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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1905)
- - " . ' _ _ . H " t' : ' . . . . . . . . . . " ' " " 1 . , - . . . _ - " ' ' ' ' ( , ' ' I _ - - . WSTfR COUNTY RfPUBUCA" .y D. M , AMs.IitRnY , anOlmN now. . . NEDRA8JC . . I News n Brief I Dound trom Port Antonio , Jamacla , to Now Yorlc , W1Ul n. cargo ot bananas , the fruit steamer Danes wont ashore I nOar Jones beach lIfosavlng station. 'fho doaUl of John A. lIonor ot Duf- fnlo , N. Y. , merchant , was duo to chol. oro. morbus nnd heart Illsel\so , and not (0 carbolic acid administered hy his wJCo. President Roosevelt unexpectedly vlllitod the submarine torrdo ) bent Plunger and spent fifty minutes bo. neath the waves , lasbed to fury by a storm. Two men are are dcn and thrco moro In a Ilying condition as a result of the burBling of a slxteon.lnch steam pipe In the Danvllle , III. , electric light plant vester. The breaker , office , holler house nnd onglno houee ot the PI no Hili Coal company nt 1\lInersvl1lo , Pa. , wns de- atroyed by flro today. Loss , $160.000 , ptutly Insured. The annual report of the Lehlg11 Valley , Railroad company tor the year ending Juno 30 , ID05 , shows a not Income - como of $6,3D2,888 , an Increase ot $1- 181,000 ever Inst yenr. A train on the I ) ng Beach division of the Long Islnnd railway was wreck. ed by n. . sproadlng rail near Jokyll1 Isl. and. Many passengers were Injured , but no ono was fatally hurt. The Atlanta city council proposoo to bogln impeachment procoelllngs ngalnat Mayor Woodward for his attack - tack on Mayor Dunne at the League of Amorlcan Munlclpalltlos convention In Toledo. Thomas JD. Waggaman , under Indictment - mont for embezzlement , appeared In the office of UIO clerk ot the criminal court at Washington and gave bond In the sum of $3,000 for his appearance . - anco In court. The monthly statement ot the col. Jectlons of Internal revenue show that for the month ot July , ID06 , the col. Joctlons amounted to $20,790,479 , which Is an Increase as compared with JUly , 1004 , ot $386,461. President Roosevelt , In accoptlng the position of honorary vlco preahlent of the Public Schools' Athlotlc League ot New Yorle , says crowded tenement districts are responslblo for the dovol- o mont of vicious and unhealthy chil- dren. Dr. M. U. O'Sulllvnn , senior surgeon in St. Vincent's and the 'Voman's college - lego nnd follow ot the Royal College Dt Surgeons. Irell\nll , Is malting a tour Of this country studying hospitals , and from hero will go to Mclbourno , Aus- tralln. . Two deaUls from cholern have oc- currtHI at Lemberg , Austrln , nnd sov- ornl suspected enses are under obsorv. ntlon. The deaths occurred In the tamIJy of n river boatman who has been worltlng In the Vistuln district of Prussia. The Japanese have landed 3,000 In. babltants ot the Island of Salthalln at Docastrlee , West Siberia , many of whom were women and chJltlren , and some sick persons , who were forced to march to the const , cnuslng thorn terrlblo sUfforlng. Whllo'engl ged In brealtlng up scrap 'ron with a slellgehammer at the Ro. public 'tron and Steel plnnt of st. ) Auls , George Jones was probably bllnl.ed'for lIre by the oxploson ! ot an old cannon wh ch his sledge struclc The cannon was londed. The delegates to the naUonal Krlog- orbund at Jollot , III" had a storm ' debate over a resolution Incronslng as- BQSsmonts In the Insurance brnnch. The resolution finally provallod. Rates will bo Increased on Jnnllary 1 next from $1,60 a qunrter to $1.76. Former State Reprcscntatlvo James F. Carey of l1worhlll , Mass. , was nominated for governor nt the soclaJ- 1st stnto convention. Pntrlcle F. Ma. boney of Boston wns placed In noml- nntlon for lIeutenant governor I\nd a. a. ltchcocle of Warc for secretary of tnto. The nnnual report of Brigadier Gon. eral Theodore J. Wlnt , commanding the department of the Missouri , rec. ommonds that nrmy ehaplnlns shall not bo nllowell to perform mnrrlagos ot soldiers unless provlous permission uhnll hnvo been given by the com. mandlng o lcor , the enllstmont of married - ried soldiers bolng dlscouragod by the war delartmenL , Mrs. Nnoml Aldrich ot Froderlclc , 1\Ilch" after a Irellmlnnry oxamlna. tlon , waR bound aver for trial betoro the circuit. court charged with hav. Ing poisoned her two IIttio sons , nged I f 6 and 8 ) 'enrs , with nrsenle. Early In : , / July , Mrs. Aldrich Insured the lives fl. of her sons tor $60 onch. The bo 's I i . died during the weole of August. 6 , un. ' ' dol' 8lsplclous circumstances. 't . , . ; : : . A lllspntch from Dnllen.Daden sa 's : " , . that. W. K. Vamlerbllt la confined to I his room at 0. hotel In that city. ' , ' Dun's rovlow of Chicago trade says : ' nIl lines ot Industry are well sustain. , " . cd. Rallrond trn lc Is unusually hlSh , , while Inlto cnrrylng maltos a now l'cC- , ' ' ' \ . ord. ' : Wllllnm Jobo , nn allogCll Ohio mur- " e' dorer , Is holtl at Kansl\s City. J , Joe ntel\Ctts , 18 ' ' ? ars old , an om. I ; ploye ot the Pacific xpross company , : wns round dead nOlr the W.abnsh ralJ. i/- , . vay atatlon at De'atur , III. , with hla I . ( , oad bon ten to u pulp. 'I'ho murderer \ . oscaDed. - - - - = - : _ . . - - , , . . - - " _ H , _ . . . . . , . . _ . _ READ ON OLD TOrliDSTONES. fwo QUllint Inscriptions Thllt Gave Strong Te.tlmony. I wns n visitor to the West cemetery In Litchfield a few duys ago ( where my bones will ultimatelY rest , unled I am unfortunately drowned nt sea ) , ' antI after Inspecting the tombstones of ancestors I WI\S Interested In readIng - Ing the Inscriptions on some others , to. wit : Hero lies the bOdy of Mury , wife of Dr. John Duel , Esq. She died Nov. 4th , 17GS , not. 94 , havln , ; hatI 13 chlldl'en , 101 grandchildren , 274 great- grandchildren , 22 grent.great.grand- ehlltlren-total 410 ; 33G survive her. " Another : "SacrClI to the memory ot Inestlmablo worth of Unrivalled Excellence - cellenco & Vlrhto. Mrs. Hachel , wlfo of Jerome D. Woodruff , daughter of Normnn & LolR Bnrber , whose etherial pnrls became n serallh May 24 , 1835 , III the 22 r'r of her ago.-Correspond. enco Hartford Courant. . Hindu Customs. It la In order that sons mar perform the father's fnnoral ccremonlea each yenr that It Is ordnlned that the son shall Inhcrlt the father's proverty. It III n rule of our faith thut by the son's performance ot snch acts the 'fnther obtains heaven. For this reason , If ho has 110 male child. the father will ndopt 0. boy In ordcr that , after Ills own doaUI. his funeral coromonleR may bo performed by the adopted son , -1\Iysore \ Standard. Dangalore. DON'T MISS TUIS. A Cure for Stomach Troubl A New Method by Absorption-No Drugs. DO YOU BELOIl ? It means n. . dls- el\.Sed stomnch. Are you aflllctec1 wit.h short breath , gl\.l ! , sour eruetl\UOnS , heart pains , indigestion , dyspepsia , burning pains and lead weigh t in pi t of stomach , ncld stomach , ( tlstenc1ed abdomen - men , dizziness , DAD DREA''II , or any other stomach torture ? TJet us send you n. . box of Mull's Antl.nelch Wnfun free to convince yon thll.t It cnre8. . Nothing else 1IIee It known. It's snre nUll very plenso.nt. Cures by absorption. narm'ess. . No drugs. troubJe cnn.t be cured otherwise-so - says metJ- ical science. Drugs won't do-they cat up the stomach and mo.lco you worse. We know 1\Iull's \ Anti-nolch Wn.ters . cure nnd wo want you to lmow It , hence this ot1er. : SPECIAL OFFER. - The regulnr price of Mull's Anti-nelch Wafers Is 5Oc. 0. box , but to inb'oduce it to thousands of sufftrers wo will senc1 two (2) ( ) boxes upon receivt of 76e. and this ndvertise- ment , or we will send you n. . sample free for this coupon. FREE BOX 114 Bond this coupon with your nntlle nnd nddreBS and druggist's name who docs N01' sell it , for n. . free box of Mull's Anti.Delch Wnfers t.o Mull's Grape Tanio Co. , 148 Third Ave. , Roele Islnnd , Ill. Give full address nud write plainly. Sold nt all drug ists , 1i0c. pcr box. Dying , Thought of Reputation. Sergeant 'Wolr ot the Scats Grnys , as paymaster of his troop , was exempt from active servIce at thE ! battle of Waterloo , In which ho nevertheless fought and tell. When the field was searched for the do ad and wounded , Corporal Scot ot tbo same regiment found the body ot Sergeant Wolr with his name written In blood with his d'lng hnnd uvon his forehead , Th13 , oxplalned the corvoral. wns obviouslY done In order that the sorgeant's body might bo found and Identified. and thnt thereby all suspicion ot his havIng - Ing nbsconded with the money of his troop might bo averted. College Don's Mistake. Jewet onjo'ed the company ot the pretty women whom ho Invited to Dalllol , but I never heard ot his beIng - Ing In Jovo. , One dny n young lady told him It would mam 'hor so happy 1f ho would marry hor. Upon which . . ho assured her that he was much touched by her proposal , but that ho could not ontortaln It , ns ho had long glvonIV all thoughts ot matrimony. ; She hastened to exvlaln that she wns I engaged to some ono olso. nnd thnt she had only ventured to nsle him to perform the coremony.-r-Lovonson. Gower's "Dygono Ycars. " Sure Cure at Last. MonUcollo , Miss. , Sept. 4 ( Special ) -Lawronco County Is almost ! .Ially In l"t3celpt ot tresh evldenco that n sure cure tor all Kidney Troubles hns at last been found , and that cure Is Dodd's Ifdney PUIs. Amon" these who have reason to bless the Grent Amerlcnn Kldnoy Remedy - edy Is Mrs. L. E. Daggett ot this Illace. Mrs. Daggett bad dropsy , Dodd's : Kidney . - ney Pills cured her. OIl was troubled with mT Jddneys , " Mrs. Baggett says In re ommendlng Dodd's Kidney Pills to her friends , "my urlno would hnrdly pass. The Doctors said I had Dropsy. I have taltcn Dodd's I\ldney : Pills as dlr cted and am now n woU woman. " Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the kid- neys. Cured Kldnoys strain aU the Impurities out ot the blood. That means pure blood and a sound , ener. gotlc body. Dodd's IfdneT pUIs are th greatest tonlo the world hns over lmown. A gentleman of Yorltshlro , England , Is ready to make amdnvlt that whllo ho was sijtlng by tbo river Loven 0. phto jumved from the water. bit him sevorly on tbo foot and jumped baclt again. - Here Is Rellof for Women. Mother Gray , n nurae In Now York , discovered - covered n pleasant h6rb 1'01110111 for women's Ills , cnlled AUS''ItALIAN.I AF. It Is tI\O \ only certnln montbly regulator. , Cures fomnla ' 'fO knossos , Dacknoho , Kidney And Urinary troubles , At. nil Drulat. ! . or by mnll f O cts , > Sample mailed FJma Addreas , The Mot.her Gray Co. , LeRoy , N. Y. Talk 18 cheap. A man au let a skave for IS cenu. Q . . - ' - . , , " ' " ' . , . . . . MEMBERS OF THE W. R. C. ON GEN. KING'S OFFICIAL STAFF , KA'i'E BROWNLEE SHERWOOD. H A--2 I Commander-In.chlef King has filled the vncanclcs on his start In unique fashion , and one thal hns no precedent In G. A. R. annals. Ho has appointed - ed " 0.9' n trlbuto to the noble worle ot the 'V. R. 0. " three of Its carllcst past presidents , vlz. : Mrs. Sarnh E. Fuller , tbo present trel1surer of the dcpart- menl ot Massachusettsj Mrs. Llznbeth A. 'rurner of Drldgoport nnd Kate Drownlco Sherwood of Ohio , members ot his official staff. Doubtless the presence of these three distinguished ladles upon the start of tbo commander-Inchlef wfll marlc 0. new departure at the Denver encampment and complications may arise It their new duties demand their nbsenco from the convention of the W. R. C. , where they are always very much In ovldence. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOPE OF THE NATION. . - - - - - Farmer Boy to Be Great Directing Force , Says Exchange. The farmer boy Is the hope of this nation. Ho Is In a position to mnlm a man of himself and a great dlrec ng force of the nation. Ho nslts no man for cmployment If ho Is tTle fortunate owner ot a little farm , His vote nnd his volco should , show how glorious It Is to ho endued with the spirit of a true patriot. One may as well try to buy the soul of nn educated southern farmer boy ns to buy his vote , says an oxchange. The whlto boys of the south , chieflY of Anglo-Saxon lineage , are ot the best strains known to the world's history. The Cnvaller , the Scotch-Irish , the Hugucnot , with a small ndmlxturo ot the Pennsylvania Dutcb , form the basis of the whole population. Add to this the fact that they have Inherited a master's t mper and courngo from tholr ancestors , nnd It will bo seen thnt the elements ot manhood form the very woof and warp of their fibre , All they need Is Industrial - trial training to lead the world In ng. rlculture , commerce. mining , ml nu. facturlng and transportatlon.-Palatlcn Times-Herald. SHOULD WAR BE HUMANE ? Pertinent Consideration as to Size and Deadliness of Bullets. Is the military bullet too smnll. Japan uses a Germnn-sllver or steel- jaclteted bullet of less than .25 cali- ber. It Is long , built for speed , wldo range and flat : trajectory. Our army uses n bullet slightly larger. Th y are called "humane , " because the wounds they maleo are small , almost alwnys antiseptic and heal qulcltly. Dut they have not the stopping power - er of the larger balls nnd many ex. perts bellevo that they tend to prolong - long wars , by lowering the death.rato nnd permitting men to engage again In fighting soon aCter being wounlled. Is a long war preferable to a short , bloody ono ? Has the reappearance of bayonetstabblng , duo to the reduced killing power ot the bullet , made war more humane ? And flnnlly , can war ever bo humane-OIWlth .the Procession - sion , " Everybody's Mngazlne , Peril In the Naval Plunger. In deciding that United Stntcs submarine - marino boats , with Inexperienced crows , shall not bo allowed to phmgo In water doc per than olght fnthoms , and that n convoy must bo on ll nd with lUting appnratus the naval board has sought to prevent any such torrlblo disasters as overcame the French submarine boat off Algiers re. centlY' In spite of the fact that sub. marino boats are no now thing and that they were Invented ns long ago as our civil war , when a confederate subUlarlno destro'ed a union boat , In- cld'entally ItlllIng. all ot Its own crew , the submarine has not yet reached n stage "hen It can be operated safely by any but oxperto , and even then accidents - cidents may halpen , with the most serious consequences-Doston Tran. script. Will Fight "Tainted Money. " Dr. Washington Gladden will Intro. duce n resolution aimed to hend off the accolltanco of girts of "tainted monoy" by oxecutlvo officers of the American bonrd ot commissioners for forolgn missions when the hO\rI1 : meets for Its annual session In Seattle on Sept. 14 to 18. The l'esolutlon will lIl11lortalto to rellove the oxecutlve of. flcers from all nuthorlt ) . to recelvo glls ot money. Dr. Oladdln Is work. Ing to organize the men who sUllport- ed him In Ills provlous opposition to "tainted money , " and there are 1I1 < 01y to bo S0ll10 live ) ) ' speeches at the meeting. Many mtmbors ot the board ot opinion that ' resolution are an ro- IItrlcUng the executive omcers In ro- cglvlnt : . : Ils will bo voted down. . . . , , " It I4R9.:3AJAH E. JUUE1t I I . . . . . . . . . - - _ _ _ . . . . . . . --v-- . . _ _ _ LESSON TAUGHT BY WAR , - ' Japan's Triumph Contains Much Food I . for Thought. . The triumph of Japan'ls talten In various Wl1)'S by n compllcnted uni- verse.Ve prefer to observe It In tbe first plnce for what It teaches of value to ourselves , The Amerl an bill for alcoholic drinks during a slnglo ) 'ear Is estimated In dollars alone at a billion - lion and a quarter. What It Is In con. sequences who shan estimate ? 'Jalmn drinks with the moderntlon which she exhll.llts In every phase of lite. Her people so far care less for show , for persOl,1 I conspicuousness than they d ' for ends of general worth. The Japanese - I' anese were worried for months by the fewness of their battleships , but In the end they won , not by numbers. but by moralitY-by sobriety , devotion , courage - age nnd Intelligence , They did not win by t llt antI bluster either. They hnve shown. In peace and war , 0. calm : fall' mlndedlless , a predominating I taste , a hostility to mere nolso antI thunder , an nbliity to be quiet nnd mind their business , whether thnt business be art , domestic labor or deadly war. To b sure of the quality of our sailors , the disinterestedness of promotions , the honesty of contrncts , the subordination of personal gain nnd nm1lltlon-all this Is more 1m. portant than the tonnage of our fleet. It Is not so much the number of torpedo - pedo boats or battleships ns It Is the way they will be managed In emer- gency.-C011ler's Weeltly. FRANCE LEFT FAR BEHIND. Great Increase In Population of the German Empire. . ACter Russia Germany Is tbo richest country In children. For every 10,000 Inhabitants there are 363 living births a year , ns against only 226 In France. Hence the Increase of populntlon In Germany Is correspondingly great. In the course of the nineteenth century the population within the present ter- rltor ' of the -emplro has much moro thnn doubled In spite of the considerable - able numbers of Germans who have emlgratetl tIurlng this' time , In 1816 there were 24,400,000 souls In the tor- rltor ) ' ot the present omplre , whllo In 1900 there were 56,300,000 , which cor. responds to a 'e.arly average Increase , of' ono per cent , whllo moro than 5,000,000 Germans have emigrated from their homes during the nineteenth - teenth centur ) ' . In order to measure the meaning ot these figures we must compare them with these of 0. coun. try 111 < 0 Frnnce , which Is practically stationary In Its population. In the middle of the century there were as man ) ' people In Prnnco as hI' Germany. In 1845 there were In Germany 34,400 , . 000 , In Franco 3'1,500,000 , whllo In 1820 Franco had nearly 4,000,000 more tlian Germany. To-day the French population has rlson only to 35,500,000 and Is therefore moro than 20,000,000 bohlnd Germany.-Yalo Rovlew. Marking Historical Spots. . Marking the blrthplaco ot Chester A. Arthur was the beginning of a movement that Is sprendlng and thnt may well be carried further ) 'et. A monument In memor ) ' ot Ann Stor ) ' , and the Ethan Allen tower In Durling. ton 11avo all'eady been dedicated. There are numerous places In Ver. mont that have bl'en : the sel'ne : ot his. torlc events or the blrthplaco of dls. tlngulshed people and local patriotism should prompt us to see that they are all murlcd In some wa ' . We cannot erect a Dennington monument or an 14than Allen tower at 8.11 the plnces , but wo can enslly erect n stone or a tablet to marlt the spot nnd presen'o their memory. A slmplo bronze tablet - let , such as placed on the wall of the Ilavlllon In Montlleller , maltes a ler. manent record ot the visit ot LntAY. ette to the city , would be sumclent In moat cn5es.-Montlleller Ar1ro8. , . GEN. MINER DENIES CHARGES. ! Was Accused of Improper Relation. with Mrs. Taggart. : Gen. Miner , who was the commandIng - Ing officer at Fort Leavenworth when Maj. Taggart , , 'as stationed nt that post , was on the stnnd In the Woos tor trial. 110 Is charged \\'lth \ being 0. party to such scandalous relntlons with Mrs. Tagtut : that the major declared - clared on the stnnd he would hau , iv.Cff been justified In kUling him. Gen. l\ilner tIenled that his relations with Mrs. Taggart were ever Improper. LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE. Probability That Many Othcr World-t Are Inhabited. I The fact that , so far as wo hnvo yet been nblo to learn , enl ) ' a small 'pro- portion of the vlslblo worlds scattered through space are fitted to bo the o.bode of IICo does not preclude the probability that among hundreds of mUllons of such worlds 0. vast number are so fitted. Such being the case , nU the analogies of nature lead us to be lIeve that , whatever the process which led to Ufe upon this earth-whether a special act of creative power or a. gradual course of development- through that same process docs Ufe begin In every part of the unlvers fitted to sustnln It. The course of development - velopment Involves 0. gradual Improvement - ment In living forms , which by Irregu. lar'steps rise higher and higher In the scale of being , \Ve have every reason to believe that this Is the case wher. ever lite exists. It Is , therefore , per. flicUy reasonable to suppose that beIngs - Ings , not only animated , but endowed with reason , Inhabit countless worltIs In space. It , would , Indeed , be Insplr. Ing could we learn by actual observa. tlon what forms ot society exist throughout space , nnd se the memo bers ot such societies enjoying th m. sclves by their wnrm firesides , Dut this Is , so far as we can now see , en. tlrely beyond the possible reach of our race , so long ns It Is confined to a single world.-Harper's Magazine , Curious ArtIstic Reminiscences. \Yritlng of the approaching Interna. . tlonnl congress of artists , which Is to be held In Venice next month , Edouard Trogan Indulges In a curious bit ot reminiscence. When , he was last In Venice 0. painting by Grosse was rals. Ing 0. storm of protest , met by a clamor - or of protest against protest. The pic. turo showed San Juan In Erebus , sur. rounded by his victims. Ten years have passed since .then. The patrl. arch who bravetI popular Indignation by contIemnlng the plcturo Is now popej the painter ot It Is now exhibitIng - Ing a portrnlt of he Itatlnn queen , and the syndic who lost his place because of bls share In the controversy Is to preside at the coming festlvnl. Shoe Factory Map. The blapk circles on the mnp show the only stntes that have shoe fac. torles. The Collector and His Mania. Collecting Is 0. sort of cumulative passion. It stnrts wlui 0. tnsto fOf quality , It develops Into 0. greed for ql antlty. Once \ho collector discovers ho Is the possessor of an artlclo of which there are few or no other copIes - Ies , he Is lost. Thereafter he hns only ono concern-to solzo upon more rarI. ties. It would be nil very well It. the manln pertained to what may truly bo called treasures , but too often these things have value only because other colle tors have them. That ho mny have an example at the ceramics of every dynnst ) . of China Is moro to the I collector than that ho has beautiful specimens ot ono.-Cloveland LeatIer. I Tamagno Said to Be Dying. Tnmagno , the great italian tenor , who Is announced as d'lng at 1\111 an , was not d for his penuriousness while traveling with opera companies , and stories ot this charncterlstlc nro stili told of him In America. Dut ufter ho rotlred from the stl\Jo ho built for himself In Yaresco n villa which for artistic beauty has few el1unls any. where. Attnched thereto Is a perfect. \ ) ' appointed t oatcr , " .Vhel'o famous singers dollght d to appear with their generous host. Ho'alty Itself accepted - od Invitations JO such entertainments. In these dl\'s 'I'nmagno was princely In his expenditures. , He gave the vUla to his only daughter as 0. woddln . nrosont. - - { . FEVER'S AFTER EFFEOTS : : EFFEOTS'j : Did Not Disappear Until the Blooc . ' : Was Renewed by Dr. Williams' . . . ' 1..1 ; Pink Pills. ' , ' . . . It' Typhoid revor is somotlmes canel ner - - : : : tous rovor. During the course of th& . ' " . ; ' fever the lIerves nro nlways profoundl , . dlstu\'bed , n1ll1 "hOll it Is ever thoyare left so senHltlvo thnt the patient hns to ; . be guarded against all excitement. III the toulo treatment then domnnded , regard. " . . must be paitlnot only to building np llasb but also to strongthonlug the nerves , A remedy thnt will do ooth , souud . , flesh to reJlail' waste nnd give now' vigor ' ' to feeble lIarvcs , Is the 1II0St conveniuu' 6nlloconomical. Such\ ! remedy is Dr. , . Williams' Piuk Pilla for Pulo Peoplo. : , , " OUA proof of this is the experience of o. J Mr. Oharles Worth , of ] I\st Vassnlboro , ' : ; , Maino. lIe says : . . I had n. . severe nt. , ( : tack of typhoid fovcr lute in the fall ' . . which loft 1\10 VOl'y weak nud dobllltated. ' . , ' 'My heurt pnlpitated , lilY brcuthlug boo ' \ ' . - 'tUlle ( lImcnlt IIftor the Jeast oxertlon nud ' . ' . tlloro wus nlll1l1l1l0ss in both hands. I " lIufforCil ill that wny for fully six months. , f' As I did not Jr w out of It , did not in \ . . . fact see the sljhtest ! improvement as " time passed , I decided to nso Dr. 'ViI. , JimnH' Pink PiII I\S I Imow of flome curel , ' . . . . . they hnd etToctell iu CIISCS liIco mille. " ' - ' , "Almost us soou as I began tnltlng . . them I could hoe decdCll ! hnprovomcnC " ; ( nud attor Iteeping on with them for . . severnl weelfl ! I was completely woll. I , consider Dr.'Villntns' ! Pink Pills n. . mo.'I " , ' vnJunble l'omcdy , 1\1\(1 I nm in the hnbitl . . of rocoll1meudiug them to othorsllffiicted ' ns I wns. " When the nerves Rebe aud trem. ble it menns tbat they are stnrvlng. The onJT WRY to toed tbem is throulh the blood , and the best food is Dr.Wl11iams' Pink Pills. Tbey nre absolutely guaran. teed to be tree from.opin orother hnrm. lul drags. They nre'sold by nIl drug. , . gists , or mny bo obt. iucd directly from " . the Dr. wnUnms MediciueOo. , , Sch6l1eo. ' WyN. Y. . " , . . ' "r don't see how Dlllelns can stand . " that wlto of hiB. She's uglY , III humored - . : mored , and she's his fourth' attempt - , " . : ; ' . tempt , anyhow. " "That's just. It. ; , ' : " Ho's been married four times , but this . .t Is the rs , tlmo he's struck n. . ren1 ' : . , " " it. . coed cook. . ' . . : . 1 , , ; : ' . COMMON SENSE. . : . : ' ' ' " " 'J' " A large l\Unneapolls manufncturlng > ' ' . concern , The Pillsbury Co. , are em- , . . ploylng a unlquo method In ndvortls. . , 'r ' : - " Ing their vroduct , "PIII bury's Vitae , : ' : . ' The Meat of the Wheat , " In appealing ' . to the "eommon Senso" of the AmerIcan - < , ' . Ican public. , . : , Their assertions are modest as corn- h 'f pared to most. ot the cereal food ad- " ; ' - verUsements of the last few years , but they carry 0. ring of truth. Their . . ' . . . . , reasoning IB certainly rntlonal ; hero ' . . : ' < Is some of It : " . - . " 7 "We nU bellevo that Wheat Is the best cereal the Creator has given : , mankind. , - Pillsbury's Vltos Is nothing' moro nor less than the wblte henrt of tbls wheat kernel , cut out. by steel ma. . chlnery , and sterilized-nothing add- ed-n thlng talten away-no adultora. tlon-no fiavorlng-no coloring-no t j cooking. , , .1 , I This product comes to yt1ur table ' . : .r:1 In Its pure , white , granular form , an st appetizing dish for young and old.I EasIly digested because It retnlns Hs gr.anular form when cooked , novel' lU.1PY or pasty. A twopound paclenge malte ! ! twelve pounds ot pure white c oleed food , and PJllsbury qua1lt ) ' too. Two generous - erous dishes tor one cent. We have no competitors because we are the largest millers In thl1 , wor d and Iet the beat wheat. Your . , grocer w1l1 gladly fill your order for . Pillsbury's Vltos because ho knows /0 he sells .you satisfaction , Vltos : Is put r up only In two pound paelenges-alr tight. Prlco 15c. Don't be without H. " . ' Some physicians would doubtless , ' starve to denth If theIr nts didn't. , _ . enrry Ufe Insurnnce. . I Every houselteeper should know that If they will buy Definnco Cold " Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time , because' never sticks to the Iron , but becnuso I each pacltago contnlns 16 oz-ono tull 1 pound-while nIl ether Cold Wo.ter " Starches nro put up In * .poun l pacle- .J ages , and the prlco Is the snmo , 10 . _ ' " j' cents. Then ngaln because Deflanco . Starch Is tree from all Injurious chem. , , \ IcnH ! , If your grocer tries to seU you , 0. 12.oz. pq.clmge It Is because he hns a stocle on hand which ho wishes to dlsposo ot before ho puts In Dotlanco. Ho Imows that Deflanco Starch has printed on every package In large letter - tor and figures " 16 ozs. " Demand Do- h , fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance ot the Iron stlclc- I Ing. DQflance noyer sUcl , < s. ' . . ' . ( An , "verago man would soon attain . \ perfection If he followed ttlO ndvlco , . ' he hnnds out to his nolghbors. : ' Automobllo touring car tor salo. ) . \ For particulars address A. L. Purcell , 415 Karbach bloclc , Omaha , Neb , . " - The voet Dr 'den Is said to have In. vented the word "witticism. " . I ) < \ , . . . . . , . ' _ ' _ It Cures CoMs , COUllbs , Sore 'l'hront Croup , . , - Inllucnza. Wbooplng CouII , Jlroncllltls IIna stbtnlA certaIn cure tor ConsullIllllon IlIlIr& ' lIages , anll n sura relief In ndvllnce < l slllgcs. U e _ at onco. You w\llseo \ tbe excellent cnect nUe ! ' - of" , tnklng the lint dose. SOld by deniers ev r ) ' where. Lnrllo bottlcl cents nnd W cenlll. . . . - - t . : . ; . r , _ : . . I.'I1 . ' . :