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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1890)
r * ' . > ' ! ' ? VOLUME IX. , MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , OCTOBER 3 , 189O. NUMBER 19. OUR NEW STOCK FOR ? . " fi. * [ * * ' Is now ready for yoiir inspection. In every Department it is large and complete , - and Prices are Cut to f ' meet the demands of & . ' - ' * * * the present season. f Everything- Marked j l\ \ in Plain Figures , and lW ! Sold at Strictly One Priee. JONAS ENGEL , Mgr. . Oct. 3d , 1890. McCOOKNEB. nit THE L Is not of asmuch importance to the people of McCook as is the fact that we are prepar ed to save them Dollars on Merchandise. t No matter how low other merchants SAY xf they will sell , we have the goods and prices which will prove to any qualified judge that we can out-sell them every time Money Talks ! Your money and our goods make a lively dialogue. lu addition to our excellent goods andlow prices , we offer some special inducements ill All Wool Dress Goods , just receivedFlan nels , Cotton Flannels , German Knitting Yarus , Saxony , Hosiery ? and everything in Dry Goods , Clothing , Boots and Shoes , Hats y aud Caps , Gloves and Mittens away below the usual price. We are here to stay and will save you 2O to 30 per cent , on all Mils of us. us.H. . LAWLHR. LIST OF LAHD PATENTS. Government land patents as follows nro at the McCook land office and may'bo sccurec upon surrender of receiver's receipt properly endorsed : A L 4003 Armstrong P. D. 4046 Leonard M. P. 4525 Aldrich Solon M. 5119 Lindsey Frank 45tt ! Anderson Cine 6864 Lonirham Annie. 4538 Able George W. 4778 Light Allen , 4301 Ackerman Rob't. 4698 Lucas John N. 4221 Admire Clias. A. 4668 Lair John N. 4210 Abbott George N 4619 Lynn Elizabeth. 3900 Anderson Chris. 4606 Leonard Jesse D. 3885 Anderson Jens.C. 4514 Lewis Meliuuiblu. 3835 A very Walter 4492 Larnod Wm. N. 3810 Allen Thomas 4448 Liddell James F. 35fiO Adams Carrie 3C96 Lonjrwood H. E. 2108 Adams Walter 3840 Lyon Stephen B. 3808 Leber Fredrick. M 4CCO Bird Elizabeth E. 4620 HroozeJoseph. 4698 Moore Charles B. 4564 liurnes James. 4686Mioue ! George C. 4558 HrittlesElizabeth. 463 ! ) Murphy James H. 549 UurchUeld Ed. H. 4637 Merrill Mary A. 4522 Iteardsley It. D. 4638 MeConan S. . 1511 Hostwick Daniel F 4418 Moraritv. Nora 50 ! ) Dostwick William. 43C4 Mnstoo ThomusW ; 40t Hurrett Samuel. 4SJ8McManus.lohn 478 Babst Davis. 4203 Myers George S. 45 Htiiley Elmer E. 42SO Mowinng Josh. B. 44 ! ) Blckinan Jon. C. 4244 Mills Henry B. 431 Bnzick Win. 51. 22l ! Marsh Stephen D. You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal exper ience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it , you are one of its staunch friends , because the wonderful thing about it is , that when once given a trial , IJr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the jouse. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough , cold or any throat , ungor chest trouble , secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every tlmo or money reiunded. Trial bottles free at A. McMillan's Drug Store. IWts. "Life is real , life is earnest , And the grave is not its goal. Every candidate is thinking How the votes are'going to poll. " DISTRICT COURT PROCEEDIHGS. CONTINUED FOH SERVICE. 621. W. A. Chase vs. II.v. . Smith. 065. C. , n. Q. It. R. vs. school district 17. 690. C. , B. & Q. 11. R. vs. City of McCook. 7C3. J. Doyle etal vs. The Uiirtley Canal Co. 765. Jacob steinmetz vs. J. A. Brewer et al. 707. Thos. B. McPherson vs. Geo. Leland. 808. Neb. L. &Trus'Co. vs.-L. D. Hall et al. 8KJ. E. O. Oibbs vs. Henry Ballerich. 884. Lincoln L. Co. vs. Great W. W. Factory. 886. F. & H. L. Co. vs. F. A. Thompson et al. 889. Guar. Loan & T. Co. vs. N. O. Wlckwire. 898. Neb. Mtg. Co. vs.D.E.Eikenborryctal. 000. L. F. Taylor et cons. vs. Sarah j. Ward. 902. German Ins. Co. vs. Bertha Meyer. 904. Geo. W. Foster vs. aas. Doyle , overseer. 831. Frona W. Colvin vs. J. T. Colvin. 832. Mary A. Thomas vs. Allen Bailley. 834. Burnham Tulleys & Co. vs. aeo. E. Mayo. 835. Same vs. Samuel M. Parkes. 837. Same vs. Appleton R. Davis. 850. Sixth National Bank of Philadelphia vs. Caleb Clothier. 851. Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs. Chas. A. Sollers. 863. T. J. Benjamin vs. John Paxtou et al. 864. B. B. Duckworth , administrator , vs. C. C. Monroe. 490. P. Pryor vs. W. C. Shockley. 779. Western Loan & Trust Co. vs. Jas Christensea. 841. St. Joseph Loan & Trust Co. YS. Ed mund wyckoU . 917. Win. Duborko vs. Amelia Duborko. DISMISSED AT PLAINTIFF'S COSTS. 870. j. M. johnson vs. Samuel Pollock. 671. Lydia F. Taylor vs. Parlin , Orindorfl & Martin company. 782. Thos. jackson vs. 11. B. Archibald. 840. J. S. Roberson vs. John P. Reiter. 890. Western L. & M't'gCo. vs C. 0. Cramer , 891. Same vs. same. 892. Same vs. same. 719. J. A. Curlee & Co. vs. Bartley Canal Co JUDGMENTS IICNDEUED. 694. Phoebe E. Boyd vs. Aaron Dutcher , amount $1,005.55. 704. Mary E. Bliss vs. E. L. Cox , am't 8639.22 , 913. j. j. Douglas Co. vs. Chas. E. Boyd amount 8429.72. 906. Lansing Wagon Works vs. E. L. jones amount $163.15. 907. S. P. Baker vs. C. M. Goben. 909. J. M. Barber vs. E. J. Allington amount $1,191.75. 840. St. Joseph Loan & Trust Co. vs. john Reddy , amount $109.54. 918. F. Westcimer & Son vs. Chas. E. Boyd amount $435.80. 919. W. A. McCool vs. Red Willov ; county amount $40.00 , 83C. Burnhain Tulleys & Co. vs. Lemon M Cross , amount $152.05. 857. Geo. Hocknell vs. Wm. H. Brown amount $39.21. 865. C. C. Burr vs. john Hannan , amouu $552.54. 866. C. C. Burr ys. Timothy Hannan amount * 552.9S. . Western Loan & Trust Co. vs. Austin Dutch er , amount $65. 874. The Frees & Hockne.ll Lumber Co. vs David Bryan , amount § 297.4p. 804. C. Nash vs. W. T. Hamilton , am't $449.7 , : 819. Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs. Alice DoU , amount 546. 817. Same vs. F. j. Qushong , amount $46. 818. Same vs. A. j. Schmidt et al , am't $206 , ' 819. Same vs. j. A. Barton et al , am't $288. 875. C. D. Cornwell vs.W.R.Kirk , am't$489.5 ( 877. T. Louergau vs. C.A.Clark , am't $302.75 878. W. V. & j. W. Vickery vs. Prtience Peck et al , amount $2,257.29. 879. McCook Co-operative Building & Sav ings Asso'tion vs. A. Probst et al , am't $331.75 881. Iowa Mtg. Co. vs. J. N.Smith , am't $31.60 885. C. G. Berth vs. j. T. Bullard , amouni $2,956.25. 887. Geo. Hocknell vs. Jennie Welborn amount $64.63. 888. Anglo-American Mortgage Co. vs. Wm T. Johnson $148.35. CONFIRMATION OF SALES. 682. L. M. Beatly vs. john L. Sollers. 488. Iowa Barb Steel Wire Co. vs. j. S Phillips , deficiency judgment $738.63. 642. L. Butler vs. C. H. Smith , j udgment for defendant , $504.17. 660. H. E. Bluna vs.D. , Fry. 731. Western L. & M't'g. Co. vs. H. Small. 640 j. w. Dawes et al vs. Saml. A. Shaffer judgment for defendant $31.60. 837. Burnham Tulleys & Co. vs. A. R. Davis MISCELLANEOUS. 817. Bank of Indianola vs. w. N. Miliikin filed Sept. 27th , 1890 , petition of attachment. 921. C. P. &A. B. Dewey vs. Chas. V Anderson , filed Sept , 30 , 1890 , petition in equity. 922. Same vs. W. M. Nutt , filed Sep t. 30,1890 , petition in equity. 923. State vs. E. E. WickAvire , transcript of judgment filed Oct. 1,1890. 912. State vs. Sam Ritchard , verdict of guilty. 920. j. Byron Jennings vs. C. D. Cramer , Judgment as prayed. McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. va john Fitzgibbons , Oct. 2 , 1890 , transcript of judgment filed , rendered March 13,1890 , from Justice court of S. H. Colvin. j. L. Roberson vs. 1ohn P. Reiter , amount $640 , judgment for defendant. The First Step. Perhaps you are run down , can't eat , can't sleep , can't think , can't do anything to your satisfaction , and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning , you are taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its normal , healthy condi tion. Surprising results follow the use of this great nerve tonic and alternative. Your appetite returns , good digestion is restored , and the liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50 cents at A. Mc- fiiillen's drug store. 16-4ts. "In the gloaming , Oh. my darling , I must go down town , he said ; For if we don't advertise , dear , We nfight just as well be dead. " Sick Headache. Don't go to bed suffering from sick head ache , billiousness or constipation when Humf phreys * Specific No. 10 affords a mild , natural ind permanent cure. J. ALBERT WELLS , DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. MY DISPLAY OF NEW FALL GOODS is now in progress , and I have on exhibition a stock of NEW , ORIGINAL and AR TISTIC STYLES and NOVELTIES in DRY GOODS that in every way surpasses anything ever shown in this city. DRRBB OOODB I am showing some beautiful things in FANCY WOOLEN ROBES at very moderate prices. PLAIDS My line \Voolen Plaids for fall and winter wear I can confidently say that I have never shown so many elegant styles as I am doing this season. JL T B T" i JL I am showing very choice styles in Ladies' and Cnildren's Early Fall Hats , Toques , Bonnets and Large Hats. CLOAKS Advance styles for early fall now ready. Jackets , Wraps and Shoulder Capes. Gents' Furnishing Goods A large and varied assortment of JJeckwear , Hosiery , and Underwear. CA RfPETS , etc. = = An exception * * ally choice collection of the latest productions in Car = pets , Rugs and Curtains. The assortments are complete in all lines , and I invite- inspection. ATTENTION , FARMERS ! We are closing out our entire stock of FARM IMPLEMENTS AT COST. Right low is the time to secure rare bargains. Call and be amazed at our prices. They nust be SOLD AT ONCE. V , , : HALL , COG H RAN & GO.