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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1893)
P» HfribiK. By F. M. K1MMELL. $1.60 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALL HOME PRINT. INDIANOLA ITEMS. C. A. Gentry is sick this week. Comity commissioners were in session, Wednesday. Particulars in regard to Decora tion services next week. Mrs. J. W. Smith and Miss Ida were up from Bartley, Wednesday. T. E. McDonald of Danbury at tended district court on Wednes day. Miss Bessie Pugh is visiting her sister Mrs. Marion Powell of this city. The Modern Woodmen received four new members on Monday night. J. M. Epperly and every mer chant of Bartley attended court, this week. George S. Zook of Cambridge, Iowa, is in the city visiting friends and looking at the country. Prof. C. E. Jayne, principal of the Bird City, Kans.,public schools, visited Prof. Bayston on Saturday. In the case of Phil E. Winter vs. George E. Greer the jury brought in a verdict for plaintiff. Will Noel injured his foot badly by stepping on a rake, one tooth of which went nearly through his foot. Eev. Jas. Lisle is at Oxford this week attending the Indianola dis trict ministerial association of the M. E. church. T. N. Young of St. Louis, form erly a business man of McCook, was in attendance at the district court, Tuesday. Isaac S. Shirey of Wilsonville and a former resident of Indianola arrived in this city, Tuesday, and expects to remain a day or two. Among the attorneys from abroad in attendance in district court are Messrs. Winter, Kidd, Eickards, McCrary and other's. One suit in district court the plaintiff is from Omaha and the defendent is from Beatrice, this speaks well for Eed Willow jurors. J. Morrell, C. C. Morrel, J. F. Nichols, T. J. Cress and J. A. Ab bit of Lebanon were in attendance at Woodmen meeting, Monday night. Ernest Bathbun has sold his in terest in the barber business to James Stockton. Mr. S. will still employ Mr. Downer, and we speak for them a good trade. J. D. Horrell, ex-county clerk of Frontier county, was in our city Wednesday, on liis way to Macomb, Illinois and probably the big show will be visited ere he returns. Married at the residence of J. H. Short on Sunday afternoon by Rev. James Lisle, Mr. John E. Michael and Miss Maggie C. Peck enpaugh. Mr. Michael is the B. <fc M. agent at Minden. The suit in the district court The Great Western Watch Co. vs. John Wolfe was decided for de fendant. A similar case vs. J. F. Black the jury has been out over 30 hours and no verdict at this ' writing. E. W. Cunningham and Ed Fortner, who had been arrested in Kansas on charge of forgery, were brought before county judge on Monday evening for hearing, and were bound over to district court to await trial. W. C. Metcalf living uorth of this city sprained his ankle and came to town on Tuesday and em ployed Chas. Shaw to assist in farm work, who the same afternoon met with an accident by being thrown on a harrow and was quite severly hurt. He was brought to town and put under the care of his father Dr. Shaw and is reported in a fair way to recovery. Died in this city on Wednesday night, Mr. J. H. Working aged G5 years. Mr. W. was fatherof Mrs. Kinghoru of this place. He had formerly lived in Auburn, Califor nia, but has been here some months living with his daughter. The funeral will be held on Thurs day. Some of these days Nebraska will have a legislature that will make it lively for insurance com panies that take a million dollars a year out of the state and then beat down losses so that two-thirds of the money is clear profit. The managers of Nebraska rail roads have but two months in which to readjust their freight schedules to the provisions of the bill passed by the last legislature. Nothing but a fair trial of the new rates will satisfy the people of the state as to their justness. An eva sion of the law by an appeal to the courts on questions of technical constitutional points will reopen the agitation of the lower rates with more vehemence than ever. The certainty of an approach of cholera to the shores of the United States this year is discussed in the Engineering Magazine by Dr. D. B. St. John Roosa, president of the New York academy of medi cine,—not with a view to creating any alarm, but rather, by explain ing the nature of this disease, to allay any fears which may be felt by the public. In his opinion the combined knowledge of the medic al and engineering professions renders cholera less difficult to control nowadays than the grip and many other diseases. There is no justice in the sys tem that prevails at Washington of withholding from deposed offi cials knowledge of the charges un der which they were removed. Why should a man deemed worthy of appoitnment to official responsi bility be deprived of the privileges allowed men in private employ? If a republican office holder is re moved simply to make way for a democrat, why not let that fact be announced and be done with it. Such a course would be far prefer able to that of branding a man as dishonorable before his neighbors without giving him an opportunity to defend himself when attacked from the ambush. The misunderstanding between Theodore Thomas and the world’s fair Commissioners is exceedingly unfortunate, to say the least. It threatens to end in the retirement of Mr. Thomas as musical director of the Exposition, and that would be very widely regretted. The public will be slow to believe that Mr. Thomas has been|influenced by corrupt or mercenary motives. His character and his record forbid such a suspicion. It is posible for him, in common with most other artists, to cherish a decided pre ference for certain instruments without being subsidized by their makers. The New York firms which refused to exhibit their pianos at Chicago for a trivial and imaginary reason have caused a serious com plication which will not be simplifi ed by casting unjust reflections up on Mr. Thomas. Knipple sella canned goods cheaper than ever. Knipple makes a specialty of fruits of all kinds. Go to the B. & M. Flour and Feed Store for your flour. Wayson & Odell are potting out some andsome rigs these days. Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases are all gold as far as you can see. They look like solid cases, wear like solid cases, and are solid cases for all practical purposes—yet only cost about half as much as an out and-out solid gold case. Warranted to wear for 20 years; many rn constant use for thirty years. Better than ever since they are now fitted, at no extra cost, with the great bow (ring) which cannot be pulled or twisted off the case—the Can only be had on the cases stamped with this trade mark. All others have the old-style pull-out-how, which is only held to the case by friction, and can be twisted off with the fingers. Sold only through watch dealers. Ask to see pamphlet, or send for one to the makers. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. This is a sec tional cut of a Co lum bian pneu matic tire ancl valve, show ing layers of rub ber and canvas COLUMBIA BICYCLES, Made by the Pope Manufacturing Co., Boston, Are the best on earth. The beBt is the cheapest.... A. J. Beecher, Agt., McCook. ySeud _for de I scrip A ^ve Scul'ar Ladies ride Columbias. • • I I » I I I I I I I I I The Loveliest Things You Ever Beheld. That is the verdict of the ladies in re gard to those. _NEW_ Edson, Oxford, Regent, Piccadilly, Blucher and Southern Ties ....AT THE ... BOSTON SHOE STORE. There is no telling how quickly they will go, consequent ly we advise you to call while the stock is at its best. Ladies’ Dongola Oxford finA Patent Leather Tip for MhP Only UUU. ESTABLISHED 1886. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. l| Famous Clothing Co. |i Spring and Summer, 1 Sgv A progressive, pushing method is just what these times demand. All those who want to buy and make their Selections * 0-PROM THE-o Larpst Assortment, tie Cloicest Styles anil at o-THE-o ...EOWEST PRICES... « will always make our store their trading point. We have just opened our new line of Men’s Boys’ and Childrens’ Straw Hats; Men’s light weight Coats and Vests and additions to our fine stock of Neck wear, Children’s Waists and Men’s Shirts and Underwear. May 8th, 1893. JONAS ENGEL, ^McCook, Nebraska. Manager. ATTENTION! NEW Floor aid Feed STOBE. I liave received a new lot of the best brands of Flour in the mar ket and will sell at lowest prices. IIAY AND FEED OF ALL KINDS Constantly on hand. THOMAS A. DOLAN. 107 Dodge street, 3 doors east of Main street. McCook, Nebruska. —CALL AT— LENNART’S LAUNDRY For First-Class Lsiundry Work. —o McCook, - Nebraska. -i ...The Smai't PhotOgraph Gallery, Over the Famous Clothing Co. This is the place to get anything in the photograph line. All photos made with the beautiful Celluloid Finish. Pictures made from size of a locket to life size. Old pic tures enlarged in crayon or water colors. Our crayon work cannot be excelled. Call and see samples. Viewing of farms and residences. Constant supply of picture frames of the latest patterns always on hand, at reasonable prices. Our aim will be to please everybody and we guarantee strictly first-class work. Cloudy weather no disad vantage. P. W. MAKCELLUS, McCook, Neb. FOR Ljf* FOR Y 0 U! A good slice of the earth. Now you get all the profit. In fact you are in on the ground floor. Think of these prices and don't neglect to snap a few of these Great Bargains. Here are a few which we offer this week just . for a starter: |M a 1 A heavy Screen Door, well painted and fur 1 nished complete with spring, hinges, hook <hi /ja IMa 0 A First-class Lawn Mower, fourteen-inch r a a ^ cut, only-. b.UU M a 3 A very fine quality of Rubber Hose, three 1 u ply, an immense bargain, per foot only_ Nn A. California Lawn Sprinklers, always were a a a nu. g0ld a£ from $2.50 to $3.00, now ohly. A.\J\J We are sole agents for the following lines and offer great inducements in them: Jewel Gasoline Stoves. The Finest on earth. Leonard Cleanable R efrigera tors, Beautifully carved-great variety—low prices. Banquet Stoves and Ranges. All flre-backed—war ranted 20 years. Genuine Glidden Barbed Wire, Best in the World. Our Stock is. one Grert Assortment of Bargains. Call and look us over. THE PIONEER HARDWARE, W. C. LaTourette, Propr.