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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
" . . . . " .Ii" ' . . . "l t.\lJ1U , , . \ " : : ' . USTER ( ] O'UNTY EPUBLICAN. " \ . TilE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUN'J'Y. . ' ' . ESTABLISHED 1882. r.lAI GES'J' CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN TIlE COUNTY. - VOL. XV. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , JULY 19 , 190j 6--EIGHT PAGES , NO , 6' - . \ . . . . . . . Chl\rll1ill 1Il1lc things for swectliUlc finfiers , , f I Juvenile Jewelry chaste de ign , l1perior Cjuality nnd wllr lI1unship : Birth- clay nl1 s. eIther , ,111111 01' sct ! ! , with hirth 1II0nth Htllllt' . Con- ' . sidercd lucky to wcnr onc. Price ranges frolll S 75 cents upwards " " nnd there is sOlllethill pretty nnd gOOlI nt each. Of course 0 . i'i ' there are othcr thillgs , such as 8 nccluces , LJracelets , etc. 8 ! I , f. dC 8 . . : _ ; , ti.'r1' R . G ( r l . 'b ' : < : ' . .o : : . ' : f : OOOO : : : : : ; : . Memorial Services I : - ' By jil'l\ction o O. O. 'Ynsh- burn Post , G rand .Army of the HOllublie. I - - IN 1\tgl\tOIt \ \ Y < ) ) < ' H. g , GlJASS , - - 11 ehl.ill lril'st Pl'esbytm'inll Chu1'uh , BI'lIken Bow , I .N eb. .J uy ] 15 , HJOj ( , - - ADDItESS BY JAMES WEl'l I\ImAD' ' . - - GHN'l' COMHAmtS , LADlHS AND J\tJtN : The ritual of the Grand Army' ' hag wisely 11lad provision for a memorial , service to be used in grateful and devout commcmora- tion of its deceased membcrs , In accordance . . . . .ith the custom by appointment of C. C , Washburn post of which RUUBltN E , GI.ASS was a member I appear to day as its representativc to place an offering of affection upon the grave of QUI' departed comrade. From my earliest remcm- . - - - - - - - - - - - t. . . " . . . . . . . . . ' ! " " - - . . . _ . - = - . ; : : : : : = : ; ; ; ; - - _ . TEN-CENT TWINE ! .A. Grrea-t Sn..ap : ! Earlicr in the season tbe celebrated American Hemp Mixcd Twinc-a guarantccd bug-proof twinc-was quotcd at 11 ccnts per pound and orders were taken at tbat price. I am now selling it , and , tilling all , orUcrs previously takcn , at ten cents per pound. . i"V i hy take nhances of buying any but the A 111m'Ie n r ' Hemp : Mixed Twine ? " " . ' ' R " " ' " ' , : J , ; 1..1 . ' rrtfr'1 \J 'C' q t } "Mr C' ( = I iJ .wix .lt. . f1l ) ) > . PE , . ! ; : } , l' : ; ' , : , , i , . Glu4J.J # : , , } ' \ jJ ty . " . x ; n ) ; ' : L\t-.f . : . . . b . . \ , \ ; , . 0 , . . , rPiflYJ .t . . ' . - ' . ' < - 7 < ; : : : ; : ; ; or. : " : ; -.t * " " " : . . ' , , , ' ' ' ' - - . . , ; - , t. ' . : ' A ' Jb'-L-- ' ' ; . - , r . 1-J. ' , " " . , , ' " . . J'L I'q : ' ' : o. < : . \ , - t".1F , y " . : ' - J.Vn \ > > ffi.ff . ' 2.L f ) fl' 18 & ( ffr- . . . . ' " . ref 1I11i'f'f" . " " . . ' , . . . ' f'-f" . . . . ' . . . " . , . . . . . . , ' _ - . . . tJ " _ . ' ' ' ' < : i' ' " " , \ \ , oI ' J. . ' Q . c--- - - . ' ' .1. . " of _ . , . . . ' ' " - . - : . . ' . ' . : - - , , , . --:1. > . . . . . . ' C " . . " " . " \1 < \ ' " ' ' . -TA ' ! ' - . : , . - - , . , . . - - - - - - It ' \ ' I - - - ; t./0 . : . : : : : _ - : _ . - . ' : " : : . " - . : . . ' ; ' 71 J:7 : - - ' : ' -j-- : : \ \ : , / : III-- , ; ' . ; ; ; ; > " ' : / ' / ) d - - ' -i' : " ' : v \ \ \ . \ , lIli7 ' : f'Ji.Y 0/ ; f7fr , , \ \ \ ' , , . . \\i\\\\IIJ \ ' t'\ ' . \ . ' ' , ' \ . \ , tl , .lIIU"'ill/1h f//l 1llri\\'X\\ : - ; \ \ \ \ , \-1 \ , ! ' } 'llnt' : 't'1w . It ! 1Wl1'w : ! hrm"r 10 buy it-he cnn be fiur" he wou't I < , e ur. ' I\ \ \ ! . ' /i/ / ' / 1..1.11..111I..o"e' tllndkl. : 1 rmers ull o\'cr the eountr } ' write ! 'I\t II \\\liJ \ \ \ , < ' ! \ ; It t g V PiGffi ( eBn .mrn : ed T'f \ ' ( "f } ! > W ) "I"rn llml f,1ml : o. Stan ar and IS . tl\l } best the ' en.r w : ( (1. II j. ; . ,11. , , fhJ 1.1C 0" ' , i'llvulhcr..trlt1 : er ; ind ; : 50 to 100 1:11,11 C LUIICll" lJ tlw Ll1l tl&nll \ \ , \ ' , ; < , \I \ t'I. } b\1t Pial : : or Blunctard twine you cver finw. Wcter or 1wIIlttrc.r1. . \&fJ \ ; ' , I :11. it ; It wor ' wcll on uny wlll'at or corn binder. without both"r , withl,11t 'I\ , \ " fJ W'a\'II1 , the , h 1wllcr. Ill ! ) eht : II > cst for the fljrmcr to 1111 : bCCIlIiF il. eo IJ \l \ ; / , :1 : If ! Ics : at1l11 O ( farthcnt. HII } ' it nrt tn' it if it I ' 't llmc till Le' , r lIr \ . : : : - \ If ! , ! , t , ntl'c : tau ! It bu. ! ! . to the t1eaJpt hwl : ( " 1 J ' . , : , ' ' ' , d' ) ' IIn < ' 1 , . \ \ 1"t" L , ( by " , 'l t J.r ! > ' ; Jul. o ( Il'tt < . : r : > from farmc ! ' ! , v. hv " . 'j , 'L " " ) ' uJ.t r Idn nuw-l/l / < ; ) ' 'I j \ g . all boul'ht it 011 0111' i lI\rnnllc. ( : Ovcl' lf/Un.f/on lIoun u ! > l.d in ' ti , 1ft t h Ncura : . a { Ol' J005--lIot q ball rctllrncc'cry ClI ! > tQUJll' : pleascd. : Jij } \ } ! htli : LHi NGE 1 empP..ErHNT : : en. d/.e . , - " , . 'I" " " ' ' " ' : . ' / : 0 m : } ! I Neb. lrl't \ , ; r-\b tli// ; ' i j . . . . . \ . . f I' , . " ' ' , " " ' : \ \ , , \ \ \ ' " < . , t .x.w J" ' ' ' . . , ' c\ \ . ' . ' ; > ' ' ' " - : ; A ; : " - ' ' ' ' ' ; \ \ \ ) ' -zt ! ' : : % * ' 'r . 'r' : ; , C * . VV.O J ? JL.m1tTI. . - - - . 1M . ! E\'crYOle is inter- Cofloc News ! I I v , " , iii este 111 Good Cof- fees. We claim to have thc advantug-e by 5 cts a pound , tJ ! - - DRINKOURCOFFEES - - - - - - N 100. Supcrlo A Smooth Drink at 20 cts at 25 cents , 'l'he world . per pound. Our price produces nothing better [ 17 ccnts , . at the prfce. Circlc Blcnd. - lIan'cst , r worth 25 cts per pound- a.2-1b pail , . worth ( JO cents , Onl ) ' 20 cents hcre. our pnce , 50 ccnts. - e Paxton , Chasc & Sanborn's Scal rlI1d , a 2-pounc1 can of Coffee , a 2-poul1c1 can , our pricc , excelJent at (10 cents. 75 ccnts. Our pricc , 50 ccnts. A good value , . "ano r lIousc , Kamo , King of Coffee , 40 cts. a 35-cent Coffee. Our price' , .15 cents , Our price , ,10 cents. - t' French Breakfast , ! j a - pounc1 pail-extra value -$1,25. Our pricc , Only $ I.J ( ) t with cup and saucer. I SAMPf-lg COli'F ] E Ii'URNrSrU D ON APPT.lICA'l'ION. PURE FO D PRODUCTS. J. C. BOWEN. ' 1 TRADE North Side Pure Old : tl ' { l VlnclCar IIROKEN how , NEIIR. - - - - - . brancc I ha\'e becn imbued with the idea that our departed lovcd ones arc pr ! ; cl1t in spirit and are conscious of the doingg here he. low that may pertain directly to them clve , With a consciousness - ness then. vague ane ! indefinable though it may he , thal in this cnse our friend is lu'eseut hen' to day. wc shall indulge in 110 fulsomc lauc1ation , but a plain unvarnished preHcutation of his Jile und charactcr as revealed to those who know him , and such ag in his modest humble way we beleive himsclf would sanction and approve. RuulIItN E. GI.ASS was born in Wayne county Michigan , Nov. , 13tb , 184(1 , He enlistcd in Co. " 0" 24th Michigan Volunteer Infantry , Scpt. , 5th , 18J4 , and was mustered oul of the scrvice with his rcgiment at the close of the war , Junc 30th , 18,5. Eight years latcr he sell led in Plats- mouth Nebr. , where he engaged in the drug business. On Feb. , 3rd , 187(11 he was married to Miss Margaret L. Mitchell who sur- : \'ives him. He had been married previously to Miss Lena l 'ergu- 80n by whom he had two children both ot whom arc dead. In 1887 Mr. and Mrs , Glass moved to Kearney and in the fall of the same year he cntered land under pre-emption act near the prescnt site of Ansley , He afterward made residence near Georgetown and in 1891 moved to Hrol < en Bow , where they continucd to reside , While at Georgetown he nited with the Presbyterian church at nurr Oak placing his membership - ship in the same church on coming - ing to this place of which he was a mcmber at the time of his death. As a result of service in the army he was broken in health. l 'or many years he sutTered in- tensley , bearing it however with patience and fortitude. In speak. ing of his , condition upon a certain occasion in answer to my cnquiry he replied , H1'here is not a. day of my life that I am free from pain. " He died Oct. , 11th , 1)05. , Thc funeral services were h ld in lhe Presbytcrian church , the sermon was preached by the Bev. A , A. Mitchell from the sublime and hopcful utterance 01 the world's Savior to the grief stricken and antictcd sisters at Bethany , "I aUl thc resurrection and the lifc : hc that bc1ci\'cth in IIIC , though hc wcn : clcnel , yet shall he li\'c : und whosoevcr I \'ith I1IHI belcivcth in IIIC shall never clic. " At the codclusion of the sen-i- ces his remains were taken in ( ; harge by the Masons , of which he was a member and borne to lheir resting place in the cemc- trcy near by. - On occasions of this kind re- ferencc must necessarialy be made to days anc1 timc that led to these memorial services and the part borne by the one in whose C0111mel1lOration . they ar held. 'ro day when amid the clouds and darkness of the gathering night the loyal people of the North lool < ed forth ancI "Saw a "harlow iuthestlu , Thc ) ' SIIW thc sorrow they woulel shun , "hey saw their happincss uudone , The ) ' saw the encl that IIIlIst hc WOII , And III au al1l1 brothel' KisscII wife lIuclUlother And lIIet with sword nUll gllll , " No language of mine can portray to you , who know of the . . . . . . . pnssions of t ha t period of civr ( strife hy rculin/f / al1el recital 0111\ ' , the CITl'Ct } I t'OIIt I cell upon the , { lctc : lo\'ing , law ahilltllg' peopll' 1) ( the NOIlI ! "IIl'n from rchl'l cantlon thc I ! ; h.dl'l'lIt crCllI1- : i lg'nno ! > s tlH cUIIiIlg''a'c IItld r 1l within the cluhr.lsurc : . of 11'1. Sumpter. 'I'he filst tI1Chlng ! , ref of war , the openillg act in tl , , ' greatest tt'agl\lj' ( uf tilllc , a IruJ ccly itl willch sOllie of us werc actors IItHl in which all living wcre eh'cply intcrcsted , A tra-cdy ! which left its cleael by the hut1l1rcd thousand dcsolated i our land , destroycd our substancc , and in its pathway left a trail of blood and tears , Those of yon who sil cahnly in ) 'ouf scats while the oft-told story is rehearsed - hearsed woulc1 never dream and can scarcely comprehend the mighty transformation that cn- sued wben upon blissful sccncs of quiet and reuOc ! , there burst "The cannons pening rear. " As we look back across thc vanished years , its scencs and exciting evcnts arise bcfore us anci are re- cnacted with startling and ( Jis- tinctive clearncss. 'J'hrobbing hearts and flushed checks and looks of stern resolve are pictured - tured upon the faces of the mcn we meet , while with clasped hands and u pt urned eycs wi lh look of pain and apprehcnsion to be succecded shortly by one of resignation and smiling face , radicnt lhrough tears lhat fell like rain as they bade good bye to those they nevcr saw agaio , we view the womcn of those days. Grander far in self sacri- fic and devotion than those of Sparta whose praiscs have for centuries been voiced in song and story , "They have tired on Fort Sum- ter ! 'l'hey have fired on Forl Sumpter. " is passed frol11 lip to lip. And as the signlticance and awful import of these wor s gain force , we feel the blood ruslung' through our veins , our beings are thrilled , our brain on tire and wp secm posscssed of a strength that is su ernatural and over- whchning. No tbought of life of , langeI' now. No sacrifice too great for life and home , and I riends are as naught. Sister , wife , mother , sweetheart , all must stand aside , while over , above and all around us-every- where-wc seem to' hear a voice as aUIHble as if spoken from the sky br , God himself commaud1t1g us to "Fall ; lItO llIc ! Fall ; lItO ' ; lIc" witll the one thought uppermost and dominating all : Thc Fcc/cral UII/'Olli ; t 71Itl"t amI .hall b firc- rv d , Oh , the memory of those day with I incoln at thc hehn and his call for 75,000 mcn , and the r - sponse of a quartcr of a million within thirty days. Young Glass was then bullittle more than fourteen years of age , but continued at ditTerent times to otTer his services until he was finally acccpted. Though e - cmpt from military service on account of his youth he choose rather to write his name upon thc lists of his countrys defenders and went forth to baUle and , if need bc , die in its behalf. 'l'his act of cnlistment illustrates - trates the Sptrit of self sacrifice that cvery where' prevailed and tbat enobled and glorified the I I ( Contlnuelt un Pourth pagc ) - - - - - . - t - - - rr . . " TUE MAN WITH A HOBBY I confess to having a hobby and my hobby is to sell the best buggy that can be sold for the money and to rrive you a guarantee that if the buggy is not what I t'l1 you it is I will fix it or refund your money. I have my buggies made after my own specifications and I know what they are made of. ny buying direct from the factory I am able to sa v 25 per cen t o\'er what my competitors pay for theirs and consequently am able to sell you a buggy from $10 to $20.00 less than the > ' can possibly do. I have just received -I1I'VVc > C tJr I.O : tJdS , I I . lhe late t elTcct of the factories , all bright anc1 new. 'l'here has ncvcr been shown in Custer county as many buggies ul1l1cr one roof as I will show you if you come in. I IH1\'c \ ' . . ' e\'cr.rthing. carri.1ges , surre ) , road wagons , spring wagons , driving wagon ! ' . carts and huggies of all descriptions , In fact , I will show you over 100 etitTerent jobs. jobs.C. . S. MAR TIN , . Sicklcs for all kinds of mowers , $1.35 each , . - I - . - ' TOU E' T AT MERNA , NEBRASKA , Au , 2. , 3 , 4 , 1906 I . . . . I ' GIVEN UNDER THE AUSPICES OF MERNA BASEBALL CLUB. GOOD MUSIC ALL D.AY and NIGHT DANCING EVERY EVENING LIBERAL PURSES FOR GAMES IFOR EOTH WINl\TERS OR LOSERS First-olass Hotel Accomod.ations in Three Large , New Hotels. . _ _ . _ J YOUR BALL TEAM WILL J ? AR- TICIPATE , WRY : NOT COME ? One nnd One-third fare for Round Trip ticJets fl'Oln nIl stations on the Burlington Any information desired will be furnished by address ng FRANK KEllY Mana . , er , MERNA , NEBRASKA. . n' _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ j 't1tt'tt't"tt""t1't1""t""Y"'Y"'t"'t"1t11t1t1" ' ' ' " " " ' " " " " " " ' " " " " " ' " " ' " " ' " - - { : HOLD ON ! - 6 - E , 'J'he picnic season is now here = = E , ; ! ' in all its glory and we are here = = E J\ ) I : to help you fill the basket with = = . ? , \i at incomparably low prices. 3 = = 'I Make your selection from the = = . , g / : . j : \ , and add thereto a y : : : ' t 11ng e se you want and we will = = = = l ! dcm'onstratc that you came to = = = - = , I the . right place to secure good . = - = : : : : f' service : = = : - : : M ixec1 Pickles , Pork and Beans , = - = = = Olives , Sardines , I-Iemons , Dried Beef , = = . . . : : : Veal 1-Ioaf , Oranges , Salmon , = = = = Jelly , Preserves , Bananas , Cheese and Crackers , : : : : Potted Ham , Pottcd Tongue , . = = E Candy and Gum for ladies , Pipes and 'J'obacco for men. = = - - I = PIIONg NUMlIgR , SHEPPARD & BURK : : : : : : : : : : ONI 'I'WO 1o'I\ ' ) : : : 111111111111111111111111il111111111111111111111111111l1111 111111111111J S : - IF : = - ,1 Sparkling De lie iou r $ 11 ass tpal'kling ; , f ing' , full of life-fl'esh as the dew in oal'1y mOl'u-eoolas n. stl'eam-delicious-- mountain - - - Baisch's Soda. . The soda that grows ever more pop- ular. , J oin tIll' HI'my of drinkers now I regaling themselves at BAISCH'S. ,