co.. Indiana Min
eral Springs, Indiana. Aug. 25—1 yr.
Chamberlain’s Eye & Skin Ointment.
A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes. Tetter,
Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Old Chronic Sores,
Fever Sores. Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches,
Sore Nipples and Piles. It is cooling and
soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured
by it after all other treatment had failed. It
is put up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. For sale by
George M. Chenery. Nov.20-lyear.
We are printing the date to which
each subscriber has paid his subscrip
tion to The Tribune along with the
address. Watch the date and you will
know if you are in arrears. If you are
please come and see us.
On account of the unusual stringency in
money matters we are compelled to sell goods
1 ————— hereafter only....
Strictly For Cash.
I ~~
■ We will, however.
X- At the very lowest living profit; and we kindly
_ ask all who have so long traded with us, and
have uever been refused credit, to assist us at
this critical time.
I ' ....IN...
And All Summer Goods
We are making
McCook, July 26,1893.
Dealer in
The Finest Line of Machinery Ever
Brought to this County.
Yard West of First National Bank, McCOOK, NEB.
r j 'I»» i A'
What is the condition of yours? Is youv Jitzir dry, hureJi,
brittle? Does it spilt ct the ends? 21*23 it £3 lifeless appear zmee ?
Does it fall out when combed or brushed? Is it f:i~l of do." Vtiff?
Does your scalp itch ? Is it dry or in <z heated condition ? If these
cre some cfy^ur symptoms warned in time or you will become
Ir. what yon need. It3 production 13 2nt an accident, but the rr ~n It of seier.tlfi ? re
search. Knowledge «.•<* the diseases of the hair and scalp led to the discover
to trea* tnem. “Skookum ”contains neither minerals nor oil:-. U not a -/.f, but
a delightfully cooling and refreshing T .nic. i?v* stimulating the f*llicles >r
falling hair, curea dandruff and grmvs hair on l>iUi heads.
tsf“ Keep the Bcaip clean, healthy and free from Irritating eruptions, t1” the use
l or skookum Skin Soap. It destroys parasitic insects, which feed on ana ucnrjj
I tne hair.
If your drurglst canno* supply you, rend direct to up, anti we will forward
prepaid, on receipt o£ .'’ice. Grower, $1.00 per bottle; G fur $5.00. Eoap, 50c.per
jar; 6for $>.50.
:r South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.
Kaaranteed r.ervuu. cb.-mv ^bucU .. . o*s . _»
Power,Headacbe.V.';;iie; uin;?:Ixjs: »• - * ;•
ness.afldrainsr.rd! •> rf .Torin'•«- • * . ^ ?
byoverexeri:.y • err •«•». *: v- 1 •• • « . -;-rn
nlants. which I \ • 1 •• •
k vest pocfcct. J?i:: ■ \.* i ? cnii ; .v •
Iflve a wrlttea r: »r? ■ jo ee or .m; «*»*.• * :-i-. .
pdraspists. Ahc for... 7. V> a: .• • -•« b^::* se*l«>a
in plain wrapper. ssIiJJKJ^VBSJGJfiJL* CO.. w .e.CiULau-j
tor saie in MCi-oo*. iseo , tv x- v». s3Ci,oQuea a u., u