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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1905)
. , . 'OI.tlSTER COUNTY EPUBLICAN. . gSTABJ lSTlED 1882. 'l'IlE Ol' I' lCIAL PAPER 014' CUS'l'ER COUN'l'Y. r AHGES'l' CIRCULA'l'ION OF ANY PAPEH IN 'l'IIE COUN'l'Y. , - - , - - - - . . . . . - - , . VOL. XIII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , JULY 271 1905.--EIGHT PAGES , NO.7. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - , w. < Uw'G' ( ' . . : " 'C.l1. r jw ! . . . ! ! : ' ' .i , : i < < t i t pi t - . ; , \ \ , r. tl . . , ' > Q.Ul\l ( ' cI- O O' " e \ 'b , 0 : > , . iHJl , ' " , I - t . . . . . u 1' . 'r. lal'lIlIlII : .al.l : ' ' ' \ ' . . .1'lIIrI O'I1I1 ) 1h''III Ilk'ln he hlllllllUlflh"V. . , " \ , , , " J r ,1I lilOII , , , . \I'e \ III till ! lrllih I.r 1111. . , , . ' , 'rllull. Y"llhe I'I'nl''I\IIIW ' ' ' " " , ' . . . Irlllh IlIlh"lrlrlJ.lll1lclIl..flr"\f'I"'C" ' I1t'C , . ' ' . . . , . . larl" I".hllel' ' ' ' 'l'he I'lIml II..lri IM " . I'cllllr . an' . . 11110..1 willi 111 ( ' . " . ' ' . . . .calh. " . . . . . . . " " . . . .I"'ct. ' . ( } "cIIIIMI :11".0"11.:1:11I. \ . . . . . , . . , . . . . . \ \ 1111 III a I. a 1.(1 < 1 lI\'illlr \ ' ' " : ' " 'I . . . , . ' ' , . . . . . Ih""r\.llIlltyu ! 1111111:11111 . 'I'llI'M" " wd. c : Irellllllh laUII'r ! ' . 0111 < 1 call COli11" \ . . 111\ ' U \ : IIIIC willi11I1 1\'l' , 'al' . 111'111111"11'11' J'I. . ' ' 'Ilhe'I'I ! ! " of hlhIlIIH'HM. 1 he 1" ' ' ' ' ' ) ' ' , ( . \'IHIt lII"al1l11'I'hly.h"haH'pllol3 : ! . ' p. ' lei I'I. ' :11111 oftI'll IIIIH" . rol' Illa- ' ' ' , :111\ ' J " l"cal.I, , < 'r [ { .r [ " , ' \I $ \ / 0 " . , ' .i. . 411CB3 r. ( i . ' . ' i ! , , \1 ' ' & 11 " , ' : . ' " " , ' ' : 1 : , , : ' 1 : ' 1.\f. , " . . ' \ . ; , . , " " , \ \ . , \ l ! 'I. lJ1 f1f . Ii , ' ; . ' < ; ' ft : ' " f' < m1\ ( - ( ' ( .1 ' ; , , . ' , . \ . . . . . . , il , " ' " = : . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . - I' " " , ' . , . . 1.- . " " \ " " . ; . .i.V.\y".o.Y.'J. . ' , . . , . . . : , . . . " . ' , : . . . . . . . ' . . . . " . . ' . n . : oJ , , : , . . . ' } . 'I..v-"v . . . " " " , , .v. ' ; O..A BUSINESS : . : . ' . . . . . . .v.rx . . . . . " POINTEns. , . . . . " . . \ . \ . . , . . . . . . . " . ' . ( . . .l\ ' . " . . . . \'J. . > n" ; : . . ' . : " II'- " : ? . " 1 . . . . . . . . . . . ' - - . . . . - - , . _ - . - _ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' "Brolen Bow Austract COI1lIj I1'y. - ' 'il ) iiTcc flr nca t ioi\vrk-- \ ( : _ ' _ ' ' , _ _ . _ , . . _ . --I J. C. 1oorc , ahs'.iacti ' lg' . . _ . 211 ' - - - - - - - : ' . T nsura nce t It a t i IH\U rCB. 3Stf l . U. [ OOIW. - - - - - . Buy Jour farm alHl , city prop : erty of H. W. .D1ail' . . 3 tf - - - - - - J Icc Crl'am. candy , cig-\l's all ' . tohacco at.I\Iil canlons. " - - - l nem & Lconat'll , , rcal c8tatc. . . - - - - - - - - . Li'5t ) 'our fal'lIl an < 1 city prop- crty with B. W. 1lair. :17t.1' : _ . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \Yc al\\'aYR havc mOlwy to loall on farms. , K n. 1\lont'c tn Aplle Block. . ' _ ' _ _ ' , . " . , . . . 3sHJ .J . nr. Lcach tltc i1.cnlisl . wnh < 1- ' fund monc ) ' if worl , is lI t. ' ! \H 'l 1 , factorr. . ' - tI : - ' ji'irni ; leasc ; " ha ttlc"l\ gc and Warranty Dcecl blanks . .t thiB office. . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'J'akl n Up-'l'wo pigs. 'I'he owner iB l'ClllH. tccl to l'nH'C ' prop. erty and pay cost. J. : : ; I'AIN. 'i-l1 . : . . . - - - - Wantcl-'Oil : salt.'snH\t1 at once tocal1\'as : tlte farming' alld lhrco\lt- ! \ illgtrad . Finc opportlluity for . a gooll lIIall. Adl1rl'lhe : ; : lIar. JI I ) ' ' Oil Co. , Clc\l'lanl1 , Ohio. _ 'l'J _ n _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ Call al111 takc a look at the he t Jlallthletonian Stallion in tOW1l. ' : ! bIQc1 , ; north < . ; r Grand Ccntral J lotel. ' 11).7 FHANcml\oOlm. [ . --r--- - - - - - - - - - - 'l'Ill OI iCNS of tlte Brokcn Bow . St:1tl : Halll , cllllt.'a\'or to promotc " tlte illt'rc t ( If'thcir ' IlIstOIJlCn : ; I . along" wl.atc\'cr . hne ! ' it if. prac. tical for tltl'\11 \ to I\U \ SQ. ' . , . I-tf - - - - ' - - - - I all1 now lllcatee ! jl1 t no 'th of the Custer National Bank. Comc and sce mc for bargains 111 r al ' . c8tate. Somc choIce acre pro- 1lcrt\ . ' for salc. 8 tf. l A . .l\NDtm oN. . - - - - - - - Pcale Sheppanl & : Co. ha\ ' Jtlst recl''ecl a lin lot of mcn' : ; hoy'- ) alld childrcns readj' 1Iltec ! cloth. iI11 ' . : l'lto c intercst'rl will Iinc1 it to thcir inle1'l'ft t9 call and Bce . tlwllt before pllrcha illg. Wc arc prparcd to plcme ill ( JlInlit.r and prtces. . .HHf - - - - To The FarmcTI. . ) ' t \ Come to III'Y lIa rn 'a n < l f l'Ct yom f tcalll hay O\'cr 11(1011. 15c 1 ' 1'-7 l < 'HANcr :1\iOOHTi. : , , . . . . . . ! - - - - . . . . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rn 'i.Jd ! c.'EPffirfT"r ; IH LOCAL M NTION. ' lS2:2. : r { J'r lr.J. . . . . , r ( . - - - ' - - -I C. F. 'l'icrncwcnt to Omaha 'l'l1l' lla ) ' . ' I Smith Wat rburj'of l1crwJn , \ \ ' 1S a ci ty \'isi tor 'l'ue HlaJ' I F.I. . Hllbll'c\va\ ! ; ! hotlnd p.J-oSl'lIgl'l' ! on.J2 . Monda ) ' morning' . ' ) " \lr. ; . H. 11. ' ' : ; ne ! son l\la : , lef t Mon dil \ ' on a \ ' . r.i t to Lcon , < < ll wa. Chas Kl'en of Merna , made t he l cpuulitan ofiice a husiness call Saturday. .T. n. OShl'llrt1 of CUl11ro , was a ci t ) ' \'isi tor , Satunlay. He madc hi ol1icc/a umiillcss cal1. O. II , COli 1':1 11 COIIIIIIC IIced the eredioll of a framc house on his farm north l'lst of tC\VII Monda ) ' . A. ' J. . Booth took his wife to . ' tile J\I. g. hm pltal at Omaha Tuesday morning , for medical treatmclit. S. L. allnol1 wellt to Wcster- dl1e Monda ) ' to loole after the lhr ( ' hil\g- ( thc g-rain raiscd 011 hi farlll hi5 scasoll. , 1\1 iss 1\1 amie ' } 'icrl1l'V left 'I'ucs. 11a ) ' II1prn ng for Jrela"lIll , to vigil her mothcl' . Site eXp cts to he gOlle a hou t Rix 1I10nt lis. Cha ! ; . llip lc.r rs a fillc \'I.'sidcllce \ 011 hlock one , 111 t hc 01'- .ig-nltl : town , just cast of O. n. Conrail's IIc\\"rl's < 1cllce. 'J'hl' carpcntcr ! ; arc ; rapidly 1"ushillf the work 011 the ap. t isrparsollagc to a finish. Ellis ; & llt\lk havc the contract. I If. II. Hiatt ( ' ( Htor of the Sar- g-lIt I eadcr W:1R a city \ ' sitor ! 'Ilol1Jay. Thc HHl'UtJI.ICAN ac. Icl1owlcdg- a welc lIIe call. Company 1\1. ' is malng' ar-I rallgcl1l IIU tn join thc regime'nt' ' C'IIC lI1l111I1CIlt at Kcarncy , Allg' . s. See oldcr of Capl. Plcl.etl in this issuc'of II.c lI'Hl'UBr.ICAN. ' . . F. / \ : . Bcrlrtlll ha jnst com- , ' [ 'tlificd aytinc grallarr on his farlll north of thc' citea1clllatcll to : 1)01d . . . . II tI oi al1d hushels of . . . g-ra 1f1. ' , . . : " , ' _ ' . . . , . . I. . . . . . . . : . . , . " Mrs. .T. A. Armour and dauf h- AVi leltl"r 1I10rtlill 101' Irr : , day ( { Hot Springs. S. D. , whcre thc ) ' will ; ! Jcncl a few ' . \'eel.s enjoying , that I a 111 0 \ \ " \ hcalth resort. I gl1l1cr .Tcnf.cII of Wcslcrvil1e , was n city \'isitor thc first of thc wI l'k. 1 ie is t.oing" ! to Omaha with I he'icw of ! ; ecuring' wOI'k. Ilt' g-\'a ' \ < lnated tlti ! prillg froll1 the ! ; rocn ! How tusilles : ; and NcJ\'tl1al \ COI1 gl : . , A Itumher of Blainc couut" I . lcachlt'H arc expecting- altcII I. the Cuter county 'I'cacher' : ; In. stilule , which COlllntenCcR next Iollclai' and lastB thrcc wcels. , J t wil1 110 douht he a'ery iu- tl'llcl'c g-atltcring.-Brcwnter N c W- . n.1. ! . Heincr . who hag helcl the , posltioll of Itight operator. Iterl' for the pa < ; t t\\'o yct ! " ! " lell Wcdncscl.y morning for Kal1SaR City , with tl.1e dew of accl'pting a position of rlay operator with th K. C. . \ : S. railroad. He wil1 helcccedcl : ' \ ur Clo\'cr of Ard- 11I0rl' , S. D. , \\\10 \ arri Vl ( l ' 1'ucs- clay l1\OI"ning' \ from the wcst on42. M. K. Hagadorn :1 lilt gr lurl SOli , garl Cadwcll. returncd last 'J'hlll'tlay ! nightfrom HoiscIdahn , Whl't \ h y an < 1 1\1 r : ; . 11 ag-adurtl , ha\'c beetl fOl' sc\'cral 1II0nths. , Mr. . I1al.adortl 1'a's hc ujo'er1 : t he l limatc'ct'y mtlch. l\lrs. : lIag-adot"ll rell1airicd in I oise and w:1I : liCIt return before this fall , , a 11(1 only t IIcn in casc I r. 11 aga- dorn ' ( lees 1I0t con ludc to retul'l1 thcre. At pref.cnt he ha ! not dc- drkrl. . . . . . - . - = = : - - - - - . .AiJ------- . . , - . . . . , , - . - - . . " - . . - . . . . . . . - - - _ . I u---------n------ ' . . ' , , , . . , . - - - . . . . . - . . . - . - . _ , . ' rhcn Y uu r \1 acat ion ( 'ornls. I HL'\'O'O \ going' ' be ' ' ' ) - It YII Ul'P ) 1)111' Rl1pply Jj or hi lutal'1 ido i l'ulIl'I'I' ! ' ! ! . lol'haps YOII iWl'd \oot.h \ . ' hail' hl'IIRh ' . a : ( ) t' , 01' it eomh , 01' Iooth : VriWdOl' , 0toilel \ ; soap , Ol' . a Ronp cnse , 01' BOllW of yo Ill' fnYOl'ito tOIlet W:1IO : : ) ' ( ) } ' IH I'flll1l'O won III . lila' h ) snpv1y . it , \ wha ! P\'l'l' it : is , ED. McCOMAS . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - , . . , - - . . - . I A Snap. : I ho\'c rcc-d\'Clll1l1othcr I Wc \ jllst \ C-1Ir of Alllcrlcal1llo ft'licill 011 which WI will he IIlIlc to 1II111c . \'cry low price for tit" IIcxt 3n c1/1I. ! Don'tlllhl thi it will savc YOI1 IlInIlC ) ' . liarvBst now 011. Gh'c 119 ) 'ollr order for Deer. ill B lutcrs III1Ll Mower : ! . DOII't ddll ) ' too 101lg , YOII IIIU } ' 1I0t get olle if YOI1 wuittoo tOIl ! Twine at 10 cIs. In UIC Intcrltationnl ! itlc Dclh'cry stock we h/l\'c the hcsl 11111AtrllI \ Csl fill illg 011 the mnr. la t , it . you good to ECC it. D nt mi\1 ! this before YOII hllY. Kevstone and Acme Mowers AI the Low Price 01 $36.00 G. W. A . . pp.le. I . . . . I > q' ' . ' , : _ .I > , . . " . " , . ' , . . . , _ _ _ _ .u. - - " - - : - - - 11111' ! : " ' Joe Hearne of McKlnlcy , was a city \'i5itor ' 1'u sda ) ' . Dr. C. \Iullinsrcturne : fr0111 Chicago last li'rida ) ' . ( I Chas. Hcaps made a business trip to Lincoln ' 1'uc5day. Ote Johnson of Hound : Val1cy , was in the city Monday. 'rhe teachem inRtitutc opened 1\10nday with a large altcnc1a'licc. Cl\'de ( heen of Clear creek , was a frfcudly caUt'r . , at thiR ol1icc ' ' 'L'ues aj' . . Alcx Plrnic ot W i s r , .was .l ( lk ng aftcr buinc3s in the city ' 1'nesl1:1) ' . \Vest < ' . .y Mott i ngC'r was a ci ty \ ' sitor'l'ucsclav. ' 1'he I ltI'UIIII- CAN aclOlowleclgcr. a social call. O. II. Conrad stcpped on a nail thc lirt : ( If the weeJ { , from which hc is mtreril1g with a sore foot. 1\Iiss Edith Dasol1 left Mou- daj' morning on2 \ to visit with MrB. Franl. WuorlrnO' Aurora. lrR. J. W. Brcwer wlto ha uecn visitiug at Arnold for cv. end months It as rclu\"IIcd to Broken - ken 1'0\\ ' . p , G. Green of Clear creek , was a cif'igilor Saturday. ' 1'lIe l Iil'UUT.ICI\N acltIlowlcllg'CS a we 1. cumc call. lIon. A. ri. Copsey of Wl'slcr- dlleVag a cit ) ' \'isitur Friday. 'rite Hm'uBI.IcAN a'knowlec1 ( e a social call. ' Halph Leach of Westcn'Hle , who is attcnding" the teachcrs in titutc wa ; a , social caller at this otlicc 'l'ueHla.y , Ilc regis. tcred Mond:1) ' forcnoon and his numher wa 133. ' 1'lte IHlmber iu attcndance incrcased to t55 'l'uclHlay. 'l'he HItI'UlIT.rcAN ac1cnowlcdges tlte J''cdpt of a copy of the I.ramc and fish laws of Nebraslca. complied - plied in a slIIal1 hooldct. Chief , Ul'lHtty COlli. Carter informs us lhat hl ! taR a lIumUl'r of copic ! . for free 11 stribution and an , ) ' one C iril1g a copy can ha\'e it uy writing tltis department. J t \ ' . n. 1\ [ , Picltncof . Wer.- ter\'ille , was among. thc social callcrH at this ofiice Monela ) ' . lIe wa on his way from Arnold , hi : . ; former homc whl'rc hc Itas two hundred acrcs of Cmncr county soil that he securert of Uncle Sam. in the ( 'ar ) ' days " of thc coun \ ' "Ir. w"as Pinkney a homestead l' in Arnohl township and engaged in t aching school. ' { 'he Ad\'o Groccr ) ' store Itas jl\t ! pul , in the Dnytou Automatic Computing scales. It weighs and compules the pricc of articles a t the sa mc ti me. No adjustmen t , ual1encing of weil'hts are re- quired. Al1 thcre is to do is to place the articlc to be weighed the glass platform and the weight and value is at once desig- nated. ' 1'he Advo can justly I claim that the , ha vc the finest I scales in the Cl ty . . - Dk dQhr I A surprise hirt1ttlay party wns \'cn G. ' 1' . l obinson of 14'lem- : 1111V : l1c } ' , la ! Saturday night. I ills nelL hb 'r to thc numbcr effort fort > . gathered at his place in the c\'c.llillg pro\'ided with SUIpl.\ ' of Ice crcam , caltc etc , 111 honor of hig forl\ ' second hirthdw. ; After 91)enJing ) some time in a sucialVa \ ' with music and games , the rcfre 1l1ncnts werc disposcrl of satisfactory to the jolly crowel. It was a late hour whcn thc com- pan ) ' disperscd , wishillg him man ) ' relurns of the happy c\'cnl. - DeUer Keep Sobcr. I S. F , C ) , bj' Epperson of CIa ) ' county , which bccame cO'ccti\'c Juy } I , provides t.hat an ) ' per1on usmg' drugs or ltqtlor to excess may hc ta' cn before the cOllnly boards of insauity and committed to the state hospital for immlle at r il1coln for treatmcnt at thc expense - pense of thc counly from which he is sent. 'rhc act proddcs that all ) ' pcrson thus COlllluitted who may takc a ptedge to rcmain sober and abstain from thc usc of liquor or drugs in the future mil ) ' hc paroled - oled during good conduct , if rc- ular rcports arc madc to thc sup- cr\nten \ < lcllt of the ins1itulion. Il iH cporled Rpollers will be uscrt to " ' ; itch" fellow who arc ill the hn . it of "bowling' up" and that ere. many t1ower bloom again laddie ! ! . of C\'CI'Y cotlnty in thc state willlll represented at T in- co1n. Iowa has a law almosl idclIticat to this one in fact a relative of thc Iowa man who fathcred tlte bill is the fathcr of the Nebraslm bill and we lenow it has donc morc to lcssen the drink l \bil in I "wa than , U1so call1'd l.tem rem ner. mo\'cl11 11 t' c\'cr p ssed. 1\la ) ' it he succcRsful Itcrc.-l\tcrna Postat Canl. Women Suffrage Convenlion. Call for annll:11 colt\'cntion of CURter Count } ' Woman SIIITragc Association. ; Mcmhers of SuITrage cluhR and 'SIIO'rag'ists of Cllstcr cOlin tv arc hereby cattell to asscmble In r an- lIual , convention at Brolcell Bow August 5th. 'Qelievc 1S frm1.r ! as' c\'cr i l { he justic'e of on I' callsc : tIICl arc worlcing to'ward the clay which will bring the fun illfranchise- lI1el1l of womal1l to her political right. We rejoice in thc stepg takcn in the past year ill the RulTrage cause and . ; for greater slcp in the lIext. 'Iltc , puhlic is , 1 ( ) n1iall"\ ' . invitcl to attcnd t111 lon\'t : lIttOn. at which an intcl'csting' program will uc rendercd. 'Ve are glad to anr10uncc that Hcv. A nl1a IIowarrl Slta w , Prt.'sl- dent of the National Woman 3uITragc Association will hc prcs- ent and will addresg the convcn- tion and delh'cr a lccturc in thc C\'l'n i n/ / { . Miss Shaw's matcltlcsf elo- (1IWtlC al1lt' logic havc aitlcrlher an cmincnt position among011I' natiun' : > oratln and it ! ; with the uelief that the privclege of hcal" ' ing hcr will be a'pprl'cia1cd that we havc incurred thc I xpemc of oblaining hcr. Mrs. Anna Pickct , President ; Mrs. G. n. 'l'ltorpc , Vice Prl'Ji- ! dcnt ; Miss Jnlia Willis , I ec. : : ; ecretary ; Mr . Oal'1o : ; , Cor. Sec- rctary ; lrs. Alina Hcam , 'I'rl'a : ; . urerMiRB ; Nelly J . ' 1'a'lor , Press Su peri n te nclc n t. 1'11'11I11111I J.ut' 1-'I1\1II ' " \ 1'1"'lllIl'ls ' lit till' SllIlr' FI1Ir' . No state fair ill thc well'rn cir- luit olTers so large an al\10llnt \ IU prcmiums for farm producl as the Nebrasla ' ' ' , State li'air. 'I'\\o tltoLHHtlld c10llam fot' COllnty col- lecth'c cxhihit . alHI mort. titan $500.00 for Individnal c-hihit1 : lIIatteB a total of more t'lwlI S2 , ' 500.00 in . prcmiums for farm pro. ducts , as thc various exhihits in- cltH.1ed ill a countj' collect \ ' ex. hihit can also he entcn'd in thc namc of thc grower for prcmiunm in the various lots. In ac1diti n , the State Ji'air managp.l1lent gnar. antec a prcmium of $100.00 for all coun \ ' collecth'c exhibits which cov r a prcBcribed r.pacc ancl that scorc 1I0t h Hr. than eight h.uudrcd points out of a possiblc sIxteen hundrcd. As all county collecti\'e cxhihi1s are transportccl to and frol\1 \ the fair fr'c , this SIOO.OO insurcs the paYl1leut of thc necessarr cxpcnse 1IIcurred inlll.tldng sudl an ex- hibit. No entr ' fec is required to malce exhibits and all preminmH are paid I in full , without discount. 'rhe - _ _ . , _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ 1 11 m.M. _ - II'IiIIIfj Buqgv Talk ! _ _ _ _ . . . --w. " " - . . . - _ _ _ _ . . . ' 1":0 u-- . I havc received another car direct frol1l tlic factory , all of thc vcr ) ' latest stJlcs. . Comc in and see thclII whether ) 'Q\I want tp hu ) ' 01' 110t and if JOIl want to uuy 1 . will guarantee to sell ) 'ou a hugg ) ' , car- ricge onpng' wagol1 , 1'01' less mOtlc ) ' thun you can hU.r anywhcre el c , ' , I\ul . g-h'c ) 'OU the vcr ) ' l\tcst ; oU1pul of the factor ) ' , Romclhillg' . 'lIu'ulhcr dealer in . the COUlIt ) can do. ; ' \ J . . _ . . _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ -I'---- \Alll > b--- - - - - - - . . - - - - . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . - . . - . . . . - - . I C "J ! ! i n . . " 'r , " , r . L.--- - - .J _ _ ' _ _ IWI" = - - . . . . . - . = = ! . . _ - - - _ , lirst prcmium forcounty collective ( 'xhihitfi i $300.00 ; the rcmainin [ $1,700.00 i 7proratc < l nccording' to I tile Bcore or each l'xllihit , with th ( ' I uaranty of $100.00 to cllch col1ect'c exhibit , ag bcfore mcn- t ionc < l. I 'l'he ag't"icultural builelinr ! on thc State li'air g-round will ItC- cOlllmodatc about t went-li\'c count ) ' col1ccth'c exhihits and aI- rcady onc-half of the space liaR been apptieel for. Hight 1I0\ is thc timc to selcct specimcns of grasReR and smal1 I'alns for such exhibits and county agricultural socictie or i nrli vidualR ill tcnrj ) u # . : ' to tIIa1c col1cctivc exhihits should at once ma1te application for space. 1"01' further information alt- c1rc ! s S. C. Bassctt , Secretar , ) ' , [ incolll , Nehralm. , - " . , . . " ' " " - " , " . . . Dr. Damcs of' uahavil1 bc at the Granll Central hotcl'l'hurs- day. the 2 . Call as carlj' s can- \'enlcn t. For Sale. An organ , piano cascd , 7J1 octavc , cuon ) ' finish , all110Rl ncw. I'or sale cheap , ! . A. Coleman. Threshing Machinery. 'rhe Geiser Mfl . Co. pccrlcss machillel'y for sale. ParlicR con- tcmplating pu'chasing' will do well to scc me. : : ; . M. DOHHIH , Agcnt. City PI' pcl'ly for Sale. \Ve havc HOllie nicc homcs ill nl' Bow thal will bc sold chcap if takcn al oncc. BOWMAN & 'l'II0In'H. omcc in Glcim Block. . _ , - - 117tf - - - - - - - - - . n _ _ _ . - - - . . . . . . . . - . - . . _ - * } At The Old Stand. .yg .ygq c. w. WAHL 'Ik.\ . - ' -'IIUCClttltlOH TO = : : : : ' TI'S" U. O. 1-1 U T TON. f } . 1 City Shaving Parlor 'X9 " \ VI 010 IIlIh' wnrk Ihal IR t\ . Ilin I" ' I :1111111'11:11'\11' 1 IeI. \ 1alI'OIlIIltl ! " 'RI 1)'iHlhll ! I OI'\'ICIl. YIIIII'II rill' IIIIMIIII'1I1 , c. W. WAHL. - - - . & _ - . - - - - - - - - - - FOR SA T,1i-A four room hou'c ! ' , lwo anl a hal f acrcs of.rrotll1d / anll a lease on sixtecn aCI'CR for livc ycars , jusl outsidc of thc corporation. 'J.'hi8 will be sn1 < 1at a hargain if talcen within the nc."t.thitt ) ' . .a3..gnq\1ir i t i oHice. . . 4-8 - - - - - - For Sale. A slock farm 01 enc scc ion of 1 and , al1 under fcncc , UIO acres un'lct' culLivation with illlprm'c- mcnts halancc'paMufC. hay Jatul and timhcl' , thrce lIlilcs north and half milc east or Walworth , for S 12 an acre. Half cash and hal- ance on time to suit pnrcha cr. I G. Gu\'r,1i , if Walworth , Neb. Horses For Sale. r have live hcad of YOllng' hor- geR , 8uitahle fot' drrcrs or saddle horser. for salc chcap , at my farm sc\'cn lIlilcs north ot Brolc n Bow. 01-7 G JiO. 81\11'1'11. . - - - - 'Ve 1cep a full line of lcgal blanlts. Comc in whcn ncerting an'lhing in this line. _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - _ - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J.- . . _ , ' . - J.h.M' : ; " . : , / : " " . . . . .h. . 'i .t"--/ ; , . ' . ; ' , ' : - . ' Fruits 'Canning ' And Ve2e. : ables .t BUY ONLY GOOO MATERIALS. . _ . _ . . - - - - - - - - , r , f iv. , . . . , - - - - - - - J. C. BOWEN. ' "ur4' Ulel 'I'RAUI . " " : , . , .t.c'll'nr ' ' ' . .re' , . 1\1 . . . A ' \ . ' . 9 . , 1')05 , . . , , "el. . . . . ' M - - - rn . : , . . . - . . . . . . - . . , . . . . . - . . ' l'MHI. - . . _ .yo " ' " . _ , ' ' . : , ; . " ,