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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1906)
. - , - . / ' - . . . . . - > - - ( . . -I' - : Geronimo , untamed man Idllor , unreconstructed - reconstructed savage , wily , bloodthirsty - thirsty and cruel , now an aged , hOlJo" less , ] lClpless , d'lng prisoner , has told Ule complete story or his 1\0. \ His autobIography , which has been edited for him b ' S. M. Darrett , with full pOl'- mIssIon and consent of the war de- putment : , Is about to be published. It malws a long , weird and Intensely Interesting - teresting story , as wl11 be noted by . SlorUons relu'oduccd here , sa 's the New Yorle Herald. Mr. Darrolt , actor gaining .the confidence - denco oc the old Apache , led him to tell of his bIrth , his early days and bls warCaro on other Indians and pale. focos. . . ( I Of hla hattlos with Miles and Creole , t of what ho calls the Injustlco done to the Indian , the old savage writes : . , "Perhaps the greatesl wrong over done to the Indians was the treat- I' mont recolved by our tribe from the . United States troops abont 1863. The chief or our trIbe , Mangus Colorado , wcul to malte a. treat . of peace for our JJcople with the whlto sottlomcnt at Ap-acho Tejo , N. M.It had been re- portell to us that the whlto men In : this settlement were moro fl'lendly and mal'O reliable limn these In Arl- , 7.0na , that they would live up to their treaties and would 1I0t wrong the In- dians. i "Mangus-Colorado , with three ether warriors , went to Apaeho Tejo and -it , . held a council with these citizens and 60Idlol'S. ' 1.'hoy told hIm that If ho would como with his trlbo and lIve I near Utom they would Issue to him , I from the government , blanl\Ots , flour , I ] 1rovlslons , beer and all manner of i ( Hlppllos. Our chief promised to re- I ; turn to Apache Tojo within two weelts. When ho came back to our settlement I' he assembled the whole tribe In coun- c1I. I did not bellovo that the people I at Apache Tojo would do as they saId I ' nnd the ref 01-0 I opposed the plan , but , . , 1t was deeldell that with Imrt of the , tribe Mn.ngus.Colorado should rcturn to Apache ' 1'ojo and recoh'e an Issue I of rations and sUllplles. If they were I\S represented , and If these white en would Iccop the treaty faithfully , : . ' the romalndor of the tribe would join , ; him and wo would make our permanent - nent homo at Apache Tejo. I was to remain In charge of that portion or , . the tribe whIch staed In Arizona. We gave almost all of our nrms nd ammunItIon - munItIon to the party going to Apache ! . Tejo , so that In case there should be treachery they would bo prepared for any surprlso. MangusColorado and ubout haIr of our people went to New Mexico , .n.Uon."A foun white men who would ba. . kind to thorn , and with whom they could ] 1'\0 In peace and plenty. Claim a Comrades Were Slain. "No word ever came to use fl'om t11em. From ether sources , however , wo heart ! that they had been treacherously - ously eaptured and slain. In thIs dl- ] emma. wo dId not Imow just exactly what to db , but fearing that the troops who had capturClI thom would attack 'I , wo I'otrcated Into the mountaIns 11ear Apaeho ' 1'ejo. "During the weeks that followed the departure or 01\1' 11eoplo we had been In suspense , and , failing to pro- yldo moro supplies , had exhausted all or auI' store of provisions. ThIs was I1.notllel' reason for moving camp. On thlB retreat , while passIng through the mountains , wo dlscovored tour men with a herd of cnttle. 'rwo of the men wore In Cront In a buggy and two were 1J0hind on horsobacl. . Wo lellIod all four , but did 1I0t scalp them ; they . .vero not warriors. 'We drove the cat- ne back Into the mountaIns , made a pamp , and began to lellI the cattle and pack the moat. "neCoro we h\d finished this worle \vo were lIurprlsod and attac1wd by Unltell Slates troops , who lellIod In all seven InlllanR-ono warrlol' , three women and three clll1dren. The government - ernmont troops were mounted , and 110 were WO , but wo wore poorly armed , . hnvlng glvon most oC our weapons to the division or our tribe thnt had gone I to Apache Tojo , GO we fought mainly i with sp"ar8 , bows , and arrows. At . firat I had a spear , a bow and a few , arrow8 , but In a ohort tlm my IIfJear nnd 1\11 my arrows were gono. Ouce ' . I was wounded , bllt br dodging from . ' aIde to sldo of m ) ' horse as ho ran I ' escapod. During tbls fight wo scattered - , ; tored In all directions and two da's , later rOaBsomblod at 0111' appointed plnco of rondozvou.s , about 50 miles from the scena oC Ulls battle. Fought With Rocks and Clubs. "About. ton days later the same United Stotoa trooDs attacl < cd anI' now Cl1ml ) ut lIunriso. The fight lasted an day , but our arro's and spears were all go no before tcn o'clock and tm the romalndor or the da ) ' wo had on1y rooks ami clubll Ith which to fight. Wo could do mtlo damugo with these weApons , and at night We moved our CamlJ about CaUl' miles back Into the 111ounta.II1II , where It would he hard fOI' the cavalry to follow us. The next da ) our IIcouta , who had been loft behind - hind to observe the mo\'ements or tTtO uoldlors , returned , sa-Ing that the .J. troop ! had gone baole toward San ' " , " , lie , . . . .n.Uon. I V "A ( ow da's nftor this wo were ngaln att.'lClwd b ' I1nothor company of UnltOlI States troops. Just. before this fight wo 11ad been joined by a band of Chokonen Indians under Cochlso , who tool. command of both divisions. We were repulsed and decided to disband. "Artor wo had dlsbandel1 our trlbo the Dedonlwho Apaches reassembled near their old camp , vainly waiting for the return of Mangus.Colorado and our kinsmen. No tidings came save that the ' had nll been treachorouslr slain. Then n conncll waR held , and as It was bolloved that Mangus.Colo- rado was dead I was elected trlbo chief. " Geronimo then relates the tale of his capture b ' Amorlean scouts , of his Imprisonment for four months and his subsequent rolease. Ho continues : Feared Further Imprisonment. "In the summer of 1883 a rumor was current that the officers were again planning to I1nprlson our load- ors. This rum 01' served to rovlvo the memory of all our past wrongs-tho massacre In the tent at Apache Pass , the ! ate of Mangus-Colorado , and my own unjust Imprisonment , which might easily have been death to me. Jnst at thIs tlmo wo were told that the officers wantoll us to C011l0 up the rlvor above Geronimo to a fort ( Fort Thomas ) to hold a council with thol11. Wo did not bellevo that any good could come of this conference , or that there was any need of It , so wo held I a council oUl'solves and , fearing treachery , decided to leave the roser- I vatlon. 'Wo thought It 11101'0 manly to dlo on the warlmth than to bo lellIed In prison , "Thoro were In all about 250 Indians - dians , ( 'hlcfi ' the lledonlwho and Ned- ni A1I chos , led by myself and Whoa , 'Vo wont through Apache Pass , and just west or there had a fIght with the , United States troops. In this battle wo 1.lIled tbree soldiers and lost none. " \Ve went on toward Old Moxlco , but on the second da ) ' acter this United - ed States soldlors overtook us about three o'clock In the afternoon and wo fought until darl. . The ground where wo were attacked was very rough , which was to our advantal19 , for the troops wore compelled to dIsmount In ordel' to fight us. I do not Imow how many soldIers wo lellled , but wo lost only one warrIor and three children. We had plont ' of guns and ammunl- tlon at this time. 1\Iany of the guns and much ammunition wo 11I1d accumulated - cumulated , , 'hlle llvlng In the resorva- tlon , and the remainder wo had obtained - tained from the Whlto Mountain Apaches when we left the resorvatlon. "Tho troops did not follow us an ' longer , so wo wont south almost to Cnsa Grande and camJed ) In the Sierra de Saharlpa mountains , 'Ve ranged In the mountaIns of Old Moxlco for about a year , then returnell to San Carlos , taltlng with us a herd of cat , lIc and horses , Horses and Cattle Seized. "Soon actor wo arrlvell at San Carlos - los the offi c 01' in charge , Gen , Crook , took the horses and cattle away from us. I told him that these were not white mon's cattle , but lJelonged to us , for wo Imd taleen tholl1 fl'Om the MexIcans - Icans during 0111' wars. I also told him that wo did liot Intend to klJI those animals , but that we wished to Iwop them and ralso stock on our rnnge. Ho would not IIston to me , but took the stock. I went up near Fort A1Jaeho and Gen. Crook ordered ofl1cora , soldiers and scouts to see that I was arrested. If I offered resistance the ' were Instructed to kill mo. "ThIs Informntlon was brought to me bY' the Indians. When I learned of this proposed action I loft Cor Old Moxleo , and about four hundred In- ( Uans wont with me. They were the Dedonkohe , Cholccnon and Nednl Apaches , At this time Whoa was dead , and Naleho was the only chief with me. We went south Into Sonora and camped In Ute mountains. TrooJs ) followed us , but did not attack us until we were camped In the mountaIns 11 west of Casa Grande. lIore wo wore attacked by government Indian scouts. Oae bo ' was lellled and nearly all or our women and children were cap- tured. " 'l'hat night wo held 11 council of wal' ; our IIcouts : had reJorted ) bands or Unltod Statea and Mexican troops at many points In the mountaIns.Vo 1 ostlmated that about two thousand t soldIers were ranging these 11I0untalns s seel.lne ; to capture us. II IntervIew with Gen. Crook. t "Gen. Crook had como down Into t Moxlco with the United States troops , They were campad In the Sierra do Antunez mountaIns. Scouts told mo that Gon. Crook , \ .Slhell to see 1110 and I went to his camp. When I aT1'Id Gon. Creole suld to mo , 'Why did 'ou leave the reservation l' I said : 'You told mo that I might IIvo In the resor- \'ntlon the same us whlto people lived. One year I raIsed a crop or COrti , and gathered and stored It , and the next year I put In n crop of oats , and when the crall was almost ready to harvest you told ) 'our soldlors to put 1110 In prIson , and it I reslstot to kill mo. If I hud been let alone I would now have - - - - been In gOOd circumstances , hut In- stent of tllat you nntl the Moxlcans are huntln : ; 111 ( ' wllh sotellers. ' 110 aald : 'I never gnvo an ' such ardors ; the troops nt l"ort AIJI\cho , who spread this r'lort ) , know thnt Jt was untrue. ' 'l'hen I ngreed to go buck with him to San Curios. "It wns hnrd Cor me to bellovo him nt that tlmo. Now I lmow that whnt he suld WI\9 untrue , und I firmly be- IIm'o thnt ho dhl Issue the orders for mo to be put In prison or to be lellled In case I offorcd resistance. : "Wo started with nil our tribe to go with Gon. Crook back to 010 Unlled States , but I feared trellchory and can. cluded to I'emnln In 1\Iexlco \ , Wo were not unller nn ' guard at this tlmo. ' 1'ho United Stntes troops marched In fmnt nnd UIO Indians followed , nnd when we becl1mo Dusplclous wo tUntod baele. I do not Imow how fnr the United States nr11l ' went uftor m 'soJr ul1ll some wnrrlorll : tu 1"11 ed "buck beCore we wOl'e missed , and I do not caro. Capt. Lawton In the Field. "Soon Gon. 1\IIIes Wits made commander - mander oC nil the western posta , and troolls trailed us continually. They were led b ) ' Cnpt. Lawton , who hnd good scoutt ! . ' 1.110 MexlcRn soldiers nlso became morl ! nctlvo and m re nnmerous. 'Vo hud skirmishes almost over ' day , and so we finally dechlod to break up Into 8nmll bands. With six mon and foul' women I made for the l' ngo of JuolIltalns near IIot Springs , NoMoxlco. . Wo Imssed many catUn rches , but had no trou. blo with III < "bo 's. Wo killed cattle - tlo to en t v , ! . . " 'l. ' ; 0 were In need of food , h l W -cq\1ontly Buffered greatl ) ' CO ! ' watm' . At ono tmo wo had no water for two days and nights and our horses almost died tram thirst , 'Vo ranged In the moun tans of New Mexico for some tlmo ; then , thlnle- Ing that l10rhalls the troops had left l\1exl o , wo returned. On our rotu1'11 through Old Moxlco wo attaeleed every Moxlcan found , even If for no ether reason than to kill. We bolloved the ' had asked the United States troops to como to Mexico to fight us. "South or Casa Gl'I1ndo , n ar n place ca.lled . b ) ' the Indians Gosoda , there was a road leading out from the town. There was much freighting carded on lJy the Moxlcans over this road. Whore the road ran through 0. moun--- tarn pass wo stared In hiding , and whenevel' Mexican ' frelghtOl's passed we kllled thom , took what snppllos wo wanted and destroyeT the remaInd- er. 'Vo were reckless of our lI\'cs , . 'I thnt Geu , Miles wal the chloC of lho American troops , and 1 dochlolt to tn'at with him. "I Bent m ) ' bmthol' l'orlco ( Whllo Horse ) with 1\11' . George Wrattnn on to I"ort Bowlo to see Oen. UleB ane ! . to toll him that wo wi shod to return I to Arizona ; but beCoro thOBO mOS8on , gors returned I met two Indian BcoutS -Ja'ltnh , n Chokonon Apnc11o , ant ! Marteln , , a Nodnl AIJIlche. The ) ' were serving as sconta fOl' Capt. I nwton'fI troOII ! ! . The ' told mo that Gon. Mllell hud como and luul sent thom to ask mo to 111eet him. So I wont to the camp of the United stutos troolls to meet Gen. l\tI1ca. Gen. Mile , . ' Promises. "Whon I anlved ut their cnmp I wont dlroctly to Gen. "lIIea mill told him how I had been wren OI and I wnnted to return to the Unlt.ed States with m ) ' people , ua wo wll1hed to BOO our families , who hntl been captured nntl tnlwn away from us. Gen. 1\IIIes said to 1110 : "rho pl'ealdent of the United States has sent mo to spenle to ) 'ou. 110 has henrtl or your trouble with the whlto mon , and says tllllt If 'ou will uree ! to 1\ few words oC tI'oat ) . wo need hnvo no mal'O troublo. Go- ronhno , \ [ you will agree to a few words oC trenty nil will bo saUstac- torll ' arranged. ' "Thon ho talleed with mo for a long tlmo nnd told mo whut ho would defer for mo In the Cuturo \ [ I would agree to the troaty. 1 dlt ! not hard ! ) ' bollovo Gen. Miles , but beeauso the presldont or the United States had aent mo woret I ngreed to make the treaty and to leeelJ It. 'fhen I askel Gen. 1\IIIos what the trent ) . woulll boo Gon. 1\IIIes anhl to mo : 'I will take you under gOV01'1l- mont protection. I will build you a hOUBO. I will fence you lUuch lund. I will glvo ) 'ou cattle , hOI'ses , 1I1ulos and Carmlng hl1lJlements. You will bo furnlahed with men to work the farm , for 'ou 'ourBe1f will not have to work. In the fall I wm ICUlI yon blankets and clothing , so thut 'ou will not Buf- fOl' from cold In the wlntor thne. " 'Thore la plenty of tlmbor , water and grass In the Inntl to which I will senti yon. You will IIvo with ) 'our trlbo and with your fl1mlly. I [ , you agree to this treuty you shall see your fmull ) ' within 11vo days. ' Agreed to Make Treaty. "I said to Gon. 1\IlIes : 'All the officers - cers that have been In charge of the Indians have talked that way , and It sounds JIlco a story to mo ; I hardly bellove ) 'ou. ' lIe said : 'This time It Is the truth. ' I said : 'Gon. l\IlItJ , I . . . . . . . " - . ? 't. . . . . . . --CLtJ INO"7IE TilEY FPI/CIIT It'/T/I . _ . _ TeEI/TV JIITH IIILE8 CLIAJt5WtflE - ' _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - leCI1USO wo felt that every man's hand \'as against us. If we returned to the 'eservatlon wo would bo put In prison md lillled ; If we slayed In Mex- co the ' wonld continuo to send sol- 1101'S to fight us ; so wo gave no qual'- 01' to any ono and nsked no favors. "Artor some tlmo we 10ft Gosoda. md soon were rounlted with our trlbo n the Sierra do Antunez mountaln . Skirmishing Every Day : "Contrnr ' to om' oxpectatlons the Jnlted States soldlors had not lelt Ito mountains In Mexico , and were eon tra\1lng \ us and sldrmlshlng with IS nlmost ever ' day. Four or five Imes they surprised our camp , Ono hno they lIurlll'sed ! us about nine , 'clock In the mOl'nlng , CalJtured all ur horses (19 ( In number ) and secured , ur store of drletl meats. " ' 0 nlso Dst three Indians In this encounter. Ibout the mldlllo of the IIttornoon of ho same day wo attaclwd thom from he real' as the ' were IJaBsing through I pralrlo-klIled ono soldier , but lost oUl'solves. In this one skirmish we I ecovered ull our horBes except three hat holongod to mo. The three horses hat wo did not recover were the best Idlng horses W had. "Soon acter this scouts frolll Capt. .o.\\'ton'8 troops tohl ua that ho wlshod D mulee a treat ) . with us ; but I knQw . . - - - - - - do not know the laws of the white man , nor of thla now country where you are to aend me , and I might break tholr laws : He said : 'Whllo I IIvo yon will not be arrested. ' Then I agreed to make the treaty. Since I have been a pl'lsonor of Wo.l' I have heen urrestel1 nnd 1Jlaced In the guard. houRo twlco for drinking whlsk ' , "Wo IItood between his troopers and my wurrlors , Wo placed a large /ltono on the hlanket hofore 1U1. 0111' treaty was male by this stone , and It waste to last till the stollO should crumble to dllst ; so we made the treat ) ' , and hOllnl ! each other with I1n oath. I "I do not bellovo tIJut J have 0\01' violated that treuty , hut ( JOIl. Miles never fulfilled his promlscs. "Whon wo hnd made the treat ) ' Gen. Miles sail ! to mo : 'My brother , : ) 'ou have In ) 'our mind how you are going to ltlll men , and other thoughts of war ; 1 want YOll to put that out of YOUl' mind and change your thonghts to poace. ' "Then I agreed and gave up my rums. I 8ald : 'I will quit the warIRth } and IIvo at veaco llOreaCter. ' . "Then Gen. 1\11108 BWOpt a spot ot ground clear with his hand nnd said : 'Your past deeds shall bo wiped out IIko this nnd you w\1l \ start a now ! lie. ' " - . . . THE SQUIRES VISITOR . . - - - By L. A. HARKER. . "Tho squlro Is 0. torrlblo old mnnl" said the now purnon , shaking his head. "I 1101I1ted out to him that for hla conch man to beat his wlfo causes n tlcnmln.1 In the , 'llIage , and hnlJlored him lo remonstrato. " "And wnat dhl ho aay ? " nnked Aunt Susan. "Oh , ho smllod IlOlItely , and bogged to 110lnt out that ho had Interfered between - tween n 1111111 nnd his wlfo moro than once In his lifo , and that trouble had . nlw.'s como or It : therefore ho ! n- tends to IntorCere no 11101'0. It seems the man Jorts Is Idnd enough to his wlft ) when ho's solJer. " ' 1'ho now purson loolwd Inqulrlllgl - nt AUIlt Susan. She , too , shook her head , re1l1arldllg : "Tho squlro Is IncorrigIble. This very coachnllUl got. drunle last olootlon da ' . So the squlro l1ullod him of ! UIO box , ntHI IHlt him Illshio the carrlnge. Then , 1I10Ullting the box hll11solf , ho cnlled out to the crowd-thero's aJways a crowd outsldo the Klllg'o Armn on oloctlon day-'IIo's drlvon mo homo mnl1 ' times when I'vo been drunk , so now I'll drlvo him homol' aUlI so ho did , " ' ' 'l'lmt wn.s Idnlll" answered a now \'olco , n clear , ' 01ing volco. Aunt Susan stnrted. "Wh ' , l\tollor ' , child , 1 did Jlot Imow you were hore. Hun aW ' , dear ; I don't want 'ou JURt now. " Dut 1101101'Ignored her aunt , nnd , tantllng In front of the now parson , . . ' , " , - " \ . < / ; : " tri\ \ : . ' , II' " ' , , f , . "t. . , , , I "j' , Ii , ' "Beat the Coachman , Thenl" ' Ex'l' ' claimed Mcllory , Triumphantly. demanded , "Is the beatcn wHo 1I1uch hurt ? And who bent her , the squlro or the ooachmllll ? " "Tho coachman , my dear , sillco you've hOl1rd so much ; but It's not n "Ieasant subject for IIttlo gIrls. " Mollory looltcd at the parsoll WWI 601110 scorn , then slowly and with dig- ulty loft the 1'00111. Aunt Susan gave n. algh 01 rellor as the door closed. "Sho Is my nophow's Dnl ' child , and lost her mother two years ago. She Is ahva 'B with him , 1I1d lrrlhly ! fJllOlIt. " 'I'holl they chllnged UIO subject , nnd oth 1\1cl1ory and the squlro wel'o for- : ; ottOI1. I 1\1cllor ) ' , however , dIdn't forgot. li'Ul- . , Iy 00115Clo1lR of her Inlluenco In her ) wn Ephoro , where aho ruled Dad and ho frlonds who frequented the hlg 11\1(111) ( , with a rod of Iron , she declde j lo go hCl'Self to remonstrate with the I ; qulre. "I'll teach hIm it's horrid to 1 eat wlves-onybo < 1y's wlto ! " she saId ] lo herself , and she trotted down Ute ! 'Ond. ' 1'ho squh'o's hlg gates stood 1 IIJen , and silo turned down the drIve , 1 .vhlch . seemed ver ' long. Dut presontI ly 6ho came In full vlow of Ute great c ! quare houso. On the lawn , tinder the I , hade of an Immense tulip tree , sat an ohl cntomnn. ! Mollory , fcollng stlr4 It was UIO squire , wallted slowl ) ' across the grass towards him. lIer lIun-bonnot hod tullon baele , Ulasses of brown curlIJ clustered roulld the hot , IIlnk cheeks , and her brown eyes were shining. A big deer houlld , lying It the sqhlro's feet , rose liS she ap- pronchl'd , and snlffod nt hor. Laying a IIttlo brown halld confldlngh- Its ( j " COIlIl&ho and the 1I0g fa cod the sqnlro tOgOUICI' , . ; "Whllt Is 'ollr name ? " abnliitly do- ' \ mandClI the squlro. "Oh , my nl\lllO Is Mollory. You don't t lcole'el'y wlclolll" she added , qulcltly , ' . . 'fho sllull'o sat tll ) In his chair. 1 . " \Vhat 11111.110 n good IIttlo girl como to see such a wlcleed old 1111ln , oh ? " ; como to aeo such wlclccll old man , ' , " eh ? " 1 " 011 , yes ; because yo 11 1\1'0 , you . 1 Imowl" "Who tolll you I am wlcltod ? " " \VolI , 11001'10 seem to thlnle so , and so do 1 If you approve of bentlng . . . . wIfo. " - / "Whnll" almost shouted tllo fJqulro : 'E but .Mellory was not In the least alarmod. Calmly seutillg horsol ! upon' , " his Imeo , she contlnuoll : "You oncour- . ngo ; your ooachman to beat his wIfe. I wish ) ' 011 wOllldn't ; It Isn't nlco , rcnl- " , b'I" ' : "So that's what they suy , Is It ? " i luughed the squlro , nnd hlu volco was . not ( ll1lto 60 } Jloasunt this tlmo. 1I0 put : ) hllll m'm muml MOllory , naltlng , "Do , ) 'ou lJollovo It ? " I 1\Iollory 100lOd lute his face ; IWtl . " , ; ; then she salll decldodly , "No , 1 don't. 'j You are mal'O ItIto n , might. U1 n n ( squlrot1'lght. . wOI'Shlprul Imlsht , " t aho 11(1dod sortly. . ' 1'ho squlro shoole his head , nnd hIs I face grew sad as he an.ld : "Alas I No , ' . j I'm not that. I might have beon- t oneol What Ullldo you como to Dee ' , ; such n wi cited old JIIau , oh ? " ' ' ; 1 "I'm not good horo. 1 Am at homo ; , : ; but Aunt Susan's goodnos/l Is dlIToront ; som how , UtilI I cau't do It. Porhups you can't bo good hOI'o eIUlor ? " aho auggested. 'rho squlro muttered flomotlling mill Ulon sloppor ] . 'I'hel'e wall sllonc" ror : ' , a minute , till Mellory aaleod , "Do 1'Y..u . ; : lo\'o .OUl' COaChl11l111 very 11\lIch 7" " \V II , no ; 1 can't sa ) ' I love 111m. lIo's been IL good servant to 1110. " , . " ' 1.011 hll11 ho mUstn't. boat hla wiCo. 110 wOllld lIay attontlon to you. " "Do you alwaYII pay attention to . whut rou are told 7" "Well , no , " said Mellory , mthor alo.wly ; "but I don't hent lJOplo. " "Nolther do I , " tmld the aqulro , ' ' 'thongh I Rhou1l1 orton 111(0 to. " "lleat the coachml1n , thOlll" ex- clalmcd l\lellol'y , trlumllhantly , "Ulon ho'd Imow what It's 111(0. " "Egad ! " aald the aqnlro , slaplilug h ' unoccupied Imeo. "It'a an excellent Idea. I will. " Mellory pu t up her taco , nnd the oompl1ct was ratlfiod by ItiRsCR all bOUl cheeles. 'rhon she got on his Irnee aaylng , "I'm glad I came ; I don't bo- . Hove 'ou 11.1'0 IL bit wlclced , really ! " I . lIe loolcod vcry saIl aB ho answered , " ' 1'ry Hnd boHove the ! Jest of l1COPIO always , my deal' ; then 'Oll will groW' U11 us gooll as YOll Ilro IJrotty , and M happ ' as YOll are ! Joth , " , 1\Iollory did 110t understand oxacUy , what he meal1t , bu oho roallzod tha ho WIlS 110t very haJlJlY , so she said ; . I1galn , "I'm glad I came ; wo shall aI- . ' Ivays ho frlomls ! " "I wonder , " muscd the squIre. lIe \1allwd wIth hel' to her aunt's ate , nnd as ho waved his hut on lenv , . [ 11 [ ; hcr , she callell after him , "You . loole n right worshipful Imlght , any- Ilow ! " lIe stood In the mIddle of the 1'011.11 loVwo his hat once more , and to loole acle at the llttlo figure standing In the ' mnshlno. 'fhen ho turned Into his . i' ) wn great gates , where the drive lay ; ; 111 In shade , 1\1(0 \ ] lla heart. ( CoIIyrlhl. 1900 , by Joscph n. Dowie B. ) I IN THE CANNING SEASON. I , I , II II I I I I , , I ! I , I . I _ " " " " 'Wo' Ii , , . , . . . . . . " '