The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 31, 1890, Image 9

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    Narao of Town and Banker
Lawrence . . . . .n. E. Benson.
I'anl R.Brooks.
Leavonworth. . < ' , Penpcr
" . , E. W. Snydor. . .
* ' . .Charles Ncoly. . .
Lobo.A. . G.Tullcr
Lcnora George K.Moonoy
Leon G. A. Kcuoycr. . . .
Lootl T. W-Polham. . . .
LeRoy W. C Hoslck. . . . .
Liberal..1..CiceroCoomcr . . .
Lincoln A. Marshall
Llndsborg..rL. E. Agrellus. . .
" John A.jjSwonson
Little River..Burton Pulllam. .
Lpgan J. J. Willtrout. . .
Longton C. A. Eincrson. . .
Loulsburf . . . .P. W. Goebcl
Luniy W. H. Mead
Lyndon J. M. Hodgcn
Lyons J. F. Ralaton.
" C.A.Dcan. . .
Manhattan..Gco. 8. Murphy. . .
" . . . . .Tno.W. Webb. . . .
Mankato J. P. Fair
, .D. C. Smutz. .
11 D.H. Stafford. . ! . .
Maploton. . . .John Enfleld . . . .
Marlon C. S. Winslow
" Wm.H. Dudley. . .
Marysvlllo..S. A. Fulton
McCuno W. B. Evans
.I.L. Ward
McDonald D. L. Gruvcr.
McLouth Matt Edmonds. . .
fkfcPherson..Amos E. Wilson. .
filjade Ormand Hamilton
" A. H. Hcber
" M.J.O'Meara. . . .
MedlcineLodgcC. Q. Chandler. . .
Mlltonvnle..Edward Week
Minneapolis..Adolph Gilbert. . .
" . . .B. F. Bracken. . . .
. . . 'Walter Scott. : . . .
Mollno Geo. E. Martin. . .
Moran S. C. Varner.
Mound City..H. W. Underbill. .
. . .0. L. Long
Moundrldgo . .J. J. Toovs
Mound Valley. J. O. Wilson
Mount llopo. . W. O. Munsoll. . . .
Mulvane .L. D. Hill
Muscotah W. C. McClaln
Neodcsha R. P. Carpenter. .
NeoshaFalls..C. H. Goodrich. .
" . .W.W. Sain
Ness City G. A. _ Eii-siwick.
" B.C. Merrill
Newton..Chas. R. Munger. .
' " E. H. Hoag.
" A. B.Gilbert
" C. H. McLain. . . . .
NIckorson L. C. Brown
Nbrcatur Freeman Doyle. .
North Toneka.Petcr Smith
Norton M. Hcaton . . . .
Nortonville..O. W. Babcock. .
" . . .John Campbell. . .
Norwich P. N. Wright. . . .
Oberlln R.O. Eondig
Oketo Z. H. Moore.
Olatbo M. G. Miller.
" J. B. Bruner.
" W. H. Betts.
Onaga J. W. Dunn
" Harry Hagaman. .
Onelda F. E. Wikoff.
OEagoCity D. C. Lake
" . . . .T. L. Marshall. . . .
Osage MlBslonWm. May. .
C..N. Post.
Osarratomlo. . J. B. Remington.
-Osborno S. P. Cramptou. .
Oswego H. C. Cook.
Ottawa..A. Dobson
C. C. Minton
" L.A.Payne
" iPetcrShlras
Overbrook..E. J. Hilkey
Paola , .C.F. Benson. . . . . .
Pnrker W.W. Smith
Parsons E. B. Stevens. . . .
" G. W. Hawk
Pawnee Rock. J. W. Ratcliffe. .
Peabody J. E. Tressler. . . .
" W.H. Ellett
Willis Westbrook.
" S.S.Findley
Perry Frank Eukin
Philllpsburg'.J. F. Morse
* . .A. vV.Robertson. .
Piercevllle..G. W. Wright. . . .
Plttsburg Frank W. Lanyon
" . . . . . .A. L. Chaplin
" C. P' Hale
Pleasanton. . . .G. R. Saunders7. .
Pomona A. B. Benton
Pratt Gust Coriander. .
. A.E. Munch
Quencmo. . . . .F. E. Bodlcy
Kandoiph. . . .V. E. Johnson. . . .
. James H. Dow. . . .
Rawanna. . . . .J.F. Crocker. . . .
Republic .David Bedell
.W.W. Stover. . . .
nichfleld. . . . , , .B. C. Mitchell. . . .
Riley , . .J. W. Lowdermllk
Rossville . .A. C. Sherman. . .
Rush. Center..E. F. Auglr
" . .O. B. Holt
Russell . .Yoxall
* " .V. K. Hoover. . . . .
Sabeth.V. > Boy Hesseltlno. . .
Ballu. . . i. 8. Sou It. . . . . . . .
What effect does the law have upon business
generally ?
No bad effect that Is apparent.
Effects are bad ; population decreased.
Largo trade bolng sent out of state ; business Is depressed.
Has driven thousands of good business men from the state ,
and prevents others comlngr in who have capital to Invest.
Good ,
Think business rather decreased ; keeps out Bottlers.
Certainly does not diminish it.
Improves It. . * '
Does not Improve business any.
No Injurious effects ; rather beneficial.
Benefit to all legitimate business.
Good ; parties who got on a spree , at least once a week now
are sober or take u spree ouco in six mouths.
Business preatly Improved. Cash sales at least one-half.
Has not affected business In any way.
Can't sco that it has any.
As good as ever before.
Can't say except that parties -vho would spend money for
liquor will have It to use for business purposes.
Good effect ; money Is saved for necessities and peoplecon pay
their debts.
A decided Improvement in every way. '
It makes business better'as pay is better ; taxes are lighter ;
not a criminal case at last term of court ; fewer loafers.
Good ; money that would go for liquor now goes Into mer
chandise ; our jail empty.
Times are easier ; the money not being drained in the way of
Gives tone to business.
No buslncsshas suffered except whisky business. '
The effect Is beneficial.
Makes it better.
If all towns would prohibit , it would bo a great help.
A good effect.
[ No answer. ! *
Can't tell.
It enables people to pay more promptly and they buy
necessities instead of liquor.
The Germans that come stay for a short time.
Does not affect business either way.
The law is a good'thing for business.
Noliartlcular effect In general , but a marked effect on many
No effect seemingly , except to reduce criminal business.
Improves retail business.
Business Is bettor on account of the law.
Increases prosperity generally.
Being in n Gorman settlement , it rather increases trade.
It certainly has a good effect.
Drink makes liars of men In business.
Gives a certain class money to buy- groceries , etc. and pay
Sends business to towns where some liquor is kept.
Don't see that it affects business either way.
It helps all kinds of business.
Lawyers and constables are injured by it ; grocery and dry
goods men are helped.
A good effect ; money which would be spontfor liquor passes
into legitimate channels of trade.
It turns money from liquor business Into respectable and
healthy channels of trade.
Can't say.
No bad effect on legitimate business.
Cannot possibly hurt business ; makes It better.
Beneficial effect.
None. *
Very little , If at all.
People have money to pay for necessities which would other
wise go for drink.
Don't affect volume of business , but makes it more pleasant
and satisfactory.
None here.
Put an end to liquor dealing ; no bad effect on business.
Would increase business , if fully complied with.
See no effect on business ; prefer to do business where there
are no saloons.
It Improves it.
It is good ; lessens the number of paupers.
A very good effect.
A wholesome effect.
Drives saloon-keepers Into other states ; yet two Onago
sa'oon-keepershave become prominent farmers.
Men-pay their bills who would spend the money in saloons
were they hero.
Favorably ; working men pay bills very much better.
Favorably in every respect except saloon business.
Has a decided tendency to improve business and make the
general credit better.
It never injured business ; but was building habits of tem-
peniiK j that must benefit all business.
Ellect not noticed much in this farming community.
Favorable in every direction except with-those engaged in
supplying intoxicants.
Beneficial In every respect ; money before spent for liquor ,
now goes into legitimate business.
During eight years here , I have yet to hear the first man say
that business would be better if we had saloons.
Don't think it has any effect.
[ t Is beneficial.
[ t is much more agreeably transacted and a greater amount.
[ t makes better business men of those In the habit of drink-
Betters it. \
Business Is better.
Think it Is favorable.
It helps all legitimate business.
No appreciable effect , save that we have no drunken men to
bother with.
Undeniably beneficial.
Cannot see that it affects business.
A beneficial effect.
Money that was spent for drink is spent for necessities and
families formerly destitute arc living comfortably and pay
ing for homes.
A good effect more reliable men to deal with.
So material change.
Sbne we think.
It Iff increased in all mercantile lines.
The effect is good and general.
Good ; all kinds of business are bettor.
Sot much either way.
Nothing detrimental. '
To raise it to a higher standard.
A good effect.
Think business better with the law than without.
A good effect.
tthas not been as good since the law went Into effect.
Iinp/oves business by making collections better and In
creases confidence.
Don't think it makes a great difference.
A good effect.
While " 0. P. " houses were running , we noticed a consider
able decrease in cash payments for rents and necessaries.
A favorable effect.
Tanners go to' towns where the liquor selling is run more
tfone noticeably. v
Business generally la stimulated under prohibition.
It Increases the buying capacity of the working man for
other ffooda.
How does It affect the banking business ? Does It
affect the sarlngs deposits ?
No regular savings bank hero. Hanking business
only feels diminution of amount check and deposit
work of saloon accounts.
Don't think it affects it either wdy.
Deposits have decreased In last five years $400.000.
Thinks prohibition hurts business and banking by
keeping out u good class of immigrants.
Banking business Is depressed on-account ofloss of
population , and excessive taxes made by foolish
prosecutions under the law.
Not materially , howcyer the effect is for good.
Drives deposits to larger towns where law Is evaded
or openfy violated. ,
None I think.
If any , it is for good.
Increases banking business.
Not any hero apparently
Better for the ba.-Oncss. City is not large enough for
much savings deposits.
Never had saloon hero.
Helps the business. Increases 'deposits.
See no difference. ,
Deposits have gradually increased.
Yes. Has atondcncy to diminish them.
Can't sec that it hurts any ; savings deposits on the
Not having dbne business under license cannot com
Helps many men to save their earnings and form
better habits.
Helps the business : havoa numberof small depositors
from that source.
In pcucral favorably.
Better In every way.
Mokes It safer.
Increases it. ,
Savings deposits are increasing.
Increases deposits by poorer classes.
Makes It better and safer.
A great many men have credit or deposits who would
not If saloons offered opportunities for spending
The law is nil advantage to any business.
Mokes it safer.
Good r-Jcct
Yes , to the advantage of both bank and depositor ,
Think ourbusincos is belter-
Drinking men do not pay their obligations so promptly
INo ansr.1 \
Not at a\ \ * have no savings deposits.
Cannot t\ \ \
Can't say n'/at / it nttects deposit ? : but' < now It affects
No particular effect , here.
It pays notes instead of buying whisky : pays mort
gages instead of building saloons ; puts furniture in
houten rl clothes on children Instead of putting-
drunkard in jail.
There are IHCM herein good circumstances who would
not be so if intoxiciints could be convienently pro
A good effect
We make loans to poor men , whom we would hot trust
were there a saloon here.
Good effect.
Do not. think it affects banking at all.
Only been in business a year.
Can't say as to saving ? deposits.
Cannot say.
Don't think it affects banking business.
Have no savings bunks.
Cannot say , not in business before law.
Cannot give an opinion.
Affects the banking business as all others.
There would bo 20 per cent more risk in our loans
were this community cursed with saloons.
Think money circulates.more freely with open saloon.
Saving deposits not affected.
Not materially.
Don't hurt banking ; increases deposits.
It helps it ; keeps money at home.
To no noticeable extent.
Deposits of wage-earners better every year.
Our deposits are trebled.
No bank here before the law.
Has increased our business.
No noticeable effect.
Surely a sober family will save more than a drunken
[ t improves all business.
Everybody has more money ; business Is better every
I fail to see any effect
Believe it is much better.
Our securities have grown better.
Affects banking least of all ; yet the effect is good on
Increases it.
Not perceptible In general banking. .
Not appreciably ; no savings deposits. o
We notice a difference in the payment of email notes
and accounts. .
Money spent for liquor cannot be saved here
Same as preceding.
Save no savings banks but commercial banks have
shared in the increased prosperity.
What results in good to a community must result f u
good to banking ,
[ regard prohibition as beneficial to banking. No
savings bank.
Do not think it has any effect.
Our deposits in 1880,8115,000 ; in 1S30 , 8200.000. City
more than dr ubled in population.
Obligations are met more promptly and credits are
placed on a surer basis : increases savings deposits.
ncreases deposits and therefore the business.
Wo have a great many deposits from people that
never saved money before.
No visible effect on business ; think the proportion of
savings are greater.
Helps banks by small deposits.
Cannot see any difference.
It increases savings deposits.
[ No answer. ]
It has a tendency to increase small deposits.
Increases deposits.
Better securities and more money.
Not any.
But little.
No savings bank here.
It Increases savings deposits one-half. *
Not any.
Makes it safer.
Only in the business two years.
Stna'l collections are better.
It affects savings from 30 to 50 per cent.
I consider it beneficial.
TOo answer. ]
Not with us.
[ No answer. !
People have no savings.
Not hi business Long enough to say.
Rates are easier to maintain.
Savings deposits must vastly increase under prohibi
Good for exchange.
Has a tendency to Increase deposits and makes secur
ities better.
Don't know.
If any change , for the better.
Certainly no disadvantage to banking business.
How does it affect merohandlnloff , groceries , dry
goods , boots and shoes , oto.
It just limply gives more money to pay for those.
Don't know , but think favorably.
Hurts all branches of business.
[ No answer. ]
Generally good.
For tbo bettor.
Affects these In same manner It does banking.
[ No answer. ]
bales about the same. Have no drunken customers
to bother with.
Every one pays for what they buy. No paupers In
our county.
Merchants claim It is detrimental to trade.
I do not thlnloIt affects any business injuriously.
[ No answer. ]
Merchants claim a decided Improvement iti every way.
Not at all here.
[ No answer. ]
More and bettor goods sold now.
Same as preceding.
Makes merchandising more safe and desirable.
It helps a class to pay their grocer.
Cannot say.
Better in every way.
( No answer. )
Very favorably. Less uncollectible accounts.
Less debts and failures than whore the prohibitory
law Is enforced.
It improves all kinds of trade.
Money which would otherwise bo spent for drink is
now paid for goods. Women who formerly sup
ported their families by going out to service are
now supported at home by their husbands.
More goods sold.
Detidcdly for good.
Don't know.
Fine trade.
Leaves more money for shoes , etc.
Can't say.
Sobriety Improves business In the above lines.
It would Increase their business if the population
would increase , would It not ?
Cuunoteay from personal knowledge
Better for all classes of trade.
No particular effect. '
I think that with Open saloons there would b no
business herw.
It increases the volume of business. '
For the better.
Unquestionably benefited by prohibition.
For good of the trade.
Have had u good trade this year.
( No answer. )
All business is in better condition ft ban If we hac
Answered before.
Don't think It affects merchandising much.
No effect.
Many who would spend money for liquor. If we had
saloons , now spend it for aoove named goods.
Answered before.
A good thing for all.
Makes trade hotter.
Don't know.
Helps that kind of business.
Merchants can make better collections.
Favorably , if at all.
Tendency to lessen.
Same as business generally.
Can't say
ft has helped the poorman to pay better thanbefore.
iVhen entoi-ced , causes sale of better class of goods.
Business of tliibcuaracterisbetterundor prohibition.
It improves the merchandise business.
Money formerly spent for liquors is now used to sup
port families.
Money that was given to the saloon-keeper now goes
to paying debts , buying provisions , clothing , etc.
The class of goods sold is better the quantity greater.
Men who will buy beer and whisky , it for sale in town
now pay their bills. '
Less book accounts.
Workmen buy more and pay better.
Favorably : more goods sold and paid for.
Not at all directly.
It surely improves.
He who drinks his money can buy only that moch less.
Same as preceding.
About same as my preceding answer.
[ No answer. ]
Do not think it makes any difference.
It is beneficial.
Money Is more plenty : cash stiles are larger ,
Can't say.
Credits bettered in consequence.
People buy more and a better class of goods.
Customers pay more promptly , dress better and live
Merchants bills are better paid ; families are better
clothed and fed.
Bills are more promptly paid.
It makes fewer bad accounts among laboring men.
[ No answer. !
Trade generally Is better than formerly.
Increased sales and demand for better goods.
Business of all kinds on a surer foundation.
No change , as I can see.
Benefits all.
Merchants sell principally for cash and the men have
funds to pny with.
Collections are better with the merchants and more
cash trade.
Favorably. Men have more money for necessaries.
Don't know.
People have money to buy these things Instead of
patronizing saloons
Has a healthy Influence on it.
[ No answer. ]
Think it an advantage to any store-keeper.
Fewer bad debts with prohibition.
The men who leave a store bill unpaid and do not
drink , ore scarce.
[ No answer. ]
That has not been as good under prohibition.
Money that might be expended for liquors now goes
to the merchant.
[ No answer. ]
[ N6 answer. ]
Store credit asked.
It Increases trade to some extent and makes it safer.
Merchants , except one , claim it is a detriment.
It Increases trade of all kinds , except in intoxicating
Don t know.
Not hurt a particle in this direction , although only a
few miles from Nebraska line.
Improves the business , merchanos get much hereto
fore ipent In saloons.
How , If at all , docs It afloat
collections ?
Not at all.
( No answer. )
( No answer. )
( No answer. )
With a certain class collections
nro easier and more prompt.
Better to advantage.
Any catiso that depresses busi
ness of any kind , Invariably
mukes collections in that lint
hard to make.
No particular difference elthoi
( No answer. )
None apparently.
Bettor under the law than they
would bo without It.
( No answer. )
We sco but little difference aj
hard times are upon us.
At least 100 per cent bettor.
Not at all.
( No answer. )
Collections are better.
Can't see that it has an effect.
( No answer. )
As it affects other business by
saving the money.
Cannot say.
Better In every way.
Makes them bettor.
( No answer. )
1'eoplo sometimes pny now whenever
never paid when they could
buy whisky freely.
Increases the chances for the
collection of debts.
Do not think they are any worse.
( No answer. )
Collections are bettor.
Collections are affected for good.
It helps.
Collections good.
[ No answer. )
Can't say.
As a "julo , liquor drinkers are
slow pay.
( No answer. )
Not at all. ( *
It aids collections.
Can't notice any change.
Can't say that there Is any dif
Does not nffect them.
Sollectlons are not generally
difficult under present regime.
[ No answer. )
Don't know that It affects thorn
as exccsbivu drinkers got no
( No answer. )
( Noauswer. )
( No answer )
It seems to mo harder to collect
No effect.
Some pay their bills who would
not if we had saloons.
Could not give a dofinitft answer.
Can't say.
Collections easier : less bad
Were not affected when llnnor
was sold in original packaged.
Not materially.
Makes them better.
Ask the grocer , etc.
Favorably , if at all.
Makes collections more difficult.
Collections are better.
Very little. If any.
Don't know as any.
As before stated.
Somewhat better when enforced
Better in a prohibition com
It makes them bettor.
Makes collections better.
If at all , well.
They are much better.
Collections have grown cnslor.
Makes collections with former
drinking class pood.
Makes them better.
Collections ore very much bet
Collections are better under pro
Not at all.
Collections from men of drink
ing habits are very slow.
No apparent effect hero.
Must answer snmo as before.
Hard to say.
Do not think debts nre paid as
promptly as in Nebraska , but
do not blame prohibition.
[ Us beneficial.
Are more readily met.
[ No answer. !
Eases them.
All parties nre more prompt
and the people owe less.
Favorable. t
We make collections from those
who had nothing to pay under
wwhlsky rule.
"oc appreciably influenced.
It makes collections easier.
No answer. ]
ilakes thorn all easier.
Where we had many doubtfui
collections , wo now have f ew
More to pay with.
Vet at all
They are made easier.
Collections arc good.
indirectly , as it affects the mer
Makes them easier and mow
'n no way.
Jakes people care more foj
their credits.
"No answer. ]
! fcllections are better.
Jollcctions are easier made.
Jon't see any effect , only "anti3 *
are morn liable not to pay.
No answer. ]
) o not see any change
NO answer. ]
No answer. ]
No answer. ]
very hard to make off drinkers.
Collections are easier.
Not at all.
Must have a tendency to mokt
them easier.
Not perceptibly.
Makes collections asfer an <