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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1884)
w McOooK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JUNE 26 , 1884. NUMBER 4. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. _ _ U m ) STATES LAN 1)OFFICI ) McCook , Nebraska. C. L. LAWS , Eegictsr. C. F. 3A2C03E , Ecccivcr. OKKICI : Homis : From ! i A. M. to K M. , and I to 4 P. M. , mountain time. J. K CO CM 111 AN , ATTORNEY AT LAW , ileCOOE , BED WILLOW COU1IT7 , 1TEB. I'rauUco in any Courts of Hie .state and Ifan- MIH , and Hie government Land Oflieo of this District , and before Hie I.und Department at Wiishlnglon. Siitisl'nction guaranteed , and terms reasonable. Ollice J&t loorfeHiith ol the U. S. Land Olliue. ' . JKNN1NGS & STAKBUCK , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , MCCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. ' * Will slvc attention to the pr.ietlec of law , and Hulking collections. C5"OIIlrc Second black not th of depot , 2 doors north Uiucn'b rtriiK btore. 2-UJ. JOHN A. USE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MCCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. JJS ? Kit and Workinuiibhip guaranteed. Als agent f.u-the Wheeler A : Wilson JScwinj Machine. PAGE T. FliAXCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , A- Red Willow County If Keeps curtiiluil plats of nil liiiuls in the . V Hitchcock huul district. Special attention i given to all such business. Correspondence bolicltcd. - ' - . ' . L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Graduate Wciical Department U = ivrity Wctcr. Orrici : : Two doors east of the Tribune < Mlice , where he can be lonntl when not pro- le.ssionally ensured. Ket-iilcnue , corner ol .JellcrMm and hulison stiects Du. % . L. KAlr , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , - - XKUKASKA. I will be found at S. L. Green's Unip Store lor the present. All orders left thcie will re ceive prompt attention. T. B. STUTZMAX , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , ) McCOOK , - XEBKASKA. \ Ollico one door east of Tin : TKIHUXK oflice , r where all calls will receive prompt attention , day or night. Du. A. \YILLKi' , SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. IOFFICI : AT i ; . & M. PIIAKMACY , ! McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. A. T. L ! ATE WOOD , SURGEON DENTIST. [ OFFICE AT McCOOK JIOTHL. ] ; _ S l > rcs.ervation wf the teeth : i specialty. JOHN R COLLIXS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Jobbing i\Kl leceive jiumipt attention at my shop mi UeimlMiu St. , opposite ilcCook riout-e. 1'l.nib and hjieciflc-itions furnished if desired. COXGDOX & CLIFF , BRICKLAYERS & PLASTERERS McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. ; 2 ? A11 jobs promptly attended to. C. L. XETTLKTOX" Superintendent Public Instruction Tcachei-s' Examinations at Indianolaon the third Satvmlay of every month , coiniuenciiijr at SI o'clock , A. M. iVtf. A\r. M. SAXDE11SOX , HOUSE AND SIGX PAINTER , jMcCooic , - NEBKASKA. "All work guainntccd. Give me a eall. WILLLUI CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material lurnibhcd if desired.Vork done on fchort notice. ilTXMAX & CO. , Painters , Grainers , Paper Hangers McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA , for Celling Decorations either In paper or Fre > co I'atntlng. NEW BARBER SHOP. JACKSOX TUBES Ha * opcni'il up a llarlier Simp on West Dcnni-on street , SIcCoolc , Xeli. . where ho Is able to do Sh.iin ? , JHIr DrefslDjr. etc. . at all timeLaille > and child ren's hair drcB-Inx -pccLilty. . Call and become acquainted. JACKSOX TI'IUIS. ' REAL ESTATE AGENT. MCCOOK , - XIIIASKA. : Has for sale Deeded Lands , Timber Claim and jloincetcid-j. Al = o , will locate parties ou Govern ment Laud. W. 0. LaTOURETTE , II DEAL K R IN | | STOVES. QDEENSWARE , AGRICUTURAL IMPLEMENTS , The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red Vv llow County. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. Siini of DIG AX. Three Boors South P. 0. MO COOK NEBRASKA. Yrp Ju "f -UBXLRAL DKALlillS IX- 1BE5 STOVES AND TINWARE , Agricultural implements and Barb Wire , HEADQUARTERS 'FOR e The Best Wagon in the Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly and Neatly Executed. Corner Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , McCOOK , XEB11ASKA. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF JJTj Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. WINES AND LIQUORS Will be sold only in cases of. sickness , and then only on Physician's Prescription. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Night. , Doctor's Choice , America's Finest Five Cent Cigar. [ McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , ) THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK DOES A GENERAL : Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Xon-Rcsidcnts. : 3Ioncy to loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe- C3SSS3iT2 iTS : 1'irst National Itank. Lincoln , Nub. Chase National Hank , New York. J.W. DOLAX , President. V. FKANKLTN , Vicerrcsir.Piit. AV. P. WALLACE , Cashier. Tin : Grceley family has been ex ceedingly unlucky. The tragic deaths of Horace Greelcy and his wile just after unlucky campaign-as a democratic candidate , no one is likely to forget. Of the two daughters that survived , the eldest , Ida , married a Kentucky dude and lived unhappily for several years , when death relieved her from her troubles. The last survivor , Gabriellc , was recently thrown from her carriage and very seriously injured. THE pursuit of science in England is now attended with difficulties on account of the watchfulness of the lynx-eyed police. Tn a South London house the other day there was a violent explosion. The police had been watch ing it for a long time , and they rushed in and found the head of the family with an arm blown off. They arrested him and took him to a hospital , only to find that he was a well known scientist who had been blown up while indulging himself in some chemical experiments. Thus one hunt for a dynamite fiend was brought to a , sudden conclusion. IF the United States does not want to buy Cuba , it is certainly very clear she dosen't want any European power to buy it. Spain might ju&t turn Cuba loose to shift for herself to the satisfac tion of everybody. It is maintained that the visit of Minister Foster to Washing ton was at the request of the Spanish government , to see how the administra tion stood upon the matter. It is prob able that the matter might be adjusted by the national independence of Cuba in consideration of the island assuming a share of the Spanish debt , or buying her freedom outright with bonds guaran teed by the United States. Uut Cuba isn't worth much. The only object the United States could have in figuring in the matter is to prevent a strong foreign power from getting a foothold on the continent. THERE is no sense in getting alarmed over the kicking of a few of the dude newspapers of Xew York and Boston. The Xew York Times bolts because it is a free trade paper and Elaine is a pro tectionist. The concern is said to be owned , manned and edited by European Bohemians. The Xew York Herald is democratic , except when it knows the other man will be elected. It is a big paper , but its political influence is not irreat. The Xew York Truth is not in the proper sense a republican journal , but a half-and-half affair. It is also un- influential. The Telegram is simply the echo of the Herald. The Brooklyn Un ion is welcome to all the glory it will get aut of the bolt. It is not much more than a mere reflection of the Times any- ivay. The Springfield ( Mass. ) llepubli- 2an is a chronic bolter , growler and sorehead , and has become known for ind wide as such. It cannot effect any thing against Elaine in Massachusetts , no more than it did in fighting Grant in 1872. The liepublican has been the orig inator of more lies on prominent repub licans perhaps than any other paper in ihe Union. The paity is better off with out it. The Xew York Independent is jnc of those unreliable rciigio-politico journals that are to be found every where , but it won't hurt Elaine to any xlarming extent. The Philadelphia Fimcs is a quasi-democratic journal at jest. The .Record is quoted as having jolted , but that is not the word. There vas no republicanism to bolt from. The larpcr's Weekly kick may prove a very serious affair indeecd. to the publisher ? , jut the republicans will live as of yore. Hie Xew York Post is Carl Schur/'s apcr , is republican only occasionally , ind then merely for business. There is 10 loss in that bolt. ThcBo.-ton Herald icver did amount to anything as a re- jublican paper , it is naturally a demo- ratic concern and is perfectly at home n opposing Elaine. All the papers hat have denounced the ticket will have 10 perceptible effect on the canvass ad- erse to the nominees. The people don't arca continental Avhat the journals say : hey aiv going to vote for the Plumed vnight anyhow and thus he Avill be lected. There must be a bolt among he people to be ol any advantage to he democrats , but there is none visible it present. Gazette Journal. GENHUAL BAHCOPK left an estate upppocd to be worth $1,000,000. ILD OH IN THE FAR WEST And Offer Rare Chances FOR THE ARTISAN , TRADESMAN ADD SPECULATOR , THE TOWN OF M0000K In Red Willow County , Nebraska , lias been surveyed , and lots in tlie market , for just one year and lias now a population of 1000 people. This point lias been designated by the C.B. & Q. as the DIVISION STATION between the MISSOURI RIVER & . DENVER , where the principal shops , a 15 stall round house and other R. R. facilities have been located on the Denver Line. A complete system of water works costing § 25,000 is just being completed giving all the facilities for comfort posessed of old cities. Lots will range in price from § 150 to 500 for business lots , and § 50 to § 200 for residence lots. The history of points like McCook show an increase of more than three hundred per cent , in from one to live years , and this town promises to be an exceptional chance for invest ments. For further particulars apply to R. O. PHILLIPS , ' Or W. F. WALLACE , Secretary , Lincoln , Neb. McCook , Nebraska. NEW LUMBEE YAED. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN III ash , Doors , Blinds , Etc. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF m Kilo Oried Lumber , H. W. PIKE , McCOOK , Red Willow- County , - Nebraska. ARAPAHOE c WARRANTED TO BE { NEST FLOUR IB THE MARKET , fFOB SALE HAYDEN f CO. , AGENTS , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. ireet Wesi yrniiore tnpnum , v : . JZ V. 2 o s. c/ 5 eCO CO c I ' ' t _ tJl = o . o C y. > C/I- J. E. BERGER. Proprietor. McCOOK , NEB.