Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 27, 1910, Image 9

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    A Diagnosis ,
"How's yor 'uslmml after th * > accl-
dent. Mrs. GInncrty ? "
"Paltli , Boiiiotolincs he's bother an'
FoinetolmeB he's wurso , but from the
way ho ylls an * takes on when he's
bother , 01 think he's bother when he's
wurso. " Kansas City Journal.
The old proverbs depend largely on
the point of view. For Instance , you
can't convince a mouse that a black
cat brings good luck.
There nro imitations , don't be fooled.
There is no substitute ! Tell the dealer you
Lewis' Single Hinder cigar.
Money talks in spite of the fact
thnt lots of mnn want to keep It quiet.
Mrs. TVInslow'fl Soothing Syrup.
For children teethuiK , noftcns theRiunu , roduceii In *
nunmatlonalln/spalncurewindcollu 25ctbottle.
Hope Is a magic lantern which often
shows impossible pictures.
An Ideal Present
An immediate rclid for Hoarscnm , Cotiglu , Sort
TJitoat , Bronchial nnd Asthmatic Troubles. An
article of superior merit , absolutely free from any
liarmful mgrtdient.
Price , 25 cents , 50 cents and $ J,00 ptr fcoi.
Sample mailed on request.
W. N. U. . LINCOLN , NO. 4-1910.
Simple Home-Made Remedy That )
Free from Opiates and Harm
ful Drugs.
_ M 1 %
An effective remedy thnt will usu
ally break up a cold in twenty-four
hours , Is easily made by mixing to
gether In a largo bottle two ounces of
Glycerine , a half-ounce of Virgin Oil
of Pine compound pure and eight
ounces of pure Whisky. This mix
ture will cure any cough'that is cur
able , and Is not expensive as it makes
enough to last the average family an
entire year. Virgin Oil of Pine com
pound pure is prepared only In the
laboratories of the Leach Chemical
Co. , Cincinnati , O.
That's the Question.
Wife You were late last night
Hub Beg pardon , my dear. As I
came in the front door the clock
struck 11.
Wife But what time did you arrive
at the head of the stairs ?
"What belie of the season do you
find most attractive ? "
"Tho dinner bell. "
One way to acquire a reputation for
amiability is to agree with every slm
pleton you weut
PA7.0 OIN'J'MnNTIsKnarantepd to euro nnv cnso
t > t Itching , Jlllnit , UlccMlliiK or I'nitrudlnu riles In
UoUUajs or money refunded. too.
Nothing that was worthy in the past
departs no truth or goodness realized
by man ever dies , or can die. Carlylo.
When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain
remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills , wouldn't
any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would
also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? \
Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Fitchville , Ohio. "My daughter \vns all run
down , suffered from pains in her side , head nnd
limbs , and could walk but a short distance at a.
time. She cnmo very near having1 nervous
prostration , had begun to cough a good deal ,
and seemed melancholy by spells. She tried
two doctors but got little help. Since taking-
Ijydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ,
Blood Purifier and ] Livcr Pills she has im
proved so much that she feels and looks like
another girl. " Mrs. C. Cole , Mtchvillo , Ohio.
Irasburg , Vermont. "I feel it my duty to
say a few words iu praise of your medicine. "When I began
talcing ifc I had been very sick with kidney and bladder trou-
blea and nervous prostration. I am now taking the sixth bottle
tle of ! Jydia liJ.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and find myself
greatly improved. My friends who call to see me have noticed
ii greatchange. . " Mrs. A. H. Sauborn , Irasburg , Vermont.
We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will
prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful
or that either of these women were paid in any way for
their testimonials , or that the letters are published without
their permission , or that the original letter from each did
not come to us entirely unsolicited.
What more proof can any one ask ?
For 3O years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. Jfo nick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs , and
has thousands of cures to its credit.
tifflfff&fto Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women
fcJlSes * to write her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address J3tlrs Piukliam , Lynn , Mass ,
i >
The RAYO LAMP Js a high-grade lamp , sold at n low price ,
There are lamps that cot more , but there is no belter lamp at any
price. The Burner , the \Vick , the Giimney.Holder all are
vilal things in o lamp ; Ihese parts of the RAYO LAMP aie
perfectly constructed and there is nothing known in the art of
lamp.making that could add to the value of the RAYO as
'THE' a light-giving device. Suitable for any room in any house.
STEADY I\ITV ; di'il. r rvcrv licrn. If not nt jonrs.MvrKo
1 t or ill strl till voiiictiUr tot ho nearest At" nty of tlio
UncorDoratcd )
Save the
You start sickness by mistreating nature
and it generally shows first in the bowel *
and hver. A IOG box ( week'streatment )
BISTWClUt \ YOU ( § U lStf ( § V.1lS . of you. CASCARKTS They will do will more help nature using them help
Should tie given at once when the regularly as you need them than any
little one courjlis. It heels the del- medicine on Earth. Get a box today ;
icutu throat nnd protects the lungs take a CASCARET tonight Better iu
from infection guaranteed safe and the morning. It's the result that makes
very palatable. millions take them. ggj
* All . CUT THIS OUT , mall It
Druccbtf. 25 cent * wlthyorrruldM'aa to
btcilUiK Co , , CliIeaKo , III. , ami rr-eclve
a huuU&oiau touvcuir told Uuu Vcc : 5'itkK.
The Frenchman's Wife Among Those
Who Take Flight-In His Biplane
Experiment Made With
Dummy Bombs.
Los Angeles , Cal. By carrying ono
passenger in hla biplane on a twenty-
two mile cross country trip from Avia
tion field to a point half n mile out
over the ocean , by taking another pas
senger on a twelve mile night over
the fields , and by taking three other
passengers , one at a time , on short
flights , Louis Paulhau established a
new world's record for heavlcr-than
air flying machines.
No other aviator has taken up so
many passengers In one day , and no
other aviator has taken u woman for
a high fllRht' over fields and woods and
villages nnd surf for moio than twenty
ty miles.
Paulban sailed at an altitude of 500
to 1,000 feet over Redondo beach ,
Venlcp-Uy-the-Sea , and other resorts ,
towards Point Flrmln. There were
no life buoys tied to the mat-bine to
save them from death In the waves
should they fall. He made his trip
and other perilous ( lights with the ease
of a taxlcab. Tlio passenger carryIng -
Ing record Is held by Orvllle Wright ,
who flow with Captain Englohardt for
one hour and thirty-five minutes at
Berlin last fall , but Wright did not
leave the course where he could land
at will.
Paulban was gone thirty-three min
utes on his twenty-two mile trip. He
had as a passenger his wife. Ills
twelve-mile trip was made -with Clif
ford B. Harmon of New York. Besides
these he took up Mrs. Cotirtlandt
Bishop , wife of President Bishop of
the Aero club of America ; Lieutenant
Paul Beck of the United States signal
corps ; William Randolph Hearst , a
newspaper publisher , and another
newspaper man.
The flights were nindo under perfect
atmospheric conditions.
Earlier In the afternoon the wind
had been "puffy , " and the other avi
ators had gone back to their tents
after trying the course for a few laps.
While the crowd waited patiently In
the burning sunshine , Paulhan went
over the parts of his machine. At 2:25 :
o'clock he put on his yellow cloak and
helped his wife up to her high perch.
Then he ilew out over the grandstand
to give the big crowd greeting. With
their cheers sounding fnlnthhe left
the course on his next lap and headqd
for the ocean. In ten minutes he had
become a blur agahifet' the sun-klst
clouds that curtained the Pacific. At
2:50 o'clock he landed directly in front
of the grandstand. He received con
gratulations and was liken down the
narrow ai&le of frantic people so that
all could get a good look at hi1 ! . As
he was in an amiable mood , ho was
beselged with pleas to take friends up.
He returned to his machine and be
gnn to make this part of the program.
Lieutenant Beck on his trip took
dummy dynamite bombs to attempt to
throw them from a height to a meas
ured .square on the gioimd.
This was a test made for the bene
fit of the army. While Lieutenant
Beck was not successful in placing the
bombs within the squau' they did not
land far away , and it was demon
strated that the aeroplane could be
used for such a purpose and lhat it
was only a matter of practice to place
the bombs where wanted
After the meet Paulhan , it was an
nounced by his manager , will go to
San Francisco. He will make several
HIghts there if the weather permits.
From there ho will stait on a trip
around the world. Hamilton may at
tempt the night from hero to San
Diego , for which San Diego business
men have offered a pri/e of ? 1,200.
Move Against Meat Prices.
Jefferson City , Mo. Attorney Gen
eral Major announced Wednesday that
he soon will call a conference of the
attorney Konmals of Illinois , Iowa , NebrasKa -
brasKa , Kansas , Oklahoma , Arkansas
and Texas , to discuss the high prices
of moat , and , if possible induce them
to unite in a concerted action against
the so-called meat trust.
The conference will be hold either
in Kansas City or St. Louis , as soon
as the oflleials to bo invited can determine
tormine upon a date.
Five Leap to Death.
Philadelphia. Five persons , four
girls and one man , leaped to their
death Wednesday In a panic caused by
a lire in the four-story factory build
ing at 2810 Chancellor street. Five
others received probably fatal injur
ies and many more were less serious
ly hurt.
Cold Weather Kills Stock.
Cheyenne , Wyo. Reports from Ba
sin , Cody and other points In northern
Wyoming indicate ) that the loss of
sheep from recent storms will reach
10 per cent. Stock of all kinds Is
greatly weakened , and further storms
might cause the greatest loss in the
bifatory of the state.
Reward for a Journalist.
Pittsburg. A newspaper man with
a comfortable Income , no debts , and
else a bank account , was unearthed
by the Carnegie heio fund commission
\\hllo covering an act of heroism reported
ported to it. The story became pub
lic when the commission announced
that seventeen moro heroes had been
added to the list. George F. Burba , of
D.i > tou , O. , rscuod Catherine Murty ,
twelve years old , from drowning at
Snjdervllle , O. , on August J2 last. Mr.
Burba Is editor of , the Dayton Dally
N -ws. Ho was awarded a bronze
Recent advices from Canada , our
Boxt door neighbour , the neighbourly
country across the boundary line ,
nro that upwards of ninety thousand
settlers from the United States went
Into Western Canada during the past
year , most of them for the purpose of
taking up and settling upon the va
cant lands , ICO acres of which are
given free by the government , and
lands adjoining hold by railway and
land companies are selling at from
nine to fifteen and twenty dollars per
acre. Even If thirty and forty dollars
per aero were paid , the price would below
low , aa the lands produce wonderfully ,
nnd at these higher figures there is a
largo interest on the money and labor
Invested. The ninety thousand set
tiers of last year , followed about sixty
thousand of the previous year , and for
several years the number has been
running into these largo figures. There
must bo a reason for it. It may bo
found in the single phrase , "they are
satisfied. " Nothing attracts people
moro than the success of others , and
the news of this reaching other thou
sands , causes them to investigate. The
investigation In this case is always
satisfactory. The splendid land of
Iowa , of Indiana , of Nebraska , Kansas
Minnesota , Wisconsin , Michigan , Ohio
and other States has risen to a high
value , and it is worth every dollar
asked for it. Hut there is not room
now for all on these lands. With the
over increasing demand for grain ,
there comes the ever increasing de
mand for land. Canada is the only
country on the continent in a position
to supply it. Land there that costs ,
say fifteen dollars an acre , produces
on a reasonable calculation , 25 bushels
of wheat to the acre , or about $20.00.
The most liberal calculation as to cost
makes the cost to produce $7.50 per
acre , leaving a balance of $12.50 per
acre. The $7.50 carries good wages
for the farmer , and all other conceiv
able contingencies. With conditions
like this , covering the entire area of
about 500,000 square miles , it is read
ily understood why fiO.OOO Americans
should follow the sixty thousand of
the previous year. Canadian Govern
ment Agencies at different points in
the Union are always ready to give in
formation regarding the free homestead -
stead lands , ready to advise the set
tler as to the districts which would
cult him best.
After the Hunt.
Provided with some trophies of the
rhaso in the slmpo of rabbits , Ilev.
Sanford C. llearn , pastor of the First
Methodist Episcopal church , Yonkers ,
proceeded to dress them for dinner in
the parsonage collar. Ills small son
watcnod the father's work with inter
est. Going upstairs , the youngster
called his mother.
"Oh , mamma , " said he. "what do
you suppose papa is doing ? "
"I can't guess , child. What is ho
doing ? "
"Well , he's just skinning , shaving
and cutting up cats. "
A Question of Time.
"How much does it cost to get mar
ried ? " asked the eager youth.
"That depends entirely on how long
you live , " replied the sad-looking man.
How loafers grate upon the nerves
of a busy person.
lie didn't complain if you were a little despond
ent or irritable at times. Now he does. lie's
the same man. He didn't understand then.
He doesn't now. Then he thought it was ca
price and liked it. Now he thinks it is caprice
and doesn't like it. But now he's busy getting
If he realized the full truth he would be more than
anxious to have the wife he loves take the right remedy
to restore her to true womanly health. Most men dun't
know that when a woman is weak , nervous , irritable and
despondent , there is invariably something radically wrong
with the delicate feminine organs with which her entire
physique is in sensitive sympathy.
There is one , and just one remedy , tried and proven , that
wilt put things right when tlio fcnihmio organism is ivcuk or
diseased. It is
3D > r. Piercc's Favorite Prescription.
This medicine restores perfect health to the weakened or
gans , and makes them strong.
It makes wifehood happy , and motherhood easy. makes
child-birth short and almost painless. It helps to make
real "new women. " An honest druggist won't urge
upon you a substitute.
This "Favorite Prescription" is a pure glyccric
extract of native medicinal roots and contains no a
cohol , injurious or habit-forming drugs. A full list of
its ingredients printed on its outside wrapper and
attested as full and correct under oath.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and strengthen Stomach -
ach , Liver and Htmela. Easy to take as candy.
iCfl ( * Jb t\tmv > A i ir . * w .fiiVuj'ft
Color more goods brighter nnd latter colon than any other dye. One lOc cackaoe colon all flbeu. They iho in colJ water better than nny other dye. You can djo
am airmen ! without ripplna apart Write lor ( too booklet Mow to U > e , Uleach an dKix Colors. MOHHOE DflilO CO. , Oulncy , Illinois.
Though a man may bccomo It-arm d
by anotber'a learning , bo can never bo
wise but by hla o\\n wisdom Mon
riaH no mnnlluto. Nu oilirr rrnuily IN m iffii'tlvo
lor rlimiuiailMii. liiinlu o , htlliu > SH iii'tirulKiu or
luld of uiiy borU I'm tiji In lUj , & < ; and Uki
Most of a man's friends are of the
lone-distance variety ,
A Woman's Dlplomacy-
It was the Chicago man's turn , and
ho told this one :
"Diplomacy , you know , Is a lemark-
able agent. The other day ti lady said
to her husband :
"Mames , I have decided to do with
out a new fall dress , and with the
money It would cost I shall have
mother hero for a nice long visit'
"James turned on her excitedly.
What , wear that old brown cloth thing
another season ? I guess not ! ' ho ex
claimed , vehement1) ' . 'You go right
down to your tailor's to-day and order
something handsome. Remember ,
please , that as my wife you have a
certain position to maintain 1'
"Tho wife bowed her head In sub
mission. On her lips played a peculiar
smile. ' Llpplncott'n Magazine.
His Discovery.
The swell son of the household had
just been initiated into the art of
cleaning his own teeth with the soft
little brush his mother had bought
Hearing the baby cry lustily a few
minutes later the mother ran Into the
nursery , only to llnd the nursing bottle
on the floor nnd Johnny , toothbrush in
hand , leaning over the crib of the
screaming Infant.
"Ob , muvvcr ! " he cried , anxiously ,
"baby must have been horned wlfout
any toofsl"
He Was an Old Hand.
"Do not anger mot" she said ,
"How am 1 to know when you are
angry ? " ho asked.
"I always stamp my feet , " she an
"Impossible , " he said. "Thero Isn't
room for a stamp on either of them ! "
That fetched her. Ltppincott's.
There Is moro Cntarrli In this section of the country
tlmn nil other illwikM imt toRcllur , nnd until the last
fojcnra unit cutMKwd to lie Incurable , lur n grrnt
many sous ikxtora immoimcnl It n local Olwaw mid
prriwrltnit local runrdl-i , nnd by ro&Mantly IiilllnR
tu uirn ulth local treatment , pronounced'U tncurntilr.
Science Irw prmcn Cntnrrh to bo n eointltutlonnl dis
rate , nnd thiri'Iorn roqulrcH roimtltutlcmal tnalimnt.
Hall 8 Catarrh Cure , in-itiufn-tiirril by l'J. | Cheney
d Co , 'loledo , Ohio. In the only Constitutional euro on
the nnrkct. It li taken Internally In iloses from 1C
drops to n toiHixxmtiil It nets directly on tin1 blood
nnd mucotn mirMfca of the sjMcm. They olTtr ono
hundred dollars for any e ro U Jails to euro. Bend
tor circulars nnd testimonials.
Addrcxs ! 1' . J. Cltr.NT.Y & CO. . Toledo. Ohio.
Sold bv nrueKlitn. Tisc.
Take Hall s ramlly rills for constipation.
Period of Joy for Casey.
Casey's wife was at the hospital ,
where she had undergone a very seri
ous operation a few days before.
Mrs. Kelley called to inquire as to
Mrs. Casey's condition.
"Is she refitln' quietly ? " Mrs. Kelley
"No , but I am , " said Casey.
If You Are a Trifle Sensitive
About the ulru of your BhocH , ninny people ,
wear mimller Hlioosby lining Allen'H l''oot-Kn c ,
tlio Antiseptic Puxvclrr to Hliuko Into tlio Hluu-H.
It cures Tlied , Swollen , Ai-hliiR Koct nnd
phc-H rout and comfort , .lust tlio tliliift for
hr-raliing In nrw MIOCH. Bold rverjlnic , Eta.
Bnmplo wilt FllKK. AildrcsH , Allou b. Olnmtcd ,
tc Hey , N. Y.
Easily Distinguished.
"This , " remarked Mr. Cane , "la my
photograph with my two French
poodles. You recognize mo ? "
"I think so. " said Miss Softoe. "You
are the ono with the hat on , are you
not ? "
ONI * ! * ONI : "ititoMO OIHNI > T. "
That Is LAXATIVH ItltOMO OlftNINIG. Ixmk for
Ilio ( .iKimluro . t l W. < illK. . tJwil the World
cor tu Curu u Cold In Ono U.iy. 25C.
What a glorious country this would
bo to live in if turkeys were as easily
raised as eats !
It rerliilnly rackH jour n > Mnn mid limy run Into I
MIIIII tlnni ; sorluuh. All'n'n l.unit llulnnin wlllc lirck
lt < | ulcklyunil permanently. rorhnliiutnlldruiili > ti > .
Let us have faitli that right makes i
might , and in that faith let us dare to |
do our duty as wo understand it. '
Lew is' Sinfilo Hinder givcitlio smoKcr wliat
hoantn , a null , mullou-lnsling c-igai. |
Enthusiasm Is the poultice men ap-1
ply of their scars. j
After Spending Thousands of Bollora
and Consul ting the Most Eminent
Physicians , Ho Was Desperate.
Becker , of 134-Van Burcn St. , a
well-known wholesale dry goods
dealer , states as follows :
"I have had catarrh for moro
than thirty years. Have tried
everything on earth nnd spent
thousands of dollars for other
medicines nnd with physicians ,
wltjiout getting any lasting re *
liof , and can say to you that I
have found Poruna the only rem
edy that has cured mo per
"Pcruna lias also cured my
wife of catarrh. She always keeps
it In the house for nn attack of
i cold , which It Invariably cures in
a very short time. "
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cure
fail. Purely veget
able act lurely
but gently on
the liver.
Stop after
cute indi
cation improve the complexion brighten
the eyct. Small Till , Small Dote , Small Trie *
GENUINE miut bear tignnture :
Nebraska Directory
After Curing Yourself of
by using
Breakfast Food
You will continue to use it
because it is a delightful
breakfast dish.
If you don't know it's merits
ask your gtocer
Ho Certainly Knows
Pays the highest price for
Grain , Provisions , Stocks , Cotton
Main Office , 204-205 Frnternily Bide.
Lincoln , Nobraika.
Uell Photic til3 Ante Phone 2Ct > 9
I.nrKPit Homo In titutu
What Prof. Shaw , tlio Woll-Known
culturlet , Says About It :
"I mmlil doomr rnlan cnttlo In Wwtorn
( Junudil tlmn In tlin itirii lit'lt of
the tlnlttil Bute * . l'oed
In cliounor nn J cllmnto
I hottnr for the pnrj > oBo.
I Your innrkot will lm >
liircno flutter tlmn jour
linrmcini will rroilaeo the
IhllpllIUH. WllUIlt till ! In )
thrown up bithuGOthiinr *
inllol ( Rlli mil north , of
1 th < > Intxrnutlnnnl lionnil >
Iiinl. Your Micunt land
I "III ho talcoiL nt n nito
llmjoml pro-Hint rom | w
fttlon.o hn\o mou h
plo In tlio United
. . nlnnn who want
homos to taLe unthlu land. " NiorJj
70,000 Americans
111 \\p trrii < iiiimlu IliU ) < > nr.
J1IUD iimilurivl anollx'r Inreo
crop > r licnti IIH mill Imrli-y.
111 IKlllltlOII il > Wlllrll tll I
exports WIIH nil IniiiK'iino llrm.
I'uttlo rnMnit. dairying , wliod
fiirunnc uiid cnln crowing In the
jirovlin 1.1 of Mnnliotm , &u < kiit-
tlii-ivait anil Allx-ita.
I 'iro liomc.sU ad and uro-cnip-
tlon nn-iiH , ns v-oll iia hunU hulil
by riithvuv and land companion , will
lirot ld homes for million * .
Ailiiptnlilo null , liiiiltlifnl rll-
jiuilc. Hiilrndlil Mliuoln nnd
tlimcliCH , mill KOIM ! mllwii ) * .
1'or ucttlcru' rntu , do crlptl\o
llU'rutnro "Jjjit JK" < t Wit. " how
to nmeh tlio ( uuntrj nnd other piir-
tlrulurs , wrlto to rfup't of Jminl-
erntlon. Otluirn. Canada , or to the
CunaJlon Uovernmrnt Aecut.
Room 4 Oei Bldg. Omaha , Xab.
n r ( > s nearest you ) (2
Cltannci and bcc'Uifies the tulr.
I'roinotei a luiununt gro1h. .
Novcr Falls to Iloctoro Orny
Hair to Its Youthful Color.
Cutt > icalp dlK-awt i. hair ttl
the pacuag
-other Btarch'iB only U oiinten t-amo prlto and
STamrroT CTiTKgygaigriBTygytetiimrf
Now or
Never ! "
If ever you wluliod for iiliomo In Cnllforn .1 heml for tree Information nlxmt the ( rreatest Irrlpa-
tlon , c-oloiil/.lnK anil liomr-umktrii ; t-ntrrprihn ocr undertuhtii In uililltion to their grviil
BUCCCHH In irrlK'itlni ; ( iXi.OOO ncr < -H tu tin- Twin T.ills ( onntrj , Iilalio , the Kuhiw nro irrlgnttiiK
TiiOOOmIrCHliitliuhniraini.ntoulley. . uuiid iiainca of filenua. J.nt , ) tcruis to Hcttlvrs. Wo want
H. L Hollister , Dept. K , 205 LaSalle St. , Chicago , III.