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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1884)
TUB SLUGGARD SLUGGED. ' 'You need a little exercise , ' ' The village doctor said ; 4'And you-will seek , If you arc wise , Some other spot than bed 6omo sport whore you must use your eyes And eke your drowsy head. So forthwith then the sluggard went And Joined a base ball club ; 4 'For I , ' ' quoth he , ' 'will bo content To earn my daily grub By means of frolic innocent , Instead of toilsome drub. " Ho struck a stately attitude. Upon the broad homo base ; He seized a bat , and , as he Uood , A stmlo shone on his face ; For then he thought ho really would Give those bold boys a chasea The pitcher drew his right arm back And let the hard ball fly ; The sluggard aimed at It a whack , When lo , a pressing cry I For that ball hit. wlthgrewsome crack , His wildly rolling eye. 'He prostrate fell ; then , with a bound , He sprang Into the air ; He flung the pitcher to the ground , He tore his waving hair , And while each other they did pound Confusion wild reigned there. The row was quelled ; the sluggard rose And soon suppressed his sighs ; A crimson color stained his nose , In mourning were his eyes. 4'I've had , " ho says , as home he goes , "Enough of exercise. " [ Krys , in N. Y. Journal. HEBREW IDEA OP THE RE8UR- EEGTION. JL Lecture by Rev. Dr" L. TYintuer lu the Temple Beth Blohim. / Dr. L. Wintner lectured recently in Brooklyn on "The Resurrection. " " The lecturer commenced by saying that the word resurrection in the usual sense meant a rising from the dead and a resumption of life. What was itP Many people of antiquity behoved in it , especially the Egyptians , the Hindoos and the Parsees. Among the ancient Hebrews the idea hardly ever took a definite shape. According to some it was received by Judaism from Zoroaster , and was therefore of heathen origin. The doctrine of the immortal ity of the soul , said Dr. Wintner , was not to be confounded with that of the resurrection. The latter was irra tional ; the former meant the continued existence of the soul long af ler the body had perished and mingled with the world of matter. Such a doctrine was not irrational. The 'resurrection from the dead , in a literal sense , had become a dogma of Christianity. The Hebrew equivalent of the word resur rection meant "reviving of the dead , " but ifc was merely a figurative expres sion. Such passages as "Thou shalt come to thy father in peace" "I am He who killeth and reviveth , " the preacher asserted , were figurative. In Daniel it'was written , "Many of those who sleep in death shall awake ; " and in Hosea. "From the power of the grave I shall redeem thee ; " in Job , "I know that my Redeemer liveth. " None of these passages , however , ex pressed directly that a dead body shall rise. The Sadducees rejected the resurrection idea. Other Hdbrew sects adopt it. The doctrine was dis cussed in all its aspects in the Talmud. Many of the Jewish teachers doubted it or denied it entirely. One rabbi who believed in it on being asked by a Roman how it was that a dead body rendered to dust could come to life again answered , "Did not God create the world out of nothing ? " Another on being asked the same question said , "That which was not came into exist ence , and why not that which has lived already ? " The doctrine it appeared , therefore , was not settled ; it had to be defended in many peculiar and doubt ful ways. The question among others connected with the subject had been asked where the resurrection would take place. One rabbi in the third century held that it would be in Pales tine. This provoked strong opposition. So another rabbi held that all the dead outside of Palestine would have to make their way underground to that land. Another teacher held that the particu lar place where the dead would rise was the Mount of Olives. These specula tions showed how untenable was the idea of bodily resurrection. The re V surrection , therefore , among the Hebrews , was not a fixed fact. Some believed in it ; others did not. It was , however , the fundamental idea of Christianity , deprived of whicn it would fall tcj the ground. The Hebrew teach ers in the Middle Ages believed in it. Modern Judaism rejected it as an tagonistic to human reason , science of and the laws of nature. Science showed that what is dead is dead , and that after death its substance is again united with the various parts of matter in the physical world ; that the dead man can never rise again. The mod a ern Hebrews , therefore , were not in conflict with the teachings of natural science. They believed , however , that the soul will continue to live. They would not tolerate what they could not believe. They believed in God , in rev elation and in the immortality of the a soul. - They did not connect the idea of resurrection with the Passover. That festival to the modern Jew was the fes tival of liberty , corresponding to the American Fourth of July. Where Did Life Begin ! O.H. BcrlbLerln Popular Bctonco Monthly tor Mar- Eegarding the earth , then , as at one . time an intensely hot globe , totally destitute of organic life , ' one of the principle and indispensable conditions of rendering it habitable for plants and animals evidently would be the radia tion into space of its excessive and de structive heat. The accomplishment of this , with the train of concurrent effects which would follow , or at least ever have followed the gradual reduc ly tion of temperature , is all that would be necessary to render the earth a suit able place for the maintenance of vege table and animal life. At any rate this is precisely what has taken place since the commencement of tthe Azoic age , and is' still taking place on parts of the earth's surfr'aco to-day , visible and obvious to any bbserver. Oar inquiry , therefore , is reduced to this question : What p rt or parts of the earth's surface first became suffi ciently cooled by radiation to be habit able by plants * and animals ? A supposed case may hel | ) us in reaching a correct answer Ao this ques tion. Let us assume , then , the earth , at the time it was a molten mass , hac been and Was revolving in an orbit so near the sun that the amount of heat it would have been receivingfrom the sun would have just equalized the amount of heat it was losing by radiation. Un der these conditions it would- have cooled as the sun cooled neither fast er nor slower. This helps us to un derstand that the heat received from % the sun is , and over has been , an offset 'so far as it goes , to the heat lost iron the earth by radiation. A statement of the loss of heat from the earth dur ing any definite time may be formu lated in this way : From the heat lost from the earth by radiation during a given period , subtract the heatreceivec by the earth from the sun-during the same period , and the remainder will bo the earth's net or actual loss of heat Sidereal heat received by the earth being - ing Infinitesimal in comparison , is no here taken into the calculation. Bui were it moie considerable , it would nol bo important in this connection , for il falls on all parts of the earth about equally. It is evident from the present con- ditkm of the earth's surface , that at the time it was a molten mass , and foi a long time thereafter , it radiated heal into space much more rapidly than it received heat from the sun ; but never theless the heat of the sun is , and al ways has been , offsetting the loss of heat from the earth by radia tion to the ' full extent of the heat which the earth had been receiv ing from the sun during the time. But this sun heat , this offset to radi ation , has not been received by all parts of the earCh equally. The equa torial , or torrid zone , has / always re ceived the most per square foot , or in proportion to its area. The two inter mediate , or temperate zones , have re ; ceived the next largest amount per square foot , or in proportion to their area , while the polar or frigid zones have received the least per square foot , or in proportion to their area. If the amount of sun heat received at the equator be rated at 1,000 , then , upon the same basis , the average sun heat throughout the torrid zone should be rated at 975 , the average sun heat .hroughout . the temperate zones at 757 , and the average sun heat throughout the frigid zones at 451or less than one- half that'of the torrid , and less than ; wo-thirds that of the temperate zones. We speak here , and shall hereafter , of , he geographical zones of the earth for the sake of convenience. The greatest amount of heat received from the sun and offsetting radiation rom the earth , other things being iqual , is , of course , as we have seen at he equator , and less and less every de gree north and south of this line to the poles. If , then , the frigid zones have been during all this time receiving the "east heat from the sun the least offset o their own loss of heat by radiation does it not follow that they were the first parts of the earth sufficiently cooled to maintaia vegetable and ani mal life ? The inference seems inevi table. A VISIT TO LISZT. How the Great Composer Was Induced to Perform for a Stranger. From H. tt. Hnwlels's " Musical IJfe. " We had again reached the upper terrace , where the abbate's midday re past was being laid out by his valet. It was a charming situation for lunch , commanding that wide and magnifi cent prospect to which I have alluded ; but autumn was faradvancedthere | was a fresh breeze , and the table was or dered indoors. Meanwhile , Liszt * lay ing his hand upon my arm , we passed through the library opening into his bedroom and thence to a little sitting- room ( the same which commanded that view of the Campagna. ) Here stood his grand Erard piano. "As we were talking of bells , " he said , "I should like to show vou an 'Angelus , ' which I have just written , " and , open ing the piano , he sat down. This was the moment which I had so often and so vainly longed for. When I left En gland it seemed to me as impossible ' that Ishould'ever _ hear Liszt _ play as that I should ever see Mendelssohn , who has been in his grave thirty-three " years. How few of the present gener ation have had this privilege ! At Bayreuth I had hoped , but no opportu nity offered itself , and it is well known that Liszt can hardly ever be prevailed upon to open the piano in the presence strangers. "You know , " said Liszt , turning to me , "they ring the 'Angelus' in Italy carelessly ; the bells swing irregularly , and leave off , and the cadences are often broken up thus ; " and ho began as little swaying passage in the treble like bells tossing high up in the even ing air. It ceased , but so softly that the half bar of silence made itself felt , to and the listening ear still carried the broken rhythm through the pause. The abbate himself-'seemed to fall into dream ; his fingers fell again lightly on the keys , and the bells went on , leaving off in the middle of a phrase. , Then rose from the bass the song ; of the Angelus , or rather is seemed like the vague emotion of one who , when he passes , hears in the ruins of some way side cloister the ghosts of old monks hamming their drowsy melodies , as the sun goes down rapidly and the purple shadows of Italy steal over the land out of the orange west ! We sat mo tionless the disciple on one side , Ion , the other. Death of a Famous Duelist. C Ccntreyille CMd. ) Record. ' - ti Dr. Robert Wright , whoso'death was announced yesterday , came of a fami } that had a marked propensity for tl dueling , and many anecdotes are told tl concerning those of his relatives who tl became involved in affairs of honor. tl Robert Wright , who was governor of tidi this state in 1806 , fought u duel with di diI Gen. Lloyd , the former being shot in I the wrist , Which ended the matter Robert , a son of the governor , fough with Alexander Stuurt , and was sno in the shoulder. Gustavus lought with Benjamin Nicholson. They both ex pected to be killed , and it is marvelous how they escaped death , when eacl had two shots and were only stationec six to eight feet apart. At the first shot Nicholson was shot in the hand , and at the second in the side. The wound being considered mortal , ended the matter. Nicholson , as bravo a man as ever lived , recovered , and was aide to Gen. Z. Pike , and with Pike and his whole command was blown up and killed at Little York , now callec Toronto , Canada , in the year 1812. Mr. Wright also had a duel with Capt. Wat son , whom he killed. Clinton had duel with Lieutenant Jarman ; they hac two shots. At the second shot Wright was wounded in the arm. Ho after ward fought a duel with Major Hook. Wright was shot down at the first shot , andheing unable to stand , proposed to Hook to lie side * by side and .take an other shot. To this both Hook and his second obiected , and very properly , but said if they could make Wrighi stand they would give him another exchange of shots. Wright put his hand in his hip pocket , and drawing out an old bandana handkerchief , gave it to his second , telling him to pass il under his arms and draw him up to the limb of a small tree near by. This being done , they had another exchange pf shots , when Hook received what was sup posed to be a mortal wound. But bbth ho and Wrightrecovered. Henry II. Platt ( who married one of the Wright's ) had a duel with William Elbert. He shot a bunch of .keys oul of Elb'ert's pantaloons pocket , and both being thereby satisfied , kissed and made up. They afterwards became and continued fast friends. Another one of the family was on the eve of a duel with Cadet Lindsey , of Philadel phia , when a timely apology from Lindsey , put a stop to it. ALL SORTS. A Michigan girl , at one sitting , ate two pounds of limburger cheese. Leap year will do that maiden no particular wood unless the young man has a "ci > ld in his head. " [ New xork Graphic. "What shall we do with our old clothes ? " asks a rural editor. Better keep them on till the weather moderates - ates , and then if you can got along without ihem let your wife trade them off for plaster of paris gods. [ Bis marck Tribune. There is no political alchemy by which you can get golden conduct out of leaden instincts. [ Herbert Spencer. Herbert is trying to hit at the plumb ers ; but they will never comprehend bis evolution , " language. [ New Or leans Picayune. "Something must bo done to reduce the taxes gn the poor man , " wrote a country editor , and the next week he received a communication reading : "That's it , old fellow ; keep up the fight tor three-cent beers. [ Philadelphia Chronicle. If a man wants 'peace to reign in the household he should count ten before speaking at times when he feels as if ais clothes don't fit him. And on days when the kitchen stove doesn't draw he should count 480. [ Middleton Tran script. Let the hairy-headed citizen display his charms and speak with sneers and ridicule of his less favored brother , but let him remember meanwhile that the proud emblem of our glorious country is.a . bald-headed eagle. [ Boston Globe. It's a pretty difficult thing for a high- school girl to think of something to say when she goes to write a composition" , but as soon as she gets out of school and while on the way home she can say a whole newspaper full without think ing. [ N. Y. Dial. f A Cincinnati reporter is teaching a f Sunday school class. As a Cincinnati man is liable to be killed in a riot at any moment , the journalistic foresight of this young man is not so surprising as it might be in some other localities. Louisville Courier-Journal. "Oh " said Mrs. Parvenu , yes , , talk ing about music at Mrs. Suddenriches' t reception , "I just dote on them sympa thy concerts , and my husband insists on our prescribing for "tho whole series. Ain't them Beethoven rapsodies real elegant ? " [ Baltimore Day. Not long ago an advocate of female suffrage was asked : "How would you like ] to have your wife running for office against you ? " and the reply was : "Nothing would suit me better. The family couldn't ask a softer thing than that. " [ Salt Lake Tribune. Retarding Old -Apre. The most rational treatment with a view to retard old age is , in the first place , to endeavor as" far as possible to counteract the excessive action of at mospheric oxygen ; secondly , to re tard the deposit of ossific matter and far as possible to dissolve partially brmed calcareous concretions. Dis tilled water and diluted phosphoric acid are believed by Mr. do Lacy Evans have the desired effect. When con sidering their special action we cannot but fully coincide with him as to their efficacy in retarding old age by their combined chemical action. Now dis tilled water alone has a powerful ac- ion owing to its solvent 'properties , thereby dissolving and excreting the excess ot earthly salts which otherwise would become blocked up in the sys tem , gradually storing up these blocka ges which in time causes'pld age. The solvent properties of distilled water do are so great per ee that on distillation n vessels it actually dissolves sen ill particles of them. Now the generali- ies of waters contain more or less car bonate of lime , and are to be avoided , n especially those from chalky sods , tending , as they do , to produce cal careous ! deposits. The action of dis tilled water as a beverage is briefly as bllows : First , its absorption into the Iood is rapid ; second , it keeps soluble those salts already existing in the blood , thereby preventing their undue deposit ; third , it facilitates in a marked degree their elimination by means of excre tion. After middle life a daily use of distilled water is highly beneficial to , those desirous , cf retarding old age. INSIDE A BASE BALL. Bow the Popular Tar i > Made flrat to Bounce and Then Not to Benne * Too Much. * New York Bun. In all the toy , game and sporting goods stores the now supply of balh for the game of base ball has been lair in , and the balls , lying in pasteboarc compartments and rolled up in tinfoil , or having their coverings colored rec or blue , are as pretty as many Easter eggs. . The first-class regulation ball for this year is not different from that in UEO las ; year. It costs $1.50 , and sells at wholesale at the rate of $15 i dozen. It weighs about five ounces , and when , thrown on a board floor sounds like a young paving stone. It is just as solid and as heavy as a turnip of the same size , and , though it is per fectly round stad smooth , and the stitches are almost oven with the leather , it stings the uncallonsed hand of its catcher as if it were red hot or covered prickers. " Base balls are dear because they are made by hand , and they are made by hand becausg they must be wound tightly , carefully and evenly. The basis of each one is a little lump of Para rubber , rouni and weighing an ounce. Wound varound this in every direction , is worfted yarn. In some balls , after a thick layer of yarn is wound on it , the ball is dipped : in rub ber , then more yarn is woundon ; then it is dipped again , and finally yetmore is wound on , and then the cover is fit ted over it. One ball affected by many professionals has a thin skin of con crete midway between the cover and the rubber. Girls make all the balls. The process is something like that of making certain mixed drinks , wherein the bar-tender puts in lemon to make it sour and sugar to make it sweet. Players want what is called - a dead ball , that is , one J that ; wont bounce much. A stone will bounce more than a base ball ought to. So ths rubber is put in to make it bounce just a little , and the yarn is woilnd tight ana concrete is added to stop it bouncing at all. Thus the happy medium is reached. Sometimes moulded vulcanized rubber is us'ed. The best balls are covered with horseskin because it ig strong and tough. ( Many of these are sewed with catgut . , but in damp weather the catgut loosens , and therefore at such times those balls are used which are stitched with flax. Professionals have agreed upon the best . form of boll and Jiave ruled that ifc shall.accord with these specifications : The ball must weigh not less than five nor more than five and one quar ter ounces avoirdupois. It must measure tiu tin not less than nine nor more than nine and one quarter inches in circum ference. It must bo composed of woolen yarn , and shall not contain more than ono ounce of vulcanized rubber in mould form and shall be covered with leather. Base balls can bo purchased for 5 , 10,20,25 and 50 cents. Many of these are machine made. They are stuffed with odds and ends of leather , wound up with cord , pressed- into shape and covered with common leather. The second time one is hit with a bat it as sumes the shape of an egg. A little later it still resembles an egg one that has been hit with a club. Contagiousness of Diptheriu. Dr. Footo'a Health Monthly. A physician residing in Hanover , Nt H. , communicates some facts to the Medical Record' , illustrating the con tagiousness of diptheria , which are of great importance , for it is becoming every day more apparent that diptheria isn ono of those diseases which can be more easily prevented than cured , and which xnig'ht be banished entirely if Yif could more nearly approach to per fect sanitation. From the article re ferred to , we learn that the disease started in Royalton , Vt. , in a child who was carried to that town and died there. Its mother took the disease and recovered. The doctor who attended it took the disease , and his- youngest also. The clyld was cared for in a neighbor's family , and there another > ab y took diphtheria and died. The doctor's baby was then passed on to another family where a young woman took care of it and caught the disease. The young woman went home , and he mother and one of her jrothers were taken. Meanwhile , the doctor's baby still tenderly cared for by neighbors , found its way into a family where there were three children , a boy of eighteen , a girl of sixteen , and a boy of eight. These three children died of diphtheria soon after the arrival of the Daby. The doctor traces several other cases of those who caught the disease rom one little sick child. The moral to b'e drawn from this is not that the child should have been put ate a pest-house , but that it should not iave been sent for care into the homes where other children likely to take the disease. If one has a good thing 1 everybody is glad to have him pass it 1ai aie around , but in cases of diphtheria it lad better be kept at home and cared br under such sanitary arrangements that there will be the least possible danger of spreading ifc. Following the American Custom. Norwich. Conn. , Bulletin. A Chinese laundryman called in at a Norwich grocery store a day or two ago and asked for permission to ride to he West Side on the grocer's wagon. Che grocer expressed his willingness to so slight a favor for him and as c sured him he was welcome to the ride. S Che beaming face of the Chinaman showed a hearty acknowledgment of he favor , while his tongue rattled out pigeon English : "Blink ? . Blink ? " Che grocer could not interpret the salu- ation , and witnessing his confusion the aundryman said"Bliukee whiskee ? " Che grocer then realized that the grate- ul.Chinaman , in the generosity of his icart , wished to treat in recognition of he kindness , after the most approved American fashion. When he declined vith thanks a broad grin spread itself upon that Oriental countenance and kJohn" said : " "Skusee ! Skusee ! I inks all Melican man blinkee whiskee. , on But no knowee. " a M. A. SPALDING , AGENT FOR THEO CO COO O tf tfO III O CO 111 Sold Low for cash , or on easy payments or rented until the rent pays * ! . r the organ.- M. A. SPALDINC , Agent , McCOOK , - - . NEBRASKA. STOCK DIKEGTOKY DENNIS M'KILLIP. Kanch on Red Willow , Thornburg , Hayes County , Neb. Cattle branded "J. M. " on leftside. Young.cattle branded same as above , also * * J. " on left jaw. tinder-slope right ear. Horses branded "E" on left shoulder. . _ FOB SAJLE. My range f 1,000 acres of deeded land in one body , including the Black and Byfield hay lands ; timber and water with two good farm houses and other Improvements. Convenient to No. 1 school privileges. Situated in the Republican val- tey west o Bed Willow creek. Cull on or address J. F. BLiACK. Indianola , Neb. W. J. WILSON. Stock brand circle on left shoulder ; also lewlap and a crop and under half crop on eft ear , and a crop and under bit in the right. Ranoh on the Republican. Post- office , Max , Dundy county , Nebraska. HENRY T. CHURCH. . 0 born , Neb. Hange : Red Willow creek , n southwest corner of Frontier county , cat tle branded " 0 L 0' ' on right side. Also , an over crop on right ear and under crop on eft. Horses branded " 8" on right shoulder. SPRING CREEK CATTLE CO. Indianola , Neb. Range : Republican Val- ey , east of Dry Crepk , and near head of Spring Creek , in Chase county , J. D. WELBORK , vice President and Superintendent JOHN HATFIELD & SON. JfcCook , Neb. , Ranch 4 miles southeast , Republican river. Stock branded with bar and lazy (3 ( on left hip fl J. B. MESERVE. Ranch , Spring Canyon on the Frenchman River , in Chase county , Neb. Stock branded as above ; also " 717" on left side ; "O.L. " on left hip ; " 1" on right hip and "L."on right shoulder ; "L. " on left -shoulder and "X. on left jaw. Half under-crop left ear , and square-crop right ear. . C. D. PHELPS. Range : Republican Valley , four miles west of Culbertson , south side of Republi can. Stock branded " 161" and " 7-L. " P. O. Address , Culbertson , Neb. THE TURNIP BRAND. Ranch 2 miles north of McCook. Stock branded on left hip , and a fewdoublecross es on left side. 0. D. EROANBRACK. STOKES & TROTH. P. O. Address , Carrico , Hayes county. Nebraska. Range , Red Willow , above Car rico. Stock branded as above. Alao run the lazy brand. GEORGE J. FREDERICK. Ranch 4 miles southwest of McCook , on the Driftwood. Stock branded "AJ" on the left hip. P. O. address , McCook , Neb. N. PflOCTOR. McCook. Neb. , range ; lied Willow creek , in.-outhwestc rner of Frontier county. Also E. P. brand on right hip and side and swal low-fork In rightear. Horses branded E. P * on right hip. A few branded ' 'A' ' on right . hip. _ , ALL LIVE DRUGGISTS SELL BLOSSOM i Anti-Bilious and Dyspeptic Oore.