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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1907)
- - - - , - HOUSEHOLD FRIEND. - I . I , f Peruna is a house/wid frz'tnd ill mort Ihall 11 mil/ioll hOlllcs. This number is'Jerca.f \ l1g riltry day. PerU1la has bol/1e /u1lIse/lOld 'Word all Olel' Int Ene/is/l sjealdng' 'World. II is all old lritd rmwl/ for all ea. tarrhal distasu oj Intlead , throal , lung's , stomadl , kidlleys , bladder and ftlnale organs. . Ask 1'OUI' Dmgglst ( or Free Puunt. Almanac for 1907. , ' 1 r . Sh kespearc as Novcl Hero. WlIllam Shakespeare Is the hero 01 a new Ilnd striking nove ] by the Dan. / fsh woman writer Sophus Bandltz. ,1for < tver. British and American read. ers win probably soon have a chance to read this lae , for Queen Aexandra , who recently read It In the original. "as SO much Impressed b ) ' It that she - ad1'f"sed the authoress to have It translated Into English. This transla. tlon Is now proceeding and the Eng. IIl h version Is to be dedicated to the queen , who is herset ] a DanG. _ The extraordinary popularity of fine " ' white goods this summer maes the chalco Qf Starch a matter of great 1m. portanco. Defiance Starch. being free trom aU Injurious chemicals. Is tho' Dnly one which Is safe to use on fine fabrics ; Ita great strength as a stlff- ! mer makes hair the usual quantity of Starcli necessary. with the result ot perfect. finis ! ) , equal to that when the goodIJ were new. Youthful Astronomer. Robert H , Balter , formerly ot the Amherst faculty , Is assIstant astrono. mer oJ the AJlegbeny observatory at [ the ago ot 23. . . " . . - - . . " . . . Gl\'o Defiance Starch n. fair trIal-- try lior both hot and cold starchIng , and-b , you don't think ) 'OU do better work , In less time and at smaJler cost , return it antI your grocer wlll Slvo you back your money. Every tIme a man accepts a lO.cen lft I cost ! him a dollar. BRING COOD HEALTH Dr. WIlliam' Pink Pills , Used After , thD GrJp , Arrest Fatal Decllno and Rebuild the System. . An. , bodily w altness caused by a deficfency In the blood can bo cured by thO use of Dr. Williams' Pink PJlIs becnusQ these pllls actuaJly make new blool.After attaclts of the grIp the bloo1 ! is generally run down and the paU nt. continues to decllno. " : bout three } 'ears ago. " says Mrs , Jennie Cowan , of 718 N. Henry r street , West Bay Cily. Mlcb. . "I caught a severe cold. which ran into the STiU. J was confined to my bed for. bya weeltS. At the end of that time I wn.a able to be about. but was completely run down , I was so weak I c u1d hardly stand. my cheeks had r\ ( no color nnd I felt faint , My heal't . would tlutter and It was dirIicult for mQ to breathe at 'Urnes , Neuralgia olt1td In the back at my head and stomnck and I suttered trom rheuma. tlS1n In my shoulders. I "I bntl the care of the best doctor IJJ town but became no better until a t . frlenlltold me ono day bow she had bebn cured by Dr. W1JUnms' Pink l plfJa and I decided to try them. 1 sobn felt bettor and continued using thorn unUl I wn.a entirely cured. They I bum. me up again to perfect health I and I use thom now whenever I feel at aU slcle and they nlways help me" Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills are Inv l. una Io In sucb cases. as weIl ns In ether blood diseases , because they not onfy drlvo ott the germs of the dlseaso butlIuUd up the system. The pIlls have cured anaemia , rheumatism. at. tcr-eFtacts of fevers. neuralgia nnd many otber severe dIsorders. Dr , WUl1nms' PInk PIlls nre sol& Lt by n11 druH'glsts , or sent. postpaid , on r 1 ( 'v receipt of yrJce. 60 cents per box. - " elx oxcs $2.60 , by the Dr. Wlll1ama I ' MetUc1no Company , Schenectady , N , YI - HINTS FOR THE HOUSEWIFE , Little Things That are Well Worth Keeping In Memory. To straighten whalebone sonIc for Cow minutes In lultOwarm water. then prOAS straight with 11. slightly warm \flatiron. ' When cleaning brass add n lItUe methylated Rplrlt. to wllatover pollshl ) 'ou may bo using. It not. only helps , to remove stains. but also prevents the brnss from tarnishing agnln so qulekly , I Tortolso sheIl combs shou1l1 occa. slonnIly bo weIl rubbed with the Imlm of the hand to restore their brightness. ' If very dull , just. a suspicion of sweet 011 mny bo usea , but as a rule n. rub with UI0 palm of the hand only Is qulto sufficient. To clean feathers , wash in gnsollne. which can be ) n'octtred at most 0111 , shops. SI1\I < o till ( lry. and then curl with 11. bono or sllvor Imlr\ . But ro. Jnombor that. gasoline is highly Inflam. mable , and should not on any account be used in a room In whIch there Is a flro or arUflclnl Bght of any kind. Out. of. doors is really the best plnce to use It. Starched things should be rather damp for Ironing. If Ironed when too dry the starch is renlly thrown awn } ' . as It. docs not stiffen nt 11.11. AftA1l' wnshlng decanters 01' ' cruots'l turn them upside down and allow wn , tor from the cold water tap to runl ) V01' them.1 In alJout five mhmtes'l lime they will lJo lJeautlfull ) dry In.1 side , and if the outsIde ia earefuIli 'wiped and rubbed they will s)1arkle' ' henutlfully , A hint for frosty weather : WindowS ] : teten need cleaning when It Is so cold that if water were used It would nt. : mce freeze on them. 'l'ry using pnrnf. fin Instead ; a rag l)11IC ) In it wBl clean glnss perfectly , ami glvo It n brightness hUl10ssilJle to obtain with \Vater. \ Tissue )1I1.11er mnlws a good polIsher - Isher , or , In fact , 1\lmost nn ) ' soft pa- 11er. ' . PROPER CARE OF THE SNK. ! Precautions That Are Absolutely Nee. . essary to Health , An wood should be removed from a ; Ink , according to Good HOllseleeep. lng , and replnced with a porcelain ilnk , back nnd sIdes ; that being too :1xpensive. then use slate , zinc or cop. (1er. ( The materinl should be absolute. IY Impervious to moisture and with. out paint , wiIch ] only wears err and leaves nn untidY surface. MotIern plumbers use Iron instead at lend pipes almost entirely , and yet , by : : are. UIO old lead ones may continue to serve. Frequent fiushing of the sink Is an absolute necessity for per. Cect freedom from danger. It should be done with vety hot water. but fol , lowed by a little cold water , lest the heat cause \'acuum and draw thE wnter off the trnp , leaving it open fOI gases to escape through the outlet oj the sink , The trentment. should be np)1lied to every flxture In a house 'utter the cleansing process. How to Do Library Divan. A couch or divan In n. library is always - ways desirable , and If a cover In soft bro'11 velour Is used , with pillows of bright old orange , deep gold and the varying shades of brown piled on In prafuslon , it wllJ be an artistic nddi , tlon to the room. The pillows , many of which should be put on the couch , ma , ' bo made of InexpensIve pieces of tIenlm , canvas and burnp ] , any ono of whIch comes In tones of J'ellow and brown thnt will bo effective. Just for contrast ol1e or two handsome cushions should lJe used in the pile. A striking one of golden silk , with a deep brown ruf , fle , or finished with a cord and tassel , would be attractive , as would bo also a lemon coared ] slll { pillow , with 11 touch of old ornnge at the corners. To Make Aspic Jelly. Ono pint and a haH of boullloll ( which can be boufht In cans ) , one lJox : of gentIn ] , two eggs , halt pint 01 11ale coodng ] sllCrrr , ono Itltc11en cur 'oC water , Melt the bouillon , dissolve In It. the gelatin antI set asldo to cool , add IJ )1lnch ) of salt , mix and whlsle 1ogothol the whites of two eggs with theft shells , ndd the wnter. : ' , rnl\C them nil into the stocle an SUI' unUl It bolls for a quarter of at hOUl' , then remov ; } from the flro ant pour through a jelly bag , after w11lc1 : 11l1t in the wine. When cool , pour ever the turlteJ and { 'ct asldo to hnrden. How to Trim a Fern , nos ton ferns that hnvo grown se large and luxuriant as to permIt ell vhUng Into smaller plnnts may have cuttings tnl\Cn away fl'om the rootl IVltliout damage to the plant , If care fully done. If transplnnted to the right soli nnd kept undol' proper con dlUons the cutting shoultI root wel ' 1I1d develop Into a healthy plant. A Cern does not need hot and Inces ' ! Rnt sunshine , ' ] 'wo of the Onest nos ton ferns ] mown to the writer SpelH he cntIre wlntor 1n windows wherl scm'cell' a sunbeam falls , though tberl Is 111ent , ' of light. A IItUe sun , how vel' , does them no harm. nnd a mols ; .tmosphero Is esenlial. Care of Wooden Articles. All wooden articles mny be eleanec thlls : When grease Sl10ts nro found covcr these thlcltly with sort soar. . then hold n shovel over thl place , eloso to the soap. acter whlcl wash with li'lIl1el"8 earth and watm and then with cenn ] wator. Wher , bonrds have been negleoted. use on , Ilollnd seCt SOn)1 ) bollel1 down wltJ ono pOllnd Fuller's earth. one pounl soda. and two quarts of water , tJI I reduced to half. . . . . . - , , . TEARIDLE TO RECALL , Flvo Weeks In Ded With Intensely Painful Kidney Trouble , Mrs. Mnr ) " Wagnor. of 1367 Iossuth enuc , Drltlsoport. Conn , . says : "I . . waB so wenke ened and sonor. nlll' run down with kldnoy dls. ense that tor n long tlmo 1 cou1l1 nol do 111) ' work and was five weel < s In bed. There wns con. tlnunl bearing down linin , ter. riblo bnclmches , . . . . . . - - ; . , ' . hendaches a 11 d at Urnes dizzy s)1e11s when everJ.thlng was a blur before me. 'rho )1 ) slages or the Iddney secrotlons were Irregu. lar nnd vainful. and there wns \ on' sldorablo sediment ul1d O OI' , 1 don't Imow what I would ho.\'o done but for Doan's Kidney PJ1ls. I could see an Improvement from .tho I1rst box , nnd five boxes brought a finnl cure. " Sold by all dcalers. riO c\'nts a box : . Foster.MIlburn Co , . nuffalo , N. Y. . - - - - . Life Without Mind. The possibility of lito without mind. whIle nol sUbject to poslUvo proof. Is a theory that has H'alned considerable , strength recently through Its advocacy by Dr. L. LaoJ' ] , HlJrnrlan or the Academy of Sclenccs , Paris. He believes - lieves that manr : or the smaller living , organisms. such I1S insects , are mere moving machines. hnvlng no moro In. telllgence than may'be ascrIbed to plants. He reCers to the well known I fact that Insects arc attracted br light. often to their own destruction , nnd as. crlbes it. to the same cause that In. clines the plant. to grow toward the light. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . : _ , : . _ " ' . - _ 7" 4"'Jl _ . , ' . . . ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' . ' : ; ; ; + : . . , , " ' , "t " - ' -'U , ; t . h\ ' " " , , , , . . , ; - ' , " " : ; . \ . . " . . . . . , ' . . I'U : : / 1i = , ; f ; " " " " " ' _ , , , , . . . , , , . . . . . . , , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . , , . , : Promotes Digeslion.Chccrrul- nessandRestContains neilher I pplumMorplline nor fil\er l. , NOT".N4RcO'l'IC. . . , Q/'ou.Jrs.wlE1.PItrJIER 1Jlfm : . ! ' &tI..t s.It- Stwt i { f .rtU- ' # ( /7iflitl.JI1w . H hlItyNI/I. narar ; . Aperfecl Remedy rorConsUplJ' . non , Sour Stomach. Diarrl10cn . , Worms , Convulsions .t verish. ness nndLoss OF SLEE l ; tXACT COpy OF WRAPPER. , - . - - . - . - . . . - - - I You can nlso teIl n I11l1n b ) ' t11e com. llany ho doesn't lwoV. . . _ - - - - - - 1IIr. , 'Vlnlloy' RoothlnA' Rlr"I" For rhll < lrt'b I'thlnlt. lotltnl (110 Rural , rt'ducc In. hmmaUon , alla11 1'I1ln , cures "Ind collu. a bollle. I..ovo your enemies-but not John DemIJohn. . . - - - - - lU'l'NAM PA DIUl SS ] ) YES color ni- most twice 9 milch ns on ) ' othcr 1I'e Dnd cost. J'ou the Mme. 10c llcl' Ilnckngc. - - - - - - - - - - Naturally n mnn would rathcr part his hair Ulan pnrt with it. rll.l ( ) UKJ J ) I 6 TO 1..L ItA T19. l'AZO OINTM : < ; 'l' I , luamnlec.1 to ( , litO any eaMI of IIrhlnll. Jllln < l , 1IIctdillIC . IIf l'ft11fU < llu& : ) ' 11. . In 1110 U lIaJI or IlIon. , r ( ubllel. We. - - - H l'OU , , 'nnt to Bee a man nct 1I1lIy hunt U11 ono who Is jenlouR. - - - - - - Panthers and Grizzly Dcars. Shill V\ll1l PI'IlR Mc [ jln\l } Fm' . Wool Co" IiIl\lcl1J1olil ! . 1\I1nll. 'Vl' le COI' pric's. Vh't\le Is Its OW11 reward-or Hs own Jlunlslll11cn.t , a l case mllJ' be. : . . You nlways got Cnl1'al1 ( in Lewis' Single lI lHlcr IItmiht ! t' ci l' . Your dcaler or Lcwis' Faclol'1' , Peorin. lU , There ia no cure for tIle IndlesUon ! causel b ) ' lJ\'lng eoml1clled to cat rour OWI1 words. Top Prices for Hides , Furs , Pelts. , Wdte Cor'cular No. 0 N. W. Hide & I'ul' Co. , filllleaoli > 3. ' Minllesota. - - - - - Isn't It ! ! tl'al1go that men who brng alwa ' ! ! IJrag alJollt something that doesn't Intercst J'Oll In the least,7 , Garfield 'l'ca ( the II\u remcdv which If ! GU ranteedlndel' lho Pure ( . 'oml nm ] Drulotfl Law ) I'houlll ho takcn to 'rcltulllt tJ\I Lh'er , Kittne ' : ! . IOtol11:1eh nnll lJOW't 1 nnd to IlIu'iCy the hlood. A woman gets almost ns much snt- Isfactlol1 out or a { oed cry as n man , docs out or a "smile. " . _ - a- - - . , . , ' " CASTO RIA For Infants and Children. - The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the . , Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTO RIA THC OlnTAun CQIi\.ANY. nEW YORK CITV. - - - ' " _ . . . . - : ' : _ _ " _ - _ . w I _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ S9 ! JXS/ LII\IIl\el\t . - - . . . , , . I . for CougJ. . . Cold. Croup. Sore lhro t.SfjffNec ] { . . I , RheumatIsm and. } - , " . I. Neur lgia ' /--7' : . . Price At 25 all ( , Dealers' 50c , & $1.00. . . . . , . , ' ) , , - - - At the . Waist II I ' _ _ _ , . . . , . . . 4a _ _ _ _ ' f.1 . WOMEN SUfFER Mnny womcn suffer In sl1enco nncI I1rHt nlong trom bntl to wors10" " lull' w\'li that. U\'y ought to h'avo hUlI1edlnto uS ! > lstnnco , How many " 'omen (10 you Imow who ure pcrlecl1y wcll nnll IJtronlJ ? 'l'hoentso mny be eMlly lrnced to some : l'c ) lnine dcrangcment wl1f h ull\lIlCesb itrcll in depression of "plt'its , reluctl1nco to IO anywllcro or do fln 'thln" , ll clcncho , clrngl.flpg sell1mllol1s , l1nt.ulcllcy. lIervOlllffi s. ! , nUll slecplessnc ! J. 1'hcso s 'mIitom nro but.wu.rninca I that. t1I01'O IN nnger nllcnd , nt1l1 un. I less llecded. n. lIfo ot Bufferiur ( a serious operation Is the incviiablo I l'CSU1t , 1'ho befit. remcdy lor 11 ] ] , thcso syml1tuJUs is I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 , mndo trom DnU"e roots an her11s , No other medlclnc III the country hns rcech'cl1 such " , l ctJprend 111111 unqunlll1cd cndorscmcnt. No ot.fier medl. I clno hl1s such 11. record of C1\l'C'A ( lr f\'J11alo 111s. ' Miss J. 1 ! ' . Wn1sh , of a 8 W. 311th St" New Yorte City. writ s : It Jydlllo : I R Pintehnm'a Vegetnblo Compound hue been o incsUmntllo value In I rcstorlng' 1Uy henlth , I Run'crcd from ft'mutc lllncss which enuscd drcndful headnchcs. ( ll7.zIIlCRR , nlld ull l1in8 [ in my bac1e , but ; Iour medicine soon brought nbollt 11. ohnngo . In my ( ; Cll01'111 con ltion. unllt I mo up n11l1 mnl10 me perfectly " , eU:1. , rJ 'l1in N , 1)lnltJ\Ilm's V\'g\'tnblc Compo\11111 cureR 1i'ell13.10 Complaintsl 511Ch ns Unclcoehc , l"nlllng IlIIII DllmlI\L'Cl1lentR. 111t1l11l1mntlon nu ] , Ulcera. t.on. ! nm1 orgnnic dlseuscl ; . Jt il li"al\1111)lo in 1 > rqmrillf.f \' 1\1111 d\1rlng the Chnnro of Life. neUrCR Nervous Prostration , IIclU1'1cllc ) Oenoral Debility. nml hwlgorntcs the whole Sj'stclU , Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women Rufferlng tro111 any form of temale wealmcDs arc Invlicl1lo wrHo 1\Irs. 1'InldlO1D. lit Lymll Mnss. BC1' ntJ\'lce is 1'reo , . . . " . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f NO MOl E MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTE-R , \ THE SCIENTIFIC . \ND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER.IRRITANT , CAPISICUM . . - ; V.ASELINE : EXTHACT 01 : TilE CAYENNB PEPpm PLANT i A QUICK. SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS RfADY CURE FOR PAIN.-PRICE 15c-IN COLLAP3JBLE TU ES-A l' All. UHUGGISTS AND DEAl.ERS OR , BY MAIL ON RECElP"r OF 15c. IN POSTAGr. 5T AMPS . , nON"1 AIT I T ILL 'r If D 1 > A ) N COM 13 S - IUJ D 1 > A , U D D JI AND Y. A subs lt\1te for Qnd superior \ muslard or Rny olher plaster , : md will not blister the most delicate skin. The pain. allaying and curative quail lies bf ) the Article are wonderful. It will stop Ihe toothache nt once. nnd relieve $ Headache < lnd SclaticCl. We recommen It : lS the best and safest external ' counter.lrrltant known , also ItS an external remedy for pains In the chest : lnd stomach and all Rheumatic. Neuralgic and Gouty complaints , A trfai . will prove what we claim for It , and II will be found to be InvClluablo Inlhe household and for children. Once used no f:1mlly will be without It. M I1Y people say "It Is the best of all your preparations. " Accept no prepnrron \ of v.sellnolnless the same carries our I.lbel , as otherwise Ills nol gen\lrne. SEND YOUH ADDHESS AND WI ! WILL MAIL OUI { VASI ! . LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. CHESEBRlUGH MFG. CO. ; 17 STATE STrmET. NEW YORK CITY . , - - - - FREE Homesteads IN WESTERN CANADA. Special Trains Leave Chicago , March 19tb , I , FOR ! . I Manitoba , Saskatchewan I and Alberta Homesteads. i \ ! Canadian Government representatives will I accompany this train through to destination. ! For certif1ca tc en ti ding cheap rates , litera. . . ture and all particulars , apply to t' W. V. BENNETT , 801 N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha , Nebraska. . \ . ! - - - - READERS 01 this paper de. siring to buy any. - - thlnlladvertisedln Its columns should Insisl upon having- wh. , Ih. , . .k ' ' ' . " ' " " , , .11 , , ' ' ' ' . lutes or Imitations , [ - ' . . -dJ - 0' - - In : : : : c-- - - - - - - - 'I.'JIIS " I.\.J.EI IS ON FILE IN ClUaCAGO tf NEW YORKo : l ; l' A. N , KELLOGG N'EWSPAPER co. - - - - - - - - - - - FARF"S FOR RE'T Ao > Jt . H.\IJ : ON 11 n ( I ItcH. l'uynt""b. J. 1IUT.11.\.LI. . HIOU.CI'I'Y , JO\\'A. . - - - - - - - - - DEFIANCE STARCH L fc ; : l - - - - - - - LIVE STOCn : AND MISCELLANEO'US ! , Electrotypes . : , I IN GREAT VARIETY ! Fen SALE AT THB , LOWEST PRIORS BY ; , A.N.KELLOCC NEWSPAPER. CO. 73 W. Adam , Street , CUiCAGO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It ao c : : Thompson's Eye Water . - - - - - - - - - W. N. U. . OMAHA , NO.4. 1007 , . - - Pains at the waist , back , front , or side , arc nearly sure proof of female trouble. Some other signs are headache , pressing down pains , irregular functions , restlessness - . ness , cold limbs. ' nervousness , etc. These pains may be allayed , the system braced and the womanly functions regulated by the use of Wine of Cardui Mrs. Annie Hamilton , of Stetsonville , Wis. , writes : "Carc1ui saved me from the grave after three (3) ( ) doctors had failed to help me. It is a good medicine and I recommend it to all suffering women. " For sale at all druggists , in $1 bottles. ' Wrlle toJ.1Y for II Irce cory of valuable & 1p.1ge lIIuslr.1lcd nook fOf Women. It ) 'OU nn. ! Medical Ad. \A'RITE \ US A LETTER vice. ducrlbr your 5ym ( oms. 5131\nl \ : 31:1 ! . and reply will be enlln plain selleJ en\"elo . Ad.1rcs5 : . . , . . . . . D1 I.AJlcs Advisory Dept. The Challanooca ; Medicine Co. Ch.1tt3noo 3. Tenn. J . . . , ' . ' 1 ' . , I