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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
- , / ' 1. . _ - , . . . -J . . . . - I I ' , s of .l Local Nature t ; . .I\NVVV\N\MI" . . , . . , G. W. Runyan , of Mason City , is doing duty as a juror this week. Harry Carr , of Sheridan , \Vyo. , is at home on a visit with his . mother and sisters. Postmaster Alf Morgan , accompanied - companied by Mrs. Morgan , of Cmnro , werc county scat visitors yes terd aY. Hav you talked with your fellow citizens and what was Jour decision ? Is there to bl ! a celebration in Broken Bow on July 4th ? , Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Walters ' 1 left Tuesday evening for a several weeks visit in Missouri , as stated they would in the ( HUPUDI.ICAN last week. . . H. A. Watts went to Anselmo 1 Monday and gave some of the 1 residents of that bai1iwick a hunch as to the best Idnd of a piano to place in their homes. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a chicken-pie dinner at the 'remplc theatre on Saturday this week. Everybody invited at 25 cents an invite. The many friends of Miss Edna Wright , residing 5 miles northwest - - west of the city , will be glad to . JCi1rn .that she is recovering frem It s verc ilhless caused by measles. of- . An admission fee of 25 cenlS ' will be charged to tJ1C' graua- Hng exercises of the IHgh school al the Opera house tomorrow night to defray the rental of the hall. , President W. A. George , of the Security State Bank , went to Kcarney yesterday to attend a scssion of the N. W. District Banker's association of. the state. fie was accompanied by Mrs. I Gcprgc , W. Fostcr who is hoMing ' , + . . . . , . : . - down and cultivating a bunch of soil under the ' inkaid law , northwcst of Anschpo , associated ( with friends and transacted busi- " ) ' / nCRS in the metropolis of the county last Saturday. j W. W. Cowles carnc in from peoria , Illinois , y sterday morn- jog to remain indcfinitely. His ' flttacl1J1)ent for Broken Bow and I C lster cOJ,1nty is ! oo great for him to remain away Ipng , when , \ he is able to get back. I In moving the Gaston & Co. , j ; pianos from L. E. Cole's to the depot last Monday , one of the ! instruJnents up-ended on the ) , ground from the dray and was i damaged about as , badly as it coul < l be by taking a tumble of j that caliber. , . . Messrs. Fred Baisch and Claud ; Sitlwell and Misses Hazel Jewett I and Janev Cooper went to Hal- I sey , last Sunday , and visited Mr. Jnd 'Mr . Char1es Scott. The gentJe.nen returned ome that night , the young ladies remaining - ing until Tuesday night. J. W. Comstock , of Ansle , . one of the early settlers in the county , wa5 in the city yesterday summoned here as a witness in the Link Trotter case. While I 5l rving as a supervisor his visits to tbe county seat were frequent , j 1.J tt now that he's attending I1lriclly to his own business does 110t come often , this being his only visit during the past year. W : c. Nixon\ \ who assessed . Grant township , on the south line of the county , was in town I last Saturday and reported a healthy and happy bunch of settlers down that way , but they were all anxiously watching the sky- when not asleep- and hoping that a greatly needed rainfall would not be much longer delayed. Mi\.B.HIJ n-At the Baptist par- f onage in Brolcen Bow , Nebr. , hy Hev. J. D. Grady , Mr. Rae V. j McCall and Miss 14cona L. [ "odge . " Wlre united in marriage. Mr. l\lcCall don't aJow ] little affairs like this to disturb his equanimity and lost no time from his duties in the register of deeds offic.e on < lccount of shouldering the duties of a bl'nedict. ' } 'he l npuDLIcAN jlJins a host of friends with best wishes. \ ; The city cc.lUlcil members ex- 1. changed greetings with each t : other on various questions until Ii 11 o'clock last night , but faIled 'f. to t < > ; uch upon the matter of decorating - orating the old shackle-down , known and described as city haU , with a few gobs of paint and by . , ' so doing greatly improve ItS ap- pearance. Perhaps , however , the II members have a surprise up their . -at- sleeves and some morning you'll ! f - a ake to a find an elegant , new I , , i bnck structure on the site of the e present unsighly rookery. Miss Mabel Ormsby wcnt to Berwyn last Thursday nnd visited I several davs - with Miss Mable , . Phillips. A. L. Lazenby , of Merna , was a city visitor Saturday evening. He remembered this office with a socia ! call. Miss Hazel Norcutt will go to Omaha Sunday for the purpose of having her eyes treated by a specialist. Senator Burkett will be in Bro leen Bow on June 19th and address the JunIor ormal , which will be in session at that time. J. H. M'cAdams , deputy assessor - sessor of Algernon township , was in the city 'l'uesday , making his ref urns. He remembered this office with a social call. . Judge Hostetler is determined to make as little expense as possible - sible to the county by terms of court and with' this object il8 view , as well as to clean up the calendar as nearly as possible , is holding night sessions. A dtizenj after looking intently - ly at the city park , spoke thus : " 1'he st te has a flower emblem , why wouldn't it be in keeping for Broteen Bow to have one , ai- ' 30 , the dandelion , for instance. [ t's the most prolific of anything in the city. " John Rinehard was in from McKjnley Monday and reported people over that way wondering if there was going to be a sufficiency - ficiency of rain to grow a crop . this year. A number of his . neigh bors were not overly enjoyed - joyed at the prospects. Arrangements are being made to present a first-class entertainment - ment each week du ing the Junior Normal which begins in Brolten Bo'w on June 17th. 'rhis is a wise roceclure and will be hailed with delight by citiens : : as wEll as by those attending the normal. J. 'Q. Hacker , who is en agecl with the B. & M. Railroad con - pany ; t ] dgcmont , S. D. , and has been visiting his family in this city , the past month , will return t duties tomorrow. He expects to purchase property and move t he family there ip the near future. , , . , The fire d partment responded lO au alarlll Tuesday evening- 7 o'c ock from the orth Side Meat Market , the roof having caught qre fret } ! adefective flue. , Only a few minutes eJapsed from the time of the alaq l until a stream of water was turned on the blaze. which was easily extinguished - tinguished an ! } with , . bitt slight damage. W. S. Rice , who assessed Cliff township , was in to turn in his books and feels that the showing in his town is a mlghty good on& . During his skirmish through the township he found 2997 head of hogsj 2971 head of cattle and 956 horses , with everybody - body prosperous and happy. He failed , bowever , to discover any inhabitants who possessed . diamonds. Miss Mi.1dred Wtudnagle , who has been employed at Ml vis & Co.'s store will discontinue h r work there at the end of the present m ) t1th , and on the first of next mqJ1th go to Lincoln and visit her mother. On the 6th of next month her brother , Charles H. , graduates from the Wesleyan university and she expects - pects to attend the exercises. Some readers do not seem to understand that the publication f lists of wedding presents and cards of thanks come under the head oJ pay notices and neglect , when sending or bringing them in , to request a receipt iu payment - ment for their publication. These items are considered ad. . vertising 'matter by all up-to-date publishers and payment is expected - pected for their publication , be I cause tbe custom of para < ling a list o wedding presents and thanking an unknown quantity of people who know you are thankful , is a decidedly back , number and those who are up with the times don't do it. Cards of thanks arc always about the same wording. There are , on an average , 150 deaths in Chicago every day. If a card of thanks was published in each case . . . the - v would fill more tban a page of a newspaper and be awfully monotonous reading. Everybody knows you are thankful - ful for favors extended b.r neighbors - bors nd friends when vour dear ones have been sick and died , so there's no need of saying so In print-unless you want to advertise. 4 . \ . ' . . f' - . . ' " . . George Flick arrived in the city yesterday frow Washington , D. C. , to attend to real estate interests in this vicinity. J. C. Bowen's editorial published - lished on the first page of this edition of Ih PUDLICAN shothl be read b.y the head of cvery household In this vicinity. DIItD-Alice , d ughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hedgers , died li'riday cvcning , May 17 , 1907 , in Broke -Bow , Nebr. ) aged nine months. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church , conducted - ducted by Hev. J. D , Brady , Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. . The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved puents. , Cloling of Schools. Commencement week of the. . Broken Bow High school begun last Friday evenin with'a re"eption to the SenIor lass by the Juniors at thc residence of Judge Sullivan the function sur- pagsing in grandeur and pleasing affiliations any heretofore given in honor of a graduating class of the Bchool. Sunday afternoon Jhe Opera house was filled by ; r.itizens to hear Rev. R. H. 'rhompsou of i the M. E. church preach the baccalaureate sermOl1 , which , while alolJg the same lines and trend of all baccalaureate address - dress , was listened to intently and interestedly by the large audience which seemed to be rc. fresbed by his remarks rather than portraying "that tired feet- ing" which is so p\ainly \ evidept on such occasions , This week is the trial alance on of the term , examinations in all the grades being in progress. This afternoon wll. ; be exposition - position , or patron's day , when parents are invited to visit the school buildings and examine evidence of progress made in school by their offspring , 1i1e- wise that of their neighbor\1 young hopeful's which , naturally , will "not belfin : to hQld a c..n Ie" to the advancement made by "our boy. " Tomorrow evening the graduating - ting exercises will occur at the Opera house at which sixteen sheep hides , rollcd add nicely tied with white and viotet ribbons , will be parcelled out to eIght young l11en and eight young ladies , after they have tord those assembled how to becotn. the greatest living sciel1tie ts , clerg- men , poli ticaqs , patry cQoks , dressma4ers and milliners , and then they arc n ac1y to go forth in the worl4 to < 10 anQ < 1are = , , or , l11ake a hal1ar < ous attenlPt. Following is the progralq of graquating e ? ercises ! Seltctlqu. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orchestr\ Invoc'atlon. . . : . . . . . . . . . . . ; l ev. S. tI. 'l'hoIl11s'on { " , \ erc\u ! ElhJctqn \ o { the 19th Century" . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . .htlna tIolcoJU , Salu tatarlan "Captive Forccll" : . . . . . : . . . . .Dcmlln . . L d\Vlc\1 \ "American Lltorature of 'l'o-day. . . . . : . . . . . . I , . . . . . . . . . . . : . . : . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .Mary DUlI1 bell , "Cromwell' ' ' . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clifford LO lax ! Vocal Solo , "l'he NI ht\ngale'l\ \ Son " . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MrlStuctCY / \ i "Howlng , Not l1rlfth\g" \ . . . . . . . . . . . .Ue sle Qrr ' ' 'l'l\e Destiny of Man : . . . . . . . .Sherl11aq Pei\lc "Written1l1 'Unwritten . pag s of LIe's' \ nl to 'Y" . . . . . . . . . . . : : . . . : . . : . . : . : . Lyle , "oung " ' 1'1 ! pl , of ConIlUe\ ! \ ' . . . . , ' Hay ffCaudlcsl qu.qetfile rlllaof \ the lI.lrdll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. Stucke } ' . Mr\ . 'l'aylor. Mrs. Gutterson ' aillf ? tS1Uoweq \ \ \ . " 'l'he Dangers of Modern' COII ! ! r ltl\\m. \ ! \ ' { ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q111HJI \ \ \ " JolunHI1 ! ! I r ' 1H\t HQ qt OnuntJlo' . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . Irma 'VIlIlUg "Davit ! 1.lvIrUlstau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cadwell "Houllil PeGs-III ' Holes' . " .01 Ie Street s'luare Violin Solo-"Hub nsteln'ij Melody In l" ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas S { uckey ' " "Our Navy" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VenlOn Bau er "A NoblePuqJose. . . . . . . . . . . . .Ml1dred Spain " ' 1'he Electric Age" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hoss Armour ' ' 'l'l1e Marble Lleth 'Valtlng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nola Smith , Valedictorian Clalls Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class of001 Presentation of Diplomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. H. Dean , President Doard of Education Ueuedlctlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hev. L. N. Early An Admission fee of 25 cents will \je clar ! ud . Obitqary-Pahner. ! Edson Palmer , son of Mr. and' ' Mrs. . George I. ' . Palmer , died' ' Sunday night , May 19 , iY07 , at the family home near Broken Bow , Nebr. , of quick consump- tion. Funeral services , conducted - ed by Rev. R. H. Thompson , wre held at the M. E. church on 'ruesday the 21st at 2 o'clock , attended by a large number of friends and acquaintances , after which interment in the Broken Bow cemetery , The deceased was born Dec. 18 , 1878 , at Stevensville , Penn. , and in 1880 came to Nebraska with his parents who located at St. Pllul , Qloving to Broken Bow in 1888. In It'ebruary , 1902 , he was united in marriage with Miss Ida Lewis. 1'0 tillS union o.le child was born last July and died March of this year at the age 01 eight months. . Last fall Edson contracted a cold , accompanied by a cough , which at first was not considercd serious , but which gradually became - came worse until in January it became evident that l11s lungs were effected and from that time all that was possible to prolong his life has b en done. While not unexpected , his demise - mise is a severe shock to the family and relatives with whom all sincerely sympathize. Let us be your printer. The good kind of printing only. I A . I..A _ I ) 0. . Day Ahead of Date. Next Thursday being a Nation. . al holiday and in order that the employes in the RJU'UDLICAN office may not be compelled to labor on that day. the paper will be issued 'On Wedncsday-one day early-and all who have ad- vertining or articles for publication - tion will goyern themselves ac- cordiu ly. Something Out of the Ordinary. A year ago last month John Finch platted about ten acres of ground to town lots as an addition - dition to Arnold , a village without - out railroud connections , 30 miles west of this city. There are 25 lots , 100x240 feet , .and . with the exception of four or five have all been sold at $100 each to private parties who have built residenccs. This is out of the ordinary , but the most phenom- inal part of the deal is that there s not , nor has there ever been , a mortgage filed foi' record in the register of deeds' office upon any of the lots in the Finch addition to Arnold. We doubt if there was ever such another case in the history o't Nebraska. - - - _ : z , : ! - BUSINESS m jJ : Sewing wanted. Inquire 'at the B. & M. Restaurant. BULl. ItOR SAr.H-Swiss bred , one year old and a fine one. Inquire - quire at IhtPVIH1ICAN ollice. 46tf TH us ro" SALT -Havc _ about 100 very fine shade and orr.amen- tal trees , for sale cheap. Call at Advo Grocery. All carpets and curtain goods at cost. MnvIs & Co. 4Y-tf Dr. Bass , Dentist. Over McComas' See Coyler's high-class Jacks I in Droken Bow. Advertisement on last page. The Kirkendall shoes have the run now : 'fhe best foot-wear on earth at MnVIS & Co. 49-tf - Go to J. W. Scott's for unadulterated - adulterated flour-pure , just as the wheat growed. H's the real thing , better than the best. White Star coffee at the Advo. W J\N'flm-the year around , ten n1en , with or without families. - HUltUS G. CAlm , 20tf Doris , Nebraska. Coyler\s Jacks will be a credit to the O"l1ty and must be sold. See ad vt , I a1U making farms loans at 5 per cent interest. J AldUS Ll\DWICU , 25t1 Broken Bow , Neb. Come early if yO" want a lovely suit of olothes cheap. MnvIs Co. 49-tf. Drs. Farnsworth & Beck- Dentists. I am making farm toans at 5 per cent interest. J A14ua 14npwtClI , 25tf Broken Bo.v , Neb. _ I am making farm loans at 5 per crnt interest. JAMRS LnnWIcII , 25tf Broken Bow , Neb. 1'he Wjtite Star coffee has a fine flavor you can't forget. At the Advo. , Mevis & Co. , will close out their entire stock of up-to-date clothing at cost. 49-tf A home wanted or a place to work , by an orphan boy 15 old , uscd to farm and stock. Address , C. M. KULLnv , . Broken Bow , Nebr. Mules are sure money makers , less liable to blemish than horses and marketable at any age after , weaning. Buy a Jack and start : on the road to wealth. See advt last page. - - W ANTnb-Man and teams to break fifty or sixty acres of prairie , 4 miles southwest of Broken Bow. For particulars write James Wrigley , Broken Bow , or phone No. 1302. 49-50 - Hou.e and Lot for Sale. 'fhree blocks from square , desirable - sirable location , five room house , new last summer , good well uf waler , shade trees. Inquire at Ihu'unr.IcAN office. 49lf Bargain Bulletin on Pianos and Organs. 1 second hand organ. . . . . $ 10.00 1 new , solid oak , 10 stop , $60 organ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.00 1 new , solid oak , 12 stop , $75 organ. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.00 1 new Mahogony piano organ , worth $150. . . . . . 95.00 1 slightly used Richmond pianoorigil1al value $325 175.00 5 new pianos , highest quality at fifteen per cent off this month. II. A. WATTS. . . . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' . . . . . . - . " . . , . . . , . . . - " . . _ . _ . . . . - . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . - - _ - - - . , _ . _ . . . : = J'I ' " ' ! - ' : - " r u' ft. ' ' ' : ' ' " " "Y- --11'.f" Horse . . Sale Don't fOfg-et : the Date Saturday May.,25t1 ] , . , ' ! : t I ic11ardso11'S l1ar11 ; Brolcen Bow At 10 A. M. Shurp. 55 HORSES 55 , - Thesc horses arc gentlc , serviceable and in good flesh. About 30 head f broken horses , mostly frolU 3 to 7 years olel , . and 25 head of two and three Ylar ! old colts broken to lead. A number of mares in foal and scveral saddle horses. TERMS OF SALE : Bankable note at 10 per cent interest , cight months timc or two per cent discount for cash. W. G. RANNEY , J. R. HAKIm , Aucl oller. .CRA . . . . . , . OWEN ' ) c. II. IIOJ COl\IB , Clerk. . , , MgI' " . : ' r1 : ir 1 . tPeale's 'ulletin I .t FWC > FI. . .A. y , t t ' " ] 'resh Vegetables Oranges , Bananas and Lemons. mt J Custer County lloney ' Buckwheat 'loul' ! P t Fruits of AUICinds . . / ; ' : b' ne Butter a Specialty . ] verything Good to Eut mt We guarantee the best at the lowest prices J. N. PEALE . . , JI Healty Block , Broken Bow. t ' r . _ _ . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - ' : - - - - : - - " " ' = : - - : : : - - - _ - --J" . . 1 - " ' .IV , : aTOTlOEl : : ! . . . MEVIS " - CO. have the finest line of Wash Goods on the market. Beautiful thin goods for the hot weather at prices from 6:1cts : up. nr Selll'sucker and Gingham stock never was finer. Be ut ful styles and colol's. \ We'fare the exclusive agents for the Kirkendall Shoes' . = Shoe IXepairil1 ' a Sl : > ecialty. MEVI CO. U - - - - TRY OUR " " . . ' D. C. . KONKE.L ,