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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1906)
t u\I\\l \ , " lUIh LraUt. \ . \ It\\U I \ I , . i USTER UO NTY EPUBLICAN. . . . ESTABLISHED 1882. TIlE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUS'l'ER COUN'l'Y. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF'ANY ' PAPER IN TIlE COUNTY. . . - ' VOL. XXIV. . . BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , APRIL 5 , 1906.--EIGHT PAGES , NO,43 . ' . ' ' ' - , " 'Y . , f. " J , f' . " , " ' .1 Our Repair Department ; , g J : ; just aching to get a chnnce to he g of service to . It is N you. so thorugh8 \ 4 S I } ' cqulp ) cd thntthere Is no repair 8 . 8 job that It I : ; afrn llto tOl'kle , \ We rcpalr thc highest rRdcs of S Watche : ; that art : lIIade , with .t per. 8 "l\ " fect knowledge of thc care thc ) ' R . , 8 should rece'c. . . ' I , N We rejuvenate tired Clocks s , that thc ' . ) run again as good as new. ' ! : t We repair Rings nnd llrooches N " Rl1I1 Eye Glasses , and such things , ' . And stAnd rendy to Assist ) 'OU At S short notice in any emergency that S IIIlty requirt' the usc of our repair l\ S department. 8 Kecp this in mind. A.'JMd " 8 . . . . i1 t . , u . . li . . , . . . ' :0 : O : Y.-O-Q : . ' : / ' If Try The R publican for PRINTING. - - - - - - - - r ; t The Advo Cash Grocery ! : t - - i A Il Grade Caro- , sene Oil a Specialty. Ci Bright ! 0 & Safell 'iq11 No Smcll ! ! ! . , rnr . .EJ No Smokell ! ! , Calt at the store and get a coupon good for I ) ; " . , half gallon. 'l'ry a ' = : : I _ _ : . . ) ' f Our can goods are all ' ? t ( ! labeled t Ad\'o Extra.- . the best th market af- I fOr < ls. We have a fine ! . line of .Staple and Fancy Groceries. Call and see us xUl < ' : . . . . \TJ ! .9 fIa ] 'Cf. P .i.I ' ; 1' C'IP' , T 'Q'C ' $ S tMJ I Dr. Christensen treats Eyc , Bar , Nose , 'l'hroat , I Catarrh . and Chronic diseases. Glasses. fitted accuratel ) ' and satisfaction guaranteed. Office in Realty Block , Broken Bow. 'l'hc RUPUIIT.ICAN i espe iajl'y .cquippe to print Sa1e : J3i11sl1 . , - - - - - - _ . _ _ " u _ _ . . - - , . . _ - - - , JF- . ' " - 91 ( ' Sunshine ! . I-Iave you used it ? Yon wil1 neve ) ' he satisfied till yon do. . . . . . . . . . . \Vhy not put a little SU 1sh.ine J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .In your I lome. ? \ i J. S. Jfi F'UI BAi SCH , DRUGGISTS. BROKEN BO\\ ' , I { I L. - - - , . . . . = - - - ( - I I - - - - - - \ . : ' ' ! 1I ' ' ' : ' .n i 1. ' ! C . Good Varnishes , ! " -Varnishes that do I good work lways are ' ! ' . not easy to makc. It's i not every manufacturer who has the facilities ' ( and the capital necessary - , : sary to the making of :1 ' good varnishes. I ; , THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS VARNISHES f are rigM always. They bring out in full the natural beauty I of the wood. They wear and keep their lustre for the longest time. You cannot buy better varnish"cs. - See liS for prices and further informltion. : s. : JEE1f : : : . . . . . . > > 1 mmmmmmmmmmmn t ln mnn mmmm 1 lml j ( - 7' Follow me ! - . - - . ] - - I . ! I'm bound for - - _ I - : I . - Sheppard a. Burk's - , : : : : - ; : = With a bran new , line of : : : : \ - - i Sta.ple a.nd Fancy GROCERIES , - - . . - : : : : I = - = T hey are clean , fresh and patatable. - : : : : : E We handle only the best the marJ < et affords. : : : : : : : : Highest prices paid for butter and eggS. = = : : : : Call and see this new store. : : : : : - - , = - _ = Phone No. 1-2-5. - : : : : I - i , , South Side Square. Bl'olten Bov , Neb. j UUU1U1UU11UUUIHU1UUUU1ULUUUUU11UU1U1U1U1Ul1U ; . , I. . , - - = > > 0' , , . " . / . SUDDEN DEATH. Drop. DeAd On Her Wf1Y Home From i TabernAcle Meetings. . - . Mrs. Melvin Lee droped dead , Monday night on her way home from the tabernacle mcetings where she attended with her husband. Thev di not remain until the afterleeting but left during the first song after Rev. McConnell had finished his sermon abe t 10 'o'clock. ' When the\ ' reached the depot Mrs. Lee c mplaincd of her head hurting. She had been having neuratiga for two . or three days. She told her husbind : when they reached the corner of the old Inman hotel building that she felt she could not make it home. 'l'hey had gone only a short di8tance when her head droped over on the shoulders of her husband a.nd she exclnimed " 0 Melvin ! " 'rhose were the last words she uttered. li'rom there she was carricd to the Globe Hotel and medical assistance - ance was called but she never regained - gained consciousness. The doctor - tor assigned the cause of her c1eatJl to neuraliga of her head. . going to her heart. She leaves a husband and tour children to mourn her death. Mrs , Minnie Maupin , of On11.ha , Mr . Kitty Moorc , south' of town and two sons , John and Will , who reside at home. Her funeral was conducted from the Baptist chl.\rch yesterday - day at 2 o'clock by HeLevack. . Her sister , Mrs. W. Ii' . Cook , of Sioux City , Iowa , whom she had not seen for 19 years , arrived on 43 about three o'clock Tuesday morning bnt too late to see her ali vet Her remains were laid to rest in the Broken Bow Cemetery. Instructions 10 Deputy lounly Aueuora. County Assessor 'Haumont has dccided to have no meeting of deput.r assessors this year but will provide each with such in- slru tions from time to time as he deems necessary to secure as near possible an equitable as. sessment of all property. The following is a copy' of the first letter of instructions mailed to his deputies : ro Deputy Assessors Custer Co : Please pay strict attention to the following instructions , so that our work may be'dQne in an acceptable manner. Write in I'ood : ; plain characters and be sure to have all names spelled cor- rectly. Give post office address. Where women are assessed writc their first names in full and make out a seperate schedule for the husband's 1'011 tax , c\'en if he has no property assessed in his name. Where you have incorporated viltiages in your precinct , mark plainly the names of all those liable to village or city tax. Be sure to have the number of the road and school districts right. Mistakes in that particular cause much annoyance. Always put the nlue of the different itcms , so that if you divide it by live you have no cents in your quotient. On small items you may hav to add to the value of somc , and deduct from the value of others. Where anyone has cr dits which he can off-set by debits , he must use the special credit blanle , enter his credits thereon , also his debits. Then' subtract the debits from the I credits and enter the balance , if I anv , at the proper place on the : scl edule , pin the blank to the : schedule and l < eep the two to- : getber. 'l'he actual value of : notes , bonds or mortgages. repre- 1 , senting moneys loaned or invested - ed , shall not be rednced or diminished - ished by subtracting therefrom the debts owing by the person assessed who owns such notes , bonds or mortgages. Credits eyidencccl hy book accounts and the like. may be off.set by debts of like character only. I ent due is taxeable as a cred'it. Rent to grow due is a part of the land residC'nt to it and therefore is not subject to taxation. I-list also as credits , claims due from the county. J-Iast year a good por. tion of the money in the county was not accounted for. r want to gct better results this year anl ha\'c reason to blame some of the deputies for not obtaining better results along that line. Common honesty should prompt e\'eryone tollist a11 of his proper' ty and he who does not do it , < tc. I , servcs the punishmcnt the law provides. Assess { at cattle and hogs by the pOl1nd and kc p in some little book a record of the number and weights of the different - ent bunches uf fat cattle assessed in your precinr.t. l'his is very important and helps. in equal- iin . That record should be. . returned to me. Also thark on. . the schedule the number of fat i cattle included in the whole - ' ' num-'I' bcr of rattle listed by anyone person. gvery telephone Company - pany should mal < e return of its gross receipts. Stock held in co.operati ve telephonc companies should not be assessed when the value of the line covers the wholc value of the stock. Apportion the value of the ' etephone lines of your precienct between the differ- nt school and road districts through which they run. Where people each own a cer ain part of a telephone line , assess that to them individuall ' , l'he average value of a telephone imtrument is about $10.00. List all telephone property under No. 22 on schedule. Assess everything - thing for what it will bring on the farm for cash under a fair valuation , as Roosevelt says , "a square deal according to law. As. the assessmcnt must be un.i- for l all over tht county. I will S OIl send you directions as to the average value of diiTerent classcs of property. The value of new improvements , made since last years' assessment must be listed by the asseSSJrs and they must Jrive the number of section or part of section on which such improvements were made. Also do 110t forget the farm statistics , and get them correct. It will help our county. J UI.HS HA U l\1 ON ' 1' , County Assessor. I i Boy. and Girl. Contes" It is hoped that a large number of the wide. awake boys and girls of Custer County wilt take part in the State Contests that arc being - ing conducted by Mr. E. C. Bishop - hop , Deputy State Superintcnd- ent of Pu lic Instruction. We quote from The Nebraska li'arm- er , of March 1st. , the following statements : "The plans for the next state contest , so far as perfected , are as follows : "The contest will be held in December,190 ( , . It will include the following , departmen t-s : FOn. 110\'S 1 orn growing. 2 Wheat growilg. ! 3 Sugar beet growing. 4 Potato growing. 5 Manual training-making of articles useful or ornamental for the home. lION GIHI.S 1 Coo ing of corn products. 2 Cool < ng of white and brown bread. 3 Preserving of fruits and veg- est abIes. 4 Needle worJiacluding plain sewing , embroidery , crocheting - cheting and fancy work. 5 House ornaments. 6 Sugar beet growing. , 7 Potato growing. "These contests must be self. sustaining from a financial standpoint - point , for this reason : In order to meet the expense ot procuring seed , of postage mailing , Irint- ing and correspondence. Each person who enters either the corn g-rowing , wheat growing , or sugar beet growing contest will be requested to send with his letter 22 cents. ( Fifty cents must be euclosed for ent ring the potato contest. WHO 1\IA Y HNTItI . Any pupil enrolled this .rear in any department of any rural town or citr school in Nebraska , on writing to the manager f the contests , esignating which con- test it is desired to enter and enclosing - I closing lhe proper amount(2 ( cent stamps will be accepted , ) J will be furnished seed. All ap' plications for entering these con. I tcsts should e directed to t1J ( slate manaer , E. C. Bishop , I Lincoln. Nebraska. Applica. I tions will be received at any titn < : from this date and seed will be I sent in due time for planting tc the first enc thousand pupils whc apply. Each ) should be careful to write t \ Ie name ane : address full } ' and plainly , giving the rural route or treet number , where such apply , the schoo district l111\llber , the ago of thl p"pil , the gra < te in which class lfiec1 in school , and the county ir , . ' " . " O'lt : Spring" Offerine : - - , Going on the principle that the best wins , wo adhere o the po Hcy of olwoys giving the best possible yalne for the least money. 'rh,1ro's ( considerable satisfaction in a store where you know it's im- . 'possiblo for yon to make a inistake. You always hove the privilege of your-monoy back. ' 1 SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. Garden end Iflower Seeds in packages and bulk. Only the purest and freshest Iseeds kept in stock. 'tV e have the reliable , well-known Hice seeds of Cambridge , New York , also Crossman Bros. , " . of Rochester , N. Y. It is impossible to obtuill seeds that are purer or fresher than those grown . by these well-known n11d old established seedmon. Good vegetables and Hewers eon only be obtained - tained from g'ood , fresh and pure seeds. Agent. lor Broken Bow , : Mason City , Aurora and Oallaway flour. , J. c. ' BOWEN. . TNADI . North Sillo -1rC Old. IOcr "lnCK'or nRoKl N now. NlmR. . MARK - I I which the school is located. I Applications received too late to be lIlcluded in the contest witIl be returned to applicants. " _ A letter from Mr. lJ Bishop , dated March 20 , says : "To the first < ? ne hndred boys who apply , entenng eIther the corn or potato - tate contest , will be furnished free with a quantity of macroni wheatdurumfor tne wheat con- test. We hope a number of your boys may enter in time to get some of the seed wheat. T4ast year we had thirty-one boys from Custer couety in the cornc > 11- test. So far this year we h ve had only one registration from your county. " Those who enter either the corn or potato contest will receive sugar . . beet sced free if thev . mcn- . hon It. ' { 'he potato and sugar beet contests are open to girls as wel1 as boys. I--Iet our boys and girls make a good showing this year. H. M. PINCI Nlty , , County Supt. John Alexander Dowie Deposed. At 11 meeting of 5,000 of the Christian Catholic Church , at Zion City. Monday John Alexander - ander Dowie thc founder of the Chri tian Catholic Church was repudiated an Wilber Gene Volvia was elected in his staad. Mrs. Dowie and her son , Gladstone - stone , joined in the revolt and cast their' lot with the new leader. Mrs. Dowie- claims that her husband is insane. Dowie is denounced by his fol1owers for having wasted th ir money in extravgance. Dowie is in Mexico. As the title of most of the aeal estate ou which the various industries and homes are is in Dowi 's name the old apostle may give them a lively time before - fore they get possession of the prperty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Died. 'l'AYI.oN-at her home Monday - day , April 2 , at 5:30 : a. m. Mrs. Sarah Jane Hose Taylor , near Berwyn of hemorage of the brain. Age-58 years , 3 months and 23 days. rhe deceased wa\ ! born Dec. ( J. 1847. She was married to William Thos. 'raylor , February 6 , 1877. 'rhe deceased is a widow. Her husband was struck by lightning July 20 , 1885 causing instant death. ro this union was horn foul : children , three girls and one boy who with 5 grand children and four brothers are left to mourn : her death. Onl ) ' one of the ! brothers were able to attend the ) last sad rites-W , J. Hose , of ) ! \Iount Union , Iowa. ! The funeral was held in the I M. E. church of this city , l'1\es. day , April 3 , at 1 o'clock p. 111 , , The s rmon. was preached by 1 Rev. H. elhs. Her remains were laid to resl - I in the Broken Bow CemeterJ 1 Tuesday afternoon. Attention S. S. Superintendents. , It The Sunday school convention for Custer county will meet in' , , Broken Bow on the 15th and 16th. of May. Each school in the county is urged to send a delegate - gate ilnd as many others as can are requcsted to attend. A rc- port is also called for aud t least one dollar to meet the expenses - # penses of the county organization - tion which can be brought Qr sent to the secretary. Don't fail to be represented. The need is urgent , the .benefits to be derivc ( ' are great. , : ' , ' . . . . SADm E. WnhIU1ItA1) , Secr tary. , ' . At the Episcop J , Church. 'l'he Rt. Rev. Ansen It G'raves ; , D. D. . will make his annual visitation - ation next Sunda ) ; , April 8th to I St. John's Church. l'he Bishop will preach at both the morning and evenmg service. At the evening service Confirmation will . ' be administered. The public is cordially invitet } . " to attend. :1 : U. B. Church. " . Next Satruday and Sunday will occur the third quarterly m.eeting I for this conference year. ' .rhe quarterly conference will be held at Custer Center on Saturday at 2:30 : p. m. AU ofiicial members arc expected to be present and bring reports. ' { 'he' Presiding Elder , A. Boyd , will preach at Custer Center on Saturday evc- ning at 8 o'clock and Sunday morning at 11 :00. : On Sund y morning new members will be received - ceived into the church. I-Iet all who can , attend these services. . , L. L. E1'I.HV. . , " MArried " . V ANNICHl'JlOllASAt the" . residence of the brides Un'cle , .r Wesley 'J'homas , Wednesday ; ' April 3d , 1906 , George Vaunice and Miss Myrtie Thomas , R v.J. J.r Shank of Merna , officiating. ' . i' ' .rhe bride is the ijaughter : oF - ' E. L. Thomas. She is a lady of J' , f : refinment and tl ' : - : .enjoys e es'7 . teem of a large circle of fnemls , ' ' ' . 't 'l'he groom is a young m n CI1J.'t gaged in farming and is a ne ' . ' hew of W.1. . Vannice. lIe s' i" man of high moral character , " industrious and possesses the energy - - \ , ergy and intelhgance necessarY' for success. ' { 'he contracting parties were the recipients of a large number , of ornamental and useful pr s- - . euts. ' { 'he Hm'uCI.ICAN joins their man ) ' friends to extend conI - gratulations. . . - - - - - - Do not forget the date , Wcd . t1csday , April 18th. 43.44' Los'r-On March : - Saturday , 31st , 1 < )0(1 , between Broken Bm. . . and the Jackson Sc.hool house an . Automobile bag ; containtng . , smal1 pocket book , rings , Jetter , gloves and other articles. li'inder please leave at Republican otme and receive reward. Mus. A. H. lCWlI.r.IAMS