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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1906)
= - - ( USTfR ( OUNTY RfPUBLIA ( Dy D. M. AMSDEnRY , DROKEN DOW , . . NEDnASlCA. . PICll. for Wild Flowers. T ls Is the season or the ' . ) l1r wh. . dwcllera In cIties and towns mny be seen retnrnlng after holiday exeu. . . 'slons , londed down with flowers , leaves and branches of trees , tom art tram tholr sterna by peollle , who wIsh to carry away with them the beaut ! . ful thIngs that nature so lavlshl ) spreads nbroad III the Sllrlng. To ad. mIre and to desire to possess these beautiful things Is natural , yet totoar thorn down and carry thom away shows a dopl rablo Inclt ot thought. The least. Informed person , It willIng to pnuso and thlnlt for a moment , says Forest. nnd Strenm , Imows very well thnt a few hours aUer the twIg has been parted from Its branch or the fiow-er tram Its atem , twIg and flower alllto must lose all resemblance to the tJeautlful growIng thIng tbat. InspIred t.ho wish for possession , and Is no Jonger worth having. ' 1'hus , tor the gratlflr.atlon at a passIng Impulse , ono has destroycil a beaumul objoct. that. but. tor thIs hasty act. mIght. hllvo given plensure to other lleoplo tor daYB or wee Its. It. Is not uncommon to sce people comIng from the coun. try laden with branches at dogwood for example , four feet. long : lilacs are ! ern down nnd defaced , and bunches ot more ephemeral flowers like vIa. , lets , buttercups and others are wilt- 'Jng ' Jn every hand. It peopto would recognIze how fieetlng Is the graUfi. cation derived from thIs destruction of the fiowors , and how soUlah It Is , they probnbly would not. bo guilty 01 It. A well.regulated person doeB not I -oven It the opportunity occurs-de. stray shrubbery In the publlo parks for the purpose of carrying away wltb him the flowers or branchell. In towns and cIties snch an act. III com. manly regarded as nn offenS'e , and anyone found guilty of It Is II1to1y to tJe punIshed , by a fine or othorwlse. 'Yet ' , the prIncIple Is the same , wheth. er the destruction Is wrought. in town or In country : tJut In the country the owner does not attempt. to protect. his shrubbery or hIs wild flowers , unless they nre close to his house. PresQI'Ving "Scenery. " Not long ngo a man of natlon"l importance - I portance charncterlzed nn attempt to beauury the city of Washln/rton / ns f'spending money for scenery. " The phrase may be talten as a sneer , as it was Intended to bo talten , or with np- prOval , aD expressIng a truth and n wino polIcy. SpendIng money for scenery , remarlts Youth's Compllnlon , Is one of the most hopeful signs of a oawakening to natural possibilities. It Is not confined to anyone regIon. an Francisco Is already talldng about the Durnham plnns for beautifyIng the clty , which have long tJeen In aboy- , nnco. The rebuilding of the Gateway pf the west now atTords nn opportunity to put them In practlco. Nlagnra falls , the Whlto mountains , the Appalachl- ( ins nud the Palisades are eastern Bconory , but they are also national possessions , and It. Is with a Iort of wonder that commercIal Intereats have mscovored how strong the feollng Is ngalnst destroyIng them or encroachIng - Ing seriously upon them. The old state ouso in Boston and Independence hall n Philadelphia nro moro local ex- I1mples of the same qunllty of public Jnterest whIch lIes In sentiment. They nro "Bcenery" of a sort whIch appeals to n prldo as stubborn as the I10wer of money , and moro creditable. ' 1'ho man who cares for hIs fathor's IP' nud preserves the old family home is "paying money for scenery , " too , but more persons understand that kInd of I sentiment. The other Idnd-the larger , moro communal and fraternal klnd- . Is just I1S surely coming Into Its own , I An abundance of worlt and a fll.1Io lne of worltmen represent n condition that. is constantly growIng more common - mon In AmerIca. The greatest. trouble Is the dearth of farm bands , Il8 shown : by the report of the state's free publICI employment office In this city. Men absolutely refuse to leave the clUes for the fields. But the IJroblem Is not confined to the countr ' . In the cltler. there Is work a'plenty and a dearth of workmen. Apparently with each succeeding year common labor grows les8 attractive. Yet there Is not I ) notable Increase In the number at vagrants and able.bodled paupers. The riddle , probably has Its solution In the fact. thnt. prosperIty and thrift have depleted the ranks of common laborers , leading them to sock belLe ! thingf ! in life. Ono divorce to every sIx mlUTiagel is MnJne's record , and the ministers oj that. st.nto have lately promulpt"d Ii fiet. of pules for the signature of clergy. men cnd have appointed an Interde. nomlnatlonal commltteo to push thf crusnrte agaInst dlvorco. 'fhe rulet Iliodge the signer not. to marry p.vtlos who arc strlngers to bim , to refuse tc remarry any divorced pbrson within a year aiter lhe graJ1tlnlt of the deerc. and to r tUso tp romlfry any oxcepl the Innocent party to divorce , and then oa1)Wder certnln etlpulnUou. . { , . . J . ' , . " . . . . ' . , . KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE METROPOLIS FOR HER GENEROSITY TO THE UNFORTUNATE Mrs. Thomas Fortune Ryan , 0ne of the Most Philanthropic , as She s 0ne or the Most Wealthy , New York Women Who Bevote Their bives to oing Good to 0thers. SPENDS A MILLION DOLLARS YEARI..Y ON HER VARIOUS CHARITABLE SCHEMES. Wife of Wall street Bal'on , She Lives Plainly , Builds Churches , Helps Hospitals , and Spends : All Her Spare Moments Maldn Baby Clothes for the Poor-Gives Withoui' Ostentation , and 'to -All Who -Are Worthy and Unfortunate. Day In and day out she sits and knits and Imlts and Imlts , with Il steadfastncss of purpose that ruled the fingers of Mme. Jncobln. Dut. the stitches she taltes are not the rccorl of evil destlnlC9. They mean succor tor the slclt and heavy-laden , worlt for hlle 11 uds , bread tor the hungry , enlightenment. for the untutored. Gentle , aympathotlc , Intenaely pious , II. homo-lover and a home-malter , Is thla woman-thIs mother In the old. fasbloned meanIng of the word , the wife of Thomas F rtune Ryan. ' 1'ho char cterlstlcs of Thomas Ryan , money-maldng prlnco atHl Wall street baron , In a way nlso rule In the lIfo of Mra. Ryan , bullder of churches , hospitals and schools , and the little known but enthusiastic coperator ( In every move maldng for the betterment of the human Idnd. It has been 8ald Df her husband thnt ho has had a finger - ger in every bIg financIal plo in the last docnde. She has had n hand In nearly every phUanthrolllcal worlt In New Yorlt , VirgInia , the District of ColumbIa nnd the southwest In tha.t. Ume. 8ho Is now giving away more than $1,000,000 a yenr. ThIs woman , of whom the world knows prndlcally 'nothIng , has bunt moro churches , hospitals and sehools ( lnd endowed moro places for the wor- Ihip of God than perhaps any other living person. She gave $1,000,000 Jast year alone to the churches and schools of Vh'glnla , her natlvo state. " Publicity is Mrs. Ryan's bete nolr. To glvo without. ostentation Is the only way to gIve , accordIng to her belief. There Is no dlrterence between Mrs. Ryan of 30 years ago and the Mra. Ryan or to-dny. It was of no moment to the public then what she did or did not. do. She cannot understand why it should be Interested now. She counts herself ns doIng no more than the wife of a poor man who gives or . .M'f CMJ /&JYNflllllY KMfl'.fJE lP r/of CK"1IP I HiE CPNfELlof/J TI h'afW , . " 1'JfytfH : /.1 WU/1RNti . 1I1'1"IfIR" YET TIE' Hf'E' I JVDQ"w'YRTEO TV THof f.t' Pro QEf HNfE' place of honor there , and on the walls are II. few good ongravlngs. ' 1'11ls hall Is lIlw those found In all the flne old southern mansIons. On the first floor are the library , drawlng'i'oom and smokIng ball. Dut It Is up a wide stalrcaso to the second floor that ouo must go to find ltroom about 20 feet square , furnished with chIntz-covered chaIrs , hung with pictures , such as have long since been consIgned to the fashlonablo and wealthy to dusty attic corners , nnd strewn with sowIng tables , chests , a tea table nnd a music box. EverythIng Is old.fashloned , with ono exception , and thnt Is an deslt , with II. telephone attachment , whIch stands unobtrusIvely In II. corner. Thla Is the room , with Its windows filled wIth red geraniums the year round , where Mrs. Rynn plans her good works , whIch the wealtlz of her husband exe- cutes. There Is never an idl moment when Mrs. Ryan Is In that sitting-room of hers. No vIsitor Is so important , no conversation so Interesting , ns to absorb - serb her entlro attention. She has a sympathy for the comfort and Interests - terests of t1o friends who go to her there , but always begins the visIt with : "You won't mInd my going on with my knItting , will you ? " I Not very long ago , when Cardlnnl ! Gibbons called upon Mrs. Ryan , his : eminence was shown to the where Mrs. Ry-an was busy , between telephone calls- knitting a hatJy's plnlt and whlto sack. Arter a formnl salutation - tation to the churchman , her nne whlto fingers began to ply the yarn In the wea vo ngaln. "You will pardon my doIng thIs , your eminence , " smiled Mrs. Rynn , "hut If I worlted only when alone some babIes wouldn't. be as warm as I lIke them to be. " ! I . . . . . . HER CREIlTE T fl.Eli' / / & ' 1.5 IN NELPINv rEC / ( , a slim purse to others , She gives trom a richer purse , thllt'll all. Old-fashioned as Mrs. R'an Is , she f.s a woman combining nIl the business qualities and foresight demanded by the times. She Is a woman of affairs , yet her home lIfo comes first. A gllmpso Into the favorlto residence of Mrs Ryan-the old Minturn house , on the northwest corner of Fifth ave. nue and Twelfth street-Is a mental bath after the glitter and glare and garnllhness one usually meets In the homes of the rIch , declaretS a writer In the Now York 'flmos. You enter through a hlgl1elllnged : hall , draped with soft ni\t hangIngs. A palnt- mg of the master of h. houKe has a "And whose baby are you worltlng so hard to clothe ? " asked the card- Inal. Inal."Oh "Oh , l\ poor denr lIttle gIrl who will npllreclate It , " and then the subject. was changed , but not U10 thoughts of Mra. Ryan. A few trlends who hnvo been In the sitting-room many Urnes can tell of dozens of packagea of baby clothes made by the nhnble fingers of the rich Mrs. R 'an. And besides , she keeps a corps at sewers maltIng cWI. dren's gnrments , whlclr are delivered to her reshIence and by her given In person to that most unfortunate of all the clnsses , the llroua 1I00r , who will not nsk at the doors of eharltablo In- , - - - - - sUt'tUans or clothIng burenus for ald. Mrs. ! tyan calls that. person her friend who tells her of such lloople In need. TIlOro Is n score of families , rem. nnnts of broken-down arIstocracy , whose 8010 support lies In the fine needle.worlt whIch Mrs. Ryan gIves to women otherwIse unfitted for the bur. den of self-Kuppart. Over In the south corner of the sit- ting-room there Is a bIg chest wIth many drawers , euch carryIng sarno abbrevIated - brevIated labol. In thIs chest are Itcpt l'xqullllle alter linens , the malting of whIch has been the liberal support of families In need. As fast. as these supplies l11'e accumulated they arc sc'nt out to poor mlsllions or lleavlly mortgaged parIshes where the lIeoplo are unable to contribute such thIngs. There Is anothrr chest full of baby thIngs , and , dearest. of 11.11 to the heart of Irs. Ryan , a well-filled medIcine chest. "I don't believe you loole well , " said J\lrs. Ryan to n little needlewoman rc- turnln a paclmge of fine linen one day. "How do you feal ? Do you ever cough ? " And In the end the woman wunt. awny with three bottles of hypo- .5NE i/WJ WIM ; TQ T/IJof QTh'E.f'MfJE1 V-VFlrrED rM rNIf"Bi.waEN tJ1' ELF IIrlP - - ' " \ \ ) \ I.c . : A ( - ' phosphltes , which would have cost her as many dollars. Mrs. Ryan s life hns not been without - out cloud nnd blttor grief. Death and long Illness have weighed heavily on the mother-heart , and that great flood of sympathy gIven her by nature Is cver wldo to a fellow sufferer. LO.Jlg and Intimate acquaintance with Illness has given her practical ltnowledge , and she knows moro about medicIne than many a man with a license. Two of her boys hnve been stricken down with lung trouble , and the great white plague holds grenter terrors for her than any other physlcnl affilctlon. She has given of her finaneial and personal aId toward the cure of those affilcted with thIs dIsease. "I nm moro nfrnld of a sneeze than of a sprain , and a cough than a brolten bone , " sIle saId ono day. "Oh , I just can't talle about It. It brealts my heart to think or the fiower at the mnnhood and young motherhood of our country beIng cut. down by thIs terrible curse. When I thInk of other mothers who have seen their young sons 110 down In their youth before their 11te worle had begun , "Ictlms at this dlsense , I long to do somet.hing , anythIng , to help find a cure for It all. " A tear dropped on the Ivory 1m It. tins neOll1es and the usually placId features of the Idndly face set. In nn expression of sufferIng. A ring of the telephone bell and the knitting was put asIde. "Oil , Is tllat you , ! \Inry ? Now , don't a sume that coldly poHto manner and say nice thlns ! about Appreciation and all that busIness. It's purely a business - . ness deal. You are not fit to work , and you know you are not. Suppose : I you dIe , who'll talte care of the ; mother ? "Oh , oh , oh , that cough I Now , look here , Httlo friend of mIne , you do aD I ask , or you will make mo very , very unhappy. What good would nny money of mIne do me If I t.hought people I am Interested In and lIIee would die rather than let mo help them ? Now , look here , ) 'ou go UII Into the mountaIns until you get well and strong agaIn , and then you can come bnek and 1I4Y mo back , If you want to , some day. Let me look out tor things tor awhile- "Lose your posItion ? Good thing ! I'll get ) 'OU 11 better one. Now , I am busy knitting. You tell your chief tonight - night ) 'ou won't be there for a cou111e of months , and como around hero to. morrow morning nt. ten o'clock. I am goIng to put some thIngs asldo nnd walt for you. Good-by , and Goll bless you ! " If you wandered Into Ute bIg sit. tlng-room any day you would hear many tallts 1I1te that. Mrs. Ryan Is 11. great traveler , and owIng to the 111 health of ono of her i boys , who has been compelled to spend I so much of hIs me In arid land ! ! of the southwest , she frequently taltes the sIx-days' journey from New Yorlt to the Painted Desert In ArIzona. During thcse trIlls W10 always travels In her prIvate car "Pero Marquette , " whIch Includes In Its turnlshlngs a consecrated - crated altar and all the fittings Cor the celebration or mass. At such services her cnr Is always thrown open to any In the villages who may wish to at- tend. It was becnuse of her son's and necessitated stn . In the southwest thnt Mrs. Ryan Interested herselt In the mIssIons to the Indlnns. She has built 11 churches throughout the southwest and she has do no much for tuberculosIs sufferers In that region. w..JI IlW , . . Ill--JI td I I' ' J ' = - - J./K" ; : { I I . . II/ I \ - } - I II f Qi ! E _ . " / WAyjBijy " ' 'ITNHN ; ; : l'jhJ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - ' . II' h'E-i' iJEL YEIJ .P ' $ .fIHcc CLtJl7IIHf TtJ IT TEH l1 NT CII/LD TilE RYilN li'E'OENCE There nre tent villages outside of Phoenix , Tucson , Mesn and a score af other desirable places where consumptives - sumptives find Nature's cure , which has been furnIshed and supported by Mrs. Ryan for affilcted men and women - en whose means made such measures Impossible. \ If Mrs. Ryan heare of a boyar girl who has shown any talent nud has not. the means of developing It , her handsome , motherly face brightens with one of her happy smiles as she says : "I am so glad I can do this Httle thIng for some other mother's boy. " It Is always " 11. little thing" that Mrs. Ryan does , whether l'i : be ta bulld a church , n 11OSpft'ui , 11. school , or help the 111 In body or mind. It's always "a HtUe thing" for the hands which give a million dollars a ) 'ear for good worlt to spand long houriIJ makIng baby clothes for some Httle one whoso mother finds life n poorly fed , overworlted , back-brenklng prob- lem. It's "a 11tUo thIng" to taltQ a worn-out shop girl away from hw drudgery tor a month or two or rOit. and comfort where God's air Is pure .and undefiled. It's a Httle thing" to send sorne young boy with 11. bard cough and rod spots on hIs clwelt bones out Into the t'ternal sunshine or the southwest for a new lease of life. It's " 11. Httle thing" to go out personally nnd hunt employment for the supporter - er of some famlly , to provIde comforts - forts and necessities for families In want , to mnlto employment for men nnd women unfitted for .tho responsIbilities - bilities which have fallen upon them. It's "a lIttle thins" to educate ambl- tlous boys and gIrls. and to do all these "lIttlo thIngs , with just. one stlpula. tton : "You won't. say anythIng about It , except sometimes remember me In a IIttlo prayer. " In the bIg pUb11c subscrlptlong where. donors' names nre advertised tor what they have done , Mrs. Thomas - as F. Ryan's name Is never seen. AvoIding alwnys pUblicity , she Is the same quiet , retirIng , great.hearted woman who came to New Yorlt the girl wlfo at Tom Ryan , a clerk with nothIng tJut It. tJatJy and a genius tor making money , 34 years ngo. There are women In the old Jesuit. parIsh on SJxteenth street. who stili remember t'-a s'D1pathetic lIttle woman " , ho lIved there n quarter at a century ngo , and who helped many an unfortunnte tram the earnings Thomas R ) nn brought. home on Saturday nhht. TORTURED WITH ORAVEL. Since Using Dorm's Xldnoy pm" )1 ci , ' Not n Stone lias Formed. Capt. S. L. Crute , A jt. Watts Camp , \ \ U. O. V. , , Roanoke , Va. , say : "I .sur. . , ' , ferOll n long , long " time with my back , , n n d felt draggy nnd listless and " all the time. I lost f i' a m my usunl 1 . . . weIght , 225 , to 170. , Urinary passages I ' were too frequent ' " 'al . . nnd I had to get " up often at nIght. , I had hendaches , nnd dizzy spolia also , but my worst sutTerlng was from renal colic. After I began using Doan's KIdney P111s 'I passed n gravel stone ns bIg as 11. bean. Since then I have never had nn attack of gravel , and have plclted up to my former health and weight. I am a well man , and gIve Doan's KIdney P111s credit for It. " Sold b ) ' all dealers. : 0 cents a box. I . . . Foster-l\lUburn Co. , Duffalo , N. Y. t. A woman's Idea of 11. stingy man Is \ , . . one who never pa 's her comllllments. ( f- " , _ ' Lewis' Single Binder cigar-richest , most I j lIatisfying smoke on the market. Your t dealer or Lewis' l.'netory , Peorin , III. " : 'l'he man who would brIng up his : children In the wny they ahould go w111 oucceed better If he goes that way hlmseIr. Hellgon ! is used as a clank in some l \ tnmllles , null y u may have noticed that there is genernlly a CO jt or dust on th' ) fnmlly Bible In such homes. / By following the directions , which are plainly printed on each pacleage of . Defiance Starch , Men's Collars and CutTs can be made just as stiff as desired - sired , with either gloss or domestio finish. Try It , 16 oz. for 10c , sold by all good grocers. Safe Deposit. l Of Marsl1 I FIeld m. an amusIng IItory was recently told at LalwwJod. The boy , accordIng to the story , np. preached an old lady In It. Lakewood hotel and saId to her : "Can you crack nuts ? " "No , my t : Jar , I cnn't , " the old lady plled. "I lost nil my teeth years ago. " "Then , " saId the little boy , extend. , ' Ing two han1s tull of wnlnuts , "please . / b.old these while I go and get some- more.-Denver Times. BRIGHT : BITS : BY ! l'HE WITS. Will & Must. hold a mortgage on success. The busybody butts In without anT Us or buts. Charity begins at home , but If it Is the real brand it soon outgrows Its. natlvo place. It is hard to work much confldence In It. man who wears a rIng on hIs mlddlo finger. A man's knowledge cannot be judged by the tool things he says when In love. 'rhe golden calf will always be war. shlped , though It wear the taU of a monltey or the ears of an ass. TRADE AND TRAFFIC. j - - The trade at Chili Is almost enUre- ly In the hands of Europeans. Francc Imported $300,000 worth o ! apples from Canada lICIt summer and rail. rail.In In 1904 Denmarle sent to England j over 85,000 tons of butter , valued at l ; ' U5,000.000. ' It Is thtlmated that 1OQOOOO tons of steel r&l\s \ tor 1907 delivery are under negotiation , and that fully half thaC tonnaGe has already been placed. It is saId that the hIdes of American live cattle sent to England to be kllled and eaten arc by prearrnngement all sent back across the AtlnuUc , there to be tame , and , mnyhap , reshipped to England as leather or In boots and shoe' ! . Shipments of anthracite coal during May amounted to 3,254,320 tonsagalnst ' . . . . 6,005,15& tons in May last year. For the ) 'unr , to dnte , the shipments aggregate - gate 1U,709,7S3 tons , contrasted with 24,872,954 tons In thQ corresponding perloll Jast year. , , CLEVER DOCTOR. Cured a 20 Years' Trouhle Without 1 Any MedicIne. A wise IndIana physIcIan cured 20 yenrs' stomach dlseaso without. any medIcIne as his patient tells : "I had stomach trouble for 20 years , tried allopathic medicInes , patent 'I medicInes and all the slmplo remedle3 1 p 9uggested by my frIends , but grew worse all the time. "Finally a doctor Who is the most prominent physicIan In this lIart. 01 the state told mo medIcine would dome mo no good , only Irritating my stom- neh and maldng It worse-that I must look to dIet and quIt drinking coffee. "I cried out. In alarm , 'Quit drlnlt- ing coffee ! ' why , 'What wlU I drlnlt ? ' t " 'Try Postum , ' said the doctor , 'I ! drink it and you will 111\0 It when It Is made accordIng to dIrections , with cream , tor It Is delicIous and has none .k.i of the bad effects coffee has. ' f' - II "Well , that wns two ) 'ears ago , and I am still drInking Postum. My stomach - ach Is right again nnd I know doctor hit the nail on the head when ho de. clded coffee was the cause of nll my trouble. I only wish I had quIt It I years ago and drank Postum In Its J place. " Name given by Postum Co. , Dattle Creek , 1\Ilch. I Ncrer too latn to mond. Ten days trIal of PC\tmr. in place or coffee . . . . worlts wonders. There's a reason. Loole In pkgs. for the fllmous tit. t tIe bock , "Tht , Road to We'/lrU\o / \ , "