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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1884)
* / " McCooK WEEKLY * -96 VOLUME II. ' McCOOK' , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MAY-8 , 1884. NUMBER , § . < * BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE McCook , Nebraska.- 0. t. LAWS , Beehtet C. r. BABCOCE , Eecciycr. Omen Hoous : Prom A. IT. to 12 M.f and 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. J. E. COCHHAN , ATTORNEY AT LAW , Z , BSD WltiflW COTOT7 , HSB. Practice In a y Courts of the state and Knn- stis. and the Kovcrnment Lund Oftlco of this District , and before the Land Department at naBhlnjrtou. Satisfnction jruarnnteod. and terms reanonnblo. Ofllco 1st door south of the "U. S. Laud OlHcn. 3.28. JENNINGS & STAIIBUCK , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , MCCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. "Will jclvc upeclal attention Jo tJic practice of law , and making collection ) ! . O SXT OlHee Krcowd hlHckuorlU of depot , 2 doors north * = < 3rtea'fl ; drugstore. 2-32. JOHN A. LEE , MERCHANT TAILOR , McCooK , : : ' NEBRASKA. Workmanship Kiiaruntoed. Alsa iifrenlfir the Wheeler & Wilson Machine. PAGE T. FIIANCIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of nil lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special iittontioii Driven to all such business. Correspondence solicited. 2l. . L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , Qrsiaato Hoileil Depirtaest Bdvordty Wcsster. Omen : Two doors cast of the Tribune Oflicc , where he tain be found when not pro- -fcssionally rnfraxed. Residence , corner of J Direction anil Madison streets. Da. Z. L. KAY , * ; AND SURGEON , McCOOK , - - XEIJKASKA. & I will bo found at S. L. Green's Druir Store i'or the present. All orders left there will re ceive prompt attention. - T. B. STUTZMAN , 31. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , McCOOK , - XKUUASKA. Office one door oa-st of THE Tninnsn office , where all calls will receive prompt attention , day or night. DR. A. J. WILLEY , SURGEON B. & M. R. R. [ OFFICE AT B. & M. PHAKMACV. ] McCOOK , . . NEBRASKA. A. T. GATE WOOD , SURGEON DENTIST. [ OFFICE AT McCOOK HOTUL. ] f the teeth n specialty. JOHN F. COLLINS , CONTRACTOR AXD BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. . trill rcoehe prompt attention nt my chop -on Dcnnison St. , opposite MrOmik . PlansJiiul * pcclftcat ! < ius furnished If desired. CONGDON & CLIFF , BRICKLAYERS & PLASTERERS McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. J35OV1I jobs promptly attended to. C. L. NETTLETON , Superintendent Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Indinnolu on the third Satxrduy of every month , commencing : ' jit a o'clock. \ . Jr. 25-tf. W 31. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND 'SIGN PAINTER , McCooK , - NEBRASKA. 53Sr All work guaranteed. Give nio a cull. WILLIAM McIXTYEE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. AH material fiirnlshod if desired. Work done on short notice. . . HIN3IAN & CO. , Painters , Cramers , Paper Hangers McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA. "Dealcns furnished for Celling Decoration cither In paper or Fresco Palntlnc- BARBER SHOP. ' JACKSON TUBES Has opened up a Barber Shop on West Dennlson Street , McCook ; Xcbl , where he Is dMc to do Shaving , Hair Dressing , etc. , at all time * . Ladlca and chlld- rcVn hair dressing a specialty. Call and become Acquainted. _ JACKSOX A. C/TOWNE , BEAL ESTATE ARGENT. McCOOK , - SEBKASKA. IlKi.tQT sale 'Deeded Zrrads , Timber Claims and HoTncftcads. Also , will locate parties on Govern ment LauJ. W. C. LaTOUKETTE , [ DEALER IN HARDWARE , STOVES , . AGRIG.UTURALIMPLEMENTS . , BARBED WIR The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red VSTillow County. CALL AND BE CONVINCED , Sign of BIG AX. Three Doors South P. 0. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 1TTI.E -GENERAL DEALERS IX- Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire. HEADQUARTERS FOR The Best Wagon in the Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet-Iron & Copperware By Practical and Experienced . Workmen , Promptly . and Neatly Executed. Horner Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF FINE TOILET AETICLE Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. WINES AND LIQUORS Will be sold only in cases of sickness , and then only 011 Physician's Prescription. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Night. Doctor's Choice ; America's Finest Five Cent Cigar. McOOOK , - - NEBRASKA. THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK -DOES A GENERAL- BANKING Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities oi' Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on Farming Lands , Village and personal property. Fire -Insurance a specialty. \ ' . t Tickets for * S&le to and from "Europe1- C022ESP01TCE1TTS : J.W. DOLAy , President. First National Bank. Lincoln , Neb. * V. FEANKLIN , Vice Prcsir.cnt. . Cfaase National Bank , New York. W. F. WALLACE , Cashier. OXK of the greatest trials of the newspaper profession is that its mem bers are compelled to see more of the shams of the world than any othci profession. Through ever newspape olficc , day after day , go all the weak ness of the world ; all vanities that want to be pufi'ed , all the revenges that want to be reaped , all the mis takes that -want to be corrected , all the dull speakers who want to be thought eloquent , all the meanness that wants to get its waves noticed gratis in the editorial columns .in order to save the t x of the advertis ing columns , all the men who want to be set right who were never right , all the cracked brained philosopher with stories as long as their hair , and as gloomy as their fingernails in mourning bereft of soap. Through the editorial and reportorial rooms all the follies and shams of the world are sex'ii day after day , and the temptation is to believe in neither God , man nor woman. It is no surprise t ( * me that in this profession there are some skep tical men , . ! only wonder that journal ists believe anything. De AYitt Tal- mage. [ OPPOSITK HOTEL OX THK HILL. ] Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , COLLARS , ' BRUSHES , COMBS , WHIPS. * Stock Saddles , Cow-Boy out fits , and Spurs/ R , H. NEW MEAT MARKET. Chas. H. DEALER Df OF ALL KINDS. CUKEK OF Ham and Breakfast Bacon , Pure Lanl of oar own renileiin ? . Hichcst cas-li pace paid for Hid * ? , Furof all kinds , and 1'ultb. Oau door w est of t/.e City Uakcry. C. II. DUXGAX. Proprietor. A. PROBST &BRO. PllOPJllETORS. WE KEEr OM" HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GKAIIAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. Lunch Itoom in connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. LOCATOR WILL LOCATE Settlers on Government Lands , buy and sell deeded claims , town lots and government claims. ALL LAND BUSINESS j- promptly and accurately done , and information as to lands cor rectly given on reasona ble terms. Correspondence Solicited , Satisfaction Guaranteed proud to beg and too coivardly to ateul after dark , we can safely commend : i new industry , or rather an old industry newly resumed in Washington. One- branch of the pursuit requires capita ] enough to deposit with a credulous aud coufiding banker from whom u note or due received covering the amount deposited , agaiust which checks may be drawn until it is exhausted , after which there is nothing in the way of transfer ring the banker's paper and realizing from some other credulous and confiding friend the full face thereof. Well fol lowed this branch of business is ex- ticmely profitable , but no more i-o than another branch which involves the harmless negotiation of the pay accounts of army and navy officers , which the Government is only too willing to pay when in duplicate or even triplicate if they are only accompanied by the requi site vouching apparatus. Of course this style of making money is a little more contemptible than thimble-rigging , but if one gets rich by "it , who is going to ask how one got there ? Dmi PEDRO. THE pleuro-pneumonia bill passed by the senate a day or two ago deserves attention. It provides for the establish ment of a bureau of animal industry within the bureau of agriculture , and to which the collection of statistics and in formation regarding the breeding of live stock in the country is tc oe "in- t J trusted. The chief of the bureau shall be competent veterinary surgeon , who is to investigate and report upon the existence and course of contagious and infectious diseases among domestic ani mals. ' He is to have $ . ' 1,000 a year. Tho. rest of the bureau is to conbist of twenty men. Two of these are to be iractical stock raisers and they are to report upon the best methods of trans- jorting stock , and of curing or prevent ing pleuro-pneumonia , or other danger ous diseases. They are to have $10 a day while employed. The bureau is to prepare and issue directions for the cure of cattle diseases and request the execu tive of each state to assist in stamping out such maladies. Special provision s made for ascertaining the presence of disease in cattle likely to be shipped ibroad. Quarantines are to be establish ed wherever needed , and for this pur- ) ese special appropiations are set apart. The exportation of cattle effected with contagious -diseases is to be prevented ) y the interference ot the secretary of the treasury , who is to be informed of such exportations by the chief of the jureau. Transportation companies are also forbidden to convey such cattle Tom one state to another , under a pen alty of $ f,000 , or a year's imprison ment , or both. United States district ittorneys. are enjoined to prevent such cases. The appropriation is $150,000 , to which the senate in a fit of unaccount able economy , reduced the $250,000 set apart by the house. Bee. A DELEUATIOX of WOlllCU from 0110 of the churches waited upon Rugg. the man convicted of the Maybee murders , on Long Island , the other day , and sang ind prayed in his cell. A number of adies also carried flowers to the con demned man. This , too , in the light of the fact that Bugg's victims were two defenceless women , whom he murdered in the coldest blood. A convicted niilr- derer , when awaiting execution , should ic treated decently , but the attention he receives should come from prison offi cials and the clergy. There is a grow ing tendency on the part of a certain class of American women to gush over notorious characters , even though their notorietynvas gained through the perpe tration of the most heinous crimes , and it is high time that it was stopped. The practice tends to make heroes of the blackest villains and puts a premium on crime. AN exchange says : Don't judge a man by the clothes he wears ; God made one and the tailor the other. Don't judge a man by his family , for Cain be longed to a good family. Don't judge by his failure in life , for many a man fails because he is too honest to succeed- Don't judge a man by the house he lives in , for the lizzard and the rat often in habit the grander structure. When a man dies , they who survive him , asks what property he has left behind , the angel who bend over the dying man. asks what deeds he ha sent before him. WASHINGTON LETTER ! . Washington , D. O , May 4,1884 ? , The bare thought that such a man as George F. Edmunds-may be likely to- enter the Presidential campaign as- the nominee of the Republicans , , makes the politicians shake-hi their shocks. Wheth er you know it or not , I can say to you that he is the last man in the party that the office-holders wunt to see in the White House. Mr. Edmunds is a man who , if he knows all the tricks m trade of politicians , will not adapt him self to them , aud will not he counted in as a participant in any of * the ways that are dark , 0which are to be expected of the average politician. But like Blainc and Lincoln and Tildcu and the rest of them , Edmunds is not a candi date ! 01' course not. JJlaine is no candi date , but he has got magnetism , and magnetism is running his campaign on its own hook. Lincoln is not a candi date , but the very children are crying for him because his name is Liucolu. and therefore he unconsciously falls iuto the hands of his friends. Logan is not a. candidate in hcordinary acceptation of tli word , but homebody has been migliiy lively of late in working up u regular eompound-doublc-hack-action stub and twist boom , with Fitx John Porter at one end , and the G. A. II. , at the other. Nor is Mr. Tilden a candi date ; if he were , you would not hear of thepe politicians visiting Gramcrcy Park in squads , companies and battal ions. And what in the world would Mr. Randall and Mr. Ilendrioks and Mr. Morrison and Mr. Cox and the other prominent shepherds in the Democratic fold , he calling upon the Sage for if it were not to get his disin terested advice and Deceive his Demo cratic benedictions ? The o ly thing absolutely positive about Mr. Edmunds' candidacy is his own declaration one day that he was not a candidate , and the next going upon a still-hunt for a nomination. Such is politics I And what a power there is behind a politician after hegets up-among the high muak-a-mucks of the party ! Here is Sabin , of Minnesota , who was never heard of until last fall , furnishing to the country a successor to Knox , Comptrol ler of the Currency , in the person or. ' another man who was never heard of or heard from , although his name is Can non. The responsibility that attaches to this office of Comptroller is simply immeasurable , and the men arc few who possess the requisite capacity for a discharge of the vastly important trusts involved in it. Mr. . Cannon may be a most excellent man forthepositionbut the business men of the country , and particularly the men who run the Na tional banks , would much prefer to know something of the man who is to boss the finances of this great Nation. It must be that Julius Ctcsar Bur rows , of Michigan , has got a sure thing for the next Congress , or he never could have refused the Solicitorship of the Treasury , which the President has been urging upon him. The office has been vacant since the death of Mr. Ray- nor , and , strange to say , the country had really forgotten that there was such an office. Now the Solicitor of the Treasury is nothing more nor nothing * less than the legal adviser of the offi cials in the Treasury Department , at the head of which 'is tli3 ex-Chief-Justice of the highest judicial tribunal in the State of New York , who would hardly think of asking the advice of-a third rate lawyer as to his duties , and if he did , would never act upon it. There are law officials connected with each of the departments , and who are called Assistant Attorney Generals , who are selected for these places seemingly be cause they will not fit in anywhere else. They are as incapable of solving a prob lem involving a legal principle , as the man who drives their carriages at Gov ernment expense. And more than that , their decisions upon questions involving a construction of law , such as are always arising in the Pension Bureau , and tne Land Office , are as a rule too farcial for any'use. It would be money in the pocket of the Government to pay these fellows their salary , and let them dis tribute ancient seeds from the.Agricul- tural Department. ' To Liin , who u too lazy to workj Luo I