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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1906)
- CUSTfR COUNTY RPUBLlCAti [ - - - - - Dy D. M. AMSDERRY , nnormN DOW , . . NmrmASKA. l r ews Br j The United States fs Indlned to tnl\O the sltlo of l1'ra1lCo at. Algcclrnf ! , DiscrImination ngalnst. Amorlcan shipping wes rellortod fl'01l1 SlnglllJOre. " lIornco Tonnoy , the h08t Imown of the ploneor ] awrors and odltors of WIsconsin , hns jUBt 111011 nt. Mnlllson. On Mnrch 31 the bnntln ] [ ; firm of I Dnrlng , 1\fuoun \ ! & Co. of No , 10 Wall I.Itroot , Now Yorlc , will' ho dlssovcd. ] , Thomas Doring will , on thnt dote , re , tlro from ncUvo bll81no148 , Aohlllo .1. Olshol , n Now Yore ] Inw yor who was horn In Huly nnd was f formerly the 1\Inrqllis do Sallvln , suya ho would "rnther ho an Amerlcun ciU. . . . zen than nny sort. of a morluls. " The forolgn office at Vienna was In ' 'I ( ormod of the npl10lntmont or Charles ' H. l1'rnncls to ho lho Amorlcan nm. b tssador at. "Ienno , It. Is understood I that. 1'111' Francis Is accel1tahlo to Aus. ' , tria. Chnrles Hess , a reUred hardwar ( ' I I denier of Ml\wallleoe \ , wns arrested / charged with stealing$2GOOO worlh of , I 'gas In lho pnst. seven 'enrs h ' tal' ( I ping the ! lIIIwaulCCQ Gas 1.lght comI I pan "s mains. iI I i I The nowest. star. } ' Is thnt Theodore I I P. Shont.s. prosldent 01' lho Clover I ! . Lea ( rallwa ) ' nnd cholrman of the Isth-I , mlan canal commission , Is to bo secreI I If tar ' of war when Taft Is transferred . I to the 8U11romo bench. I. I.I I Irofessor Jnmes Mills Peirce , the ! oldest memher of the 1I1\r'-nrd faculty , II In point. of servlco anll ono of the best ] mown mathematicians In the United Stntes , died of pneumonia at his home : In Cambrldgo , ill ass. President. Lllllnn'Y'cmrr ] Johnson , of the Ohio , Weslern College for ' \Vomen announcel1 thnt. Anllrow Car- noglo hnd olfered $50,000 to compete ] tllO $260,000 ondowmont. CUI\\ \ now be- I lng ralsell by the college , , , I Ll utennnt. Dennis P. Quinlan , l1'trth ' , cnvary ] , has been rellovod from duty 'I at. the Oregon ngrlcultural college "on account. of the falluro of the col1oglnto authorities to support him In his of- . torts to maintain dlsclpllno , " I The court. of I ppon ] at. St. Petors. . ; burg has sentenced 1\1. Notovltch , for. mery ] editor of the .Jewlsh pnller No vostl , t.o hnIlrlsonment. for one yenr In a fortress for the publication of nr. i tlcJes ngnlnst. the emperor nnll pnrty. I A section of the press of St. Pelers. I 1mrg Is continuing nttncles upon the proposition of Dnron Lolcq do Lobel , relrOsenting the Amerlcnn 'I'mns.Ans- ] ] mp.Slborlnn company for the can- structlon of a tunnel under Dering A strait. : Another contrlhutlbn ot $20,000 cnmo to t.ho slalo dOlmrlmont through the Red Croes socloty , from the Chrlstllm Hernd ] of New Yorc ] , on nccount. of 'tho fnmlno fund. 'l'hls mnlccs , the totnl collections from al1 sources $120,000. Colonel Wlllinm Elliot. of Deaufort , e. C. , formory ] a 1' llresentntlvo In congress - gress from that. stnto , haa been np. pointed by Secretary 'I'art to bo a com. mlsslonor to mnrle the graves of the confederate sodlors ] who died In northern - orn prisons. The president. hns Invited near All. tnlrnl WIlliam II. Drownson , commnnd- Ing t o lOOurth division of the Atlantic , fleet. , to succeed nenr Admiral O. A. Converse ns chlof of the burol\.u of navlgntlon when the ] attor rotlros forage ago on 1\Iny 13 , A bulletin Issued by the census bu- roo.u shows the compete ] crop of cot- . .ton for 1906 , Inchll1ng ! lIntors and , counting round bnes ] liS hnlf bnlos , to , . : bo 10,697,013 bales , compared with 1:1" : ,607310 , ; baoR ] for 190,1 , and 10,016,721 bo.os ] for 190:1. : ' I President. Uoosevet. ] l.s been op- pened ] to to wlthhod ] the doportatlon , of , Mlchaol Norwna ] l\lIIlOarsey ] ] nnd I Follx Kosovltch , doserturs from the 'Russlnn nnvy , who nrrlvell In San j ! IFranclsco on Janunr ) ' 14 on the French t' ' steamer Admlra ] D\lpreo. . It. Is atatcd that. Wndorf ] Astor will lu Imnry Mrs. Nnnnio LanJhorno Shaw .r.1 Int the end of Avril In Virginia , and J. . , that. t.hoy wIll resldo 1\1 Cllveden , the ' Thames reshlenco of William Wnldorf \1 \ Astor , which will ho the wedding gift. r'1 'trom 1\11' . Astor , who Will , also hestow , upon his son an Income of $100,000 yeo.ry. ] According to Superlntondent. Snmuel 1 , , And rows. of the Plttshurg schools , tllCro are 200 pupils In these schools t who st.utter. The board of educntlon hns just. ompoyed ] a Chlcngo specialist. In stuttorlng , who ngrees to cure thom . of the afllletion. 110 wnll start. In on his duties 1\Ionda ) . . In adMtl011 to the 200 st.utterers In the schools SuperIn- tendent. Andrews sa's that. there are tully 100 others who are lO)1t ) out by tholr parents hocauso of tholr afillc- tlon. tlon.Lonl Lonl Curzon of Kedeston ] will bo the guest of honor of the Pilgrims at. a banquet at the Savoy hoto ] on A'prll 6th. I Great hattleshlps 11I(0 the 18,000 ton IJllttleshlp Drendnaught 0.1'0 ' the cr'lng n eds of the American nav ) ' , according to Admlro ] Dowuy. Nineteen personR porlshed In a tel'- rUle norther which swel1t. the coast of Vera Cruz. Sonar Waler.Martinez , the Chlle n minister , has by dlroctlon of his gov. ernmont Invited Secretary no at. to visit ! Valparaiso on bls coming trl11 to the .RIo onferonco. , ' \ " , . - . . , . . ' ' . , . . . ( . . . Horrors of Colorado Railroad Disaster and , Map Showing Where Accident Happened ! i\t.O . - , VINES MAKE PORCH A DOWER. ! Eas to Have Veranda a Cool and Beautiful Retreat. Every possessor of a house with a porch , whotber In clt ) ' , suburb or coun- lry , should reallzo the opportunity he hus , with the hop ] of nature , to mal\O It. a delicious am ] beautlfu ] , coo ] , b'Teen , shady retreat. In summer. In wlnt.or It. matters 1Itt10 whnt. It. Is. Vines will transform nn ) ' porch Into a bower. To have vigorous vlnes plenly of rich soli Is needed , ntll It Is best. to Insure thlH 11) ' adding } llenty of cow manure or bono 1110al to mateo It. rich , Good d1'lllnagc , as In any flower gnrden , Is also eMenlial. In the woods mnn ) ' wild vines mny bo found. There nro the Dutchman's pipe , the wild grnpe , the moon seed vine , the trumlwt. vine nnd others. The wild gmpo vlno Is oSlleclnlly useful - ful and easily oblnlned. ItR luxuriant. follnge , I'IlIld growlh nnd delightful fragrance maeo It. uEeful for summer houses and 81mllnr structures. The trumpet. vine with Its cnret ] OI'nngo flowers Is ver ) ' ensll ) ' grown , not. at. nil sensilivo lo rough tI'eatment. It. Is foVnd In many pnrts of the country wild. These vines mIL ) ' aIr bo obtained - tained also from de'nlers. The 8l11e vlno Is very fine , with dnrle green , ] uxurlant follngo of neat. habit. It. belongs to the milk weed fnmlly of 11nnts ] and dorlves Its nnme from the sllley contents of Its' seed pods , It. Is excellent. for the verandn and Is used to cover man ' famous old ruins. A number of the cematlsps ] 0.1'0 well worthy of a pnce ] on the most bcuull. ful verandns , especlnlly the fiowerlng varieties such ns Clomntls Jncemnnnl ] , which has 1)\11'110 ] flowers , nnd Clo. matls Henryl , which hns neat whllo flowers , hath producln a mnss of rich colol' when In bOOIll ] , Pleasant Life on Mars. These weary of the world might flnd It pensnntor ] on 1\In1's , Cnmlle ! 1l'Iammarion dolalls many advnntages In favor of 1\Inrtlnns. The ) ' at. ] easl can always tell with al1uost. absolute cortnlnt ) ' what. sort of weathcr Is to bo their portion no lefts thntl two wee ] ( In advnnco. Desillos this the ) ' thomseve8 ] are oxtromey ] clevlr an ( ] might furnlsh.nmusomont for the hnsC ] of earth , Th ( ) ) ' nro supposed to be 80veral millIons of 'enrs nhend of the earth dwellers , an Inlolloctun ] uce fal suporlor to our own , as nstronomlcal o\taervatlons Increnslngy ] tend to In. lUcnto. The ) ' 0.1'0 nso In a better posl tlon than wo to free thomseh'os fron : the heaviness of mnttor , slnco the wf lgh Joss. Tholl' ' . ' > ) 'oars 0.1'0 twlco n ! leng as these on earth , And their cll matlo conditions are alwn's 111 are nireeabo ] than ours. . EaGY Farming In Panama. In spentng ] ! of Pnnnma , Dlllw'nr M. Hazott. ] wrltos : "An ) ' ono who If willing to wore can get. rich In the 1'0 public of Pannmn. It. costs 10 centl bunch to ralso hannnas and there II always a sno for them at. 30 cents r bunch. 'l'hreo crops of corn cnn b. ralsod II. ) 'ear , nnd no cuJth'ation Is rlj qulrod , A mnn walles along nnd drotl1 the corn fn the foot prints ho mnlee : and a nntlvo tollows and cov rs 1114 corn wIth his big too. Thnt Is a ] there Is to do unU ] It Is tlmo to gathol fl" , . An operator , S. F. Lively , who had worked for seventy.two consecutive hours without rest Is responsible for the wreck en the Denver and Rio Grande railroad , twenty.flve miles west of Pueblo , Colo. , at 2:20 : o'clock on the morning of March 16 , In which twenty.two of the passengers were crushed or burned to death. - . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - ' - . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . . . . - - - . . NEWSPAPERS AND THE PUBLIC. Journals an InteDral Part of the Economic - nomic Conditions. Nlwspapers grow better In their cho.ractlr ! and their Inlluenco. This fact may Intey ] hnvo been obscured by hl' : umoullt of criticism , most of it ' just , Ihat has been pnssed upon cer- 'taln ovlls In the Ilress. Papers are proper sUbjecls of crIticIsm , lIIw gns compnnles , Insurnllce compnnles , politics - tics , or oil' ' trusls , and wo have been among thosc t bo ns franle about. our own profosslon us about. any other. The truUIremnlns that the Amerlcm newspapers to.dnr have more powcr and U130 for better ends thnn nt. any previous time. 'fhp permanence and reality of this gain depend on u ! : ! , The neWSImpers Influcnco us , nnd we also Influence them , 'fhey are the very nil' which every da ) ' we tnee ] Into our a ' ! "tems " , hut nlso they 0.1'0 a product of ourselves. Thuy will grow bett ( > r If wo grow belter , Money will tempt them Jess If It becomes less of a power - er with all of us. Success w111 .be Jess oxcuslvey ] ] their atandard If wo aJ ] are guided by a brighter star. Wo nre tn'lng to mate political standards nobler.Vo are tr'lng to remove corruption - ruption from the great. business entor- press thnt. effect the welfare of us aJ ] . At present. the wave of exposure seems to accompnnr a genuine moral uplift. If It Is real , If the whoo ] tone of our socloty Is helng raised , then this belief In better newspapers will bo justified. If there Is no genulno Im- provement. In our henrts , If the outbreak - break of exposure Is enl ) ' an epidemic , then , of course , this apparent. slop for- wnrd of the press will prove IIhtslve nlso.Ve are glnd to be among these who bellevo 'In Its reallty.-Colller's Weed ] ' . ADDRESSED THEM IN ENGLISH. . " - How Congressman Bede Won Over Scandinavian Audience. Congressman Dedo of 1\1lnnesot:1. still 1001es bace ] with horror to nn ox- perlenco ho hnd wl h a Scandinavian audience In his stale last campaign. It was up In the plno woods and the other orator of the evening was a stnlwart. Norseman who was to spea . In his native tongue. This man failed to arrlvo nnd the commltteoman aseod ] Dede : "Do you speale Norwegian stili ? " Dedo unthinkingly replied In 'tho affirmatlvo , though ho ] mew only a few pbrnses , Whep. ho fnced the audlenco of nbout. 200 big bue-eyed ] chnps of the 010 and Nos ] cUS ! ! ho de- tormlned to get out of the difficult ) ' ns best ho could , so he said : "As many of ) 'OU as cannot ttnderstnlld English Bland up. " All were I\shnmed to mne sucb an nclmowedgment. ] amI not a mnn moved. "All right. , my fl'lends , " said Dedo , "as It malees mo honrso lo taJc ] Norweglnn for any lenglh of time I'll just address YOIl In English , which ) 'oh all ] mow anll will appreclnle ns well.-Chlcago , Chron. Ice- ] ; Wood as a Food. The hUll10rlsts 111'0 right. nnd the nowost. brcalefnst. food Is Indcod wood , IHire nnd 81111llle , An Inmnto of an I I ngllsh worlehouso has lnl\OlI to can , I sumlng wool ( ns food , nnd the orudlte English )1h ) 'slclons obsCl'vo thnt there la really no reason wh ) ' , If the neces , slty should 1lI'lso , wood should not be ompo'ed ] ns a regunr ] source of food , slnco It consists chlefiy of ( 'ellunr ] flbor , which , with sultnbo ] chomlcal treatment , mny bo converted Inte sugar , Dut unprepnred wood cnn hnve no'vauo ] ns (0011 for the human orgnn. . Ism , Inasmuch as the dlgostlvo julcm 0.1'0 . not able to de a ] with It. A cerlnll1 amount. of woody fiber Is thought tc bo digested b ) ' the horse , by reaSOlI I of the )1rescnce ) of a 110cullnr digestive , secI'otion 111 his dlgostlvo cnnal whlel1 I 1'3 able to convert celluar ] tlssuo Inte - sugnr. In the same wny wornoul shirts and collars could bo converlel Into ( ood. Good Points of Jersey Cow. The Jersey cow Is a small animal 1\nd therefore her mo.lntenanco ratlOl . Is small , whllo a relntlvoy ] ] nrgo par' ' ot her food goes to Ilrol1t. She Is I porslstent ml11eor , utton a porpetua 11111I\01' , nnd ol'lllnorllr not. dry mol' . than six or clgbt weoes In a year. SIll " ' has (1.11 oxtromey ] long )1erlod ) of use funQ.Js ] In the dairy. FIve ) 'ears cov ers the profitabo ] worle of the average cow. The fifteen ) 'enr8 old 1\Iany nro profitabo ] when elghteon tl twentr-ono years of oge.-Farmol' to l\Inrc . . . . . . . - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . - - . . . . . - . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . STUDIES OLD TURQUOISE MINES , Prof. Petrie Carrying On Work of Great Interest. The goddess of turquolso and the turquolso mines 111 old Arabia are the things. Prof. Petrie , the English arcbaeologlst , has been studying. As 11. member of II. sclentlflc exploring party ho spent. severa ] months among the mountain ranges of the Sinal dis- trict. of old Arabia , on a stretch of levo ] ground some 2,300 feet. nbovo sell. . ] evel. There the ) ' pitched theIr tents , nccompanled by thirty woremen and the natlvo chief of the distrIct. At. the top ] evel8 was' the sandstone , In which were cave'rns woreed ] by parties of ancient. Egyptlnns for turquoise. Sarno tnblets still romalnlng showed that. these parties were carefuJy ] su- lected and onrrled on their ] o.bors srstematlcally. : Here , In this desert roglon , to which supplies of food and water had to be brought. from 11. long dlstanco , the men mined In companies of 500 or GOO. The usual tlmo for the senrch was from December to 1\1arch. One oxpedltlon had conveyed to It.I I dally something like fl."e tons of food. The cnverns them solves were examples - ples of patient Industry. The fnmous tempe ] of the goddess of turquolso to whom the workers did homage , was 250 feot. long and contained . a range of ehambers or courts , From ono of the tablets 1t. appeared that a certain expedition went. 01\t of the recognized season. Dut Its labors were success. ful and were therefore duly acmowl. ] edged with great gratitude to the patron - ron goddess. Of the anclont Inserlp- tlons 250 have b en copied , They have an Importnnt bearIng on the age of the turquoise expeditions , long before the birth of Chrlst , at : ! well as on the Semitic - mitic form of worship In vogue before the establlshmont of Judaism. RUSSIAN SEER"ESS IN TROUBLE. - - - - \\\\\\\\\\\1 \ \ \ V 111111/l11' / Agafya Pastukhln. Agnf'a Prutuldtln , a gyps ' proph- otest : ! of nnssla , wns recently son. tenced lo twenty ) 'enrs' Imprisonment for predicting that the Czar would como to \'Iolent. end , The seeress was milch heovell ] by the peasantry of Khal'ehoffV1O ] ] have pelllioned for her release. Brain Must Be Kept Active. Just. as wo use 0111' muscles If wo wish to retain their stronglh , so II1co- wlso I11I1St. bo continuo to use the brain In order to lrese1'\'O It In worlng ] or- dol' . Use , brings blood to the organ , nud so Its nutrition Is ] ( Opt. up and Its henlth ) ' state Is retained. As a 1'0- I- SIlIt of this It mar bo said that , as II. - rule , professional men , or jUdges , or ] eglsntorM ] , whoso minds are contlnu. 1111) ' active , IIvo longer than these who rotlt's from business at an enry ] agc and have no occupation to om1'loy their ] elsurl' , - SUNFLOWER PHILOSOPHY. If you Insist upon being n Nemesis , Join t.ho union nnd don't. worc over. tlmo , It. Is alwnys n geol ! Idea to leeel ) bnnanas In the hOllso for the chlldron , When unexpected company com os. . they can bo sliced up for dessert. I It. cannot bo snh ] that a )1rel1cl1or ) Is I ! 1 gowlng ] sllccess nnless there Is lllile : It. sarno tlmo during his I\.storato ) [ of lho nced of 11 lI\rger church building. 'fho trouble Is that the women who , IIvo lu n smnll town and "plcle" on ' , the bl cIty nellr hy 111'0 not the on08 ! . who have the mOlle ) ' to apend on shop. pillg. The oldest sister who Is mnrrlod I \11\1 gOllo Is alwllYs 11Iuch disgusted when the ) 'OllUgost sister talces the aI1mo slel1 aud no ono Is loft to stny with the parell lB. If ) ' 011 wnnt. a gllcst's visit. to he cut. short before the wocomo Is thrend- bare , IJ1\t hl1I to sleell with a ho ' of rOllr or five. A gllest. who wll11et. him- 3eIr bo Illcleed ] ougor Ulan two nights has a lo\'o lor children that Is hope- ' , l\Ss.-Atchlson , Knn" Globe. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR. - - Chlhlron will no\'er disobey you If rou novel' glvo thom any orders , A mnn wend ] JIQ ) to go to business ! arly Ir It causoII scanllal In tit 0 : : hurch. Ir mone ) ' C Otl hI stlce ] to ono's des- : : endnnts the wny red . : halr docs , 9vor 'bod ) ' wend ] bo rich , When a mnn walccs np Ulleen mln- .1tes before It. Is limo to get. up ho awears ho never slept. n win ] , all night. GoneraJl ' 'ou can tell when a wom- : \n Is a mother by the way she doesn't thlnl ; : any chlldron she meets are pret.t-Now Yore ] Press. Two swelled heads are not better than one. Don't. lese your head If ambItious to got. ahead. No , Aonzo ] , 11. woman Isn't necessarIly - Ily an artist. because she paints. With some men an emergency Is but ! lnother name for an opportunlt ) ' . ' Steadying the Mind. The mind of most. of us wnnts steadying many times a day. It. Is II1w a compass on 11. rlcleety table : the least. stir mnlees the needle swing round and vont. ] wrongly. 13ut give It 11. moment to setUe-then It points true. 'I'here Is almost. divine virtue In sllonce. Drop 'tho thing that. worries you , the annoyance which InUames your temper. Profanity as a Curative. The theory Is now being advanced ! by 11. continental doctor that the fact that. ladles are not allowed to swear is responslble for 11. vast ri ajorlty of the attacles of nerves from which the gen- I Uo sex surfers , nnd It. Is snggested that expletives should bo taught. at every glrs' ] Ephool.-London Puncn. Made Rope In Christ's Time. Although the name of the first. rope , mnlccr nnd thnt of the land-In which I ho practiced his art. have both been lost to history , Egyptian sculptures prove tbat. the art wns practlcod nt least 2,000 years before the time of ChrllJt. Extraordinary Extremities , P\Ster ] : cnsts of a girl's reet sixteen - teen Inches In length wore shown at the ] ast meotlng of the urrey branch of the Incorporated Medical Practi- tioners' association at Croydon , Eng. ] o.nd. The girl Is slxteen yenrs of age. Seelno America. Th Passenger Department. of the Chicago & North-Weste\"l1 nail way an. nounces that as a menns of Incren.clng the efficiency of tll.o "Seeing America FIrst" movement , round trip tlceets ] will be sold over that. IIno to all Pacific - cific Coast. points , good on thtlr fast limited trains , al the rate of $75.00 from Chicago , dally Juno 1st. to Sept. 15th , Every facility Is being pro\'lded for In the wny of stopovers and other can. venlences , and the tourist. mo\'ement to the Pacltlc canst , for the coming season promises to show un Increase of many thousnnd people over that of nny season o\'er Imown. THOUGHTS BY THE WAY. An ' man with nothing to do hns a hard job. Ho who novel' tumhles Isn't much of 11. traveler. 1\Ionoy furnishes a house , but. It. talccs love to fU\"l1lsh II. homo , An ounce of honest. criticism Is worth more than \1ound \ of flattery. Nlnotonths of what. the average man lel10ws Is of no earthly use to hIm. hIm.Don't Don't talw slocle In anrthlng that doesn't. pay a fair and honet. dlvl. dend , l1'orglvlng ' without. forgetting Is a good den ] JIIw giving a receipt. for money without signing jour name to it. Many a mnn who thln1es ho Is mnr- ryln nn angel mn ) ' find out. that she Is equlpl1ed with II. pall' of asbestos wings a few months ] aler. Uncle Allen. "I've noticed , " romnrccd ] Uncle AI. ] en Spnrlls. "thnt. the mnn who Is n ] . \Vn 's hunting for trouble Unda It sante day where ho Isn't loolelng for It ( " Dad rondlng malees hnll thlnlelng , and there Is I11ncll or IJOt/l / , What n persou Is rending Is the host Index to his charncter. , Travel brondol1s the minds of some , nctors-aml the feet of some others. Amherst COllege has the largest 1'0' fractlng tee8col10 ] 111 Now Engand. ] . - - - $100 Reward , $100. The readefl of thl , rarer will be pleated to luf'b &hat lbere II at leau one drud d dllea e thallclenc& bat been able to care In all III uagel , and tbat I' Catlrrb , lilli" C'llrrh Cure II the oalT pOIIU'I'B cure 11019' kaown to the medical frl&lornUT. CAlarrb t bOln , a oonalll1ll\ollal \ dl.ol.e , require. a olln.lllu _ ,41 ie ) . lion II trealmcnt. lIal1' , Calarrh Cure II taken In. I . . . ternallT , aclinIC dlreclIT upon the blood and mucIHle .urtacel ot tbo ' 1Itero. therobT dellr011ng Iho toundallon of tbo dleeale , aM 1:1'I'lng lhe pIUen .trenllth bT bUUdlng up lho connllullon nn.la18I'1- 11111 IIllura In doing III worlc. The proprlotofl ha'l'G- .0 muoh taUh In 11.1 curall'l'o powers that theT oll'or Ono lIunlred , DoUari for anT CAIO lhat It hila t cure , Bend tor llet of tc"lmonlllll , . Ad < 1rell f' . J , ClmNI Y " CO" Tolcdo , O. 80ld by all ! lrUIIIIIII 750. Take nail' , Family 111111 tor oonaUraUon. . . A womnn opens a tMcgrnm much ns a chillI open8 a , Trust to Nature. A great many Amorlcans both men - . . , . , h. , . ' \ 0.1'0 thill , } lalo ulla puny , with r. ! " . ' 11001' clrcl1 atton , beenuso they ha\'o ill- treated theh' st01111\chs by hasty cattnlr 01' too much catlng , by consuming nlco- hello bo\"orllgos , or by too close eonfino- ment to hOIllO , onIco 01' factor ) ' , nu In eon- sequcnco tJIU stomach must bo treate In n lIatnral way boCoro they call rectify their earllel' mistakes. 'fho muscles In many such pC01110 , In fact in every weary thin an thln.blooded person , do their worle wIth gront dl lculty. As a result. ( atlgue comes early , is extreme nnd lasts. 10:1g. The demand for nutrltlvo ahl Is nhea(1 of the sUPI > ] ) ' . To insure perfect. bealth every tissue bono , nerve and muscle should talto trom the hlooll certaIn - taIn materials nnd return to it certaIn. others. It is necessary to prepare thl ) .1. , stoma h for the worle of takIng up from the food what Is necessary to maleo good , rich , re blood , \Vo must go to Naturl ) ' for the remedy. 'fhero were cortnln. " I' ' , II- roots ] mowlI to' ' the 111111ans of this country boCoro the advent of the , vhites which later eamo to the knowledge or the settlers nn whIch are 1I0W growing rapidly In profosslonal favor for the curl ) or obstinate stomach and liver troubles. Thcso are foul1l1 to be sato an yet certain - tain in their cleansing and invigorating effect upon the stomach , li\'er nll blood. These are : Golden Seal root , Queen's root , Stone root , Bloodroot , Mandrakl ) root. Then there ill Dlack Chol'rybarle. ' 1'ho modlclnal principles residIng In theso- native roots when extracted with Iyc- orlno as n solvent make the most 1'elll1blo- and cmclcnt stomach tonlo 11nd li\'er invigorator - vigorator , when comblne In just th ! ) right proportlonll. as in Dr. Pierco's Golden Modlcal DIscovery. Where ther ! ) s banlerupt vitullty - such as nervous exhaustion , bad nutrition - and thin blood , the bod- Acquires "Igor un the nerves blood an all the tissues feql tho- favorable effect of thill sovereign remedy. Although some ph'slclans have been aware of the hIgh medicinal vuluo of tho- aoo"o mentioned 'plants , yet few havo- - used pure glycerIne 118 n. solvent nnd usually the doctors' prescriptions called for the ingredients In vur 'ing amounts with alcohol. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is 0. . scientific preparation compounded of tho- glyceric extl"acts of the above montloned vegetable ingrodlonts and contaIns no alcohol or harmful habit-forming drugs. CURES CONSTIPATION . Relief that comes from the USe of t pills or other cathartics is better j ( than suffering from the results of c nstipation , but relief and curl ) . I } , combined may be had at the same W " price and more promptly , for I , Lane's Family I ! : is n t nd the _ headache , backache , sideaehe and 't general debility that como from constipation stop when the bowels . ; do their proper w.ork. ,4 Sold by all dc " , . . "sc. nnd soc. " > in the back , hips , legs , . . . . . etc. , the headaches , waist and , side pains , falling feelings , nervousness , irregular - regular periods and other suffering can be relieved'f ' . , ' or cured , as were those I of Mrs. Lucy Rowe , of ; Gifford , ill. , by taking W E , CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEf She writes : I'For 4 years I suf- t fered terrible pains in my side , 1 from female trouble. Wine of Cardui cured them. They were better before I finished one bottle. The doctor wanted to operate on me , but I took Cardui instead , and , now I am nearly well. " J Cardui is a cure for disorders - . orders of the womanly func- tions. Try it. At all Dru lsts , $ OO I in Western Canada Is the amount many' farmers wi II realize fro m their wheat cropthlsyear. ' 1 25 Bushels to the Acre Will bo the Average Ylold of Whoat. ' .j , . ' The land tbM this wns crown on cost many of tbo fnrmers nb olutely nothtng. wbllo those . who wished to ndd to the 100 neres tbo Govern. ment crnnts , enn buy lnnd adjoining nt trom.6 to $10 nn acre , Cllmnto splendid , scbool convenient , rnl1wnys : Ioso nt hand , taxes lo\v. Send tor pamphlet " 20th Century Canadn" nnd full particulars rClCardlng rate , etc. , to Superlntendcnt at Immlgrntlon , , Ottawa. : : nnalla , or to tbo tollowlng nutho , , zell < : nnadlnn Government . \cent.-'V. V. IJen"ett , \OI \ ! New Yorle I.lto lIul1dlng , Omann , NebrnskB. ,1 ( Mention thts vapor , ) , . .