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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1884)
ELY IBUNE -Vfr ? - , ? * - VOLUME II. RED -WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MAY 15/1884. / NUMBER-3O. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UMTHD STATES LAND OFFICE McCook , Nebraska. 0. L. LAWS , 2oeitcr. C. F. BABCOCH , Btccivcr. , QmcB Houus : From fl A. M. to 12 M. , and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. J. E. COCIIRAN , ATTORNEY AT LAW , UcCOOE , 2SD WILLOW COUNTY , MSB. Practice in any Courts of the state and Kan sas , and the government Land Olllce of tins District , and before the Land Department at Washington. Satisfaction inmruntecil , and turms reasonable. Ottice 1st door smith of the U. S. Land Olllco. 2-28. JENNINGS & STARBUCK , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. Will clvc special nttentlonto tlio prai-tlce of law , and making collections. ( t59"01Hcc Secondblecknorth of depot , 2 doonnorth Green's drug Htorc. 2-23. JOHN "A. LEE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MCCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. Workmanship guaranteed. Als agent fr the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. PAGE T. FRANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of all lands in the Hit hcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence solicited. 2-22. , -T L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Qniuto Hoileal Department UiiveKity Wcsster. OFFICE : Two doors cast of the Tribune Ollice , where ho can be found when not pro fessionally engaged. Residence , corner of JelTerson and Madison streets DR. .Z. L. KAY , PH-YSICIAN AND SURGEON , - McCOOK , NEBRASKA. I will be found at S. L. Green's Ttvug Store for the present. All orders lelt there will re ceive prompt attention. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. Office one door east of THE TIUBCNE office , where all calls will receive prompt attention , day or night. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. R. R , * [ OFFICE AT B. & M. tHARMACV , ] McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. ' A. T. GATEWOOD , SURGEON DENTIST. [ OFFICE AT McCOOK HOTEL. ] SSTTrcscrvutien of the teeth a specialty. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK , . . NEBRASKA. Jobbing will receUe prompt attention at my shop on IJcnnlson St. , opposite McCook House. Plans and specifications furnished If desired. CONGDON & CLIFF , BRICKLAYERS & PLASTERERS McCOOK , * - NEBRASKA. J5ir"All jobs promptly attended to. C. L. NETTLETON , Superintendent Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Indianola on the third Saturday of every month , 'commencing at 9 o'clock , A. M. 25-tf. W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , McCooK , - NEBRASKA. gay All vrerk guaranteed. Give me a call. WILLIAM M'cINTYRE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. HINMAN & CO. , Painters , Grainers , Paper Hangers McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA , { 3ir"Dcgsns ! furnished for Celling Decorations , cither In paper er Fresco Painting. BARBER SHOP. JACKSON TUBES Has opcncil up a Barber Shop on "West Dcnnlsou Street McCook , Neb. , where he Is able to do Shaving , Hulr Dressing , etc. , at all times. Ladles and child ren's lialr dressing a specialty. Call and become acquainted. JACKSON TUBDS. A. C. TOWNE , REAL ESTATE AGENT. McCOOK , - KEBRASKA. Has for sale Deeded Lands , Timber Claims and Homesteads. Also-will locate parties un Govern- mcnfLand. Wi-'G. LaTOURETTE , II DEALER IN | | IARDWARE , STOVES , QUEENSWARE , AGRIGUTURAL . IMPLEMENTS , BARBED WIRE. The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red Willow County. CALL AND BE CONVINCED , Sigu-of BIG AX. Three Doors South P. 0. McCOOK - NEBRASKA. LYTLE BROS. , -GENERAL DEALERS IN- HARDWARE STOVES AND TINWARE , , Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire , HEADQUARTERS FOR The Celebrated Bain Wagon Tlie Best Wagon in tlie Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly and Neatly Executed. Corner Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , . McCOOK , NEBRASKA. , PHARMACY. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF FINE TOILET AETICLES , Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. WINES AND LIQUORS Will be sold only in cases of sickness , and then oijly on Physician's Prescription. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Night. Doctor's Choice , America's Finest Five Cent Cigar. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. THE CITIZEN'S ' BANK OF McCOOK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on Fanning Lands , Village and personal , ' 'property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe- 1 COS2E3POOTSHTS : , it I ' J.W. DOLAX , President. FirstNational Bank. Lincoln , Neb. V. FRANKLIN , Vice Prcsiocnt. Ofaase National Bant , New York. | W.JF. WALLACE , Cashier. ess , [ OPPOSITE HOTEL OX TIIH HILL. ] Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS. BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , WHIPS. Stock Saddles , Gw-Boy out fits , and Spurs. R. H. HAMILTON. NEW MEAT MARKET. Chas. H. DUNGAN , DEALER IN Fresh f Salt Meats OF ALL KIXDS. CUItEU OF Ham and Breakfast Bacon. Pure Lard of ojr own rendering. Highest price paid for Hides , Furs of all kinds and rclts. One door west of the City Bakery. . . . . C. H. DUXGAX. Proprietor. CITY BAKERY. A. PROBST &BRO. PROPRIETORS. WE KEEP COST HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. Neb.'T Lunch Room in connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. WM. FRUIN , LOCATOR AND LAND AGENT , WILL LOCATE Settlers on Government Lands , buy and sell deeded claims , town lots and government claims. ALL LAND BUSINESS promptly and accurately done , and information as to lauds cor rectly given on reasona ble terms. Correspondence Solicited , Satisfaction Guaranteed. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. THE ENTERPRISE WIND Mill Is what Is known as a " olld wheel" mill and dis penses witli all sliding shafts and pitman ? , and all segment pear , which arc . liable to become Inopera- tle from snow or sleet. It has no superfluous joints , weights and levers . , to wear and admit of lost motion or make noise. Its multiplying Hall Governor Is the simplest , most direct and quickest . In use. It Is the most sensitive to varying winds. It Is manufactured by n company of long standing and experience in the wind -111111 business , with large capital Im cted In special machinery , extensive . works , and an efficient corps of skilled workmen. They are neat In appear ance , noiseless In operation , and an ornament to the grounds. Parties desiring estimates and.costs on an outfit , can obtain them by addressing us , citing plan of grounds , depth of well , points of delivciy , etc. \Ve manufacture Iron Pumps , Brass Cylinders , Tanks and everything . connected with farm , city or railway water supply. SANDWICH SNIS2P2IS3 CO. , Sandwich , El. M. UIWIK , Agent , McCook , Neb. 'T Tinsiuvj : : : my equilibrium under all circunihtancesshe was heard to say in a pause of the- music to the towheaded - headed youth who was hur escort. ! > Uo ? ' he answered softly.Mother cans hers. " Then tha music resumed. Tin ; house of which Sabiu , of Min nesota , is the head , has failed for § J- , 000,000. Mr. Sabin has been very quiet about his political preferences , but just now he thinks that the ticket ought to be Sabin and young Grant. A SKNSini.v American young huly i efused the marriage proposal of an Italian countgiviug as a reason there for that she had never learned the art of making shirts for JJO cents a do/en , and was not brought up to do the fam ily washing. POSSIJU.K the most unique dramatic criticism was made by a young lady of Columbus , Kansas. After seeing an "Uncle Tom's Cabin" performance she concluded that "had the blood hounds and donkey had better sup port , the play would have been good.7' A ST. PAUL plumber fell from the fifth story of a building on to a stone pavement without breaking a bone or receiving any serious injury. He had the presence of mind to turn himself in the air so as to strike on his hip. In his pistol pocket was a little bill he had scratched off in nine hours for soderinjr c an air hole in a pump and it broke his fall. HALLET KILBOUKX'S famous claim lias been cut down by the court to § 17,500. On the h'rst trial he was awarded § 60,000. On the next , $37- 500. Both of these awards were set aside by the courts as excessive. If Mr. Kilbotirne will keep on suing a little longer he may get his claims down to so fine a point that he will ind himself owing the government. A LITTLE boy in one of the German schools in a rural town in Illinois , vhile engaged in the delightful exer cise of defining words , a few weeks igo , made a mistake which was not it all a mistake. He said : "A dem agogue is a vessel that holds beer , wine , gin , whisky or any other intox icating liquor. " lie was probably blinking of demijohn , but he hit the ruth just the same. A PiTThJiuiiuii fanner has made the ixtraordinary discovery of a method for solidifying whisky. Whisky when out up in this form can be carried iround in the pocket like a plug of tobacco. All that is necessary when you want a drink is to cut off a small piece and dissolve it in water. It will je a hard blow to the dram shops , out we predict a life of luxury and case for the lucky inventor. THE failure of Grant & Ward is thought to be more serious than at first reported. Although nothing definite can be learned as to the amount of the iabilities , they are variously estimated it from $8,000,000 to § 10,000,000. New business is turning up daily and e members of the firm themselves arc surprised at its volume. Ward , the ab sconding member , seems to have been carrying on large deals , of which his issociates were entirely ignorant. EX-SEXATOU SIIAUOX seems to be olding all of the high cards in the little game of bluff which has been in progress for some months past in the courts of San Francisco. Now comes one Harry L. Wells , who1 deposes and says that he did swear falsely against his neighbor , the ex-senator , when he testified that he heard Sharon introduce Miss Hill to a Mr. True is his wife. In making his confesson the witness burst into tears and said : "True told me there was § 250,000 in the affair , and I was to have § 100,000. "It does not appear whether tlie cause of the tears was from remorse at the thought of having committed perjury , or through regret at having lost the'100,000. youn < ( men II buck out of a marriage' at the lnst moment through fear of its rctponsi- Inliu'fs , hut tlio Jirst instance of a youri * ? woiiinn being1 iVightumul at the prospect comes from Georgia. A dis patch from Macon says : < J. L. Chris tian and Miss S. A. LoHilin , mem bers of two highly respectable families of Madison , were to have been married last/Sunday. That morning Mr. Chris tian received a letter from the lady stating that she had fled to rhe country before daylight ; that as the moment for the marriage approached her dread of the developemeuts of the married state drove her into such a state of cowardice that she could not meet them. Siie enclosed 5 to pay/or Christian's trouble in getting a license. He immediately went in pursuit of her and found her yesterday in Oconee county. She fell upon his neck , kissed him wildly , anil declared that she would never be parted from him. A second attempt at marriage was made last night , but in the last mome'ut she . swooned away at the thought , and.the marriage was again postponed. " PHILOSOPHERS iu trousers arc jvont to declare that the reasonary powers of the fair sex are weak and that they are rather intuitive or instinctive in .their conclusions than logical. But in Geor gia the other day a woman having died from chloroform in a dentist's chair and her bod'having been carried out , anoth er lady who had boon waiting her turn promptly seated herself in the same chair and called out to the attending "Come with chloro physician : on your form. You say that it only kills one in a thousand , and as it has just killed one , I am not likely to be- the next. " They gave her six times as much of the anaesthetic as had just proven fatal to the other patient , and removed six teeth in a trice. Now , didn't she reason V I Fashion Foibles. FEATHKKS will be very little used this year. Brown will be worn in every shade ; his summer. Immense and diminutive collars are alike fashionable. The fashionable bracelet has more jangles than a dude has neckties. The jersey bodice and the jersey coat will be as popular as ever this season and the next. \Ye are to have another era of polonaises , at which owners of numer ous skirts will rejoice. Long overskirts will be fashionable on all spring gowns. The majority of them will be without trimming. A hat that is entirely new is the lelmet , the high crown of which -is exactly the shape of the head-covering of ancient warriors. The fancy for low corsage con tinues to increase , but there is every provision to preserve the wearer from : he suspicion of immodesty. So far there is nothing new in gloves jut the gauntlet , which is stiff as a O ' jiece of celluloid , and laced on the inner siile of the wrist with metallic cords. One of the only children's hats yet shown is truly extraordinary , being more like the roof of Chinesepagoda than anything else. However , they will probably look very different when trimmed. The spring hats that have made their appearanceare strawthe crowns of which are generally very high and the brims narrow , and the shades so striking as to be obtrusive , and to many undesirable. Unless all signs fail there is to be a regular "boom" in dotted muslins , checked and plaid ginghams , striped lawns , muslin sprigged with small ilowers , and galy-colored cotton pop lins and summer silk. Dr. MAIY WAUVKU likes to nibbh ; the handle of her cane when , she is on dress parade. . * / I y * * . ' A