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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1890)
= 5 * VOLUME IX. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , SEPTEMBER 26,189O. MBER-IS ; IS NOW COMING IN. EVERY DEPARTMENT IS BEING FILLED WITH THE Latest Choicest Styles. AND WILL COMPRISE THE IT Sfl ITE P 1 & Before Purchasing Any Goods FOR IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTEREST TO SEE OUR LINE. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES Strictly One-Pricg. [ NGEL MeCook , Neb. , Sept. 8th , 189O. PROCLAMATION. WJIKIIKAS. A joint resolution was adopted by the legislature of the state of Nebraska , nt the twenty-Illst bcssiou thereof , and approved March aotli , A. L > . J8M ) , proposing an amend' ment to sections two. 1X1 lour (4J ( and live [ 5 | of Article eix [ til of the constitution of eaid state , and tluit said section as amended shall read as follows , to-wit : Suction 1 : That section two (2) ( ) of article six (0) ( ) of the constitution of thestateof Nebraska , be amended t > o as to read as folloivs : "Section 2 : The supreme court shall consist of five (5) ( ) JudRfB , n majority of whom shall be necessary to form a quorum or to pronounce a decision It shall have original jurisdiction in cases relating to revenue , civil cases in which the state shall be a party , mandamas , quo warranto , habeas corpus , and such appel late Jurisdiction as may be provided by law. Section 2 : That section lour (4) ( ) of article six (0) ( ) . of the constitution of the state of Ne braska , be amended so as to read as follows : Section 4. The judges of the supreme court shal be elected by the electors of the state at larjre and their terms of office , except as here inafter provided , shall be for n period of live (0) ( ) years. " Section 3 : That section live (5) ( ) of article six ( G ) ot the constitution of the state of Nebraska , bo amended so as to read as follows : Auction 5 : "At the first general election to be held in the year Ib91 , and after the adoption of this amendment to the constitution , there shall be elected three (3) ( judges of the supreme court , one of whom , shall be elected for the term of one (1) ) year , one i'orthe term of three (3) ( ) years and one for the terra of flve (5) ( ) years , and at each general election thereafter there shall be elected one judge of the Supreme court for the term of flve (5) ) years. Provided , that the judges of the supreme court whose terms have not expired at the time of holding the general elootion of 1891 , shall continue to hold then-office lor the remainder of the term lorwhich they were respecti\-ely elected un der the present constitution. " Section 4 : That each person voting in favor of this amendment shall have written or print ed upon his ballot the following : "For the proposed amendment to the consti tution relating to the number of supreme judges. " Therefore , I , John M. Thayer. Governor of the state of Nebraska do hereby give notice in accordance with section one (1 ( ; article fif teen (13) ( ) , of the constitution , and the provis ions of the act entitled "An act to provide the manner of proposing all amendments to the constitution and submitting the same to the electors of the state. " Approved February 13th. A. D. 1877 , that said proposed amend ment will be submitted to the qualified voters ot the state for approval or rejection at the general election to be held on the 4th day of November. A. D. 18UO. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my land and caused to be allixed the great seal of tuc state 01 JNeuraska. Done at .Lincoln tins . 'Gth day of July , A. D. 1890. and the twenty- fourth year ol the state , and of the independ ence of the United States the one hundred fif teenth. By the Goveinor , JOHN M. THAYER. BENJAMIN It. COWDKUV. [ SEAL. ] Secretary ot State. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS. A joint resolution was adopted > y the legislature of the state of Nebraska , at he twenty-first session thereof .and approved February 13th. A. D. 1889 , proposing an amend ment to the constitution ol said state , and hat said amendment shall read as follows , to-wit : St'ction 1 : That at the general election to be held on the Tuesday succeeding the flrst Mon day of November , A. D. 1890 , there shall be submitted to the electors of this.state for ap proval or rejection an amendment to the con stitution of this state in words as follows : "The manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage are ior- ever prohibited in this state , and the legisla ture feluvll provide by law for the enforcement of this provision. " And there shall also at said election be separately submitted to the electors of this state for their approval or re jection an amendment to the constitution of the state in words as follows : "The manu facture , sale and keeping for sale of Intoxi cating liquors as a beverage shall be licensed and regulated by law. " Sections : At such election , on the ballotof each elector voting for the proposed amend ments to the constitution , shall be written or printed the words : "For proposed amend ment to the constitution , prohibiting the manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of in toxicating liquors as a beverage. " or "Against the proposed amendment to the constitution prohibiting the manufacture , sale and keeping lor sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. " There shall also be written or printed on the ballot of each elector voting for the proposed amendment to the constitution , the words : "For proposed amendment to theconstitution that the manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage in this state shall be licensed and regulated by law , " or "Against said proposed amendment to the constitution that the manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage shall be licensed and regulated by law. " Section 3 : If either of the said proposed amendments shall be approved by a majority of the electors voting at the said election , then it shall constitute section twenty-seven | 27H of article 111 ! of the constitution of this state. Therefore. I.John M. Thayer , Governor of the state of Nebraska , do hereby give notice in accordance with section one HIE article fif teen D13D of the constitution and the provisions of the act entitled "An act to provide the manner ot proposing al' ' amendments to the constitution and submitting the same to the electors of the state. " Approved February 13th , A. D. 1877 , that said proposed amend ment will be submitted to the qualified voters of this state for approval or rejection at the general election to be held on the 4th day of November , A. D. 1890. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand , ana caused to be affixed the great seal of the statf of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 20th day of July. A. D. 1890. and the 24th year of the state , and of the independence of the United States the one hundred fifteenth. By the Governor , JOHN M. TJIAI'EU , BENJAMIN R. COWDKRY , 10 3mo. BSEAD.II Secretary of State. P KOCLAMAT1ON. WHEREAS. A joint resolution was adopted by the legislature of the state of Nebraska , at the twenty-first session thereof , and approved March 30th , A. D. 18s9 , proposing un amend ment to Section Thirteen (13) ( ) of Article Six ( C ) of the constitution of said state ; that said sec tion as amended shall read as follows , to wit : Section 1 : That section thirteen (13) ( ) of arti cle six (0) ( ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska be amended _ so as to read as follows : Section 13 : The judges of the supreme court shall each receive a salary of thirty-five lundrcd dollars (53,300) ( ) per annum and the udges of the district court shall receive a salary of three thousand dollars ( ? 3.000) ) per mnuai , and the salary of each shall be paya- ) le quarterly. Section2 : Each person voting in favor of his amendment shall have written or printed upon his ballot the following : "For the proposed amendment to tde consti- ution , relating to the salary of judges of the supreme and district court. " Therefore , I , John M. Thayer , governor of he state of Nebraska , do hereby give notice , n accordance with section one [ 1 ] article llf- ecn [ 13 ] of the constitution , and the pro- isions of an act entitled : "An act to provide he manner of proposing all amendments to he constitution and submitting the same to : he electors ot the state. " Approved Febru ary 13th , A. D. 1877. that said proposed amend ment will be submitted to the qualified voters of this state for approval or rejection , at the general election to be held on the 4th day of November , A. D. 1890. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my mnd and caused to be affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln , his 215th day of July , A. D. 1690. and the twen- y-fourth year of the state , and of the inde pendence of the United States the one hun dred fifteenth. By the Governor , JOHN M. THAYER. BENJAMIN R. COWDERY. [ SEAL. ] Secretary of State. Water tax due Octo ber 1st , 1890. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. INUIAN'OI.A , NEB. , September 19,1890. .Hoard of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present Henry Crabtrce , Isaiah Bennett and Stephen Itolles , commis sioners , and George W. Roper , clerk. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. Resignation of William Cook , Justice of tlie Peace for Danbury precinct , read and on mo tion accepted to take effect at once. Resigna tion of E. M. Pearson , Justice of the Peace for Lebanon precinct , read and on motion accept ed to take effect at once. Petition of Eugene Dutcher read and con sidered and on motion the county treasurer was directed to erase so much of the personal tax of said Eugene Dutcher as applies to School DistrictNo. Kforschool purposes and to assess said Eugene Dutcher in School District No. 60 for school purposes. Petition of Justin A. Wilcox in behalf of the petitioners requesting the board of county commissioners to call a special election for the purpose of the re-location of the counly- seat of Red Willow county , Neb. , asking this board to reconsider the minutes of their meet ing of May 6th , iSgoas prepared by said board June I7th , 1890 , and that they approve the min utes as written by the county clerk on May 6th , 1890 , read and considered. Motion by Mr. Bennett , I move that the petition of Justin A. Wilcox be deferred until some future meeting. Voting yeas , Bennett and Crabtree , Bollesnot voting. Motion carried. Petition of John E. Tirrill , Taylor Ward et al asking for consent road read and CDnsidercd. The board finds that all owners of land along the line of proposed road have given consent in writing thereto and on niotion same was granted establishing a public road as follows : Commencing at the north-west - corner sec tion 27 , running thence south on section line to south-west corner of said section 27 , all in town 2 , range 29 and terminating thereat. On motion the following claims were audited and allowed and clerk directed to draw warrants on county road fund levy 1890 as follows to wit : Chas. S. Squires work on road Dist. 19. . $2.00. Jas. Robinson work on road Dist. 8 6.00. Win. Pate work on road Dist. 7 2.50. On county bridge fund levy 1890 as follows : Frees & Kocknell lumber for bridges.20.25. On county general fund levy 1890 as follows : FEES STATE VS. WIGGINS AND REDMAN. J. II. Berge , justice $6.65. W. A. M cCool , sheriff 7.00. B. Lehn , witness i.oo. John Augstman , witness i.oo. W. A. McCool , witness i.oo. T. C. Teas , witness i.oo. J. J. Lamborn , witness i.oo. W. A. McCool , jail etc 4.00. W. A. McCool , jail etc 2.00. W. A. McCool board prisoner Richards , $35.65. W. A. McCool board prisoner Wickwire , 10.00. FEES STATE VS. MATTIE MCCOLLISTER. W. A. McCool sheriff 54.00. Harlow W. Keyes judge 5.15. J. H. Berge witness i.oo. W7. A. McCool claim § 60.00 , guard for jail , allowed at § 20.00. Powell Bros , ice for courthouse 10.50. W. A. McCool oil for jail 60. Omaha Republican company soldiers relief record § 10.00. F. M. Kimmell stationary for Co. judge and clerk of court § 3-75- G. S. Bishop stationary Co. treasurer. . . . 6.75. MDSE. FOR PAUPERS. J. Menard-Mrs. KolbKailey and Carroll § 14.15 Grass & Miller-Mrs. Hornkohl 1.75. Duncan Bros.-Leonard Harsch 2.50. Duncan Bros.-P. D. Armstrong 3.50. Dr.R. A. Winchester mdcl. attdc. C. F. Mc- Cullock pauper , claim § 50.75 allow'd § 15.00. W. W. Wallace house rent Mrs. Kolb. . 12.00. Henry Crabtree services Co. Com 18.40. Isaiah Bennett services Co. Com 13.00. Stephen Belles services Co. Com 8.10 , On motion board adjourned to meet Oct. 31. 1890. Attest Geo. W. Roper , Clerk. NEBRASKA IS BUSTED. And now it turns out afteryears of bragging on Nebraska , that the farmers of that state now admit that it is a failure as an agricultur al state. From the recent reports mat come through the press of that state , it seems that they are in a very destitute condition and will be obliged to give up their homes this fall to the money-lender , who , as a rule , has loaned more than the land is worth. Five years ago , Nebraska gave it out to the world through her newspapers that she had great advantages to offer to the emigrants seeking a home , and thousands of Iowa people went there , and un til recently , were supposed to be doing well. But there is no dodging the fact , Nebraska is a failure as a place for fanners , or else the fanners , assembled in their recent convention there , are the biggest lot of liars on earth. Our Iowa people who went _ there years ago , may be expected to return in prairie schooners be tween now and winter. Let them come. We will welcome them back to a state where every industrious man can do well. Knoxville fla. ) Journal. The above is one of the legitimate outgrowths of the agitation which is sweeping our state to day. The press of the east is being filled with just this kind of bolderdash , much to the dis credit of Nebraska. If something is not soon done to counteract such influences , fanns in eastern Nebraska which to-day are being sole at from $35 to § 45 per acre will go begging for purchasers at half that price. There are grievous wrongs which should be righted , laws which should be repeated , others amended and new ones made in the interests of the produc er as against capital , but the statement that our state , as a state , is bankrupt is false and misleading. There are many men who are bankrupt , but laws as immutable as the laws of the Medes and Persians could not put wealth into their hands and keep it there. Owing to the dry season in Nebraska this year , as in many other states , there will be some land in the newly settled parts of the west which will be sold for the mortgage , but we challenge the records to show that ten pieces of farm lands have sold in this county under the ham mer in the past five years. If the farmer who can sell his farm to-day for $40 per acre suc ceeds in forcing the untold millions of dollars to remain in the east until his farm will bring but half of that amount , who is to blame but himself ? Saunders county was never more prosperous than it is to-day , and we can buy any county of our size in the state of Iowa and have a good margin left. waho wasp. Demorest Silver Medal Uontest. There will be a contest at the school house in district No. S on Oct. 1st , at 8 P. M. The contestants will be : Bernice Jacobs , Floyd Robinson , Ethel Jacobs , Rexie Eikenberry , Florence Johnson , Urilla Fhch , Roy Jacobs , Philomina Schmitz and Berlha Johnson. At the last contest Miss Alice Hartley won the silver medal and Ralph Kneeland won the silver dollar. W. 0. NORVAL , Supt. TT TT1 > * "S""fc yTT "WVTm T" T"i i . ALBERT WELL ! I DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. P/IY DISPLAY OF NE HA LL D : is now in prog ress , and I have on exhibition a stock of NEWrUGNAL and AR- _ in DRY GOODS that in every way surpasses anything ever shown in this city. DRESB QOODS I am showmg some beautiful things in FANCY WOOLEN ROBES at very moderate prices. PLAIDS My line of Woolen Plaids for fall and winter wear I can confidently say that I have never shown so many elegantstyles as I am doing this season. I am showing very choice styles in Ladies' and Cnilclren's Early Fall Kats , Toques , Bonnets and Large Hats. CLOAKS Advance styles for early fali now ready. . Jackets , "Wraps and Shoulder Capes. Gents' Furnishing Goods A large and varied assortment of Neckwear , Hosiery , and Underwear. CAfRrPETS , etc. = An exception * * ally choice collection of the latest productions in Car = pets , ( Rugs and Curtains. The assortments are complete in all lines , and I invite. inspection. * "V * t A f tpTI f 1 ATI H O TTf\ \ er j , L iCil IIUIJL i al ill we are closing out our en tire stock of farm Impfe cost ; . Kignt uowis time to secure rare bar- Gall and be amazed. at our prices. They must be sold at once.