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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1906)
" . . . _ 1 . , + .U"- cU" ' ' ' ' . . ' " . . _ - , . . - . . . " - . . . . . - . & . . . - _ . . . . , ' - ' ' ' - . . BOW , NICn. L'"coln , UIH'cr. O.ul..l. lIelc" " . UII" . CblcIIUCJ. . . \ Ju..e.1h. "urtlll..d. IC.'H cn , . . , Hnll Lnhc , Clh . . . . , , . .CIH" " tn. 1. " " ( ' " A lid .II . AU l'ul. . " . 'td" ' hrad 4111-0Iul , " 'fI" . . . . . .u , . 'V-\ ' , No , IJV. . , . It.aJd Url'r , ' ' 11\1 \ , . Llneoln. Oml . . , .J"ffll : .1 LnnH , III . h. . I " 1 l\Ilhf ' .0. . . . . , , , , IIIul'"M Wlf' f"lIlh . .104'1,10 ' n . . : ,1"1' IIrl , I A.flr ) . II..V\'IIU8 , UI"tll I. h " . 'II"'r" . floo.t' r'1. o. . . ' ' ' ' 'I' ' 1,1 ( IhO U AI HI. . . . . . . . . . 9:5 : , ; I. " ' Joou. 11Hlhlllltd OI\AIII&111. , Ituh " " . till" Uf' , II..U. ! . P rII n,1 1\1\(1 ( 1\11 hllllk " 1' " I"IH. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . C5)1I11 : > i" H rrlvt. ( ' 010 lit. . Clt \ , , ' . . . . . .2 . , .0. II' 1t"1 ! II " .111111" und rodll1lnl ( thlll" . . , . . " ' " , , , . .old Ind h I' /r"1 " " ' HI'uJh : train' Tlcke. R"I' " -hl'l"rt " In ! I11 olnllu Ih tTnltfd : llah.l at6n ' , ID. 11lorwaUon. ma , IImu tahl11..1111 ue ol' ( toll " 'J . , . .eU' , I" U. J. . Oemlhv.1"11' \ . " , 1. . W1Ldo7. . 0 , 1" A. , nrn hv , oJbralllla. , R. L. O"V R . JJ , " .or . . . . . . . -0 _ _ _ _ _ ' _ " ' ! ! ! ! ! M---- Bang ? ' S t u i 0 , II lV\rdcd I1r8t prlle Gold Medal clan IJ. . elralkl1'1I1110llraphQe' A o' 11tlon ; 1'1 Sew : 101 plllun : frame JIlvuldh1lll. loramemade tv onter. tdl ( ) u IJhonlrapbs nud Hecor. ! . , ; o.11cl1lne suld 011 In"allmenl pIau , l egistercd O. 1. C. Hogs r-OR SALE - . . . - . - CIIAS. T WRIGHT , Dro.hll Bow. b' c.h'.ce ! , ubt ! . ' " ShOIJ Fu : first.cla s work. can at the Pabcl 1I1Thcr : Shop. Enrythiug : : , LEO DEAN , Proprietor. I . SUt N tl\M/iltO ) / : , ll L'IY _ 0t'iIJcel1 F . . . .1' I.AW , .t lJtI.I. uld Ii. n tlltr Itluc . Uw"unkIw. / . tieb . 11 eUNHA , ( ) . : . . . . . . { ) " ' .Icr In. . . . , , : l'aUlI"Y11 : . 1\l1 . Trot'E'llIlnl(4 ' , Oneo lc. .y- UoI:1. ! : b , IIle. CIC. < 111011'1)11 lIow. N\lt.U lr.b. , , ' < , S.M , DOHHIB , 1.BJltintGr..t.mnt1 . . A\"I''I or " , urIc In oar liDO donu s > rompU : "I..J.'I Q , . I'I' " orll , . , rUelt Bllol' on th , lorn. . , 1"tllI 1I801 Lbt ! " 'IU rtl. , 4H"I lh" . . Ti-tolAI . 1Iro\oI" lIolv. . _ . - - NclJrluka . - - - FRANSE MOORJ. } , ' " ' : . y' ml ' 1 .n ID PIDp Hi " T , I b "kti . .nrlb . tit Uan , ' Otr.Ir 1 UO\61. fa i. : . . .u. . , . . , IIrhl'iI , l'Ii"iJ rllUfJUoible , . . . . - - - - , H IL14SlDE HE1 FORD3 ' anti lIncOI Jl\cttll1Dto : bnd IUId lold. It'i\ . . : . ii7' olt ! , 11.1" . . , ddfl'II. , n. H , OAUWCLL. : i : l'roll11Ov. . Nebflillu. l f ' D it , { ) . I. , at UJ.1.KN5. ; . Physician Surgeoll. . : :011.lrW"I' Crorn11'1 CDlt lu lI"a117 IIlro. nphlnhctl. 3r.1 " ' 0.1I R , I'hnroh. 011 IIlImu . , J , IIr .t.'t. 1 : < < r"lIrokeD UIIIY. elraul : t . . . , - - - - - ' . D I t : . It U , & W. IC'l' A I OT 1' > . { . J'HYSIGIANS . SUGEO } S. t , Ol:1c 0" ' ' ' ' 11"'rl" ' , , OrllIJloro. : . \ . nltlkfn IIIIY. ' , , - 1'US"I . - - - / J J. tNYDItH ; , : AHol'll Y and Counsellor al Law , i l'c 1 Ica : ; ,1111 nn Idllils of ) ! I\'Crllll1t'1 " cla III/I , 1\1\,111 , gC1Icrall\\ : ' pnicllcl" ( I ' ; " . fiCl" 1101111I. . 0\ \ 1\1111 5 RaW < ; ll1 Blork we / , iII' , I'rllk lIl..k , II Iochrar.kll \ . , I . DJ. : . C. B. JOB , , v " ) , llhB D D mrnJ30D. \ . Ofi cc nnlIt.stlll'nee one block Routh , f' . R'crsol1 & Georgc's stOtC , , ' . . , DH. W. HAXH..g. r. Vt ltcrin Hian. " Oil-castf : 1111 th IO't\c'l animal ! ' lIel . cd Officcat tcc HI'I.9. dlug store , , - 'Phone 203 , lIroken ONeb. . , I ROSS G. , tOORE , . .Attf.lll1e\ \ . , W. Ji , ' " b. .lt " , . .II" " lr. , h : ' , clm. . in . . . . . . . . " " n.I. . . t.I , : . . I . A. AR 10U H , r\Uorncy Jt Law , \ Droltcn row. t o'r. . l1.I\'it\ \ .i..I"t h.I,1 eighl YC1 ; . . , " ' 'al I-qwrll"h' : " . . . . Cou , , , ' ! ' . . will iv , ' ; II..dal a HI ; " " . , ; , ' IlrnwillU' illUI prol Hng' oC wm null I h alltt inist ' . . ' . " "I II Cl'b' ed tltJlI tJt t..l'tllt. : " " p son and minors. Write or pho : lUH\ ) ' save ) 'ou a trip. . . . . , . . . \ - " . . ' " - " . -u.o . . . ; ; : : : . . : . ; : . . . I Who I. Je.u.7 I tX. " . 1..1 relll ) ' 10 HeY. UarmulJ , COlJllnued , frum I. " 1Tel'k , ) 1I'l'he appl'al mU1t be to the onpcltorj' : and not to any fixed lip darlc age 5torj' . " Now wc shall qt1ot the exact word1 ! of the gospel stor ) ' 85 gi\'cn b } ' Matt. 1:18-23 : and if he docs not accept it will he be so kind as to tell us the definite principles according - cording to which he seperatcd the true from the fals ! ' . , g'ing us the rea sun h.e rejects or retain ! ; an ) ' part of it. 'l'be account is as follows : "Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wIse , 'When as his motber , : Mary , . "vas espoused to Joseph before .t'hey I came together she was f ( ) nd with child 01 the Holy Ghost.f 'l'hen Josepb , her husband , ( or affianced husband , as the Greek Emphatic Diaglott translatcs it ) being a just man and not willing to make her a public example , was minded to p1.\t her away pri- vily , but while he thought on . these things behold tbe angcl''of . the Lord appeared unto him in a i dream saving , "Joseph , tbou son of Da'id ; fear not to take unto thee : i\lr.ry , thy wife , or affianced wifel Greek Diaglott , ) or tnat which is conce'ed in her i of the Holy Gbost ( or according .to thc Greek Diag-lou ior that ueing formed 111 11tt i5 by t he Holy Spirit , ) atHl she sball bring forth ; a son nnd thou shaH call hiS name JESUS for he shall save his people from their sins. " Now all this was done tbat it might 'be fulfilled which was spol en of t e Lord by the prophet , saying : 'Behold a virgin shall be wi th child and shall bring forth a son and tbcy shaH caH his name Em- manuelr which being interpeted is "God wlth us. " Then Joseph being raised from sl.cp did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him and took unto him Ius wife and knew her not till she had brought forth her J rst born son and he called his name Jesus. 700 "ears bcfore this child was born , t was forctold his mother should be \'irgin. . ow the Jews still hold to the l l Tcst.ament and this prophecy IS in thclr book , althouf.dl thc\ " reject Jcsus. .All of Mr. His low ridiculc counts for nothing- . I would lilcc to ask the Hcwh \ " Joseph was thinking- giving. 1.1rY a bill of \'orcemcnt if he . was the father of Jesus , and how could hc be called a just man ? Why did hc fear to marry her ? It wa' { th ( ' law for such peopl ! ' . to be stone II to death , a law which God himself made , and if , the Bible nccount is )1ot true was . it not singular that thc story gained such credenc ( ' , so that instead - stead of Jo'cph ! ha\'ing to cxtract himself , those old saints in thetetn" d needed no explanation , for the gospel story ay "it was re\'eal- . cd unto Slmeon by the Holy Ghost , who Jesus was and he took the child up in his arms and blessed hit : : . " Simeon belicvcd the scripture concerning tbe promised Messiah , so thcre wa ; no explanation necessary at th I circumchiion. But it scems .Mr. - H. canllot accept this gospcl nar. , ra t'c , al though he says , " 'l'hc appeal must be to the gospc1 story. " lIe speaks about thc VirgitJ Iary and Joseph with a sort ot significant rin , and gives tW _ loug sClIscless cI ri vel U I thc dr. cumcission of Jesu , telling the obstacles which would ha\'e bccn in the way if Jesus had beci God' : ; oul } : be ollcn 8011. 11 II scems that his 111ind must mit'\ " in thc filth and slime of infi. . ql Jc1il\ ' . } t ' ( loC's not need anreligiou ! - prl'jullice or maudltn sentimcn talltv , or emolional ec tact01 Grcc"le lt1)'stlcism , or Pagan'my lhologj' to uclic\'c the lcconl GOI has g'cn us of his son. 01 JOhn : , : lU says , "Ue that bc lic\' on the sun of God hat } _ the witnes ! ' within himsclfj hi that believcth not God hatl made bim a liar , because he bc lic\'cth not th record God ga\ ' , ot his son. " . , Mr. H _ says my former artic ! "Was written b a man who ne\ ' Ir heard us , and who is thercfor - not qualified to teach the pnbli upon t he \ ' n' weight ) " questi n , ' etc. I did not kn'ow it was , nee . : essary to hear Mr. . H. beiore A , . person could be qualified to teac lhe pubHc on the Divinity c - Chrbt , perhaps that isvhv' tlJ Nt w 'fcstamcnt writers "difff so much from the HelIt k chlllg- , hut fortunntel ' I } HI\ ' hea rlt lW Hc\ " . gen tlema" ! 'c\'e . \1 time . . 'rlt ( titlc of 'I'he Ron of Man Irs i\'cn to our S\\'ioun'ig-ht" ; tilUl It ) ' In llll ew ' 1' ( ' tatrlcnt. ; 11111 : - iutanccs III' it I'I.\ ! ; applies mhil11.clf. ! . 'rile ,1l'WS pcrfect fl- I uuclcr'itood ! i l to IIl.'uote t1 Icrlcs"ith. : . It dcnotc. . hi pcculi ' , ' inlimate rclation to mankil through his mother Mary , and - . . . . . I stated before in m ) ' former article , the phrasc , Son of Go , < 1enote , , , ht'1 prculinr r..lutiou : to the Divine Being , it is one of his titles and b applil'd to none I clsc , except in a connection which how9 thc scnse. It i applied also to angel9 ( Joh 38:7) : and to Adam , ( L1.\ke 3:38) : ) 39 crl'ated immcdiately by God'g band , and to belic\'crs ( ICom , 8:14-15 : , 2 Cor. 6:18 : , ) as adopted into God's spiritual fnmi1J. ' but whcn applied - plied to Christ It is in a peculiar and exalted scnse , which cannot bc mi taken. Tbe birth of Christ was a new creation and through him \.e can be adoptcd into God's family and become the song of God , Tbere I are various terms employed in 1 thc scriptures with reference to I God , all implying the existence I of a : purpose or decree , all pointing - ing to the plan God purposed in Chr gt. 'r.h . great central truth , of God s book is that Jesus is the Christ , the son of the lh'ing G d. God himself acknowledgei hun to be his son , and Jesus declares him elf the son of God , Matt. (1:64 : : The high priest said unto him "I adjure thce by the. \'ing l God 'that thou tell us wlrtber tlwu be thc Cun"t. the Son of God. " Jesus sait ! unlO him. " 1'I1QU hasl said , n \ ' rl he1e'5 ; I say lItl JOU , } Hll"at tr shaH F set ! the son ot : "Iall sltting.fJII 1 he right hand of power. and .cowing in the c10unds of hea\'cn. " AmI for this confesfioll he was cruci- fied. Do vou suppose he aimed ' to inform 'the hi h pricst that he was tbe son of God just thc same as Mr. H. is thc son God ? Mr. H. seems to be troubled about tbe worldly ambition of Zebedecs wife in 'regard to her sons when he said that to sit on his _ right hand or his left wa 'i10t his to g'e. . He must remember that thi wai before ltif resurrection. It waS nfter his resurrection whe.n he said , HAll power and authorit , is J ! \'eu to me both in Heat , . ri and gaarth. " It seems Mr : H. b vcry much troubled because Joseph is called ( I..4ulc 2 :33) : ) thc fa ther of J csus , al. though Ki ng.J ames \'crsiol1 says "Joseph and his mother , " but wc accept the re'isecl'crsion and it secms quecr that hc is 110t equally - ly d stnrbcd by g\Oc1us 2:10 : , wherc it as accurately say ! ' , ' " : \loscs was Pharaoh'sl1a'ught r' ! : son. ow thc facts of the case arc Pharaohs clanghter prodded ancl carec ] for Mocs just as if } 1I was her SOli , alld Joseph perform' cd ( he part of a father for JI S\l" , , as. far as caring and prQ\'i \ ing for him in hhdnfancr anel } 'outh. ' 'fherc i ! nothing' u'ncommon 01 unusual in such a RtatemCtlt , and again when Matthew i\'es hh genealogy , his object is to 5ho\\ that Jesuc ; is of thc right lineag ( to bc the Messiah , according tc the promise of Gbd. It does nol prove him to 1Ie ; of thc blood 01 David , for the blood line , ac. cording to Matth w's own show. I 111g did not pass fro111 Joscph tc Jesus , but Jesus was born tc Mary after hcr marriag-c witl : oseph and consequently he wa Joseph's lawful heir to the thronc. Uecallse Joseph b cal. lcd his father eloes not PW\'C hin to ha\'c heen his legitimatc fath er. Washing-ton 1" cal1cel the father of his countr\ . " . hut no enl supposes tln..t \\1. . arc all hi ! l gl\il11ale oO'spring , Hea\'cn' : high oracle frum tlw mount 0 g-Ior ) declarcs lhc5l' wonl" frou God's own mOllth , "Thi. . is m' helm'cd Bon ir. whom 1 am wei pleasccl. " f wonder how oftcn a hook IHl ! to lcll a 11lrcC't fact before : \fr. H . accepts tltc ; tatement. He doc r not lnow when a point i5 pro\'el _ or when a conclusion is fairl drawn from a jllf t premisc. H' seems to prefer to cut the cabl _ of Hod's lruth : ! ncl cast away th anchor. We arc sorrrIr. : . H thinks that. thc Almig.htj' wa the t'ather of Jesus in no highe . Jcnse than he if thc father of a1 e life-of a hog for instance Wltat a miserable e\'asion of th e clearest. seripture. . He certainl ' _ needs anolher BI.ble. He .se m e to travel through a mighty'tnalE c nd all 'without a plan , We Ci\t " not. w are . not harbor such : ' blasphemous thought _ a It , an t'asy method of rl it futing any Qo umcnt to call it . ) f t'bl t' , a l gcnd , a falcc. Tbis. ' Ie' the skeptics way oi rebutting 'a r argumentc ; and proof. We ho ( 's Mr. II. ha'3 not got so far alon 'r > a" . to ( 'all thl' plain n lord wI1 c 1' . Wl' ha\'r ( illotpil from GOll'S WOI a fa Ior ! Grcl.'k m\taci ! m. \ \ is hop ! ! lie ha lIul driftcil fi [ ' ellong'h0 \ lalld 011 slwptic in grolllld , alt hrll.lg II II < ' i. ' I mall I to \'Iratil ! g-cllill. . . . 1.11 thr last fe 1\ ' 1II011\h. . ) h' apPI'ilr. . ( ' 1\ \ ' till' sta l \ 1\ \ till ! phJ\l' : 01 , I Jrt hOlh ar prt.'ildll'l" l1'xl a. . a I'r'lwlu'r II : till' Lhri.nian : pcople ; lull \lOW \ : as , a Unitarian or iu otuer words - . - . - - ' Jf"t : / ' ; ' : \i \ " ' : " ' < - " " , , , . . " " ; ' "I . . . _ . . . . . ,4 , , . " ' . " ' . . . 1'r 1 , . ' ' . . . . _ _ ' . _ _ _ . , _ _ , . . , . " . . . . . : _ :1 . 'Il , If you \vill eat .more , Um1eeda Biscuit yc ; > u can do more work , enabling you to earn more money , so that you can buy qIore ; ( U da Biscu t , ' ) ) t. - . , . . . . : ' do 'more work and earn still more money. : ; . , . . ' , t , ' . : , . : , ' \ ' . . . . . , ; oIt , _ : . - . . " . . ' , . 0 , ; 1 j . ' / ' ' . ' I " . . . : . ' . , ' , . f. . . . . 'A . /I S ' ' , . . 'If'Ii. ' , . . . , . . . . . . . . . " I ' NPTIONAL ; BISCUIT COMPANY" : . . . . I' - , - _ . - - - - - - . veneered infidel. alcil1g wcarr I human nature to pillow its heuil' ' upon doubts. Oh 'whvl'e / I g1.\C5SeS for a dying pi110\\ : . It is painful 10 see enc so befogge(1 ( and burricd in mist. Isn't it wonderful that Jesus I was e\'er heard of after Lis deatb if Mr. H.'s theory istruc. There was nothing surrounded his ad. vent mto the world that lave him character or furnishe him position , He was born of obscure - scure para.ntag.e and under \'er. " He grew up as a Jewish peasant hey among the hills of Judea. 'fIH'rl' was l'ule enlightenment in the w rld , cruclty nnd barbarssm pre. \ ' l1cd. Human life wa a cl1cap com- 1110dit ) , and cven his own Idnc1rcd rejected. He 'st pped upon the stage of action a stranger. f he was ollly a man , almost e\'cry one today ha\'c the advantage of him. ; 0.11" . n. for illf.tancc hold - er than .Jesus wa ! ; . :11111 has preached more SCrlnon\ , had 1I1on mone ) ' ill1f1 hall t he rl. ' olt1'ce ( ) f lS ccnturies progre ! ; ! ; , . Why has'nt 1\11' . . . H. crC'atcd such a 1'011I- motion ac..Jesus dicl ? When he dOC il will ht : tilllc' for our faith lo fnll'r. . .JesusVa ! ; crucified for trea5011 I against the Roma1J g"rnmellt and blasphemy , in that he said he was the , "on of God. Did h ( ' t'll the lruth ? When he clicll a 1 a malefactor , why did'nt hi" name dic' ! \ \ ' 11) ' did hi int1uence deepen and widen until 18 cen- turics have passedr and stil1 his influcnce knows no bounds. He is preached niore and lQ\'crl more than c\'cr before , and'th fnc that he is the Christ , the Son of God b s assumcd such proportions - tions that it can nol be crl1sbed. That fact contains a divine im- ' pulsc that has implanted itsclf , , 'in thc human life so clcep that it canllol be rooted up , - Each recurrin ! . ! l..4ord' ! ; Da . \ ' h 1 ' ' - but the monumental proclall1lw tion that thc Lord i riscll. 'l'lw resurrcetion oChrist is positi\'l pruof that he is t hc son of GOll for god would not ha\'e l'l'fsur- r cted a deceh'cr. 'fhc scriptures say. "Mon o\'er he was declared to be the " 011 of God wi th power aceon1 t ) ( to the Spirit of Holiness .by the r4)ur- rcction of the dead. " So after all the grcatest edenc of all i'\ thc resurrection , Why w\r S a 'ainst God's annointellVh ' \ " enelang-cr your ' ) ouls safety , YOlir Ralvation , by c1ai1t1in that he is a mere 1I1an , How tru'c it i" that l "God < ; o'lo\'cd the wDrld that he l'ga'e 1.115 only beg-otten on that who'5o-e\'er. b lic\'tth on him . .houlll not perish , bul ha\'c e\\r. lasting life. " ' . It } HlS' been ! ; aill br a Icrt in preacher , that if he' could take a ladder and climb to Heaven and there.atep .up beside the angel Gabriel. an ask him how to explain - plain it. Gabrirl wonld turn aOOltt and aay , "Goll so lo\'cd the world tl1at } ) ( ga\'c hiq only be. got.tcn sou. " 1'h\t'6 tht. : be t Gabriel could do , . The greatest d finition 'of God's lo\'c to man i that Christ died for us. . There would be no glad tidings of t'cat joy in the fact that : .t chillI was born in Judea whn'a ' , i\'t'l1 1 liCe Just aR anOlh h \ . r\lIlll'hat h was enl ) the " 1)11 of Jo cph , Angels would lIe\'l r ha\ ' ( ' IW'1l ! sent to malw lIch an all' I1l1lt11t.'cmcllt as that. - - - - - - w ! Jr , Ba\11l's \ , thc l : yeigh I : e . .Jlcdalist , will . . .wain'jsit 'Bl'Ol\1 . ; ; t ot' flow , 'l'hurslla ) ' , 1I18th \ of .Ian , : l nar } ' . with o11ice at tb ( ' l. rllll a Ceutral hotel , : ' 9-30 _ . _ . . .JIW , - - , - - - - - - - - - - - . - Now is The Time To Subscribe. 'l'he c\'cnings are ( rrowing'lollg' . 0 and c\'cry famlly should be pro- virled with reading matter containing - taining the current lle\\'s. ' { 'he HFPUBLICAN is the paper to supply - ply this requirement. H is puh- I 1isheel e'cr.'l'hursday and reach-I . s every IJOstoffice iu the county . . anll state as wcll as adjoining : -tates the same ' ' ' 'eek it is published - lished , It furnishes the current J1C\\'S wl.i1e it is nc\\ " . 'l'he county hoard procecdin arc l'uhlished ' in fulL In politic it , is truc to its name. It i fear- I jess in defence 01' th. . . principl R ( ) thl" republical ! party. 'l'hose I 'who ha , t' the best brgain ; . .tel. . . . . . through its columm , . Frequcntly the cost of e\'eral , 'cars subscription can be sayed 11) ) ' taking : ulvantag-e of. the pecial prices and bargaiu ! ' ; of. II fercd by merchants and others. : family can atlord to be with. m1t it rcgardles of their politi- al views. It only costs 51.00 a I .year. crunnT1\'G HATBS. I 111 conllccl ell wi t 11 the RHl'U 11- lICAN we 11:1\'c ccnrec1 vcr ) ' rea. I ol1able tenus with 50 111 l' of the I ' cst mctropolitan papers , ' [ 'he : fol1 wing' are omc of 111 ( ' harI - I gaiu : The I tPUmI'AN and Clol ) ( I Democr .t , ( semi-weck1r ) , 51.65. 'I'hr RF.l'tTJIJICAN ; ind naily 1 : , ewl , Omaha. 82.30 , The R1\PUBI.IC'l.N alld Jntel' Ocean , ( weely ) , Sl.55. iJ The .Lincoln Daily Star and 'the Imp1' , ! al Multiolored map , ) f Nebra : ka. Unitell State ! ' ) and the ' \VorId ana the RepuDf.ICAN 011 , 'car for :53.80. : Sunday . :3tar . for'tj5 cent ! addition , Tbe RfiPfJlII.ICA'q : and I < au a Citv Journal , ( wc , kly ) , 51.20. Tlu RFPunr.IcJ\'i : and ) Iehrasm ! Farmer. $1.55. \V e Ian furnish l1carl . \ " all othcr pa pe \ a ncl 111 < 1 r a.dl1cr. .for less than 'the l gular price , . . Addrcss all orJer ! to the CO'1TRR COtl : T\ ' Hll't"BLIC'.IHrt.iwn Row : Neh. _ w. . . _ _ _ _ . _ NOliet' . Notitl i } wrch , ' g'cn to all ) J lrti.Po : : Imllwing' themscl\'C in- debt d to J. M. Ratc , ; ; of Brok'J1 How.cb : , , t11ar . )11 Dee. I 1905 , an 1I01.C.J ! a n.1l lwoe accoun tH payable - able to ; ahL J.1' : ; : Bat"i were as. si ned ior lhe hl1f fit of his c ' , ' w itors , and now ill dlarg-C' of G. , Pcel" OmaJHI. cb. GeoFg-e Willing- \ \ ' owner " .of thl Batl's 'Hllek is. duly authorized - ized tll ( u1Iect iL.ld Ha tes be ok I atcollnh : anll 'you a.rc illcordillgly c , ] tr. call ot him at once and make : lrnmpt.cttlc ; ent of samc. H , F , I\Id\I.8.UAN. Slccial Collector. . . - . - . . . . . . - . . . . - - . . _ . _ - , - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . LHgal Nor. ceH , _ . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- 1I1.\lflhCDO 116 I IIIler010 , head w\ll \ bl ohl\ ' ; e tor M Ie ILJ rlltl1' . 'I'll : : ; l1.W I"r. tlUUI tlJl' I1r'lu.ertlall. . 1\1Il ! . Oc vcr dqUf\te 1011' scl lit. h r.ql QJt I Qt : Jtt1r u. . I . , " 6I\T' " I"on IInu" or trlcU&'t ' tneuot , - - - - - - - - - - - - , " I : OTIct I'01 l'U LIC A ' .rION , , ( SOLA'rEl TRA' , ' , I n tlartr.r.t ot the lutc.IH. Hnllc,1 Slate , [ , :1nl : . on . TI'I <' . .UfO f.A I- : _ "lIr. ' I' I.hiH.U Iha.i III 1,111.11. . . " " . . ill.HII'II" , . . from thl' ' ; I'lIlIIli\ ll'lIll' \If ch . " ' " : lal Lan,1 , flfli""l"l11ler IlJllh'lflt.\ ' 11 II hllliI \ ) ; "cll'lIx. : . . II. S , II. . , . Sial. . , I , \"llIt-l hI' 1111\ , \1'1 . .I O'IIII't. " OIIII.r" ' . . , I''hillal , I' . 1"I. . WI' will I'II'CI"'II rn (111'1'1' , I , , " 1111. . . . . ' : : ! lI'cltl.l. I" 111,1111 Ih , ' ' )11t , Ia\ ' II 1.,1.411..1..1 ( , . , .1 thionle.IItI' fflllo" IllillllI' . ' . , . , . ' dl'llo'li ) . ' 1'fI"lI hl ui , ; : t.h I' > ' " l I : " . N"I\h IIJall 1' : ! . : 11 , ' tt'lJl " . III. . . \ 1I ; 11111 alpc \ r..lIlI. . dalllllnil .uh 1'1'.1\ 'II . , , " " . . . . . . . . : . . . , ' : :11111. . : trl' ad. l"e.111 III , ' 1111'1 ,1,111I1 : ' 111111. . nn 'U nil ur he CI'I , ' rhl' , Ia ) ' a\l , , , . ,10' 'IoIU , wll , , 'r III" ClllllllhIIC ealenluC . .alii " .11. . , 0111'1 I..e tl1l'lr l'hhtR willI : " furleh\l. I J . \ lft"1IIr1'1 ' tEAIi. He21\1"1 . Jon" , JMRH. } tt'' UI\O , : , Jauu ry J. 19 } . Ju. ' - - - - JU 1llam ; 1 , ,1 Unlt d SIleR Land Ornee , , Drokcn 1I0w. ohl'.I,1'a , Uecenlber 7.19.)5 f vllcc I horeh : ) ' h'clt tllat U" . foHowln- ! nmcj settler has : tll'd notke pC Ills Itlt'lItion to malIc final prcof In support of 111'C1lnt. ; . al1l tbat said "toof1'111 be Inl1o hefolc Ht'glster : tnrl Hecelvert\ Broken lIo\\ ' , eb.\"I.t. on Januuy 1 , 190'Il / : CIIARr.IS II. FlSSr. : . ; . DON. nslmo , Nebl':1ska , for the \ \ ' ' . 5cHIer. ! , \Iou 11 , 'l'owlIshlp 19orlh Ral1l1e ; : Wesl. lie names IlIe followlnll " , ItI\I'Be 10 pro\'o 1I1.on' tll1l1olresl ellco IIpon alii ! cu1tI\'allun ( , f ald lanrt.Willie William" ! of1Igelmo , N. . . bra lm : lIlrvy B.ndlew of Anselm ! . . j' . . br\Lka ; Or"on J. SlIIlth 01u l'lnto , " 'cbla'lk : . Ch'arlll' Wi1llanll of An < oell1IOelna : < ; I.I. .1 ! J'II11I11'rln : .tI. Hel1lo1cr I : : E.- : . _ 4 : -O'l'ICF. 'rn CIHDITOH , .f I ConnlConrl. . of CU < ; II'I COnnl ) ' , N I.I . < : t. ; 'rhc credllorR of thp . . tlte or Rf'lIben l , l 1a" . ; . ; . 111'raI : 'rall' not'c , tb\t : T 1\111 < ; 11tJ Ihe . 011111) ' Conti 10011I. III lIokr.1I ) ] 111\ ' . III cahl COII II ! I' . olllhc 20)111 da ) ' of JIIIII\O' ; : 19.wd ! ) II , th..IIII.II \ ' 1,1 JUI\I'.I'XI. ) . ou'h at 10 o'clc\ : . \ , M. oC cae 11 11a ; ' to I'o'elvl' al1tl c"amll'll' , III clal" , . . 3I1alnst : IHle'italf' . with a ' 1'11)1'lI 'heir :1IjIl-tmpn : , aud aIlO\\llIcl' : all' " tbtt olilhe l rqt Ilne allo'l'l ! till : I , < HUoII" oC wlololwllllln ! JtrJ Cor hnm."lcad. C I'IIIPtlOllq110 : \ \ anCi ! and 01111'1' SI..III\r : ' nlo'JI ! , 'n" , 11mI' lImllell tor Ihe 1'1'III:1tI01l cof claimq ,1I alll t c:1I11 cla\ " t Ie ; sl 11I0nlhs Irlll1l Ihu IHh , I:1Y oC De'Pro\ler , Il1Of. . allll thl' IIClimlt",1 tOI paYlllellt (11 .I bl' ) I" 0111' "ear Crol1l oIIIIIctl' . , I nate,1 Dccem1'l'r 1 lh. 100. , f : :7-311 : , J. , \ , , \H IOUN. e 1111111 } ' JU' II' " " : \O'rICI : 01FIXAI. . 51'r'l'r.J\\n \ : ' 1' . ! III CI\Ullt ' COllrl of CII Ip.r COllllty , Xeh."I < .I. \ ' 1'0 \ Creditors al1ll JIelrq , aud tll :111l'Lu arl'lnlcrc"ll'rI illlhn 1' lah' nl Ira D , Spffll'l'r. Drc..aqrd , . ' 1'al' " 1I0Ihc. Ihal n. ' 1"1:1110. ; . : lIIUlIIII lIalll. oC 1111' afor..saioll'qtat" . h : ! , ; fill'II a report of hie ; 1 dollll1' ! as 1'111'11. alll , aclqhll \ IIlame hI' ap' l'rlw.I , allllillal he h. . , IIH'lIa'If.llroI1lIUrIJpr ! uhlhralloIlIIH'n'I'ln. al1ll tllalllll CnUIIIJIIIII / . . l1Iakl' "IH'h onler ac ; 10 1111' 11I lrlhlltlQII of UII' . , : lC ; < ; r\ < ; tlt'lOlllfl ll ( ' 0 : lill"'lal\ > 11101" t. , . 1\ : . . I 1111 .llId In .le'llllIll" Ow h. . " . " " 111111",1 I. ' . , "hrfl' illl.a' ' " , < otalp. alld to IoIranl 1I1'1i olh..r 1'1'11.1' \111:1) ' hI ) ; ] 1'1'1111'.1 nc"c . : ln " . 11Il' lill : & I sClIlplIICli1 "C said ( ' . . , ; \11' . 5:1111 lIIal\'r hl\o J , " "I'll set fur IlI'arllliCon 'h , , ; : < Jth , Ia ) III J31111an . ' . ' . " ( , , : III ( ) 'clo1clt a. III. . : II th. . COUIIII..url kOOllll1i flrol"11 11N'I' tl'lllcil t"l. . a 1111lla' I' all ! , arUc' ! Inl..I't' lrll lI\a , ' < 11'1'1' : , n.10. . . lI..anll'o''lrllllll : till' " :1111" : , I lIal"llllIl I.tll .J. ! } ' oC lJ..c'mll l' , l < 'OS , l"J.tIJ : s.31 J. A. . \ t'IOCR , COllnl } ' J tll : " . . - - - " - - O'l'lel : ( IF I"I AI , sJ.'t"rI.I : tIO. : . In C""lIt . ( 'flllrt oi CII ' . ( 'nnlll ' . . " " , II. : } . Xel'l , I..t. ' 1' , ) Ihl' ( " " , IItoro ; 111111 IIl'lr _ , :11111 ' (0 : .11 wh. . IIr , ' hll"re II'1111I tll , ' " " \\11' ' " JUttl'o ; c ; Alii' " bern'de"ease.I' ' 1'alCl' otiel.1'hl1 CUlltta . . . . Am1err ) ' I'l'eclet.lx oC the aforl' altl & : q , : , ha' ! filed a rnpurt of hrr dnlllll' ' ' a.sllcll.\II,1 a-lI1'\ Ihat thc ! amlJ \ " " aplrll'l'etl. ( alld Ihat 9hl' he dl ; , ellarUl'llllolll IlIrlllll' 0\11111'\11011 : Iherelo , arJlI that \hI'COIIIII } ' Jlld e , 'ontrlle tl.II , \\111 an.1 . \ \istrlhl1te . . cStalo thl'rcnpoll a5 " : lId will tna ' IlIrect alll , : rlllt all ) ' olher rrhpf ,11'1'011'1\ \leCp. ! 3n' seule of 5ld I'slOle. Said ml\ler ; ha ' . "u oet for heal lUll . .n th jlh , Ia } ' of Janllan'IW , . : It 10 O'cOCI ! : a. 111. , : Ii the Count } ' Coun Room , III lJroken 1101\ ' . : - : " braska , at which limo anll placelll parUe. III lereSte' ! mw 3pp ar and be heartl roncl'rnlnll tlle same. D ted thin ' :1rd : dw of 01.1. ' . 1905 , ' fAL ; : " ,3 : : J.AH'IOI'R. . Couct . Jl1duc - - - - : \OTICI { , 'on PUDrIC.\'l'II- : I Or\TID 'rnM-T. : ) D parlmelll DC the IlIlerlor , Unltp.1 Slale Lalld Ollier , rC LIC L.11 ! i\LI : , , NUllcC 10 ; herl'b ) ' I'l'ell tbal in 11111 slia nct' of inr.tnlcllons Crolll the I ommhloner 01 'h" r.l'IINallallil Oflicel1l1der 3111Jorll'oiled ! In hlru b } ' neclion : ! 4S5 , U. f1. ReSial. . . : I'11I'1111. . I ell 1thl' . .ICI o ( Cou res'l : tl'fllO'I'cd r..l.ruary : ! lJlh. JE'J , " "f' will prt.ccpd to offer at public salllo'coel : : : 1" m. on 111 , . ' ' 'Ih day of l'ebru. I an' . 1906 , a\ this office. thl : follo\\'I1 , , , lIact 01 land , IO.wlt : 'rhe Re04 ! : fle ! { Geclh:1I 1' . TO'l'n. , 'Ihlp 19 , , orth of nanlrl' ; : . wen Llh 1' . hi ' All ) ' and al1l'er90119 rlalmlnl/ crsr.le } ' tll. . I 'I : : crlbellacdR are ad\'bed tl ) ! 1' ' tll " ' clallll . III thl. oftkc Oil Ir bdor" the d3Ji " 'ho. . . ' , \ 51..ual ll IIr Ihe conl1n..ncemect of ad ! ' " IP. , other\\'I , " Ihrlr rl\lIlo ; " , III lie Corf lle. ' I J 1 \\'UtTFJlE'\D. ! . H.v.lfI ' 1 . . JOIII RCI'.r , l ecl'l"t.1. 1 11 , . . . . I Hili 11 V 3 , IQ\ ( . . . , 1 _ _ III 1111' DlslIl. : ! Iullli IIC 1:1I'.1CUIHII ) . S. II IJraska. Iu Ihelllalll ! ' of Ih , ' ( ' . ; I lh ! ,11 J."I'jj" t. ! , I.1\\.II. t I dlcra ell , ' OIU'1EI : TO ; 1I01CAVSr : ' , 'I ' 1'lJj r..IU " l1a'l'll\I : herl'tollJre come COIl lor . IJIaf\nll \ Upoll thc ve\lIlon uf Samnel W. bid. j well , adlllllllilralOr 01 tb. , , ) Hate oe J ' \il ! J. r I Sitlwell. " "cla cd , pra.ltrt : ior a Itc"I ' ! Iv 11I tll" NvrtllwcSI quarter uf ie < ; uoll 'l''CIIIlour " 21' ' , twp , 11. lanl/I ! 19w" < 01 0' Ih" ,1111 P.1. ) . , or a , Kufticlell alllouni uf Ihe ! lalDe 10 , , " ' th" UIU I : of bItO Cor th" pr ) ' ID" II I uf .1 llIq alld expeusc" . aral&'st salII , tale and I Ill ! c(1 t11I1 ! adlJlwllla. I tloll , there 1101 bdr Iul1iclulI l' < : rlol1l3Irop , a:1I ) ' to pay th" , ,3111 dehl anll " pCII . .s , I I 11 In tllelcloll ! IJrdcrdll th\\ : all pgfaull IlItel , eSled In sallt estale appear bl.fore UI . .I tb" I cuurt room oC the DlbttlCI , Iourt oIIDa\"on t counn' . : : ebraska , IlIlhe elt > IJ { ! , CI\DIl\On. ; ' ; t braslta. on \ e 1lb .Ja ' of f"bruan 1906. al 'I _ c'cloclr 4 ftI. to how C..USP.I'll ) ' II IIc"nse ' 1 sl1ol1lnvt be aranteJ. 10 talc1 administrator to sell so nluch Of the abe ; e dncrlb d real prop- ert . of : ! ald d ce'lSed : t ! shall t , , l1e esnr ; ' t" pa ) ' said deblS aUlI eJop .au I Dllted tl119 ; : : tb dOl } ' of P ' : rnbI , 1' ) : OTfCE'-A COP ) ' of tll13 ord:1 U tf ) Ii ru' ' " \ In tbe ' IiSler CUUlV , ' lIenelIn ? Repuhllc&D 1 new ) J laper i' bllfhed al Erokeu 1101elll . j f1to 0 , liOSTcrtEl' , , . 1I1d. " tf tbe Dl1trlel Court , of tht : l U , Judicial District of tlle Stme of tie. hra IIt , In all for CI1let COl1nt " . , 'l' , Ga.tti. 3\1orne , .0-11 - . NOTICE \ppOmT\TflKT : OF . \ D-.tI ' ) \ IS'l'P'TOR , Inllnll' Courr. . CIler CountNcbraska 1 1'0 Ihe Uelrs arlll ne1ot Qf Klnof Jtrue : , 11 t'.m pall , Jeeea6e.t ' \11 a. . . hlr..l } ' IInII ,1 Thtt 1.1'I'I\.a r ' :3111au , wlft' 01 salll .Io'.a'\I' < 1. tun ll',1 tll't , 1"111'011 111 3h1 court , : \1.111111 : ' Ihat Gal. , . . . \ I. " 'allll > tlll1l.I\ ' l"al'plllIIl',1llI1jlli IH"r'r , .llh. II . . . . .tali. " . Jalll" " II , Call1l'all ' ' ' ' ' ' , 'a , 'd. .11I.1 a.u . IIrr an1t\a \ ; 11 CIII'1ul l'I'ln lalll' Ih. . 1'1)1\1"\11.111 ' \ , 'I II 1,1\ , , ,01 a I , Call1l'all , III I" . u . ' ,1 Oil , III hl'tr'lIl : ' ! , \ lu ' ' ' \ , ' \ . ' , " 'alh "I ahl Jalll..I\ \ . CII\1 1'1 : II. I ato\II1tI"'t \ : ha" I"'l'rl . I COI he3r'I1" 1111 'I Jallllal'l' , In. ' . . . , " II ) , , ' ' 'In. ' I. . \ . 111. . , II tll , I > l'fllIlIIl' l nlln 1 < " ' 1111. III II mIll' " 110.11' . : " ' \or , , k : & , \ \ ' " all jlll"n' Il'll'artll''i ilia ) ' al'l"r 311\1 I" , " IlI'anl :111111 h , ' .I"I''ihillll 01 . .a\ll \ ' .I'I'o'lia I : I . \ 'al1l I'a " . . .1111 , . . lalll'lI lor II"IIH' \\'c"'cl , a I" , : \nlan I'nhti , ' al hl ollie. , " . 'I Mo..11 ' . 1IIIIIltllil ' " 110'11'011 , Ihh. . 041 i u'h\h. .i m Jal1l1.11 I 1'/,1'1 " . till' ' : JrI,13) III 11"11"1' I'h ' : ' J. . \ . . \ HIUI II. I' Ii 11\1. , . ! 'I.JI I OUUJ udlle. 0' '