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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1907)
. . 'J - . . . " . : . . ! sl D ! r . ' : DENGED FOOM. f. < . TilE PRESS , PULPITAND PUBLIC Whnt Ie Going on Here nd There Th:1t. Ie of Intcrl"st. to the Readers Throughout Nebra&kn. . ' Hnrrc ' ntrl1 , rLs1m CIt ) ' , who ! . . ' \V rCl101'lel1 a9 being cremated In the , 11m whcn his was hurned , retmnClI to ; ' this clly rntl1er unoxl1ectel1b' . ; , ; Nmvs has renched Premont that OrIn Condit , a Fremont boy , who Is . . JlI11ltlnJ ; gold In Alaslm , Is In n sOI'lous condition n.s the result of an accident. r. .Mrs. Gertrul10 Wells of Knnsa8 City who left for the south se'ernl wcelts / , n.go , wUl return next woel. amI resume . . . . her' Dosltlon ns clorl. of the state rail , way c.ommlsslon. ' Company A , National guard , Yorl. , f' J Is to reorganize , ' 1'hls' organization has existed slnco 1882 and the old , , ! members nro Inter sUng themselves " 1 in securIng the quota of memlJCrs , 'rho l.'alrmont cr amer ) ' at Yorl. has clo cd , throwing nine empoyos . out of worl. . Duslness has been slack for tJome time and the company i tak. .t- . . . . Jug tililJ opportunity to rellalr its . _ 111 aut. " , . . . , , ' A tight for prOl1IbUion wl1 ! be wa. ( ; 01'00 In Lincoln next spring. The prohibition forccs ha'e been organlz. ing' for b"'Ome time. 'rhe campaign will i he conducted using the churches 3.S u. , , basis. , " ' . ' , Governor on'eldon Is still watdlln ! ; ' : , , ' , " ' " , the express and railway litigation. , . "l , Should U1e state lose out it Is predicted - . ! ' ed that u. slleclal'sesslon of the legis. I' \'lll-L. \ Jattrre will be called to malto the va. Qr : : ; : " rlous reformatlvo act specific nnd I 1. . : . ' " ; ; ' tlm ly. ) n t" : . . Postmaster Hollingsworth of Dent. I t " > . ' ; rice , l'Ccel\'ed notice from the depart. . I , mcnt 3.t Washington that his requesl , I ' : ' ) :7'1. . for all addItional carrm' In the city It , , . < e' . , delivery had been granted , in effect t { November 15. f' The hulldlng erecto by the I , O. O. 1"F. . nt North Platte , will be dedIcated . ; Thnnlt.1glvlng evonlng unless there ' I , shOlr ! < 1 be unforscen delay on account ) o [ UIO furniture , which is said to be ' : : c . ; . , very hlIldsomc. 'rI 'r . : ' 1 bo State Board of Public Land. ; . , an llulldngs ; will shortl ) . get busy and , . Jet a contract for scltlng the poles and I sf'lnglng the wlre trom the penlton- tlal'Y to the Homo for the Frlenaless and li10 state house. 1 , . Clt.lzens of Arlington are much In. tfOrested In the reports coming from .Fromont , that the callitallsts arc busy . lonldng OVOI' the fleld with au idea of ' \ hnltalng an Interurban railway bo. tween Fremont and Omaha. \Valter l"aullmer. u. drIver for the Unlrod States Expre s comlmny , Omaha , met death untler the wheels of 0. Union Pacific switch onglno un. ' . _ dOl' tbo Tenth street viaduct. The horse he was driving was al:3O : Itllled. 'rho sugar heet harvest at SlInder- 1:111(1 ( ia near ) ' completed nn the grow- en ; are congrat ulatn : ! ; themselvc5 on t lid snccess they attalncd this 'car. ' 1'110 yield was good nnd the sngar cou. te'lt such that about 5 per ton wlll bo J'ca'Jlzc . , .foo Vomachlm , a well Imown ehm' ncter , from hiS' itinerant l1rolCnstleB } : , ImO\\ll1 fiB the "Dol1emlan globe trot. te \ ' ; " , , 'a : ; found tleJ.d In t110 manger 01 . clel h Hezabel's b:11'11 near \Vllher , , HH : death It ! helloved to have lIeen ac , C'Ientnl. : Mtcr a .Flre or Wind loss ) 'OU need the money. Friends Dlay sympathlr.e. hilt if you want a company which pays oash try the Farmers and Mer. chants Ins , Co" estahllshed since 188 . Over a million dollars alread ' , ) lafd to Imtrons , A , corn judging contest for hoys will , 11c an Interesting fellture of the 11 OJ' : : ; corDg'fowlng contest which wll ! be , hrltJ iu I"rcmont on Decemher 1 : : , "he lJnVho pal'tlclpate will be gl\'eIJ F.o c C01'l1 to judge , and the one who 'Io ! ! : : ; it best w11 he gl\'en n jlrlze. T111 'HIt be > under dlrecllon of Prof. IJ , I. . 7. 1 ; of Llnco:1 ! , who Is to be the cm 11 judge. SecrctlU'Y of St.1te Junlin ha : ; ma ( a "you'll have to hurrj' " amiotUlcc , n ent COr the beueflt of ( ) \ " lwrs oC au , tumobiles In NehraRlm , , Innuar ; . ' ] limit , the licenses o [ nil nllto11uhlll'f C'xpiro and unlCfs the prOBellt IIcl'nsm :1m renowell heforo thut lIate nn ' lie Jluqucnt will have 10 l/itc / "any ol ' number filHrlgne to him Instl"\.d nf got tlag n license bearing thc numlwr 01 thQ lIrcsent olle. Mra , MellJOurn , of I.oIl Pine , whe IR enjoying a visit wlh ! hel' two 80tH ! ' " . , , 'ham I > ho ha9 not fiC1I for O\'CI t wcuty years. Whell t 110 hey W'I' ( mora hables they wew tal.en fron tholr mother and cl1l'1'lt d to 01'O\OU \ whel'o they rew tu n1l1nho.III..11lnl. . lug that their mother WIIS Iloa.lI..ofte . : they hecame of ago the ' were toll that tlJolr mother 1i 1\I \ 11\0\1. \ 1\1111 thl hoys IH nll a vlgoro11l-i slmrch. tlnlIn ( : hl"1' I\l Long Pine , J : m1lt1l1 Garner , wbo was rll OVf' hy trlln No , ( j at UI'all ' Islund , I : dead. 'rho af'eldent orcurrcll 111 ! ; :1IW mannoI' unlmown , Ho was talol1 II LP.tlnton : anl WUH fCHIIIII 10 IJe S IJ\ny : l11j"1'cd that It. was necczsary tl UIYIHh.ate .JOth III llli , The first attempt. of the tltllto rail " "ay commission to 11I1II13h thll mil roads fOl' llllJcrlmluaUoll Is the Bill just filetl hy Attorney ( ] Clll'ral W. ' 1 \ rhOmlS011 ) In Dellel cOllnty nalnEt ; till . , Union Plwlfic RaUroa.1 COm)1a11) ) ' , a ] { 1 3iIl fllicrmlnatlon ! : ugn1st ! two ahl ! tIers , , . " I VETERAN OF THREE WA S. I A Plone r of Colorado nd Nebr ska. MntthlM Campbl'll , , 'otorull of the ch'U war and two Inl1lan Wars , anl1 II10no01' ot Colo. mdo , 110W living at 218 gnst Nelll'askn. . Str et , DIalr , Nob" 8a's : "I had Ruch Imlns In 111) ' Mol : .for a long tlmo that I could not turn " In bed , nntl at Urnes Hr"ffthoro - was an almost I total 8101l1ll\gO or the mint' . My wIfe aUll I have bolh uscll Doan's Kldne ) ' PllIn for whnt doc. tors dIagnosed as \'anced Id ney tl'oubles , I\ml hoth of us bavo been comllletely cured , " Sold b } ' aU dealers. [ ; 0 cents n box. Foster.l\lill.IUrn Co. , Dufralo , N. Y. COULD USE THE ROAD. Irish Soldier's Great Idea When Ccver W.3 Badly Icded. ! . The foUowlng colloquy Is snld to have actual ! ) occul'red during one of U10 earlier hattles In the Philippines : A detachment of American infantry , UIl 01' ordel' to RU111101't n aeotlon of Cnpl. Reilly's lmlter ) ' , we1'O hulted for quite a whllo 011 a 11erfcctly flat. mill. tary road In full vlow and fine range of the li'illplno trenches. Of course , to lie l1at on the road was the only uvaH. . nblQ "uso ot coYor. " In this detachment was an Irishman who had served his time with the col. era In the British nrmy before ho en. listed with Uncle Sam. As a recruit ho had been very Ilrone to tell how the British soldiers did everything , As n : : 'csult. ho wns IncessrmUy pllcd with < luestlons as to his c.xllerlences. Whllo th buUets were "plo1111Ins" down the roa and Itlcltlng up tho' gravel , n young Yanlteo sud ( Jnly aslted : "Say , Mike , what do the British sol. dlera do wIth their hends in u place lIke this ? " Quick us n. flash oamo the retort : "A Drltlsh soldier has no heall , EOrr ! " After n fuU two.mlnuto I1nUSe , l\l11co continued : "However. bo tl1.\t as It may. I wish I could pick up this d1'oall and , 'n' it on edge femlnst mo ! " An Acute Observer. A one.armed Ulan sat down to his noon ay luncheon In n 1ItUo restaur. ant the other day , and seate on the rIght of him was a big. sympathetic Indlvl ual from the rural lIlstrlct. The big fellow noticed his neIgh. bor's left sleeve hanging loose and ] tept oyelng hIm In a sort of howdld. It.happen wa ) ' . ' 1'ho oUarmed mnn failed to brenk the Ice , hut continued to keep bus ) . with his ono hand sup. plyln the inner man. At last the Inqnlslt1.o one on the right could stand It no longer. Ho changed his position n 1ItUe , cleared bls throat aud said : "I see , sIr , you have lost an arm. " \V11el'eUI10n the unfortunate man picked up the omply slee.o with his right hand. peered Into It , looltell up with a surprised expressIon. and said : "D ) ' George , sir , ; you'ro right. " True to His Prom Ice. A teacher In a tenement district hur. rled from the school to flnd the mother of a pupil who had been talton quito ill. "Can ) 'OU S110W mo where 1\Irs. An. gelo Scandalo lives ? " she Inquired of n cherub transplanted from the sunny fouth to a llarl. . sunless alley. "Yes , tench' , I show you. " nnll n will. ing , stiety ) 111\nd dragged her on with such speed as to make her : : ; tumble over an Italian dame seated 011 the threJhold , After the teacher's hreathless flight towarll the clouds , the little hand stollped tuggl'ng , "There where Meos Scandala live. " Indicated the horizontal arm and fin. .Ger , "but she dO'\.nstalr sitting on the step , " finished the smlUng lJps- Uarper's Mngazlnc. SCHOOL TEACHERS Also Hnvc Things to Learn. - "For many : rears 1 have used colIe4 nnd refused to he cOllvinced of Its ba ( effect upon the human s'stem , " writel n veteran school teacher. "Ten j'ears ago I was obliged to gh' up my much loved work in the publll I > chools after ) 'CllrS of continuous 10 bar. I had 1I0\'eloped a well define < < case of chronic coffee poisoning. "Tho troubles W l'O constipation fiutterlngs of the heart. a thumpln ! In the top of my head and varlou : pnrts of m . bOd ) ' , twitching ot m : 11mbs , shakIng of my head , and. a times after oxertlon. a Joneral "gono' ' teellng with n toper's deelre for vel' : strong cofIee. I was : L nervous wrecl for years. "A short tlmo ago frIends came tl visit us and they brought a paclwgo 0 Postum with them. and urgel1 mo tl tl'y it. I was projudlced hecause som years 110 ! I had dl'lmk a cup ot weali } tasteless stuff callel1 Postum which ; did not IIlw at aU. "This time , ho\\'e'\'el' , m ) ' frlen , I' made the Pstum nccorllln ! ; to < 111'0 ( tlons on the lJackage , and It won me [ ! Suddenly I found 1l1)'solf Improving II i ) a most declde fashion. II "Tho odor of balling coffee no lon I } er tempts me. I am so greatl ) ' hOI ! ( filed by Postum that If I continuo t I. improve as I am now. I'll beln t I. think I have found the Fountain ( J t Perpctual Youth. This Is no fane " letter but stubborn facts which I nr I to make ] ' , " L ) glad 01o\\'n I Name gl\'en by Postum Co" Dattl I , Creek. Mlch , Head the hoolt , " ' 1'110 Uoa to We1lYllle"In plegs. "Thero's n no : son. " DOCTORS ORGANIZE UNION , Toronto Phyclclana Fix Higher Sc lo of PrlccD. - . Toronto , Ont.-Tho 110ctl1rs of thla city woot ot YOl1go atrcut hn\'o forllllll ! n ul1lon under the name "No. ] 1 'J'cr. rllorlal Division of the Ca1logo ot Ph ) ' . slclms and Surgeons. " 'rho objects of the oranlzaUt11l lll'O to Improve the condition of the profession agalnsl Cnaclm } , t'stabllsh 111lnh1\\lIn feea and amend ledge tm'mo. The Inwest fee for motllcnl ommlnatioll for fmtornal sooletles hns been fix ell at $2 , whl10 UIO minimum fec for mluOl' operations has bcon fixCll at $10 , and thut fol' mujor oporatlons at $60. POI' n first \'Islt to n pnthmt $2 herl'aCter will bo charged , ami $1 for each suhsequeut I visit , whl10 the fee for night , visits will I he douhled. beln fixed at $3. The ehargo for an office \'Islt has been made $1 , Including prescription , whllo to gl'\'o aneslhetlcG $5 will bo cha1'ged. His .Word Not. Good. ' .John and JIm Itgreed to settle n dlITel'lJllce by fighting It onto It was undorotood that whoever wa11tet1 to quit hould cr ) ' . . 'nough ! " John ot .Tlm down and Was hammcrlnr ; him sounllly , when .11m crlcd " 'nough ! " Dut , Tohn paid 110 nttentlon to hla Cl'Y and kept 011 )1ountllnr ) ; him. Again null again Jim oallot1 out . . 'no11ghl But John lIald 110 heed nnd lOlIt liusy with hIs flsts , A boy standing near asked : "Why lIon't YOI1 Il.t the feller UII ? ' . . ' " ' He'f } 'ollel1 'uough I" "nut he'a sueh n Uar 'O\1 cau't boo lIm'o him. " SrLTn OJ' Onto. OITY' or 1'OLEDO , l I.UIJA9 IOUT1' , r' FnANIt J. UIICNKt' mateA oatil that tIC ) 18 senior partner ot ( .hu Ilrm ot } o' . , r , CnKNEY & : Co , . .IJlng IJllslllen In the city ot ' 1'ole < lu. County nn" St to nrllr"'I\It\I.1I11l1 tbat BRI < 1 OrlU will pay the KUIII ot OiE HU ; > IUlIIUJ DOI.I.AHS for Mclt' 1111.1 . e ery 0\80 o ( GATAl\nlI thM cauuot be cure < l by the ule of ll.u.L'1I O.' Cuneo } 'ItA m J , cmir.\ , , Sworn to beroro me , , "d I1lbo.rlllclt : lu my III'o."ueo , tbu "tll < lay of Deeclllbcr..11" 111\(1 : , - " A.W.OL ASO , I J--t 1 r NOTAny I'UIILIO. nail' , O : arrh Cllro It taken Internnl1y nn.1 lIe\l dlrcotly Oil WIO 1I10J0 < l unll IIIII""U" Burlacel of tha 'litem. Scn.l tur teAl.llu 'nla } ' , free. 1' " J , CI1l NECO" : ' 1'olodo , O. SBhl. by 1\11 DrllJt hIK. 7 e. ' ' ' ' ' . , 'I'lIku Uall' b''lnlly 1'111. for constipation Where LeglGlaturo Meetn Every Veal' . 'rherc are now only six states In the UnIte < < l States whose Icglslatures meet O1'ery yonr. In the other : : ; the mcet only once III two years , nnll this is true of the ! ; rcat states of PennsylvanIa anll illinois. Only the legtslatures of New Yorlt , New Jer ) ' . MaBsachusotts , Georgia , South CarolIna. . an ! thode Island meet once a 'eal' . Important to Mothers. Examine carefully cvory bott1o of CASTO RIA a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children , t\nd see that It Dears the /fl / / Signature ot In Use For Over ao Ycars. The KInd You Have Always Dought. I Split the Difference. In a dog case at Felicstowc , Eng. land , 0110 witness testified that the 1I0g whose loss was beIng sued for waG worth $125 , whllo anothel' s' ere it was worthless. So the judge awarded $62,50 damages as a fall' average. - - - - - Deflanco Starch Is the latest Inven. tlon 111 U1at line anl1 an imllrovemeut on aU other makes ; it Is mora economical - nomical , does better worlt , taltes less time. Get It from nn ) ' grocer. To Imow tbe good and prefer It Is the secret of abIding lIaI111Incss.-Deau Stanler. Hides , Peltr. and Wool. To r.cL full \'alue , F.hip to the oM relin le N. W. lIide & 1"Ul'CO , Minncapolis , Iilln. A woman may talk lIke a boolt , but when It c01l1e to shutting her up lIke one-well , that's.d frerent. i that's. . . . . . . . . . . . , ' I " Ir At Middle Lil D1G . . J ' , . ' . - PREE TO OUR READERS. Wrlto Iurlnl\ I ) 'o Ul'mclly Co. , Chi. cage , fOl' 48'l1ngo 1l1uslrntod g . ( ) Bonk ntlll If this 11tP < 'l' Is ml'ntlollell tl1l1Y will sl'nl1 ) 'Oll a } . 'reo Duttlo Murlno for YOIII' I } 'cs. Wrlto nil nhout Your B'o 'l'l'Ouble : md their OCllllsts will I1Ilvlao' ns to the II1'opl'r A PIllIcatton of the : : \lm'luo E'o Umnol1les In Your Sl1ccl111 Casl' . rOllr Druouist will toU ) 'OU that . : \Iurlno Cures } re9. MnltoR , Weal. i } yes Strong' . Doesn't Smart. Soothes N 'o Pain. Allis these Weat'lnr. maase ! ] ul1Il Sells for 60c. . - - - ' - No Nat ro Fake. The nl1cged case ot a blrll malting n slIlint fOl' Its hroeen ) leg Is no 11101'0 wOlulorful than this : A Welsh rabbit , about to bo lie. \'ourell by an enemy , made itself I strlng'y aull tlell the atrh1 ( ; to n 111ato , forle aud toast In n rave ( 'frlrt to lecep ( ! 'Om lwlng IIragtod to ita doom. I unw thlu with m ) ' own o'ca but rofraln from glvlnt ; my right 11I\n10 for I tear of < < 11'1\\\'lng UIIOIl mo dlslleaauro. -lIernld 1\1111 Pl'osb 'tor. , - The Darker and St. Luke. The l'ullbel'11eclt wagon , fliled with tlghtseC'l's : , wns apllrOachlll ( ; St. Luko's hOl\llltal , 8a'a the Now lor ! . Tlmcs. A whlta-hall'cd woman utood In the groun < < 1R , anti ncnr hcr 1mun was usln ! : l In'n mower. " 'l'hCl'C , " said the barkel' , with 1\ ' RwlllI ; of hi ! ! nrm toward the hospital , "Is St. I.uko's h09111tal. one of the most noted In the metropolis. The white- Imlred lad ) ' Is ono ot the nursea , and there ) 'ou see St. I.ultc hlmsof ) cutting the Grass. " V\lth smooth Ira. . .L.J Defiance ' laundCl' shirt. mnrch , 'ou can your waist just au well at homo a tht ! . , steam hmndry cnn : It will ha'\'o the urollel' stiffness anll filllsh , there wll1 be less wear 111111 tear of the good3 , anll It. will ho a posltlvo 111easuro to use n Starch that do os not ( 'Hcl. to the Iron. Some of Them. "Don't ) 'ou think It iH dreadful tor soclet ) . to bo taltlng up any or these esoteric Oriental IlIeas ? " "Oh. hut the Orlontal l'U ! ! 111'0 per. fectly 10\"elr-BaltlmOl'e : ! American. Deflance tarch la the latest Inven. tion In that 11110 and an hUlll'OYCment on all other multcs : It Is moro eco- nomlCI11. doea hetter wOI'I : , tllltes leJB : : time. Get It from an ) ' grocer. . I . Assoclato with men of gnoll judg. mellt : for jUdgment Is found in con. versatlon. And wo mnlw another Ulan's ju gment ours by frequenting hit ) com. Imn-Fuller. Lcwill' Rinslc Dimcl' ! straight lie cigar la cell qnalitr till the time , Your dealer or . Lewis' Factor ) ' , l'cotia , Ill. The pOI1O has 11. mllllon dollar Ince collection. ' " ' ! rnrn NATURE PROVIDES FOR S CKYOMEN 11. ! nero potent rcmclly In the 1'00\1 \ 11.1111 herhs (1 [ t.I1O flold tlmn waH over I produced from tlrulfs. In the gQOl ohl.fILRhlonct1 dn.ya ot 0\11' grantlmothel'3 fl'\V drub'S were \1sed In meillcincs utl1 Jydln. H. It llnlthnm , of I.ynn. MMB. , In her I st\1l1y ot mots 11IlIl herl114 111111 their power ever dbcnso dlsclwl\rcd 01111 " : \\0 to the women of the wor1 < < \ n. 1'(01011) ' for tholr pccullnr 111s mm'O poten t " 1111 clUcl\olo\1s than tluy comvlunUon ot l\rugs. - - - - - 'W" Lrc DOUClAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOlES T LD aHOES Fen EVEnv MEM En OF . . . . . . , THE ! FAMILY , AT ALL PI1IOEB.U9bI fJ'U'1JtrA To .cn.vono , , ,110 c n Pl'O" " 'V.L. . .c.UfUlU Douyrnl does not makc 8 : sail Re'fJ1yard mol' ' ' Mon'e $3.s $8.8J t1IJOo tlum nrur othal' nIlJllufantul'o. . . . TUB Il1A80N W. r" BOlt AIhOC8 IIrfJ worn by 11I01'0 IIl'npln > In ull W\1I19 of ! Ira lI\1\11 nuy ether uIIIIIO. III bcc\U o o ( 110011' cleclll'nt gtrle. ( I.'t. y.l1ttlu . RlIII gupcrlnrl'onrlug IIIlHtle . ! l'ho 801cl1t1on o ( the lonthorll 111111 lither IIIl1torll\b lor c1'1illr' ( I ( the 1\1100 , Dt1l1 every dctall of till ) IIInklult Islool'OIlnftcr by the 1II0st COIIIl'lltoorltnnl lItloli of supcrlnlollllulil/Irurolllllunllll 1I11111c.I glll > f1mllkcrf' , wilt ! rl'I'ch"o the hlKhl't WIlrI' 1':1.111 In the 8hoo Inclutry. 111111 \ VIIMO'orlllllll1l8hlll Cllllllot 101"coliI'll. " . If I con hI takn rOil 111111 lilY largo fnolol'I0811t Unwlaun.1\nll. ' " nllll , hoVl YOII hmv ( , : lroflllly W.I. . lIolIlIIhoo nro mAtlo , 'Otl " ( 'q . . , . . . l'\l" ' \YOIIII ] thou Im.I1l11tlllltll'hy they hol'l tholr hn\lol1t \ I.cttol' , . , . " Q' , ' " "lIr101lor 1111I1 IIro IIf IIr/1l1tor VIII no tlll\lI IIIIY ether ulll1o , I\ ) Jtt nV $4.00 : anrl $5.0J GlIIl.iluo SIocfJ cnnnot 60 eqllalforl-lJf Dlty E > > : lce. OAUTION I 'rho gOJl\IIIO \ , havlW . . . " ! , ouglll ! UIIIIIO11I111f1CU ntulIJllc.l , on 1'\IUm. 'J'I' ( ' " : No Hllh tltulAftk \ yo lr .Iollor : ( or' . I" nOIl la ftlloOH , ) f 110 ( l\lIIut pnl'IUY YOD. Mml diroet to lnctor ) ' . Shoe8 cnL cvOrywloM by 111\11. Ont\1o : : ( reo. 'V.L Qoullb. . Drodton. M. . . . II g nl'lurn Ihltf ( 't\lt ft 110 t 1'I'ft nn" , P . 81 " P aln t , VOICOtl'H : : : : ' IIHII l'\l11 ! . . 1' " I n t I' n 'N. 11m. . . wl\lI full 1\'lIon8 to tnnko sixty 2'rl1K.tII. , . . . . r : b , : N : II \ ' : ! I'n : : 1\1' , ' , : rl : \ f'I ! \ , i ' ' ' ' 1 bnrnK will 11111 1 < I1.lrr , A " "nournl IAk.lrllnr i't.U ' ( > I < I\V J .j\rI V.I : ; lid : : 'I 't $30 AN HOUR : I MERRY GO ROUNDS \V" nho mnnnfnrlllft1 llor.r.I" UauleR. : lrlk/1rH , rl. . . 11 I'HHUI : I 1. " ' H'II.I..u.AN CO..II.\1 . A IIII1M'lIIrn UuUlttcr , Uellt. M. N'JlI1'u''lIsow A\1JA. N , \ ' DEFIANCE SiiRCH ; Vt oft w. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 47 , 1907. I ST FF YES ? WET AN D DAM P CAUSE TAKES OUT THE PAIN AT ONCE.REIVIOVESTHE STIFF- NESS. PREVENTS ITS RETURN , TOO. FINE FOR BRUISES , SPRAINS AND SORENESS. PrIce : : sc ami SoC. - - . - - . No , ? and Llbnra1 lJomc.te" . a.adulations I'n WESTERN CANADA New Dlstrct ! : ! Now Opened lor. Sellltl'8iOt ! SoI1t > o'lhr choIcest lalllli In , hn 1:1alll'lrow' In. . : uelt9' ' qf 'Sasl\h , ; . wan nlttl , Alb.rll.Iano rocclIlIy /1 n.IOPlmed ' fM 5cllltm'IIIindllr Iho o\'i1ed l1un'IItf'all IhfI\llallnn .0lJClnwcla. TlJolI SRll/is or.OOn1& ' ! ileil < l IIf JI\Q crls each Dr. , IIOW RVllnabl. , . 'fliP nt"V JIs.uJ : IIDn"lIaJto ) it 110,1\)10 \ for Iulry ; 10 " " ' 111:1110 hy U(1I11. 11111 1)1'1' < > 1' tllllily Ihll1ll311Y : IIIhe Unilool Ria" ' " ' Ihbe'n , walllnl : ror , Any momher o ! r.\lnll.x \ ' 111n " , , ,111I , enlry for nny olher member otl1udllll\l\ri'whom1&1I \ . lIe cntltlo.1 10 mAkfJ elilry lor blllscllt'lcrseit. . Hnlry may IIOIY ho made hefolo 111/1 A.enl o ( Slib. Allclil 01 Iho 1 > I\l1r.\ lIy VIOSY , ( 'JllccIUtlncondi. , flulisl by Iho ! ,1Iher. III olher. 50n. , llIulhll.'r : , bt.olber or sisler of IlItCII < lIII' ' : hOll1oucl.II'I' : . "Any1VOII lIumLe..1 crtllll ( I ( JlItntlll/n . ' .and.ln Mlmlt" , " " or 111\0 Nurth.W.II.'ln. . . . olcDlltlnlt 1\1\11 2ft. nB ! retorn..I , " ' " ) I. " 110m. . . .1,0\11",1 h ) anv I' . ' . " " Ihn ott1I. . lId of. . . ( . . . . .11" nr IIIIIlu . "D..IR"J..r otarll1lhn0.111111 , , nr , . . . qn rt r. tlOn. or ItIOAcrr""Ino , " r I" " ' , " The f/10 III e\ch : c.w , will llC ! $1".00 , .cll1lrctll' : . . . . tehonlq an.llllllrlcI9 cOllynicnt. Ilealthyd.inloite. bPelldl ! < l CrOllq1111100 < 1 { aWJ , Graln'l/lowlnc : m. ) catllo ra\slnlll'rineillal \ h1l11l5tri < 1I1 , For further Ilarllollll\l1 ! ns tQ rart. roules , besl 111110 to 10 and where 10 loeatJ1 ! ly to W. V. tNNETr , lOt New York 1IIe Dulldln ! ! . Oml1 a. U nl lIlo Time , or Money ? vVhich do you need mo t ? 1\ly work will takc most of your timc , and I will pay you $8.00 in cash jf do er day , , you : well. Details fo'r a posta1. . ATKINSO , 1024 Race SL , lhi1ad Jihil. : . " .k j . 'O"i . , . , Every woman h'as to go through the change that exerts such an influence on h r future health. Nearly all suffer , at this time , from symptoms which Wine of Cardui has been found , in thousands of cases , to prevent or relieve. Some symptoms are : Headache , backache , irregularity , hot and cold flashes , peevishness , numbnes , etc. Wine 01 Cardui relieves the distress and assists nature in passing the danger point. 411 had change of life , " writes Mrs. J. F. Haxel , Los Angeles , Cat , "and was very sick. Three doctors failed to help me. so 1 took Cardui and got relicf at once. " Try. f " ' ' WIlle toJay forl frre ropy of vllu3ble ( ,4.p.1Ie 1II1I$1r:1lcd nook for Women. If you 1 cJ MeJTc.JJ dvl . WRIIJ1E1 1JTs li. "E'fJ1TiL'R j : IIcscrlre dvlsory your Dept. symploms. . The ChallanOOll slulnlt : ar.e. Mcllklne nn,1 rcply Co" will Cl.1tL1nooza. be unIn Tenn. plaIn 5eUed envelo c. , .Ad.rcs . . : L:1c11e9 . .