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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
1' , r ; : 11 ; "It ' ; x . r:4 , . , . , " ' . . . . > ' : ' 1' . , ' ' , . , ' , " , . . . , , , , / ' : 1.\\Jt\t\n.1l \ \ \ : :3 : uic\N 1U . at tQ . . . ' , , . . , . ' . . , 'II f USTER COUNTY" " . . EP'UBLICAN. . . . . . , . ' . . ' . VOL. xxv. BROKEN BOW , , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , MAY 3D , 1907. . NO. 51. - - - - - - - - - - A Good Pair. Every well regulated pocket should carry the one , every well I regulated household have the other. In this working season its an of , , , economical proposition for you to . have tillie , both in your pocket . and in the house. The man who , . is always asking some one for the " time is behind the times and the' . , only way to get up and stay up is ,1 , . . J ! , , I . , to supply his pocket and his house ' with these two essentials of a well regulated life. . . -g - . ; That's Good We 1m ow that our drugs are good. But ' we want you to buy them and then when you see how . .they work you can say "That's Good. " , - ED. , McC'OMAS I . . . Open on Sunday , frow 8:30 : to 10:30 : a. m. only. . ; . n , \ Store Facts ; There are so many things about drugs and a drug Btore , - ' . . - } "which require years to learn. You cannot be expected to know much about many of these matters. It is your druggists business to lmow , and to know surely ; ' ald positively all' about the drugs be sells. If be does > not ! ! know , it is bis fault , and you should 4unt for and trade with , , some one that does know. Mastered Details. _ . Our business is drugs and we c1 im to hav thoroughly mastered the details of this business. We are exerting every energy to running our drug store as you would like to see one ' . . run , if you knew all about drugs and drug tores. Almost everyone would like to patronize a drug store ; where e know the conditions prevail. Many . pe ple , .are . . . ! \ not sure they' know 'f sucli a drug store. " . ' . . I : Our Highest Ambition. \ , To deserve and get your entire confidence , when it comes to a matter of dnlgs , is our highest ambition. I i We want you to trust us. This point gained we know we can depend ou your drug wants being supplied at our store. ' " It is indeed gratifying to be able to say that our efforts , are being amply rewarded. Proof of Appreoiation , J , Our rapidly increasing general busiuess , and especially ; the fact that our prescription busines is showing remarkable - . ; . able gains , is clear proof that an e'arnest , honest , intelligent efIor seld : > m fails to briug prompt reward. : ' Sill . . : L.E)4" : ' : , , "The Busy Druggist. " ; Have you visited our Soda Fountain today ? . t . . . , . - - . , , . Tea Leaf Brand Wright's " ' r TEA. Condensed Smoke I 1 Price reduced to for smoking meat 75c bottle. } 50c per lb , 1 , . Sprayed Vegetables v"x : : : : ' I . for flavoring We RadIshes , . Ice Crlam , , Green OnIons , Jellies , buy Lettuce , Custards , cream Tomatoes , Pastry , 'etc. . Beans . PRICES : . every Fresh Daily. VaU111la , ' 20c & 30c d Y Our sprayer throws fresh wat r Lemon , . in a very fine mist , keeping the 15c & 20c In th e vegetables crisp and fresh as the These goods hour they came from tbe garden. are used by wee. Pbone your order to No. 5 or United States give the order to our solicitors. government . . , . . . . . . . , . . - - - because of their , Berries Dally. Berries Dally.superiority. . Perolin . . Axle Greese , For sweeping J C . , B 0 wen carpets and Coal Oils , floors. Death to dust 0IdT4. 'tl . Pure . ' . ' Vh.eKor M h. 0'1 . . ac me 1 i. and moths. MARK . . . . . Deprelsi g and OilastroH. Those who are urging that the tariff needs revising are pro. bably 110t ' overlooking the fact that there'is now being shipped into this country an averag-c ac h month of more , than twice the quantity and value of co upettng goods that wer im ported , under the last revised democratic tariff law. Tbey surely should not overlook this fact. Any lowering - ing of the tariff in directions which even under present duties are largely increasing f reign sales and sbipments to this country would evidently result in prompt results depressing and disastrous to American factorie and mills aud shops. Thefe will be demands for lugher dut ies as well as efforts in the opposite drcction : when the ta.riff IS to be revised , but it would scem to be for the general good to have the present satisfactory situation Utl- disturbed in eitber direction so long as it remains satisfactory. New Method to Fight Liquor. The Kansas Anti-Liquor Society - ciety has opened an office in Kansas City , Mo. , from which it is dh tributing , free of charge , a pre cription for the cure of the liquor habit , also one" for the cure of the tobacco habit. Either prcscription can be-filled by any druggist. 'l'be only request the Sockty makes is , th.t ; people sending for the prescriptions will not sell thew , but give free copics to their friends. Either pre. . scription can be given secretly. More than 500,000 of these pre- criptions have been sent to people who have writt"n for them. Parties wishing either or both prescriptions should address the Kansas Anti-Liquor Society , Hoom 200 Gray tndg. , Kansas City , Mo. , and inclose a stamp. There has been a constant fight in Kansas ever since the state went prohibition to reopen it tc the saloons. . . - - - The Difference. : It's the 'way'the millers' have : and they have t e way bec us ( of a trust. or to be more polite. . an understanding , they hav ( among themselves in regar. t what prices they , will make or : flour. Wheat advanced a feVj cents on tile bushel and in almost the twinkling of an eye p wenl the price of flour 20 cents on th ( on hundred pounds. And DC doubt most of the flour that h now on the market was manu. factured before any advance ir : the price of wheat was m de. U I on the other hand , the price oj wheat bad dropped a few cents it would have been severa weeks/if ever-before the prici of flour was reduced 20 cents pel 100 pounds. 'l'he i11eJ"s ant the other fellows always gel theirs , but with the J1ews ape I man its . differcnt. Someti111 " " agl t h e price 0 f paper was a d" ce ( ten per cent and a little fate : another raise of ten per cent wai tacked to it , but the publishe gets the same old price for hii .paper , year 111 and y ar out , nc , how much he has to paJ for It and labor and all otLe things , which have also been 01 the upward go for more than ; year. Guess the publishers 0 the country will get their r warc later. So will the other fcl1ow : but 'twill be in a different booth No.5W5. REPOlt'l' OF'l'lI1 < : CONDlTiON O ' ' 1'IIK Custer National Bank at Broken Dow. In the State of Neb'raska . , the closc of buslncss May 00 , 1(007. ' , UKSOURCR8 : r oanfl and Discounts. r. . . . . . . . . . . ' . .117:1' : U8 E U. S. Donds to secure'clrculatlon. . . 25000 l Danklng 110use , furniture and Ilx. ' tul.CB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 000 ( Due from State Banks and Hankers I 650 I Due from approved reserve agents. 77 IJro Checks and other cash Itcmfl. . . . . . . . 2411 Notes of other National Danks. . . . . . 1 o ( l ractlonal paller currency. nlckle ! ! ' and cents..I. . Hili Lavfnl money rellervc In Bank. v z : Specie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 212.00 I.egaltender 1I0tta. . . . . . . . . . I 501,00 8779 ( Hedemptlon fund with U , S. 'l'reas. urer (511er cent of c1rculatl ) . . . . I 2iO ( Total" . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 2\J'J 216 t LJAU\LITIES \ : , Capitailitock paid In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 25 000 I Surplull fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 000 I Undivided proUts , h ss expenses and . taxcli paid" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 71IJ National Bank notes outtltandlng. . . 2 : 000 I Due to other National Banks. . . . . . . . 11 51IJ . Due to State Banks and BankcffI. . . 15 MI Individual deposit ! ! subject to check IW [ > 87 ' Demand certillcates of dcposlt. . . . . . :17 : 838 I - - Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 29'J 216 i , 8TA'fM 01. " N&UIIAHKA. l HH. COUNTY O ' CUIiTRII r 1. 11. LOMAX. Clllhier of the hank. do solemnly ! ! wear that nle abo\ IItatcment III true to the betit of my knowlcllf anll belief. U. r.OMAX , Calhlcr. COllU&C1.-Atteflt : FUANK n. YOUNU , AM'IIA MOIIOAN. I CIAIlA A. YOUNO , Directors. Subscribed and 8WOrJl to before me th 23rd day of Maylm. WII.IIH OAIJWRI.I , l8r.ALI : Notary l'ubl ! c. . I Would Ask Nothing BeUer. I Aft r twelve years of unex.I I amplcd prosperity undc.r the Dingley law , which cmphasizes it ! its schedules the policy of protection. a platform which should declare protection not only unlawful , but a snare , would "make migbty interesting reading - ing , " and gave us a text for a stirring campaigu. , " Now , if it was the tariff plank ih" the democratic platform which did the work tben , why not ash : 'history to repeat itself ? Why not next .y ar again challeng'e protection to another battle to I tJle death ? The protectionists w'oulcl ask nothing better.1" 'l'hey would ' rush to take up such a ch'allenge , and then we should & \11 enjoy the campaign hugely. 'rhe : tariff would malee a lovely ' 'i sue , and especialy in the lig-ht of , what happened 1'0 the democratic - cratic party after it carried the c untry in 1892 on a free-trade paUorm. ) Will Celebrate the 4th. Three villages in the count ) h e brushed the dusl off their American flags , picked tht ! . superfluous feathers from their eagles and ( lccided to keep open h use on Th\lrsday , July 4th , 1907 , namely : Merna , Comstock and Calla wa V. 111 each of these places committees - mittees , composed of townsmen I who do something , have been selected and they are getting busy with the arrangements intent on making the eagle scream in a mauner that will be , satisfactory to both visitors and home people on the National day. The Bronze Button in Lapel. . ( Contributed ) If I could to you tell the com- , p1ete slory .of the litUe bronzc button you wear in your lapel , it ou1d be of a grand best that I was marshaled to save at any c9st the Union of Statc , t t none were lost. and bow appalhng the loss to that host. I "We hope and pray that each thirtieth of May. our Nation's I s d-ed Memorial day. will never , , for t. the story to tell of 1oyaltl' love of 'country and 'bron 'e In . I lapel. r f' . d as the Years go by , eac\ \ } thirtieth of Mav recal1s the reason we have t honor tbe day and the men tbat for four years treason did stay ; how blue and ray honor the dead the thirtieth 1 of MaV. The grandest achievement' men can tell. that wear the bronze i lapel , is of our Nation grand and great , the pride of the people of every state. And may the God of battles ever give the victory to the cause of right , and now , as the ronze button grows less we hope what it stands for will our country bless. And. as time rolls on , both blue and gray honor a Nation united to stay. it is our hope every citlzen the laws obey and may our Nation ever keep sacred the thirtieth of May. /i / - > > BATHASWEETi ' 'ww Softens the water , ; and J , ; Better than perfumery. ' ' " , \I , \I II II \I A \ ' " PERfUMED' LUXURY \ , I : ! . , 13 ' " fOR TilE A TII \ ro \ \ ' " \ 17 . . ' ; It 1S only 25c a box am 1 1 f , , once . usefl . you will not be : , Wit h out It. , , - , , ) ) ; BAISCH'S : 00 ' " 73 ; DRUG STORE. : 00 , , 15 It ; 10 "E " "I-E-E' ' " " 1 : " , . " . " " " 1- " " . " , , z ' _ DR. 'GEO. F. BARTHOLOMEW , Physician & SurgeOI in ctiarge of Oity Hosp'ita PI . Office , 2GO. 10 es { Nights , ( hCspitnl ) 61 . AU , calls prouipUy IIttend d. . , Campaigned With Gen. Grant. Westervillc , N br. May 22tHl. 1907. EDITOR RItl'UIII.ICAN. Tbis is the 22ud 'day of May , 1907. Fortv-four . years ale today , som thing. was being done. It was tbe day Gen. Grant assaulted lhe rebel warles of Viclesburg , Miss. Tbat was a terrible day. Thewriter belouged to the hrigade that Gen. Grant ordered , in the aftet noon , to the su pport of Gen. McClarand. It was about 3 o'clock p.m. , as well as J remember - ber , whcn we took our posi Hon. 'l'hare we were under a terrible' ' fire from three large rebel forts I and the Johnnies madc it hot for us and there we had to remain until after dark. not daring to try to withdraw in day light. In fact things were lively for us all through the month df May and much longcr. May 12 we foug-ht the battle of Raymond , on 14 of May fought battle of Jackson the capitol of Miss. , on .16 battle of Champion Hills , 17 Black rivcr then the Johnni s , under Gen. Pemberton fell back into Vicksburg. After May 22 Gen. Grant settled down to a regular sei e and for forty-seven days and nIghts we wen' under constant fire. , 'rhose we re stirring- times and' viewing these United States today those who participated in thos stirring times may well say they "Bu lded better than H\ey kn w.tI W. A. BARTlIOMItW. " gIf" PURE FOOD LAWS bas no eUact upon Heinz. His goods are lways pure. See Ihe EAGLE . GROOERY 00. For this Matchless Line of Goods. , ! ) ure Cider Vinegar , per ga1.3se Preserved sour pickles. . . . . .35C , PurcMIIU VinegllrpcrhoUle.30c Preserve < l11lixcd pickles. . . .35c Pure Olive 011. per bott1 . . . .soc Sweet pickles , hulk , perdm.Ioc 1\IauguiHa Olives , per bottlc.roc : : Sour pickles , bulk , per d01..IOC Chili SIIUCC , per boUle. . . . .35e picklc1 onions , per bottle. .30C 1\Iandllll\Y sauce , per1JotU . .3oe Apple buller , per crock. . . . .45c Celery sauce , per bolUe. . . . .25c Apple buller , per can. . . . . . .25c , . Peper saucc , per bolUe. . . . , .35c Assorted preserved fruits. . . 75c ' Worchester sauce. . . . . . . . . . .3oe Assorfed preservc1 fruits. . . .45c I Chow Chow. . . . .15e : : roc IIm1 25C CUrrnnt Jelly , per glnss. . . . .25C Mustard Dressing. . . . . . . . . .30C Indill Relish ; per gIns ! ! . . . . .3oe lIorse Rl\dish. . . . . . . . . . . . . .35c Totllnto cnl9upper botUe. I5c,20C Preserved sweel pickles. . . . .351 : llakeu. bcans , per can. . .IOC , ISC Phone 6 8. North Side Square. , v I ' " i . , , . , . . . [ f "IJI11I"'IJi1I""lr.tI''IIJI11I'"IJI11I''IIIJI11II''IIV'III ! I"ilJ1l'"IIij11I'1Ifii''IIIfii' ! ' ' ' ' "IIfii'"li ' foII'"IIJ111I''lilJ111l"rp''Jr.1I'rlr.'IIII ' ' ' ' ! ' Ji' ! ' ' ' . . , . . . . , , , , , , . , , , , , . . " ' " " ! ! ! ! I"II"I1.I1'IIIIIJII''I1.I1'IIICllJII''CllJIII''CIIJ'1I\JIJ ! ! ! : ' ' ! ! : ' ' ' ' ' ' \ I" " ' I1.I1IIIIICIIJ"'ICIIJ11U"liI1J''IIJ''IWlWln. ! : ' : ] > \ ! ' ' ' ! ' ! ' ) ( j : . ! lH"atnoss . , ! Harness ! i : . We have a larger assortment of HARNESS this . J : \ . ; s ring than we ever had and , prices of good leather . considered , we are seHing them cheaper than we ever i Z , J did. You must see and examine the goodd to appreciate { the value we give you for the money. I r We will meet and undersell any cOl11petit'or we 1 6 . know of. ' . I , . , ' If you h ve a cheap catalogue bring it with you , ( ' , we will compare goods and meet prIces. 'If I i' f Farm Implements . . . iJ jWe have everything that is good , such as , fl : : Good En'ough Hiding Plows i } ' ' , \ Good Enough G'ang Plows ' , " : Sure E'dge Drop Corn Planter i : ; The Gretchen Edge Drop Planter. $32.00 t Vi 1 14x16 Disc Harrow at $24.00. See ' it ) , r { Many kinds of cultivators. } , Z' If in doubt of yalue of goods , ry us. ) . < . . . , 'j .1 : E ) G . W . APPLE . ! r. \ " ' \l : I l\"L : . " ' ' ' ' " ' ! . ' ' ! , ! ! ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .1II1II'11'1''Ijf.IJIIIIIJ:1'II.IIr.1I1JI111""IIfii''IJI' . ' ' ; : , ! ' ' ! ' ' ! ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Jlj \ . . . . "IIJ1I'"IJ1I'IIIIIJIf.'I11If'IIfiiIIl''''liII'I''rJ ! " ' . ! , , , , , , ' ! , , , , , ' ' , , , , , , ! , , , : ! : , , , , , , ' , , " ' , , . ! ! . , , ! ! ! ' ' . . " " . ! ! , , , , , , ! ! ! , , , " . , ! ! ! , , , , , . ! , , , , , . , , , , , . ! ! ! " iiP''iIII' ' ! , " " , ! ! " , , , ! ' ' ' ' ' : ) ' . , . . , , . . - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1/ "t"1"tt't"ttt"'t't't""tt11t'1"'t1"1"1t'"t1't1"'t" " " " ' " ' " " ' ' ' " " ' " ' " ' " ' " " ' " ' " " " - - ISheppafrd & Burkl ' E _ Want. to call your attention to their el gant line 3 1/ - / E of Fresh Canned Goods as follows : , = = Ii . - - . a. . - - - t = = Meats. Fish. Soups. = = II : : : : : 11\- - - II - . AI : : : : : Pottetl Chicken Sardincs Tomato Soup : : : : : . = - = Potted T\Jnguc Salmon Chiekcn . Soup : - : : : : ' .1/ . : _ : : : Potted Until Shrimps riIUUigntavony : : : : : b - ' " : : : : Venl Loaf Star Lobster Bouillon : : : : : t : - : : : : : Drietl Beef Russian Caviar . Beef Soup - : : : : : : : : : : : Corn eef Consomme = = : : : : Vienua Sausage : : : : 10 - - - - - - - - - - - a - - - Fruits a.nd. FreshVegeta.bles - - - - : : : : : : : : I - - . - - .Phone 125. South Side Square 3 ' 11111111111l11tl11111'1'(111111 ' ' ( ' 1111111111111(111111111111111111111(1 ( ( \