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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1884)
tUKIRl -IK PRICES AT 0HAS. NOBLE , PRICES DOWN BOTTOM ! - HATE IN STOCK AND FOK SAl'E Tp CLOSE AT COST : Overcoats , Overshoes * Underwear , - ; * x ' f t Boots & Shoes , Winter Clothing. 1liIbs. . GRANULATED SUGAR . " . - . . $1.00 12 Ibs. EXTRA "C" SUGAR. . . . .A. . ? # . . . . . $1.00 . . . . . . . . . 18 BARS WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. .js V.-$1.00 20 BARS CLIMAX SOAP 7. , . .5' . . \ . ' . ' . * " . V.l.00 % . . . . . " . . ? . 25 BARS STANDARD SOAP \ : - , / - - -$1.00 " 'lO CANS LIMA BEANS. : : r.--- . % . . . . $1.00 10 CANS BLACKBERRIES. . . . * . . . . .v. ! v. ' . . . . ' .V$1.00 10 CANS CORN 1 * . . . > 1.00 ; v > 9 CANS 3-POUND TOMATOESl * ' . . . . . - . . \ . . . $ . 10 CANS MARROWFAT PEAS.- ' . . . . ' . / . . $1.00 ; 20 Ibs. NAVY BEANS : i $1.00 10 CANS STRAWBERRIES. . . . : f. ' . . . : . . ' . \ . . $1.00 ' 10 CANS STRING BEANS : . . . > : $1.00 20 YARDS PRINTS .V. . . / . $1.00 15 YARDS GOOD MUSLIN ; $1.00 Ftr Ftp Jjlu Liu , , , , , AT PRICES NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE NOW IS THE TIME * TO SECURE and Misses' LADIES1' A12D WOOLEN GOODS ! f At Greatly Reduced Rrices. 4 Flannels &Woolen Underwear A-LL AT LESS THAN COST. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! HAYDEN & : C0 % * ft * * ftOi -Oi 'f IN 'THEPAR WEST And Offer'Rare Chances FOR THE ARTISAN , TRADESMAN ADD SPECULATOR , THE TOWN OF MeSOOK * In Ked Willow County , Nebraska , has been surveyed , and lots in the market , for just one year and has now a population of 1000 people. This point has been designated by the C. , B. & Q. as the DIVISION STATION between the MISSOURI RIVER & DENVER , where the principal shops , a 15 stall round house and other R. R. facilities have been located on the Denver Line. A complete system of water works costing § 25,000 is just being completed giving all the facilities for comfort posessed of old cities. Lots will range in price from $150 to $500 for business lots , and § 50 to $200 for residence lots. The history of points like McCook show an increase of more than three hundred per cent , in from one to five years , and this town promises to 'be an exceptional chance for invest ments. For further particulars apply to R. O. PHILLIPS , Or W. F. WALLACE , Secretary , Lincoln , Neb. McCook , Nebraska. NEW LUMBER YAED. WHOLESALE & BETAIL DEALER IB yillllDl1 ( iill 1 Sash , Doors , Blinds , Etcl MAKE A SPECIALTT OF Seasoned and Kiln Dried Lumber , H. W. PIKE McCOOK , 0 Bed Willow County , - Nebraska. ARAPAHOE STAR MILLS FLOUR. WARRANTED TO BE r FINEST ID THE MARKET. FOB SALE BY s _ > HAYDEN f CO , AGENTS , MoCOOK , - NEBRASKA , Great Western Furniture Emporium , CQ - aV o V j nil "s . 3 o "so * 2 H o aT0 5S tote C toO - c 8 o * to5 pj 32 SJ O -5 pjX tin = 2O 9 } tinwl O 32 O 02 cn tin tD cs CS C 02J" Ct ( " 0 a J" /S t Kl' 3 J < S ? ab 3O3 2 O V3 " JSo . STan i- ! 5 ! JSQ O3 3 s Q g O33 3 . P i -3 P ; - - 3 an ; fie ' J. . BERGER , Proprietor , McC.OOK , NEB , TI for ! * " * * NEW 'STORE ! We would respectfully announce to the citizens of [ Mcgopk ' and vicinity tliat we have just opened - \f * * * a splendid stock of < . . t ? Dry Goods ; Clothin Hats Boots Shoes Notions Etc , CapSj , , , , r f Having had about 15 years experience WG have purchasedjn Chicago a line of goods that we think will please ALL who will call and examine our GOODS AND PRICES. If you wish a suit for yourself or boys we can lit you and - sell as low as you -can buy in Chicago. In the BOOT AND SHOE LINE WE can surprise you. We carry a fine stock of DRY GOODS. Having a fine line.of . 0ASHMERES AND SPRING STYLES OF Dress Goods and Trimmings. Also ; Prints , Ginghams , Laees. CALL IN AND SEE US. WILGOX BROS. Two Blocks West of Bank , West Dennisoii Street , McCook. FREES & HOCKNELL PROPRIETORS OF THE t C il H DEALERS IN II Lumber Lime Cement Sash , , , , Doors , Blinds , Hard and Soft Coal , YARDS AT McCook , Indianola , Cambridge , Arapahoe , and Oxford. Wind Mill , Superior to nny on the market , beiiiK Huaxlcr , Stionger Built. ami therefore a more Durable .Mill. It Is the only absolutely i-afe .Mill ljullt ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 , Years past not onu lias ever blown away and left the Tower standing. A record no other Mill can show. AVe offer to put up any of our POIPING MILLS ON THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , And if they don't give satisfaction , will remove31111 at our . own expense. Also Manufacturers of the Celebrated Challenge Feed Mills , Corn Shelters , . Iron Pumps T.ith brass cylinders , Iron Pipe , Tanks. For estimate3 , catalogues and price" , .ipply to G. B. NETTLETON , McCook , Neb- , Agent for Southwestern Nebraska and Northwestern Kansas. D. KENDALL'S BILLIARD HALL & FVAORITE RESORT , THE PLACE rOK ) = = ; - > Ice Cold Lemonade Beer Nuts , Ginger , Pop , , CHOICE CIGARS , CANDY , ETC , MILLIARD and POOL TABLE. CALL and ENJOY YOUBSELYES for the working class. Send 10 cents ! OLD I for postage , and w j will mall you free a royal..ilunMe box 01 sample froods that ill put you in the way of making ore money in a fewdayathan you ever thought po < - ) le at any business. Capital not required. "U'e will m jou. You can work all the time or in j-pare lime ly. The work Is universally adapted to both sexe > , ting and old. You can easily earn from 30 cents to cery ei cuing. That all who want work may test e business we make this unparalleled offer : to all 10 arc not well satisfied w will send ? 1 to pay for c trouble of writing u . Full particulars directions : . , s-cnt fne. ; Fortunes will be made by tho'-e who ic their whole time to the work. Great success = olutcly sure. Don't delay. Start now. Address IXSOJT & CO. , Portland. Maine. 2-J3. Send six cents for po'tnseand L PRIZE rccche free , a cuitly bet of Roods which will help y u to , 1 inure mtuipy rfstht away than j thins else lirthls world. All of either sex , succeed > m nrtt hour. The broad road to fortune opens bee - e the workers , absolutely sure. At once address CO. , Augusta , Maine.- . 2-35. Specialty- . ! w > -vi andthcConiti. Seasonable terms. Opinion aTto patentability , free of charge. Send for circular : wanted for The Ues of all the AGENTS ! enU of the I' S. The largest , Imndvuncst beit book e > er sold for less than twice our price. The fa te > t sellinc book in America. Immen > e profits to agents. All inteliUent people want It. Any one can become a snc < mi * fii | ap'nt. Term" fn'C. HALLCTT IIOOKCp.l * rtlanJ , Maine. 2-3't. The call forUej s' lilood 1'iirijler I daily P. L. ( irccn Is fnniMiins sample bottle * frre. It la an excellent medicine for the Liver , Kidney" and IH < HKl. Warranted.