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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1906)
. . _ . T . . . . . _ _ . . . . .J. . , . _ . . . . . , _ _ II I I : PanrItttWhil \ ll' ' Ijast I I Paintcrs , . and uti 0t1 Ci'9 I It , , "ho understand plunt , , know that white lcad cm linseed oil make the best paint. Good , lastinl paint ; i cannot be had if c lhc14 pig. . I II mcnt , or oil is U Many of the fo-cnlied : : ' " , hite lea s sold now..a- du.ys have barytcs , rock. . i dust , silica , g psum , ctc. , ; ' , in them , nnd IiUle real l' , hite Icad. I Linseed oil is nlso fre- h qucntly a ulterated. Such mixtures arc dcar at an ) ' price. . ed Seal or Southern , Pure White 1Lcad ' I ( lIbc1c by Ihe OIJ : I'rocca ) II . I I , -is absolutely pm.c , and , 'makes lasting paint : I , NATIONAL'LF1U ) COI\WANY \ Clark Avu. out ! 101" SI. . SI. LImb. Mu' For 61110 by flr t cll1 s lIcl1lcr ! . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FRANSI . MOORN , FEED BARN , Two b . .cb "Mlh or Orcnli 0111,1 lIuh'l. 1'1\1 I . .rn o o\lcIt \ , I. I'rlcull rl' . " 1J"'o. ' , , . . . , I. " ' - - - - - . - . . . . . . . . . . . tL _ _ = : 1 : _ l ; , .rtymnnrlerlnlf. 1 Till ! AH1l'1l11o , I' III , rl'ri51' ' < rl- : : nll' 'a , Ihe cOIlIlh' dh'I'iioll o/lo.I'j / ho. of eall.1wllv , wa' hl'n' Ii'rilla ) ' alldove / the i\//l'llIloil\ / / ! a flw I'\illll'r ' \ ill ngard ! tll coultty lli\'iHOU. Dick , wit.h thl lImh. ! . tancc of a few others , rouucli"d lip more than ( IS lIames in Olll day to a pctittoll IInldng 10 , , allowed to vote Oil divigOll III tlte Novcmher llcctioll. Rcprcuntl1tivc Convtnlion. 'flw rcpnhlicilll COIl\'cllliolt of i I hc 11 1I ty-Sixth HCplc-.cl1ta ! live I distrid will "l held ill Uwkl// / / I , 0'1. ' , SatllrtJI ) ' , Sl'pll'lIlllC'l' 15 , I''I ( ) ' , lit 2 o'tJocl\ 1" III. , ill the .collrt lit/liSt' / , for the IH"HC ( of plac lIl ! ill nominatioll two calldi- date. , fur liw l'ltc h' i lal\lr \ ( " to he voted for at thc't'li ctioll 10 be helc1 r\O\'l'lIlbl'r ( I. ) ( ( , nlld lite trtIlHactillg- : of such other , , IItI'illcss ! i1 may properly CIIl11e before aHI cOllventinll. 'J'ltc COUllt ieg ( nltlpriging the digtrict nl'e clllltld ! to Ihc samc repn'PII- ! talion ns allowcd to the l'l'l'uhli. ' can state con\'cntioll. CII8ter Ii. 140gl12. . J. O. 'J'AYI.OIl , : Chairmall Com. SI.pcrvilorl Convention. 'rite repuhlicall dcleg-ates to the HIIH'nbors onvct1tion of the 7th 11 lrict will he heltl ill 'thc Op.-ra hOll c at Mason City on ' Tuesday , Septcmher 18th , at 3' o'c1ucp. \ . 111. , for the pl\rpo'e \ ! of pl 1c ngin nOlllination a candi- datc for slIpcrROI' of the sa id district 10 he'utcel for ill Novcm- 1)1' , Otlel trall.ct ! ; . sitch other hllsi- IIcst ; : IS iliahI' tll'l'IIIl'd IIcl'esstq' . 'l'h ( ' tOWII hi pH ' , tlg Raill (1 stricl will hc clltitld to the samc \\'prcsl'/1tatio/1 / / as at thc CO lI1t" COllvcnt ion. " , 1. J. \V eon , C 0111. - _ . , . - . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . - _ . _ .nmn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , . . _ _ . _ . . . _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ . . . "OHNNY , 'GET . A . CUTT 1'ho above is nn illust'aioll ! ! ; of all L. 0. Hillith Hhot. g'nll whieh we have in the variolls grades , as well fiR n , dq en ot.hor kindB , inclm1ing- now , fa mom ; anll ef1\'c- fjve Antomatie : at $ HO. L - _ _ _ - - - " ' \Ve now Ita'H n1 most fi C'ar ' Load of.Shells 10aded with powders of the host , make ill It vnl'il ty of si od charges , conscq lmtly ) ( you maim no mistake hy l ( } } ning' here for anything YOll want in the line or ROI.ts- [ mens supvlies. J. G. VAN COTTo . . . . . . _ = = = - : ' .1.---- = - _ = . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - 1-1 .A R R.Y K I l\/I B ALL , I't . ROCKWBLI4 & KONKL r4 rand GBO. \ \ ILI4ING , " . . Embalmer and fUJleral Director , NORTH SID ] , BROKgN BOW , Nl . Busincss phonc , 301. HcSidcnce phonl' , 334 n. , - - - . . . . , , - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1'.f'.f" . . : ' : : " " ' . . . . . , ' ' ' ' ' , : , . - ; : " ; 'H. . . . : : : : # ; ; .I"4.'A. . : . . ' ' , : . " ' . . . , . . ; . . .IuoLv.'I r. , . . ; .0" ; ; . . . : ; ' .i _ : , , , . . fJ.M.I. . ; .f > . ' ; \ : . . ' : . : " " . . . . . , ftf 'U"- . . , . > i.Ia ' : . . m. \ri : . . . ' / .f.a.I.I : \ .j"i. r ' ' > : " , " " . ' _ ' . . . . { . . : . ; : . " : ' . . . . .Ia. . . : : II 4 v - - , I' " : ; \ PRBCES DOWN J " "f' : I' " - - - - . . . . . . - - - - . . . . . . - - - - . . . - : . : . : . KONKEL & MULLINS , FURNITURE STORE. , 0 : : ( thf , I (11..1 lit J Evervthing in our linc at lower prkcs' ' than M i has er becn Imown I Brokcn Bow or Custer ' : ; CO\Ult ) ' . New goods arnvc cver ) ' day. G t one ! . ! i. i : of those Pcrpetual arpet Sweepcrs , bcst on tIle lUar1c ta lowest prace. 'I'ry one of those Acme i l J Felt Mattresses , a : ; plen id matress at a rcason. 1J f. t . able price. Walch lor our new lincof Iron Beds , liJi and we ha\'c a line of t'e : linest Go Carts and t : : ; . B b ) ' Cah . c\'cr hl'ollg-hl to tlll county , al1d at . t pnce to Slut all. HellIcllIher that from now on : k \c arc hei\llluarter for Winllow Shades ? f.all . ; r ; ; . ; SIZC ! ' , and PICUtrC . li'riltllcs as wrll. A \1 lt to 1 10.1) ' " . I' : , ) I' , our store.WI . .11' .yon our prt.s : arc ng 1 1t. ' ! . " : . f f' At the big 11 /I. . ' . . ' . 'J. . 1i : FU RN ITU RE STORE. , ' . " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - - . _ _ . _ . _ " ; i H PRICES DOWN . , . { . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , l . . . , . . . . ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' ! 1 .t" " " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' 1I11' O . .r..ul. "j' 1 .u " " ' 1.1 : . . . ' ; , : ! ! . : : H ; ; . I.i" . " - . . ' i : . " . 'W"I.I.'i. : ' . : , OJ'"J ! . : . ! . . ' ' , .f to' 1t""U. . " ; . : . . < 1'.a. t..I..t. . . .1' . : . ' "t J : ' . , . . . . ; JOo..1. . . . . : . . : . . .1 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . : . ; . : . ) . . .I'.N. : ' ' ' . . . . ' . _ , . . . . .r..I. ! . . . i. . . , ; 1" . " ; . . _ ' ! 1 - _ _ .2- ! .L" ! : _ - - - = . . . . . . . . . . . , - . . . . . . I Hom".tf1\I1 r.ntrlel. , ' 1'11 ( . ' 1tIIIH\'IIIjJ , ' a list ofl I hOIlIl'"ll'iIll ( 'ntrh.'R malc in the Ifrnl/1 / lIow lalHl di trkt fur t hl' 1II11111h of AUg'lIsl : WIIIIIIIII. : N.hllllJr. 'J'hl'Monl , "I lI\\l ( II' 111"4 , .1 ; I' ! lj.l . .lf , . 1.111. I.m\ I l'IIlIhOrll , 1IIIcolo , A ! ' IIC { 0 % IIWI ( 2 ; : . M' MW } { 21.1I.ZI. : II O. 01111 A. Harllch , COl\'lc , MJS II ' 3.1.20-19. III. . 11'4 ' "I 4.1'1:11 ' : : , ( ,4(1. ( Jllhll lIalllH. L'lIIloy. III 2'1. II ; l22Q. r , . 1,4'1. ChnM. , \ . 1IlIlIllIulI , CUllllcll Illur ( . nil :15-:11. : 26.10. . . Inllill : C. HClltt. A n,1'1 mn. H' , " , IIO t' 2 ( , ' . 1I-2. 40. Jllhll lIellmall. 'r 11 I'drlll II. IIcl ( noS hC , " , McH IIW n" IIwf { 25.2\17. ; II " . Jullll C. Imlli. Nllrlh 1'1:11' ' ' , rl'4 p ' \vH IIW ! ( IIW ! { 13. IlJ ' ' ' ' 4 IIcH 1I\V f 21. 3t1. 1 > 10. JallhJ" ' 1"lhl'u .1I111I1ell , ni ! nui ! 12. III hi { 1.\:2.11 ; , ( , N. I 1"Ilc ! lorvca. ArcalllI , MY. 11\\1 { eH II\VI ( hi ( 21. 11'1 2.j.21.2S. I..tO. WarrolllcCoal. : . ( ; allly. 1114 IIC S eH IIW {,11. l h'lra I' " 1.1110 . Yurko all 14.2 .311. ( , tlJ. WIIIIIIII lillI/II , . . . . 'I h"lIllnl. lIoh n. III , IIli W ) . "w' { w' { 2 21.2. . , 101.q. \ \ 1111.'I"h'r. ! . 1I1111.ulI 1111IIIW ' I , w ! w' . \1.1221,4111. . ; . " " 111"H""I'lh rlWI'Kt 11111011. wI' wh ul" : I .1l-22 , , ' t' ' . . \ IIcl' , \ , IIr""kH. HI'OfitCIII\\'II. IIwll nl' ! ( 1II'1 ! 11\\ II 17. n 21.III. . Jam' ! " I' : . AIIIIIrMOO ! , IIraIKhaw. , ,1'1 MelC HI. IId : l3. 3 1.1,111" 2.: : ( , H.IH. Wlillalll lIuh : , ' " . l u"llulIlI. h'i H.J 21. ; I'O. l-al\cc \ O. g..lo ) ' . 11111101111alll'J.I.'l3. : ! . 11'/11) / ( , . 1'lIoko : II. IIl1n Itt. ! 1111111111 , . .Ii IIW ! { H. IIlf , IIW ! ( Ii. II I 1 : : .1 : U.2.311. . H , " . Ml1hlrllm. WII/wr.1l1i "II. " . .IC 13 , 1Il' { III , , 'H 2 .2/.2Z. hli RYIH. \ . L w . n " , vll 1 .21 < 21.JI.lli. . JO"cllh n. Wrill. A 11,1. . ) , . lIe ! ( cli IIW ! ( "W ( II" ' IIli. "w ( M1 hds IIW ! { RI'S 2 .MC2I..l.JI. ! ! MO. MO.Jolin I , " I'llicr. Cl calc , el MY ! ( 'Z9 , 11" " : : l. : ! ( , . 21.10111. Carll' " SOI1lCftlOlI , MIIIIIII ! , II I : : i. wli 'Z'I.G : ! 21 G40. ! lilY 1Jacoh . Upla'1I1. e'i : :1' : ' . , , ! , lI' IIW't IIW ! ( 22.21,21 , 1140. Jal1lu O. SWII , , " . I'mI'll \ 1I0w. M ! HW ! ( IIW ! { AW ! ( 22. p , ! "W . IIW ( RWi { 2j.21.Z ! . 114. ' , 1I0racI ! : llur. . . . r. , III Ie ) ' . II' 33.:0 "I. el hl.l ( 35 ll.lZ. IlYo , , , , " ( . wr , IId { : ; : :2. : ( ,40. S.lll1l1cl A. Hal1lllle. 1\I111111rll. IH H nc { : : .21.:2 : : , I ! ! lid ! 22. IIV. 23.1.22. ! 211.40. Almer 0. Kiene.'Ultlliall. . . lIi nwi ! St. ! { sds 31.t : .36. II ! . R' 1I1' : lJ 2..32. 4KO. Hlmul1 'J' . Hln1UIIHclI. Mullell. Ints 1,2. 5. 6. H. I < ecillm h. 101" Fol't'llolI 5. : I ! . se ! 34. W ! . wli , I < e . IIwi J:3U. : : ( ' .l'I.2.i. AII/IIZ11 C. lIalllllll. IIrew < lcr. IIW ! ( . sw'.j"IIC ! ( IIIi " ! , 2.22-22 , 11-10.11- < . Jacllb V. lawrlIc , ' . HaitI/II. all 3.2.:11. : ( .lfI , Hllb'11 IIIt1wcll. Nel ol1. hWt'IIwi ! JJ.2J.30 , wl " " ! I RV. IIC } ! IIwl { 111.14 ; 1'.2.,1 30. 6HI. Carrl" H'chure. 2JOIII.'uwltJr : 81. . Olllaha. all 2'4.31. ! , O. I \'a Catillc. IJII 11 II IIII ! ' . 8 ! II ! , . R ! 32. Awl ( 33. O--t/.IW. 8amlll'l W , 1IIIy , I'll rdu 111. , , ! lIi. ! wli R\I ! 8. wl1 hW ! { Rclt'Rwli f.25-J : . 4Hl ! . Jllltll 0. Jlllle. . Ih'alllll. . IIli lOcH' . B ! , .ei. ! 1.H IIW' ( 211.lIw 1 IIWt' ! . II' , swC. ! IIwi BI'I. ! 21.-:5'2'.41i ; : ) . 'I'helHlhlllsnl1. . AIIROIIlIO. all 2S.19-21i. 6)5.49. J.'rallk 10 : . IImch. ' ! " lIe'i IIV. IIWI { . IIwH IIC' ( 20. Rl'f ! IICJ { ' ) .21-33. ! l4f1. Ul'rh 1 I 11. KIIUK. 1I'all 11 IH. IIW ! { IIC ( 3' ! . Bw'i IIw w' . ' RW 2 . 1111 IIHI allil sv. 2'1.25-3'.1140. Juhll I . Jl/hIlHUII. Mllldl'lI. all 11.26.21. ( ,411. ( : urolCe W. l'eco' . Allsulmu. Rli sw ! { . HW" Rcl 5. III" IIw'i. IIwi IIC' { . Hi ! lIel ( . IICI. . H. 11).2 . 4 1. Iewl" 'l'hll'l. Miller. qeli scH 20. c 2'1 , Wi. wI. 2.1. II' . 11011 J' ! . IIw i IIwliJJ : 23.29. hlO. Homlllt'lolI J. 'l'ellllaol , Dlllllllu. . . . . s : :1. : III' 25.21.25. 11-10. I"rlllklill W. CaH' ' ' DUIIIIIIIIsi ! 1I4. ! B'i : :0. : S21.2.21. / . " -10. . 1':1111)11 c , rltnlh. New Cambra. : Mo. . all ul 15.25.36. ( , O. Sarall I . Klllcnlll. Cllrlcw. . . , , ' 4 nwt' . lIe.f ! sH. . , , ' " hW.t. KwH hI't' ! 12. IIW { II\\ ! ' IIU ! { fI\i , w' . 1IoJ fll. . ( ,1 ' . HII11I'IIlrl.le. . III..k"1I UIIW. II ! "w ! < . Wi. s' ' ' . : :1. : c'i " , . , . { 23.1' ) . ' 4.IHtI. I 11I1111 II. " ' " , . , I-ull. IItJlu Icc. .1 , "d' { 18. 1'1 . 111'1 II' . , , , ! 4 JI 2.21. 114" . . \ III\ II , : Slh'"C"r. SlIollI , . . all "r 1 .25 II. ( , t' ' ! . 1 lIh" 1'.11.\ . 111'1 ' ' < 011. Mil. . all hl-2J.2 I. IIjl.4 j. Will. V.III I 111(1' . J\lIhurll. , , \ 1'H. . " .yJ { "et' : ! : . IIId ' " , " \ \ 21. IIw .I . O J Mfl. Charle. . SllCIwal'r ' ' ' ' 'CIlII. flw1 MW : IR. w'i 1\I\.lIw'l ! . \ \ . { 1'I.J21 : : . " 0. se ! . ! Mwi IJ. eY , IIwi ! , 1I1.J { I < W" lI MI ! . { . ' 1I:1i : .I1.2.JtJ. ( oJl. ( .race nrltnlh. Whltmall : l1I3).2 .35. ( ,10. 1 : . W. Ullhurr. lialllly. w' . , : lIr 5. "H 01 11.1'1.:3. : . } , 'rallkllu n. lIuxlabc. : 1Imkell Buw. all of 4. .25. tHO. Vallcc ( ' . Ullyer. MIIIIIII. A ( J.2-JI. : 3211. Will. MIlIt > h ) ' . 'I'I'YUII. all 2t.-3 , ( , " . Carl JACOtJhllll , MlllllclI. W12 d. 1I2 ! 31. lie" I lIei ! " ' - : : .31. S' : ' . .I11..Ollh ! : . IJal'oll. Uro"11 110" ' . 31t IIf : ! . : :1"21. : MH. . \lIl1a M. l'hullla8. Giles. all 10.25-21 , 1\.10. \ . . - - - - Ryno Rumblings. D. L. Herrick movcd from his ranch on Ash Crcek to Broken Bow last 'l'urstlay , leaving his son , G orgc , in charge of t.he placc. Gcorge had the mis- fortunc to have a horse fall with .him the same day , brcaking his ankle. Durrell I-Iandrcth hurt his knel' , while wrestling , neccssitating . a trip to thc doclor. Walter Snyder run a nail intel ! l s l { ee while loading hogs , layIng - Ing hl\llself ou the shclf for about a wcek. School cOlll111cncedlast Monday at the McCall schooi hous . I Miss I.cisure heinJ ( in charge. A. J. Rceves is preparing to makc a trip to thc old homc in Iowa. He will take the family with him a1ll1 travl\l pCI' pr.irie schooncr and cxpccts to be gone a out a month. He took seven wagon loads of hogs to Callaway. last Monday. Sherman I3erge hauled 300 bushcls of secd wheat to thc Coffman rauch the . , past wccl < . It looks IIkc fall again to scc . the children wending their way to school , and to see the watermelon - melon smiling on the viuc. . - - - - - - Mnlon City. Dick Martin wcnt to Lincoln Monday to see about some grad. iug contract. John 14amb was painting a sign 011 J. L. Smith's new hay barn Friday. Ouite a number of fires wcre set hytrains latcly. Farmers living Ileal' the track should carr ) ' fire insurance. A loaded. frcight car. was crippled - pled on thc main line iu the \'artl here 'l'bursday. It toole cuusidcrable timc to gct it on the switch. IIan-ev Boyd wcnt o Ccntral City r-.IoiHlay morning to visit his father and toole bim a present of somc coyotcs. 'l'hank you , Bur. \'l'y , we can spare some more co'otcs. li'ran1c Jcnnings visited U1ulay at the home of Ed. Shaw. While fccding his horse a t noon one of thcm kicked Mr. t . , , " , . " " ' " ) ' : , I' ' ' P.Z1Ji. ; : . . . . " 1" ' ' ' , I- , , ; . . . . . . , , , " . . , . . _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ . . .I. n J _ _ _ - . ! ! n : : . . _ _ -1. ! . , . . 1)J ) ! : .x - - - - - . . . . . . . . - r ! ! ! i . food tovork on is food to live on. . i. A man works to live. He must live to work. . . He d es both better on . , . . . Uneeda Biscuit' { the soda cracker that contains in the ' most properly balanced proportions a flreater amount of nutriment than any food made from flour. ' Uneeda . NATIONAL BISCUIT-COMPANY fit : _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . _ _ a.-l _ _ _ _ . . . - . . - - . . - - . . . . - . - - . . . - - - . - - . ; f xr : ; : .orJf : J : , ( ; O : : I'I'I.- O ; : OQf. .r./t.C Jf. r J.E . SJ : : = > > .A. . I JXr , " jJ T. . PROPRn TOR tt I fRY' S'l'A.n . ! t \ - I : ' 1'1\ ' LiVERY and ! ! ' ! < ! [ _ _ .I - - R Hj II ; ? . . " . . ; . F E. ED BARN I . . B ' ' . "M EASl'OFGLOBEIIOT'EL. Remoc1clcll and repaircd throu hottt. Goolllh'cry rigs at Tcasonllhlc rates. ! J Accolttodatiotl for cattle IUlll ral1ge hOrRes. l1a ) ' lit 110011 , 10 ccnls ; all day , S 15 ccnts ; ovcr lIithl ; , 35 cellts. Calland see me. N .o : .r..r .rJ".G' : : o'/.Y. : : r..r.J01"JIcr.o = : .r..r. Jcnuing-s , breaking' enc of his ribs. Dr. Hummcr , ) reduced thc fracturc , Miss Enla D 'l\lorf \ , Paul Coffman and Merle l unyan ldt till : first of the wee1c lor Grand Island where they will attcnd the 13apti' t college. Mrs. Klt.lie Weimcr left Satur. day morning for California wherc shc was summoned to the hedside ur her mothcr , Mrs. Mary Foster. Word was received later of Mrs. Foster's death and t.hat her body \Vas ! ! .h i pped to Masou. . -'II - - - - THORC.UGH COURSE : ! ! IN BUSINESS. SHORTHAND. ' -YP5.WRlTING. TELEGRAPHY AND PREPARATORY J I [ perlel1ccd leachers. Floe P'qulp. ment" GYl11l1RShl1ll work. A891stance In ecurln ! : positions. Work to earn hem ! . IlIdwlduallllstruction. Hnter an ) " time. Lessolls by mnll. Advantage. era a call1lni dly. Wrlle Cor Catalogue NO.8 Llncln : ; Busincss Collog" LINCOLN. NRnRA ItA . . . ' . " . " " . " . " " ' - - . . . . . - " " : ti ; . W. IiA YES , Jeweler and O tician I Wcst Side Squarc , X : \ raken Bow , ; ! Nebraska. I l O.ot"-r ROSS G. MOORE , Real 0"111I0 Bud lo n lfoker. Oftlco In AI pie Dlock lIro"nn Uow. Nellulkl\ . - DR. 'v. H. COLE , Veterinarian. Diseases of all the lower IInimah' henl. ed. Office lit Lce Bros. drug store. 'Phonc 203 , nrokcn nnw , Neu. DR C. PICKl 'l'T , Professor of Psychology , I I.incoln Medical College. Office III rcsidcncc , otle-half ulock enst of U. H. Church. Chronic disease ! ! givcn specIAl attcntlon. 'Phone 147. U. l1UNHAO , o.U. . . . . " " I > oaler tn . . . ( 'omllt. WIDll , Mm. , T.nb . FlttlDS.OIlliOIID. KoglDell. eto. erc. I UrokOD Dow. Nebraslla. ' " . . . . " ' - " ' - , I , . ' , . . I " " A. , RMOUr , J.A. : Attornev at Law. Broken Bow. Nobr. HavillI ! ' jll t hall'll'ht . ' "ar" pracllcal expcr lenco afl DUllnt ) JlIlIl1'e. will : rivc special allclt tlull III the , Irawllllanll 111 ohallllll of wills allel \llnolnlfllralloll or 1"lIate > l of eleccascel Ilcr- Mllnll alltl IIIlnor" . Wrltc..r phOlln lIIe. IlIIay 6a\"c yuu l'triP. Registered O. 1. C. I-logs r.OR SALE CIIAS. T. WRIGHT , Broken Bow. Ncb Work ncatly done. Prices right. A. P. VANNICE , Painting , Paper fanging , Calcimininng , Etc. Leave orders at Eagle grocery. DR. c. n. JOB , . Physician and Surgeon Office and residence one block south of Ryerson & Georgc's store. J. E. WILSON , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practlcc In Siale allli Feeler31 COllrls. Ab- Atracl of tltlCII eXlInlncl. Real ESlae anel MUlllclpal Law a Hpl'ciaUy. lIealer III Rcal Estalt ! . Strict aUelltlollld\'ell tCJ all buslllCGH omco III l\Io'er Ulocle. Phone IW. Bruken DolY J" J. SNYDER , " , Attorney and Counsellor at Law , Pensions IInll 011 kinds of government claims. and a genernllaw practice. ( H. flcc : Easll\lain Strect , Jst door CIiSt of nur1in ton Hold , Broken llow , .Neu. : Palace Barber Shop For first-class work , call at the Palace BarherShop. Ever.thin up-to-date. LEO DEAN , Proprietor _ SIMON CAMI n.ON , 8 uIcell ff l'I y ) ; A'l' LAW. Hoom 8 and U. Realty Block. Droken Dow , Nob. DUS , R U. & W. E. TAT OT PHYSIGIANS SURGEO S. 011I00 over nBohprl.'s DruJ ; 1:110ro. : nwkon now. . 4 . Nulmllk. . . . . _ , IJcr,1 Jln dcd 0) ' . . . . . . . . . Or'm ' ( 'p PruH N1103 . . l.Sreeuef l'lIre Scolcl1 allli Scotch Toppell Sluut Uorll C\\tle. My hcrd lIumbers 40 COW8. Will com. paru III bre.dlllll' alllqualllY wlll1 allY wcst of Chlcal/o . My elerlcllclI has talll'hlme Ihat (0 ' " . , lCuods3tlsfactioll. brecltlntr 11' cattle mll8t he . . . . . . . ruh.cnl. II. uUltulle. 1 uXl'cct tu rulHcthcln I. . re the CIIIRI of all'lhlllll' r31sed III'hll U. S. I IIOW 11.\702.5buI18 sult3ble lor sl1hl alld next year's senlce , My COWl I MehrfroUl HOO toOOO : pOuud. . . . CUul" aud Hee beu' , , . . . . . . . . . . , ' . . - ' ' " ' ' ' : . . . - Legal Notices. All IUI.ortl cml'nli noeler 1hl. hl'fI,111 , be Cbllfled for lit loval rlltf' . vb : 11.00 I"'r MQuare for IIr1 10.'fllulI. an.1 llC Ior , .qun- . , for each 'lIh I"JIIO'It 11I r.rtlnll. "dqnBf8" III len IIlIe Of fractllHI ihoreot. No'rICg. NOllce 1 > 1 hercb ) ' uh. . . l that 011'eellll' " "Y. Oclobcr Ihe 3rtl. IfU . 1. Ihn 1IIIIII'rRII-IIC,1 will allDI.v to his Exculhmcy Jo1l1l1l. I\" Gnv- I'ruor of Iho Rlale ur NebraH a. al tllU : oIl'cutive omco III Llucoln. Ncbraflka. ( or a I'lrdoll. or comllllltatlull of Bellll'IICe Imposcd 1111011 11I0 by the District courl of Cu'lcr cOIIIII ) " . Noblaska. nil tile : lGlh day of Novclllber. 190-1. T lIat sa"l sCIIIl'lICe waR Imllo od for Ihe crime or burulllll' . .Ialk of ! l'mlll allll propcrl ) ' uVIr the valuu of I : ! -15.0 ' . 'l'hl1 ! : Ialtl clliellce was Ihat 1 b cOlIlllcd ! Cor Ihe Ilcrlull tlr t\\'u year8 III Ihe penllcntlary al IllIcolll. 'i'hat Ihe mandate of Ille SnpreUle court waR dalt'd Dec. 30tll. 111 5. 31111 lilY 111I' 11rlsollmell bl'311 at tlilt tlllle. l > ale,1 SoPlemhur II. 19041. 1 .lh WILLI.\M KIIIINZ. , N01'XCE TO CREDITORS. COli II Iy C'onrt. Custer Coullty. Nebraska. 'rllc crellllor" of the estale of lIta lI'lo E , Swallsun. Decea"l'd. 'raku nUllcc.'Th.\1 I witt sit 31 Ihe CIHIII\ } ' CUllrl rool1l. In Brokell Huw.11I 113111 . nUIII ) ' . 011 thc 31bl dIY or OCluber. I'IUI' . all.1 011 thc 30111 dl\Y of March. ISOi. each at 10 o'cloclc a. 111. , of " each day. lu recel\"o and l'xalllill" all clllms all'aillst "aill cstalc , with a vluw lu Ihelr adjusi' III ell t alld alluwance ; allli Ihat Oil tllu ! lrsl dale abovc the petlllonR of wldul\ " will bc hClrd for . 1 hOllleRlead. cxemptlulIA. alluwanctJ alltl other Slatulory rhrhls. 'rllC tlmo 1I111111d for the prcRclllatlulI of clallllR a"alnst : ! : laid cst ate III Mix lIIunlhR frolll the 71h da ) ' of Sept. I'/O , allll Ihe tlllle limited for l'ayme1l1 o { debt8 I. ' . Olle ) 'e3r from Raid dale. Dalell SeplcllltJer 7. 1900. 14.17 A. R. HUMI'IIIItCOUlllY Jlllitre. NOTICE. ' 1'0 J. II.01111I1" . O. DuckworllJ. CI1Icl1Inatu8 C. Davhl and thu Alllericall Loal ! & 'l'rIlRt COlli' Ilall ) ' . YOII alld cach of YOIl arc herehy 1I0tlfic,1 tllat 011 Ihe IIlh day of Alllrnt. 1I\J1. ! tllC undcrsl"lIoll : ' Joseph Skeltoll. Pllrchased al private lax sale frolll Ihc Trea lIrer of Cusler COli Illy. Ncbras- ka. thu followlug described real eliiale sltualcd III CIIHIIr count ) . . Nebraska , to-wit : " Lut : ! . block 2. J.P. Galldy'R atldltlon to Dro- kell Duw. Saill "alo waq ruadc for Ihe taxes Icvled alld aSfle""cll , altalnst said 101 for tllu } 'carR II1S to 190 Inchlslvo an,1 said Joseph Skelton has lIald Ihc taolcs : aSl < cssc.1 3"alllRt sahllot for Ihe years IIJOJ t. . 1905 IIICluslvc. } , 'or Ihe year 1HS8 Iho taxI' " alrallls salll lot wail ; SSCKSCII to sahl J I' { . YUUIlIr. to'or the ycars 1890 10 1900 IncllIlIl\- " tile laxcs agaillst said 101 wall asseMsl'd to Hal.1 O. Duck- worlh. allli for tile ycars 1900 to Ihe Ircl < ent tlllle. AuI ! ' . 241h. I'JCII.lllctuslve the taxcs alralnflt Fiald Jot weru as..c sed to said Cillclllllatlls C. Duckworlh. After the explralloll of three 1II0llth8 from the "urvlce of Ihlflllolicc Ihe baill Joscph Skul- lUll wlllaJlply to the treasurer of Maid Cusler counly fur a Ilced to said lot. . Daled thlR 21th day of Au"ust. 190 , ' JOHI'U ! : : SI HLTON. SIMON CA IKIION. Attorney. ) Unilcil Slatell Lalld omcc. t Broken Dow. Nebraska. AU"UMI 16.1906. f NOllce Is hereb ) ' II'I"clI that Sldne } ' R , Denulll of Allselmo. has file.llloticc of his IlIlelltlulI to ru3 0 I1l1al fivc ) 'ear proof III supporl of h1tl clallll. vlz : lJomeslead Enlry No. 2 69 lIIallo Soplember 17. 1901. for the IIC se Section 22 , e swi { . IIIV RW ( Section 33 , TUWllllhlp II ) N" Halll'e'j . . alld thai nahl proof will IIc madc before Hell'lBlur a 11I1 HcclJlver. at Brokell Buw. Nebr.1s ka. 011 Suplenlber 2 . 1J06. ! Hu lIameli Ihe ( ullowlllil wllllesseBtu pro\'c Ills cUlllltluolIR rcsldellce UIJOII. allll cultlvatloll of. thc lalld. , ,17. : 'r D. Russell. of Allschllo : B. C. Emp- tield. of Allselmo. Gus UII"scll. of AIlEelmo , I.'rank White. of AII"ellllo. JOliN RItJtm. ! Uel'lsler. 1\.10 , -Notice Is Itereb'lflvell tllat wo wilt 011 SOil- ( ember 2211d. I'N ( , . III frollt of thc Broken Bow Siale Dallk. III the clt ) . 01 BrokclI Dow. at the hOllr of two o'clock In the afternoull. soli at Ilnbllc auction. the I'roperl ) ' hcrelnafter do' hcrlbl'd III unler to rt.allze the amollnt duu UM for III epl II I : ' said IroperIInder a cOlllract wllh Olle J. O. WIlFion and Norlh & HobhlfHln. to-wit : ' 1'he 81111I of : f11l5.tO togelher wllh the accllrllll : ' charll'es alld CObtM. for which mlloulII we have allll claim 1le \ ' ) ' UII saill Jlrul10rty for the fced allll care of Iho Namc. to.wlt : Allirou II'ra ) ' Normall Slallloll. fllx } 'cars uhl. wehtht about ISOO poulldH. Daled AlIlluht 171h. 1900. 11.11) lJICK'IAN & WKIIU. . . . . . . . . . . No'rICI Jo'OR l'UDLICATION ( JsolalCiI Iract ) .1 PUUI.Ie LAND SALE. nrollell Bow Lallll OlTIce. Allit. 11. 11j ( ) ( , . IJel rlllllmt o { Ihe Inlerlor. Ullited Slale. . La'ill omc. lint Ice for putJlIcatlllll. ( lsolate,1 Iracl. ) t4 NOllce ll ! : hurebY trlvell. Ihat a. . IlIn'cll'el ) ' I. thc coulmlflslolltJr o { the ( ; ellcml Land Otnce. . III1t1ur Iru\'lsloIl8 uf acl o ( l'olllCrcis ! apl/rovc,1 JIIIIO : ! . . ll't. . Pnbllc Nn. 3tlJ. wo will olh'r al I IllIblic sale. 10 tht. hllthcst tJhhll'r. al lI'cluck I' . m. . UII tile 171h lIa ) ' of Sellll'mwr lIexl. al thll ! : omce , Ihe followhur Iraci of lalld. In.wlt : IIIV . IIcli. Sec. 34. ' 1III. . H. 2.J . , W. AII.I'ersulI cllllllllll ( . .uh'crsely Ille alln\'e , deRcnbelllalll1 are alvlKell to ! lIe Ihelr chlmR , or utJjeCllolIs. Oil or befure the day abu"o Ileshr- lIalell fur salc. JOliN HIUiIt ! , HCtIHler. RIWEUEE'S SALE. III the Ustrlct ! COllrt ofUuslor COUIII } ' . C.harlc8 A. Vallllr"kirk ' "s. William H. Vallllllsltlrl ( . c131. Notice of Hefereo'li S31c. , Notice IH hl'rebY Itlvun. Ihal 11)'Irillo IIf an olllcr uf cOllrl to mu dilly IIlroClctl nil I.'uhruary 211I1,1'10 ' ( , . I. tllc nndersl"nl'tI. rofercu II u I ) ' al' " 1'01lllCII and qllallll'll ! Iu mak" ! lalu IIf 1111I wluw debcrl cd IHcmlsell , will uffer { or halu lu the hlllhc8t hldder fur cash. Ihe ( ollowlnlt debcrlbe,1 Ilrellllseslo-wlt : 'l'hu Iouulll half of "ccllull unc , lownshll' he\.ellll'CII. lIurth. ralllo twellly- Iwo. west of the Ulb , 1' . M" CU"I\'r CI1I\III ) ' . Ne , hra ka. al the oallt frunt duur uf Ihc court huullo III Urokcn UoCusler COUIIIv. Nebras. lea. 011 tile 10111 day of Seplember , IfJO . Said Hale will be mad" IIlIbjecl to all Ilrlor liens allll taxes a8 Hhnw l b ) ' tile rccords uf CnRlcr connNchrask3. . Ualed thl8111b day of AU"lIsl. ! 11)00. 9.IJ CIIAKLHS II. 1I0LCOMII , Hefereu. Try. The Republican for . PRINTING. , t , . ' A I ' \I Jl