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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1906)
.4'f' _ . . . - "p , - T , ' . - . _ _ _ . . . . . . IIt t \ , . ! t \ I , " I , i . DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR , BAKINC POWDER Royal does not contain an atom of , \ , phosphatic acid ( which is the product of bones digested in sul- \ I phuric acid ) or of alum ( which is . acid substances - , one-third sulphuric ) . , ces adopted for other baking powders - ders because of heir cheapness. ROVAL DAI < ING rOWDER CO. I NliW yonl < . . . . . . . . - . . . . - - , IIA .4T 1I0USI/ . 1'10.40 del'artl ! fllr tile cast. ex. Sun. . . . .6:20a. : III No. 42arrh.e' ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IO:4K a. III No. 44 atrlreR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:55 : II. III WI8T 1I0UNI/ . NO.arrl.O' ; ' ! ' )11I theeaRtex. Snn. . .6:20 : II. III NO. 41 :1\-I\\S. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; :02 : a. III rw. .Ij trh'I' ' ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:31) : a. n\ \ I I''I. 41 :1111141 .1 Nil' Iucal IItUI' " frulII A nll"'Y I \V\ t VNo' ! . 43\111142 .He thruullh tralnll a\III l1Ial" , cnnnl'cUunl' for Ucmlwuml ; > 1111 alillOllltll tll Ihe ,1IIack IIII1K. I 31 aud 4U 110 nllt rnn weRt of nru en nOI\ ' . 1 SleellrIJ ! ( , dlnlnll' allll recllnlnl : ' chair carR , ( seat I ! free ) on thrUlllrh tr:1lnll. : 'l'lck.tll "oltl :11111 ball'lrall'e checked 10 an ' I'olut In the Unlte,1 State" and C\lH\lla. l'or InforlllatlonlIIall , tlllle table II atlll tick. etl' call on or write 10 U. I. . OrlllRby , alrcnt , or L. 'V. 'Vakeley. n.lOlllaha. . NehraHka. U. 1..01011111Ilicent. . FRANSE MOORB , FEED BARN TW3 b ck north of Gunl ! Oentrlll llo\el. l' : k rooalo pollelLod , } 'rlcc reasonahllJ. J. E. WILSON , ATTORNEY AT LAW. l'rlctlce III Stalu1111 } ' "elleral COllrts , Ab. Rlraet of tltlell eXllllllled. Heal 1 lItate :111I1 Mlllllcipal a "I'clalty. Uealer III Heal fstate. Strict allelltlollll'l\'en to all bUlllllesli O lce In Meyer Ulock. 1'hollo MO. lIroken How J J. SNYDEH. , Attorney and Counsellor at Law , Pellslons Rl "d all kinds or govcrnment claims , RlIII a lcnernllaw { prncUcc. Of. fice : Eas1l\lattt Slrect , 1St door cas1 of Durlingloll Hotcl , nroktn Dow , Nc . ROSS G. MOORE , Law. Ueal estate aud 1000 broker. Oruce In AI t.1 ! Dlock. ! lrolten 1I0w , NlJhraekR. O. 1. C - Registered . . , I-Iog fOR rSALE CIIAS. T. WRIGHT. nrokcll now. Ncl . _ - - - - - Lee Park Locall' 'l'he fourth crop of Alfalfa is IlOW being' finishcd up and it certainly has been a good one for olle call sc stacks of it every- where. We hcar corn husking news at the prcsen t ti mc and Monday Oct : 15th was the time set by somc to COlllmeI1CC. Four ccnts per hushel is the prke to begin with this fall and huslcrs are scarce at that. W , H. Brown preferred to have cold fingers than to pay thc pr ce , Bdc1ie Nicholas rcturned home from Omaha last week where he has been since last spring. He expects to remain at hOl11e this winter. Frank Bryan will farm the land owned by Geo. W. Hatfield next year. Orpha Eastman began teaching - ing schoollasl Monday , 'I'each ers are very scarce. 'rhe price of corn lpols as though it wHl be as high as the crop is good. 30 cents is now beil1g paid hy fceders on contract rind then cannot get enough at that and some are talking of paying - ing 35 cents in order to get what they need and not run short. Jno. Wall is finishing up drilling wheat. He put ill two hundred and seventy-five acres this year and is put in in good shape superintended by his foreman - man , Mr , Bryan. Ryno Rumblinili. Geo. J ogall is worldng with I threshing outfit on the Soutl1 1-4oup. John HufTman has muved inte the Alex Griflith place , recentl } vacated by Will. Taylor. It is saul that Mrs. J amc ! Headley and her father hav ( inheritcc1 3,000 acres of land it Colorado. We regret to say that the hope - - - - - - - - . . . . - . . . - . . - - - - . - . - - - . . . . . _ . _ I CF.M - - "LINCOLN BUSiNESS 'COLLEGE. A Successful School tha1 WitS ' . fOllndcd1wcn1)-lwo : rcars ngo. Hxperienccd teachcrs , up-to.datc equipmcnt. IIltIlllreds of former students holding . All thc ll\'alltnges of n ' city. We teach GRH G and CIIAR1'IHR shor1hatll1. Scnt for catalog S. LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE , Lincoln , Nebraska. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - : -'L . . - . - - - . . . . - - . - . - - . . - " 'L . " . " " 4.- . . : . . ' . - - .4. - . : . . . - - . . . . . - , . - : . . . . " " " . . . . . . , . r-L" - - " . " , - ' " " ' . . . . . , . . - . , - . . . . . " . - . . . - . , . . . . - . . _ - . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ , . . . . tm . > ! . ' : ' h-o."L.U 'i 101 : ; : : : jO"i : II. . . . . . . . . . . . . : ' ' . . ' . : .La \ii : , ; UI . ; . . . . . . 'i " ' _ " . . , ( . " : . : .J.R 'i 'i.\f.II' . \ .if. ! . ' : . ; . ' . . . : . . > . . : . I.t o'n\ ' , ; ' ' \J ' ' : ' . ! ; ' . uI. ) .AA ' : . . L. : . j1. . : . " ' ' . : . : . , . . h..n : : i.'i " ' " : ' i'J.f . , : " " . 4 . : . : ; : : ' ; " ' . : & . . ; . . . " : . -La " : " ; : . D C . KONKELrirJ I. \ : ' . . . 'Ii : : " ' , : : : .c ! ! . - - - _ _ .c ! ! . f . p , W , , . t,1 I'J' , . . i 'rhe lPinest 1\atresses _ at : 'igl t prices , 1 t See that Gate End steel Dnv uport , i See those Iron Beds nt bottom pl' ees , ; ; Best IIssortment of dinning ehnirs nnd mtbes ! , Ili'inest pillows at lowest prices , " \ l : 1 Window shfues ! , all si es , . ' . . O . . . . , 11 S. 1 d e b oar d s a t. d e prIces , I ! , 1. . X. L. ICitchen Oabinet in wax finish. i al ; - u n And the finest assortment of pictures ever : brought. to Broken Bow. J If' ! : . f : ! ! - " REMEMBER-Our lD1astic ] 'eIt 1\IatresRes r- ' l re guaranteed to give sntisfaction or money I efnnded. i i" . . : \ ; . ( , ' ; . " ' . ' . ' ' ' " 'r. . : I " . . . . : : ' ' ' ' ' ' 1i.-II,1II''I\ ' ' : . .T ; . . . { : : . : , ! " ' " ' . ; ; . . . .r . : . ! . ! . = - . . : . ) . , . r . . . , : , j.nt IIl . . . . i : . . " J.r"JU'W7r . : . : . ' .a. ! ! . . : . ) . , . . , , ; " " I' . ' . , ! . : ! . ; 91fi . _ , . . . " , ! . ; . . , : . . , . , I'"ft : . .t. : . .t.i . -rZ8"II. i ! : ! ! . . . ' ! ' : ii"h' . . ; . " : I : nil r. h " : , . . t' . \ , M.I ' . > . ' . , J. , . " . , ' . . . . . ' 01 . _ r. . . , , _ , . . . . , entertained lor awhile of Minnie ConIc ) ' bcinl rc torcd to hcn1th hy hCI' treatmcnt in Oml1ha have nol h en rcali ed. She waR taken sicl { again thiwcek and her Cather tool { her back to the hospital last Wcdncsday , ' . Milce Conley is about to make a trip to Omaha to have a cancer removed ( rom his tongue. Sam Bl ckman is having .a time trying to keep his range cattle on the reservation. In my note on Henry Keller's return from E stern Ncbraslm recently , I said that Hank "brought a frow" and the printer got it that . he "bought a farm. " - - - - Drs. Ii'arnsworth & Beck- D ntists. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - Special sate of blig.gles. spring wagons , cnrrlf1g.e : and runabouts at Cad.well block : L. E. Cole , saesnlan. ! , . . - - . - - - . . - - - - . . ' . - - - . . A. ARMOUR , J.A. Attorney at La\v. Broken Bow. Nebr. Havllll : ' ju t hall elll'ht } 'ears practlcll ex per leuce all ) ) ounty Jud"e. wlillClvtJ Hlleclal atteu tll/II to the "rawlll" allli I'rubatlull of wlllll : Iud . the alhhlulstratloll of cstates of Ileceased per. sous : llIIllIIlnors. Write or pholle lIIe. I may 6ave you II trltl , Work neatly done. Prices right , A. P. VANNICE , Painting , Paper Hanging , Calcimininng , Etc. Leave orders at Eagle groc ry. DR. . C. B. JOB , Physician and Surgeon Officc RlIII rcsidencc olle block sOlllh of Rycrsoll & George's store. Dl . O. L. MULLEN5 , . Physician S urgeo11 2nd Stairway from wo t end 111 Uoalty Dieck rlJsldonco , 2Ird woe1& . K. ehnroh. on Bame h1' of Itroet. JlrDroken Uow. Nebrl' . ( t DUB. H. 0 , & w. E. B. 1' _ PHYSIGIANS r , ; SURGEONS. Oatoo ever Daoborlo'll Drug Btoro. D okon Dow. - . . Nllbraeu. DR c. PICKETT , . Professor of Psychology , . I Lincoln Mclical College. Office at rcsi cnce , onc-half lock cas1 of U. I D. Church. Chronic dlsenses given I spcclal attention. 'Phone 147. II. CONRAD , O.II. . . . . . . Dealer In . . . Pumpe. Wind , : &UI1I1 , Tankll. 11'IUlnSa , Gasol1n. , Rnglnell , oto. etc. ' l Broken Bow. Nobruka. SIMON OAMERON , . 8 cell llff r y u l' AT LAW. Itoom. . 8 and 9. UOalty Dloek. Uroken Uow , Neb. " DR. W. H. COLE , , Veterinarian. . Diseases of aUthe : lower animals .ttent. ed. Officc at Lee Dros , dntgs1ore. : ' 'Phone 203 , Droken Dow , Neb , I F. W. HAYES , I , S Jeweler and O > > tician I i West Side Square , I roken Bow , , Nebraska. ; , J . . _ . . accoaJ Meals or Lunch at All Hours Served promptly and to order at . Snyder & I-Iayes' . l estaurant , . . li'irst door north of Baisch' ' drug store I : Palace Barber Shop . For firs1-clnss work , call a1 the PaInt : DarhcrShop , E\'eryUting up-to-dnt LEO DEAN , Proprietor. : FRANK , KELSEY , : ALL KINDS OF : W ELL' 8 Consult him If you want.Wator. . . I UHOKHN uow. NltU , = , _ . I IJV " " - ' , A Food 4 . . . to Work On . ' : ; " 1i\ . , . , I " , . . ; . ; : Work I Work II Work II I "f.s. Lots of energy is needed to keep up the pace. In , the struggle , the man with the strong body and cl ar , brain wins out every time. The man of to-day needs something more than mere food ; he . nceds a food that makes energy-a food , to 1l10rle 011. Although some people may not realize it , yet it is a lact , proved and established beyond doubt , that soda crackers-and this means Uneeda Biscuit-arc richer in 'muscle and fat-making clements and have a much higher per cent. of tissue-building properties than any other article of food made from flour. That this is becoming known more and more every day is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 packages - . ages of Uneeda Biscuit , the finest soda cracker ever baked. An energy-giving food of surpassing value-sold in a package which brings it to you with - " . all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly pre- ; served. Truly tire food tovork on. Whoever you are-whataver you arc-wherever you work'-Uneed. BI5'CUlt. , . . ; , NATIONAL BISCUIT. C MPANY /jft . : . , \ _ _ _ _ _ - , n. _ _ _ _ _ _ . , _ , [ f" .STO-V-ElS To a great many the word stove is construed to mean simply a fuel eater , but there's a ditTerence and many others are aware ofthe fact that sciencc has entered into the I COll- struction of sam ! stoves to the extent that a good return s given for the fuel consume.d. There Are People in This Cou n t who know good stoves when they see them and there are others that can only give sound judfnnent when the thermometer indicates a below freezing temperature , T both these classes we want to show our stock of Heaters and Cooks for 190 ( , . We wan t to call special attention to our A.corn , : Gas Burner ( i and. ; : .er-J leater \ These superb heaters are constructed with a view of standing hard service , and at the same time are the most economical in the consumption of fuel. The time to order one is now , before cold , damp , melancholy days come. when colds are contracted that last tm spring. Now , before the rush comes. J. . C. V AN'COTT. .ut. . . . . . " - - , - - _ . . -8\ ' - - - - - - ' - r If you are looking for the Quality of lumber and Building Malerial for the Least Monev let us figure on your bill. We always try to please. I H. ! : ! ! O. I s L a B cn , N . - _ p , - ilUm1fIfru1111m11ft .d . , - - - - - - \ . . . . . . . . I - - - - - - - - - - - - J l-IARRY KIMBALL Sl1cces . or . to l ROCKWELI & KONKEI-4' I and GEO. WII-4LING , , Embalmer and Funeral Director , NOR'I'll SIDE. BROKEN BOW , Nb : B. llusiness phone , 301. Hesidence phonc , 334 B. - - . - - - - _ : : _ . . . : - . = - y CUSTER CANYON OF - DUROC JERSEYS Eight miles west of Broken Bow. RESSE & MOOREHOUSE UlWKI N now. , Nt.DR. .d - . . . " . . - - - - . . _ u.'t1l'oCrd l-la de : : It' . . . . . . . . . ' \ 'rhnpt1l"t " No. j1703 . . ' . I I . ! j.G.BRENIZER , Breeaet of Pure Scotch and Scotch T pped Short llora C\ttle. My lIerd n 'lIIberR 40 COWH. 'VIII compare - pare In breedlnll' aUII Quality wltll any WeRt of Clllcago My experlenco has taull'ht 11I0 that to Ilve 1l'00lRatlsfaction. ! breedhlll cattle IIInst be rulNcdt. . UelH HIUtude. I expect to rnlMeUeene here the equl. ' of .1l1ythlull' raised Inl1\I' U. S , Inow h.1'7e25 bulls suitable Jor tills and next year'R service. My cows 14ellllt from 1400 to 2000 1'0uudB. Come aud Bea lien' Legal Notices. All ndTertlaementB nmler thlll held ! w\11 \ bo charged for at leval rRtce , vir : : 51,00 pf'r Bqnaro for ftrat In ort\on. \ and We per aqonre for eacb .nb eqaellt InPlJrtlon. .A. "sqnaro" ! B lon IIn08 or frneUon thereot. ' - Unltel StateR 1.a1ll1 Omce. l Broken How. NebraHI.a , October 9. 1')06. r Notice is hereby ! rIven that CHANCY ll. SWICK. of GatcH , Nehraska. hall filed 1I0tlCO . . of hlllintelltioll to make fiuall'o year proof In ' sUPl'ort of his claim. vlz : Unmestead Blltrl J No. 2106. made March 1I.1'JOI , for the eYe swh. 1I 'o Ke , Section H. 'l'ownshhl 1H. Ranre 21. , alld that said proof will be lUa < lu bdoro reglll' , II'r aud receh'er. at Urulen llow , Nebraska. on November 17 , 1906. Ho names the followltlll' ' 1'1 wltnesseH to prove hlH contlnnolHl residence UII' . on. :11\11 cultivation of the lallll'Iz : Georllo 'l'emllier. of lIroken now. Nebraska : Jsse Alhrhrht. of Bwken 1I0w , Nebrallka : l rederlck Hickman. of Merna , Nehrlska : Jallles Coff- man. of Gates. , . . . . . JOliN HIIUSE. Hellillter. ' NO'l'ICf : . \ C. J. Utlls.Plalntlff , vs. I'"rell Talllllan. Uefendant , The defendant. l.'red Tallman. will take notlco that on the 9th day of , 1'JO . the IJlalntlfT JIIpd hili lIetltlon In the lIlstrlct court of the 12th JulIclal District of Nebraska held 111 allli for CIIRter cocnty agalpst the defendallt I.'red 'l'alllllan. the nbject alld pra'er of which are to Hecuro an order allli decree of Haiti court 'I ' forlJ\'er cancelllnil al\ll rmllo\'lnll' fro 111 record a tone i.J . certain mortlralle deed made and execute,1 b ) ' one Barak I.lvhlll'ston alld wUe and In favor of ' ' ' ' north.east - I-'red 'l'alllllall. conveylnll' the quarter ter of sectloll thlrt.three (83) ( ) . In township I twent ) ' (20) ( ) . north of ran 11'0 twellly.two (22) ( ) . west , of the 11th 1' . M. . and date" on the 6th day of AUllust , 1902 , alld due and paYlblc on the 4th ! da } ' of October, securotlle paYlllentof enc ' promhlsory 1I0te In the Rllm of $1750 aud Inter- , e"t. the salt ! plailltiff allell'es that he Iii now the ; owner of'saltllan < l. aud ho prays that the title , tit the Rame ma ) ' be torever quieted In hllll free I and clear of all liens a\1I1 Lllcnmbrancl'lI : Iud especially as all'alnst the HaltlmorllralCe. ' . Yon : Ire re"ulrell to allswer saltl lIetltlon on or before the 19th day of November. 1'106. IH.21 C. J. UII.Lt ! . Plaintiff. IN 'l'U COtJN'I'Y COUR'I' 01' " CITS'l'BR COUN'ry , NI UR SI\ . All lIerHOll61utcrested In the estate of WII- lIalll n. I'alltman , Ilcceased , 1'1'111 tllm notice ( hat on thl ! . : oth da } ' of Sellt. . 1906. Rachel J. l as\1l1an. Ixecutrlx : ul Ihu elltate of Wlillalll n. Basl1nan , fllt'.1 In tills court her I1nal rel"lrt and tletltlon for IIetllmnent of haltl estate ; tile I ndlnlC allll desllCnatlon of the heir ! ! . lell'ateeH allli de\'lseell ; the construction of the whollJ of . said will a1ll1 direction for dllltrHmtlon there. under : and for a lien for ; :2000.IJLI : on the real estatE of said elltate for ludebtedness lIall ! all . . directed b } ' the said will allli for other allli fur- tlwr relief , and that It was onlered b ) ' this court that all saltlI1atlers would bu helrd at a _ the count } . cOllrt at Urnken Bow. Nebr. . 011 the 26th dl ) ' of October. 19)6. at 2 o'clolk I' , m. . . when allllartllK Interested will be heanl. . Uatel Sellt. : ! th. 1906. A. H. HUl\tl'lIREY , ( 'ounty JUIIII'l' . J. A. AHMOUR. Attorney. . ' ; - . Unltel States Ialld omcl ! . l North Plattu. Ncbraska , SeplOJlllber 18. 1906. r Notice Is hereh ) ' Ilvcn thlt HI NRY Y. KI NSIU.I" of Uroken Uow. Nebrls'a , has lIIelno\lce of hlB Intention to make filial live year Ilroof In SIl.lIort . of his claim.'Iz : Honoe- ' stealll ntry No. 1\1100 \ , ma.le SCJltenlbcr 3,1'INI. for tllu ne IIWJi , Sectlou 22. 'l'ownshlp 16 . . Rauge.11 : W. . :11111 that said Ilroof will be lIIalle before A. n. lIum\lhr \ 'i. cOllnty Julue. at his ' nlllce at lIroken lIow. .Nebraska. au October :1. . lIe lIallles the followllll : ' WltllfSSCS to provo his ClJl1t1l1uoulI reHltlellco U\lOl1 \ and cultivation , , of said laud , vlz : Charles II. Jenklus. pf lIre kcn 1I0w. Nubraskl : } . 'rederlct. II. Arthur. of Hroken How. Nebraska : Uanlel W. Ltntermall. ; of Hrokellllow , NlJbraska : Charles W. WIllis. of IIrokenllow , Nebra"ka. 15-20 GUOKGE I . 1.'KUNCII , HClClstor. . ' , . . . . . , , . , . I